How To Use Constellate In A Sentence

  • You know, certain people are just more coherent than others, and maybe when they die, they don't get all blown apart, but have constellated a bunch of things around a certain core element of soul, and that inhabits something new.
  • Margaret, the protagonist and instigator, is a Caribbean immigrant who embodies a form of diasporic consciousness that seamlessly constellates Canada, America, and the West Indies.
  • A Jungian would say annoyingly that they "constellate" each other, that is, whenever one shows up it invokes the other. Obama has "developed a self-discipline so complete... that he has established dominion over not only what he does but also how he feels."
  • His face was yellow, parchment-like, annulated with wrinkles, withered with age; his long beard floated like a white cloud on the jewelled stars that constellated the robe of netted gold across his breast. Figures of Several Centuries
  • Upon retiring from the book business in 1998 after forty-eight years, he began work on the fluent autumnal poems that would eventually constellate into Breathing Room, several of which first appeared in The Atlantic. A Life's Work
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  • Its basically a pictorial guided to psychology, and is meant to help you interpret how these things are constellated in you, what forces are being brought to bear invisibly, etc.
  • We discuss a mathematical model of contexts which allows a context to split into several contexts, agglutinate from several contexts, or to constellate out of relatively acontextual processing. The Title of this Blog
  • These astrological aspects will constellate the Hero's Journey I've been speaking of. Taurus Full Moon 2008: Time to Examine our Values
  • That way you are poised to take advantage of the string of opportunity energies that constellate through April. Phyllis F. Mitz: Ask Phyllis...Astrology and Beyond: A Scorpio's Search
  • It took years of therapy to dismantle the tonnage of history and mystery that had constellated into this terror of intimacy. Kim Rosen: Naked Words: Our First Language Is Poetry
  • Reduced to their essence, they offer mental switches, or conduits, that assist one to constellate ideas from stored experiences to fit the circumstances at hand. 95 This amplifies the value of artistic works like the studioli since, from Aristotle on, memory treatises concur that corporeal images are necessary for an idea or experience to be fixed securely in the mind and readily available for recollection. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • The poets constellate in this town every summer
  • At the same time, through similarity and contiguity, the infant constellates the child archetype in the mother.
  • Hills constellated with lights
  • You constellate in motes, acidic yellowing papers, tiny script. Susannah M. Smith reads Walter Benjamin's Archive
  • Children's books are constellated with rabbits and mice and bears and caterpillars, not to mention spiders, crickets, and alligators. Excerpt: Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer
  • The new works are constellated with four historical animations that trace the lineage of what the exhibition's catalogue essay terms a "collective, yet uncoordinated aesthetic. ArtScene: Top Current Exhibitions in the Southwest (July/August, 2010)
  • Whether such swellings of the heart are reliably constellated in those structures is another matter. ArtScene: This Month's Top Exhibitions in the Western United States
  • Together these gestures constellate the habitus within which the various theories, doctrines, and practices of either field could materialize themselves, but against which the period writes with some resistant force. Introduction
  • His accounts of object related internal objects, unconscious phantasies and mental mechanism are constellated around two categories of functioning, called positions.
  • One of the many folk songs constellated around the full-scale Byzantine epic of Dhiyenis Akritas has the hero telling how he passed through ‘the mountains of Araby, the Syrian gorges’ with ‘my four-foot sword, my three-fathom spear’.
  • Such ideas constellate the image of a mind whose cognitive power the age at once esteemed and feared, especially at a time when the increasingly rapid dissemination of thought and thoughts in the public sphere was becoming an activity of some socio-political concern. Introduction
  • We can account for optimal states for acting, interior and exterior domains of both the leaders and those we lead, lines of development and personality types that constellate our organizations, to name a few key areas. Willow Dea: 7 Habits for Effective Teaching
  • Each level was said to constellate a coherent span of human development, and the thirteen stages within that level could be seen as stages of evolvement somewhat similar to the stages of seasonal growth in the course of Nature's year. Breaking News: Science validates key Mayan Calendar premise
  • In keeping with tradition, tourists were genuinely treated as honored guests and pressed by locals to accept thick slices of home baked bread, the crusts constellated with sesame seeds and fragrant anise, then roasted bell peppers, black kalamata olives, white wine and cloudy, iced glasses of ouzo. The Alluring Remoteness of Karpathos
  • It is precisely by their capacity to engage the observer to speculate on the meanings of particular images — as well as the potential meanings constellated from clusters of images — that these chambers reveal their quintessence. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro

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