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How To Use Conspicuous In A Sentence

  • a tower conspicuous at a great distance
  • Local people were conspicuously absent from the meeting.
  • They say that the mark of a great team is the ability to grind out results when they are below par, and this was another conspicuous example.
  • Her comfort was far less important than her inconspicuousness. Beautiful Disaster
  • The most conspicuous result now is the Rideau Canal, an immensely expensive waterway that terminates in Ottawa.
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  • There were passages when Glasgow looked markedly the better side and played with much of the zing which was so often conspicuously absent last season.
  • Viv was British rugby's pre-eminent full-back through the 1930s, last line and top dog for Wales and the Lions, an Oxford double blue, a Glamorgan cricketer and, conspicuously, the first full-back ever to score a try in a Five Nations match – against Ireland in 1934. Tons of reasons to support the monarchs of sport | Frank Keating
  • Granulomata themselves were comparatively infrequent, and other histological features characteristic of Crohn's disease were less conspicuous than usual.
  • One name conspicuous by its absence was that of Nigel Kneale, whom Whitaker contacted very early on.
  • It is true that this explanation of the bright, conspicuous colours is only a hypothesis, but its foundations -- unpalatableness, and the liability of other butterflies to be eaten, -- are certain, and its consequences -- the existence of mimetic palatable forms -- conform it in the most convincing manner. Evolution in Modern Thought
  • He is guided neither by the maxims of a political ideology nor by conspicuous moral principle, but rather by a simple need to retain power.
  • I take advantage of the free time and attempt one of my less conspicuous sacroiliac-joint stabilization exercises. Literary Death Match: Wednesday Night in Washington Square Park
  • To emphasize the fact that the zikkurat was the temple for the god, a small room was built at the top of the zikkurat, [1341] and it was a direct consequence of this same distinction between a temple for the gods and a temple for actual worship that led to assigning to zikkurats special names, and such as differed from the designation of the sacred quarter of which the zikkurat formed the most conspicuous feature. The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
  • Thallus of very minute inconspicuous and evanescent, brown-black granules; apothecia minute, 0.2 to 0.4 mm. in diameter, adnate, dark brown to black, scattered or clustered, plain with a thin concolorous exciple visible, to convex with the exciple finally covered; hypothecium dark brown; hymenium pale brown; asci clavate; paraphyses coherent-indistinct; spores oblong-ellipsoid, 9 to 15 mic. long and 5 to Ohio Biological Survey, Bull. 10, Vol. 11, No. 6 The Ascomycetes of Ohio IV and V
  • Being the only two farangs there, we were totally conspicuous every time we fell asleep on our knees or did something yet again more unacceptable.
  • The flowers are for the most part conspicuous, and in plan like that of the adder's-tongue; but some, like the rushes (Fig.  83, _E_), have small, inconspicuous flowers; and others, like the yams and smilaxes, have flowers of two kinds, male and female. Elements of Structural and Systematic Botany For High Schools and Elementary College Courses
  • The more open grasslands and heathlands contain fewer mammal species, with the klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus), sable antelope (Papio cynocephalus), eland (Taurotragus oryx) and hyraxes (Procavia capensis) being the most conspicuous. Eastern Zimbabwe montane forest-grassland mosaic
  • Carrion Crow nests are conspicuous and we were able to observe birds delivering food to nestlings using spotting scopes.
  • His apparatus exerts a conspicuous control on the pigeon, but we must not overlook the control exerted by the pigeon.
  • Early as it was, crowds of American, English, and Continental tourists were abroad, their gleaming white drill attire and tobies and helmets, conspicuous among the grander colour of the natives. The Mark of the Beast
  • Maybe it's all about conspicuous consumption. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have long, conspicuous, forward curving crests on their heads that droop over their eyes and thin, white plumes extending backward from the back of each eye.
  • Without missing a beat, the taller man handed Dickie a beer (apparently it was not too early to drink), and began challenging his opponent to distinguish between the genuine ascetic and what he termed the conspicuously nonconsuming -poverty snob. Villa Incognito
  • It is hard to argue that the average rat has been endowed with conspicuous display ornaments by the preferences of ancestral females.
  • Humans were conspicuous by their absence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Kremlin's most conspicuous landmark is the bell tower of Ivan the Great.
  • Two MMC students and a cinema professor go slumming as they lend character and voice to an expressionist painting set in a conspicuously disreputable French cabaret.
  • These changes make them less conspicuous to predators. Times, Sunday Times
  • I felt very conspicuous in my red coat.
  • Another conspicuous commodity was bear grease, used to shape moustaches and wigs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The instances are inconspicuous, but do make for a slight forcing of the effect towards hyperbole.
  • Skepticism regarding the new officer was confirmed after he appeared in camp at Swift Run Gap wearing a conspicuous Prince Albert coat and large beaver hat, holding an umbrella to shield himself from the sun, as troops jeered him.
  • Alang-alang Imperata cylindrica is conspicuous by its rarity. Komodo National Park, Indonesia
  • Fading from mag -2.6 to -2.4 and shrinking in diameter from 43 to 39 arcsec during the month, it is conspicuous near the Moon on the 2nd and again on the 30th. Starwatch: The January night sky
  • There is conspicuous abundance here in this lovely place, and patent lack.
  • As long as a pupil is quiet, inconspicuous and conformist, everything is fine.
  • Laterally it graded "abruptly" into the typical cubalpine forest of the Snake Range in which spruce and limber pine were codominant and bristlecone was conspicuously absent. Cutting Down the Oldest Living Tree in the World « Climate Audit
  • A writer in the "Mercury" says: "The root of the buttonwood or crane willow, a shrub which is conspicuous in our swamps in the spring, when boiled with honey and cumfrey, makes a pleasant syrup, which is the most effective remedy known to me in diseases of the lungs. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • I would have thought that Gazzo was a conspicuous page in the Court's jurisprudence…
  • The creative ones turned their backs on conspicuous consumption and decided in favor of a simpler, personalized lifestyle.
  • The innermost layer of cells of the cortex is called the = endodermis = and it becomes conspicuous on account of the thickening in the lateral and inner walls of the cells of this layer. A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
  • Calculations of the social marginal costs and benefits of cutting back pollution tend to be conspicuous by their absence.
  • Koaara extends from the westernmost point to the northern extremity of the island; the whole coast between them forming an extensive bay, called Toe - yah-yah, which is bounded to the north by two very conspicuous hills. A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 17 Arranged in Systematic Order: Forming a Complete History of the Origin and Progress of Navigation, Discovery, and Commerce, by Sea and Land, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time
  • The kidney was almost conspicuous by its absence, but the gravy was thick and full-flavoured.
  • People don't actually stare, but we do feel sort of conspicuous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like its grifter characters, it's only as flashy as it needs to be and knows the value of being inconspicuous.
  • Andalusite is orthorhombic, crystallizing as elongate square prisms which at low temperature have a conspicuous cross-shaped arrangement of dark inclusions giving the variety chiastolite.
  • The symbolic and concrete evidence of these new patterns of consumption were the diamond-studded stickpins, gold pocketwatches, and hard cash pedestrians conspicuously paraded while traversing the streets.
  • I am tempted sometimes to say that the only point of conspicuous compassion is action, the rest is self-flattery.
  • Even so, a significant number of takeover bids were probably no more than a form of corporate conspicuous consumption.
  • As the story progresses, his conspicuous use of foreign terms - agapemone, desiderata, virgo intacta, pace, esprit fort - makes us increasingly ill-disposed to tolerate his point of view.
  • He quests for a trophy to call his own, hoping the Kartoon King ice cream contest might gain him the conspicuous congratulations he so desperately requires.
  • A graffitist wants his tag or piece (and the overwhelming majority are male) to be conspicuous for as long as possible
  • Remember peroxide is bleach so test an inconspicuous spot first for color fastness.
  • There is considerable variation in leaf morphology in V. riparia; in general leaves are glabrous to thinly pubescent with conspicuous tuft-form domatia in vein axils.
  • It is a sign of our times, conspicuous to the coarsest observer, that many intelligent and religious persons withdraw themselves from the common labors and competitions of the market and the caucus, and betake themselves to a certain solitary and critical way of living, from which no solid fruit has yet appeared to justify their separation. Richard Geldard: In This Other America
  • Even on reefs, most species of host actinians are inconspicuous, unlike their partner fish.
  • The women "mothered" him, setting his belongings to rights at stated intervals, for he was not conspicuous for orderliness. Roosevelt in the Bad Lands
  • With its small garden courtyard, the club looked, from the outside, more like an inconspicuous Renaissance home than a den of dance iniquity.
  • The less we spend on conspicuous consumption goods, the better we can afford to alleviate congestion; and the more time we can devote to family and friends, to exercise, sleep, travel, and other restorative activities.
  • Certainly in Paris one sees very conspicuously the absence of the love of flowers; or, rather, one may say that for the subtle and inventive children of the Ile de France the flower is artificial, and what we call flowers are merely an insipid and subordinate variety, "natural flowers," having their market in a remote and deserted corner of the city, whereas in Barcelona the busiest and central part of the city is the Rambla de las Flores. Impressions and Comments
  • They won't last as long as bamboo but they will be much less pale and conspicuous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Effluent discharges are often made inconspicuous by buildings or the frequent disappearance of the watercourse into culverts.
  • He was a conspicuous pluralist in the diocese, annexing to his bishopric a number of Salisbury prebends, two abbeys, and several churches.
  • A group of well-dressed men and women - the men in three-cornered hats, the women in long dresses - are promenading conspicuously beside the river.
  • For this is one of many areas in London where conspicuous wealth rubs shoulders with deprivation. Times, Sunday Times
  • = -- Buds 1/8-1/4 inch long, bluntish to pointed, conspicuously clustered at ends of branches. Handbook of the Trees of New England
  • The award is given for notable or conspicuous achievement in science.
  • For the present it must suffice to observe that the evidences of an overruling dogmatic purpose are generally much more conspicuous in the third synoptist than in the first; and that the very loose manner in which this writer has handled his materials in the "Acts" is not calculated to inspire us with confidence in the historical accuracy of his gospel. The Unseen World, and Other Essays
  • On neither side is the quality conspicuous. Times, Sunday Times
  • The white part is quite conspicuous when the bird is flying away from you. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition, many collared mangabeys display by continuously lifting and lowering their conspicuous white eyelids.
  • She wanted an inconspicuous house close to Dublin city centre.
  • Two other monuments to conspicuous wealth that lie just across a small bridge will make you yearn for the life of the idle rich.
  • The massive cloaks of both Virgin and Magi are the most distinctive feature of the relief; by concealing and negating the body beneath they deny the Greek heritage that is so conspicuous a feature of his other work.
  • Ladies 'Mantle, Alchemilla -- a common inconspicuous weed, found everywhere -- is called Great Sanicle, also Parsley-breakstone, or Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • You aren't as conspicuous as you feel. Banish Anxiety - how to stop worrying and take charge of your life
  • Intelligence did not figure. largely in anything he did and was often conspicuously absent.
  • Why are there all these dissonant voices giving speeches, some of them conspicuous?
  • Sitting towards the back of the hall was an inconspicuous, balding, bespectacled man with a slight stammer.
  • `We're not exactly... hut... inconspicuous... hut... Stone. CORMORANT
  • They used the funds placed at their disposition in ways that were hardly conspicuous for spiritual disinterestedness.
  • In Brazil I have often admired the contrast of varied beauty in the banana, palm, and orange tree; here we have in addition the breadfruit tree, conspicuous from its large, glossy, and deeply digitated leaf. The Beauties of Nature and the Wonders of the World We Live In
  • `Frankly, I think we'd be less conspicuous without undomesticated animals of any description. A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • It is all conspicuous consumption of premium champagne, BMWs and surface flash.
  • That is how Mohamad and I ended up in the back of a four-by-four with Alan and a Philadelphia judge named Daniel L. Rubini, roaring down the middle of Palestine Street in a two-car convoy that was painfully, conspicuously, deafeningly American. Day of Honey
  • One very potent display of status is conspicuous consumption. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'll try to be as inconspicuous as possible.
  • Then I had to wait some three years, and the attitude in hospital and lack of administrative efficiency was unpleasantly conspicuous.
  • The gossan is likely to resist erosion and to be conspicuous at the surface, -- though this depends largely on the relative resistance of the wall rocks, and on whether the gangue is a hard material like quartz, or some material which weathers more rapidly like limestone or igneous rock. The Economic Aspect of Geology
  • Shoshonite nearest the contact with the overlying flow is scoriaceous and, being less weather resistant, has eroded back to form a conspicuous bench.
  • Conspicuous lacunae indicate that key pieces of the jigsaw have been suppressed. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The attitudinal change of adolescents makes its conspicuous presence in the domestic environment.
  • A moderately proportioned vampire bat pendant to aid inconspicuous fraternisation.
  • made herself conspicuous by her exhibitionistic preening
  • Following the Industrial Revolution, many trees became blackened by smoke and on these the speckled moths were suddenly highly conspicuous.
  • The most important point of the entire article is tucked inconspicuously into a paragraph, making it almost unnoticeable.
  • The country has taken waves of immigration before, often with a conspicuous lack of success.
  • Are you looking for social activities that don't involve drinking or are you trying to be an inconspicuous teetotaler?
  • Another conspicuous commodity was bear grease, used to shape moustaches and wigs. Times, Sunday Times
  • This entire generation of footballers get it in the neck for their conspicuous inability to solve differential equations. Times, Sunday Times
  • While parts of the documentary look over- or underlit and some scenes are conspicuously shot on video and transferred to film, this is all par for the course with television documentaries and usually does not detract from viewing.
  • But if you get a spot on a fresh garment, try washing or cleaning off just the spot with plain water or a commercial spot remover or a cleaning fluid (unless the garment is a silk or other fabric that may water-spot or unless the spot cleaning may leave a ring or faded spot -- test your procedure first in an inconspicuous area). Boing Boing: September 25, 2005 - October 1, 2005 Archives
  • Dressed in a short-skirted black suit, adorned only by a knockout of an emerald ring, matching ear bobs and a few inconspicuous tattoos, Jolie looks both unattainably gorgeous and improbably of-this-world. Action figure: Angelina Jolie is out to prove she's an actress worth her 'Salt'
  • The most conspicuous symptom is coloration between the main veins of the leaf, which becomes particularly noticeable around veraison.
  • And finally, these statements are characterised by a conspicuous absence of facts to bolster such assertions.
  • They like to sit and sing conspicuously on a telephone wire or the top of a hedgerow tree. Times, Sunday Times
  • They show conspicuous white edgings in the wing-coverts and an absence of a white neck-patch.
  • As one black ball in six is sufficient to exclude a candidate -- or, to use the official euphemism, to cause his "postponement" -- it is not difficult for the coterie that controls the club to keep it clear of all noisy, or even of merely too conspicuous, individuality. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 26, September, 1880
  • They're young and poor and the patriarchal culture they inherit and the conspicuous consumption of their contemporaries sanctions their irresponsibility.
  • He was conspicuous also for being the only recruit with three long service badges and a long service medal with clasp!
  • How many times I have read that event and wished the King and Queen had travelled in a smaller less conspicuous coach and not the large yellow berline described by historians. Capture at Varennes
  • One conspicuous tradition within Christianity says boldly that people are saved only by and in faith in Jesus Christ.
  • All the chapters are inconspicuously but intentionally divided into small titled but unnumbered sections rarely longer than a page, and in each of those certain concept, idea or unresolved problem is discussed.
  • Boat designers feel that the days of conspicuous consumption afloat may be numbered. Times, Sunday Times
  • One name conspicuously absent from that short list: State Senator James Meeks. Chicago Mayor Race: James Meeks Isn't 'Consensus Candidate,' But Still Running
  • He was conspicuous among the young men of his standing for the forwardness with which he took his side against "Tractarianism," and the vehemence of his dislike of it, and for the almost ostentatious and defiant prominence which he gave to the convictions and social habits of his school He expressed his scorn and disgust at the "donnishness," the coldness, the routine, the want of heart, which was all that he could see at Oxford out of the one small circle of his friends. Occasional Papers Selected from the Guardian, the Times, and the Saturday Review, 1846-1890
  • The charm - that demon glitter of narrowed eyes which had given the lie to all previous insults - was conspicuously absent.
  • The music played in the orchestra was very beautiful; and the officer, who had behaved so politely to us in permitting the gates, on the first night of our arrival, to be opened, seated on a high stool, rose conspicuously above the other musicians, and seemed indeed the _first fiddle_. A Yacht Voyage to Norway, Denmark, and Sweden 2nd edition
  • He followed her to Switzerland one summer, and all the time that he was dangling after her (a little too conspicuously, I always thought, for a Great Man), he was writing to me about his theory of vowel-combinations -- or was it his experi - ments in English hexameter? The Muse's Tragedy
  • Given that the corporation is required by law to designate an agent, and to post the agent's name conspicuously on its premises, I see it as a discourtesy when a reasonably senior person in the company refuses to provide it.
  • It would be easier to plant speakers in drywall and hang a canvas in front of them, or mount them on the less conspicuous underside of a shelf, than go through this hassle. sumocat Make Invisible Speakers By Sacrificing Six Books | Lifehacker Australia
  • More money brought more affection for inconspicuousness. The House That Goldman Built
  • While the Kinshaya envoy, Patriarch Radrigi, remained conspicuously mute, the Gorn, Tholian, and Breen diplomats filled the room with a discordant olio of hisses, chirps and clicks, and electronic warbles. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
  • The conspicuously wealthy ruling party elite feels none of this. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dowager went off in her jingling old coach, attended by two faithful and withered old maids of honour, and a little snuffy spindle-shanked gentleman in waiting, in a brown jasey and a green coat covered with orders — of which the star and the grand yellow cordon of the order of St. Michael of Pumpernickel were most conspicuous. Vanity Fair
  • They have put up a banner at a very conspicuous spot on a busy street in this ‘happening city’.
  • Their only conspicuous morphological feature, other than their cilia, is a statocyst for determining orientation. The Panda's Thumb: November 2006 Archives
  • He was a bit of a porcupine to the last, still shedding darts; or rather he was to the end a bit of a schoolboy, and must still throw stones, but the essential toleration that underlay his disputatiousness, and the kindness that made of him a tender sicknurse and a generous helper, shone more conspicuously through. Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin
  • The Capitoline hill, which Virgil means by "arx" a conspicuous object from the river just below the Social life at Rome in the Age of Cicero
  • In a campaign that has had a lot of talk about religion getting an awful lot of play, there's a word conspicuously absent from all of the Web sites of the candidates. CNN Transcript Jul 20, 2007
  • They are tedious, but the "waggery" is conspicuous by its absence.] {509} [mq] _With all his laurels growing upon one tree_. The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 6
  • Is it any wonder that joy is conspicuous by its absence at many academies? Times, Sunday Times
  • Low additional weight, unconstrained comfort, inconspicuous exterior.
  • Geophytes, or bulblike plants, are usually most conspicuous after fires, have blooms which are especially attractive. Lowland fynbos and renosterveld
  • The Greenheads are humanoid - human like - but their countenances and outlines are conspicuously similar to the Grays, the archetypal aliens who appear in abduction stories in popular culture.
  • He was unfailingly helpful in less conspicuous ways. Times, Sunday Times
  • The candles, pictures, images, rosary, holdy water, ringing of bells, chanting in an unknown tongue -- all these mummeries which are so conspicuous in a Catholic service interest me chiefly from the fact Letter to Young John Allen,December 28, 1889
  • As Gillen Wood argues, for example, Francis Burney's representation of the experience of listening to a castrato at the opera in Evelina and Cecilia is conspicuously disembodied — any and all description of the castrato's corporeality is absent, being transposed into the sound of his sublime voice. Sounds Romantic: The Castrato and English Poetics Around 1800
  • In the 1990's a number of residential projects in cismontane oak savannahs and open mixed chaparral habitats are likely to endanger some back country populations of this inconspicuous annual.
  • Like messages about conspicuous consumption, messages that glorify violence have increasingly become a staple of American mass culture. On the Edge: A History of Poor Black Children and Their American Dreams
  • Wind turbines are not only far more conspicuous than gas drilling rigs, they cover vastly more area. Times, Sunday Times
  • The bird himself is streaky brown and his most conspicuous feature is a bright yellow eyebrow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Zuckia and Grayia are further grouped by the perennial habit, the unique occurrence of sub-bladder type trichomes, conspicuous axillary buds, mucronate leaf apices, circular seeds, and exfoliating branches.
  • (De 4: 41; Nu 35: 11); three were to be invested with the same privilege on the west of that river when Canaan should be conquered. in the midst of thy land -- in such a position that they would be conspicuous and accessible, and equidistant from the extremities of the land and from each other. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • They become ‘unhandy’ and in this unhandiness they fail to serve the function that they had served so inconspicuously up to that point.
  • However Ken conspicuously failed to mention that the other teams researching in the area have dismissed the Vinnikov and Grody paper as arrant nonsense.
  • She figured conspicuously in the public debate on the issue.
  • Whatever its benefits, a beaver lake is a conspicuous and characteristic feature of the landscape.
  • If you're walking along a badly-lit road at night you should wear conspicuous clothes.
  • The flowers are inconspicuous, usually white or cream and pedunculate, ascending or erect, corymbose cymes, collected into a terminal leafless panicle, or the lower peduncles arising from the axis of reduced leaves. Chapter 17
  • The conspicuously wealthy ruling party elite feels none of this. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is precisely what has been tried on Britain's railways, without conspicuous success.
  • The Sextons dub this syndrome "conspicuous conservation," which is directly diametrical to "conspicuous consumption" -- our current materialistic cultural orientation that contributes mightily to the unsustainable exploitation of the earth's natural resources. Edward Flattau: Conspicuous Conservation
  • Eyelids which are to deeply pendant and show conspicuously the lachrymal glands, or a very red, thick haw, and eyes that are to light, are objectionable.
  • If you're walking along a badly-lit road at night you should wear conspicuous clothes.
  • In the end, I skived off to a side street and made myself as inconspicuous as possible so I could get up to date.
  • Harlean Carpentier, later to become the most popular female film star of her time, was born in 1911 of a conspicuously mismated and middle-class couple. Hell's Angel
  • In recent years, the adipose-de-rived stem cells(ADSCs) are becoming the seeding cell gradually in tissue engineering just because of its several conspicuous advantages.
  • A team conspicuous for mental strength have become a team conspicuous for mental frailty. Times, Sunday Times
  • One side of this square was entirely occupied by an enormous, lofty, and handsome building, the central portion of which was surmounted by an immense dome, covered with plates of gold, arranged in tiers or bands of different shapes among which that of the lozenge was the most conspicuous, while each corner of the building was crowned with In Search of El Dorado
  • On these white areas bright red spots were conspicuous, due to telangiectasis, and there were also some stellate vascular spots and strife interspersed among the pigment. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Skerryvore, but one oval nodule of black-trap, sparsely bedabbled with an inconspicuous fucus, and alive in every crevice with a dingy insect between a slater and a bug. Memories and Portraits
  • In each painting, their elaborately canopied bed is conspicuous - the third occupant of the room.
  • In fact he eschewed any display of conspicuous success. Times, Sunday Times
  • And may'st thou, stranger to ostentation, and superior to insolence, with true greatness of soul shine forth conspicuous only in beneficence! Evelina: or, The History of a Young Lady's Entrance Into the World
  • I cannot convey any idea of how distasteful the thing was to me; of how I shrank from the unpleasant conspicuousness of walking down a street lined with spectators. Aleta Dey
  • Four conspicuous jerks forwards, with slower retreats, were seen on one occasion to occur in exactly one minute, besides some minor oscillations.
  • Nearly 200,000 men of Irish parentage fought there, and when the war ended, some headed for the old country, conspicuous in their felt hats and square-toed shoes.
  • This riddle of a restaurant is shamelessly unpretentious, and if you've never noticed its inconspicuous façade, you are forgiven.
  • On the contrary, if there were any of these compounded Bodies, in which the Nature of one Element did not prevail over the rest, but they were all equally mix'd, and a match one for the other; then one of them would not abate the Force of the other, any more than its own Force is abated by it, but they would work upon one another with equal Power, and the Operation of any one of them would not be more conspicuous than that of the rest; and this Body would be far from being like to any one of the Elements, but would be as if it had nothing _contrary_ to its The Improvement of Human Reason Exhibited in the Life of Hai Ebn Yokdhan
  • FRANKFURT: Malaysia was conspicuously missing at the just-concluded four-day HEIMTEXTIL Fair in Frankfurt. Nst online
  • The most conspicuous battleground in this prolonged conflict over the locus of control was the procedure for placing contracts.
  • They like to sit and sing conspicuously on a telephone wire or the top of a hedgerow tree. Times, Sunday Times
  • One recommended chewing gum next time, just as effective but less conspicuous than glue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Opening the door to a chink, Rosalie saw the Miss Pockets, shivering, the permanent decoration on the nose of the elder Miss Pocket very conspicuous and agitatedly swinging, ushered into the study, and presently her father follow his jutty nose into the study after them, and very shortly after that the This Freedom
  • a brown jasey and a green coat covered with orders -- of which the star and the grand yellow cordon of the order of St. Michael of Pumpernickel were most conspicuous. Vanity Fair
  • Was it so peculiar to scan each of these acquaintances respectively with circumspect glances, to do so apprehensively (more apprehensively and yet more often to the male than the female of this brother and sister combination as she, whom he barely knew at all, was nearer and the sexual interest would be more conspicuous), and to let the erumpent odors of both, imagined or real, send him on An Apostate: Nawin of Thais
  • The ads he is financing this weekend refer pointedly to the Council, reminding voters of a "slush fund scandal" involving fake community organizations, but conspicuously ignore the mayor.
  • Big can be beautiful, and surprisingly few of the buildings here display the empty pedantry conspicuous in contemporary paintings and sculpture.
  • The female, scaly-brown in colouring, displays a much less conspicuous off-white gorget.
  • It was an age of conspicuous consumption — those who had money liked to display it.
  • He played no part in the game and was conspicuous by his absence in the post-match celebrations.
  • Hind tibiae somewhat incrassated with infuscated tips; the usual setae are long and conspicuous; on the inner face a dark brown band runs from the insertion of the tibia to its middle, where it ends in a point; the infuscated tip of the tibia sends out a much shorter dark brown band which stops before reaching the basal band.
  • The most visible and conspicuous fact is that people now live better than half a century ago.
  • The bird himself is streaky brown and his most conspicuous feature is a bright yellow eyebrow. Times, Sunday Times
  • On her right wrist she conspicuously displays a cameo bracelet bearing the profile of Louis XV.
  • Then there were the eisteddfodau (festivals) at which he sang and recited with conspicuous success from the age of 5. Times, Sunday Times
  • A conspicuous plant in these fields is redshank, which is also known as persicaria, or lady's thumb. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thallus granulose to verrucose and subareolate, sometimes inconspicuous and evanescent; apothecia minute to middle-sized, adnate or more or less immersed, exciple usually prominent and persistent, but sometimes becoming covered, disk flat to convex; hypothecium and hymenium pale to brown; spores simple, hyaline, minute, numerous in each ascus. Ohio Biological Survey, Bull. 10, Vol. 11, No. 6 The Ascomycetes of Ohio IV and V
  • And now --- still conspicuously ignoring them --- Theo and I shimmied past Ed and Miss Lay. RESCUING ROSE
  • They showed at the same time that the nucleic material belonged to a well-defined part of the nuclear substance which stood out in a very conspicuous manner during the transformation process, whose amount in various nuclei is variable and which because of its reaction to certain stains has received the name of "chromatin". Albrecht Kossel - Nobel Lecture
  • He seemed conspicuously stiff at public speaking.
  • This trend is all about conspicuous colour and clashing prints. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are here reminded of the fact, already noted, that the Egyptians represented their God of Generation, Khem, or Amen-Ra Generator, as wearing a conspicuous St. Andrew's cross. The Non-Christian Cross An Enquiry into the Origin and History of the Symbol Eventually Adopted as That of Our Religion
  • It probably helps that it's a squad conspicuously low on superstars.
  • The shiny green leaves with purple spots are also very conspicuous. Times, Sunday Times
  • Grand amours and boon companionship are conspicuously absent from his narrative.
  • Outlets for conspicuous consumerism now span the region, from spa resorts in Bali to high-end boutiques in Shanghai to chi-chi fusion cuisine restaurants in Singapore.
  • Borne of Vader, Fett required an equally villainous look, but something a bit less conspicuous.

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