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How To Use Consonant In A Sentence

  • After blending consonants and vowels, syllables are blended into words and words are used in meaningful sentences.
  • The present study investigated how children spell words that contain silent consonants as their final letter.
  • The prototypical noun may be (though need not be) quite long, stress will fall early in the word, the stressed vowel will be non-front, and the final consonant (if an obstruent) will be voiceless.
  • Palatalized and plain consonants do not contrast in words with non-pharyngeal vowels.
  • The term enunciation means the formation of words, including right vocal shape to the vowels and right form to the consonants. Public Speaking
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  • BUT WITH 3 SYLLABLES vowel O OBEYS THE SOUND OF THE PLACE WHERE ENDED IN CONSONANT+Y words are proparoxitonic, for O is nothing phonematically Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Hebrew is considered the Holy Language par excellence, but it is interesting to note that although the consonantal text of the Hebrew Bible must be reproduced according to precise orthographic rules for ritual purposes, the Jewish tradition permits translations of the text into other languages. David Shasha: Monolingualism, Scriptural Translation and the Problem of Western Civilization
  • It was "dignifying" for the poor and consonant with national values, like work, self-help and opposition to welfare dependency. Omaha World-Herald > Frontpage
  • Nepali has twelve vowel sounds and 36 consonants.
  • Italian is rich in broad open vowels and liquid consonants.
  • A slight aspirate preceding and modifying the sibilant, which is, however, the stronger of the two consonants; _e.g. hsing_ = _hissing_ without the first _i_, Myths and Legends of China
  • Because the learner has become competent with the short vowels, consonants, and consonant blends, he or she can now concentrate on mastering the long-vowel spelling forms.
  • Other rules would account for glide insertion and consonant sharing.
  • Owing to printer's difficulties the cerebral consonants, the visarga, the sonant r and the anusvara have remained unmarked.
  • ( "There's no" K "in Klingon, and that's that!" he insisted, illustrating the raspy, back-of-the-throat "kh" - type consonants he'd woven into the lingo instead). Theater Review: Washington Shakespeare Company's evening of the Bard in Klingon
  • The Golden language we were sent to analyze -- we call it Moth because there's a chunk in the name that sounds like 'moth' -- that Golden language has vowels and consonants too. Analog Science Fiction and Fact
  • The children were asked to match speech sounds to written consonants and vowels, and they practiced related skills.
  • Don't take it literally as a geminate consonant, as might be the interpretation of those familiar with IPA notation. Markedness and the uvular proposal in PIE
  • The next seven consonants are 'retroflex': the tongue curls back to the palate (front part of the roof of the mouth), making a hard sound ṭh aspirated version of the above as in 'dry', but harder Latest education news, including the university guide 2010, RAE results, higher and schools news, schools tables and further education |
  • You can hear him drawing breath - tiny gasps during "Bloom," big gulpy lungfuls during "Morning Mr. Magpie" - but he exhales the same as ever: in a mumbly, monochromatic moan where the vowels are dramatic and the consonants are tough to make out. Album review: Radiohead, "The King of Limbs"
  • * Note: it seems to me that IE phonology had syllabification rules which favored open syllables, i.e. most consonant clusters would be analyzed as onsets rather than sequences of coda(s)-plus-onset(s). Back to business: emphatic particles and verbal extensions
  • I have never, for instance, heard a speaker of English condemn the nasal vowels or the dropped consonants of the French language.
  • We pass the shoe market, where hundreds of shoes hang from the ceilings on strings; the purse market, hanging by purse strings; the music mart, where the rich interdental consonants of Arabic songs consume the air; the basket bazaar; a merchant unfurling a yo-yo. Richard Bangs: Why Would Anyone Bomb Jemaa El F'na Square in Marrakesh?
  • No one was quite sure where it had come from, but it had travelled with the K, they were the two voiceless velar Semitic consonants, they went back to the desert, to caph and koph. The Best American Poetry 2010
  • A word can be closed with an unsounded consonant.
  • While the consonant cards each represent a single letter, the vowel cards give a choice of two vowels and the wild cards represent any letter.
  • Students in the low-level group were not reading words but were learning letter names and sounds, and how to blend consonant and vowel sounds to make syllables.
  • For instance, aspirated consonants are written with a small superscript h after the symbol for the corresponding unaspirated consonant.
  • The diphthongs ayyy and eeee turn up again and again, long vowels lengthened by slow consonants around them.
  • Strong velarisation of certain consonant groups, especially of the cluster ‘cl’, which is typical of most Irish dialects, has only been noted sporadically.
  • The Septuagint translates the consonants hyper ton Alloiothesomenon; Vulg., pro iis qui commutabuntur, "for those who shall be changed". The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • Although this looks strange today, it was a common practice in the transcription of Hebrew words among Italian and Spanish-Portuguese Jews of the period, and it indicates that the guttural Semitic consonant ayin, which is pronounced with a pharyngeal contraction in Arabic and Middle Eastern Hebrew, was still being given this value, or an approximation of it, in southern Europe long after it was lost to Ashkenazic Jews. Undefined
  • Voiced sounds such as vowels and certain consonants such as b, d, and g require vibration of the vocal folds, while voiceless sounds such as the consonants p, t, and k require the vocal folds to be wide apart.
  • For example, no child read pharbid, a word containing both a vowel r pattern and a consonant digraph not taught in tutoring, correctly at pre- or post-test.
  • He kept separate the constituents of consonantal clusters, relishing sibilants and fricatives as much as plosives and liquids, and studied the duration of pauses as carefully as the duration of syllables.
  • 2 For a brief definition of the term compensatory lengthening and some interesting examples of it, see an abstract of Campos-Astorkiza, "A Typological analysis of compensatory consonant lengthening", Phonology and Phonetics in Iberia (June 2005) (or view the pdf here). Archive 2008-06-01
  • The letters c, q, and x are used for velaric ingressive stop consonants - clicks, as they are more usually known.
  • The phonics of it - the hard consonant followed by a long vowel and a soft consonant.
  • 'marg' as 'mrg' (Persian for 'death') by omitting the necessary vowel, alif, between the consonants 'meem' and 'ray' in its list of Mumbai streets, a common mistake made by Urdu speakers unfamiliar with Hindi pronunciation. The Hindu - Front Page
  • Accented and umlauted vowels, and diacritical marks on consonants must be avoided, because they act as roadblocks and break the speed of a typist.
  • So a disyllabic wordform in Mid IE MIE of the shape *CVC.CV- should have preserved its final schwa because if it had disappeared, it might create problems with the distribution of the consonants in the remaining syllables1. What happened to Pre-IE's inanimate thematics?
  • Articulation in singing is produced by such techniques as portamento or the taking of breaths, and by the treatment of vowels and consonants.
  • In Chinese pronunciation, basic vowels can form vowel combinations with each other or with a nasal consonant.
  • One is the refusal to use the IPA -- to the point that sometimes different transcriptions are used for different languages, so that an underdot can mean an ejective, a retroflex, a pharyngealized consonant and who knows what else. How NOT to reconstruct a protolanguage
  • Even consonant sounds change with context; the ‘t’ sounds different in ‘cat’ than it does in ‘the.’
  • Aspiration is the main distinctive feature of consonants in Chinese, whereas voicing and palatalization as well as aspiration are all distinctive in Mongolian.
  • As the young woman rattled on she grew more and more glib; she was what they call whopper-jawed, and spoke a language almost purely consonantal, cutting and clipping her words with a rapid play of her whopper-jaw till there was nothing but the bare bones left of them. The Minister's Charge
  • But siccing apocope on (C)VCV, (C)VC should be an acceptable outcome, if coda consonants count as moraic. A few more words on my new Gemination rule for Pre-IE
  • Almost all of the novice teachers spent time working on lax or short vowel sounds, tense or long vowel sounds, and consonant digraphs; on the closed syllable type; and on decoding words with a variety of closed syllable patterns.
  • After blending consonants and vowels, syllables are blended into words and words are used in meaningful sentences.
  • I have never, for instance, heard a speaker of English condemn the nasal vowels or the dropped consonants of the French language.
  • Each syllable is written as a combination of consonants and vowels, plus the tone mark.
  • Consonants are frequently assimilated to neighboring consonants.
  • This contrasts with an alphabet proper (in which vowels have a status equal to that of consonants) and with an abjad Lightly Toasted
  • The word spilled out of her in a hushed stream of syllables, that awful combination of consonants and vowels that spelled shame and death for any woman in what was politely called the ‘entertainment’ business.
  • There are no silent letters.a. Thus, both consonants are clearly sounded in the groups "kn", "kv", A Complete Grammar of Esperanto
  • He has also learned the Greek alphabet, capital and lowercase, and has begun to make the distinction between consonants and vowels.
  • (Bush made the added metathetic innovation of moving the / r / into the initial consonant cluster.) Language Log
  • Here are a few examples to help you get your head around this long-vowel process: To create a long vowel form of a fatHa, you attach an ` alif to the consonant that the fatHa is associated with. Arabic for Dummies
  • Now they're saddled with Slavonic tongue-twisters with more consonants and fewer vowels than can possibly be good for them.
  • Finnish is characterized by the use of many vowels and few consonants.
  • Indian accents can be characterized by the fact that speakers retroflex their consonants
  • If you thought the infinite variations on the ubiquitous sideways smiley faces were getting a bit difficult to decipher, you may be feeling lost in a seemingly meaningless sea of vowels and consonants.
  • Density is thus largely a function of word stock and reflects at this stage in Coolidge's work an affinity for monosyllabic words, particularly those that couple long vowels or diphthongs with consonant blends.
  • This request presented the informant with a problem, for he had no conception of signs representing just a vowel or a consonant, and for a long time his efforts were derided.
  • - absence of leaves. aphyllous, adj. apical adj. - at the summit or tip; Phonetics, pertaining to a consonant formed with help of tip of tongue. apicad, adv. towards the summit. adj. free from spherical aberration. aplanatism, n. Xml's
  • For labio-dental consonants, the active articulator is the lower lip.
  • From the same sp and the termination ark, comes spark, signifying a single emission of fire with a noise; namely sp, the emission, ar, the more acute noise, and k, the mute consonant, intimates its being suddenly terminated; but adding l, is made the frequentative sparkle. A Grammar of the English Tongue
  • Does it sadden you that you can't hear, discern, or say the African consonants "mb" or "gb"? Monday
  • Yet you need only look a little beneath the crisp consonants and tailored suits to find some richly satisfying and moving human drama. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then they learned to read by pronouncing nonsense syllables formed by combining consonants with vowels, such as ba-he-bi.
  • Primo: In PIE, the initial sequence of sonorant + consonant is treated the same consistently. I tripped over Pre-IE the other day
  • He identified it as consonant with his team's research results on the nature of distress in close relationships.
  • I listened to the hard guttural consonants and the throaty laughs. The Crossing-Place
  • his stop consonants are too aspirated
  • Inventor Butts 's favourite variation is double bag Scrabble, with the vowels and consonants in separate bags.
  • unutterable consonant clusters
  • In these dialects many words end in a consonant but they cannot be seen as an apocope of an Italian word.
  • As society has come to understand the essential unchosen nature of same-sex desire, the offering of new forms of matrimony that support such couples would seem consonant with a contemporary sense of justice and social responsibility.
  • All the Welsh grammars say Welsh has 3 types of mutation - soft, nasal and spirant, and 9 consonants that are mutable.
  • The second type of evidence, based on the behaviour of dental stops vis-à-vis the process of assibilation, shows that two consonants not separated at the underlying level by one of the full vowels/a, i, u/are adjacent at the surface.
  • If the language has long and short vowels and consonants, this will affect the rhythm of the language.
  • H quoque inter litteras obviam grammatici tradiderunt, eamque adspirationis notam cunctis vocalibus praefici; ipsi autem consonantes tantum quattuor praeponi, quotiens graecis nominibus latina forma est, persuaserunt, id est C, P, R, T; ut _chori_, The Roman Pronunciation of Latin Why we use it and how to use it
  • between two consonants, this liquid is vowelized
  • That happens because the sampling rate is kept high for long complex sounds like "ow", but cut down for simple consonants like "c". Boing Boing
  • That at least explains the surface resemblance of the two words, differing only by digraphs (ch- and qu-) representing single consonants.
  • For instance, in French, many consonants are unsounded a lot of the time.
  • It also leads to pronouncing two double consonants when you speak the word; cl and pt. Yclept means named as in ‘I have a dog yclept Rover.’
  • Critics suggest that no two scenarios are bound by the same decision criteria; situationalism poses inconsonant decision constraints.
  • According to the International Phonetic Alphabet (revised to 2005), there are two ways to classify consonants: by place of articulation and by manner of articulation.
  • For many words, however, the most common misspelling seems to be to violate conservation of geminates, and write the word with no doubled consonants at all.
  • For example, in tests of dichotic listening, individuals prove better able to process words and consonants presented to the right ear (left hemisphere), while more successful at processing musical tones (and often other environmental noises as well) when these have been presented to the right hemisphere. Mind Wide Open
  • For instance, SWAP'S support of alternative research methodologies is consonant with the multiplicity of methods used by members of the History and Theory Section.
  • Speakers of any language often have problems pronouncing consonants or vowels which do not exist in their mother tongue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Still the dominant phonetic presence is of light vowels and soft consonants.
  • unvoiced consonants such as `p' and `k' and `s'
  • consonantal sounds
  • The following lesson took place during a typical reading activity in one classroom in which the teacher introduced consonant digraphs and then elicited examples of words with consonant digraphs.
  • It is known as a velarized consonant, which means the back of the tongue must be pressed against the mouth’s roof to achieve the requisite effect. Rambles at » Blog Archive » Desperately seeking “Qatar”
  • He appears to have identified certain vowels and consonants that do not exist in French and used them repeatedly throughout the two songs.
  • Each syllable is written as a combination of consonants and vowels, plus the tone mark.
  • Because gemination is common in Dravidian languages, double consonants in written English are often geminated: ‘sum-mer’ for summer and ‘sil-lee’ for silly.
  • Students in the low-level group were not reading words but were learning letter names and sounds, and how to blend consonant and vowel sounds to make syllables.
  • Keep monthly writing samples so you can observe how students gradually add the correct vowels and consonants.
  • Again, the dreaded "North Caucasian *ƛ̣_VẋwV ( ˜ Ł_-)" contains only two wildcards (the two instances of V) and uncertainty about whether the initial consonant was ejective or voiced (in other words, it was not aspirated; unlike American ones, Caucasian ejectives are lenes, not fortes, so I'm not terribly surprised it's not always possible to tell if such a lenis was voiced or ejective). How NOT to reconstruct a protolanguage
  • Although her English has improved over the years, she still speaks in Spanish cadences, and her consonants are so soft that every word sounds whispered.
  • When his operas are sung in any other language, the shift in vowels, consonants, and rhythms changes the character of the music.
  • The efficiency of our fluency training could be enormously improved if the achieved fluency gains would generalize to new words sharing consonantal onsets with the training words.
  • The style of Haggai is consonant with his messages: pathetic in exhortation, vehement in reproofs, elevated in contemplating the glorious future. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • This provided the flexibility needed to produce a variety of vowels and consonants, a flexibility denied to the apes. The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
  • Let's say you're in a language that uses schwa to break up consonant clusters, but nowhere else.
  • The distinctions might not be easy to find, but these 'higher order' signs are generally assumed to be either different diphthongal versions, or those with an aspirated consonant. New info on 'lily'
  • Speakers of any language often have problems pronouncing consonants or vowels which do not exist in their mother tongue. Times, Sunday Times
  • So you’ve got the beginning, which is generally a consonant, and then you’ve got the middle of the sound, which is often a vowelly region. THE ANTHOLOGIST
  • For example, in visual cognition, the object-aspects may be the appearance of merely colored shapes; in audial cognition of speech, they may be the appearance of merely the sound of consonants and vowels. Impure and Pure Appearances According to Non-Gelug
  • Because gemination is common in Dravidian languages, double consonants in written English are often geminated: ‘sum-mer’ for summer and ‘sil-lee’ for silly.
  • The standard theory emphasizes colorful wording , consonant lyrics, and strong emotion surging.
  • The two characters are quite similar, and apparently both denote voiced back consonants.
  • The complexity seems more interesting to me aesthetically, the tying together of multiple voices into a kind of whole from consonant to dissonant.
  • The back of the tongue lies opposite the soft palate or velum when the tongue is in a state of rest, and sounds made with the back include velar consonants and back vowels.
  • The individual then uses these schemas to incorporate more information; and when observations are significantly inconsonant with existing views, the schemas are modified accordingly.
  • I shall mark these cerebral consonants with a dot under them.
  • I believe that the programme allows up to 9 consonants in a cluster, but only word-internally.
  • Almost all of the novice teachers spent time working on lax or short vowel sounds, tense or long vowel sounds, and consonant digraphs; on the closed syllable type; and on decoding words with a variety of closed syllable patterns.
  • The system consisted mainly of symbols representing open syllables, i.e. consonant-vowel pairs.
  • A word or group of words difficult to articulate rapidly, usually because of a succession of similar consonantal sounds, as in Shall she sell seashells?
  • The software was unaware of complex character clusters associated with consonant/vowel modifiers in Indian languages.
  • Modern phoneticians would more precisely categorize such consonants into velar, uvular, pharyngeal, and glottal articulations.
  • I listened to the hard guttural consonants and the throaty laughs. The Crossing-Place
  • Even their name has no hard consonant sounds.
  • D voiceless fricative or any voiced consonant not immediately followed by a voiceless segment.
  • Russian distinguished between hard consonants and palatalized or soft consonants
  • She goes on to note that both English and Chinese make use of aspiration in their consonantal systems.
  • The rules and formula of ore grade estimation under any complicated conditions can be accurately found out by the proposed method, and the results are precisely consonant with the practice.
  • If the supershort schwa is word-medial, it lengthens an accented vowel in an immediately-preceding open syllable, otherwise all supershort schwas geminate the immediately-preceding consonant instead. Archive 2008-07-01
  • The Third Part relates to grammar, syntax, orthography, vowels and consonants.
  • BTW, "skosh" is usually spelled with a "K", easier to see the hard consonant. The Truth About Cars
  • In a justifiable move for consistency and accuracy, consonantal and vocalic forms of i and u are not distinguished (Lewis and Short distinguished i from j, u from v), except for use of V for capital u, with capitalized entries interfiled (Vaticanus between vatia and vaticinatio). VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 1
  • I listened to the hard guttural consonants and the throaty laughs. The Crossing-Place
  • These may all imply less familiar consonantal clusters, final sounds, etc so you have the plasticity of the mouth coming into play too. E is for Error « An A-Z of ELT
  • She lip-reads, and at home little Elliott often helps with his finger spelling when his mum cannot make out a consonant.
  • No one was quite sure where it had come from, but it had travelled with the K, they were the two voiceless velar Semitic consonants, they went back to the desert, to caph and koph. The Best American Poetry 2010
  • Still the dominant phonetic presence is of light vowels and soft consonants, a bright but increasingly fragile idyll asking to be shattered.
  • I think it's fair to say that rules by their nature are inconsonant with expressivity, as that notion is conventionally understood.
  • In this chapter the occurrence of laterals of this common type and of various other kinds of lateral consonants that are less frequently found will be discussed.
  • (Nine) {B} eautiful {P} eacocks would indicate the figure value of 9, in the initial consonants of Assimilative Memory or, How to Attend and Never Forget
  • A change of vowels or a doubling of a consonant is also not infrequent, thus giving English kunkur ` variety of limestone 'in lieu of kankar, mulmul ` muslin' in lieu of malmal, muggar ` kind of crocodile 'in lieu of magar. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XVIII No 1
  • I agree with his judgments about ‘roofs’ - that's the only way to spell it, but I can pronounce it either way, likewise with the correlation between vowel quality and consonant voicing.
  • The accumulated differences in the vowels, consonants, and syllable lengths gives dramatic speech a totally different pace.
  • And now I think about it, the Sanskrit accent actually makes a point in favor of the bisyllabic version of the word parśú- which is, due to the consonant 'grade', expected to be oxytone I think. Battling the Indo-European axe
  • Similarly, under gemination or feature assimilation with a following onset consonant, the breathy voice feature would be lost, assimilating the final C voicing feature to that of the following onset C. PIE "look-alike stems" - Evidence of something or a red herring?
  • These consonants dissimilate
  • Wikner lumps the cerebral and dental consonants together, since the sounds are difficult for the Westerner to distinguish.
  • While this collection of styles is consonant with Ferry's interest in ironic pop art, it also reflects a significant departure, as noted, from the standard visual iconography of rock.
  • There is a misconception here, since Wagner's practice was rather to use such unstable sonorities to enhance the music's eventual arrival at points of tonal clarity and consonant harmonic stability.
  • Dick doesn't like to fly, and he had no particular desire to go there, and since we had pretty consonant views and I wanted to go to England anyway, we decided to write a joint paper.
  • The source of the symbolism was pure word-play since in Egyptian, the word for 'to become' was *ḫāpar Sahidic ϣⲱⲡⲉ while the symbol for 'beetle' contained the same consonantal skeleton, ḫpr, but presumably with different vowels. The scarab rises in Etruria
  • There may certainly be independent grounds for categorizing segments as vowels or consonants, in terms of their inherent sonority and phonological dependence, for example.
  • That means ensuring that important notes carry important words, that the vowel-sounds are singable at a given pitch, and that if there are clusters of consonants they do not make the song into a tongue-twister.
  • Artists cannot use photographs too slavishly, however, because the shadow on a sail in one photograph may be out of sync with the light source in the painting, the action on the water inconsonant with the direction of the wind. Daniel Grant: Artwork That Is Judged on the Basis of Accuracy
  • Vowels, diphthongs, triphthongs and consonants are taught using the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) for the purpose of eliminating regional characteristics in the student's speech pattern.
  • Evidently the attainment of an ordered world consonant with divine laws remained the ideological framework of antislavery.
  • It doesn't have an inordinate number of consonants or vowels.
  • This alphabet was small, consisting of 14 consonants, and 3 vowels.
  • He investigated how vowels and consonants alternated in the opening chapters of the long story and the poem and discovered a fascinating regularity.
  • He kept separate the constituents of consonantal clusters, relishing sibilants and fricatives as much as plosives and liquids, and studied the duration of pauses as carefully as the duration of syllables.
  • The high-frequency deficit causes difficulty in perceiving and differentiating consonant sounds; patients often report that words ‘run together.’
  • And how are we to interpret teachings that seem inconsonant with current sensibilities?
  • On the letter-sound test, most children began tutoring knowing single consonant sounds, but had relatively little knowledge of sounds for vowels or letter patterns.
  • Maybe he's too cute, maybe his diction is too good, maybe he doesn't have enough tough-sounding consonants in his name. Update
  • We can deduce whether a consonant was sounded from the way puns work.
  • Modern phoneticians would more precisely categorize such consonants into velar, uvular, pharyngeal, and glottal articulations.
  • These figures reflect French syllable structure constraints (phonotactics) more closely than English, which does permit most consonants and even allows multiple consonants at the ends of syllables.
  • To support a science that is ‘consonant’ with religion is not to claim that religion and science are the same thing.
  • The emotions they played on were consonant, at least implicitly, with ideas of spirituality and constancy, of emptiness and isolation.
  • Modern phoneticians would more precisely categorize such consonants into velar, uvular, pharyngeal, and glottal articulations.
  • In speaking of articulate sounds they may be conveniently divided first into clear continued sounds, expressed by the letters called vowels; secondly, Into hissing sounds, expressed by the letters called sibilants; thirdly, Into semivocal sounds, which consist of a mixture of the two former; and, lastly, Into interrupted sounds, represented by the letters properly termed consonants. The Temple of Nature; or, the Origin of Society A Poem, with Philosophical Notes
  • The English consonant sounds and suprasegmentals also present difficulties for native speakers of Spanish.
  • Like alveolar consonants replaced by retroflex consonants e.g walked - walk. English as Intellectual Make Up for Indians « Articles « Literacy News
  • From these sounds, combined with the simple vowels, comes the Assyrian syllabarium, to which, and not to the consonants themselves, the characters were assigned. The Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World, Vol 2. (of 7): Assyria The History, Geography, And Antiquities Of Chaldaea, Assyria, Babylon, Media, Persia, Parthia, And Sassanian or New Persian Empire; With Maps and Illustrations.
  • This provided the flexibility needed to produce a variety of vowels and consonants, a flexibility denied to the apes. The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness
  • The consonants are grouped together phonetically, depending on the kind of sound they make.
  • PET (positron emission tomography) imaging conducted while subjects listened to consonant or dissonant chords showed that different localized brain regions were involved in the emotional reactions.
  • The outline should include phonemic contrastive charts of the consonants and vowels.
  • First in [_remnant_] [_rem_] bearing the sharpe accent and hauing his consonant abbut vpon another, soundes long. The Arte of English Poesie
  • Productions whose content is considered to be inconsonant with the ideals and missions of Boston College will be disallowed.
  • All misconduct and lawlessness is erased by warehousing preconviction defendants, without any contact with legal proffessionals consonant with LAW ABIDING societies. Main RSS Feed
  • These transformations have led, in fact, to some of the most distinguishing characteristics of the different branches of the IE family (e.g. the ‘soft’ palatalized consonants in the Slavic languages).
  • There are many assimilations and elisions of consonants and vowels, such as the dropping of t in such words as cyclists, the reduction of and to n, or the compression of such auxiliary sequences as gonna and wouldn'a'been.
  • (The consonants in "azione" - The consonants in action): Flameeyes's Weblog :
  • Its syllables roll out with a fine cadence, its vowels and consonants harmonize happily.
  • Vowels, consonants, ingressives, suprasegmentals, intonation, diacritics, ejectives, implosives, diphthongs, and clicks are demonstrated.
  • N " is a syllabic consonant in " button " .
  • _an_ hour (_h_ is silent), _a_ unit (_unit_ begins with the consonant sound of _y_), such _a_ one (_one_ begins with the consonant sound of _w_). Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
  • The term "alphabet" is something of a misnomer here, though, as Hebrew script is not in fact an alphabet, but an abjad; that is, a script with only consonants. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • That's because English favors closed syllables (ending in consonant) while French prefers open syllables (ending in a vowel). L'accent tonique - French Word-A-Day
  • Similarly, to take the consonant trigraph t c h, the teacher can explain that in this word the three letters together ‘say’ the sound.
  • Non-rhoticity in English means that /r/ as a phoneme occurs only when the following sound is a consonant. Intrusive r | Linguism | Language Blog
  • Participation in these gatherings is simply not consonant with the depression and contrition that the mourner experiences.
  • Consonant cluster reduction and intervocalic /t/ voicing, however, are better indicators of speech patterns, for they are far less likely than negative contraction to be regulated by a style policy.

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