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How To Use Consequence In A Sentence

  • A horizontal merger may enable the new entity to set price and output in the same manner as a single-firm monopolist, with the same consequences for consumer welfare.
  • Traditional methods for liquid or semiliquid fecal incontinence management, such as the use of absorbent briefs/pads, skin cleansers, and moisturizers, are only moderately successful in alleviating the consequences of fecal incontinence. New Data Shows Budget Impact of Fecal Management System in Hospital ICU
  • National Provisions Company, and went out preaching fiat money and a subtreasury for the farmers 'crops, trusting to God and the flower garden about his little white house, to keep the family alive -- it is odd that Jeanette's childish impression was that General Ward was a man of consequence in the world. A Certain Rich Man
  • Instead, the thin sandy developments defining the sequence boundaries suggest sandy sabkhas and sand sheets supplied by this undersaturated wind system and only preserved as a consequence of renewed lake-level rise.
  • One consequence of epidemiological research into the contribution of lifestyle factors to cancer risk has been to blame the individual who develops cancer.
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Master English with Ease
  • Matters went on pretty well with us until my master was seized with a severe fit of illness, in consequence of which his literary scheme was completely defeated, and his condition in life materially injured; of course, the glad tones of encouragement which I had been accustomed to hear were changed into expressions of condolence, and sometimes assurances of unabated friendship; but then it must be remembered that I, the handsomest blue coat, was _still in good condition_, and it will perhaps appear, that if I were not my master's The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 262, July 7, 1827
  • Better to wait until bubbles burst and manage the consequences, softening the economic blow by loosening monetary policy very quickly.
  • Beyond affecting the humans and wildlife that call the area home, the Arctic's warmer temperatures and decreases in permafrost, snow cover, glaciers and sea ice also have wide-ranging consequences for the physical and biological systems in other parts of the world. Arctic is warming, NOAA report says
  • As a consequence, the important benefits of collation and comparison of data from different sources are lost.
  • Yet because many of the environmental consequences are hidden from view and from our national income accounts, we sit atop ticking ecological time bombs.
  • Whoever seeks to export such a system has to be aware of the unforeseeable consequences this model can have in an unknown environment.
  • Many of these symptoms are a consequence of heavy repetitive work and neck compression caused by carrying heavy loads of water pails or wood on their head and shoulders for miles.
  • But if they are needy as a consequence of their criminal, irrational, or imprudent behavior, then it is not a fine thing.
  • They should be addressing their messages to the bulk of the American public that is unaware of the consequences of US foreign policy, not to each other.
  • One of the main reasons for the emergence of protectionism can be found in the distributive consequences of trade.
  • It followed as one consequence of these letters from Florence that Nora was debarred from the Italian scheme as a mode of passing her time till some house should be open for her reception. He Knew He Was Right
  • This in some degree corresponds with Captain Cook's record of the irregularity of his compass when he passed near this part of the coast, in consequence of which he called the peaked island to the westward of the cape, Magnetical Island: this irregularity, however, was not noticed by me in my observations near the same spot; and the difference observed by him may very probably have been occasioned by the ship's local attraction, which in those days was unknown. Narrative of a Survey of the Intertropical and Western Coasts of Australia Performed between the years 1818 and 1822 — Volume 1
  • This paradox arises either through the blocking of memory, or under oppressive regimes through torture and fear of the consequences of testifying.
  • It was wonderful, an Orkney village confronted with a swan, a selkie, and a dragon, and the consequences of allowing (or forcing) them to live among humans, as humans. "And when the waves came crashing down, he closed his eyes and softly kissed her."
  • A distraction may cause it to wander off into the road, with fatal consequences.
  • A growing body of evidence supports the supposition that the quantitative depletion of mtDNA, once thought to be a consequence of type 2 diabetes, could be a causative factor in pathogenesis.
  • There are few domains of management practice and conceptualisation that are as complex and of such significant consequence as that of designing the future of a city.
  • Mr Mugabe can not fail to understand the consequence of redistribution of the country's most productive land to subsistence farmers.
  • The department would also help people who had suffered the consequences of fire, resulting from uncleared invasive alien vegetation, to take civil action against those responsible.
  • There are limits from computational irreducibility to how easy it is to work out consequences. Wolfram Blog : Stephen Wolfram on the Quest for Computable Knowledge
  • At this stage the rate of descent and particularly the angular rotation appeared to me to be very high and I was sure that ground impact in this configuration would have severe consequences.
  • Alex's first attempt to save his friend from the rough sex maniac went sour, but he's determined to try again regardless of the consequences.
  • ‘He is certainly a man of consequence,’ replied Katherine, her nose pressed right up against the glass, ‘but I do not know his equipage.’
  • The lost projects, an inevitable consequence of life at the artier end of architecture. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the development of better asymmetric hydrogenation catalysts it is important to increase the energy difference between the transition complexes in order to obtain, as a consequence, larger enantiomeric excess. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 - Information for the Public
  • What a charming possession of himself, that he could be in such a brangle, as I may call it, and which might have had fatal consequences; yet be so wholly, and so soon, divested of the subject; and so infinitely agreeable upon half a score others, as they offered from one or other as we sat at tea! Sir Charles Grandison
  • But the government's toadyish diplomacy, which overlooked the key issue affecting its relations with North Korea, led to a delay in resolving the abduction cases and resulted in tragic consequences.
  • These consequences have yet to be understood by most physicians, not to mention the public, the media or arguably even the promulgators of this impending disaster.
  • Caring about the consequences of events of which you disapproved does not imply support for those events.
  • The absence of alternation also has consequences for the governing elite.
  • If you play the fool, and lose a good job on consequence , you can hardly expect much sympathy.
  • Software is complex and dynamic and that 'simple fix' you put in place last week could have undesired consequences.
  • If an accident happens as a consequence, they will know who to blame.
  • The Democratic political calculation with ObamaCare is the proverbial boiling frog: Gradually introduce a health-care entitlement by hiding the true costs, hook the middle class on new subsidies until they become unrepealable, but try to delay the adverse consequences and major new tax hikes so voters don't make the connection between their policy and the economic wreckage. The ObamaCare Writedowns
  • Stuffier, or more fainthearted, royal watchers might have feared what the consequences of that might be. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rebecca "brings the vitality of herself -- her offhand sense of her own consequence"; Mizzy "feels like a fantasy he's having, his own dream of self, made manifest to others"; Peter exhibits an artist whose video installations show ordinary citizens in repeated commonplace actions, but these figures "do, of course, each of them, carry within them a jewel of self, not just the wounds and the hopes but an innerness. Alan Hollinghurst On Michael Cunningham
  • Firstly, we should not allow ourselves to indulge in hype about the consequences of the disease.
  • It is true that this explanation of the bright, conspicuous colours is only a hypothesis, but its foundations -- unpalatableness, and the liability of other butterflies to be eaten, -- are certain, and its consequences -- the existence of mimetic palatable forms -- conform it in the most convincing manner. Evolution in Modern Thought
  • Naturally this had immediate consequences for the destitute fed by the church chest that rich believers funded.
  • To emphasize the fact that the zikkurat was the temple for the god, a small room was built at the top of the zikkurat, [1341] and it was a direct consequence of this same distinction between a temple for the gods and a temple for actual worship that led to assigning to zikkurats special names, and such as differed from the designation of the sacred quarter of which the zikkurat formed the most conspicuous feature. The Religion of Babylonia and Assyria
  • The violent enforcement of orthodoxy in Christian history is the necessary and logical consequence of seeing an institution as the agent and protector of transcendent truth.
  • Patterns of adult body size are likely the evolutionary consequence of variation in juvenile survivorship among populations.
  • Commenting on the blockade, the SA Chamber of Business in a statement expressed its "grave concern" at what it called the broader economic and business consequences of the action. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Wenger, however, prefers to invest in promise rather than experience, and at this juncture the consequence of a persistent collective callowness is that while his club may have a waiting list of 40,000 for their season tickets, the empty seats in the middle and upper tiers last night spoke of the dissatisfaction of those among their supporters who do not subscribe to the doctrine of keeping the faith through thick and thin. Arsenal fizzle out after early promise – just like last season | Richard Williams
  • The Sphinx, aloof from such matters of little consequence, waits patiently beyond the pool.
  • Manichaean symbols and apocalyptic scenarios are bandied about with future consequences and rhetorical restraint thrown to the winds.
  • Further and / or alternatively, the republication was a natural and probable consequence of the original publication by the Defendants. Politics101malaysia
  • The consequences would be a rapid, continuous, and sizable escalation of oil prices in the short and long term.
  • A tautly told tale of psychological tension and chilling moral complexity, The Last Secret accelerates to a shattering conclusion as it explores the irreparable consequences of one family's crimes of the heart. The Last Secret: Summary and book reviews of The Last Secret by Mary McGarry Morris.
  • This so-called deductive method of Aristotle assumed as a starting-point some general of principle as a premise or hypothesis and thence proceeded, by logical reasoning, to deduce concrete applications or consequences. A Political and Social History of Modern Europe V.1.
  • If climate changes continue, we will suffer the consequences.
  • Ge 3: 16, woman's "subjection" is represented as the consequence of her being deceived. being deceived -- The oldest manuscripts read the compound Greek verb for the simple, "Having been seduced by deceit": implying how completely Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • To entrust such commercial affairs to a non-executive board "has potentially disastrous consequences".
  • As for the property rights of authors to their works, the consequences of these differences are radical.
  • The simple meaning of the word consequence is: something that happens as a result of an action. The Daily Carrot Principle
  • Finally, I turn to consider the practical consequences of giving the magistrates' court jurisdiction.
  • The error has the consequence of vitiating the inspector's finding that the development does not accord with the policy.
  • Rather, love, and its consequences, is seen as a valuable goal, but one to be pursued with caution and handled with care.
  • He has warned some of his more gung ho generals about the consequences of an invasion.
  • Embracing the new orthodoxy with almost catechistic devotion, they insisted on the importance of construing each constitutional provision according to the presumed intentions of the Framers, no matter how disruptive or radical the consequences might be. Rehnquist the Great?
  • Just two years ago, she had one of her legs amputated as a consequence of a rare form of cancer, but vowed it would be no bar to living a full life.
  • To illustrate the generality of these ideas, we review two additional mating systems in which paternity markers have been used to study the heritability or fitness consequences of alternative morphs.
  • Another possible cause of impaired lung function could be increased sclerosis of bronchial arteries as a consequence of generalized arteriosclerosis in diabetes.
  • One consequence of the astonishing potency of the MIA myth is the refrain of today's American war films that no one must be left behind.
  • Many executives I observed deal with this dilemma by acting in a way that they believe will lead to productive consequences.
  • An indigenized cultural pattern is integrated into the artistic repertoire of the host society, and, as a consequence, it is not felt to be ‘alien’ anymore.
  • Dry, brittle hair and split ends were the unfortunate consequence of years of dyeing it peroxide blond.
  • Some people think its just being faddy but there are serious consequences for people who have these allergies.
  • Changes that impair performance of the proper function sufficiently to have fitness consequences for the organism will be selected against.
  • I preserved this mutilated object with uncommon care, watching it almost incessantly day and night: expecting another exuviation which might be attended with interesting consequences, I felt much anxiety for its survivance. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 433 Volume 17, New Series, April 17, 1852
  • In consequence the autumn colours are muted, just soft dusty yellows for the most part.
  • Corruption takes root when donors expect failure and recipients know that dismal performance will bring no adverse consequences.
  • If in this way we are to understand any thing of God's nature, we must by consequence understand so much of our own nature: that is, that it is a reasonable nature, that it is an intelligent nature, that it is a nature capable of improving itself in point of knowledge, by ratiocination and discourse; and even of knowledge concerning the highest and greatest, and first knowable, that is God and the very nature of God. The Whole Works of the Rev. John Howe, M.A. with a Memoir of the Author. Vol. VI.
  • Duty is no longer determined in abstraction from the consequences or vice-versa.
  • All the concerns about the consequences of having a mediastinal chest mass and having been born premature are in the past, says her parents. Grace's mediastinal teratoma story
  • Tougher sentences will force gun-runners to face the consequences of armed attacks Times, Sunday Times
  • The union withdrew its support; the women lost their case for unfair dismissal as a consequence.
  • Yet he saw consequences the most unpleasant in this rumour of her attachment; and though he still privately hoped that the behaviour of Mandlebert was the effect of some transient embarrassment, he wished her removed from all intercourse with him that was not sought by himself, while the incertitude of his intentions militated against her struggles for indifference. Camilla
  • A community forum was held last week to discuss the effects and consequences of joining the new alternative football league.
  • We have written the book for managers who are concerned about managing the consequences of this epidemic in the workplace.
  • Once upon a time the peasant had been incorporated into the community as a full member, with all the far-flung consequences we considered earlier.
  • Our data cofirm previous evidences, that long-term neuronal consequences of high-dose cholinergic activation are not necessarily derived from prolonged seizure activation (as seen in SE) PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Blame, attack, fear and greed ... we had better be quick to unhitch these mistakes and their consequences. Julie Newmar: A Gothic Bacchanal
  • While both deontologists and rule - utilitarians are rule-followers, deontology explicitly stresses duty and intention rather than outcome, whereas the ultimate focus of rule-utilitarianism is on consequences.
  • Whilst encouraging an early love of activity and sports, do take care that your little one plays and exercises safely - that Arian tendency to act first and think about it later can have dangerous consequences.
  • In this study on lek-breeding topi antelopes, I investigate whether female mating preferences have consequences for male investment in harassment and whether harassing males are more likely to succeed in mating.
  • Walton, imagining that his discomposure was the consequence of guilty fear, called upon him to remember the duties which he owed to England, the benefits which he had received from himself, and the probable consequence of taking part in a pert boy's insolent defiance of the power of the governor of the province. Waverley Novels — Volume 12
  • When he found that it was for people of consequence in a private room that the articles were required, he set to work with a will and produced a polish "that would have struck envy to the soul of _the amiable Mr. Warren_, _for they used Day and Martin's at the_ '_White Pickwickian Studies
  • A government split would have dire consequences for domestic peace.
  • It's too early to assess the long-term consequences of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
  • Exemption from taxes will do little or nothing, the lower orders [end of page #249] are nearly all exempt, but that general dearness, that is the consequence of a general weight of taxes, is severely felt by them, and from that they cannot be exempted. An Inquiry into the Permanent Causes of the Decline and Fall of Powerful and Wealthy Nations. Designed To Shew How The Prosperity Of The British Empire May Be Prolonged
  • The felicific or hedonic valence of these various consequences can be mixed. Mill's Moral and Political Philosophy
  • It has been doubted, whether aphtha or thrush, which consists of ulcers in the mouth, should be enumerated amongst febrile diseases; and whether these ulcers are always symptomatic, or the consequence rather than the cause of the fevers which attend them. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • But again it would be inappropriate and unethical to use a placebo when the consequences of doing so would subject someone to the risk of serious or irreversible harm.
  • Celebes has lately been successful, and the _campong_, where every hut was closed for a year in consequence of the local Rajah forcing his people to join in his insurrection, has at last been re-opened, though under a guard of Dutch and Malay troops. Through the Malay Archipelago
  • In consequence we have developed restrictive practices and engineering, at best, are only partially aware of the business objectives.
  • It is the unavoidable and serious consequence of non-submission which lies at the heart of coercion.
  • It is against these projections and insinuations that Luzhin tries to devise a defence, the failure of which has tragic consequences.
  • The philosophical doctrine that every event, act, and decision is the inevitable consequence of antecedents that are independent of the human will.
  • I think staleness is a consequence of the writer’s boredom with what he/she is writing. Sandra Brown is Interviewed by Jonathan Maberry
  • From the vein that passes through the liver two branches separate off, of which one terminates in the diaphragm or so-called midriff, and the other runs up again through the armpit into the right arm and unites with the other veins at the inside of the bend of the arm; and it is in consequence of this local connexion that, when the surgeon opens this vein in the forearm, the patient is relieved of certain pains in the liver; and from the left-hand side of it there extends a short but thick vein to the spleen and the little veins branching off it disappear in that organ. The History of Animals
  • he called for a careful exploration of the consequences
  • For the part he had played, the details of which were practically all rumor and guesswork, quickly leaked out, and in consequence he became a much-execrated and well-hated man. Chapter VII
  • In the majority of cases, injury was a consequence of intense sports activity.
  • Also, both operating expenditure and the operating consequences of capital expenditure appear together in the funds.
  • I abhor vivisection with my whole soul. All the scientific discoveries stained with innocent blood I count as of no consequence. Mahatma Gandhi 
  • Except that the senior citizen's plate is smaller than a normal man-sized plate, and the serving smaller in consequence.
  • She told the court she feared her client might suffer as a consequence of the Lord Chief Justice's new guidelines.
  • The groups used their creative imaginations and played a game of 'consequences' to create drawings and models of creatures such as reptiles, insects, birds and fish.
  • It wouldn't be until Monday morning that she'd have to face the consequences of being a tattletale.
  • I came to something like: Drama (and comedy) is active risk and choice, people doing things of consequence to an end, character in vigorous crisis questing for balance. Lauren Gunderson: Theater of the Every Day Epic
  • Where is the incentive to act responsibly by trying to safeguard against the financial consequences of life's misfortunes?
  • Albany recoils from the savage ethos in which his wife lives, foreseeing both her own destruction and that of the universe itself as a consequence of unbridled self-interest.
  • Disulfide bond formation is a common consequence of oxidative stress in cellular proteins.
  • Choosing the gender of your baby is an individual decision of no consequence to anybody else.
  • On pretence of enjoying a free air, he mounted the box, and employed his elocution and generosity with such success, that the driver undertook to disable the diligence from proceeding beyond the town of Alost for that day; and, in consequence of his promise, gently overturned it when they were but a mile short of that baiting-place. The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
  • The introduction and spread of non-native fish species can have far-reaching and undesirable ecological consequences for animal and plant communities in rivers and lakes.
  • ‘It is tragic that a momentary lapse of concentration can have such consequences,’ said Mr Singleton, who recorded a verdict of accidental death.
  • Resource constraints meant that this recommendation was not followed, with predictable consequences.
  • Unfortunately, this approach has the unintended potential consequence of increasing stock option overhang.
  • The doctor to whom the Marines offered their prediction, Dr. Kernan Manion, checked on the situation the two had reported and concluded their's was an accurate representation, with forecastable consequences. The earwig and soldier suicide
  • Not one understood the consequences of intestacy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sheridan had struck up an acquaintanceship with the actor-murderer Giles, a slightly bizarre eventuality which might have odd consequences.
  • For this reason members of some groups are sometimes in a better position than members of others to understand and anticipate the probable consequences of implementing particular social policies.
  • We discuss possible explanations for reduced female recombination in marsupials as a consequence of the metatherian characteristic of determinate paternal X chromosome inactivation.
  • In the oxygen making, any careless use will cause explosion of the air separation equipment, whose consequence is extremely serious, either suffering injury or personnel casualty.
  • The paradox is all the stranger because the power shortage has had predictably grave consequences for economic growth.
  • When a clown and an evangelic preacher wander into Ted's domain of the W.C. he forces them to dismantle their public masks and face the consequences of their beliefs and actions.
  • The consequences are that a lot of hoggs which would have otherwise gone into the food chain have been disposed of at public expense and there is now a scarcity of sheep meat.
  • Moreover, both loss and gain of Notch function cause hyperkeratosis as a consequence of hair cycle disturbance PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Pushing our body's happy buttons with a cool swim on a hot day, or a fermented drink containing ethanol, or even just some good old-fashioned genital manipulation can elicit the sort of enjoyment that transcends angst and that does not need to be reconciled against the overbearing reality of our inconsequence. Manufacturers to Riders: Go Sponsor Yourself
  • Several agricultural innovations like 2,4-D weed spray and diethyl stilbestrol for cattle feeding were banned by federal agencies because of their carcinogenic consequences. Diffusion of Innovations
  • One consequence of these trends has been an increase in short-termism.
  • In this letter the Baron stated _fairly and moderately but without palliation_ in what light M. Bresson's conduct must necessarily appear _in London_, and what very naturally and most probably _must be the political consequences of such conduct_. The Letters of Queen Victoria, Vol 2 (of 3), 1844-1853 A Selection from her Majesty's correspondence between the years 1837 and 1861
  • Temptation comes to all of us,whether or not we succumb depends on our ability to recognize its disguise,sometimes it arrives in a form of an old flame,flichering back to lift,or a new friend who could end up being so much more,or a young child who wakens feelings we didn't know we had.And so we give in to temptation all the while knowing come moring,we'll have to suffer the consequences.
  • They have not been taught systematic approaches more abstract than those of addition and substraction and as a consequence have not become very sophisticated thinkers. Chapter 3
  • Another consequence is the generation of distrust between the grassroots and the leadership. Archive 2008-03-30
  • Geczy's basic argument is that craft without an idea is simple formalism, a naïve tendency that can lead to all sorts of dark consequences.
  • Important unintended consequences need to be accounted for when mergers are planned.
  • Whenever anything goes wrong, politicians begin blaming their messaging operations, as if a better-chosen sound bite by a more silver-tongued aide would have spared them the consequences of their actions. Column: What Ben Bernanke needs to tell Congress
  • And this could indeed have even worse consequences than leaving the oppressed to rot.
  • The 39-year-old, from the West End area of Ashton, said: ‘They were just lads larking about which ended with tragic consequences.’
  • A further important consequence was the more rapid implementation of planned petrochemical projects in response to sharp rises in oil production and oil prices.
  • The entry marks a moment when Darwin glimpsed the enormous philosophical consequences of what he was working out. A Conversation with Rebecca Stott about The Coral Thief
  • But successful geoeningeering might also encourage industrialized nations to continue to underwhelm on climate policy, because they would be protected from the consequences of their carbon emissions for longer. An easy solution to climate change?
  • Although many people see frailty as an inevitable consequence of ageing Jerry told Ric that many injuries suffered by the elderly are preventable.
  • During the bad weather we experienced a few disasters and events, but they were of little consequence.
  • he spends without heed to the consequences
  • Human actions are of no consequence as far as the geotectonic processes are concerned, but they have greatly accelerated the rate of weathering due to deforestation, overgrazing of pastures, and improper crop cultivation. Global material cycles
  • In consequence of this perfection, gourmandise is the exclusive apanage of man. The physiology of taste; or Transcendental gastronomy. Illustrated by anecdotes of distinguished artists and statesmen of both continents by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. Translated from the last Paris edition by Fayette Robinson.
  • _not_ feeling pain, into matter _feeling_ pain, is only to change its "form," and, if the process of "changing form" is of no "consequence" in the case of sensitive and insensitive matter, we must admit that it is _also_ of no "consequence" in the case of pain-feeling and _not_ pain-feeling matter. The Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll (Rev. C. L. Dodgson)
  • Too often, free flowing emotions of sympathy dissipate with the initial fascination, without confronting the long-term consequences of misfortune.
  • The urbanization of the mass of the population and the decline of rural areas not surprisingly had profound social consequences for all classes of the population.
  • The consequence was that good old New York tradition: cronyism, corruption and graft.
  • How do we know that the decrease is not the consequence of fewer females conceived in the 1980s when abortion was at its peak? Insight Scoop | The Ignatius Press Blog:
  • As with the pure monopoly, companies would join a cartel in order to try to protect themselves from the harmful consequences of competition.
  • Usually, government policy reflects distributive considerations as well as efficiency consequences.
  • On the basis, she has described the psychological disorder such as network relying on, human communication, emotion communication and analyzed their inducement and consequence.
  • the necessary consequences of one's actions
  • This is a necessary consequence of progress.
  • It is difficult to foresee the consequences that may arise from this action.
  • The novelties introduced by these elections were many, interesting, and ripe with consequences.
  • A full consideration of long-term consequences must guide our decisions in future.
  • The quadratic density dependence of the spontaneously emitted betatron x-ray radiation and the divergence angle of approximately x10 radian of the forward-emitted x-rays as a consequence of betatron motion in the ion channel are in good agreement with theory.
  • The Conservative Party canthus cut arts funding with very little political consequence. Nunc Scio » Blog Archive » The rough guide to Canada cultural funding cuts
  • The retrovirus was a "consequence of their manufacture using human cell lines. EPA Study: Autism Boom Began in 1988, Environmental Factors Are Assumed
  • Only partially the organization of the rooms is a direct consequence of the rigid outer form. The Tsai Residence by HHF Architects & Ai Weiwei
  • At an investor conference last month, Bank of America Corp. Chief Executive Officer Brian Moynihan indicated that each additional percentage point of required capital would remove the support for $220 billion in assets at his bank, which he described as potentially "unintended consequences of the tougher rules. Bank M&A Goes MIA in 2011
  • Public awareness of the value of applying these techniques to archaeology has increased in consequence.
  • He also warned of dire consequences such as hyper-inflation if the country failed to maintain a unified budget and a co-ordinated fiscal policy.
  • Operations intended to be plausibly deniable usually end up as neither, and the Agency gets blamed for the unintended consequences.
  • A terrible crime has been committed and the doers have to face the consequences of their actions.
  • As a consequence, the Swedish Rally is the only remaining event that has yet to be won by anyone but a Swede or a Finn.
  • Newspaper and magazine articles about the medical risks and economic consequences of obesity abound.
  • I think it's brought the world a lot closer together, and will continue to do that. There are downsides to everything; there are unintended consequences to everything. The most corrosive piece of technology that I've ever seen is called television - but then, again, television, at its best, is magnificent. Steve Jobs 
  • Yes, it is having a depressing effect on the price, but that's the consequence of a requirement of public honesty.
  • Now, it is clear that this sacrifice is brought as a consequence of impurity from the fact that the same sacrifice of two turtle-doves or two pigeons is brought by a leper, a woman who has had an impure issue, and one who has just given birth.
  • I do not see how the respondents can claim that they were successful as a consequence of the hearing.
  • The influence of the trade unions has been weakened as a consequence of legislation, our economic circumstances, and demographic decline.
  • This stagnant Japan myth put about as a consequence of some macroeconomic data and a rise in unemployment to levels that the United States would love, is journalistic puff-puff.
  • This has the consequence that the readings dependent on the long-distance binding of the reflexives are incorrectly ruled out.
  • This time delay can have safety and/or economic consequences hence the need to accelerate the experts' diagnosis and decision processes.
  • Instantly, he let go of Sam, his free hand stilling the clapper, for a bell gone awry could have disastrous consequences for its wielder. LIRAEL: DAUGHTER OF THE CLAYR
  • Death may have been unforeseen but each party to a joint unlawful enterprise is equally liable for the consequences of acts done in pursuance thereof.
  • In all this, my hostess was a constant provider of chat, inconsequence and distraction, but gave me no opportunity to focus my attention on anything for very long nor to fully absorb my surroundings.
  • Lowering interest rates could have disastrous consequences for the economy.
  • Oh! he was spiteful, acrid, savage; and, as a natural consequence, detestably ugly. Villette
  • Carruth's anguish is part of a common but little talked about consequence of the summer of oil: People overcome by stress and worry, who are having a hard time navigating a world that seems so different from the one they knew before the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded on April 20, sending waves of crude and tar balls toward the coast. Gulf Oil Spill Well Is Dead, But Not Residents' Anguish
  • As a consequence, these genres do not strive to show events in their experiential immediacy and do not use an excessively ornate style of presentation.
  • We will draw the conclusions that are required and endure the consequences as the Word of God instructs us, without prejudice and without partiality.
  • Described as "the coordination point where these resources could be used for a crisis or consequence outside of the NSSE," the MACC was the organizational hub and speartip where federal, state, local law enforcement and "private institutions" interacted "at any time during the event to utilize the event's public safety resources to assure that the normal delivery of public safety responses from their agency were uninterrupted. Dandelion Salad
  • As a consequence, the heuristics used are not necessarily the best available.
  • Since they are called the passionless (nirgu. na) worshippers of the passionless K., therefore, in consequence of that, all their acts are also (called) passionless (nirgu. na). The Siksha-Patri of the Swami-Narayana Sect
  • De-hospitalization can be seen as a natural consequence of the decline in numbers of old long-stay patients.
  • They also sought to limit the number of apprentices entering their trades, because of the inevitable consequence of depressing wage rates; this has remained a feature of some craft unions to this day.

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