How To Use Consensus In A Sentence

  • Even among the veterans, there is no consensus: is it an economic area or something much greater with supra-national ambition? Times, Sunday Times
  • And no, this isn't your 1990's "Washington consensus" lending, with the kind of conditionality that the left loves to hate. Heather Hurlburt: Six Reasons to Love the Supplemental and Celebrate Progressives in Government
  • It is a matter of intellect, thought, indirect leadership, advice, and consensus-building.
  • I think there would be a certain amount of consensus about that, even amongst the most quixotic and naturally amorous of us.
  • The width of this range represents a measure of the degree of consensus about the forecast.
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  • There was a growing consensus that the Prime Minister should resign.
  • First, we may try to assume, or tediously enucleate a consensus of religious truth as a basis of will training, e.g., Youth: Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene
  • Most notably, it acknowledged the lack of consensus on the "immutability" of sexual orientation - that is, on the question whether it has a biological basis or not - but noted that it was, at the very least, "highly resistant to change. FindLaw Writ - Recent Articles
  • There was consensus across the political spectrum.
  • OVER the past few weeks, the nation seems to have reached a general consensus about bullying. The Sun
  • Behind the apparent cross-party consensus on social mobility lie two profound philosophical differences. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no consensus, however, on when and how to treat infants and young children with symptoms of asthma.
  • It is against this backdrop of an already emerging consensus that we must evaluate the famous anecdote retailed by Jefferson about the dinner bargain that set the capital on the Potomac.
  • This argument presupposes a consensus on the nature of the international crimes we have just questioned.
  • Some of the world's leading economists - including three Nobel laureates - answered this question at the Copenhagen Consensus in May, prioritising policies for improving the world.
  • This is especially true for American Revolution, where a conservative consensus sets the framework of discussion.
  • A consensus between powerful corporate interests is regarded as more important than the sovereignty of elected representatives.
  • And yet, despite this consensus, we continually fail to deliver.
  • Brisk walking cautiously planning small step "If you want to be too big, start smaller, faster expansion" is a global information system engineering building consensus.
  • That convention needed a consensus, while the London Dumping Convention adopts its resolutions by a two-thirds majority.
  • The title of chief was largely a matter of prestige, as authority was exercised by the consensus of those of high status, who would act as arbiters in dispute resolution.
  • Professionals invariably dominate such bodies, making consensus a chimera.
  • Thus this type of conflict is treated as an isolated exception against the backdrop of assumed consensus.
  • The two authors discussed the coding and when disagreements arose the transcripts were restudied and discussed until a consensus was reached.
  • Displaying the temporary disagreements to the public would hamper communication of the consensus.
  • Thus the Republic emerged from its early traumas with a fragmented political culture and no national consensus.
  • Then you achieve consensus that the illegal traffic in marijuana, cocaine and heroin, principally, creates its own trillion-dollar economy.
  • A consensus quickly emerged across the commentariat that social conservatism is a sure loser in federal politics.
  • Fundamental and irreversible changes ought only to be imposed, if at all, in the light of an unmistakable national consensus.
  • Suddenly, everyone awoke to the realization that we had come to one mind, we had reached consensus.
  • The consensus of opinion is that a modular approach alleviates the problem.
  • However, the coincidence of the onset of the new policies with the economic upturn caused by the improvement in the world economy convinced most that the new consensus was, indeed, the source of economic betterment.
  • The stock-market scandal is refusing to go away, mainly because there's still no consensus over how it should be dealt with.
  • The general consensus is that it dropped slightly to 5.1 per cent. Times, Sunday Times
  • No consensus has been achieved among scholars on the questions concerning the fundamental reorientation and periodization of China's contemporary diplomacy.
  • By economizing on the need for agreement, you're economizing on the need for consensus and the need for gatekeepers and tastemakers, roles intellectuals have traditionally filled.
  • As for streaming, it deserves to be condemned by the strongest term of reprobation known to the vocabulary of consensus: unhelpful.
  • It may be the birth of a new era of consensus and compromise government. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the same time, a consensus appears to be growing among House Republicans to look for short-term cuts in the same general areas that Senate Democrats are targeting for debate this coming week, these officials added, referring to earmarked projects and presidential recommendations for 2012. Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • This was foreseeable because of the spectacular shift to the right; the post-war consensus ended not with a whimper but with a bang.
  • In its place, the Beijing Consensus supposedly offers pragmatic economics and made-to-order authoritarian politics.
  • There's a growing consensus that cognitive behavioral therapy can be very effective at diffusing negative emotions.
  • A better PM, with the persuasive skills which a consummate politician should have could have at his command, evolved a consensus.
  • Genuine conservation means sifting through evidence, weighing options and reaching consensus. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alongside the advance of the domestic "progressive consensus" that New Labour has created, victory in the referendum will be the third term fulfilment of the Blair premiership and we would, in the process, achieve an irreversible shift towards a more social-democratic Britain. The great "democrat" writes
  • In short, a majority of Americans, according to pollsters, decidedly prefer interparty consensus to interparty conflict. Party rivalry past and present
  • There was consensus on the roles that social constructionism, narrative, and hermeneutics play in postmodern thought and their application to therapy.
  • I could not care less that there is a medical consensus that statins are safe unless that consensus is based on good evidence. Times, Sunday Times
  • As for its strictly supernatural origins, there is no clear consensus on that either.
  • Most people are not very optimistic that they can come to that kind of consensus.
  • He's energizing his opponents and driving away moderates in droves because he is a right wing ideologue who refuses to make even the slightest concession to achieve consensus.
  • Minority rule is now the consensus notwithstanding the majority, and heretofore the laws hold differently.
  • There is a consensus among teachers that children should have a broad understanding of the world.
  • Ruling and opposition party legislative caucuses finally reached a consensus on Wednesday to halve the number of legislative seats.
  • It may be the birth of a new era of consensus and compromise government. Times, Sunday Times
  • The general consensus is that he is too negative, unable or unwilling to grab games by the scruff of the neck. Times, Sunday Times
  • We tried to get a consensus of opinion and it proved to be easier than I thought.
  • Such regimes put up a veneer of stability, unity and consensus, just as democracies project a misleading veneer of weakness.
  • For far too long, it has been weak and craven, seeking consensus where none was forthcoming. Times, Sunday Times
  • The broker consensus is buy and I agree. Times, Sunday Times
  • Contrary to those believing "Science is a process, NOT a consensus", consensus is very much part of the scientific process as data and models begin converging. Jack Schmitt on Global Warming - NASA Watch
  • One explanation for this lack of accord is the fact that a consensus about the subject of the right side of this wall was reached only recently.
  • This seemed to be a fair summing-up of the general consensus of opinion. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • Lawson-Remer says ‘It's a demonstration that the consensus is not what they say it is.’
  • Then there's the well-funded greenhouse denialist think-tanks on the lookout for any evidence, argument or anecdote that might raise public doubts - legitimate or otherwise - about the growing strength of the scientific consensus.
  • A partly degenerate consensus sequence was created from the Aspergillus and Penicillium sequences to evaluate the statistical significance of this alignment.
  • But this would require cross-party consensus. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consensus is the negation of leadership.
  • He had created a broad consensus among different groups of Americans.
  • It's all up for discussion, but the consensus is that most clubs want sections too.
  • This also implies everybody reached an important consensus - everybody hopes the peninsula will be stable, peaceful and denuclearized.
  • There is a consensus now among the war planners that the war may take months, not days or weeks.
  • But in spite of the efforts of the few, the consensus carried the day. THE EARTH: An Intimate History
  • He was the first to break the consensus and criticize the proposal.
  • A consensus was reached during the workshop that both the quality and quantity of raw materials were a source of great concern in the leather industry of the Eastern and Southern African region.
  • The agreement proclaimed ‘a consensus in basic truths’ on how sinners are justified, or deemed righteous, in God's sight.
  • They gather little or no data of their own, but instead tend toward adhominem charges against the scholarly consensus.
  • But it did not cede Taiwan because among legal experts, there is a consensus that cession requires the stipulation of both donor and recipient.
  • And while all are significant in their own way, there is still a lack of consensus and clarity on what localism actually means. Times, Sunday Times
  • It finds a consensus, so the work unit is assimilated.
  • Mr de Klerk said he had spoken "cursorily" to Mr Mandela and Mr Mandela had given him certain assurances about details "which convinces me we will be able to reach some kind of consensus on this issue". ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The dilemmas arise in the gray area where the national consensus is itself vague or contradictory.
  • It was certainly true that the globalization consensus seemed firmest in places where the international political and business elite gathered, such as the World Economic Forum in Davos. Zero-Sum Future
  • The dominance of abstract expressionism has been buttressed by an impressive degree of partisanship and an illusion of consensus.
  • Ecological discourse' can thus be seen as the most productive cultural form for generating and mobilising ideological consensus and dissentious in modern societies.
  • There is a broad consensus of opinion about the policies which should be pursued.
  • At a first stage, a group coheres thanks to family bonds, religious consensus, and the leadership of an individual of outstanding capabilities.
  • Both leadership candidates are making great play of the fact that their party needs to offer a very distinct alternative to what they have dubbed the cosy consensus of the two main parties. Archive 2007-10-01
  • It was difficult to come to a consensus in a timely manner.
  • Were their science as unassailable as they insist it is, and were the consensus as broad as they say it is, and were they as brave as they claim to be, they would not be "goaded" into intellectual corruption. Local News
  • And since the whole country is yearning for peace, I believe these different points of view will finally converge in a grand national consensus.
  • But if there's a stronger case for expecting a "zippier" recovery these days, that happy outlook is not yet the consensus view. US Market Commentary from Seeking Alpha
  • At this time, the consensus is that food allergy is not a proven etiologic agent in migraine.
  • Failure to arrive at a consensus over the issue raised the spectre of legal action.
  • We agree with the committee chairs that a political consensus that puts health and social care funding on a sustainable footing is sorely needed. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the time the conclave meets there is likely to be at least some consensus over the leading contenders.
  • There is cross-party consensus that hundreds of thousands of new properties are urgently needed. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this analysis, such is not the case; the Adams consensus produces a topology that is identical to one of the 24 most parsimonious trees.
  • This is a difficult concept for the gaijin to grasp when brought up on the premise that the Japanese are a consensus society.
  • It was the most important disavowal consensus politics in recent history.
  • The broker consensus is buy and I agree. Times, Sunday Times
  • First Call listed a consensus estimate of 39 cents for the single-family home builder.
  • Operating profit at both brokerage firms exceeded analysts' consensus forecasts.
  • Unfortunately, as co-blogger David Kopel points out, it seems more such debunking is needed, as some are still trying to peddle the myth of an expert consensus on this issue. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Myth of an Expert Consensus on the Constitutionality of the Health Care Mandate Revisited
  • The current consensus is for an underlying pre-tax profit of 16.1 million. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no point in waiting around when there is a general consensus on what to do. Times, Sunday Times
  • Failure to arrive at a consensus over the issue raised the spectre of legal action.
  • The government of Nunavut will be a non-party system and members run as independents and will govern by consensus.
  • The government is struggling to find a consensus over proposals for the state system.
  • The troops are said to have been initially shocked by McChrystal's cashiering, but now are embracing change, and looking for changes to the rules of engagement -- which is great news in a place where the consensus is that a military solution is impossible. TV SoundOff: Sunday Talking Heads
  • It is also true to say that there was relatively less consensus about the precise relationship between causes and outcomes.
  • Yet, the confusion may well be an accurate reflection of the fact that the development she traces from the producerist worldview of 1870 to the consumer-oriented consensus that had emerged by mid-century was not unilinear.
  • The consensus among contractors seems to be that a tow-along or pull-type scraper is less expensive than a self-contained unit.
  • The general consensus is that there will be a decent chance of showers on Sunday, so Londonist's advice is to get all your beer garden drinking done by Sunday afternoon so Monday's free for a bit of hangover slobbing in front of the TV.
  • There is a consensus among teachers that children should have a broad understanding of the world.
  • There has been for some time, a general consensus that ‘large’ people are unfit, unhealthy, fat and slobby because they eat too much.
  • The general consensus of opinion is that a high-fat diet is bad for you.
  • Results in the most recent quarter were two cents below the consensus from analysts surveyed by First Call.
  • There was as yet no consensus on how best to overcome the Autarch's tyranny.
  • Spiritualism, pan-animism, metempsychosis and reincarnation were at the radical end of a spectrum, but wide consensus existed for accepting evolution as a creed of progress.
  • A consensus has long existed to make health insurance portable and to assure some coverage for people with existing health problems.
  • That said, I have fully acknowledged the possibility that the consensus is actually too optimistic, including the possibility (although not probability) of a double-dip recession. Matthew Yglesias » GDP Grew at 5.7% Annualized Rate in 2009 Q4
  • Another consensus is the American idea that every teenager should get a college education. The Consensus-Driven Society « L.E. Modesitt, Jr. – The Official Website
  • Much back-and-forth — see long posts by coturnix, Orac, and Nisbet to get some of the flavor — without reaching a simple consensus. Scientists Talking to the Public
  • The consensus amongst the world's scientists is that the world is likely to warm up over the next few decades.
  • Here was a political consensus that a progressive government could have championed.
  • But if he withdraws, his candidature will still have demonstrated that the supposed Arab consensus around Hosni is shaky.
  • This stand enabled me to have frank and cordial dialogue with Muslim leaders and ulema and even evolve some broad consensus in many seminars I attended after the famous Shah Bano case.
  • We agree with the committee chairs that a political consensus that puts health and social care funding on a sustainable footing is sorely needed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Regarding the desirable extent of redistribution, there is little consensus.
  • The year following the elimination of the distribution centers was, by employee consensus, the worst the company had ever endured.
  • In the first place, it's uncommon to discover such overwhelming scientific consensus on such a controversial set of issues.
  • On disinvestment, there is no clear consensus. Outlook India
  • So, despite all the screaming and wailing from the right about how Obama threatens America, an unnerving bipartisan consensus on the key precepts of American militarism has, in 2010, fully re-asserted itself. Jonathan Weiler: Deafening Silence: Why Our Ongoing Wars Are Not a Campaign Issue
  • A consensus has long existed to make health insurance portable and to assure some coverage for people with existing health problems.
  • How do multiple users reach consensus to create a mutual playlist?
  • Secondly, what would be a sufficient consensus to ground an appeal to social justice?
  • The consensus of opinion, nevertheless, was that the fundamental demarcation occurred at £40.
  • Unspoken, unmentioned, was the reality the that the domestic consensus for the war, so clear in the wake of 9/11, has frayed, is broken, and absent another terrorist tragedy could never be reassembled with the strength it once possessed. Mr. Obama's War -- And Ours
  • The consensus among community forums is that the message was probably a warped joke.
  • The general consensus seems to be that a return to a full winter season would be a backward step - and not just because of the impracticalities.
  • The Australian government's lack of consensus on taxation and environmental issues has threatened several oil and gas projects, including the North West Shelf expansion, Gorgon gasfield development, Bayu Undan, PNG Gas Pipeline, Methanex's Syngas facility in Darwin and Duke Energy's Bass Strait Pipeline. Energy profile of Australia
  • At the end of the day, the general consensus is that I'm a sweetie.
  • That has produced a consensus view that China was successfully engineering a managed slowdown.
  • If you instinctively interpret that sentence as a reference to the battle-scarred topic of climate change, then it is a mark of how successfully those opposed to the scientific consensus on climate change have appropriated the term sceptic ". army of Freedom of Information requesters currently swarming around climate science databases? Blogposts |
  • How do multiple users reach consensus to create a mutual playlist?
  • A consensus in favour of Gurirab is steadily growing among the southern African states which have not had a local representative elected to the position since the establishment of the organisation.
  • Gerald Warner says in the Daily Telegraph blog: Solzhenitsyn offended unforgivably against the politically correct liberal consensus, especially in deploring Western man's loss of awareness of the divine and cultivation of an 'anthropocentricity' dating from the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. Archive 2008-08-01
  • I'm astounded to discover there's no clear consensus as to whether a floury or a waxy potato is preferable for this dish. How to cook the perfect rösti
  • Others are segments of approximately equal size, a small population, foreign threats, countrywide loyalties that counteract segmental loyalties, and pre-existing traditions of consensus.
  • More importantly, Rawls make a difference between a modus Vivendi and an overlapping consensus.
  • Of course Orthodox usually insist that their traditional, internal consensus, as expressed in both liturgy and theology, makes their belief that the Orthodox Church is the Church just as "irreformable" for Orthodoxy as the corresponding belief is for Catholicism. Archive 2007-01-01
  • It appealed for sympathy with the unemployed in a way which did not challenge the consensus about the problem.
  • Democracy, too, born of dissensus and struggle, is about agonism - contestation over matters public which nevertheless accepts a consensus which avoids antagonism.
  • By interaction and osmosis, the prevailing attitude shifts from one of doctrine, to that of a general consensus.
  • How can consensus management scale to global scope? INSIDE THE TORNADO: MARKETING STRATEGIES FROM SILICON VALLEY'S CUTTING EDGE
  • A First Call consensus estimate based on a survey of four analysts was 42 cents for the Columbus, Ohio, company.
  • Common consensus was that, as a lyric baritone, his voice was too light but he kept persisting.
  • The general consensus of opinion is that a high-fat diet is bad for you.
  • In the process we may hope to uncover the reasons for the striking lack of consensus about Orphic tenets and practices.
  • The consensus among traders is for stocks to "retest" their Nov. 20 lows, as though all the Standard & Poor's 500 needs to turn higher is another brief stint near 752. Change Is Coming -- but What Kind?
  • Cracking down upon terrorism including the East Turkistan Islamic Movement is a consensus reached among the international community, especially regional countries.
  • The EU Council of Finance Ministers failed to reach a consensus on the pace of integration.
  • Our impressions are of a team in which decisions are reached by consensus and with the minimum of tension.
  • This same class was also called on to organize various forms of consensus, and especially to produce laudatory verses, metrical epitaphs, and celebrations of civic life to accompany festivals and other public events.
  • While other spacefaring nations have promulgated their own standards for debris mitigation, there is, as of now, no international consensus position on this problem.
  • The general consensus is that they are in public life for what they can get out of it.
  • And they strive to achieve consensus out of conflict.
  • This is a long game, worthy of political consensus rather than political dogma. Times, Sunday Times
  • After a while, the consensus on how to respond to the examples breaks down and the debate stalls.
  • The consensus is that risk factors have an accumu-lative effect.
  • One reason for the consensus is the unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in 2005. Matthew Yglesias » Peres: Gaza Operation is Collective Punishment, and I Love It
  • Working by consensus decision making, the group generated a design that splays in both plan and section, inflecting the structure outward while focusing inward to the place of ceremony.
  • Genuine conservation means sifting through evidence, weighing options and reaching consensus. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Australian psychoanalyst Alexandra Pope breaks the magic circle of consensus by suggesting that the fury and distress women feel premenstrually might be motivated by solid life causes.
  • The general consensus in the office is that he's useless at his job.
  • The general consensus, therefore, was to promote preventive pulmonology which laid stress on motivating the victims to stop smoking which was a major causative factor in almost 90 per cent of the cases.
  • It is vital that this problem should be confronted in the light of 21 st-century realities, rather than viewed through the old prism of leftish consensus.
  • A general consensus on the problem is beginning to emerge.
  • I pondered the idea of a consensus with people against a consensus. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have the right to tell us what the consensus is and for the rest of us to then toe theline The Volokh Conspiracy » The Cruel and Unusual Punishment Clause and Life Without Parole for Under-18 (Nonhomicide) Offenders
  • That long-standing consensus does not dispositively prove that the law is constitutional, but the fact that nobody claimed that FISA was unconstitutional until it was revealed that President Bush has been violating that law, is rather compelling evidence of just how weak and pretextual that claim is. posted by Glenn Greenwald | 10:22 AM Gen. Hayden admits the Administration knew it was violating FISA
  • The consensus view among neo-Darwinians continues to be that evolution is random variation plus structured environmental filtering, but it seems the consensus may be shifting.
  • Even then it would not derive from any objectively ascertainable standard or consensus within a recognised profession.
  • Consensus trees should be interpreted with care as they may not be the most parsimonious hypotheses suggested by the data.
  • Despite this, an establishment consensus has already formed on the task at hand.
  • It would reverse the emerging global consensus for whale conservation and inexplicably legitimize commercial whaling.
  • Arjan bemoans our rapid consensus of opinion.
  • In his view of history, other developing countries heeded the "Washington Consensus" to dismantle every possible restraint on markets—and "ended up in economic collapse and long-term stagnation. Emerging Questions on Growth Path
  • There is a broad consensus of opinion about the policies which should be pursued.
  • Without such oversight, the consensus in support of our nuclear deterrent faces being undermined. Times, Sunday Times
  • The great change after 1945 has been the establishment of a political consensus.
  • Whereas the former was a Machiavellian autocrat with a fascist background, the latter is a straightforward, consensus-driven and politically moderate.
  • I know all the theory about how consensus is supposed to make everyone feel they have a stake in the decision-making. DEAD BEAT
  • Porras found an astute ally in newly elected President Alvaro Arzu, a pragmatic businessman with an instinct for building consensus.
  • Consensus is viewed as a way of lending authority to the Fed's policy decisions and also shields the central bank from political interference by papering over ideological differences.
  • Experts have noted that there is little consensus on what deradicalization entails, or which methods work best.
  • Hincmar may have idealised ninth-century consensus politics; but his picture had a basis in reality.
  • The members rely on developing a consensus after studying a broad array of macroeconomic indicators.
  • The mix of consensus and disagreement shows itself also in the division lobby.

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