How To Use Conscription In A Sentence

  • The prime minister pledged again that his government would not implement conscription for overseas service.
  • His maternal grandfather, who fled Russia to avoid conscription by the tsarist army, was a Hebrew scholar, mystic, mathematician, and inventor who made boots and shoes for a living.
  • The four defendants were charged for tattooing their bodies to evade conscription immediately after they were judged physically competent to serve in the military.
  • Forcible conscription of adults and children continued, although children were conscripted to a lesser extent than in the previous year.
  • After the war, he opposed peacetime conscription, denounced British neocolonialism, praised the United Nations, and criticized congressional isolationists.
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  • The Armed Forces could do away with conscription and go over to a volunteer system.
  • Perhaps an under-motivated, under-trained army of the sort that would result from conscription is exactly what this country needs. Matthew Yglesias » Serve the Servants
  • He injured himself to avoid conscription.
  • But when forced conscription into the military becomes inevasible, I expect young people, at least those able to comprehend the significance of their place in history, to take a stand against the tyranny of war forces of evil cryptically embedded within the polity of a nation having gone wrong. Archive 2006-06-01
  • Human-rights organizations have charged his forces with widespread rape, massacres in churches, mutilation, torture, cannibalism and forced conscription of child combatants.
  • They said the present system of military conscription should be phased out.
  • The conscription law expires in August. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the great unmentionables in the current election campaign is the reinstatement of conscription.
  • The fact that our Western allies are abandoning conscription is also notable.
  • The delirious aspect of these imaginings is caused by the fasting he undergoes in the hope of avoiding conscription. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Slaves helped Unionists evade conscription, and both groups spied and scouted for Federal troops.
  • Modern warfare, modern weaponry is so hi-tech that if you try to run our defences on the basis of conscription, you have your professional soldiery permanently employed training successive cohorts of conscripts.
  • The exemption of Catholic seminarians and clergy from military conscription was revoked.
  • Even though military units require no upkeep, a high level of recruitment or conscription will severely weaken the economic front.
  • However, conscription quotas placed on African chiefs or headmen in the Reserves undermined the legitimacy of the colonial regime on the ground.
  • Others who will be exempted from conscription are men doing service, and men in straitened family circumstances, on the basis of a report by the local administration and on application to the Defence Minister.
  • The bureau confirmed their suspicions when it sent patrols into the countryside to round up deserters and men subject to conscription.
  • It has been the invariable rule of this office, when such disabily was not shown, to order the employee, if a soldier, to the field, and if a conscript, to direct the Bureau of Conscription to conscribe and assign him to a company in the army. [Communication from the Secretary of War, Jan. 23, 1864],
  • A streamlined system should be created in cooperation with the military commissariats and educational agencies, enabling young men liable to conscription to learn the basics of military service and up their athletic skills.
  • Loss of animal traction resulted in decreased production intensity, as did loss of labor power through migration, conscription, and death.
  • Yet the American citizen-soldier is a far less common figure than he was in the era of conscription.
  • Plissoud did not save any money; for, though he was appointed to many offices, they were all lacking in lucrativeness; he was insurance agent, as well as agent for a society that insured against the chances for conscription. Repertory of the Comedie Humaine Part 2
  • With regard to the number of men liable to conscription, who have been removed from this department, this information can best be obtained from the bureau of conscription, the officers of which were authorized by the Adjutant General's orders to conscribe all who were efficient for field service. [Communication from the Secretary of War, Jan. 23, 1864],
  • And conscription was only used to recruit the militia, a reserve army never now mobilized except in wartime.
  • Calls for universal military conscription stoked these editorial fires as well.
  • They said the present system of military conscription should be phased out.
  • The operational principle in conscription, as the vile Bernard Baruch, head of the Wilson Junta’s War Industries Board, pointed out in August 1918, is that every man’s life is at the call of the nation and so must be every man’s property …. When all else fails, try it again « Blog
  • The draft riots began with assaults on police by Irish immigrants enraged by Lincoln's conscription order on July 11, 1863.
  • Jackson and; lack of equipment; advantages; conscription; munitions; relations with Federals at Vicksburg; Army of Northern Virginia; unrenewable wastage; number of troops (1865); Lee's farewell to Captains of the Civil War; a chronicle of the blue and the gray
  • According to the conscription law, those in the army must serve three years, while those in the navy and air force serve four.
  • Thus, such cohesion is already in part present before conscription takes place.
  • They said the present system of military conscription should be phased out.
  • Although they were simply exempted from military duty in the past, they are now being punished for willingly violating the Conscription Law.
  • Serving in the military reserve forces also exempted potential draftees from conscription.
  • out of credit carddebt stereotyped shuttlecock conscription inglorious lancer The Volokh Conspiracy » The War on Terrorism in the Courts:
  • Sending off a bunch of callow lads because a few opinion-formers safely over conscription age thought it was a good idea and might secure the next election would have been outrageous.
  • A practical and political form of opposition to conscription is the proposal, first put forward, so far as I know, by an American woman, Emily Greene Balch - Nobel Lecture
  • Modern warfare required universal short-time conscription, followed by service in a reserve.
  • He offered the view, unencumbered by reality check, that prolonged engagement would necessitate the introduction of conscription.
  • When conscription was introduced, he could not plead a conscientious objection to war in general.
  • He was rejected by the conscription office because he was under age.
  • The government implemented an organized taxation system and military conscription.
  • Soon El Marichal ordered that the minimum conscription age be lowered to twelve.
  • The president, his cabinet, the Pentagon brass, and leading members of Congress remain adamantly opposed to conscription.
  • Mines and constant ambushes depleted the government forces, which had quadrupled in size to 60,000 through heavy conscription.
  • This regulation could well mean forcible conscription into the armed forces.
  • Accordingly, in March 1863, Congress passed the Conscription Act to draft men into military service.
  • Military conscription was introduced for home service only. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • It is difficult to imagine that personal development would be easily fostered by compulsory conscription.
  • Moyers knows conscription is the quickest way to initiate the fundamental changes to foreign policy needed to end the war. And, in the interest of point/counterpoint… « Dating Jesus
  • He deposed old dynasties, abolished aristocratic and ecclesiastic privileges, and united regions, gradually establishing uniform legal, administrative, fiscal, and conscription systems.
  • May 23, 2006, 10: 38 am out of credit card debt says: out of credit carddebt stereotyped shuttlecock conscription inglorious lancer The Volokh Conspiracy » The War on Terrorism in the Courts:
  • Another was sentenced to ten years in prison for delivering speeches in which he called conscription unconstitutional. Savage Peace
  • A large number of volunteers had escaped conscription because they were unfit or in reserved occupations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Manpower shortages in the underpopulated Confederate states had led their Congress to embrace conscription even before the North did.
  • In the Vendée region in the west of France there was an uprising which was sparked off by the introduction of conscription in February 1793.
  • A motion to exempt clergymen from the conscription was voted down. Foreign and Colonial Intelligence
  • Arrayed in its bains-marie like so much coagulant honey chicken were Cardinal George Pell on God, Germaine Greer on freedom, Admiral Chris Barrie on conscription, Christopher Hitchens on the evils of religion. The Sydney Morning Herald News Headlines
  • Many young men are trying to get away from compulsory military conscription.
  • Napoleon brought opposition to conscription under control, instituting the gendarmerie and mobile columns of soldiers to track down draft-dodgers and deserters in the countryside.
  • Leslie started his National Service on November 17, 1960, after deferring his conscription in order to complete his apprenticeship as a printer.
  • His age exempted him from conscription, but he had enlisted anyway.
  • Concerned patriots turned their attention to exposing the poverty and backwardness of the majority—those for whom the word Italia, if it meant anything at all, meant taxes on basic foodstuffs, conscription, and heavy-handed policing. Delizia!
  • Not a war resister, not a draft dodger as thousands before him who sought refuge in Canada from conscription during the Vietnam era, but a bolter, an abandoner of fellow soldiers – those who went, avidly or reluctantly, hawkish or dreading combat to the bone. Rosie’s On The Money « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • Bring back a draft that starts conscription at the top of the social ladder.
  • Also, the ancient idea of forcing to people to join your army, i.e. conscription, is an advanced technology that allows you to form units of guys with repeating rifles. Matthew Yglesias » The Fine Art of Negotiating
  • This was the main argument the army made in opposing the end of conscription.
  • Later that year, he was imprisoned for twelve months for his opposition to conscription.
  • He's been worried that the government will introduce conscription ever since the war began.
  • Away from the army lines and great centers of cities, the suffering was dreadful; impressments stripped the impoverished people; conscription turned smiling fields into desert wastes; fire and sword ravaged many districts; and the few who could raise the great bundle of paper necessary to buy a meal, scarce knew where to turn in the general desolation, to procure it even then. Four Years in Rebel Capitals An Inside View of Life in the Southern Confederacy from Birth to Death
  • Many children have escaped or shown deep-seated reactions to their conscription by a group that had killed a loved one.
  • The Armed Forces could do away with conscription and go over to a volunteer system.
  • And we don't need the mass conscription for combat that we had in World War II or the inequitable draft in Vietnam.
  • Recruits to the cause were extracted from the so-called corvee (the conscripted labour force), which was made up by the fellahin (the peasantry), and though serving in the corvee was an unappealing activity, conscription into the army was even worse. Latest Articles
  • When conscription was introduced, he could not plead a conscientious objection to war in general.
  • In April 1939, under pressure from Tory backbenchers, the Government announced the introduction of military conscription.
  • They said the present system of military conscription should be phased out.
  • Gap years, unlike conscription, are a free-will step towards adulthood and self-discipline.
  • However, the abuses that most affect ordinary Burmese-the expropriation of land, the conscription of labor, the arbitrary exaction of goods and funds, and the disastrously failing economy-are the products of state failure.
  • The immense levies made in France, one after the other, had converted the conscription into a sort of pressgang. Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • This points to the function of the memorial in recording wartime feelings about conscription and service.
  • The Military Training Act of 1939 effectively introduced conscription in peacetime for the first time in Britain's history.
  • This regulation could well mean forcible conscription into the armed forces.
  • Governments also gained new contact with citizens through the practice of universal military conscription. World History: Patterns of Change and Continuity
  • The Ukraine government has reintroduced military conscription to try to quell protests. The Sun
  • If we admit the constitutionality of conscription which authorizes Congress to conscribe our citizens to raise armies, that provision of the constitution must be construed with, and limited by, the reservation in the same instrument of the right of the State to keep troops in time of war. Journal of the Senate of the Extra Session of the General Assembly, of the State of Georgia, Convened by Proclamation of the Governor, at Macon, February 15th, 1865
  • By the end of 1915 the Government had little choice but to introduce conscription. The Sun
  • He went on to explain some of the peculiarities of Civil War conscription.
  • Faced with the insatiable demands of total war, conscription was introduced in 1916.
  • The cause of the riots was due to political reasons and the fact that New York was falling behind in supplying troops for the Union army which made the city subject to the Enrollment and Conscription Act – i.e. the city of New York was required to draft over 18 thousand men for the Civil War. Sins of Our Fathers: Five U.S. Atrocities | myFiveBest
  • Within the ruling elite, there are fears that re-establishment of conscription under the present circumstances would lead to a political explosion.
  • There was no conscription, no feeling in my world, of necessity to volunteer.
  • He's been worried that the government will introduce conscription ever since the war began.
  • The Armed Forces could do away with conscription and go over to a volunteer system.
  • The end of conscription in most of the West is a response to these pressures.
  • The difference with me is that I consider the defense of an open society to be the broader and more fundamental prerequisite of the defense of individual rights, without which formal liberty is impossible and meaningless- and I see a person who advocates a return to traditional society as calling for my enslavement is a much more spiritually substantial sense than someone who ‘merely’ advocates conscription or censorship. Women and the Invisible Fist
  • Serving in the military reserve forces also exempted potential draftees from conscription.
  • There was no conscription, no feeling in my world, of necessity to volunteer.
  • All adult males will be liable for conscription.
  • It is at this point that even those governments who have shunned it in peacetime resort to the third method of recruitment, conscription.
  • Quite simply there is no declared military need for conscription.
  • He joined the Territorials - hitherto he had held off on the ground that the country can only be saved by conscription.
  • At first public opinion was behind the idea of peacetime conscription, or national service.
  • The reintroduction of conscription sparked off a major rebellion.
  • This points to the function of the memorial in recording wartime feelings about conscription and service.
  • Involuntary conscription is the answer to their daily pain. Archive 2007-10-01
  • At the outbreak of the First World War he opposed attempts to introduce military conscription in Ireland.

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