
How To Use Conscript In A Sentence

  • The prime minister pledged again that his government would not implement conscription for overseas service.
  • Not until November 1944 were conscripts sent to fight overseas. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • His maternal grandfather, who fled Russia to avoid conscription by the tsarist army, was a Hebrew scholar, mystic, mathematician, and inventor who made boots and shoes for a living.
  • The demonstrators were mostly schoolchildren given the day off, army conscripts and public employees encouraged to go on the march in their working hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • The four defendants were charged for tattooing their bodies to evade conscription immediately after they were judged physically competent to serve in the military.
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  • Newly designated sergeants and corporals were conscripted to the task of squad supervision and many exasperating occasions arose when a recruit got the wrong "foots" in place and was commanded to "change the foots. The Delta of the Triple Elevens The History of Battery D, 311th Field Artillery US Army, American Expeditionary Forces
  • Forcible conscription of adults and children continued, although children were conscripted to a lesser extent than in the previous year.
  • After the war, he opposed peacetime conscription, denounced British neocolonialism, praised the United Nations, and criticized congressional isolationists.
  • Howard plays a convict conscripted with others to help battle a flood along the banks of the Mississippi in 1927.
  • Walking back to the Lokosphinx, we watch Army conscripts in greatcoats and fur-flapped caps breaking the ice with bludgeons and pouring hot water on the snow.
  • They bombed granaries and rural villages, destroyed crops and irrigation systems, mined pastures and fields, destroyed herds and launched sweeps through rural areas - conscripting young men and destroying the infrastructure.
  • Many farmers were conscripted into service, while others went into hiding, so food became scarce. Christianity Today
  • The subplots evolve around the fates of several individual soldiers of the Macht and a few other side characters: the young conscripts Gasca and Rictus of Isca, centurion Jason of Ferai, Vorus – the renegade general of the Assurian Empire, and Tyrin, the lowborn Kufr concubine of the upstart prince. Paul Kearney - The Ten Thousand (Book Review)
  • A peasant conscript army was established, with weapons being the possessions of the government.
  • The Armed Forces could do away with conscription and go over to a volunteer system.
  • Leadership of an army conscripted through the draft called for junior officers of the highest quality. Times, Sunday Times
  • We are talking here of young conscripts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Early in January General Rosecrans issued his orders that all the men that could possibly be spared from detail duty should be immediately placed into the ranks, and that negroes should be "conscripted" or captured to take their places as teamsters, blacksmiths, cooks, etc. Incidents of the War: Humorous, Pathetic, and Descriptive
  • At the same time, enlisted personnel slots should be manned by conscripts - that is to say, draftees, not contract servicemen.
  • I have an introduction to L, an army conscript.
  • The last issue had a good letter from someone who signed himself ‘Conscript’, describing how he and his comrades were forced to waste their time in polishing brass, blacking the rubber hoses on stirrup pumps with boot polish, scraping broom handles with razor blades, and so on. As I Please
  • Today sexual-harassment suits might have shut down his balletic endeavors, for Diaghilev was inveterate about conscripting into romance the young men he made the leading male stars of his company, most notably Nijinsky and Massine. The Passions of an Impresario
  • The trio play three conscripts who are trying to avoid being sent to fight in the Vietnam War. The Sun
  • One young conscript rose with a message of thanks, his voice choked with emotion.
  • At 18, shortly before the end of the Second World War, he was conscripted into the army.
  • One young conscript rose with a message of thanks, his voice choked with emotion.
  • Perhaps an under-motivated, under-trained army of the sort that would result from conscription is exactly what this country needs. Matthew Yglesias » Serve the Servants
  • He injured himself to avoid conscription.
  • They proposed to conscript both capital and labour.
  • I'll cut tj_han some slack because he is a poor oppressed conscript drafted unwillingly into Singapore's army at a young age as photographer or what I call a cushy public affairs job, not that I blame him for being cunning and crafty the lucky git. Anime Nano!
  • I was right of course and probably some of their big brothers were conscripted and killed.
  • In September, 54 conscripts were arrested after abandoning their barracks in southern Russia and tramped nearly 35 miles to the city of Volgograd to protest at beatings by their superiors.
  • But he is conscripted into the army and sent to fight in France. The Sun
  • Today the forces offer planned careers for young men and women who are intent on gaining a professional training and there is no room for backsliders, unwilling recruits or recalcitrant conscripts.
  • But when forced conscription into the military becomes inevasible, I expect young people, at least those able to comprehend the significance of their place in history, to take a stand against the tyranny of war forces of evil cryptically embedded within the polity of a nation having gone wrong. Archive 2006-06-01
  • He was also noticed because he had been capped by England - though that is another story - but, at 21, he was a reluctant conscript.
  • The change was thought to be a direct consequence of the protest action taken by conscripts in May.
  • Human-rights organizations have charged his forces with widespread rape, massacres in churches, mutilation, torture, cannibalism and forced conscription of child combatants.
  • The success of any campaign to induce volunteers or force conscripts into an army will be decided, to a large extent, by circumstances.
  • They said the present system of military conscription should be phased out.
  • The conscription law expires in August. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a conscript army, and the families of the soldiers are suffering more each year.
  • Some were military conscripts, others military school students. Times, Sunday Times
  • One of the great unmentionables in the current election campaign is the reinstatement of conscription.
  • The fact that our Western allies are abandoning conscription is also notable.
  • The delirious aspect of these imaginings is caused by the fasting he undergoes in the hope of avoiding conscription. The Times Literary Supplement
  • He escaped lifelong identification as an SS member only because by late 1944 the regiments were no longer organised to carry out the customary process of tattooing conscripts' blood group on their arms.
  • These forces, consisting mostly of state militiamen, volunteers, and conscripts, endured heavy casualties.
  • Slaves helped Unionists evade conscription, and both groups spied and scouted for Federal troops.
  • The immediate cause of rebellion was a national levy of 300,000 conscripts in March 1793.
  • This was a conscript citizen army paid for by being given farms from land that had been returned to the king as a result of resumption.
  • He was conscripted in 1939 but, because he was blind in his right eye, he was assigned to the medical corps.
  • Most armies staffed with conscripts and poorly trained and motivated officers will likewise disappear if hit hard enough.
  • Modern warfare, modern weaponry is so hi-tech that if you try to run our defences on the basis of conscription, you have your professional soldiery permanently employed training successive cohorts of conscripts.
  • The temporary levies of the earlier period were replaced by standing armies, officered by professionals, comprising élite or shock troops plus conscripted peasants.
  • The exemption of Catholic seminarians and clergy from military conscription was revoked.
  • More than half of these were conscripts performing national service. Times, Sunday Times
  • As in any situation where young and inexperienced people are conscripted into military duty, you will find a layer who question their actions.
  • They can be made by a young conscript who chooses to tell her family about the horrors to which she contributed, rather than maintain the silent lie of false heroism.
  • Even though military units require no upkeep, a high level of recruitment or conscription will severely weaken the economic front.
  • However, conscription quotas placed on African chiefs or headmen in the Reserves undermined the legitimacy of the colonial regime on the ground.
  • Others who will be exempted from conscription are men doing service, and men in straitened family circumstances, on the basis of a report by the local administration and on application to the Defence Minister.
  • The bureau confirmed their suspicions when it sent patrols into the countryside to round up deserters and men subject to conscription.
  • The new army, capitalizing on the advantage of France's vast population, would be made up largely of citizen conscripts.
  • Why the officer corps of the army or the conscript regular soldiers were all fired is inexplicable.
  • Conscripted into the Army, Harry was a crack shot in training and was sent to join a Lewis gun team.
  • The first photograph shows soldiers being conscripted during wartime as victims on an army production line.
  • Constant readiness units manned by conscripts and those manned by conscripts plus contract soldiers are trained in accordance with a five-month program.
  • This archive consists of hundreds of images of naked men, presumably fresh conscripts and army recruits, taken for an unknown kind of ethnographic exercise.
  • In fact, many Russians bad good reason for resenting the Allied occupation, especially the thousands of war-weary people who had been conscripted.
  • It has been the invariable rule of this office, when such disabily was not shown, to order the employee, if a soldier, to the field, and if a conscript, to direct the Bureau of Conscription to conscribe and assign him to a company in the army. [Communication from the Secretary of War, Jan. 23, 1864],
  • But in a conscript army assembled by a dictatorship, the line between civilian and soldier gets blurred, at least by my calculation.
  • The country's military junta has come under fire for decades for conscripting boys to the lower ranks of the military as porters and mine carriers.
  • A streamlined system should be created in cooperation with the military commissariats and educational agencies, enabling young men liable to conscription to learn the basics of military service and up their athletic skills.
  • Loss of animal traction resulted in decreased production intensity, as did loss of labor power through migration, conscription, and death.
  • Dean in New Jersey writes: "It might be good to revisit the idea of conscripting certain convicts for service in the Army. CNN Transcript Mar 9, 2005
  • Several companies asserted that to conscript them after the expiration of their term of enlistment was a breach of faith. LEE’S LIEUTENANTS
  • Yet the American citizen-soldier is a far less common figure than he was in the era of conscription.
  • Plissoud did not save any money; for, though he was appointed to many offices, they were all lacking in lucrativeness; he was insurance agent, as well as agent for a society that insured against the chances for conscription. Repertory of the Comedie Humaine Part 2
  • In the Soviet Union, where millions of women were conscripted, they were just as aggressive and just as brutalised by the experience as the men.
  • He was conscripted in 1939 but, because he was blind in his right eye, he was assigned to the medical corps.
  • If we started conscripting our road builders, it might indeed cause a public outcry which very well might result in fewer roads being built. The Draft: Who Pays the Price?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • That war was not the quarrel of the indigenous people, yet we conscripted them to fight it.
  • He had heard stories of deserting conscripts from the Army crossing into the hands of the revolution.
  • With regard to the number of men liable to conscription, who have been removed from this department, this information can best be obtained from the bureau of conscription, the officers of which were authorized by the Adjutant General's orders to conscribe all who were efficient for field service. [Communication from the Secretary of War, Jan. 23, 1864],
  • A nationwide census, carried out every three years, was used to draft conscripts.
  • And conscription was only used to recruit the militia, a reserve army never now mobilized except in wartime.
  • Beginning in 1753, thousands of Canadians were conscripted each year into the militia, draining labour away from agriculture.
  • Those young enough to be conscripted but who did not pass the military's medicals could join the Home Guard.
  • Calls for universal military conscription stoked these editorial fires as well.
  • They said the present system of military conscription should be phased out.
  • The operational principle in conscription, as the vile Bernard Baruch, head of the Wilson Junta’s War Industries Board, pointed out in August 1918, is that every man’s life is at the call of the nation and so must be every man’s property …. When all else fails, try it again « Blog
  • A nationwide census, carried out every three years, was used to draft conscripts.
  • The demonstrators were mostly schoolchildren given the day off, army conscripts and public employees encouraged to go on the march in their working hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • The draft riots began with assaults on police by Irish immigrants enraged by Lincoln's conscription order on July 11, 1863.
  • It would allow Army conscripts who joined the military while in college to earn up to nine university course credits per year.
  • The popular conscript army mustered by revolutionary France would demonstrate its superiority over the state commission style, but its abilities were not immediately apparent.
  • Jackson and; lack of equipment; advantages; conscription; munitions; relations with Federals at Vicksburg; Army of Northern Virginia; unrenewable wastage; number of troops (1865); Lee's farewell to Captains of the Civil War; a chronicle of the blue and the gray
  • The first shows soldiers being conscripted during wartime as victims on an army production line.
  • According to the conscription law, those in the army must serve three years, while those in the navy and air force serve four.
  • They had adopted the advantages of the new military system encapsulated in the popular conscript army, as Russia, Austria, and, particularly, Prussia undertook military reforms in response to battlefield defeat.
  • Thus, such cohesion is already in part present before conscription takes place.
  • They said the present system of military conscription should be phased out.
  • Although they were simply exempted from military duty in the past, they are now being punished for willingly violating the Conscription Law.
  • Serving in the military reserve forces also exempted potential draftees from conscription.
  • out of credit carddebt stereotyped shuttlecock conscription inglorious lancer The Volokh Conspiracy » The War on Terrorism in the Courts:
  • Sending off a bunch of callow lads because a few opinion-formers safely over conscription age thought it was a good idea and might secure the next election would have been outrageous.
  • Many were recruited to the armed forces, or conscripted to labour on sisal and rubber plantations.
  • Sasha's father was one of the 70000 conscripts ordered in to bring in sand to quench the belching nuclear fires.
  • He was conscripted into the army at the age of 18.
  • His own experience as a nasho conscript serviceman in Vietnam and the emotional aftermath of his service & return gave weight & empathy to the tale he told. Cheeseburger Gothic » North to adventure.
  • Young Frenchmen were conscripted into the army and forced to fight in Algeria.
  • A practical and political form of opposition to conscription is the proposal, first put forward, so far as I know, by an American woman, Emily Greene Balch - Nobel Lecture
  • He was conscripted into the German army.
  • In 1957, I was back in Jamaica serving Her Majesty as a conscript in her armed forces there.
  • In the south of France, for instance, the maquis began with men fleeing into the hills to avoid being conscripted to work in factories.
  • More than half of these were conscripts performing national service. Times, Sunday Times
  • In 1915 he was conscripted, but was regarded as unsuitable for combat duties and assigned to the postal and meteorological services.
  • Modern warfare required universal short-time conscription, followed by service in a reserve.
  • One young conscript rose with a message of thanks, his voice choked with emotion.
  • He offered the view, unencumbered by reality check, that prolonged engagement would necessitate the introduction of conscription.
  • Darling himself designed the first stamp, and an eminent wildlife artist has been conscripted for this purpose each year since.
  • Vassal chiefdoms were the building blocks of a colonial administration, grouped together first under the authority of military posts and then into circumscriptions and districts that were assigned to Portuguese officials and within which appointed African chiefs (régulos) were to serve as frontline agents of colonial government, conscripting labor and collecting taxes, and replaced or eliminated when necessary to ensure the continued functioning of the system. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • When conscription was introduced, he could not plead a conscientious objection to war in general.
  • He was rejected by the conscription office because he was under age.
  • The men were conscripted
  • The government implemented an organized taxation system and military conscription.
  • Soon El Marichal ordered that the minimum conscription age be lowered to twelve.
  • At present, barely half - 134,000 of 323,000 soldiers - are conscripts completing their military service.
  • In all some two million men were conscripted between 1800 and 1814.
  • The president, his cabinet, the Pentagon brass, and leading members of Congress remain adamantly opposed to conscription.
  • He is conscripted into a nasty little private army, escapes, finds the uniform of a US mail man, and becomes a symbol of hope.
  • Mines and constant ambushes depleted the government forces, which had quadrupled in size to 60,000 through heavy conscription.
  • This regulation could well mean forcible conscription into the armed forces.
  • But he is conscripted into the army and sent to fight in France. The Sun
  • Accordingly, in March 1863, Congress passed the Conscription Act to draft men into military service.
  • Military conscription was introduced for home service only. Nemesis: The Battle for Japan, 194445
  • It is difficult to imagine that personal development would be easily fostered by compulsory conscription.
  • Military conscripts who complete military service within a single period are assigned to special standby units after basic training and are immediately available.
  • Some were military conscripts, others military school students. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ron Swain has never forgotten the years he spent as a conscript in the UK Armed Forces, his two-year stint as an ‘erk’ in the Royal Air Force in 1952-3 having been particularly eventful.
  • To some extent migrant labour is performing the role once played by military service when ex-army conscripts returned to the villages with new skills and ambitions.
  • Poland was overrun and he was conscripted into the Red Army.
  • A recruiting officer might have "conscripted" nearly a brigade of the swaggering blusterers. The Narrative of a Blockade-Runner
  • And what sort of training does this paramilitary police force give such conscripts?
  • Many farmers were conscripted into service, while others went into hiding, so food became scarce. Christianity Today
  • Do squads or platoons composed solely of contract soldiers perform better than conscripts?
  • John was conscripted last week, so he is a very raw recruit.
  • She could do without large conscript armies to defend land frontiers and needed long-service troops who could be employed overseas for long periods.
  • Moyers knows conscription is the quickest way to initiate the fundamental changes to foreign policy needed to end the war. And, in the interest of point/counterpoint… « Dating Jesus
  • Some 1,000 Inuit carvers in the arctic territory of Nunavut have been conscripted to make authentic inukshuit for sale at the Olympics as well, says Dennis Kim, head of merchandising for the Vancouver Organizing Committee. What's News US
  • He was told that he would be conscripted in the army, fighting against his own people. Times, Sunday Times
  • In addition, the mobilization of the nation's reserve forces only include retired conscripts rather than retired volunteers.
  • We assessed hearing with standard audiometry in 479 men aged 20 to 64, who were exposed to noise in their jobs, and 500 randomly selected 18 year old male conscripts born in 1974.
  • He deposed old dynasties, abolished aristocratic and ecclesiastic privileges, and united regions, gradually establishing uniform legal, administrative, fiscal, and conscription systems.
  • Though "conscripted," as it were, and rather a passive agent, I could see no wrong in the proceeding. Marse Henry : an autobiography,
  • May 23, 2006, 10: 38 am out of credit card debt says: out of credit carddebt stereotyped shuttlecock conscription inglorious lancer The Volokh Conspiracy » The War on Terrorism in the Courts:
  • Another was sentenced to ten years in prison for delivering speeches in which he called conscription unconstitutional. Savage Peace
  • A large number of volunteers had escaped conscription because they were unfit or in reserved occupations. Times, Sunday Times
  • For the next six weeks there was scarcely an asset of the Southern Pacific that Cory did not conscript to close the breach with a massive rock dam—1,200 miles of track, three thousand flatcars, and an army of workers. Colossus
  • We are talking here of young conscripts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Manpower shortages in the underpopulated Confederate states had led their Congress to embrace conscription even before the North did.
  • We are not talking teenagers, but trained conscripts and combat veterans.
  • Europe was a society of restless and rootless people, many repeatedly forced to move to try to escape the ravages of the Plague, others regularly conscripted for far-off wars, some in constant motion like the peripatetic court of Spain.
  • In the Vendée region in the west of France there was an uprising which was sparked off by the introduction of conscription in February 1793.
  • In 112 BCE, when the Han conscripted the Yelang to join the campaign against the Southern Yue Kingdom, the king of Qielan killed the Han envoys and the governor of Jianwei commandery. Between Winds and Clouds: The Making of Yunnan (Second Century BCE to Twentieth Century CE)
  • Conscripts are usually inferior to volunteers in training, combat qualities, and mental preparation for combat.
  • He was conscripted into the army in 1939.
  • A motion to exempt clergymen from the conscription was voted down. Foreign and Colonial Intelligence
  • The new conscript army must have been rather unattractive for the samurai.
  • Arrayed in its bains-marie like so much coagulant honey chicken were Cardinal George Pell on God, Germaine Greer on freedom, Admiral Chris Barrie on conscription, Christopher Hitchens on the evils of religion. The Sydney Morning Herald News Headlines
  • Many young men are trying to get away from compulsory military conscription.
  • This archive consists of hundreds of images of naked men, presumably fresh conscripts and army recruits, taken for an unknown kind of ethnographic exercise.
  • Is it a conscript force, volunteer military, or blend?
  • Napoleon brought opposition to conscription under control, instituting the gendarmerie and mobile columns of soldiers to track down draft-dodgers and deserters in the countryside.
  • Leslie started his National Service on November 17, 1960, after deferring his conscription in order to complete his apprenticeship as a printer.
  • His age exempted him from conscription, but he had enlisted anyway.
  • I am not sure which is funnier, "conscripted" or "other soldierly movements". Archive 2007-11-01
  • No need to tell either the particular circumstances that "conscripted" him at last, because although his name is not real the man himself is, and one has no wish to bring shame on him or his people. Action Front
  • Concerned patriots turned their attention to exposing the poverty and backwardness of the majority—those for whom the word Italia, if it meant anything at all, meant taxes on basic foodstuffs, conscription, and heavy-handed policing. Delizia!
  • Not a war resister, not a draft dodger as thousands before him who sought refuge in Canada from conscription during the Vietnam era, but a bolter, an abandoner of fellow soldiers – those who went, avidly or reluctantly, hawkish or dreading combat to the bone. Rosie’s On The Money « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
  • The City Council had voted a sum of 3,000,000 dols. to provide substitutes for the conscripts to be draughted from the city. Foreign and Colonial News
  • Even many young students were conscripted into the army.
  • What does Russia do in the next decade, when it's predicted that over 40% of their conscripts will be avowed muslim youth, if they ever find it needfull to stand against another Muslim state? Jerry Falwell: Romney's Mormonism "Will Not Be A Factor"
  • The young Zuckerberg thought nothing of conscripting people's pictures and personal information into his web experiments. Ari Melber: The Social Network: Because People Like Being Alone Together
  • He was conscripted into the German army.
  • Peter was conscripted like every other young man, and he did his time guarding the Wall. WALL GAMES
  • Bring back a draft that starts conscription at the top of the social ladder.
  • I use the word conscripted purposely -- I know there is no such word in the English language -- neither is there any such word as conscribe, the one usually in vogue now a days. The Great Speech of Hon. A.H. Stephens, Delivered Before the Georgia Legislature, on Wednesday Night, March 16th, 1864, to which is Added Extracts prom [sic] Gov. Brown's Message to the Georgia Legislature.
  • Many things went missing as well, like the men conscripted from across the colonies to fight World War Two. GYPSY MASALA
  • The military brass insisted that the only way to reduce the term of service for conscripts to one year would be to draft twice as many men as it does at present.
  • Also, the ancient idea of forcing to people to join your army, i.e. conscription, is an advanced technology that allows you to form units of guys with repeating rifles. Matthew Yglesias » The Fine Art of Negotiating
  • But conscripting people with medical skills is just a start.
  • This was the main argument the army made in opposing the end of conscription.
  • Later that year, he was imprisoned for twelve months for his opposition to conscription.
  • Many conscripts resent having to do their military service.
  • He's been worried that the government will introduce conscription ever since the war began.
  • Away from the army lines and great centers of cities, the suffering was dreadful; impressments stripped the impoverished people; conscription turned smiling fields into desert wastes; fire and sword ravaged many districts; and the few who could raise the great bundle of paper necessary to buy a meal, scarce knew where to turn in the general desolation, to procure it even then. Four Years in Rebel Capitals An Inside View of Life in the Southern Confederacy from Birth to Death
  • Many conscripts resent having to do their military service.
  • Wasn't this the century that included millions of conscripts hunkered down in trenches, and millions more innocent civilians herded into gulags and concentration camps?

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