How To Use Connubial In A Sentence

  • But is not this much more agreeable and animated than the sweet dalliance of a sugar-plum life, or the dull, monotonous existence resembling a Dutch canal, which we term connubial happiness? The Black Baronet; or, The Chronicles Of Ballytrain The Works of William Carleton, Volume One
  • University officers and secret-society members, while its existence as a gazetteer was justified by a very few "connubial" items. The University of Michigan
  • Next in importance to the connubial is the convivial legislation of caste. India, Its Life and Thought
  • The poem's third stanza clinches the argument by celebrating the joy of connubial bliss,
  • We have long been derided and scoffed at for making connubialism marketable, and putting a price on a wife's infidelity, but it strikes me this is something worse; for what, after all, is a rib -- a false rib, too -- compared with the whole bony skeleton? Cornelius O'Dowd Upon Men And Women And Other Things In General
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  • Just a few of the most famous objects, including the Euphronios krater stolen by tomb robbers and recovered three years ago from New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Sarcophagus of the Spouses, an enchanting icon of connubial conviviality, rate display cases of their own. The Joy of Museums That Live in the Past
  • Just a few of the most famous objects, including the Euphronios krater stolen by tomb robbers and recovered three years ago from New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Sarcophagus of the Spouses, an enchanting icon of connubial conviviality, rate display cases of their own. The Joy of Museums That Live in the Past
  • The and advances the problems that are needed in the determination the connubial loyalty agreement.
  • How honest Charles was in such professions, and what was the kind of connubial happiness which he was preparing for his bride, is shown by the fact that he was even now spending all his time with Lady Castlemaine; and, to reconcile her to his marriage with Catharine, he had promised her that he would make her one of the ladies of the queen's bed chamber as soon as she arrived in London, which would give him constant opportunities of being in her society. History of King Charles the Second of England
  • Society—family, tribe, caste, church, village, probate court—established and enforced its connubial protocols for the presumed good of everyone, except maybe for the couples themselves.
  • And that de Vallorbes has been heard to lament openly that he is not a native of some enlightened country in which the divorce court charitably intervenes to sever overhard connubial knots. The History of Sir Richard Calmady A Romance
  • As he said this, a man entered into the women's apartment and opened the two doors; whence there issued a libidinous effluvium, which had a stench like mire; this arose from polygamical love, which is connubial, and at the same time adulterous; so I rose and shut the doors. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • That night, in the connubial bedroom, she sat up against a stack of pillows, nursing the baby.
  • His armpits start smelling of meat; he becomes an urban caveman, forever subjecting Russia to ‘the detailed exaction of his connubial rights’.
  • Here, because of his elemental simplicity, he took to himself a native wife, and, by reason of the connubial bliss that followed, he escaped the unrest and vain longings that curse the days of more fastidious men, spoil their work, and conquer them in the end. THE MARRIAGE TO LIT-LIT
  • After 16 years of tri-connubial bliss (Christine joined the family in 1994), Kody is now gaga for Robin, a 30-year-old divorced mother of three, who lives five hours away. TLC's 'Sister Wives': Frank, entertaining TV about polygamist Browns in Utah
  • For all its white heat, in other words, the sur-reality of Friday Night left me alone in the earthbound darkness, coolly and contractively contemplating the state of my own connubial bond.
  • Here, because of his elemental simplicity, he took to himself a native wife, and by reason of the connubial bliss which followed he escaped the unrest and vain longings which curse the days of more fastidious men, spoil their work and conquer them in the end. The Marriage of Lit-lit
  • This compares quite easily to David Arquette -- it has all the hallmarks of the classic post-post-connubial-bliss confessional! David Arquette? The subtle art of the C-SPAN breakup
  • ROBBINS: One of the first activities they participate in is called connubial bliss, where the sexual history during C.B., as it's called, each member must spend an evening standing in front of the other 14 bonesmen and recount his or her entire sexual and romantic history. CNN Transcript Nov 12, 2009
  • He did not move or speak even when I joined him in the connubial bed, so I concluded I was in disfavor. LION IN THE VALLEY
  • The and advances the problems that are needed in the determination the connubial loyalty agreement.
  • If you plan to spend north of $10,000 on your honeymoon, the Caribbean is rife with experiences that will enrich your entree to connubial life.
  • How did one make domestic routine sound like connubial bliss when the highlight of my day had been the hour my partner and I spent together in the garden admiring our new roses?
  • If her conduct was forward, well, her connubial expectations had been dashed by the recreant Popplewell, and the arrival of Flashy with whiskers rampant must have seemed like the answer to a randy young matron's prayer. THE NUMBERS
  • Her great-grandmother had been born on a soil where the broomstick is a prominent factor in settling connubial differences; and if it occurred to her at this juncture, it is a satisfactory proof of the theory of atavism. The Village Watch-Tower
  • Review: A good story that grabs your attention right away with, for better or worse, a mental image of Santa and an elf locked in ... connubial congress. REVIEW: Alternate Gerrolds by David Gerrold
  • God of Carnage," now with the barbed assault of Ayckbourn's triptych, the director pretty much shreds the notion of connubial bliss.
  • His armpits start smelling of meat; he becomes an urban caveman, forever subjecting Russia to ‘the detailed exaction of his connubial rights’.
  • In its passage through these ultimates and those derivatives, it is changed by the man himself in various ways, and sometimes into the opposite, which is called the conjugial or connubial principle of what is evil and false. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • connubial bliss

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