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How To Use Connectedness In A Sentence

  • Carol’s and my long-term connectedness served as a stabilizer during this turbulent time. Humor for a Sister’s Heart
  • Communication technology has increased the connectedness between physicians and patients.
  • Students in schools with harsh discipline, such as zero-tolerance policies, reported lower school connectedness.
  • Psychologists call it transcendence, which has a suitably sacerdotal ring; and comprises traits of self-forgetfulness, connectedness to the natural world and mysticism.
  • He's my real-life boyfriend, so we have the emotional connectedness required to convince a cabstand full of strangers that we were a married couple on the brink.
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  • It teaches the interconnectedness of all things and the basic goodness of human nature.
  • For anyone who has wished for an elected official that is holistically centered, spiritually led and aware of the interconnectedness of ALL, this man is the answer to our prayers.
  • But if the term size includes the notion of connectedness among banks, then I think that making banks smaller, i.e. less connected, is useful for both limiting the chance of a collapse, and for reducing the damage if a collapse occurs. Mark Thoma: 13 Bankers: Why It's Essential That Universities Return To Teaching Economic History
  • Through photographs each family constructs a portrait chronicle of itself - a portable kit of images that bears witness to its connectedness.
  • I drew up a list of what was wanted - authenticity, richness, rootedness, connectedness, vitality and delight. Times, Sunday Times
  • His point about interconnectedness is lent weight by the fact that, nowadays, his own visitors spring from every corner of the globe; something a couple of minutes standing in the Great Court rejigged by the architect Norman Foster, and now the largest covered public space in Europe makes apparent. The British Museum's Pilgrimage
  • It's a transformation moment towards interconnectedness and away from isolation.
  • Continuum of anomalousness: Gentle vs Intense, Orthodox vs Idiosyncratic, No sensory elements vs Clear 'hallucinations', Connectedness vs Loss of self, Transient vs Extended, Not paranormal vs Strong 'paranormal'. Planet Atheism
  • The ability to comprehend continuousness or interruption; to give undivided and continued attention to one subject, or to interrupt intelligently; application, connectedness. How to Become Rich A Treatise on Phrenology, Choice of Professions and Matrimony
  • This ‘unconnectedness’ that is constantly referred to is paradoxically a state which is desired and not attained: ‘to want to be unconnected.’
  • Moreover, regarding your inane “taxing success” comment — do you think “success” is some metaphysically special event that occurs outside the normal realm of external causation and interconnectedness? Wonk Room » More Than 99% Of The Kyl-Lincoln $250 Billion Estate Tax Giveaway Goes To Wealthy Families
  • There are companies pioneering workplace practices that encourage community involvement and family connectedness among employees.
  • And, truly, everywhere in life where people are bound by common interests, blood relationship, or the benefits of a profession into close, individualized groups -- there inevitably can be observed this mysterious law of sudden accumulation, of a piling up, of events; their epidemicity, their strange succession and connectedness, their incomprehensible lingering. Yama: the pit
  • A deep theoretical understanding and the actual application of even just one of these social principles clearly shows the reciprocity, complementarities and interconnectedness that is part of their structure. "Caritas in Veritate": Signed, sealed, but not yet delivered...
  • We have been told that the financial crisis is so severe and so contagious because it comes at a time of unprecedented interconnectedness.
  • Cultivating the soil together in turn encouragedindeed, compelledwomen to deepen and formalize their interconnectedness by cultivating vuxaka (kinship) not only within existing networks of patrilineal and affinal relatives but, perhaps more importantly, among non-related female neighbors and friends. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Furthermore, she suggests that rather than attempting to reconcile the differences, we might consider ‘social connectedness to exist in a kind of multimodal continuum’.
  • It is a metaphysical experience based on the interconnectedness of nature and humans.
  • The connectedness requirement is, of course, merely a heuristic that might not result in the intended model.
  • This sense of connectedness, it has been suggested, is transmuted beyond the individualistic to the universal in spiritual individuals, manifested in a compassionate concern for all humankind.
  • The 13th characteristic of a swarm is its connectedness to the broader world. Globalization and Global Connectedness
  • For centuries astrologers have practised a technique of divination which relies on this same moment-by-moment interconnectedness of mind and universe.
  • At first this aspect of Moksha confused Danlo, for he thought that the path toward sanity lay in seeing the connectedness of all things. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Due to the expansion of capitalism and the emergence of a global culture, pluralists recognized a growing interconnectedness between states.
  • Lastly, it will contend that this is just the beginning of an exciting new era of global interconnectedness that will spread ideas and innovations around the world faster than ever before.
  • Furthermore, she suggests that rather than attempting to reconcile the differences, we might consider ‘social connectedness to exist in a kind of multimodal continuum’.
  • That kind of connectedness is out of reach of most Americans, thanks to Japan’s superior technical infrastructure, and outside their ken as well. previous: Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Online Antiwar Activism in Japan
  • We take for granted disciplines such as biophysics or molecular biology in which old boundaries of thought have been supplanted by a greater unity of conception that recognizes increasingly the underlying interconnectedness of physical and biological processes once thought entirely separate. Archive 2005-11-01
  • Something - perhaps their anger at each other or their fear (and love) of fate - had renewed the connectedness between them. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Human beings have a need for both independence and connectedness.
  • Interconnectedness also contributes to the rapid diffusion of ideas and technology.
  • She appears to appropriate traditional humanist interests in social connectedness and caring specifically for women.
  • Human beings have a need for both independence and connectedness.
  • Not only because of the ratables, but primarily because of the sense of connectedness to the community and its issues that OWNERSHIP implies. Taking Plainfield to the cleaners?
  • Human beings have a need for both independence and connectedness.
  • Education should expand the sense of connectedness a young child feels with the world.
  • Hyphal fusion is presumably a way to increase cytoplasmic flow and interconnectedness of hypha.
  • These hypotheses and their interconnectedness are shown diagrammatically on the opposite page.
  • I mean it in the concrete sense that is used in everyday life, the sense of soul, feeling, connectedness, inspiration, and aliveness.
  • Write down the correspondences for all these individual items so you can see interconnectedness between everything.
  • The exhibition succeeded in demonstrating various modalities of person-to-person interconnectedness and their aesthetic wake, albeit some more direct and convincing than others.
  • These ritualized behaviors effectively sacralize the male body, making it a carrier of the sacred and a vehicle for public demonstration of connectedness to God and Torah. Ritual in the United States.
  • The sheer range and interconnectedness of the problems that the nation faces are such that any permanent solution to any one of them will require profound systemic change that will necessarily upset many economic, political and cultural equilibria. Ron Paul Can Win
  • But the most profound voice in popular music today inveighing against spiritual alienation and emotional disconnectedness comes from New Jersey.
  • Lacking in moral or spiritual interests; worldly. aaah, but the difference in MY lil label is that a "sensualist" denotes a certain spiritual connectedness that can only be found through physical/material experience ... to quote and old addage ... the path of excess leads to the palace of wisdom you see, how are we to know ourselves if we do not experience all the world around us? how are we to say that something is distasteful if it has never touched our tongues? hmmm? ...JOIN MY NEW DIARYRING NOW DAMMIT!!!...
  • Friendship with connectedness tended to support the process of therapists' synthesis of their personal and professional selves.
  • ‘Community is celebrated, especially by urban community leaders and activists,’ Patterson writes, but ‘the truth is that Afro-Americans lead the nation in their unconnectedness to community support groups.’
  • For anyone who has wished for an elected official that is holistically centered, spiritually led and aware of the interconnectedness of ALL, this man is the answer to our prayers.
  • Communication technology has increased the connectedness between physicians and patients.
  • And, oh yeah, a sense of "connectedness" - cyber companionship - which makes this particular era of VC-wealth distribution all the more … touching. P2pnet news
  • The wider context of this research is the literature addressing the connectedness of demonologies to economic and social transformations.
  • I could say I was trying to grab some connectedness for myself.
  • Rather than an annual publication, once-in-a-lifetime book, or presidential mandate, our megaphone is the prevalence of social media and the interconnectedness of millions of people. Patti Prairie: A Kilowatt Earned is a Kilowatt Saved
  • So the primafacie plausible assumption that any creature able to perceive convexity would also be aware of connectedness is false.
  • Who can help me escape from a world of unconnectedness - if only for a little while?
  • As a consequence, this cultural connectedness provides a shield from the emotional invective that results from living in a racist society.
  • Interconnectedness among its components, together with its comprehensiveness, determine a system's degree of coherence.
  • The control frame on a rigid wing is just unconnected from the glider and you feel that unconnectedness (well, I do).
  • We stood apart in ideas but together in mourning of a foregone moment, of black communities with a long gone connectedness although just as much disagreement.
  • By moving beyond the divisions that often segregate both people and art forms, Diakite eloquently demonstrates the interconnectedness that animates the universe.
  • The last thing we need is metaphors that glorify and naturalize digital, mediatized interconnectedness. I’m going to a barcamp
  • That total acceptance and the connectedness was the fuel for me to fight. Cancer Survivor Stories
  • In most applications of preference logic, it is taken for granted that the following property, called completeness or connectedness, should be satisfied: Preferences
  • Their connectedness is hidden from us, we don’t control the information they record, and there’s no “Undo” key. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Everyware discussion on Well: new book about ubicomp

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