How To Use Conjugal In A Sentence

  • The latter, which in actuality is sex comradeship, I call conjugal affection or friendship. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • The impotency which is a cause of nullity is the incapacity of having conjugal relations The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
  • She gives her henpecked husband "a conjugal beating" and sees to it that omens begin to be reported: a plague of rats, bad crops, mangoes tasteless, plantains eaten by worms, tiger sharks appearing in the harbor and fish disappearing, poi in poi-pits turned bitter, a five-legged she-goat born — all due to the strange money of Fulualea. “Have you lived? What have you got to show for it?”
  • My conjugal partner and I, attired in our nocturnal head coverings, were about to take slumbrous advantage of the hibernal darkness when upon the avenaceous exterior portion of the grounds there ascended such a cacaphony of dissonance that I felt compelled to arise with alacrity from my place of repose for the purpose of ascertaining the precise source thereof. Sunlight Through The Shadows Magazine Volume 1 Issue 6 (ANSI Edition)
  • The aim was to surround lithe John with domestic objects and so turn his mind to conjugal felicity.
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  • This same decretal of Pope Gregory II., which permits bigamy in certain cases, denies conjugal rights forever to the boys and girls, whom their parents have devoted to the Church in their infancy. A Philosophical Dictionary
  • Aflame with the idea of conjugal bliss as a veritable religion, in the 1930s he tried to create a whole "" Hilda Chapel '' full of paintings on the joys of married life. Love Affair, With Paint
  • He should then explain to the boy and girl individually their respective conjugal duties as husband and wife.
  • This is the love of familiar, committed partners, variously known as conjugal, married, or spousal love. Robert Fuller: Must Love End?
  • My conjugal partner and I, attired in our nocturnal head coverings, were about to take slumberous advantage of the hibernal darkness when upon the avenaceous exterior portion of the grounds there ascended such a cacophony of dissonance that I felt compelled to arise with alacrity from my place of repose for the purpose of ascertaining the precise source thereof. Vampishone Diary Entry
  • Note 56: Campbell discusses the family-centered nature of eighteenth - and nineteenth-century rural Irish society — both the conjugal unit and the extended kinship network with its physical manifestation, the clachan (the traditional clustering of families in which kinship ties defined community boundaries and property was communally owned and rotated in a system known as rundale). Gutenber-e Help Page
  • An understanding proportionate to thine, that is, a recipiency at least of thine: -- 2. natural sensibility and lively sympathy in general: -- 3. steadiness in attaching and retaining sensibility to its proper objects in its proper proportions: -- 4. mutual liking; including person and all the thousand obscure sympathies that determine conjugal liking, that is, love and desire to A. rather than to Literary Remains, Volume 1
  • And observing that five was the antient conjugal or wedding number, he proceeds to a speculation which I shall give in his own words; “The antient numerists made out the conjugal number by two and three, the first parity and imparity, the active and passive digits, the material and formal principles in generative societies.” Christian Morals
  • It's a hopeless case: Barak the dyer watches telly with the remote in his hand; his peroxide-blond wife lies on the conjugal bed fully dressed, face to the wall. Die Frau ohne Schatten; BBC Proms 61 & 62 – review
  • Cratyn had some... difficulty... in fulfilling his conjugal duties. TREASON KEEP
  • The elders, who represented the former heads of the families and clans under the tribal system, had undoubtedly ample jurisdiction concerning family affairs, disputes about conjugal relations, inheritances, the division of property, the appointment of the goel or upholder of the family, and the settlement of blood-revenge. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • I'm sure his wife was overwhelmingly grateful to be relieved of conjugal duties after thirty-five years of marriage.
  • This may explain their higher rates of separation and divorce and their lower levels of satisfaction with conjugal relations and sexuality.
  • I was endeavouring to enlighten her about the joys of conjugal bliss. TREASON KEEP
  • And hey presto-it's time to consider how to celebrate 25 years of conjugal bliss.
  • The conjugal relation portrayed between husband and wife differs in both its commensal and sexual aspects from a quotidian union.
  • Even as early as the second stage of imprisonment conjugal visits are permitted every fifteen days.
  • Such conjugal uncourtliness elicits its merited censure in the cool satire of the accompanying motto: -- The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 14, No. 396, October 31, 1829
  • A person with whom you've lived for a period of 12 months or more in a conjugal relationship is generally considered to be a common-law spouse.
  • Many had, during marriage, distinct conjugal roles and were therefore quite unaccustomed to undertaking partners' household tasks.
  • Al Jannabi (Gagnier, tom.iii. p. 287) records his own testimony, that he surpassed all men in conjugal vigor; and The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • A long engagement, particularly, is in nine cases out of ten a regular preparatory school for conjugal infidelity.
  • The conjugal vision of marriage itself is being stamped as discriminatory and bigoted.
  • The Latin word conjugial was used by the writer to indicate the true spiritual union of man and wife in contradistinction to the mere natural union as expressed in the word conjugal. The Wedding Guest
  • Cum juxta mare agrum coleret: Omnis enim miseriae immemorem, conjugalis amor eum fecerat. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • He was looking forward to conjugal visits, only he never had none in the eighteen years. TISHOMINGO BLUES
  • Pope Paul had famously said that the purpose of the conjugal act is both "unitive" and "procreative," noting that each, rightly pursued, facilitates the other. Archive 2006-01-01
  • In these smaller conjugal families, the roles of husbands and wives feature greater equality and more sharing of responsibilities.
  • Unlike blood relationships, the conjugal relationship is chosen by the parties.
  • The officiant should then appraise the boy and girl of the duties and obligations of conjugal life according to the Gurus tenets.
  • A broader preoccupation with conjugal relationships in Victorian politics, literature, and art was probably also a factor.
  • Many had, during marriage, distinct conjugal roles and were therefore quite unaccustomed to undertaking partners' household tasks.
  • Husbands had the right to dispose of conjugal property, including property the wife brought to the union, as they saw fit.
  • Leonora perhaps thinks that she loves her husband; and no doubt she does so in a conjugal sort of a way: he _has_ loved his wife; but be it mine to prove that his heart is suited to far other raptures; and if Olivia be called upon for sacrifices, _Olivia_ can make them. Tales and Novels — Volume 08
  • There was no will and in less time than it takes to say conjugal rights, the real Mrs Beck came swanning in to claim everything. THE ONLY GAME
  • Women have a degree of material and psychological security but suffer complete instability in conjugal relationships.
  • Valentine's Day used to be known as a kitsch, childish and generally innocent celebration where teenagers sent themselves cards and married couples enjoyed biannual conjugal relations.
  • She needn't have bothered, as Abi mysteriously went off the idea of being deflowered in a garage, however thoughtfully Jay may have prepped the back of the conjugal car with a quick squirt of Febreze Morning Dew Mist and cued up Now That's What I Call A Teenager Chewing Off His Own Fist In Sexual Frustration Vol 8 on The Arches' boombox. Daniel Maier's World of lather
  • If he please, he can bring an action for restitution of conjugal rights; and he may seize her even by force, when "harboured" against his will, by friends or relations. English Laws for Women in the Nineteenth Century
  • Do you promise to moan continually about lack of conjugal relations?
  • Their language bears no affinity to the idioms of the Continent: in the habits of domestic life, they are not easily distinguished from their neighbors of France: but the most singular circumstance of their manners is their disregard of conjugal honor and of female chastity. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • We probably don't need Jan Pahl's pioneering research to tell us how fragile conjugal consensus is.
  • The marriage law bill for amendment set up has visited the power system, has filled the conjugal family system's blank.
  • Both parties were getting involved in a second conjugal relationship.
  • The transformation of marriage in twentieth century Kerala which included the institutionalisation of conjugal marriage, patriliny, and dowry, the specific implications of Kerala's demographic transition for community politics, and the inflow of remittances from the Gulf after the 1970s have endured that community boundaries, and the institution of arranged marriage which sustains them remain hale and hearty.
  • Such knowledge has rendered meaningless the notion that every conjugal act should be open to the transfer of life.
  • He does and doesn't want to marry as he serially observes his friends' conjugal problems and dallies with three fetching bachelorettes.
  • A new conciliation program for victims of conjugal violence is greeted with skepticism on the part of social workers.
  • The excellence of the intention is fully and readily recognised, but, for all practical purposes, the letter has received very much the same treatment at the hands of the Northern public as that usually assigned to intermeddlers in conjugal differences. London, Saturday, September28, 1861.
  • What might follow is needless for me to name; -- your soul must shudder at the idea of conjugal infidelity! Alonzo and Melissa The Unfeeling Father
  • The term ‘conjugal rights’ has long characterized ways of speaking about marriage both in the canonistic tradition and in the secular legal systems of the West.
  • Continue therefore to live even with unbelieving relatives; for, if you are holy, the relation is so, the state is so, you may make a holy use even of an unbelieving relative, in conjugal duties, and your seed will be holy too. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • Such considerations do not demonstrate, apodictically, that condomistic intercourse is not conjugal intercourse. Archive 2006-05-01
  • To chivvy the unconjugal to conjugate may to be store up greater unhappiness. David Cameron should honour his marriage vow
  • 'Dr. Johnson has rightly said that the incommodities of a single life are necessary and certain, but those of a conjugal state are avoidable. Our Elizabeth A Humour Novel
  • But, those are those over the age of 35 - most younger voters - many born in decades after the Marcos years have no memories of the those years other than the dictator label pegged on his father and conjugal nature of those years in power. Philippines: Marcos Jr files candidacy for Philippine Senate
  • Only within a conjugal union could women be chaste and virtuous, and nurture a positive influence on children and men.
  • There is little, however, of that rapturous extasy which issues from many a finally most infelicitous husband, some days, weeks, or even months, after the conjugal union. The Life of the Right Honourable Horatio Lord Viscount Nelson, Volume 1
  • Why is the act of intercourse called the conjugal act? A celibate expert on marriage
  • Their conjugal affection still is ty'd,And still the mournful race is multiply'd:They bill, they tread; Alcyone compress'd,Sev'n days sits brooding on her floating nest:A wintry queen: her sire at length is kind,Calms ev'ry storm, and hushes ev'ry wind;Prepares his empire for his daughter's ease,And for his hatching nephews smooths the seas. Mystery bird: Black-capped kingfisher, Halcyon pileata
  • The patriarchal conjugal family, man and wife, each acting within their proper sphere, and the containment of sexuality within legal matrimony, became the keystones of social stability and moral progress.
  • The relation whereinto God here expresseth that he will and doth take his people is one of the most near and eminent which he affordeth to them, a conjugal relation, — he is and will be their husband; which is as high an expression of the covenant betwixt God and his saints as any that is or can be used. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • As an experiment in protest against the insipidity which is too often an accompaniment of conjugal intercourse the institution might well seem to deserve a more tolerant and impartial investigation than it has yet received at the hands of our sociologists. Travels through France and Italy
  • Despite the practice of polygamy and men's near-monopoly of religious offices, women have a comfortable social status as they are owners of the conjugal house.
  • The reader must then take up the baton, receive the message of this missive which has been addressed to her and thus respond to the invitation to have conjugal relations with the text.
  • Note 56: Campbell discusses the family-centered nature of eighteenth - and nineteenth-century rural Irish society — both the conjugal unit and the extended kinship network with its physical manifestation, the clachan (the traditional clustering of families in which kinship ties defined community boundaries and property was communally owned and rotated in a system known as rundale). Gutenber-e Help Page
  • Actually, we expect that Canadian homosexual couples will behave like Canadian heterosexual couples and see marriage as one of many conjugal options, each with its benefits and drawbacks.
  • Those who have not enjoyed conjugal relations in a while should start to feel especially nervous.
  • Xanthippe, by whom he had three sons; but her bad temper has rendered her name proverbial for a conjugal scold. A Smaller history of Greece From the earliest times to the Roman conquest
  • The writer himself says of the conjugal relationship, ‘This is a great mystery, and I am applying it to Christ and the Church.’
  • I shall show the higher part intellect plays in conjugal love, the control, restraint, forbearance, sacrifice. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • conjugal visits
  • Because procreation is the primary purpose for sexual activity more properly called the conjugal act, a married couple is not to engage in any sexual activity that intentionally thwarts or subverts the procreation of children. Scandal in Brazil Bishops' Conference Chairman defends appointment of abortion supporter to Supreme Court
  • The father is formally the head of the household, but more equal conjugal relations are common among younger couples.
  • At first they lightheartedly recall their conjugal experiences, but with the recollection of the suicide of their mutual friend Barbara their thoughts darken into remembrance of Catharine's insanity and her time spent in a Swiss sanitarium. Poor Papa
  • And hey presto-it's time to consider how to celebrate 25 years of conjugal bliss.
  • It is taken to be the ultimate proof of conjugal loyalty.
  • The visiting relationship is the most common form of conjugal union for poor Forro or Tonga females.
  • The story confirms a preference for the unconsummated love of a distant, but admired object, over the conjugal relationship.
  • I think the word bushmeat applies to monkeys and suchlike, with which conjugal relations apparrantly blessed Africa with HIV & Aids, nice. Whats in your food
  • He notices conjugal relations among them, such as furnish richest home blessings. India, Its Life and Thought

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