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How To Use Conic section In A Sentence

  • He developed the hemicyclium, a sundial which has the hour lines drawn on the surface of a conic section giving greater accuracy.
  • Apollonius of Perga was a Greek geometer and astronomer noted for his writings on conic sections. Archive 2009-03-01
  • It's the other conic sections that confuse me, like ellipses and hyperbolas.
  • First we should note that conic sections to Apollonius are by definition the curves formed when a plane intersects the surface of a cone.
  • The New determine the orbit of the param - with the crown of glory. the Seven Mansion Worlds, the Jerusalem will be revealed as a eter, a test is taken to see what 30 We can see h o w Merkabah Light worlds of the lower Merkabah totality, a system which energy fields need to be crossed. can spiral through the inner chem - luminaries. will coordinate all building blocks Once they know how many fields ical lattice of planetary program - 35 Merkabah is witness to the of crystal into one greater life force. need to be crossed they create ming so as to attune the species to bringing of prophetic consciousness This is why the key tells u s that what they call rotational circumver - central growth cycles, or speed from one level to other levels of the higher intelligence uses the sion which is two conic sections of through star systems and connect a creation. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
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  • Omar Khayyam gave a complete classification of cubic equations with geometric solutions found by means of intersecting conic sections.
  • He also thought in conic sections, squares and roots and ratios, and geometrized like Euclid. Pragmatism
  • A certain Chever also performed sundry singular mathematical feats, such as squaring the circle, a problem which he reduced to the single question, _Construere mundum divinae menti analogum_, and showing that the parabola, the only conic section squared by ancient or modern geometers, could never be quadrated, to the eternal discomfiture and discredit of the shade of Archimedes. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 03, No. 20, June, 1859
  • Sturm's theoretical work in mathematical physics involved the study of caustic curves, and poles and polars of conic sections.
  • Sturm's theoretical work in mathematical physics involved the study of caustic curves, and poles and polars of conic sections.
  • These three trajectories are known as conic sections, as they are also the curves produced by cutting a cone along different planes.
  • The intersection of a plane with this object forms an important set of two dimensional curves, called the conic sections. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • The first students of conic sections, and possibly Theaetetus, the creator of solid geometry, were members of the Academy.
  • You probably feel at times like a chord of a conic section that passes through a focus and is parallel to the directrix, but know for certain that the phonemic differences between allormorphs of the same morpheme is supported by the idea that the quantitative measurement of many characters to the determination of taxa and to the construction of diagrams indicating systematic changes can make or break us. Trisomy
  • Many eighteenth-century manuals on gauging treated barrels as solids generated by rotating conic sections about their axes.
  • The curve which represents with perfect fidelity the movements of a planet in its revolution around the sun belongs to that well-known group of curves which mathematicians describe as the conic sections. The Story of the Heavens
  • Newton and Kepler left behind the tools for constructing flight paths from simple conic sections - bits of parabolas, hyperbolas, ellipses, and the ubiquitous circle - and their use is now a highly developed art.
  • You probably feel at times like a chord of a conic section that passes through a focus and is parallel to the directrix, but know for certain that the phonemic differences between allormorphs of the same morpheme is supported by the idea that the quantitative measurement of many characters to the determination of taxa and to the construction of diagrams indicating systematic changes can make or break us. Trisomy
  • In his Euclid a series of references is provided to the arithmetical treatises; several portions of his Archimedes are strictly related to his works on Apollonius and on conic sections, the latter referring in turn to researches in gnomonics.
  • For example he shows how to deform a circle into an ellipse and proves other results on deforming conic sections.
  • Menaechmus is famed for his discovery of the conic sections and he was the first to show that ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas are obtained by cutting a cone in a plane not parallel to the base.
  • The solutions to the equations describing the motions produced by this law are called conic sections - ellipses, hyperbolae and parabolae - which you get by intersecting a plane and a cone.
  • As a math teacher, I find it difficult each year to teach certain topics such as conic sections that have very little practical use, but must be covered because the “test makers” determine them to be part of the core curriculum. Obama Wants to Pay Teachers What They’re Worth - Freakonomics Blog -
  • Cavalieri also wrote on conic sections, trigonometry, optics, astronomy, and astrology.
  • Sturm's theoretical work in mathematical physics involved the study of caustic curves, and poles and polars of conic sections.

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