
How To Use Congruous In A Sentence

  • What wouldn't burn still remained: bare walls muffled with incongruous tapestries, flooring tamped over with carpets.
  • Sometimes, with mechs, a smile could transform the face into something even less human—the expression somehow incongruous on the synthetic lips, a quaint and unsettling party trick, like a dog propped at the dinner table with a fork and spoon. Crashed
  • But judicious," Natalenko squeaked, in the high eunuchoid voice that came so incongruously from his bulk. Lone Star Planet
  • Emma's miniskirt formed an incongruous addition to this parade of shapeless sack dresses, zip off trousers and sandals.
  • It concluded in the somewhat incongruous pair attending the G8 together in June. Times, Sunday Times
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  • A camel watched them pass, incongruous and apparently unconcerned. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was small and fragile and looked incongruous in an army uniform.
  • Surely such an incongruous question was never put in an Arab town in the heart of Africa by a sheikh dressed in bernouse and turban, with a jewel-hilted yataghan at his side, sitting cross-legged on a cushion. For Fortune and Glory A Story of the Soudan War
  • The alluring charm of the FA Cup has always been in its ability to throw up incongruous situations. Times, Sunday Times
  • 'Tis the novelty of the experiment which makes impressions on their conceptive, cogitative faculties; that do not previse the facility of the operation adequately, with a subact and sedate intellection, associated with diligent and congruous study. Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 5
  • Emma's miniskirt formed an incongruous addition to this parade of shapeless sack dresses, zip off trousers and sandals.
  • James Carville thought it was appropriate to liken Bill Richardson to Judas who sold out Jesus for 30 pieces of silver when he endorsed Barack Obama and reiterated his incongruous biblical analogy on CNN by saying that Richardson was being "disloyal" - not to the country, but to the Clintons. Sam Sedaei: The Price of Loyalty
  • The ones I saw were being guarded, not by Americans, but by brown-skinned soldiers, men of their own size and race, incongruous in alien boots and uniforms.
  • From the edge of the small waves Somers heard one man talking to another, and the English tones — unconsciously he expected a foreign language — and particularly the peculiar educated – artisan quality, almost a kind of uppishness that there is in the speech of Australian working men, struck him as incongruous with their picking up the coal – cobs from the shore. Kangaroo
  • Hence, the previous superpower demonologies now appear incongruous, if not ludicrous, when occasionally applied to their nuclear foes.
  • A camel watched them pass, incongruous and apparently unconcerned. Times, Sunday Times
  • But her petiteness was incongruous with her combatant stride, and when she got close enough for him to read her expression, his hopes for this meeting turning out to be good for him were instantly dashed. Tough Customer
  • Moderate stylization and antirealism that falls short of true expressionism is sometimes enough to soothe congruous crudity into an effectively intensified sensibility, if the idiom is correct.
  • It's all very incongruous coming from the mouth of a titled man whose toffee vowels are drawn out like a penny chew.
  • His hair, dyed an incongruous brown and brilliantined, an old man's vanity, glistened under the light like a waxy skullcap. MAMBO
  • I found the scene somewhat incongruous.
  • There is a distant but unmistakable clattering sound that is incongruous to the refined air of the robust cabin. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, too, does an incongruous fanfare for the man capable of bringing the sunshine back to his sport. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result is a place which is rather incongruous, with only a small town centre surrounded by large numbers of houses.
  • He was an adapt in the irony of incongruously grouping.
  • The most incongruous sight of all in the "House of Resistance", as Gaddafi called the bombed-out building, was several dummy missiles hanging from the ceiling as if they had just fallen from an American bomber -his idea of a memorial to the little girl, perhaps. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • The Pope's view are congruous to the Catholic Church's position when matters involving human sexuality are concerned, and the Church's opposition to the use of contraception has elicited a correlation of large families and lower life expectancy in the world's poorest continent. Michael Mungai: The Bait of Christian Fundamentalism in Africa
  • These backstories give the characters weight and depth that informs their actions and doesn't feel incongruous, which is quite an achievement. The Year of Our War by Steph Swainston + Richard Morgan snippet
  • Blackmore performs in a sartorial nightmare of clashing colours and incongruous items of clothing.
  • The new theatre looks utterly incongruous in its setting.
  • It begins with a statement that runs counter to the title followed by a second sentence that doesn't support the first one, and a third that appears to contradict the second while failing utterly at congruous analogies. Las Vegas Sun Stories: All Sun Headlines
  • No doubt it would be more reasonable and more "congruous" that Bacon's book should suggest Bacon. De Libris: Prose and Verse
  • Moreover, we must grant that although our ability to affect the environment is entropically grand, it is not unbounded, thus our optimism to uniquely steer the course of the natural history is incongruous with physics. Progressive Bloggers
  • It was an incongruous mix: York drinkers, tourists and a movie crew, some from London and others from Los Angeles.
  • Instead, we look upon a bewildered bear dressed incongruously in a white shirt with cuff links. Times, Sunday Times
  • We hiked up Vermont Valley with a guide, Ellroy, to look for indigenous wild St. Vincent parrots, through thick rain forest of figs, palms, balsa and incongruous pine trees.
  • It towered incongruously high above modest semi-detached roofs, built on a peculiar design which blended elements of many different ages and cultures in a bizarre heterogeneous mix.
  • However, this bike is riddled with anodization and color coordination, as well as with a top tube pad and a saddle that is completely incongruous with the rest of the bicycle. Frog in the Throat: Diagnosing Your Bicycle
  • The book's wittiness is derived more from the incongruous circumstances than it is from one-liners (though there are those), and I'm undecided as to whether this is a lost opportunity (could it have been funnier?) or the reason why the humor succeeds (there are several laugh-out-loud moments). REVIEW: Divine Misfortune by A. Lee Martinez
  • His work is nothing if not congruous and consistently rewarding.
  • And when drivers queue to allow a family of geese to amble across, it is one of those incongruous scenes which can only make you smile.
  • A few have mottled top layers with splashes of incongruous colors that seem to have come together with the randomness of drips of paint on a drop cloth.
  • Curtains are becoming more simple and swags and tails, while the classic window dressing, now look a little incongruous and dated in a modern house.
  • Nonadequate merit, more commonly called congruous merit, is merit in a weaker sense of the term; it merely requires that conditions be set up so that if you do a given thing you get a reward. Condign and Congruous Merit
  • Quarrelsome drosky drivers, incongruous mills, and the thousand trumperies of the place, were all forgotten in the perfect beauty of the scene — in the full, the joyous realisation of my ideas of Niagara. The Englishwoman in America
  • He sat on a throne outside the lion exhibit and wore an incongruous plastic gold crown.
  • But these efforts are wasted if the copy is stale or lacks a congruous theme.
  • So we have some jangly guitar songs with a dancefloor four four beat, some incongruous soft rock and then some straightforward house.
  • Two of the new sculptures (all works 2004) feature big plywood or Sheetrock screens behind which lurk some wildly incongruous commercial objects.
  • Rather, she keeps close to home, a location that metonymically signals that her interests are congruous with the interests of her husband and family.
  • A show by the Saskatchewan abstract painter William Perehudoff currently at the tiny Poussin Gallery in deep southeast London; the incongruous, and oddly soothing, sound of Leslie Feist's new single being played at a dinner party on a recent holiday in France; the British press hailing Ryan Gosling as "the thinking woman's crumpet" - a title previously held by Michael Ignatieff. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • As Perry inched backwards a huge voice, it’s tone incongruously warm and reasonable, boomed from the face. 365 tomorrows » The Library : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Here, in its incongruous dark wood baldachin, hangs the Lutine Bell, historically rung when a ship went missing. 7: The Lloyd's building, London, built 1978-1986
  • Along with the odd Premier League football shirt, mobile phones are an incongruous glimpse of modernity amid the daily struggle for money and food in Katine.
  • There was loud, incongruously happy-sounding music blaring from a large loudspeaker just outside the front gate. Dr. Jon LaPook: Dispatch From Haiti: "Controlled Chaos" of Cholera
  • To persuade students that popular culture is congruous with critical analysis, then, media educators should consider using creative metaphors to jar students into looking at popular culture in new ways.
  • An international business firm has to devise a system of compensation and reward for extra effort for its employees congruous with the prevailing attitudes to work in the host culture.
  • To restore the grey carcases of a mediaevalism whose spirit had fled, seemed a not less incongruous act than to set about renovating the adjoining crags themselves. A Pair of Blue Eyes
  • It is, to say the least, an incongruous sight. Times, Sunday Times
  • The toy appeared strangely incongruous, almost an antique among the plastic playthings that littered the floor.
  • Wright, who is best known for his low Prairie-style buildings, had a complicated relationship with tall buildings, calling one an “incongruous mantrap of monstrous dimensions.” Little Skyscraper on the Prairie
  • Among the smartly dressed businessmen a handful of young hospital visitors dressed in tracksuits, trainers and baseball caps look incongruous as they sit smoking in the interior gardens.
  • The Secretary of State considers that the views from the site would at least be seriously obstructed by the proposed development and that the present and, to him, congruous foreground which consists of pasturage would disappear.
  • I know it all seems rather incongruous but he likes leading a quiet life here. Times, Sunday Times
  • I knew intellectually that women's breasts were designed for this natural purpose, of course, but the sight of this noisy, foreign apparatus mechanically sucking on my wife's breasts was so unexpected, so incongruous, that she might've been an abductee of aliens on a mission to extract Earthling female specimens before worm-holing back to their star system. Len Filppu: Parental Survival Tip # 1: Develop Mirth at Birth
  • Altogether his work has a distinctive, congruous voice, but individually his films are produced with very dissimilar methods and motives.
  • Bausch never succumbs to trippy New Age stuff that this set might suggest, however, and instead often engages her players in urbane games with tables and chairs and other hallmarks of daily life incongruous to the deep blue sea. Archive 2007-11-01
  • The presence of Hollywood in this remote refugee camp seems incongruous.
  • He was, incongruously, an incurable gossip, careful to label rumour for what it was, but fascinated by it…
  • a joke that was incongruous with polite conversation
  • (Then cut to one of those incongruously cheerful CW "Happy Halloween" promos for the show, where Wise tries to outgrin a jack-o-lantern while Perry Como croons about the most wonderful time of the year.) Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
  • An animal that can make its own light: what an incongruous and utterly bewitching thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Blackmore performs in a sartorial nightmare of clashing colours and incongruous items of clothing.
  • The red jeans are a little incongruous with this look, and suggest a more naive side to her. Times, Sunday Times
  • ’Tis the novelty of the experiment which makes impressions on their conceptive, cogitative faculties; that do not previse the facility of the operation adequately, with a subact and sedate intellection, associated with diligent and congruous study. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • In the dream, his waking life seemed unreal and incongruous.
  • I stuck to adventurous mode and ordered white-wine-poached pear with chocolate orange parfait and coffee creme anglaise: an incongruous mix.
  • The spaghetti western mood was slightly dampened by an incongruous collection of artesania stalls in the square.
  • They will sit on the pass that day next to the Szechuan buttons and the marinating fish livers and the prehistorically large cardoons, an incongruous jolt of home. The Sorcerer’s Apprentices
  • Harrell was wearing a fawn overcoat, incongruously citified. THE LAST RAVEN
  • They all folded up on themselves and became a puzzle of incongruous crimes and criminals.
  • It was incongruous to see a thief sitting there cheek by jowl with the policeman.
  • He is just offended by an incongruous adaptation, which, in his opinion, undermines his own concept by degrading his heroine.
  • A vision not completely incongruous with the streets; a small European-looking boy with worn-out boots, carrying a large hand-woven bag of gaudy colors advertising Cuernavaca. The Calling
  • The work is congruous to his character.
  • How incongruous this specter, stalking forth when all is joy and merry-making! What Socialism Is
  • A tall, grizzled man with wild, greying hair, wearing an old cheesecloth shirt, he is incongruous in a settlement remarkable for its neat, well-spaced houses and broad central avenue.
  • Most of Batuman's chapters describe some bizarre trek she gruelingly undertook (easily financed by gullible graduate funders), yet she confoundingly, incongruously speaks against this very form of research early in the book, thus, nothing or everything adding up in the end: The Possessed : Academics Going to the Trades
  • Then, after the incongruous Caribbean interlude, Donaldson falls back to looping, phasing and EQing all the other elements until the allotted six minutes are up.
  • Such a scenario appears incongruous, if not abhorrent, to many.
  • The comic depends upon our apperceiving an object in terms of some idea and finding it incongruous. The Principles of Aesthetics
  • Plans are conceived of as singular intentions, regarded as incongruous within a diverse society.
  • When I read over it today it seemed utterly incongruous with my current frame of mind - a ranty tantrum almost.
  • His real achievement, though, is effortlessly synthesizing a dizzying array of dissonant phenomena (Cold War espionage, ecstatic religiosity), incongruous pairings (Darwinism, Tantric sex), and otherwise schizy ephemera (psychedelic drugs, spaceflight) into a cogent, satisfyingly complete narrative. Cover to Cover
  • A forlorn pair of chromed handle bars stuck incongruously out from under the massive front roller.
  • Concept of subsidy volunteer is congruous with the concept of volunteer with regard to the spirit of volunteering service.
  • While the word "forestall" does permit a degree of discretion, it seems incongruous to recognize the President's power to repel attacks and yet force him to wait until the first gun is fired before implementing adequate countermeasures. Sen. Eagleton & War Powers
  • An analysis for reliability and validity shows that the responses to these two questions are congruous and measure the same magnitude.
  • With an incongruousness that was characteristic, his favourite study was theology.
  • It was incongruous to see a thief sitting there cheek by jowl with the policeman.
  • As a family, we only request that an effort be made to create an atmosphere that is congruous with our Jewish values.
  • Cycling and painting are quite separate means of self-expression and their combination is both incongruous and indecorous.
  • The pope further states that, since Benedictine Oblates cannot, at the same time, be tertiaries of the Franciscan or any other order, it is "congruous" that they should have peculiar privileges. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • The least of these illuminators, with his insignificant eyeless face, possesses at his fingers 'ends the maximum of dexterity in this art of decoration, light and wittily incongruous, which threatens to invade us in France, in this epoch of imitative decadence, and which has become the great resource of our manufacturers of cheap "_objects of art_. Madame Chrysantheme
  • Now the hulks are a disgrace to Europe, and a most incongruous appendage to a system that professes to cure by separate confinement. It Is Never Too Late to Mend
  • The scar from his surgery traces an incongruously straight line across the contours of his tiny frame. Times, Sunday Times
  • A 20th-century literary and artistic movement that attempts to express the workings of the subconscious and is characterized by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtaposition of subject matter.
  • Having lived among it in its homeland though, US culture suddenly seems strangely incongruous here.
  • So, I find I can't agree that his presence is an "effrontery," although I wholeheartedly agree that it is politically incongruous. Balkinization
  • In our waking hours a perpetual voluntary exertion, of which we are unconscious, attends all our new trains of ideas, whether those of imagination or of perception; which by comparing them with our former experience preserves the consistency of the former, by rejecting such as are incongruous; and adds to the credibility of the latter, by their analogy to objects of our previous knowledge: and this exertion is attended with pleasurable sensation. Note XIII
  • She paints the rather incongruous scene of a recent cross-Channel ferry journey that she spent chatting to her fellow truckers in the canteen. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such a scenario appears incongruous, if not abhorrent, to many.
  • Every station is embellished and decorated: delicate stars and hammers and sickles somewhat incongruously scattered about as decorative motifs.
  • In the dream, his waking life seemed unreal and incongruous.
  • Congruism is the term by which theologians denote a theory according to which the efficacy of efficacious grace (see GRACE) is due, at least in part, to the fact that the grace is given in circumstances favourable to its operation, i.e. "congruous" in that sense. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
  • It seems incongruous to have a woman as the editor of a men's magazine.
  • The improbable combo, including stand-up bass and flugelhorn, is as incongruous as its frontman.
  • Somewhat incongruously she also described the amusements of the respectable ladies and gentlemen of Deadwood, happily recalling picnics, tennis games, church socials, sleighing parties, and balls.
  • He's a garrulous paterfamilias who has somehow picked up the incongruous metropolitan affectation of a stubby cigarette holder.
  • As all this is explained to me in an incongruously cheerful manner, the beeps matching my heart rate go up a bit. 2010 - the Year of the Beeps - Part Five
  • There's a swoopy, somewhat incongruous Frank Gehry building in Millennium Park in Chicago," says a famous architecture critic who wishes to remain nameless for fear of being perceived as a revolting, disgusting philistine who ought to be hanged, drawn, quartered and then shot, but only after being blinded and flayed alive. An Architect's Blueprint for Overexposure
  • My favourite old building is the splendid 1825 crescent of houses that sits incongruously on the front. Times, Sunday Times
  • This tower was one of a pair — square, incongruous, crenelated structures — that were distinguished, for some reason, though I could see little difference, as the new and the old. The Turn of the Screw
  • It squatted incongruously among the trees, looking like a visitor from another planet.
  • He danced the Lancashire clog-hornpipe; he rattled out puns and conundrums; yet did he contrive to infuse into all this mummery and buffoonery, into this salmagundi of the incongruous and the The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 80, June, 1864
  • The gatehouse was built over a narrow way, penetrable by only one car at a time and regulated by an incongruous traffic light. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • His hair, dyed an incongruous brown and brilliantined, an old man's vanity, glistened under the light like a waxy skullcap. MAMBO
  • The remaining ‘incongruous’ crosses disagreeing in gene order with the largest clique were used to infer the existence of inversion polymorphism.
  • The ‘tickey’ might become a quarter-shilling, but existing names, though incongruous, would probably linger.
  • There is a distant but unmistakable clattering sound that is incongruous to the refined air of the robust cabin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even so, if Aritim really meant 'Arretium', it surely is borrowed from Latin Arrētium, and has nothing at all to do with the Germanic terms for 'ore' because the second vowel, *-u- as in OHG aruzzi, is incongruous with the phonetic reality of both the Latin and Etruscan terms. Arretium versus German Erz and how this affects (or doesn't affect) Etruscan Aritimi
  • The alluring charm of the FA Cup has always been in its ability to throw up incongruous situations. Times, Sunday Times
  • The crowd followed us to the boat, and shouted and waved in exuberant Papuan style as we sailed away; while the Arabs, incongruous amid their surroundings – gay for the day in long white flowing robes, broidered vests, and bright-coloured turbans – stood on the very edge, watching us as far as they could see us, with evident sadness that their short intercourse with the outer world had already ended. Insulinde: Experiences of a Naturalist's Wife in the Eastern Archipelago
  • It did not seem at all incongruous, either, that these people who watched him by with scorn and longing and utter revilement, these were the people that he would fight for.
  • Quarrelsome drosky drivers, incongruous mills, and the thousand trumperies of the place, were all forgotten in the perfect beauty of the scene — in the full, the joyous realisation of my ideas of Niagara. The Englishwoman in America
  • They looked incongruously, almost insultingly, festive as they bounced against each other in the breeze. RESCUING ROSE
  • But the track listing is incongruous: The happy-go-lucky Monkey Ska by Derrick Harriot from 1965 is followed by Dillinger's Cocaine In My Brain - a glassy-eyed coked out classic from 1979.
  • The gatehouse was built over a narrow way, penetrable by only one car at a time and regulated by an incongruous traffic light. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • And our previous name and layout wasn't congruous with what we were doing.
  • a plan incongruous with reason
  • To define man as a mammiferous animal having two hands, or as a featherless biped, we feel to be absurd and incongruous, since there is no reference to the most salient characteristic of man, namely, his rationality. Deductive Logic
  • 'Tis the novelty of the experiment which makes impressions on their conceptive, cogitative faculties; that do not previse the facility of the operation adequately, with a subact and sedate intellection, associated with diligent and congruous study. Gargantua and Pantagruel, Illustrated, Book 5
  • The combination Nietzsche-Wilde-Mallarmé, incongruous as it is, recurs frequently in English aestheticism and it is amusing and symptomatic to find it back in the early Gide, Mr. Scott, however, was clearly not amused. Nihilism
  • Given the pace of cultural change in the helter-skelter postwar boom, it would be an incongruously long reign. Splatter-Day Saints
  • Generate love debilitation can be caused neurologic, advantaged the vascular, medicamentous and village reasons which are the not incongruous construction erectile dysfunctions. Extend Limits News
  • An oxymoron is a combination of contradictory or incongruous words such as ‘gentle violence’.
  • There is a distant but unmistakable clattering sound that is incongruous to the refined air of the robust cabin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes, George W. Bush famously, and incongruously, uttered those famous words, "you're doing a heck of a job, Brownie" during a tour of damage in the Gulf Coast in 2005. Michael D. Brown: Heckuva' Job, Brownie. Get Over It.
  • It seems incongruous to have a woman as the editor of a men's magazine.
  • The result is an incongruous lush patchwork of fields containing tomatoes, cherries, apples and corn, all surrounded by desert.
  • Such an ambitious credo sounds incongruous coming from someone whose debut album is not only innovative but also seems resolutely uncommercial.
  • Wheen writes of an ‘incongruous coalition of postmodernists and primitivists, New Age and Old Testament’, the leaders of which have been ‘remarkably effective over the past quarter-century’.
  • Perhaps they looked a little incongruous sitting in their smart hats and fur coats, talking more loudly than anybody else.
  • It looks surprising and incongruous and somehow very British.
  • Canova's Napoleon was not presented in incongruous isolation but rather in its own room, like an urban temple, as the rotunda of a sculpture gallery.
  • People dig it when they see other people dancing in incongruous places. Boing Boing: August 29, 2004 - September 4, 2004 Archives
  • On occasion, however, material, geographical, and emotional distance resulted in incongruous appropriations that were the result of images and meanings randomly and bizarrely associated with each other. 'I Saw a Nightmare …' Doing Violence to Memory: The Soweto Uprising, June 16, 1976
  • An animal that can make its own light: what an incongruous and utterly bewitching thing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sound effects - grunts of pain, for example, when Portuguese men are gored by a bull - were added, not to mention an incongruous orchestral soundtrack.
  • Delirium with nightly attach most importance to, main show is recognizant obstacle and excitement of incongruous spirit motility, if accompany high fever, can endanger life.
  • To the right ran an incongruous stoep from which a pedestal supported a smaller balcony. THE IMAGE OF LAURA
  • It is an incongruous sight. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was clothed with tatters of old ships 'canvas and old sea-cloth, and this extraordinary patchwork was all held together by a system of the most various and incongruous fastenings, brass buttons, bits of stick, and loops of tarry gaskin. Treasure Island
  • Although the optical, SEM, and XRD data are consistent with quartz, considering the incongruous crystal symmetry, it is likely that this mineral is actually a quartz pseudomorph after tridymite.
  • In the end process any theory on the acquisition or evolution of language must not only offer a model on how we process language, it must be congruous with how we process music.
  • The early tone of the picture is strangely incongruous with the horrifying turn of events at the end.
  • Given the pace of cultural change in the helter-skelter postwar boom, it would be an incongruously long reign. Splatter-Day Saints
  • This explains the incongruousness of the emotionally un-scary music against the scarified images. Mark Penn's Earlier Version Of 3 A.M. Ad Was Negative Direct Hit On Obama
  • Instead, we look upon a bewildered bear dressed incongruously in a white shirt with cuff links. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a distant but unmistakable clattering sound that is incongruous to the refined air of the robust cabin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Such traditional methods seem incongruous in our technical age.
  • From the Trinity House record it appears that Prickett was "a land man put in by the Adventurers"; and in the court records he is described, most incongruously, as a "haberdasher" -- facts which place him, as his own very remarkable narrative places him, on a level much above that of the ordinary seamen of Hudson's time. Henry Hudson A Brief Statement of His Aims and His Achievements
  • Critics argue the park itself is incongruous in a country where around half the population of 130m lives below the poverty line.
  • The kitsch-Latino soundtrack is similarly apt and incongruous all at once.
  • Innocent jokes depend upon verbal felicities, puns, play upon words, combining incongruous words, and so on.
  • She paints the rather incongruous scene of a recent cross-Channel ferry journey that she spent chatting to her fellow truckers in the canteen. Times, Sunday Times
  • the incongruous imagery in surreal art and literature
  • Each time a whiny pop tune unceremoniously and semi-incongruously intrudes upon the soundtrack, we passively accept the meretriciously commercial reasons for the tune's existence.
  • There it is!" she exclaims, pointing to a dark blob, perched incongruously halfway along the main girder supporting the rig's permanently burning gas flare. A working life: The gas rig technician
  • In the end it was a victory for both the small punter and the world's leading book-maker, a slightly incongruous alliance.
  • I use the word motley in the sense of incongruous or nonsensical, as evidenced by the protest signs they were carrying. The Agonist - thoughtful, global, timely
  • Already, looking down at the piles of papers on his desk, then back up at Ruby with quick, almost silvery eyes set incongruously in a pouchy, sallow face, he seemed ready to ask her to leave his office. DIAMOND RUBY
  • As she swept around the corner in an immaculate electric blue sari trimmed with gold and a jewelled bhindi, she looked somewhat incongruous, like a Bollywood starlet on an extremely authentic set where the art director had been given a lot of time and money. Ashley Jensen: Ashley Jensen's Save the Children Diary - Delhi, India, September 2011
  • It seems incongruous that one so young, so fit and so honourable should be taken from the bosom of his family so suddenly, but then, all things in this life are flawed.
  • This man is incongruous, inconsistent and unreliable and is the latest saviour for the opposition.
  • He sat on a throne outside the lion exhibit and wore an incongruous plastic gold crown.
  • Concept of subsidy volunteer is congruous with the concept of volunteer with regard to the spirit of volunteering service.
  • The new computer looked incongruous in the dark book-filled library.
  • After retiring from athletics, Moses flirted, incongruously, with bobsledding.
  • The practice is incongruous considering that the duty of both agencies is to maintain the environment and to prevent damage to and pollution of the environment.
  • It would not be unlike South Africa, so full of contradictions, to produce such an incongruous solution to the problems in agriculture being felt all around the emerging world.
  • The new computer looked incongruous in the dark book-filled library.
  • Perspective by incongruity is one tool that instructors can use to persuade students that the media are congruous with critical analysis and not merely with entertainment and escape.
  • Prime minister's questions is principally for backbenchers, he said incongruously. Trouble in the House: is a bitter class divide fuelling David Cameron's dislike of Commons Speaker John Bercow?
  • First, three years ago, the original team, while they did many things well, failed to design and build a user interface that offered a considerate, congruous user experience that anticipates the user's needs.
  • They weren't the pot-bellied kind, more the underwear-model kind; tanned, perspiring, incongruously foppish hair, stubbled, one of them hanging off the end of a smoke, in dark blue cargo pants, boots, tool belts and nothing else.
  • At first the taking down and setting up all seems rather incongruous, but only until the band takes to the street and guests follow behind, once again signaled by the commencement of fireworks. A wedding and christening in rural Oaxaca: The mandate of tradition
  • But there's something incongruous about hearing it from her. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is an incongruous sight. Times, Sunday Times
  • But there's something incongruous about hearing it from her. Times, Sunday Times

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