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How To Use Congruent In A Sentence

  • Biogeography and comparative phylogeography differ in their potential to explain incongruent patterns, owing to the disparate time scales.
  • One should not risk potential harm to the client by abandoning the role of therapist for the potentially incongruent role of advocate.
  • This implies that the marked quadrilaterals (and so, by symmetry, all the quadrilaterals) are congruent.
  • The check is aimed at ensuring that no incongruent code is executed by the filter interpreter.
  • The instructional mode of two teachers was congruent with their personal view of learning, while the third showed congruence only when teaching one subject area.
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  • These five remarkable solids - tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron - have faces that are congruent equilateral polygons.
  • This is a common approach for a duo who delight in blending seemingly incongruent but ultimately believable material into their performances.
  • Notice the resulting shape appears to be a regular pentagon, that is, a pentagon with all angles congruent and all sides the same length. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • These results point to potential problems that may be encountered in this type of phylogenetic analysis due to substitution rate variability between different gene segments leading to incongruent phylogenies.
  • Regardless of our level of attainment, when we cognize the presently-happening five aggregate factors on our own mental continuum and thus cognize our own mental continuum and our own mere “me,” all the other noncongruent affecting variables imputable on our mental continuum also appear to our cognition. What Does a Buddha Know in Knowing the Past, Present, and Future? ��� Part Four: Valid Cognition of the Past, Present, and Future
  • Anyway, the bumph says that she pays 'meticulous attention to detail in order to create an image congruent with lifestyle'. Times, Sunday Times
  • First-person animal narratives, such as Black Beauty, are overtly anthropomorphic fantasies and cannot operate within or even congruent to the framework of natural science.
  • Davis said the question of audi alteram partem (the right of fair reply) arose and whether the UDM's procedures were congruent with the principles of natural justice. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I certainly believe that our foreign policy is imperial and see such a policy as incongruent with the values of a republic.
  • My lack of appeal as good boyfriend stock was incongruent in a life where I had so many female friends. THE MANANA MAN
  • Furthermore, we recognize biogeographic associations of endemic taxa as large-scale coevolutionary synecological units within epeiric seas that could disperse as congruent assemblages across oceanic barriers.
  • Even if, in the beginning, we may have felt incongruent with the jealous workplace environment, slowly we start focusing our energies on how to avoid or circumvent it.
  • There is something wonderfully incongruent in the Royal Mail celebrating its monopoly powers by increasing the price of a first class stamp yet again.
  • But it seems a little incongruent for a nation so concerned with its democratic credentials to refuse access to a journalist simply because she says the wrong things, and isn't likely to fall under a steam-roller any time soon.
  • V. i.112 (241,5) [as fat and fulsome] [W: flat] _Fat_ means _dull_; so we say a _fatheaded_ fellow; _fat_ likewise means _gross_, and is sometimes used for _obscene_; and _fat_ is more congruent to _fulsome_ than _flat_. Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
  • Et ego quidem ab vno Fratrum Prædicatorum, videlicet à Fr. Simone de S. Quintino, iam ib illo itinere regresso, gesta Tartarorum accepi, illa duntaxat, quæ superius per diuersa loca iuxta congruentiam temporum huic operi inserui. The long and wonderful voyage of Frier Iohn de Plano Carpini
  • They found that the hypothesis that a monophyletic Mesonychia is the sister taxon of Cetacea, and a monophyletic Artiodactyla is the extant sister taxon of Cetacea was significantly congruent with the stratigraphic record.
  • Woese then hazarded that such chimerism probably would not prove a significant problem, from the example provided by congruent alpha-proteobacterial trees based on cytochromes c and rRNA, from the general robustness of the rRNA phylogeny, and from its ability to predict certain domain-level phenotypic characters (for instance, the differences in bacterial and archaeal cell envelopes, transcription, and translation). A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • By now the sound of gun shots rarely distracts me, but this time it was too close, and too incongruent with the bustling nightlife.
  • The retreat design was also congruent with the power styles of Tom Rice and the consultant.
  • Notum est enim porcos, cum hortos am鎛issimos intrarint, nec lilium nec rosas aut flores alioqui pulcherrimos et suauissimos decerpere: Sed rostro in coenum prono, quicquid est luti et stercoris volutare, vertere et inuertere, donec impurissima, hoc est, suo genio apprim� congruentia eruant, vbi demum solida voluptate pascuntur. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • However, Dahlsrud finds that the existing definitions to a large degree are congruent.
  • This involved a significant and unreasonable time commitment for the instructor and was less congruent with principles of self-directed learning
  • In some cases, gene relationships among cnidarian groups are congruent with the species phylogeny: hydrozoan sequences are sister-group to scyphozoan sequences, with anthozoan sequences branching basally to this ensemble. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • What is interesting to me is how incongruent this prevailing view that such aspects of personalities matter to voters is with the new fashionable attitude to politicians' personal morality.
  • How could Aristotle have held such an incongruent view?
  • The sender and recipient each keep a liner congruential random number generator for their connections.
  • Conspicuous consumption of incongruent high-rise real-estate at the expense of venerable neighborhood community centers!
  • Their spectral sensitiveness is various and not congruent with the photopic eye response curve. 4. Measurements at Lighting Installations
  • Because of this, associative ‘correspondences’ between discursive subjects and incongruent temporal episodes, no matter how unclear, are made possible.
  • They will not try to make every movement congruent with their own attachment to capitalist democracy.
  • An incongruent digital clock atop a regal edifice displayed the minutes to the millennium - and beyond.
  • Four congruent sides lie on two parallel lines, and pairs of these sides define parallelograms of equal area.
  • A business goal - expanding the appeal of computer games to women - is presented as one quite congruent with a moral one.
  • The term that everybody's concept would most like to be paired against, medical model, is not congruent with a pathological orientation.
  • Passwords are generated using a pseudorandom number generator called Mersenne twister, which is an advanced algorithm that creates high quality random numbers using a twisted generalized shift feedback register, and has a higher number of dimensions than linear congruential generators. Softpedia - Windows - All
  • My lack of appeal as good boyfriend stock was incongruent in a life where I had so many female friends. THE MANANA MAN
  • Rather than leave a blank I have hazarded a reading congruent with the other Indian terms (rupee, nabob) in the text.
  • The upshot of all this is that only the possession of a Moebius-like topology by a space genuinely eliminates the possibility of there being pairs of objects in that space which are incongruent counterparts.
  • Classical mechanics for example is (so far as I know) internally consistent, but is not at all points congruent with reality.
  • We will further democracy and the majesty of the people by empowering unelected Guardians to restrain the people when their choices are incongruent with that of the Ivy educated.
  • Initially, choosing a mentor and setting goals closely resembles what it feels like to be congruent.
  • In the mood - congruent experiment, disabilities of explicit memory were possibly found in natural depression subjects.
  • Tian Guisen (1998) applies recent theories of linguistics to the analysis of incongruent and deviant form at pragmatic level, i. e. "Pragmatic Metaphor".
  • Four congruent sides lie on two parallel lines, and pairs of these sides define parallelograms of equal area.
  • For just like adding plastic to groundfill while complaining of global warming, it is internally incongruent to preach peace and understanding via corrupted messaging.
  • If they did, they might elect someone not congruent with American interests.
  • These five remarkable solids - tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron - have faces that are congruent equilateral polygons.
  • Woese then hazarded that such chimerism probably would not prove a significant problem, from the example provided by congruent alpha-proteobacterial trees based on cytochromes c and rRNA, from the general robustness of the rRNA phylogeny, and from its ability to predict certain domain-level phenotypic characters (for instance, the differences in bacterial and archaeal cell envelopes, transcription, and translation). A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Seeing and knowing could not be made congruent in mimetic painting.
  • Professional role expectations are not congruent with the feminine role expectations, as a result women with a demanding job, face role overload and conflict.
  • Each vertex triangle in the new hexagon is either congruent to one in the original hexagon or has the same base and height.
  • ‘Sport is a vital part of Service life and the personal qualities it develops are congruent with the qualities we expect in our people,’ he said.
  • In the first, the phylogenies of different genes were shown to be incongruent, indicating recombination between the genes.
  • No significant change occurs unless the new form is congruent with the old.
  • That lag is perfectly congruent with his theory that the bigger part of the crash came when overly restrictive monetary policy turned a manageable bubble pop into the end of the world as we know it. Matthew Yglesias » A Broad-Based Real Estate Bubble
  • All that is left to determine is the case of linking numbers congruent to 0 modulo 4.
  • But when many states threaten each other for incongruent purposes, who is to do the deterring, and in the face of what provocation?
  • Since escapist fantasy isn't always congruent with second-home-owner reality, we checked in with the experts for tips on buying smart.
  • If your aesthetic is a surreal one, this isn't a problem; you can easily come up with titles that not only aren't jarringly incongruent with the music, but actually contribute to the overall effect. The song that goes like this
  • The theme of self-advocacy in this study is congruent with ideas about the relationship between college student success and self-regulating behavior.
  • In some cases, gene relationships among cnidarian groups are congruent with the species phylogeny: hydrozoan sequences are sister-group to scyphozoan sequences, with anthozoan sequences branching basally to this ensemble. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Many find the enforcement of minor infractions, such as standing on the tree planters or chalking on the ground, incongruent with perceptions of public space.
  • Their quest for ‘urban realism’ or neo-realism suggest that metafiction is not by definition incongruent with realism, and that referentiality remains a powerful preoccupation in many strands of postmodern fiction.
  • Like the “not-yet-happening of the result,” the “temporarily not-giving-rise to its result” is a nonstatic implicative negation phenomena and a noncongruent affecting variable, imputably knowable on the basis of a karmic tendency. What Does a Buddha Know in Knowing the Past, Present, and Future? ��� Part Three: Analysis of the Gelug Prasangika Assertions
  • I spoke it, tender juvenal, as a congruent epitheton appertaining to thy young days, which we may nominate tender. Love’s Labour ’s Lost
  • The once vocally anti-capitalist Language School - like most poetries - cannot imagine itself as being 'congruent with social production'.
  • Next, you want to get very specific about what you're going to market on your webpage and make sure that it's congruent with our next step.
  • Before I met my acupuncturist, my love life was in disarray: acute disappointments, incongruent pairings, missing variables (sense of humor, stable income, deodorant).
  • Structurally, our doctrinal foundation and strategy are aligned and congruent.
  • I don't find a lot of it to be congruent with my own perception of the situation.
  • Moreover, female well-being was defined in terms congruent with both women's reproductive function and ideal feminine behaviour.
  • Therefore, a good society is, to some degree, one that allows people to succeed in various endeavors congruent with their individual and collective values.
  • Although I listened in silence, his comments were strikingly incongruent with the vivid descriptions that Chole's fishermen gave of the destruction that dynamiting caused the reefs.
  • We are aware that the dodecahedron dissected into four congruent heptahedrons could be positioned onto the bottom of the cube.
  • The reason is that one can divide the larger square into nine congruent copies of the smaller one
  • At first glance, Kensington's alternative youth may seem incongruent with the older immigrant community.
  • Ask yourself if that topology is congruent with Dawkins’s picture, or any textbook treatment of the same question. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • The retreat design was also congruent with the power styles of Tom Rice and the consultant.
  • For some reason my memory of what she said was completely incongruent with what she did, and she was quite right, I think.
  • Because of this, associative ‘correspondences’ between discursive subjects and incongruent temporal episodes, no matter how unclear, are made possible.
  • In addition, we may find ourselves in accord with the many education reformers who point out that such programs are more congruent with adult learning theory programs.
  • Salicornioideae seeds have a basal placentation, congruent with other representatives of the Chenopodiaceae.
  • The inner and outer worlds are congruent in a thousand places.
  • Oftentimes, achieving a major goal eludes us because we want to make huge leaps from reality to the dream without making our lives congruent with the main goal we set for ourselves.
  • Woese then hazarded that such chimerism probably would not prove a significant problem, from the example provided by congruent alpha-proteobacterial trees based on cytochromes c and rRNA, from the general robustness of the rRNA phylogeny, and from its ability to predict certain domain-level phenotypic characters (for instance, the differences in bacterial and archaeal cell envelopes, transcription, and translation). A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • Use just one cut - or draw a line - and divide this white shape into two identical, congruent, parts.
  • Once the name arrived, all kinds of things, seemingly random experiences and memories, gradually began to take a form that was congruent with who I was becoming, like finding a glove that fit my hand perfectly - a calling, a fusion of all the pieces of my life, a vocation: Pastor. NPR Topics: News
  • We will never ignore the president's request, which also is congruent with our objectives and with our goals.
  • Oftentimes, achieving a major goal eludes us because we want to make huge leaps from reality to the dream without making our lives congruent with the main goal we set for ourselves.
  • His position was indeed congruent with a differentiated conception of knowledge that constituted a core element in his modernist thought.
  • Instead, contrary to evolutionist principles and values, they have operated as congruent features in the changing patterns of African-American life for at least the past two centuries.
  • Semi-congruent splits of an AFLP Neighbor Net link not only A. collina-4x to both diploid species, but some 4x individuals in a polymorphic population with mixed ploidy levels to A. setacea-2x on one hand and to A. collina-4x on the other, indicating allopolyploid speciation as well as hybridization across ploidal levels. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • This former Montrealer can attest that Canadian politics, business and values are not congruent to America's. Bill Mann: U.S. Media, Public Can Learn a Lot From Neglected Neighbor Canada
  • If these were intergeneric hybrids, they would likely have significantly incongruent positions between the chloroplast and mitochondrial gene phylogenies.
  • 'Nam praeter illas unam et viginti, quae Varronianae vocantur, quas idcirco a ceteris segregavit, quoniam dubiosae non erant, set consensu omnium Plauti esse censebantur, quasdam item alias probavit adductus filo atque facetia sermonis Plauto congruentis easque iam nominibus aliorum occupatas The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • Are our actions congruent with protecting people?
  • Of course I would be the administrator and as such would have the power to edit their posts to ensure they wouldn't be incongruent with my own worldview.
  • ‘Rap is our way of resisting the occupation, it's our weapon,’ he explains timidly in a manner that seems incongruent with his gravelly voice and the harsh lyrics that blast out from the stereo speakers behind him.
  • Paradigmatically, a semantic affinity between two grammatically identical words is the greater the more congruent their patterns of syntagmatic normality.
  • Potentially incongruent phylogenetic relationships found for different genes might not result from HGT at all but may be due to inadequate phylogenetic signals.
  • They want to work in an organisation whose values are congruent with their own.
  • Sin embargo, para valuar redes del tipo Web2. 0 parece ser más correcto usar la ley de Reed, la cual propone que “el valor de una red de nodos está dado por el número de subconjuntos que se puede formar en esta”, la cual es mucho más congruente a la idea de “comunidades” y “subcomunidades” que circundan la Web2. 0. The Rule of 3 or 1 « The Paradigm Shift
  • V. i.112 (241,5) [as fat and fulsome] [W: flat] _Fat_ means _dull_; so we say a _fatheaded_ fellow; _fat_ likewise means _gross_, and is sometimes used for _obscene_; and _fat_ is more congruent to _fulsome_ than _flat_. Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
  • Notum est enim porcos, cum hortos amænissimos intrarint, nec lilium nec rosas aut flores alioqui pulcherrimos et suauissimos decerpere: Sed rostro in coenum prono, quicquid est luti et stercoris volutare, vertere et inuertere, donec impurissima, hoc est, suo genio apprimè congruentia eruant, vbi demum solida voluptate pascuntur. A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • Molecular phylogenies of lineages that split from one another in short succession are often difficult to resolve because different loci and different sites within the same locus yield incongruent relationships.
  • So the outcome is proportionate and congruent with international principles of self-defense.

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