How To Use Congressman In A Sentence

  • Anyway, the real life guy became a congressman or a senator or something.
  • A serious fall incapacitated the 68-year-old congressman.
  • ‘The New York Post’ this morning bannered Congressman Dick Gephardt as Kerry's vice presidential running mate.
  • After the lapse of a fortnight, Hepburn, candidate for congressman-at-large, declined to accept because "it is quite apparent that a very large portion of the Republicans, owing to the unfortunate circumstances which have come to light since the adjournment of the convention, are not disposed to accept its conclusion as an authoritative utterance of the party." [ A Political History of the State of New York, Volumes 1-3
  • In a letter to the Super Committee, Congressman Howard Berman D-CA, Ranking Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee wrote, In this period of belt-tightening and economic uncertainty, some seem to think that foreign assistance is a luxury we can no longer afford. Regan Hofmann: How President Obama Makes Love, Not War, by Pledging to End AIDS
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  • A local congressman said the canceled deployment illustrated that too much money has been cut from the defense budget.
  • Congressman John Murtha is blasting what he calls swift boat style attacks stemming from his fight with Steny Hoyer. CNN Transcript Nov 15, 2006
  • The former state attorney general and congressman seems like a perfectly decent mainline Democrat.
  • Just before the '06 election, Florida congressman Mark Foley was alleged to have "preyed" on young male congressional pages via online chats. Vail Daily - Top Stories
  • If one of the prosecutors had just sent a Democratic Congressman to jail, would you be totally untempted by the White House explanation that the real cause was, say, a reluctance to prosecute abortion-clinic protesters under RICO? Politics, Lies, and 93 v. 8 - Swampland -
  • But the former congressman, ambassador and cabinet member couldn't get any traction.
  • There's not much prospect of Mr Smith's being elected as Congressman.
  • In fact, the Republican playbook is NOT to tie congressman to Obama … but to tie them to Nancy Pelosi. Matthew Yglesias » Americans Admire Progressives
  • Congressman Saunders fired the opening salvo during a heated debate on capital punishment.
  • Folks thought he should have been a civic leader. He could have been a doctor, a lawyer, a teacher. He might even have made congressman or governor.
  • Exactly a year earlier in the Tuskegee courthouse, his congressman, Tom Heflin, had attacked him as a liar and troublemaker, a fomenter of racial strife, a dangerous Negro. Up From History: The Life of Booker T. Washington
  • Now, political observers say, there's little chance the embattled congressman will pursue Gracie Mansion, upending the field of hopefuls looking to replace Mr. Bloomberg. Weiner Upends Mayoral Field
  • Thinkofwhy…there is power in NUMBERS..and we have them out numbered…all its going to take are some cases with a high profile..a congressman/ or woman, a few actors etc… and things are going to change real soon..its already started, like a big boulder of truth going down hill..we MUST do our part and spread the word. Part 7 – Rick Simpson’s CRUSH CANCER WITH HEMP AND TRUTH – Free Internet Seminar | TECHNOLOGY NEWS
  • The congressman's corruption dishonoured himself and his family.
  • In the past, the President notoriously spent immense amounts of time poring over the, leading one exasperated congressman to describe her as a "fussbudget" (defined by the American Heritage dictionary as a "person who fusses over trifles. Manuel L. Quezon III: The Daily Dose
  • Later in the broadcast, I'll be talking with a leading congressman who says the minutemen volunteers are nothing less but American heroes.
  • The congressman liked to give his new staff set texts, and still does. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many progressives defended the Congressman on the grounds that he said that he had been hacked, had been "pranked. Ron Mwangaguhunga: Why Anthony Weiner Should Sign on With Current TV
  • A U.S. congressman who supported Irish nationalism joins us to talk about it straight ahead.
  • D. Hayworth, taking on John McCain in Arizona, was spurned for an endorsement, and even Ron Paul, the libertarian congressman who has been the emblem of sentiment against big government for decades, has found himself accused of  "going Washington. Has Obama Hit Bottom?
  • Congressman Saunders fired the opening salvo during a heated debate on capital punishment.
  • Noting Murtha's loss for the majority leader job, Novak says that nonetheless, Murtha is a key advisor on Iraq policy to Pelosi with California congressman George Miller -- whom, using a not-so-subtle ethnic slur, he calls Pelosi 's "consigliere," a term dropped into American culture through the movie "The Godfather. Is That Legal?: February 2007 Archives
  • Lobo, 61, a veteran congressman from the conservative National party who is known by the nickname Pepe, hinted that criminal charges against Zelaya would be dropped and appealed to foreign governments to recognise his mandate once he was sworn in on 27 January. The Guardian World News
  • Congressman Chris Van Hollen calls companies who don't pay their share freeloaders and deadbeats.
  • Of course, every fly-blown congressman is keen to install fresh weapons of death in his own backyard.
  • A congressman brought the crown on a velvet cushion.
  • Here in Florida it looks to be a pretty quiet night; the only interesting races will be the governor's contest where Republican Charlie Crist, snubber of the president, is up against Democrat Jim Davis, and 14-term Congressman Clay Shaw is in a very tight race against Ron Klein. November 2006
  • Obama is an in experienced coward and a fool, 143 days as congressman .. First on the Ticker: Palin will not run for re-election
  • I dunno, is that really the bogeyman the fully insured republican congressman thinks it is? Matthew Yglesias » NYT/CBS Poll Shows People Love Socialized Medicine
  • A serious fall incapacitated the 68-year-old congressman.
  • The Congressman avoids paying personal property taxes on his 42-foot yacht by docking it in Alton, Illinois instead of his hometown. “My name is RUSS CARNAHAN, Congressman!” | RedState
  • U.S. Congressman Bart Stupak (D-Menominee) has introduced legislation to restore the gun rights of individuals convicted of minor, non-violent crimes .... Second-Amendment Restoration Act Re-Introduced
  • DEPAULO: Yes, I would like to just correct one of the misstated facts tonight from Julian on the phone records: on Friday afternoon, Dr. and Mrs. Levy made a public statement that they know that the last several calls Chandra received were from Congressman Condit. CNN Transcript Jul 30, 2001
  • In 1951, he finally decided to dump his long-suffering first wife, Mildred, for the newly divorced ex-wife of a congressman.
  • Any congressman who tries to stonewall on this will be subject to an immediate recall movement.
  • RENO, NEVADA - The Nevada State Republican Convention was called to an abrupt halt on Saturday, after delegates supporting Texas Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul were elected to the 2008 Republican National Convention. Ron Paul Nevada Delegates Voted to National Convention before Recess
  • The congressman behind the report will tell us how he's planning to take action.
  • Mollohan lost to state Sen. Mike Oliverio by 56 percent to 44 percent in what was by far the toughest intraparty race for the congressman since he was first elected in 1982. POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: Wednesday, May 12, 2010
  • We need to have three Members of Congress from anywhere come and say, 'Congressman, if you ... if you are willing to support an inquiry into a resolution of whether there had been acts of impeachability conducted by, the Vice President of, and the President of the United States, that could lead to High Crimes and Misdemeanors, then we will join you if you introduce such a resolution.' Rep. Conyers Discusses Impeachment
  • I'M GETTING SICK AND TIRED of the right wing nut jobs and their childish behavior, their ranting & raving and threats to congressman in townhall meetings ... and their scare tactics with the whole "just you wait til 2010" crap ... give me a break! the way these racists ignorant idiots are acting, there's no way we're going to allow them to continue holding seats in office!!! Republicans react to jobless report
  • If this Democratic president stops that Democratic congressman from knee-capping school reform to protect unionized teachers from the world the rest of us live in, you can mark down August 2010 as a first step back from the crack-up. The Liberal Dilemma
  • The congressman delivers his speech tomorrow morning.
  • The congressman has been increasingly off-message on Northern Ireland since becoming chair of the House Committee on Homeland Security.
  • As a freshman Congressman, he was appointed to the Brown Commission which provided the main impetus for efforts to recodify the criminal laws of the United States. Biography Of Abner Mikva New White House Counsel
  • And we also, of course, have a standing invitation with the congressman himself.
  • `She's Rowena Bristow, the congressman's daughter," Lisa told her. LASTING TREASURES
  • The name mocks a Web site started by Grayson, congressmanwithguts. com. SplicedFeed
  • With all the craziness from the gov. to the congressman ... Wilson supporters to House Democrats: Bring it on
  • The city's vibrant and sizable Latino community has its main artery on 26th Street, which is already papered in red-and-blue "Luis Gutierrez for Mayor" signs, even though this nine-term congressman has yet to commit to the race. For candidate Emanuel, some see steep learning curve
  • Congressman John Bingham of Ohio was principal framer of the Equal Protection Clause.
  • She served a two-year stint as an aide to Congressman Jim McNulty.
  • I am currently creating a website for a congressman and I've found the graphic imagery of today's campaigns occurs within standards that hearken back to an ‘old time’ aesthetic.
  • In it, Congressman Wilson tells them that the liberals are trying to silence him, he says, trying to stop him from speaking out on what he calls a poorly conceived plan. CNN Transcript Sep 11, 2009
  • Of course, every fly-blown congressman is keen to install fresh weapons of death in his own backyard.
  • CONGRESSMAN USES CAMPAIGN FUNDS FOR DONOR WEDDING -- New Jersey congressman Rob Andrews D-N.J. has figured out the greatest trick for spending campaign money: double-book any event as a campaign event and you don't personally have to pay for it. HUFFPOST FUNDRACE - How To Use Campaign Funds Improperly, Romney's First Ad, Political Ads Coming To Pandora
  • And I said, the congressman himself who knows this thing is false, is asking you to suborn perjury?
  • Usually we can count on the irascible Democratic Congressman Jim Moran (VA-8) for entertainment whenever he decides to open his mouth, but this time the irascibility was a tag-team effort with his wife LuAnn Bennett who both caused a scene on Inauguration Day at the Capitol. Waldo's Virginia Political Blogroll
  • : Barton spokesman Smith adds that the Congressman didn't know anything about the Tweet unapologizing for his BP apology. Joe Barton deletes Tweet unapologizing for BP apology
  • AP has the right, with the First Amendment, to report like this, and the crazy congressman has the right to confabulate his fantasies about Obama. GA Republican Rep. Broun and AP Confabulating a-- Folie � deux?
  • “Not only is the William F. Ryan Community Health Center Network and the other centers in the 15th Congressional district fortunate to have Congressman Rangel representing us, the thousands of community health center sites throughout the nation look to Congressman Rangel as their champion in Washington,” said Minch. Rangel Receives 2010 Health House Award «
  • Grayson is a freshman congressman who has drawn scorn from the GOP and has quickly built a nationwide following of progressives. Think Progress » After Supporting Medicare Cuts Through Reconciliation, Maverick McCain Now Opposes Them
  • Tell the Art Department that Congressman Popeye is screaming for a corncob pipe and sailor hat. “My name is RUSS CARNAHAN, Congressman!” | RedState
  • Back on the witness stand this afternoon for nearly an hour, former Congressman Gary Condit once again refused to answer questions about the nature of his relationship with Chandra Levy, except to say that she was a "friend. The Crime Scene: Condit -- "We were just friends"
  • Of course, they'll just find some senator or congressman and pump cash into his pocketbook until they change the law.
  • The former state attorney general and congressman seems like a perfectly decent mainline Democrat.
  • The ring's leader allegedly was Hildebrando Pascoal, a national congressman and military police colonel, who was arrested last September.
  • And when you only have Democratic imposters from the planet Lets-Go-Windsurfing-Instead, you wind up calling a mutation like Steve King, "Mr. Congressman." seeya Welcome To Iowa!
  • The New York gay action group "Queer Nation" recently outed an American Congressman.
  • The rumour about his scandal swept the state where he was running for the state's congressman.
  • Republican Congressman Jeff Flake mocked his fellow Republicans for pushing this ridiculous non-story last week with this, “Next week, we are going to steal their mascot and short-sheet their beds.” Columnist Builds Whole Theory About Dems On False Pelosi Plane Story
  • Congressman Tom Downey is a Democrat from New York.
  • Biemiller referred the congressman to this doctor, who again worked his magic.
  • If you then ask how this businessman could carry 93% of the vote in Erie County — trouncing the party's designated nominee, former congressman Rick Lazio 63% to 37% statewide — you will be met with either blank stares or off-the-cuff comments about the mental limitations of those upstate outlanders. The Broadway-Buffalo Divide
  • The New York gay action group "Queer Nation" recently outed an American Congressman.
  • I can call on no congressman to worry on my behalf.
  • The decision by the eight-term Rhode Island congressman comes less than a month after a stunning Republican upset in the race for the Massachusetts Senate seat his father held for almost half a century. Home -
  • The congressman in fact had actually paid his taxes; he was just habitually late about it.
  • Congressman John Conyers, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, says he will pressure the Justice Department to look at what he calls a miscarriage of justice. CNN Transcript Sep 25, 2007
  • The Congressman was too experienced to be milked by newspaper men.
  • Florida Rep.blican Congressman Lincoln Diaz-Balart says will not run for an 11th term Fla. 's Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart will not run againMIAMI - U.S. Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart of Florida says he will not seek another term this fall, stepping aside after two decades in office. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Lincoln did it when, as a congressman from Illinois, he excoriated President Polk for his war in Mexico.
  • Congressman Foley is the poster child for what we call malignant narcissism. CNN Transcript Oct 4, 2006
  • The congressman from Zulia state criticized what he called the "secretive" nature of the president's deliberation over the measure. Venezuela Plans to Move Reserve Funds
  • The country has sent an aide memoire to Senator Obama, Congressman Charlie Rangel, chairman of the powerful Ways and Means Committee of the United States House of Representatives, and several other elected officials.
  • Trent Franks is my congressman and I back him 100%. Think Progress » Rep. Trent Franks: African-Americans were better off under slavery.
  • Sue Lowden is out of the country until June 28, but Moyle says they "absolutely object" to allegations that the party recessed the convention due to Paul's success, noting that Nevada was one of the only states that invited the Texas congressman to speak at the party's caucus. Amanda Becker: Nevada Ron Paul Supporters Stage Rogue GOP Convention
  • Congressman opens hearing on Islamic radicalization, says 'rage and hysteria' unwarranted sns-ap-us-muslims-terror-hearings WASHINGTON AP - Under heightened security, Rep. Peter King opened hearings Thursday into Islamic radicalization in America, dismissing what he called the "rage and hysteria" surrounding the hearings. - News
  • The Ohio congressman said biting into the pit in April 2008 split a tooth down to the bone, caused excruciating pain and required reconfigured bridgework. Dennis Kucinich Settles Olive-Pit-In-Sandwich Lawsuit
  • The famed lawyer and congressman Daniel Webster was the prosecutor at the ensuing trial.
  • Time will tell what happens here, but you might want to weigh in with your Congressman and tell him how you feel.
  • The amendment was named for Mike Synar, a former Democratic congressman from Oklahoma who died of brain cancer earlier this year.
  • Border Patrol enforcement practices common on the southern border, such as highway checkpoints, were implemented, miffing residents on the Olympic Peninsula, the area's congressman and local authorities. 'Twilight' town death sparks Border Patrol debate
  • The congressman also pressed Ergen on whether the combined company would wring price concessions from programmers.
  • If anyone out in the confines of California Congressional District 32, still thought that someday, they would be refering to Gil Cedillo as "Congressman One Bill Gil", then put down the "doobie" and inhale reality. Archive 2009-05-01
  • Congressman, I work hard to be neutral on these issues in our face-offs.
  • A man who was almost deliberately noncharismatic now steps into the center spotlight and has to deliver a speech that introduces him to most of the country, who it is fair to say has at best a vague impression of who Dick Cheney -- the former congressman, former chief of staff, former defense secretary -- is and what he's all about. CNN Transcript - Special Event: Dick Cheney Accepts His Party's Vice Presidential Nomination - August 2, 2000
  • After personally attacking me for allegedly being "uncivil," Honig then asserted that the Congressman's "position is on all fours with the Open Internet policy endorsed by the labor unions, all the minority intergovernmental organizations and virtually every national civil rights organization except ColorofChange. James Rucker: A Key, Unknown Player in Civil Rights Groups' Attack on the Open Internet
  • It does have a certain amount of extra interest in it because of the potential role of the congressman.
  • But yesterday the number of congressman supporting the measure appeared to drop below a majority. Times, Sunday Times
  • The gangster gabbed about bribing a congressman and his opium smuggling business, which along with his other revelations could have put him back in prison. Wild Bill Donovan
  • Next, we turned down the Congressman's son and the Governor's -- right as a trivet, I confess it.
  • Congressman Rush Holt, D-New Jersey, Thursday accused the Pentagon of what he called "willful blindness" in not acting faster to identify and correct the problems and fully report them.
  • The congressman delivers his speech tomorrow morning.
  • COOPER: Roland, the Illinois congressman Bobby Rush used the term lynching today. CNN Transcript Dec 30, 2008
  • During the latest session, one bedridden caller thanked the congressman profusely for creating such a convenient way for her to interact with him. Rangel’s End Exaggerated? «
  • But a photo op of the congressman inspecting a decaying building is useful.
  • Tonight's quote is from the California Congressman who accused the Ninth Circuit Court of hijacking the electoral process.
  • CWIKLIK: Well, there were, I think, two or three -- Congressman Fauntroy opened up the session of the S&L markups, which is when they decide what the final language of the legislation's going to be, and that's pretty much where you can -- usually, if you're a special interest, you can lose $10 million if a sentence is changed here or there. House Rules: A Freshman Congressman's Initiation to the Backslapping, Backpedaling, and Backstabbing Ways of Washington
  • Early in January, eighteen forty-nine, a congressman proposed a bill to first limit, and then end, slavery in the District of Columbia.
  • That vote comes one day after a highly respected Democratic congressman called for a pull-out over the next six months and three days after the Senate called for regular reports on the progress and conduct of this war.
  • The congressman's corruption dishonoured himself and his family.
  • The rise of the Minutemen, the blasts of openly xenophobic AM talk radio even in cosmopolitan outposts like Los Angeles, the emergence of a fiercely anti-immigrant fringe House caucus led by Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo, sounded a new border war. Exodus
  • Y., congressman made no effort to hide his disdain for almost every type of federal tax.
  • The next time the government votes to go to war, I think every congressman and senator should be required to pr predesignate someone in their family begins immediate military service. CNN Transcript Nov 30, 2009
  • On Thursday afternoon, Texas Republican Congressman Joe Barton issued an apology for telling BP CEO Tony Hayword that the Obama administration's actions to hold the oil giant accountable in the wake of the Gulf Coast oil spill was a "shakedown" -- a characterization that sparked a firestorm of criticism from Democratic and Republican lawmakers alike. Joe Barton BP Apology: Texas Congressman Backpedals
  • The first-time candidate and small-government philosopher is practically tea party royalty since his father is libertarian hero Ron Paul, the Texas congressman. The Rise Of Rand Paul & How Tea Party-Backed Candidates Could Face Rocky Road On Capitol Hill
  • ‘Somebody made a heroic effort to keep the plane from hitting a populated area,’ said Congressman John Murtha of Pennsylvania.
  • - New Jersey congressman Rob Andrews D-N.J. has figured out the greatest trick for spending campaign money: double-book any event as a campaign event and you don't personally have to pay for it. The Full Feed from
  • ROMANS: Congressman J.D. Hayworth has been called a restrictionist for not supporting the president's guest worker program and pushing for tougher border enforcement. CNN Transcript Dec 13, 2005
  • The transportation secretary is a former congressman known for bipartisanship and candor.
  • I am, however, more than passingly familiar with campaign finance laws. 4 years as a fundraiser for a Congressman, and 2 1/2 years running an organization that focuses on campaign finance regulation. Hey, what do these twelve legislators have in common? - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Ten minutes of clapping, Obama pretends he’s made real accomplishments, lays out ambitious goals he’ll never achieve, mix in clapping, booing, and possibly the twist of some wingnut congressman shouting something in the middle of the speech, and you have Obama’s first State of the Union. LOST Invades Disneyland; Obama’s SOTU May Invade LOST’s Season Premiere Timeslot –
  • Congressman Lewis said he was warning about the dangers of what he calls toxic language. CNN Transcript Oct 13, 2008
  • When one congressman failed to vote with his messmates another congressman complained,‘We let him… sit at the same table with us, but we do not speak to him… He has betrayed those with whom he broke bread.’
  • hawkish congressman
  • Slamming my head repeatedly against the steel support post in the basement is the only certain solution, but I might wake up a Republican congressman. hc carey says: Matthew Yglesias » Will Blog for Food
  • This memo was ballyhooed by right-wing blogs as proof of Democrat hypocrisy only briefly before it was declared a hoax -- though salivating Republican Congressman Scott Garrett (NJ) couldn't stop himself in time to avoid being revealed as a lying ass in public by Anthony Weiner (N-NY): Who Is The Wolf At The Door?
  • IndSteveAZ says: cost of american flag hanky to clean spit dribble off lips after spitting on congressman: $1.50 cost of wire cutters to commit cowardly nightime terrorist attack against innocent congressman family: $ 5.00 cost of pen to fill in congressional form for closing down US Miltitary testimony to protect us: $3.00 cost of GOP/Fox/tea baggers/right wing radio to have national bout fest for failing to block healthcare reform: Think Progress » Republicans Block Senate Committee Hearings, Including On National Security Matters, For Second Day In A Row
  • The Dems darling in NV is new congressman Deena Titus and they would love to run her for Senate. No love for Harry Reid on the Tea Party Express
  • A traditional conservative like former Georgia Congressman Robert Barr is on the same side of the privacy issue as the ACLU. John Twelve Hawks - An interview with author
  • The news that Ariz Congressman Rick Renzi is in a whole lot of trouble with the feds reminded me that this was the same Renzi who ran what may have been the scuzziest negative ads of the 2006 campaign against attorney Ellen Simon--the ad linked Simon to the Massachusetts ACLU's attempt to protect the North American Man Boy Love Association's NAMBLA freedom of speech. Renzi Gets His Due - Swampland -
  • Lois Herr is accusing the Chester County Republican Committee of breaking the law in its support of Congressman Joe Pitts. John Morgan: Lois Herr Files Complaint With FEC
  • One example of a bloviator is my Congressman Tom Allen, the "good" Democrat from Portland, Maine. THE DREAM IS OVER - BLOVIATORS TAKE OVER
  • No sitting congressman has ever previously been nominated to head the agency.
  • There's not much prospect of Mr Smith's being elected as Congressman.
  • “I would hardly use the word conspire to describe a harmless breakfast meeting, and I don’t think the party will be all that thrilled when they find out you’ve been spying on a senator, a congressman, and your secretary of state.” The Third Option
  • You know what this is?It's kind of a frat house for Christian congressman, where they live and pray together and counsel each other on how to adhere to the nine commandments.
  • Congressman Saunders fired the opening salvo during a heated debate on capital punishment.
  • Former GOP congressman indicted on terrorism charg ... Rumblings on damaged state of US economy
  • The New York gay action group "Queer Nation" recently outed an American Congressman.
  • Of course I live in a state where my iconic congressman is so proudly anti-earmark, he refuses to do a darn thing for the homefolk at all. Current Comedy 3/17/09: Earplugs
  • If you want to think about this in anecdotal terms, consider former congressman Chris Shays (R-CT), famous for several cycles for being the Republican with the most-Democratic district in the House. Matthew Yglesias » Little Evidence to Support Gerrymandering-Polarization Link
  • QUIJANO: Yet without mentioning Republicans by name, the president blasted what he called scare tactics by opponents, calling the notion of a bureaucratic death panel a lie, and he insisted illegal immigrants would not be covered, prompting an outburst from South Carolina GOP Congressman Joe Wilson. CNN Transcript Sep 10, 2009
  • DREW GRIFFIN, SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS UNIT CORRESPONDENT: Kiran, really this news breaking overnight with United, kind of enforces what Congressman Oberstar has been saying. CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2008
  • Indeed, one of the greatest champions of black civil rights during the 1930s and 1940s was Vito Marcantonio, the left-wing New York congressman whose East Harlem district contained large numbers of both Italians and African Americans. A Renegade History of the United States
  • In his early days, as congressman, senator and vice president, he was a vicious political opponent.
  • Back on the witness stand this afternoon for nearly an hour, former Congressman Gary Condit once again refused to answer questions about the nature of his relationship with Chandra Levy, except to say that she was a "friend Condit takes the stand in Levy case
  • The most impressive speech of the entire weekend was the closer, a barnburner by a freshman congressman named Allen West. Mark Joseph: Conservative Confab Produces An Unlikely Contender
  • Congressman Maury Maverick, who coined the term gobbledygook (1944). (wikipedia) There May Be Truth in the McCain-Palin "Maverick" Claim
  • The piece of land is located 1000 miles from Miami making it practically in-assessable to all but the very wealthy in our society or possibly a congressman on a taxpayer paid business trip. The House votes to buy National park not in U.S.!
  • There's not much prospect of Mr Smith's being elected as Congressman.
  • Sheiner went on to accuse President Obama of "sandbagging" the Congressman, setting him up for a failure in the House because the President doesn't have the votes. Warren Goldstein: Local Politics: The Rich Get Richer
  • I would never shake down a congressman.
  • Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, a Republican from California, called Perry's approach "the screwiest policy I have ever seen with one of the weirdest regimes on the face of the earth. Chemical Nightmares
  • The New York gay action group "Queer Nation" recently outed an American Congressman.
  • All that can come of this next bad fiasco is me paying more for health insurance, as I don't want to fund anyones abortions, nor do I need a cover all plan dreamed up by some congressman who bumps military members out of the doctors office any time they need to be seen for as little as a hangnail! House Democrats agree on health-care position, chairman says
  • Being a congressman just gives him a little more juice with the ward-heelers, union guys and pinstripe guys back home.
  • It was the first opportunity for the second-term congressman and former television producer to address a national political convention.
  • JACKI SCHECHNER, CNN INTERNET REPORTER: Wolf, Democratic Congressman Bennie Thompson from Mississippi is taking on the Department of Homeland Security and what it calls staffing issues. CNN Transcript May 24, 2006
  • Tell the Art Department that Congressman Popeye is screaming for a corncob pipe and sailor hat. “My name is RUSS CARNAHAN, Congressman!” | RedState
  • Congressman Artur Davis of Alabama demanded. When Falcon tried to answer, Davis acted like a prosecutor grilling a hostile witness.
  • She was always writing to her congressman, her senator, her alderman. FAMILY PICTURES
  • The ongoing spat between Congressman Anthony Weiner, who supports a robust health care reform bill, and Senator Joe Lieberman, who does not, has gotten orthographical. Oh So Subtly, Lieberman Letter Tweaks Weiner
  • During said ceremony, Moon and his wife are wrapped in ermine robes and crowned by an Illinois Congressman. Boing Boing: June 20, 2004 - June 26, 2004 Archives
  • The longtime congressman from Texas was cast as Democratic evil incarnate.
  • The New York gay action group "Queer Nation" recently outed an American Congressman.
  • The revelation came in the form of internal documents of the Aleyeska Pipeline Service company, which were leaked to a congressman.
  • The story about congressman's scandal was scareheaded.
  • The other Congressman - a media hog (the sanctimonious, prematurely white-haired self-admitted cherisher of the voice of Rush Limbaugh, Mike Pence, who has built a thriving side business plastering his face across every TV and cable screen in the Western World). Mary Lyon: Three Little Words
  • The congressman worked hard to prevent the kind of unruliness seen at other town halls around the country. Blue Dog: 'Excellent idea' to start over on health care reform
  • I just left Providence, where I was with Congressman Patrick Kennedy and he was the bounciest person on that stage. Remarks By President In Fall River Ma
  • Answer: Neocon spy yes control usa president bush administration, but if you can believe it possible, neocon controlling democrat party even more. checking the credential of him Congressman rahm emmanuel, some say him so "intrepid".'s Cox: Sorry, Hillary Is Not Inevitable
  • Elliott was an Alabama congressman, and the reason why I really wanted to write about him is that somewhat unheralded are the southern white moderates who did things to advance civil rights.
  • Each congressman has a large staff at his command .
  • Look for smart Democrats to run ads with relatives of the afflicted ( "My sister has Parkinson's," "My father has Alzheimer's") pointing out that Congressman X is so extreme, he voted against a bill supported by many Republicans to begin curing these diseases. 05/30/2005
  • The former congressman is a shoo-in for Senate approval, but Washington insiders expect the hearing may offer new clues about plans to rein in federal spending. Defense Nominee Is Budget Warrior
  • If she wanted him to meet with a senator or a congressman, we had to change his schedule to do it.
  • Ambassador Edward Peck and Illinois Congressman Paul Findley (1961-1983), Guilt By Association identifies those who have promoted aggressive economic and foreign policies that have been "ruinous" not only to America's reputation but also to "moderate and secular Jews," who, Gates points out, are often unfairly portrayed as "guilty by association" with the behaviour of these "elites and extremists. The Source of the Economic Crisis: A Chicago State of Mind
  • The congressman told me he plans to hold FEMA accountable for what he calls a bureaucratic mess. CNN Transcript Jul 9, 2008
  • This morning, Hamm is scheduled to appear on NBC's Today with Jim Sensenbrenner, a Republican congressman from Hamm's home state of Wisconsin. - Yang goes to court for gymnastics gold
  • Congressman John Murtha today is blasting what he calls swift boat style attacks stemming from his fight with Steny Hoyer. CNN Transcript Nov 14, 2006
  • Prince Turki was the keynote speaker at the concluding dinner that also featured Michigan Congressman John Conyers, a longtime supporter of the Arab-American community.
  • According to the daily "Oklahoman," a former House page now working on a gubernatorial campaign for Oklahoma Republican Congressman Ernest Istook has hired this attorney. CNN Transcript Oct 5, 2006
  • She once worked for a Democratic party congressman, and is a champion of progressive causes including the advancement of women in business.
  • While Galo was relieved to talk to his mother on a phone call facilitated by the congressman, she had grim news. Latest Headlines
  • She was always writing to her congressman, her senator, her alderman. FAMILY PICTURES
  • You just write to Government Printing Office or call the Government Printing Office or you can write your senator or your congressman. Historical Almanac of the United States Senate
  • Desmond : Isn't that Jed Watney, the gossip columnist over there , talking to the congressman.
  • Does Congressman Joe Schmo from Podunk, Neb., really know exactly who is giving money to the Republican National Committee?
  • Thinkofwhy…there is power in NUMBERS..and we have them out numbered…all its going to take are some cases with a high profile..a congressman/ or woman, a few actors etc… and things are going to change real soon..its already started, like a big boulder of truth going down hill..we MUST do our part and spread the word. Part 7 – Rick Simpson’s CRUSH CANCER WITH HEMP AND TRUTH – Free Internet Seminar | TECHNOLOGY NEWS
  • What do you think on the job front that we will be seeing, Congressman Brown?
  • Congressman Saunders fired the opening salvo during a heated debate on capital punishment.
  • House Government Reform Committee chairman Congressman Henry Waxman said the government invented what he calls sensational details and stories. CNN Transcript Apr 24, 2007
  • ‘As a kid I bicycled all the time, but I left bicycling for many years,’ says the 61-year-old Congressman.
  • It was the first opportunity for the second-term congressman and former television producer to address a national political convention.

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