How To Use Congest In A Sentence

  • Hindsight is always 20/20, and once Real had the early lead, the textbook approach would have been sitting deeper, congesting the midfield to absorb the pressure and striking on the counterattack. Barcelona's Guide to Beating Real Madrid
  • But physical discomforts during the third trimester, such as heartburn, leg cramps, fetal movement, shortness of breath and sinus congestion, can again interfere with sleep.
  • It is expected that the roads will be shut until at least 4pm today and that there will be major traffic congestion.
  • The manifesto includes tough measures to tackle road congestion and environmental pollution.
  • But there is more to it than a less congested fixture list. Times, Sunday Times
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  • The congested, hypertense crossing point of the River Jordan, between Jordan "proper" and the Israeli-held West Bank, is to this day known as the Allenby Bridge, after T.E. Lawrence's commander. The Perils of Partition
  • Ships had to discharge their cargoes at congested anchorages either into horse drawn lighters or onto packhorses for the journey to the industrial centre.
  • On the other hand, bronchodilator inhalers that open congested airways are a big part of asthma treatment, though they aren't used to treat allergies.
  • Thus, according to the Chinese, people in whom the liver is too full of blood and hence hard and congested, will be naturally irritable.
  • Cold extremities with hot head and back; face purple during congestion, high fever.
  • There was no time now to call at the hostel so we drove through the sprawling, congested town and out again into the country on dirt tracks. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • To make matters worse, thick, fibrous adhesions are often formed anchoring the congested, fatty tissue to the muscular layer below.
  • The winner will be responsible for the payment of all tolls, congestion charges, parking or road traffic fines incurred during the loan period. The Sun
  • The industrialized world now contributes about $ 1 billion per year through bilateral aid programs to relieve urban congestion.
  • This is not just to ease congestion, but also to track the movements of individual cars for commercial purposes, like figuring out where to locate drive-through restaurants.
  • But fixture congestion would make that proposal virtually impossible. The Sun
  • But for us to lose only two games this season given fixture congestion, injuries and the rest makes the table a sweet read. The Sun
  • The stroma of the papillary fronds consisted of loose fibrous tissue with abundant, thin-walled, congested blood vessels.
  • Zenuk C, Healey J, Donnelly J, et al. Thiamine deficiency in congestive heart failure patients receiving long term furosemide therapy. Hyla Cass, M.D.: Is Your Medication Robbing You of Nutrients Part 2: Getting Specific
  • The main streets in the centre of the city are always very congested.
  • The decongestants, such as phenylephrine, and pseudoephedrine, produce a narrowing of blood vessels.
  • One-third of the island's population converges daily into Fort-de-France, whose narrow symmetrically squared streets are as congested during the day as they are empty at night.
  • Forget the road congestion, it's the traffic jams inside the racecourse enclosures which will occupy the team bringing this magnificent spectacle to York.
  • She also said extra noise and congestion, along with the effect on visual amenity, would have an adverse effect on surrounding homes.
  • IBM's early efforts in "smart" infrastructure technology around the world have already decongested Stockholm, improved water management in Brazil and started work on an automated power grid in Malta. Undefined
  • Three more common conditions associated with altered autonomic function include neurogenic essential hypertension, psychogenic ischemic heart disease, and congestive heart failure.
  • Thus, income taxes and government services and other amenities and disamenities such as crime, traffic congestion, and air quality would be put aside by assuming that the costs associated with such factors did not change over time.
  • They bled in all sthenic disease for ‘spasms of the extreme arteries, for congestion,’ etc.
  • Traffic was already very congested by six thirty this morning, particularly on the M1 northbound.
  • Later, Ridgway found himself being driven through thick fog and rain along a congested road during the Battle of the Bulge.
  • The incident caused congestion on surrounding roads as police cleared the area.
  • Congestion frequently reduces traffic to walking pace.
  • If this congestion is not cleared up quickly, the blood will clot and arteries that bring the tissues their necessary nourishment will become plugged and the tissues will die.
  • When the liver becomes congested, serum transaminase and bilirubin levels may become elevated, and jaundice may be present.
  • They say that its closure will increase congestion in the city centre. Times, Sunday Times
  • He first promised two weeks ago to clear Britain's congested roads.
  • In order to grow bigger and overcome diseconomies of scale like congestion and rising housing and business costs, cities must become more efficient, innovative, and productive. How the Crash Will Reshape America
  • Diuretics are essential for the symptomatic management of patients with lung congestion or peripheral oedema from fluid overload.
  • These visits often result in antibiotic prescriptions or advice to use decongestants, antihistamines, and cough suppressants, even though the evidence supporting the efficacy of these medications in children is scant.
  • While important, this represents a small percentage of congested road mileage. Getting There: The Epic Struggle between Road and Rail in the American Century
  • The congestion charge has become a car tax, pure and simple. Times, Sunday Times
  • The smaller berries are also usually less liable to congestion and compression within the bunch, and are therefore less likely to split or suffer spoilage as a result of fungal diseases or bacteria.
  • And all on roads where the stickiest congestion is a tractor huffing up a hill. Times, Sunday Times
  • The manifesto includes tough measures to tackle road congestion and environmental pollution.
  • I also believe that congestion pricing or tolling on existing roads via electronic ticketing/tagging may need to be considered in the near to medium term future.
  • That's true, but if it was planned to decongest the city then why does it still take more than one hour to reach Navi Mumbai by train?
  • We would like to suggest that the LCC comes up with a system of levy collection which will not snarl up traffic and cause congestion. One suggestion would be pre-payments by all the minibuses that use Kulima Tower bus station.
  • But the group insists that the size of the development is too large for the conservation area and would bring traffic havoc to already congested lanes.
  • The £47.9 million route opened for traffic last week and within hours congestion in the town centre was beginning to ease.
  • Ever since Goody, our twelve-year-old bichon frise, was diagnosed with congestive heart failure, I have been compelled by pity and fear to do his bidding. Knowing Jesse
  • Brain parenchyma from the parietal lobe showed venous congestion, hemorrhage, and diffuse edema.
  • Moreover, the built-up area thus formed will become congested with buildings, paving the way for urbanisation and consequent environmental degradation.
  • Many of Europe's airports are heavily congested.
  • One unaccustomed to the use of bonga and chewing it for the first time, usually experiences a most disagreeable combination of symptoms; constriction of the oesophagus, a sensation of heat in the head and face, the latter becoming red and congested; at the same time dizziness and precordial distress are experienced. The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • A Stanway traffic police spokesman said: ‘The traffic congestion had been due to broken-down vehicles.’
  • The car park will also hopefully ease traffic congestion and parking difficulties.
  • What concerns me is the habit most motorcyclists have of weaving between vehicles to overtake on congested motorways. Times, Sunday Times
  • Congestion charging would generally be inappropriate, but could be a last resort.
  • On the sixth morning of his hospitalization, his bowel congestion finally relieved, he awoke pain-free and cheerful and announced, half joking, "Today, I almost feel like living.
  • Rio de Janeiro's legendary traffic had prompted the authorities to take drastic action to alleviate the worst of the congestion. THE RHYTHM SECTION
  • Bath Road is gridlocked at most times of the day and this development would add to the congestion.
  • At this stage my friend and I are getting hungry, so we stop in the congested market around the corner from the ceramics hub to grab a quick, spicy bite at a tiny restaurant serving Padang food, product of a culture that prizes a form of slow-cooked pot roast known as rendang and other meaty dishes -- on permanent display behind glass. Jakarta
  • Traffic congestion is a major concern directly related to the debate on efficient prices.
  • So by all means, if you think your child's cold has gone on for more than seven days, and your child is still congested and perhaps coughing heavily, see your pediatrician.
  • Traffic congestion during peak commute hours is terrible.
  • The less we spend on conspicuous consumption goods, the better we can afford to alleviate congestion; and the more time we can devote to family and friends, to exercise, sleep, travel, and other restorative activities.
  • Antihistamines and decongestants are available over the counter - without a prescription.
  • It would have seemed as unlikely as the congestion charge. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not possible to reduce congestion without some form of demand constraint. Times, Sunday Times
  • Traffic congestion and inadequate public transit make this the most polluted metro area in the country.
  • Both teams are a little light in attacking numbers and it's quite congested in the middle. Bursaspor v Manchester United - as it happened
  • All 6 of these patients presented with shortness of breath and clinical signs of congestive heart failure, and their autopsies showed right ventricle hypertrophy and tricuspid ring dilatation.
  • CCAM can cause a myriad of life-threatening problems for the baby, including fetal hydrops, an accumulation of fluid surrounding internal organs caused by congestive heart failure. CCAM — Ryan
  • Can these buffoons really wander willy-nilly around the congested airspace above Britain with no regard for the professional pilots who rely on every other pilot to be up-to-speed on what is happening in their area?
  • Often seen as a bellwether for economic activity, haulage companies need less congestion and better traffic management systems. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the study addressed yesterday, Vytorin was tested against a placebo in patients with a condition known as aortic stenosis, a calcification of the heart valve that is increasingly common among elderly patients and leads to congestive heart failure and death. More Vytorin Bad News
  • Background: Cardiac resynchronization therapy improves exercise tolerance and survival in with advanced congestive HF and dyssynchrony.
  • J. CIVITANO: Very high fevers, congestion, sore throat, headaches -- terrible headaches, body aches, nauseousness. CNN Transcript Apr 28, 2009
  • I tell her that long warm showers or a humidifier can sometimes make breathing a little easier and help to clear out her sinuses and that she can take a decongestant if the runny nose is really bothering her, but to be careful because many of those medicines can make you drowsy. Between Expectations
  • Congestible" refers to goods that are nonrival for a certain amount, until a capacity constraint is reached. Regulatory Pollution, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The embassies are simply wrong to claim that the congestion charge is a tax. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though aimed primarily at getting locals to use the bicycle as an alternative form of transport around congested streets, the scheme is also a boon for visitors. Times, Sunday Times
  • While commuters have to take a more circuitous route, it eases traffic congestion and flow.
  • The system uses live traffic information to help drivers adjust their speed according to congestion. The Sun
  • They warn that the new speed restrictions will slow journey times and worsen congestion. Times, Sunday Times
  • He knew how the traffic congested at the junction of Seventh Avenue and Forty - second Street.
  • These huge trucks shouldn't be driving in such a congested area. Times, Sunday Times
  • Colourful multitudes thronged the traffic-congested streets, poring over programmes, posters and booking kits.
  • The congestion charge has become a car tax, pure and simple. Times, Sunday Times
  • Navy lost control during an aerobatics show in the skies over the technopolis this morning and barrelled into a congested residential - Articles related to Technology leap forecast for cameras in cellphones
  • What finally pushed me to this decision was getting stuck in a tunnel on a congested train for a long period.
  • This non-drying mask decongests pores and lifts impurities, plus a 5 per cent hydroxy acid blend exfoliates gently. Times, Sunday Times
  • The authorities can consider several other solutions to decongest traffic in this zone.
  • Taking the cue from neighbouring Pimpri-Chinchwad where three grade separators - which divide roads into higher or lower levels to ease traffic flow - have decongested roads in the - Articles related to Maharashtra to implement JNNURM-like scheme
  • Since we had no unexposed group, we were unable to estimate whether, and by how much, it increases the risk of recurrent congestive heart failure.
  • Not so with allergies, which can leave you feeling congested, with itchy eyes and sneezing.
  • There has also been a considerable investment in commuter trains and light railway rapid-transit systems to ease congestion on roads and pollution.
  • _The course of croupous pneumonia_ is typical, and unless it terminates fatally in the first stage, the periods of congestion, hepatization and resolution follow each other in regular manner. Common Diseases of Farm Animals
  • The significant cause of the congestion is vehicles being illegally parked on the double yellow lines and obstructing the narrow roads for other traffic.
  • Tom Fahrney, VDOT's coordinator for problems stemming from the huge personnel shifts required by the federal Base Realignment and Closure program, focused on attempts to ease congestion likely to occur around Fort Belvoir and the Mark Center. Northern Virginia transportation plan update
  • Increases in intrathoracic pressure cause obstruction in cerebral venous outflow, leading to vascular congestion.
  • The projected savings in congestion and pollution are therefore illusory. Times, Sunday Times
  • My ancestors employed the most infamous of techniques - the eyelash in the eye, the one congested nostril, and, of course, the itch on the back that couldn't be reached without an implement.
  • If you've got a congested street with a primary school and lots of cyclists it may be more sensible to have a 20mph zone. Times, Sunday Times
  • Medicines that can cause palpitations include asthma inhalers and decongestants.
  • The government will have to grasp the nettle. If they don't, the traffic congestion is going to get out of control.
  • Use an air filter to remove air impurities and allergens that may be causing congestion that obstructs breathing.
  • And one thing that they do sometimes -- excuse me, a little bit of throat congestion -- they actually sometimes will divert some of the intestine into a bag -- it's called a colostomy bag -- so that actually the intestine gets a chance to heal, the abdominal cavity gets a chance to heal while that suture line is fixing itself. CNN Transcript Jan 16, 2007
  • Analysts on Wednesday called the auction proposal incremental and said it would not provide immediate relief to users struggling to keep their smartphones from grinding to a halt in congested metropolitan areas such as New York. FCC wants broadcasters' unused spectrum to help meet growing wireless demand
  • But the roads are terribly congested and the air's so filthy.
  • To ease roadway congestion, a new byway is under construction, and plans are in place to clean up the sewage-tainted waters farther offshore.
  • # -- _Secondary syphilitic_ manifestations in the form of congestion of the mucous membrane, mucous patches, or condylomata, are occasionally met with, and give rise to a huskiness of the voice. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • If you come to Enugu urban you will see me; you will see me at Park-lane hospital; if your child is sick and you go to Park-lane hospital you will see Nnamani right there; if you pass through the tunnel that decongested traffic between Okpara Avenue and Ogui, you will see Nnamani. Thisday Online
  • The winner will be responsible for the payment of all tolls, congestion charges, parking or road traffic fines incurred during the loan period. The Sun
  • Attempts to restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated the problem of traffic congestion.
  • Boomburbs have emerged in the wake of higher cost of living, congestion and lack of open spaces in cities, literally pushing any new development on the fringes of city-limits.
  • Some combine a full range of cold fighters: nasal decongestants, cough suppressants, and expectorants that loosen mucus.
  • So what are greater congestion, higher accident rates, and worse air pollution compared to the freedom to drive?
  • These include improvements that result in significant and sustained enhancement in the attractiveness of public transport, land-use planning to reduce the need for intraurban trips, and implementation of policy tools such as time-of-day, congestion, and central-zone pricing. Chapter 8
  • Motorists were caught up in long traffic tailbacks after an accident caused chaos on the motorway and led to traffic congestion on main routes through Kendal.
  • The lousy weather, the stabbings, the congestion charge they could all put up with. Times, Sunday Times
  • All of a sudden, congested and cluttered areas free up and the game becomes far more open. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was committed -- spoke of “when” not “if” he becomes mayor – and ticked all the right boxes: the need to make first homes cheaper, to investigate the congestion charge, to champion civility, tackle yobbery and replace the murderous bendy-bus with a “route-master for the 21st century”. Gordon Brown, Charlie Whelan and Me
  • Deficiencies have been linked to various heart conditions, including angina, congestive heart disease and mitral valve prolapse.
  • Just this February, Dr. Fry and his colleagues filed a patent for a molecule found in the venom of the inland taipan that may help treat congestive heart failure.
  • A government spending watchdog today launched a scathing attack on attempts to cut congestion.
  • Salvage procedure. Medical leech attached to the congested replanted tongue segment.
  • He favoured more road tolling and congestion charging, and 'co-payment', where users of services who were better off contributed more. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's a decongestant that can't be used to make meth.
  • Department stores are often congested before Christmas.
  • On the day of the test none of the subjects reported to be suffering from nasal congestion or any other symptom thought to affect their sense of smell.
  • He said network congestion would be eased in Windhoek with the opening of additional base stations.
  • My daughter, she's congested and she's stopped breathing.
  • It was the fourth consecutive last-place finish for LaGuardia, a congested airport in the borough of Queens which is plagued by delays but hopes to burnish its image with new high-profile restaurants.
  • The cloud WILL become congested in various ways - that's what large scale sharing gets you.
  • According to transport experts, one freight train carries the equivalent of 75 lorry loads, reducing road congestion and pollution levels.
  • The school is already oversubscribed and congestion on Cottingley Road, which will be the main feeder road to the site, is also very worrying.
  • In the 1670's, the city's Corporation received complaints about the traffic congestion caused by hackney coaches.
  • This is an attractively written systematic exposition of the basic probabilistic methods of congestion theory.
  • It is used to treat delayed menses and congested blood (especially in the lower pelvic cavity) and abdominal pains.
  • Increased congestion and traffic delays are expected.
  • Ridesharing, also known as carpooling or vanpooling, represents an effective means to reduce congestion on the region's major traffic arteries and automobile emissions, which contribute to air quality problems in the region.
  • If you already have large clumps, this is the time to lift and divide them, which will stop them getting too congested and keep them flowering well. Times, Sunday Times
  • The creature that incurred the congestion charge in Central London yesterday was neither fish nor fowl nor good red herring. Times, Sunday Times
  • Decongestants: These ease congesting by shrinking blood vessels and decreasing blood flow to the sinus passages, which allows mucus to flow more freely. Docs: Early treatment combats allergies best
  • Considerable congestion of pulmonary arteries, arterioles, veins, venules, and alveolar capillaries accompanied by vascular engorgement was present in four cases.
  • He described that the leeches were placed on the body and would clear out blood and congested fluids.
  • However, from time to time in the short term, the aggregate queues can become congested, as traffic and QoS are shuffled within the network.
  • One of the biggest problems currently clogging up the congested and lard-filled arteries of the Internet is the sheer bulk of painful images floating around.
  • To clear a muggy head, put a couple of drops of thyme, rosemary or pine essential oil on a handkerchief and inhale frequently - all have antiviral and decongestant properties.
  • Blood vitalizing, which has often been used in modern times for its ability to penetrate congested tissues, may be valuable in overcoming tissue resistance, as well.
  • For example, decongestants, steroids, aspirin and ibuprofen may cause side effects that are also symptoms of anxiety or panic, such as nervousness and sweating.
  • Oh, and I also think the Congestion Charge should be as extended to the outermost reaches of central London.
  • I'm all for bribing people out of their cars and into public transport by subsidies and freebies, to lessen the road congestion.
  • Alminova was seventh in the 1500 at the 2010 World Indoor Championships in Doha, Qatar but it was there that she was tested and her blood contained pseudoephedrine, a decongestant which is also a stimulant. Runner's World Racing News
  • The roads to Bordeaux were heavily congested.
  • Nonsteroid ones work instantly but nasal congestion can return. The Sun
  • Police placed cones across the entrance to the village from the dual carriageway last Friday night, after jams caused by a contraflow at Copmanthorpe led to severe congestion in the village.
  • Among the life-threatening problems that CCAM can cause is fetal hydrops, an accumulation of fluid surrounding internal organs caused by congestive heart failure. CCAM — Jackson
  • Boxer had been steadily bowling along the quays, where the traffic was less congested.
  • And no protein shakes, either — none of the congested muscularity of your 21st-century gym jockey. Woodstock Nation
  • Barring a few participants, who used four-wheelers, the rest meandered through the congested roads and lanes of the city in two-wheelers.
  • That causes congestion and frustration as cars squeeze past in a single lane. Times, Sunday Times
  • Increased congestion and traffic delays are expected.
  • That improvement will also reduce congestion on the country's creaking 3G networks. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was taking two decongestants and a nasal steroid daily for allergies, but they weren't helping - she was always congested anyway.
  • As a result, digestion is compromised with the poorly assimilated food contributing to the organ congestion.
  • I've walked twelve miles today, and most of it on roads - busy and congested - and my feet hurt from the heavy pack and the asphalt.
  • The problems of traffic congestion will not disappear in a hurry.
  • In the past, businesses criticised holding the show midweek because it caused major traffic congestion.
  • Rio de Janeiro's legendary traffic had prompted the authorities to take drastic action to alleviate the worst of the congestion. THE RHYTHM SECTION
  • I can see why people would think that the majority of the decrease in congestion is related to gas prices being higher and the economy being in the toilet. Despite Decline in Driving, City Plans Assume 1 Percent Annual Traffic Growth « PubliCola
  • My leaflet on snoring explains self-help but if the problem is simple nasal congestion, there can be simple remedies. The Sun
  • It is thought another motorist has cloned the plate to try to escape the £5-a-day congestion charge.
  • They refuse decongestants, non-sedating antihistamines, even nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories for pain because they're afraid they'll be grounded.
  • A sprawling, congested and expensive city. Times, Sunday Times
  • Increasing numbers of local councils are considering adopting the scheme to cut city centre congestion and raise more cash for public transport. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the group insists that the size of the development is too large for the conservation area and would bring traffic havoc to already congested lanes.
  • It was as if it had suddenly tasted peace and freedom after the tumult and congestion of Italy.
  • A decongestant spray may cause more congestion in some people, and over-the-counter sprays may have stimulant side effects.
  • The winner will be responsible for the payment of all tolls, congestion charges, parking or road traffic fines incurred during the loan period. The Sun
  • I too am prescribed as freely as any decongestant. Wombats against depression
  • Are we still in doubt about why our roads are so congested and traffic jams are the order of the day?
  • The aim of the £47.9 million project is to take 60 per cent of the traffic out of the congested town centre.
  • Their protest consisted of driving in convoy very slowly round and round the approach roundabouts to the Airport, thus creating massive traffic congestion and denying access to legitimate users.
  • Variable speed' limits are imposed to cut congestion at peak times and red crosses close lanes when there is an accident ahead. Times, Sunday Times
  • This will, it is hoped, take traffic off the roads and help to ease congestion.
  • Sans parler du protocole TCP qui fait varier le débit à chaque émission ou réception de paquet les fenêtres de transmission, de congestion. ADSL, bits et bytes — Climb to the Stars
  • As environmental groups have long stressed, the government cannot build its way out of congestion.
  • Non-medicated saline sprays or pure drinking water are more effective than decongestant sprays, which can damage the nasal lining if used regularly.
  • Not only were they consigning their offspring to a lifetime of obesity, it was claimed, but they were also causing congestion in residential areas.
  • There have been a couple of tragic accident deaths over the weekend, and the congestion is bad on a daily basis.
  • Research has shown that cold and allergy medications such as antihistamines and decongestants are not helpful in preventing them.
  • Baxter is expected to contend that his positive test was an innocent mistake resulting from the use of a nasal decongestant inhaler which contained levmetamfetamine, a chemical related to methamphetamine.
  • If you are frustrated by road congestion or overcrowded trains you can add your support to our campaign.
  • While the external application of warm herbal poultices, plasters, or fomentations is commonly used as a counterirritant to relieve underlying pain and congestion, others having a cooler, anti-inflammatory action are used for the treatment of more inflamed injuries and inflammations, and to promote the healing of burns, tissue, and broken bones. THE NATURAL REMEDY BIBLE
  • The only available orally active decongestant, pseudoephedrine, was not identified in any trial concerning management of nonallergic rhinitis.
  • Rio de Janeiro's legendary traffic had prompted the authorities to take drastic action to alleviate the worst of the congestion. THE RHYTHM SECTION
  • What about the broader congestion costs of immigration? Times, Sunday Times
  • He was still coughing occasionally, but his chest didn't feel congested.

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