How To Use Confusing In A Sentence
Words are confusing, but they're nothing compared to non-words, mainly because non-words lead to rash assumptions and misunderstandings.
I don't think they play at all fairly," Alice began, in rather a complaining tone, "and they all quarrel so dreadfully one can't hear oneself speak and they don't seem to have any rules in particular; at least, if there are, nobody attends to them -- and you've no idea how confusing it is all the things being alive; for instance, there's the arch I've got to go through next walking about at the other end of the ground -- and I should have croqueted the Queen's hedgehog just now, only it ran away when it saw mine coming!
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Once all that is figured out, the most confusing factor in the equation must be pondered: playing time.
We must beware of the danger of confusing what is passionately and deeply wanted with what is a right.
Yet the confusing thing about her mania, says Todd, is her ability to remain articulate, clever and funny.

In front of the world's golf media, the 13-time PGA Tour winner gave a long, rambling and often confusing account of his own life and times.
This is a confusing game that resembles a cross between tennis and squash.
Times, Sunday Times
The bridge can be a little confusing when conditions deteriorate, as it is draped in trawl net, but a diver can see and swim inside many parts of it.
I realize that this line of thought is, perhaps, too confusing and too disillusioning.
Pavel Somov, Ph.D.: American Am-ness
It is only by confusing them that Atkins can hold that mathematics and physical reality are identical.
Do we want a hero with universal vision, or would we prefer a fallible creature, confusing and confused?
The term "atheist" is itself confusing, since it is often unclear whether those who use the label understand it to mean a rejection of every notion of God, or a rejection of theism.
Science and Religion Around the Blogosphere
Channing Crowder, hands-down winner of this week's chowderhead award for confusing Anne Frank and Helen Keller in a fit of pique, has struggled with history and geography before.
Channing Crowder hears from Le'Ron McClain over spitting allegation
This is where it gets a bit confusing.
The Sun
Debates help them break through the blaze of hyperbolic attacks and confusing countercharges.
I will try to be brief and avoid further confusing the issue.
Despite its all-star cast, the original version was panned on its initial release, called convoluted and confusing.
The New Wave, Still Rolling
Your insight makes sense of a confusing situation.
The Sun
On windy days, the smoke was wafted so that signals became garbled and confusing.
Most confusing are the measures of kilos, hectares, kilometers, centimeters, and grams.
This overly ambitious device is confusing and the action drags.
Times, Sunday Times
Sometimes we find ourselves surrounded by confusing options, too deeply immersed in our problems to know "which way is up.
Christianity Today
The situation in Kabul was extremely confusing in the immediate aftermath of Najibullah's removal.
Most of these are points where my grammar and style failed me; some are where the copyeditor is saving my butt by pointing out factual inaccuracies or confusing passages.
In which I steal an old post «
Words in poems or rhymes that sound the same but look different can be confusing for young children.
I will also refrain from editing your submissions except in the case of unprintable language or overly confusing punctuation, so keep that in mind if you don't wish to look like a maleducated buffoon.
(Don't be misled by the expression "multisystem" as its confusingly applied to DVD recorders: they do not convert internally like the old multisystem VCRs did, you would still need an outboard standards box. Forum
I found it all very confusing, I must confess.
Kit car replicas arrive as a confusing jigsaw of pieces which have to be bolted together, often in the family garage.
From Honk Kong comes a confusing romance about chance encounters between lovesick cops and unusual women.
The thought remains imminent - just below perception, and bubbles up in strangely symbolic dreams and eruptions of irrationality in your everyday life like cryptic, confusing posts on a weblog.
If they fail to enthrall and enrapture the audience, The King of Marvin Gardens ends up a very slow, very confusing film.
You may be confusing the term interview with what they do with celebrities.
The Spirit - news with a Catholic Heart...
Further confusing matters, 'naturalness'-wise, there are women thin for reasons of health or poverty who still watch what they eat for getting fat.
What Would Phoebe Do
Mahonias are a plant that with fatsia, camellia, skimmia, chaenomeles and aralia are sometimes and rather confusingly called a 'japonica'.
Times, Sunday Times
Further confusing the picture, courts have also expanded the patent coverage for software.
The isolation of the chapterhouse was a good thing for the Maker of Narrow Houses, both the Mysteress and Caspian agreed, as the world surely was still confusing to him, even a year after the attack that had taken his memory away.
One Year’s Worth of Woe « A Fly in Amber
I am the first to admit that the science is confusing and can seem contradictory - but the root of it, to try and ensure that future generations aren't igniting their farts to keep warm isn't exactly a hangable offence, is it?
Jo Rourke: "Sustainability"
being hospitalized can be confusing and distressing for a small child
These men who had awakened, laughed dissolvent laughs, and the old muddle of schools and colleges, books and traditions, the old fumbling, half-figurative, half-formal teaching of the Churches, the complex of weakening and confusing suggestions and hints, amidst which the pride and honor of adolescence doubted and stumbled and fell, became nothing but a curious and pleasantly faded memory.
In the Days of the Comet
Add to that: vain, an inveterate breaker of promises, a gambler and a lover of alibis, and the picture becomes ever more confusing.
The environmentalist movement itself has its own confusing and contradictory alliances with the Left.
Christianity Today
It is essentially a conceptual war, confusing for pundits and bad for television.
The lovely album, for instance, sees new accents improving a song, rather than confusing it.
All this information can be confusing to the user.
At Castle Place the Coney Island sign is pointing in the wrong direction which must be very confusing for visitors.
They are confused because their situation is confused and confusing.
Confusingly, the Spanish for the sweet potato is batata and the Italian patata.
It is confusing though - the French left still seem to have a sense of national identity, of French exceptionalism.
It must be confusing for certain older chaps.
Times, Sunday Times
Those in favor of Senate Bill 372 say it would help clarify what they call the confusing and convoluted Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act. They ask that law makers to exempt bars that only cater to adults from the indoor clean air act.
KOLO - HomePage - Headlines
Although perhaps not identical to the Kindle, I would prefer a higher resolution, color reading area and the pagination is somewhat confusing, as it takes about two and a half Nook “pages” to constitute one printed page (or so it appears).
Just what I needed to hear — e-readers slower than paper « A Progressive on the Prairie
You've also got to make TV ads where you say things like "I am you", which isn't as easy to understand as "this butter is nice", which is, in fact, and particularly if you don't get your hair blow-dried, extremely confusing, but you probably can't say it's not energetic.
Christina Patterson: Why We All Need a Rally to Restore Sanity
Libraries can be confusing places — what with all those dern ideas and books and things.
A Progressive on the Prairie » Weekend Edition: 2-20 » Print
And maybe familiar cues are simply the means by which people navigate through a confusing world.
The few seemingly simple slips of paper turn out to be a confusing labyrinth of coupons, even if colour coordinated.
The history of the invention of the telephone is a confusing mass of claims and counterclaims, further worsened by lawsuits which attempted to resolve the patent claims of individuals.
Bell Birthday
Because of the conflicting definitions, the use of the term reclamation can be confusing.
AP Environmental Science Chapter 25- Issues and Options
He's a modern artist of the old school: utterly fearless, profoundly confusing and completely bonkers.
He was confusing enough when he was alive but now, when he's dead, he's impossible.
You're confusing demonstrability with objectivity.
Carry-Over Thread
The situation in Kabul was extremely confusing in the immediate aftermath of Najibullah's removal.
There's very little sense of time and continuity throughout the film, making for one that's a little confusing chronologically.
I understand the text but the diagrams are confusing me.
And of course it is, by more than 300 charities that often overlap confusingly.
Times, Sunday Times
Elsewhere (and prevalently) confusing or misleading information is given (e.g., [at brail] "Earlier spelled brale, it came from Old French, braile, belt."): Is the inference to be that the modern English word brail was borrowed from Old French in the fifteenth century?
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XII No 3
Once he'd gone off the trail he would have been in a very confusing situation.
Times, Sunday Times
He gave a confusing explanation for what appears to be the rating system for dope, from 1-10, 10 being pure.
Some of the photo software is confusing (and skippable).
Perhaps in her doddering senility, she was subconsciously confusing it with all the dry sherry she was knocking back.
She says that the process of asking for basic tax credits is confusing.
Times, Sunday Times
So what Daniel was conceived on island and they left the others so she wouldnt die … its plausible.btw. the chronology is getting really confusing.
The Tail Section » Discussion for Episode 5.3 “Jughead”
A friend recently pointed out that his confusing French policy with a scifi retelling of Mormon mythology could somehow stem from the weird Francophobia evinced in his "leaked" strategy playbook, wherein his advisers appeared to lay out "anti-France" as a kind of global campaign theme:
Romney, Self-Hating Mormon? - Swampland -
Growing up as a bisexual was horribly confusing and I always had to be one thing or the other and in actual fact I'm neither.
Be prepared to spend some time deciphering the menu, which consists of at least forty confusing photos of fruits and nuts in various stages of preparation.
Perhaps this dim-bulb mayor, and the MSM in fawning over Klepto Deb, are confusing pragmatist with pilferer or purloiner or maybe larcenist.
Sound Politics: What does "pragmatist" mean?
Understandably, being identical is vital to the show's scenario, but subtle differences, perhaps in the vests or cummerbunds, would help make a show of such frantic pace less confusing.
Confusingly, logos and some design signatures - such as the three stripes on Adidas track suits or the Nike swoosh - are protected from copying under trademark statutes.
And Gavin, I don't "misunderstand" your point about the appropriation of my name, as you say over there, I am troubled by the way it is picked up by search engines and confusing to people who don't read long enough to grasp what people at your blog are doing.
TRex, unethical, but at least ashamed (or scared).
It raises a confusing and contradictory series of emotions.
Times, Sunday Times
At the back of the drainboard, smack in the middle of the dishcloth, a small brown roach waved his antennae sluggishly-sick, no doubt, confusing his nights and days.
This arrangement may be confusing for anyone who has used a braillewriter and will probably be confusing to people who are using the BrailleMaster and learning to use a braillewriter at the same time.
Leonardo Da Vinci wrote accounts about the amphisbaena as a living creature, giving details on how the serpent caught rodents as prey by confusing it with its two heads.
Apparently 72% of people have found letters from some organisations so patronising, insulting, confusing and full of jargon that they have cut all ties with them.
Zach – perhaps you confusing kasha varnishke with kishke?
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You're confusing him! Tell him slowly and one thing at a time.
You're confusing me with my sister, - she's the one studying drama.
Personally I do prefer 'stadia' but as I think all the websites in this post use 'stadiums' I thought it might be slightly confusing if I differed in my usage.
Viewing Sports Stadiums on Google Maps
Though confusingly three different and variously incompatible recordable DVD formats are created resulting in some unnecessary duplication of effort, zounds!
It is the purpose of this short essay to explain the confusing array of names of popes and antipopes during this time.
Also, to make the results more sensational, the paper does not distinguish between "majority" and "plurality"--it uses the Arabic word "akthariyyah" for both, thus confusing the readers about the results, and boosting the results when it wants.
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
So this is confusing, since everything I read says SMA is a dry climate with humidity around 15% .... and yes, I've read it's higher in rainy season, but 85%?
San Miguel de Allende Humidity
We live in economically insecure and politically confusing times.
Times, Sunday Times
But just might add that there has been a welter of confusing and contradictory information coming out of various parts of the leadership.
I find the government policy extremely confusing.
And it's especially confusing when, as Juan Cole rightly points out in his blog, the English version floating around the electronic ether is in some places "so untechnical as to be useless.
Mark Levine: Iraq's Constitution: And the Winner is��� the United States?
Critics slammed it as confusing, ambiguous and complex.
Times, Sunday Times
Perhaps the cluttered and increasingly confusing maze of the hang is meant to evoke the complexities of Wonderland.
Times, Sunday Times
Kramer believes some critics are confusing magic with the occult.
Grouping them all in the genus Homo could be very confusing, Wood said.
Be sure to mark confusing parts of the piece you are reading, or sections that warrant a reread.
By confusing your memory, you can counteract this tendency and perceive the world anew.
Times, Sunday Times
This is one reason why Wing is supportive of proposed changes in diagnosis, to be implemented in 2013, which will assimilate Asperger's syndrome and several of the confusing autism sub-groups childhood disintegrative disorder, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, for example into one definitive diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder.
Autism: a mother's labour of love
But for the growing number of techies who toil at making products and services more user - friendly, job titles are more fungible - and more confusing.
Is the shoveller really just J Crew confusing his gofers for people?
Lazy Thursday Blues: Early Edition
Confusing, however, same-gender sexual violence with homosexuality, McClurkin misinterpreted the molestation as the reason for his gay sexual orientation.
Irene Monroe: The messology of Bishop Eddie Long
After following Matt's very indirect and confusing directions, I reach his friends house.
Great care is taken to avoid confusing the two types of projects.
Due to the complexity of heart tests and their objectives, it can be very confusing for patients to fully understand the overall purpose of a recommended test, such as cardiac catheterization, which is used for both treatment and diagnostic purposes.
The 10 Best Questions™ for Recovering from a Heart Attack
The bulletins are often confusing and difficult to follow.
Times, Sunday Times
Then, to make things even more confusing, you have your Spanish migas, a dish I ate every Saturday morning when I spent time in Granada my junior year.
Archive 2008-05-01
My Wit-sense of him was confusing, a sensation of both man and horse embodied in one.
In SNS industry whole low when confusing, buy this let a person shine at the moment.
Notice that we've put a comment inside the definition, to remind us of stack effects. This is particularly wise when the stack order is potentially confusing or hard to remember.
It's not exactly rocket science, but newbies sometimes find the process confusing and require some handholding.
The reception at Holloway was so confusing and everyone was so aggressive.
The present situation is confusing, unreliable and unfair.
Times, Sunday Times
The environmentalist movement itself has its own confusing and contradictory alliances with the Left.
Christianity Today
Where the movie flops on its back and gasps for air is in its fight sequences, which are so choppily and confusingly staged that I quickly gave up trying to follow 'em.
Despite the reforms, corporate profits can be as distorted and confusing as ever.
In spite of the clear chirography, some labor to read such a letter was required, for the crossed characters were confusing to the human eye, which can read in only one direction at a time.
All this requires much arduous, painstaking, and sometimes confusing work.
His story also highlights the sometimes inconsistent and confusing guidance provided by different advisers.
Times, Sunday Times
The plant that seemed to me to be probably "sauce alone" had leaves somewhat heart-shaped, but so confusing is _partial_ description that I began to think I had hit on "ramsons" instead of "sauce alone," especially as ramsons was said to be a very common plant.
The Open Air
Chances are that you found the sentence confusing, even though all the words are common and familiar.
It is messy and confusing and contradictory to look at the world situation.
Magnetic resonance imaging MRI scans have led to another confusing use of the term mini-stroke.
Episode Mini | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
When it comes to a topic that may be frightening and confusing for some students, like swine flu, a class discussion may have the additional benefits of allaying fears and empowering students to know which preventative measures are appropriate.
Swine Flu and Media Literacy - BrainPOP | BrainPOP Educators
You seem to be confusing Congress exercising direct willpower over the world versus merely exercising direct willpower over itself, and the latter is actually something it can straightforwardly do.
Matthew Yglesias » Panic! at the Caucus Meeting
Such a state of confusing dilemma caused heavy blow to the age-old traditions and beliefs of these cultures.
We sat stoically as the news dribbled in, mixed with confusing and contradictory reports as the newsmen attempted to ascertain the facts.
Diagnostic difficulties in those cases were related to confusing radiological and endoscopic appearances or failure to obtain histological confirmation of lymphoma.
A thousand painful, confusing emotions flickered through her brain all at once and she pulled away from him sharply.
But the vast array of support charities is confusing.
The Sun
Matt, you are confusing alcohol excise taxes (which are almost always per bottle) with ad valorem sales tax (proportional to price), and that makes your post inconsistent.
Matthew Yglesias » Higher Taxes on Alcohol
It raises a confusing and contradictory series of emotions.
Times, Sunday Times
And if that wasn't confusing enough, since both Cdr and Cmdre are naval ranks and our base commander Col Jestin is in fact an army officer, he could be neither.
Rank and appointment
This could be called a federated CMDB - but that would be even more confusing so we provide "integration".
The IT Skeptic - Comments
The smell did succeed in confusing the South African police; it made them think that the murderers might be natives of the city, because local people were fond of onion.
This was quite confusing for his friends, who excused him by saying he was an incurable romantic.
Times, Sunday Times
Among the many questions following the confusing president election is whether some African-American voters were disenfranchised.
Terminology is often confusing; the terms atopic eczema and atopic dermatitis are often used synonymously.
Easier is to put all your languages on one blog, but then you risk confusing and possibly annoying monolingual readers, or of reducing one language to minority status.
Aren't you confusing her with 'shagger' Norris the non-MP?
Nadine Socks it to Labour on the NHS
The only way to properly shorten the term (while keeping its self-referential qualities intact) would be to call it a "monokini" graph, but this would likely be confusing as well, since so few Americans have been exposed (pun intended) to the French "monokini" on their local beaches.
Chris Weigant: Friday Talking Points [122] -- Bikini Bottom Update
The various steps that are required to progress a matter through the criminal justice system can, at best, for many people be a very confusing process.
It seems to default to either redrawing the menu or logging out if you select an invalid menu option, which again can be confusing if you're not in a harmless text editor.
It decisively addresses one of the questions floating around about the beliefs of what you are calling progressive Christianity though I find the term confusing given the Progressive label used in the late 19th century - intentional?
God: As Real as You or I
What is the cause devils rebirthing or disc fairy ultra-left, whole campus into fear confusing in.
He kept confusing Vishnu and Shiva, missing the subtle carved differences in hairstyle that distinguished them.
The Apparition
The survivor may be overwhelmed by confusing emotions - fear, grief, guilt, shame, rage.
Different definitions of charity for different purposes, for example, charity, tax, rating, would be very confusing.
Thanks to modern technology, we have a vast array of lighting choices open to us which may make the project seem confusing.
For some reason the Spaniards saw a likeness between the banana tree and the totally different plane tree, which is how the plantain got its confusing name.
The opera's plot is the typically confusing farrago of unrequited love, disguises, nobility pitted against treachery, and everything set right at the very last minute.
These may be unspecific longings for more freedom in our lives, to find a spiritual pathway that will lead us away from this bizarre and confusing life we are forced to live, to be more understanding or more understood.
There have been numerous such attempts: Peter Ackroyd's The Death of King Arthur is one that's self-confessedly "loose" but confusingly billed on the title-page as a "retelling" – was the editor in?
The Death of King Arthur by Peter Ackroyd – review
Such a state of confusing dilemma caused heavy blow to the age-old traditions and beliefs of these cultures.
But as a framing device it's confusing and misleading, producing more questions than answers.
Times, Sunday Times
Some of the more technical errors, like confusing ‘bottomry’ loans (on ships) with ‘respondentia’ loans (on cargo), would perhaps be partially understandable were not the author a legal scholar.
(We also distinctly remembered Reality Bites as set in Seattle and prominently featuring the pulchritudinous Badmotorfinger - era Chris Cornell, until we realized we were confusing it with Singles, which makes us feel as though dementia may be setting in early, but that is neither here nor there).
Archive 2009-10-01
Our human mind yearns to make all the confusing puzzle pieces fit together neatly before we forgive.
Christianity Today
The twins enjoyed confusing the Neophyte with their cryptic words and alembicated rhetoric.
I originally intended to attempt to give a plot synopsis of this film, but it's so confusing I might just not bother.
The doomsayers are confusing a cyclical downturn with a permanent trend.
Thus, in Mexico Marti's social ideas matured and finally turned into what he called the confusing and brutal north that despises us. [sentence as heard]
From Honk Kong comes a confusing romance about chance encounters between lovesick cops and unusual women.
In Kirsty Gunn's second novel, Featherstone, we find ourselves confusingly but fittingly connected with characters disassociating themselves with creeping abandon.
The constant journeying, which is hard to keep track of as written, may become even more confusing on screen in a "wait, we just got here, why are we leaving? oh, wait that was the other group that just stopped but they're leaving too" kind of way.
What if HBO doesn't pick up the series?
It'll seem dreadfully confusing at first in fact, but it works very well in the end and effectively squeezes the full commands of a mouse and keyboard into an N64 joypad with style.
A confusing situation involving the support a wealthy person will suddenly make more sense.
Confusing mugwort with wormwood is at the level of confusing potato with black nightshade because they share the genus Solanum.
Although the fourth fascicule had kept its place, it was not on this account preserved from the effects of the confusing changes caused by the loosening of the ligature, for between its two first leaves the remaining sheet of the third fascicule [85] found a place.
The Sceptics of the Old Testament: Job - Koheleth - Agur
Here we see, not a confusing welter of compromises and half-measures, but a clear and logical relationship in which each pole is balanced and complemented by the other.
An example of how confusing is that there's a ship called Benbow, and a couple of chaps of that name as well.
Roger Willoughby A Story of the Times of Benbow
Those that involve close friends or loved ones are confusing enough.
Times, Sunday Times
At the moment I am only on the first steps of Buddhism but I see it as the only light in a very confusing world.
However, I do not want to further muddle an already confusing issue with what, for most of us, are technicalities.
First is the editorial decision to replicate the original printings, complete with long walls of paragraphs and confusing punctuation.
Compounding this disjointed approach was a confusing mélange of stage settings.
That means also that the world round them has again returned to the Greek conviction, that all nature, especially human nature, is not entirely melodious nor luminous; but a barred and broken thing: that saints have their foibles, sinners their forces; that the most luminous virtue is often only a flash, and the blackest-looking fault is sometimes only a stain: and, without confusing in the least black with white, they can forgive, or even take delight in things that are like the [Greek: nebris], dappled.
Lectures on Art Delivered before the University of Oxford in Hilary term, 1870
The exams were sometimes confusing with the way they phrased the questions.
Times, Sunday Times
I had the confusing ring/hand situation when visiting a French boyfriend in Biarritz … I had a rather nice ring on my right hand, being English this is not the married hand.
Ring finger
The first movement of the symphony was fine on Friday night, but after that the wheels started coming off, and by the end of the performance the symphony was an overemphatic, wrongheaded, confusing mess.
Luisotti's Brahms and Davies After Hours
The tone of the story is a bit confusing - it's mostly quite light "zesty" as one reviewer described it but it also contains one of the most horrible descriptions of rape and murder I've ever read, as well as a few other grisly scenes.
Review: The Chili Queen
The environmentalist movement itself has its own confusing and contradictory alliances with the Left.
Christianity Today
No matter how confusing the English road names are, the Chinese name for the roads are unique.
sent confusing signals to Iraq
Confusing economics and civitas is the cenral ignorant conceit of the new conservatism.
The Rise Of Feminism And The Fall Of The Family: Part 2 « Unambiguously Ambidextrous
For beginners to this study, it sometimes gets confusing with all the lines converging and diverging to and from each other.
We are cautioned against confusing bioluminescence with fluorescence and phosphorescence.
In a move to grab your attention by confusing you, I'm actually not writing about the word philologist today, but rather an intriguing-looking word that may make you stop and grab your dictionary by the short bindings upon encountering it, "it" being today's "Take My Word for It," word:
The Union - All Categories
These confusing feelings of being apart from the real world and close to it at the same time are part of what community college is about.
Considering pure exteriority entails misplacing these proper relations between inside the metaphor and outside, as well as confusing what is proper within the social system and what belongs outside it.
Wandering in the Landscape with Wordsworth and Deleuze
committed the fundamental error of confusing spending with extravagance
These ripples were gravity waves, a rather confusing name because they are not gravity but waves of pressure and temperature.
Times, Sunday Times
I could also imagine it's really confusing/angering when so many in the Tea Party love to demonize Muslims and now have to defend a candidate who admittedly "dabbled" in witchcraft, dated witches and had a picnic on a satanic altar.
Dean Obeidallah: The Chamomile Tea Party?
That's why the "underbook" of My Sister, My Love is intentionally tedious, confusing, and self-indulgent, while the main narrative, "mere storytelling" though it may be, gets better and better.
Kevin Morris and Glenn Altschuler: What We Talk About When We Talk About JonBenet
Confusingly, the original source of the word was the Greek bombux, ‘silkworm ‘, from which we also get bombazine.’
For some reason though, I thought they were in modulo 1, but now that I think about it I could easily be confusing bus stations in central Mexico.
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