How To Use Conformism In A Sentence
When I went back to university as an adult student, (though far from ‘old’), I was shocked by the conformism and lack of social consciousness of young people.
The reaction against the neo-brutalism of the 1960s and 1970s was to embrace safe conformism instead.
Multiculturalism can be invoked by minority groups to attack the conformism and conservatism of the larger society, and to pressure it to accept the new realities of openness and pluralism.
They seek to play on the public mood of fear and mistrust to demand that we change our lifestyles to fit the new conformism.
An nonconformist can be valiant, effective and pleasant, provided that he hasn't fallen into the conformism of being nonconformist, which is the worst kind of conformism.
Saying The Right Thing
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There's a terrible conformism, a desire above all to have the names of the fashionable directors on the tip of one's tongue.
In "satyriasis," with its connotation of pathology, he has found his true tone, which he extends in denouncing among homosexuals "a dreary sexual conformism ... rigidly defined and routinized sex moves in the theatrical costume of police or ranch wear [sic].
An Exchange on AIDS
The brand personality is consistently hallmarked by individuality, innovation, competence and non-conformism.
It's one of those untransportable American plays that, in rejecting social conformism and political correctness, ends up celebrating anything dysfunctional.
Authentic existence is a breaking free from the conformism and conventions of the everyday that we are thrown into.
If you have an ardent desire for the Lord you will steer clear of the mediocrity and conformism so widespread in our society.
Submission to authority, self-abnegation and conformism had led the Japanese to disaster.
Revolution in the streets was replaced by the plague of conformism, infecting even the student population.
There is an appalling and stultifying conformism in Australian politico-intellectual life, such that publications which do not conform are condemned and vilified.