How To Use Conformation In A Sentence
This shift indicates a significant change in the peptide conformation due to the nature of the adsorbent surfaces.
Then, we fix the adsorbed DNA molecules in their conformations thanks to uranyl acetate and we dry the sample using filter paper.
Then, we fix the adsorbed DNA molecules in their conformations thanks to uranyl acetate and we dry the sample using filter paper.
The term humanoid describes a general conformation to the traits of humanity, but implies an expansion of criteria to possibly include other species than homo sapiens sapiens.
For future markets, conformation and a consistently high yield of saleable meat will be paramount.

When the driver pushed through the front door, Tim recognized his distinctive conformation.
All those recent results suggest a flexibility of the backbone conformational structure and several stable configurations are proposed and debated.
Such a mixing of configurations is present in proteins, where the energy of the excited state is dissipated among many conformational substates.
Together with the associated protein troponin, TM on actin can switch between two laterally shifted conformations.
We note in passing that the timescale of the peptide backbone fluctuations which interconvert open and closed conformations is on the order of ~ 1 ns even for this minimalist elastin model.
In fact, a wide range of structural proteins have coils in which two or three helices are wound around each other to form a left-handed superhelix conformation.
The criteria for defining a conformer were based solely upon the type of intramolecular hydrogen bonds that characterized the analyzed conformations irrespective of other geometrical parameters.
If people have the same general conformation, then they start off with at least one thing in common.
Physical analysis of TNR-containing DNA strands showed that they readily adopt unusual secondary structures, such as hairpins, triplexes, quadruplexes, and slipped-strand conformations (summarized in SINDEN 1999).
This malconformation below did not, however, affect his strength -- it rather added to it; and there were but few men in the ship who would venture a wrestle with the boatswain, who was very appropriately distinguished by the cognomen of Jemmy Ducks.
Snarley-yow or The Dog Fiend
Fluorescence spectroscopy is an effective method of study on protein conformation in aqueous solution.
PeptiVir, Inc. (Aurora, CO) is an early stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of a conformationally-constrained, synthetic peptide-based vaccine platform for the prevention of viral diseases.
PRWeb - Daily News Feed
The dairy-type conformation does not lend itself readily to beef production and though steers will fatten they grow rather slowly.
Analysis of protein loop conformations is a notoriously difficult task because they do not have easily identifiable regular geometric patterns.
To affect to be like, may be no imitation: to act, and not to be what we pretend to imitate, is but a mimical conformation, and carrieth no virtue in it.
Christian Morals
Moreover. shifts in protein conformation could be analyzed in physiological environments to complement crystallography.
The conformation is of great importance for the mode of reaction of the molecules.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1969 - Presentation Speech
Upon absorption of light, the kinked helix is relaxed into a normal helical conformation.
The increased conformational flexibility of L703766 may also explain the weakened interaction with the receptor.
This article reviewed the abnormal conformation about the AD related proteins.
Because the interconversion of the two tautomers is slower than the actual proton transfer reaction, a conformational change is probably associated with the isomerization.
These studies distinguish the conformational and colligative properties of the individual bases in DNA and their inherent capacity to promote specific folding pathways.
He had exceptional conformation, very correct legs, hocks, and knees.
Then why does no one call G proteins motors, despite the fact that they harness the energy from hydrolysis of a nucleoside triphosphate to cause a conformational change by the same mechanism seen in myosins and kinesins?
Analogy, How Scientifically Powerful is It?
Steers and heifers make good beef and the conformation could be described as a dairy type with extra flesh.
This would be a great help, instead of just relying at present on judging conformation in the hope of reducing strain on tendons.
The overall conformational energy of a molecular system is presented as the sum of van-der-Waals interactions, electrostatic interactions, and torsion energies.
In the northern hemisphere, or at any rate in the part occupied by British America and the north of the United States, this phenomenon is explained by the flat conformation of the territories bordering on the pole, and on which there is no intumescence of the soil to oppose any obstacle to the north winds; here, in Lincoln Island, this explanation would not suffice.
The Secret of the Island
These entropic effects are necessary for calculating free energies, which are the true gauges of conformational stability at equilibrium.
Protein secondary structure prediction becomes the most important step of predicting the space conformation from protein molecule.
How proteins fold into their ideal conformation is a question that has tantalized scientists for decades.
Besides prolonging receptor-peptide interactions, acylation is found not to abolish peptide conformational flexibility and it only moderately affects the bilayer elastic properties.
Enkephalins are flexible neuropeptides and their conformation is dependent on their environment.
For future markets, conformation and a consistently high yield of saleable meat will be paramount.
He pressed the command conformation key, but the countdown didn't cease to stop.
1992 – Acousto-conformational transitions in cytoskeletal microtubules: Implications for intracellular information processing
Behe vs. Dawkins
Many biological molecules can only be crystallised with difficulty, if at all, and even then the conformation may not be representative of the molecule in the living cell.
Concerns have also been raised on poor conformation scores for animals killing out with carcass weights under 300 kg.
More specifically, we ask the question whether the open conformation found in the binary complex is also accessible to the apo-enzyme.
This phenomenon of interface activation was originally detected in studies on porcine pancreatic lipase and was attributed to a conformational change.
As both from normal organogeny as well as from unusual conformation contradictory inferences may be drawn, it would obviously be unsafe to attempt the explanation of the so-called calyx-tube in general from any particular instances; so far as _Rosaceæ_ are concerned, there is so much variation in the relative position of calyx and carpels under ordinary circumstances, that it is no matter for surprise that similar diversities should exist in teratological cases.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Moreover, the fraction of stacked conformations for a given set of linker dihedrals is consistently greater for the bis-adenyl compounds than for the bis-naphthyl compounds.
For example, oxytocin and vasopressin have about a thousand different conformations in solution, all in dynamic equilibrium one with another.
The conformation is the shape, which the molecule really assumes, utilizing the flexibility.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1969 - Presentation Speech
A given exonuclease hydrolyzes DNA at a fixed rate, but there exist a distribution of conformations and a distribution of hydrolysis rates.
The drying step is performed after using a 0.02% diluted uranyl acetate solution for fixing the DNA molecules in their conformations.
The judges then walked down the row checking the conformation of the horses and getting a closer look at each one.
However, for L-amino acids such as Asp or Asn, interactions between the side-chain carbonyl group with the carbonyl of the main-chain peptide bond can give rise to relative stabilisation of a conformation with a positive φ angle Box plots for the substitution scores by the class of secondary structure.
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The alternative conformation extends away from the molecule, stabilized by crystal contacts.
The results reveal that metal cation binding affects the protein conformation, the retinal isomeric composition as well as lipid head groups.
At some point, increasing error causes major information loss because many conformations populate the average noise sphere.
The open conformation would easily associate with the surface of a spheroidal particle that is much larger in size.
This unavoidable approximation is expected to provide good results, since a through-bond coupling between the vicinal protons at a fixed conformation mainly reflects the electronic state.
Because the pore in most parts can sterically accommodate an ion with its hydration shell, the conformation was deemed open.
At an all-breed dog show, the focus lies in the dog's conformation, or overall appearance and structure.
As the authors write, "we hypothesized that human spatial reasoning could improve both the sampling of conformational space and the determination of when to pursue suboptimal conformations if the [random elements of current algorithms] were replaced with human decision making while retaining the deterministic Rosetta algorithms as [tools for players].
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In both proteins these results suggest the unfolded ensemble of conformations retain a substantial number of rigid substructures.
Besides the long-range interactions it makes with neighboring protease residues, the binding affinity of a peptide also depends on its own conformation.
To elucidate the role of conformational entropy upon thermal unfolding in more detail, conformational dynamics in the time regime of picoseconds was investigated with neutron spectroscopy.
One recalling the conformation of this country, with its three and a half millions of inhabitants, can easily understand that although fused into a solid political union, and although recognizable amongst the other northern nations by certain traits peculiar to the inhabitants of all its provinces, it must nevertheless present a great variety.
Holland, v. 1 (of 2)
The conformation of the DNA molecule in solution is fluctuating constantly due to thermal perturbations.
Despite the large increase in enthalpy and entropy, the free energy difference between the closed and open conformations is relatively small.
The surface microenvironment could not only influence initial immobilisation and orientation, but also antibody conformation and effectiveness.
The anharmonic dynamics involve diffusive motion and allow sampling of different conformational substates.
The conformation, which normally would be disadvantageous, may get stabilized by stacking and/or other interactions with the codon bases.
These 5-to 6-nm - wide chains of globular subunits are interpreted as individual tubulin protofilaments in a curved guanosine diphosphate conformational state.
Differences in tidal flows are due to the differences in the physical conformations of the basins in which they flow (for background and more detail, see Palmieri 1998).
Galileo Galilei
That, as well as the placement and format of the node constructors, guarantees that the parse tree is generated in the proper conformation so that treewalking does the right thing.
How proteins fold into their ideal conformation is a question that has tantalized scientists for decades.
Boing Boing: October 20, 2002 - October 26, 2002 Archives
Two BODIPY dyes were synthesized from a conformationally unconstrained indacene using simple palladium catalysis. - latest science and technology news stories
The Government is confident that the foregoing general ruling will enable junior and inexperienced officers, temporarily employed on famine duty, to classify appropriately and with facility as denticulate or edentulous all individuals afflicted with dental hiatus, mal-conformation and labefaction, without further reference to higher authority.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, February 12, 1919
These functions increased the conformational energy of the system if it deviated from specified parameters.
Poor conformation and / or poor shoeing can put a horse at risk for sidebone. News
A tension is created that causes the coiling, intercalating network of matrix molecules to partially uncoil and straighten, restricting polymer motion and causing a more uniform conformation than in the unstrained matrix.
The animal's conformation can be a factor in how well your pack load or horse saddlebags ride.
MLn fragments, has been used by my research group to analyze cluster bonding and the equilibrium geometries and conformational preferences of olefin and polyene metal carbonyl complexes.
Roald Hoffmann - Autobiography
In the contour plot, red indicates the most probable conformations.
Heat stress can denature proteins, and the cell mobilizes chaperonins like a small army of physical therapists to twist everything back into its proper conformation.
Moreover, a very recent analysis of the Frydman lab showed that polyQ aggregation kinetics is not solely a function of polyQ repeat length, but rather includes the critical contribution of the N-terminal 17 amino acid residues forming an amphipathic helix and promoting rapid Htt aggregation by direct modulation of Htt conformation
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Although a late developer, it began to take on the size and conformation of an excellent Clydesdale stallion.
By comparison, the tetra-amine spermine only binds weakly to peptide carboxylate groups, and not to the a-helical conformation.
This conformational changing process is strengthened by the increase in the affinity of the enzyme and for its coenzymes during hibernation.
Single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) essay and sequence analysis of the PCR product were used to ascertain the gene mutation.
It is commonly known that a biopolymer like RNA must fold into a precise three-dimensional conformation for it to properly function.
In related studies, the genetic factors determining the conformation of curd was analyzed.
Because the Y base is located at position 37 adjacent to the anticodon triplet, its fluorescence is sensitive to any changes in the conformation and the binding state of the anticodon loop.
Note here: what was present before Angiosperms was the basic conformation of the mouthpart classes, not the actual highly adapted, specialized apparatuses that are often currently found in existing species.
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The 3D symmetries are identified by including dihedral angle information in the atom and molecular names so that two traversais match only if they are not only chemically equivalent but also conformationally equivalent.
Next, the horses are unsaddled and judged at halter in ranch conformation.
OK, then please show me a human-designed, walking motor that consumes energy only for restricting conformations and uses only Brownian motion for actual movement.
Analogy, How Scientifically Powerful is It?
This stereochemical concept rests on the original suggestion by van't Hoff of the tetrahedral arrangement of the four valences of the carbon atom (see Section 2), and most organic molecules exist in two or more stable conformations.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
The ear, whose conformation fits it to receive the various impulses of air, diversely modified, communicates to the brain the shocks or sensations; these breed the perception of sound, and generate the idea of sonorous bodies: it is this that constitutes _hearing_.
The System of Nature, Volume 1
Although the anomeric effect was originally identified in pyranoid rings, its relevance to conformational analysis of geminally hetero-atom substituted carbon chains was immediately obvious.
In this approach, only energy-minimized conformational substates have been considered.
Obviously, such a conformation is fraught with difficulties, We must take issue with those who claim that the fact of our two founding peoples is somehow a myth.
The MuseumPast, Present and Future
When the driver pushed through the front door, Tim recognized his distinctive conformation.
While the three machines involved achieved high accuracy results in relation to conformation and meat content of the carcasses, they were less accurate in relation to fatness.
The authors found that the protein undergoes a larger conformational change when assembled onto a nanoparticle having a larger diameter.
The best approach for correcting a gait fault is to examine the animal's conformation and foot-flight pattern.
However, both x-ray crystallographic and NMR observations report the existence of only the 3'-stacked conformation.
Can similar conformational transitions occur in vivo, for example, during exocytotic swelling of secretory granules or in a stretched fibronectin matrix?
Fluorescence intensity, lifetime, spectral shift, and anisotropy all may be used to monitor conformational changes.
This observation seems inconsistent with the hypothesis that myosin heads bind to actin in a stereospecific conformation in low ionic strength relaxing conditions.
British America and the north of the United States, this phenomenon is explained by the flat conformation of the territories bordering on the pole, and on which there is no intumescence of the soil to oppose any obstacle to the north winds; here, in Lincoln Island, this explanation would not suffice.
The Mysterious Island
The stereochemistry of the model was checked and all residues found to be in allowed conformations.
The conformation of the DNA molecule in solution is fluctuating constantly due to thermal perturbations.
As demonstrated by fluorescence spectroscopic analysis, ILs had substantial effects on papain's conformation.
The conformation should reflect the breed's dual-purpose nature, and quality is more important than size.
The conformation changes of membrane proteins may have occurred due to the weak interaction of the complexes with membrane.
The invigilator shall seize the candidate's papers and ID card, fill in the concerned information in the "Registration form of Exam Circumstance" and get the candidate's signature for conformation.
Even in those instances where, for convenience 'sake, the term perverted development has been used, it must be understood as applying only to the particular plant or organ under consideration, as the form assumed is perfectly in accordance with the ordinary conformation of some other plant or group of plants.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
The conformation is extremely close to what I remember.
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This stereochemical concept rests on the original suggestion by van't Hoff of the tetrahedral arrangement of the four valences of the carbon atom (see Section 2), and most organic molecules exist in two or more stable conformations.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
Second, it became clear that attempts of the early 1970s to derive de novo three-dimensional protein structures from conformation-dependent proton chemical shifts was not a promising approach, independent of whether these shifts were caused by intrinsic or extrinsic diamagnetic or paramagnetic probes.
Kurt Wüthrich - Autobiography
When the driver pushed through the front door, Tim recognized his distinctive conformation.
Georgakoudi I, Tsai I, Greiner C, Wong C, DeFelice J, et al. (2007) Intrinsic fluorescence changes associated with the conformational state of silk fibroin in biomaterial matrices.
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The dairy-type conformation does not lend itself readily to beef production and though steers will fatten they grow rather slowly.
The volume resolution over this timescale is sufficient to identify relatively modest conformational changes in a peptide/protein or other biomolecule.
The Komondor is characterized by imposing strength, courageous demeanor and a most pleasing conformation.
Ringbone and sidebone, two closely related orthopedic problems of the lower limbs, used to be considered almost inevitable hallmarks of the working harness horse, and they are still distressingly common in horses which deal with heavy-duty concussive forces and those with certain conformational problems. News
Following this event it takes some time for the channel conformation to relax back to the original structure or conformation.
Amino acid side chains are known to adopt discrete conformations depending on the local protein environment.
The conformation of slope and trees gave the outjut of land a curious shape.
The Slipper Point Mystery
This is because we want to start with the x-ray structure conformation.
Four-sided conformation photos, training videos, and catalog-style pedigrees will be featured.
Methods: Polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism(PCR-SSCP) was used to exclude known gene mutation of HGF from 2 familial gingival fibromatosis .
The analysis of the vicinal J couplings in aqueous solution gives us more direct information on the conformational problem, when we can observe the fine structures of the signals.
Overall, the simulation secondary structure profiles closely resemble those of the crystal conformations.
Molecular mechanics and dynamics use an empirical energy function known as a force field to model the conformation of a molecule.
A tension is created that causes the coiling, intercalating network of matrix molecules to partially uncoil and straighten, restricting polymer motion and causing a more uniform conformation than in the unstrained matrix.
Such restrictions in the conformational freedom imposed by denaturants have been suggested through analyses of x-ray B-factors for lysozyme, ribonuclease A, and dihydrofolate reductase.
The inverted conformation is now a positive trefoil, and two different catenanes result from the reaction-a negatively single-linked catenane or a catenane formed by double helical interwinding.
The nut must be of fair size, of good flavor, thin to medium thickness of shell, well filled, and of good cracking quality -- that is, the conformation of the shell and kernel must be such that a large percentage of the kernels can be taken out as whole halves, and the convolutions of the kernels must be wide enough that the partitions do not adhere to them.
Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the Second Annual Meeting Ithaca, New York, December 14 and 15, 1911
= -- Various deviations from the ordinary type of orchid structure have been already alluded to under the head of displacement, fusion, peloria, substitution, &c., but the alterations presented by the androecium in this family are so important in reference to what is considered its natural conformation, that it seems desirable, in this place, to enter upon the teratological appearances presented by the androecium in this order, in somewhat greater detail than usual.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
Solution properties and the conformation of the hydrophobically associating polymers in solution were investigated by means of environmental scan electric mirror(ESEM) and dynamic light scatter(DLS).
The biomorphs start out as tree-like shapes, whose physical conformation is determined by 9 different genes, affecting things like the length and angle of branches, the colour, etc.
The material is heavy, but shows no quartz; whereas the smaller valleys which debouch upon the northern or right bank of the main line, display a curious conformation of the “white stone,” contorted like oyster shells, and embedded in the trap.
The Land of Midian
For single bulges in RNA oligonucleotides, the conformation usually depends on the nature of the flanking base pairs.
Considered as predisposing causes, hereditary influences play an important rôle and may, owing to faulty conformation, subject an animal to affections of this kind because of disproportionate development of parts (weak and small joints and heavy muscular hips); or as a consequence of inherited traits, a subject may manifest susceptibility to degenerative bone changes which are signalized by the formation of exostoses of different parts on one or more of the legs.
Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
Amyloid fibril formation generally is a result of alteration of the native conformation.
It has been proposed that the fusion peptide is obliquely inserted into the target membrane as a flexible monomer in an helical conformation.
* PeptiVir, Inc. (Aurora, CO) is an early stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development and commercialization of a conformationally-constrained, synthetic peptide-based vaccine platform for the prevention of viral diseases. Press Releases
Besides, according to the principle of criminal procedure conformation, it is necessary to restrict the rights of changing accusal of courts.
Many times, conformation dictates how the horse moves; his choppy gaits are comfortable for him, if not for you.
Rappolt M, Hodzic A, Sartori B, Ollivon M, Laggner P (2008) Conformational and hydrational properties during the L (beta) - to L (alpha) - and L (alpha) - to H (II) - phase transition in phosphatidylethanolamine.
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Each spectrum contains twelve aromatic resonances divided into two sets each comprising six resonances, corresponding to two conformations in slow exchange.
However the official conformation over the land allotment is awaited.
Orissa to allot 100 acres to Infosys for 2nd campus
There is no significant difference in the number of trans conformations along the alkyl chain dihedrals in the presence of PCP.
This stereochemical concept rests on the original suggestion by van't Hoff of the tetrahedral arrangement of the four valences of the carbon atom (see Section 2), and most organic molecules exist in two or more stable conformations.
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry: The Development of Modern Chemistry
Knowledge of the conformation is therefore of great importance for explaining or predicting the mode of reaction of a certain molecule.
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1969 - Presentation Speech
From these measurements we calculated all of the equilibrium constants of the "allosteric" cycle as follows: diliganded gating, unliganded gating, dissociation from the C (losed) conformation, and dissociation from the O (pen) conformation.
Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
By powers, I mean intense and strong juices; and by structures, whatever conformations there are in man.
On Ancient Medicine
In this article, we only study the kinetics involving the conformational changes near the binding interface.
During equilibration the structure was stable and retinal assumed a fairly planar conformation, which showed a mild twist distributed over the main chain of the polyene.
He had exceptional conformation, very correct legs, hocks, and knees.
Mr. and Mrs. Bloomfield arrived; the former a benevolent, grey-haired man, with a large nose and small mouth, yet with nothing of the foolish look which often accompanies such a malconformation; and the latter a nice-looking little body, middle-aged, rather more; with half-grey curls, and a cap with black ribbons.
Adela Cathcart, Volume 1
The double-stranded helices are either parallel or antiparallel and exist in a variety of conformations of different lengths and numbers of residues per turn.
Applying an irritant chemical to the membrane disrupts the ordered structure: the dye is released and the globular proteins undergo conformational changes.
The increased conformational flexibility of L703766 may also explain the weakened interaction with the receptor.
The lipid membrane environment influences the conformational space explored by the peptide.
If people have the same general conformation, then they start off with at least one thing in common.
What is then the conformation, which is of interest here to-day?
Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1969 - Presentation Speech
The filament is able to adopt many polymorphic conformations, including left-handed and right-handed supercoils, depending on various environmental conditions.
That, as well as the placement and format of the node constructors, guarantees that the parse tree is generated in the proper conformation so that treewalking does the right thing.
The Conformation class discusses conformation types such as base wide, splayfoot, cow hocked, narrow hips, buck kneed, standing under, straight behind, and camped behind.
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Our results suggest that on UV irradiation, arginine can induce certain conformational alterations in DNA rendering it immunogenic.
Patients exhibit a completely distorted view of their bodily conformation.
Bond lengths and bond angles are held fixed at standard equilibrium values and aromatic moieties are assigned planar conformations unless found otherwise by experiment.
The asterisks refer to different conformational states as detected by intrinsic protein fluorescence.
When dissolved in water, most proteins fold into either a single conformation or a small ensemble of similar conformations.
They were not like Da Vinci, who would anatomize corpses to learn about the conformation of the human body.
This choice was made to maximize the functional conformational differences between the two states.
It takes different conformations when it is neutral and ionized.
Generally, with the elongation of the sidechain, the conformation change is significant and accompanied interaction variation is remarkable.
It also improves the carcase conformation and composition, while he also finds the lambs are much cleaner due to the lower worm burden.
Steers and heifers make good beef and the conformation could be described as a dairy type with extra flesh.
Thus it seems that subjects of rather faulty conformation, animals having lymphatic temperaments and the coarse-bred types, are prone to synovial disturbances such as thoroughpin, bog spavin, etc., sometimes having both legs affected.
Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
For example, when malachite green is irradiated with UV light of 225-300 nm, heterolytic cleavage of the C-R bond occurs, and a charged photoproduct is formed with minimal changes in geometric conformation.
The temperature dependence of the FIR absorbance suggests that the anharmonicity of the conformational potential can be quantified, and requires more thorough measurements of this temperature dependence.
When we located the owner, she told us her gelding was a QH and I just couldn't believe it - I couldn't explain to her why, but his conformation was all wrong.
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Thus, the piperazine ring rotates while the rest of the molecule stays in the starting x-ray conformation during the simulation.
The result is a profile that seems to emphasize the econobox, front-drive conformation, rather than read as anything like "sporty.
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Biological materials exhibit special physical or chemical functions as a result of special shapes or conformations that result from self-assembly.
Dan Agin: Book Review: Giant Molecules: From Nylon to Nanotubes
In general windgalls are more common in heavy horses with more upright conformation.
These conformational changes then modulate interactions with an unknown factor in the signaling pathway.
I still vote for the Madagascar Fossa - the conformation is an excellent fit.
That’s no mystery carnivore (part II)… it’s a giant squirrel!
We then estimate the free energies of all dimer conformations in all-atom molecular mechanics simulations with explicit water.
Molecular mechanics and dynamics use an empirical energy function known as a force field to model the conformation of a molecule.
Therefore, the given stiffness values provide an effective description, obtained from sampling many different linker conformations.
Viewed in connection with the strictly human conformation of his cranium, it is such to specifically identify him with Home sapiens.
The invigilator shall seize the candidate's papers and ID card, fill in the concerned information in the "Registration form of Exam Circumstance" and get the candidate's signature for conformation.
This gives the basis for following genetically inherited traits, ranging from predisposition to certain diseases to conformation characteristics.
And in many cases, this process is probably regulated by just the kind of conformational change that our findings reveal.
Various latest radiotherapy techniques like stereotactic radiosurgery, conformation radiotherapy, endovascular brachytherapy and chemoradiation for organ preservation have been described briefly.
= -- Various deviations from the ordinary type of orchid structure have been already alluded to under the head of displacement, fusion, peloria, substitution, &c., but the alterations presented by the androecium in this family are so important in reference to what is considered its natural conformation, that it seems desirable, in this place, to enter upon the teratological appearances presented by the androecium in this order, in somewhat greater detail than usual.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants