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How To Use Conformance In A Sentence

  • A transfer of authority to another body lessens our own Government's sovereignty and the ability to determine domestic standards and conformance.
  • Conformance tests: the project releases its conformance test suites bimonthly.
  • Written communications relating to the nonconforming item will quote the nonconformance report number for reference purposes.
  • We found that the Project Office initiated appropriate actions to identify and resolve LH2 sensor nonconformance issues by reviewing manufacturing and testing processes. NASA Watch: January 2009 Archives
  • In short, a huge portion of the policy landscape is - or can be - tested in real-time for conformance.
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  • NSF conducted a plant audit to verify compliance with GMP and will conduct periodic audits at USANA's facility to ensure continued conformance.
  • The active exercise in conformance with excellence/virtue isn’t what Brooks has mind here. Matthew Yglesias » Eternal Recurrence
  • The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a civil rights act which requires compliance with or conformance to federal law.
  • The kernel of OS, including task management, conformance class, event mechanism, scheduling policy, interrupt processing, resource management and alarms, is described.
  • The kernel of OS, including task management, conformance class, event mechanism, scheduling policy, interrupt processing, resource management and alarms, is described.
  • Sampling is targeted at providing products for organoleptic evaluations and conformance to specifications.
  • To qualify for a label, a certified professional engineer is required to verify the building's energy performance and confirm that the indoor environment is in conformance with industry standards.
  • Peter, for his part, outlines the shape of Christian duty in just these terms of mutual subjection in his First Epistle, but now stated explicitly as offering the means of our conformance to Christ.
  • Finally, firms that were more dependent on constituencies that valued conformance with legitimate practices should have been less likely to downsize.
  • Old Square Toes and his audacious partner were the first to seize on this new opportunity, sending cargoes of flour to Spanish posts in New Orleans and Puerto Rico; still other ventures, in conformance with Spanish trade regulations, went all the way to Cádiz before being transshipped back to Havana. Robert Morris
  • Further exploration indicates that products that passed conformance testing often failed when linked together.
  • If countries align their standards, this will lead to mutual recognition of conformance testing, an important issue to ensuring that standardisations are not used as non-tariff barriers.
  • Of course, such an approach implies the need to keep not only student grade registers in various disciplines, but also registers reflecting the degree of conformance of student training standards to qualifying requirements.
  • In addition, whatever force the collection development policy has comes from its being approved by the school board which then delegates responsibility to its employee, the school library media specialist, to operate the school library media center in conformance with that policy. Bagging our principles
  • The American distinction between first and second degree murder (not present in English law) is a post-Revolution attempt to bring our laws into conformance with Levitical code. The Volokh Conspiracy » Maldives: “Islamic Foundation Calls for Death Sentence if Apostate Fails to Repent”
  • Crosby measures quality for an organization in terms of the price of nonconformance, that is, the price paid for failing to meet the requirements set for a product. VISION, VALUES, AND COURAGE
  • Protocol testing is the main method to ensure the accuracy and validity of protocol implementation, which includes conformance testing, interoperability testing and performance testing.
  • If so, he betrayed an inflexible conformance with previously established plans, an inability to seize advantage of unpredicted breaks.
  • If Congress, after due consideration, deems it appropriate to change the controlling statutes, in conformance with the Constitution and other laws, it has the power and prerogative to do so. [ Balkinization
  • Maintaining confidence in our standards, and in the conformance of the same, with their associated infrastructure, is very, very important to New Zealand and to New Zealanders.
  • Aboard the USS Carl Vinson, the burial of bin Laden was done in conformance with Islamic precepts and practices.
  • The approval is based on conformance testing, not quality or functionality, however, but it's important to ensure users know that an application will work.
  • Mistakes and experimentation are viewed as nonconformance and result in penalties via lowered performance ratings. Fear is the Growth Mindset Killer « TalentedApps
  • However, the poor conformance to Web accessibility guidelines is presumably due to a lack of information and a misunderstanding of their importance on the part of content designers and authors.
  • BCNR has NEVER told me that my documents (PH and BSM) were fake, however they did say that they felt they were "not authentic" and that was based SOLELY on the fact that they were not in conformance wit the "standard" documents. Frank joseph visconi
  • In the eighties and the nineties, unlike the seventies and for non-top forty bands today, they cared more about conformance which is how records got sold. Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions
  • Compliance audits look for conformance to a set of established rules.
  • He said he hopes to finance 60% to 70% of the project through bonds that are in conformance with Muslim prohibitions against interest. Mosque Sees Sponsors
  • He noted that FDA - legitimately and in conformance with the act - includes a consumer representative on advisory committees.
  • The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is a civil rights act which requires compliance with or conformance to federal law.
  • Therefore, the conformance of all currencies' long term and short-term trends vs gold is literally 100% - again except for the rand.
  • If the investor did not need to receive long-term gains and had rebalanced every six months, the overall gain would have increased and also the conformance to the original asset percentage would have improved.
  • Protocol testing is the main method to ensure the accuracy and validity of protocol implementation, which includes conformance testing, interoperability testing and performance testing.
  • Over time, behavior in conformance with a new rule may itself become habitual.
  • The assessment will also identify modifications that can be made in those systems to improve their cost-effectiveness and reduce the risk of re-offense in conformance with justice, public safety and constitutional requirements.
  • The story is also told non-sequentially - starting in the middle, then showing us the beginning and ending - adding to the theme of nonconformance. REVIEW: "Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman by Harlan Ellison
  • We do agree that there are situations when tree felling has to be undertaken, but this has to be based on a planned assessment, involving public feedback mechanisms and certainly in conformance with the laws as applicable.
  • As far as my argument concerning rent control, it is pretty much rock solid and in conformance with economics 101. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Further Left You Are the Less You Know About Economics:
  • Nonconformance: RH Rock Fuel Supply Module (FSM) system pressure dropped from 123 to 24 psia," notes the presentation.
  • Does the supplier use a disciplined problem solving method to address internal or external nonconformances?
  • * An itemized evaluation of the potential safety and cost impacts associated with each identified noncompliance and nonconformance. Milestone « Climate Audit
  • In other words, the very premise of the fixed mindset finds value in fear as a way to maintain conformance, which is one of its key objectives (“this is the way we’ve always done it.”) Fear is the Growth Mindset Killer « TalentedApps
  • Ellison's story is an effective parable for conformance (and the need for nonconformance) that is timeless. REVIEW: "Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman by Harlan Ellison
  • This modular approach means that today's achievements with TD-LTE will also accelerate the availability of Anite's test solutions for later phases of testing, such as conformance and interoperability testing, and which will be required to make the commercial deployment of TD-LTE a success. RedOrbit News - Technology
  • Since regulative legitimacy is based on conforming to a minimum set of standards, it is referred to as the conformance level of legitimacy.
  • These mock-ups are then rigorously tested for conformance to the performance criteria established by the architects.
  • In conformance with his theory, he chose Kora, who was indeed beautiful in her youth, as his life partner.

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