How To Use Conformable In A Sentence
The dogmatic tenets of Christian orthodoxy were not conformable to reason, nor was it possible to validate them through merely historical considerations that were in any case intrinsically problematic.
In statics he identified this momentum with what Galileo called momento or impeto, and this identification was certainly conformable to the Pisan's idea.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
He takes care that his iilea be conformable to this archetype, and intends the name ihould (land for an idea fo conformable*
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
When men have once allowed themselves to think no more of what is to befall them after life, they readily lapse into that complete and brutal indifference to futurity, which is but too conformable to some propensities of mankind.
Democracy in America, volume 2
In this transect, the contact between the Carboniferous strata and the volcanic sequence appears to be an unconformable sedimentary contact.

There are some reasons for skepticism about the Moody's estimates of the cost advantages of the hybrid system, most notably that the spread between jumbo mortgages, which are not bought by Fannie and Freddie, and conformable mortgages that go into the Fannie and Freddie pools has generally been just 25 basis points.
Dean Baker: Arithmetic and the Fannie/Freddie Fix
The major hydrocarbon migration pathways in the northern marginal zone of Chaidamu Basin are active faults, unconformable surfaces and permeable formations.
Your Honours' task is to construe the statute in the light of the explanation given in the explanatory memorandum if it is conformable with the words.
I have been to you a true and humble wife, at all times to your will conformable
The upper contact with the light grey to white, thin to thick-bedded, partly cross-stratified quartz sandstone of the Mount Wilson Formation is conformable but erosional surfaces between the two formations are locally developed.
And that if a State such as Australia, which is conformable to international law, intends to enact laws that deal with this and reverse this deep principle it will do so expressly, and it has not done so expressly in section 5.
She couldn't get conformable to begin with and then just got over tired and ratty.
Boundaries between the formations are all conformable but, in the absence of ammonites or microfossils, age control is not precise.
But the phrase “to appear by a name” does not necessarily imply the first revelation of that name; it rather signifies the explanation of the name, or a manner of acting conformable to the meaning of the name ….
Jhvh is the enemy of god and man
Amongst the rest there was a woman in Salem, one Oliver his wife, who had suffered somewhat in England for refusing to bow at the name of Jesus, though otherwise she was conformable to all their orders.
It cannot ‘be buried, because Distributism is a system conformable to the needs of man and his nature.’
Highly conformable to the patient's body these dressings adhere well to high-friction areas, such as the sacrum and heels.
Therefore individuals need to possess personalities conformable to the ambient level of cultural evolution.
It is distinguished from adjacent terranes of similar age by its open synclinal structure, obviously fossiliferous character, the thickness of essentially conformable strata, and the predominance of volcaniclastic rocks.
Along much of its exposed length, the unconformable contact was intensely sheared during subsequent ductile deformation.
After this, a process of denudation forms a thick sequence of overlying conformable clastic deposits, which contain large amounts of heavy minerals in low concentrations.
A Lower Pennsylvanian silicified ostracode fauna occurs just above the conformable Mississippian-Pennsylvanian boundary within the Barnett Formation in Texas.
This is our spiritful standing through faith by virtue of Christ's death: our actual mortification of particular sins is in proportion to the degree of our effectually being made conformable to His death.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
plans conformable with your wishes
Seismic data used in this study indicate that the Lower Flora Sandstone is conformable with the underlying strata.
At this locality, the upper layers of the Mishan Formation are truncated below the unconformable contact at the base of the overlying Agha Jari Formation.
Though at first he was conformable to the established church, he afterwards imbibed the principles of the puritans, and became a sufferer in the common cause.
The insert is latex-free and consists of a narrow silicone tube that is completely encapsulated by a soft, conformable, fluid-filled sleeve.
A range of specialist plastic electronics businesses are to benefit from a total of £8. 4m investment in research and development into new technology that will lead to the creation of a range of new products such as conformable and rollable electronic displays, ultra-efficient lighting and low-cost, long-life solar cells.
Epolitix News
It appears then from what has been said that there are twenty-seven prerogative instances, namely, solitary instances; migratory instances; striking instances; clandestine instances; constitutive instances; conformable instances; singular instances; deviating instances; bordering instances; instances of power; instances of companionship and of enmity; subjunctive instances; instances of alliance; instances of the fingerpost; instances of divorce; instances of the door; summoning instances; instances of the road; instances supplementary; dissecting instances; instances of the rod; instances of the course; doses of nature; instances of strife; intimating instances; polychrest instances; magical instances.
The New Organon
Cork or other conformable coverings make the handle more comfortable and easier to grip.
The otherness of early modern religious agents and culture is translated into (for us) more acceptable modern forms conformable to our own cultural assumptions.
For, granting the existence of a higher standard, the first question that we must ask about a cultural tradition is, ‘Is it conformable to our standard?’
He was directed to allow him to remain within the limits of their grant only while he was conformable to the government.
A mind arising from a genetic human nature might not prove conformable.
His point can be illustrated by noting that transferable housing vouchers could be market conformable while rent control clearly would not.
One of the criteria for the selection of undertakers and tenants was that they be conformable in religion.
Deposited sediments are conformable on top of those of the South Bashkirian Basin.
A conformable policy measure is one that is consistent with those principles, while a non-conformable policy measure is one that clashes with them.
The Spanish kings, in conformity to the martial spirit of the times when cards were introduced, were all mounted on horseback, as befitted generals and commanders-in-chief; but their next in command (among the cards) was el caballo, the knight-errant on horseback -- for the old Spanish cards had no queens; and the third in order was the soto, or attendant, that is, the esquire, or armour-bearer of the knight -- all which was exactly conformable to those ideas of chivalry which ruled the age.
The Gaming Table : Its Votaries and Victims : Vol. 2
a description unconformable to previous accounts
Therefore individuals need to possess personalities conformable to the ambient level of cultural evolution.
A conformable sensor makes it possible to measure pressure and touch in places not previously possible, such as on the curved surfaces of the human body.
Abandoning a vain search after abstractions, and applying his simple formula to life, Hinton found that it enabled him to express the faith in his heart in terms conformable to reason; that it led back to, and illumined the teachings of every spiritual instructor and inspirer of mankind.
Four-Dimensional Vistas
Facts of this description, facts previously unheard of, but which could not from any known law of causation be pronounced impossible, are what Hume characterizes as not contrary to experience, but merely unconformable to it; and Bentham, in his treatise on Evidence, denominates them facts disconformable _in specie_, as distinguished from such as are disconformable _in toto_ or in _degree_
A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
The principal form that error takes, for Descartes, is in the judgment that the ideas that are in me ‘are similar or conformable to the things which are outside me’.
This polyurethane backing is soft and smooth to the touch, highly elastic, and highly conformable.
Matrimony was 'historically heteronormative and patriarchal', she said, and the couple 'cannot marry conformable with their conscience'.
Times, Sunday Times
In both cases we have assumed a 20 percent downpayment, the standard for a conformable mortgage.
Dean Baker: Arithmetic and the Fannie/Freddie Fix
England, the same order of succession which justice required, was also the most conformable to public interest; and there was not on any side any just ground for doubt or deliberation: that when these three princesses were excluded by such solid reasons, the succession devolved on the marchioness of Dorset, elder daughter of the French queen and the duke of Suffolk: that the next heir of the marchioness was the lady Jane
The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part C. From Henry VII. to Mary
I have been to you a true and humble wife, at all times to your will conformable…
This formation has a distinct binary structure and pronounced geomorphological features as well as isotope age data. It is in erosional unconformable contact with the underlying Zhiyu Formation.
I cannot tell by what logick we call a toad, a bear, or an elephant ugly; they being created in those outward shapes and figures which best express the actions of their inward forms; and having passed that general visitation of God, who saw that all that he had made was good, that is, conformable to his will, which abhors deformity, and is the rule of order and beauty.
Religio Medici
I consider that, at least at this time, it would be conformable with this well-established practice of the courts to provide protection to the identity of the undercover operatives who are referred to in this Court's documentation.
This angular relationship has been interpreted as evidence for an unconformable contact.
Throughout its whole length, three distinct geological formations may be traced, the two lower of which have followed in immediate succession, and are conformable with one another, while the third rests unconformably upon them, following all the inequalities of the greatly denudated surface presented by the second formation.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 105, July 1866
The distinction between conformable and non-conformable measures, if treated as a constitutional requirement for economic policy, might well serve as a kind of constitutional filter.
However, of greatest interest is the unconformable contact between the Wiens Formation and Neptune Group.
The abundance of tectonic ironstones along the Bend-Manjeri contact is suggestive of a tectonic contact, although the contact may well have been unconformable before shearing.