How To Use Conform to In A Sentence
It did not conform to the usual stereotype of an industrial city.
Joint enterprises are free to use and organize labour as they see fit, but they must conform to Soviet labour laws.
Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
Or, conversely, to mediate space to conform to the properties of each and every particle in it.
In the first place, chemical solutions can conform to the geometry of the sample vessel or object being irradiated.
In exchange, they must conform to extensive social and environmental criteria.

I'm reminded of the first Christian legislators, who didn't quickly abolish the tolerant Roman laws regarding practices which didn't conform to the natural law, or which were actually contrary to it, such as concubinage and slavery," Cardinal Cottier wrote.
His description of the height and build of the person does not conform to the height and build of the appellant at the relevant time.
Such foreign-controlled labs may help adapt or develop products and/or production processes to better conform to local conditions.
The third, and worst, degree of turpitude is reached when a masterpiece is planished and patted into such a shape, vilely beautified in such a fashion as to conform to the notions and prejudices of a given public.
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The proposition of structuralists such as Althusser is that institutional structures (in the sense of a structure of social roles and social norms) are a basic, non-reducible feature of the world and the actions, values, self-images and the like of individual human agents must conform to these structures because individual agency, properly understood, is in fact constituted by such structures.
Social Institutions
Joint enterprises are free to use and organize labour as they see fit, but they must conform to Soviet labour laws.
Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
People are defined as illiterate when they do not conform to a set of cultural criteria defined by the ruling elite of a particular society.
In addition to the departure of the nurturance scenario from the original hypotheses of the study, ratings for one other scenario also did not conform to predictions.
What adds a certain urgency to his message is that he himself has suffered a heart attack, even though he does not conform to the generously fat-reinforced spherical figures that he has been talking about.
Techniques such as object oriented design and structured programming will have to be followed to conform to engineering practice.
The entire island was designated a naval base, and villagers were expected to conform to naval standards of hygiene and decorum.
An umbrella term for people who don't conform to the conventional idea of gender roles.
Times, Sunday Times
The building does not conform to safety regulations.
The reaction many critics have to this sea of choices is to try and create a restrictive little bubble in their own image and then only allow access to people who can conform to that shape.
He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled umbrella.
He refused to conform to the local customs.
What Natasha means, is that she has met some self confident women who don't conform to her own racist stereotypes of Muslim women, huddled away in some oriental seraglio.
To conform to local ways of doing business.
The Sun
He did not feel obliged to conform to the rules that applied to ordinary men.
Therefore, the shoulder-sleeve insignia was authorized to be worn with the blue uppermost to conform to the manner of wearing the brassard.
The number one rule in groups is to conform to groupthink.
Factory labour should conform to natural bodily rhythms, leave space for initiative and allow contemplation of the finished product.
The Times Literary Supplement
By this time, he said, a night shift was in operation and it was difficult to conform to the conditions in the timescale allowed.
To this end, a regulative framework of the African financial markets that conform to international best practices is being advocated.
What constitutes an infringement of privacy or bad taste or a failure to conform to proper standards of decency is very much a matter of personal judgment.
Our performance appraisal policy is clear: employee ratings have to conform to a normal bell curve.
It seems to me that the problem is with the rest of society trying to make people conform to a very narrow mode of dress rather than it being a case of men stepping outside what's normal.
Sitting in one position to observe and record appearances does not conform to the majority of our everyday experience of landscape.
With an idiocy that may seem almost incredible, the many examples of this had been carefully copy-edited to make them conform to the usual conventions of printed academic prose, ruining their whole point.
He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled umbrella.
But all potencies that conform to the same type are originative sources of some kind, and are called potencies in reference to one primary kind of potency, which is an originative source of change in another thing or in the thing itself qua other.
In order to conform to actuarial equity and the law of large number, it becomes important to access and classify the level of insured by insurance company.
Supervisees' skill development was measured by their ability to conform to the prescribed format, including evidence that they identified all of the relevant criminogenic needs and offenders' motivation to change.
To his face she gave him none, -- an uncivil proceeding in 1714; but Mrs Jane being allowedly an eccentric character, no one expected her to conform to conventional rules on all occasions.
The Maidens' Lodge None of Self and All of Thee, (In the Reign of Queen Anne)
The third, and worst, degree of turpitude is reached when a masterpiece is planished and patted into such a shape, vilely beautified in such a fashion as to conform to the notions and prejudices of a given public.
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He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the businessman with a dark suit and briefcase.
He creates a character who society considers bourgeois and sexually repressed but who does not conform to such expectations.
Backed up by the views of psychologists, doctors and an actress who almost died trying to conform to the currently dominant stick - insect look, I looked forward to a return to a healthier ideal of womanhood.
His assessment is that neither the types of magic described in the trial accusations, nor the procedures and outcomes of the trials themselves, conform to the stereotypes of demonologists.
Even if they do, I think it's going to miss all the ambiguities in something that might not necessarily conform to a radical agenda.
When hearing this, remember not to take it so seriously that you ask the exact time, because the expression does not conform to its literal meaning.
He needs to know that this trial presupposes certain immutable facts that conform to sense and reason and accord with perfect justice.
He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the businessman with a dark suit and briefcase.
Equally, many men in mid-life refuse to conform to the physical stereotype of the beery middle-aged spread, cardigan and carpet slippers, and are happy to play along with the notion that they are only as old as they feel.
The vast majority of homeless people are there because they won't conform to the ways of the world.
A regulatory organisation of both regional and international credibility, SANAS inspects laboratories to ensure they conform to international standards before they are accredited.
He said many of the gender-fluid students he meets conform to their biological gender at school or any place they perceive as hostile toward gender variance.
So prepare your own, bearing in mind that what you take must conform to security regulations.
Times, Sunday Times
I am well aware that we all conform to one stereotype or another.
To conform to local ways of doing business.
The Sun
What works are societies governed according to principles that conform to the iron laws of human nature, and the ideological shifts of China have shown everything but ferric tendencies.
America, Don't Worry About China
He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the city businessman with a dark suit and rolled umbrella.
They are a utility like gas, and they conform to the elemental principles of accountancy.
These grades have to conform to the normal curve of distribution.
The United Nations Security Council has the power to impose the ultimate penalty against States failing to conform to international legal obligations - sanctions.
The wafer is repolished flat on one side, while the other is curved to conform to the curved inside of the retina.
It's absurd to complain that Holmes in cinema doesn't conform to the original, or to grumble that, in the 12 films Rathbone and Bruce made for Universal, he was more likely to be wearing a fedora than a deerstalker.
But then life is so much easier when we imagine that people conform to a stereotype.
We explored forcing our data to conform to the topologies of previous among-group arrangements.
The Japanese desire to conform to the customs and appearances of those about him is due to what I have called sensitiveness; his success is due to the flexibility of his mental constitution.
Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic
Participants have been selected from hundreds of applicants to leave behind their families, jobs and home comforts to live together under one roof and conform to strict house rules.
Our performance appraisal policy is clear: employee ratings have to conform to a normal bell curve.
The inherent nature of this drive to conform to societal expectations remains unapparent to consumers, allowing them the perception of free choice rather than coercion.
A failure to conform to the legal requirements in contracting a marriage will render that marriage void.
We examine platyhelminth genomes and transcriptomes and find that all platyhelminth parasites (from classes Cestoda and Trematoda) conform to a biochemical scenario involving, exclusively, a selenium-dependent linked thioredoxin-glutathione system having TGR as a central redox hub.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
And they crave using the liberty-crushing power of a big government to come into our homes, our churches, and our schools take away our liberties by forcing us to conform to their personal version of what a "good person" should be. (which they don't even all agree upon) It's far closer to totalitarianism than anything the limp-wristed liberals EVER came up with.
Are we a Christian Nation?
In his work the image is regularized, made to conform to an internally derived schema that is made up of patterns, repeated shapes, and with a concern for the inter-relationship of forms and the association of parts to the whole.
They are saying, you must conform to our version of family and society or you can have no rights.
To gangue rocky mountain management, both must guarantee the security, and must conform to the environmental protection requirement.
All companies are required to conform to these rules.
It is a mob, where you must conform to be accepted.
The Sun
While thermoforming shapes a package to conform to the device it holds, flow wrapping achieves its shape by wrapping a single layer of film around the product and then sealing it.
What constitutes an infringement of privacy or bad taste or a failure to conform to proper standards of decency is very much a matter of personal judgment.
Other female psychologists conform to Laws's description of women in academia who take on male-associated traits to mask their gender.
But if we think God must conform to one or the other picture, we really have a limited view.
This mark signifies that the products conform to an approved standard.
Those women who do not conform to constructed aesthetic ideals are punished and excluded.
Make sure to keep in mind that they should also conform to the mood and harmony of the living space.
I don't need to conform to a prevailing stereotype in the search for distinguished and illustrious positions.
All engagements - whether they are air-to-air dogfights or hand-to-hand combat - conform to this simple, powerful and insightful model.
None of this has anything much to do with pronunciation, as everyone except pedants is likely, eventually, to make the word conform to their language, in colloquial usage at least. THE ERISTIC GENITIVE OF EURO.
He doesn't conform to/fit/fill the national stereotype of a Frenchman.
Hence again I have stayed in my hole, because up above there's an increasing passion to make men conform to a pattern.
We feel that we must conform to these unrealistic, fairytale like images.
It's not a typical horror movie, in that it really doesn't conform to the genre rules.
He doesn't conform to/fit/fill the national stereotype of a Frenchman.
Young people unconsciously conform to a dress code but reject any kind of uniform.
Government officials never attempt to explain how their actions conform to constitutional and legal prohibitions against government invasions of privacy and infringements on free speech and association.
He doesn't conform to the usual stereotype of the businessman with a dark suit and briefcase.
These strings are termed ‘grammatical’ because they conform to the rules of the grammar.
Does your electric blanket conform to BS 3456?
To conform to local ways of doing business.
The Sun
And withal it is to be remarked, that, conform to the doctrine of the ancient Etrurians, the manubes, for so did they call the darting hurls or slinging casts of the Vulcanian thunderbolts, did only appertain to her and to Jupiter her father capital.
Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
You may not conform to social norms and patterns.
The chasuble, stole and maniple conform to the liturgical colour of the day, which varies according to the feast.
Our performance appraisal policy is clear: employee ratings have to conform to a normal bell curve.
First, unlike voluntary plans, they must conform to requirements carefully spelled out in government regulations.
Human Resource Management in Government
The pressure to conform to the canons of popular taste - or rather lack of taste - has never been stronger.
For example, screeners would not have to pat down ‘those persons whose outermost garments closely conform to the natural contour of the body.’
He doesn't conform to/fit/fill the national stereotype of a Frenchman.
It is a mob, where you must conform to be accepted.
The Sun
Mike was experiencing a serious conflict between his own deeply held beliefs and a blooming awareness that the real world might not conform to those beliefs after all.
Young people unconsciously conform to a dress code but reject any kind of uniform.
This mark signifies that the products conform to an approved standard.
Offer quality leather that is highly contoured or very soft to conform to a woman's body.
Failure to conform to Commission requirements within 45 days would lead to their compulsory introduction.
Now, if we understand by motive (elater animi) the subjective ground of determination of the will of a being whose reason does not necessarily conform to the objective law, by virtue of its own nature, then it will follow, first, that not motives can be attributed to the Divine will, and that the motives of the human will (as well as that of every created rational being) can never be anything else than the moral law, and consequently that the objective principle of determination must always and alone be also the subjectively sufficient determining principle of the action, if this is not merely to fulfil the letter of the law, without containing its spirit.
The Critique of Practical Reason
This brings up the second problematic aspect of using the term homophobia to describe violent or prejudicial action towards someone perceived to be gay or who does not conform to cultural expectations of sexuality.
Heterosexism and the African American Community
Taken as a whole, Marshall's meritocratic egalitarianism was strongly critical both of the distribution of social benefits and harms in the United States, which did not conform to meritocratic principles, and of the widespread ideas about meritocracy, which placed too much weight on differences that a real meritocrat would regard as minor.
Tushnet on The Meritocratic Egalitarianism of Thurgood Marshall
She left home to escape the pressure to conform to her family's way of life.
In his Lectures on Russian Literature Vladimir Nabokov maintains that "the third, and worst, degree of turpitude" in literary translation, after "obvious errors" and skipping over awkward passages, is reached when a masterpiece is planished and patted into such a shape, vilely beautified in such a fashion as to conform to the notions and prejudices of a given public.
Tolstoy's Real Hero
Most of us conform to laws and social norms most of the time because to do otherwise would risk our relationships with others.
Christianity Today
No statue of a warrior was sculptured in the varied attitudes of attack and defence; no wrestler, no _discobolus_, no pugilist exhibited the grace, the vigor, or the muscular action of a man; nor were the beauties, the feeling, and the elegance of female forms displayed in stone: all was made to conform to the same invariable model, which confined the human figure to a few conventional postures.
Museum of Antiquity A Description of Ancient Life
Hopefully researchers will let the data speak for itself without preordaining an outcome which the data must be made to conform to.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Data Sharing and Climate Change Research
The toys fail to conform to current safety standards.
Capteen, for your ease, and to conform to Western customs, I will leave out our patronymic middle names.
To conform to these duties and obligations is to be rational; to fail to measure up to them is to be irrational.
To be double-tongued is to speak with a forked tongue, to be a liar and a deceiver, while a word wrester is one who picks and chooses his own interpretation of scripture in order to have it conform to his own lifestyle, rather than modifying his lifestyle according to the standard doctrine of his faith. DOUBLE-TONGUED WORD WRESTER.
This consociational characterisation not only fails to conform to reality but it is also aimed at preventing the emergence of a national identity.
ANC Daily News Briefing
The images are quite large (600x400 pixels), but when you load the masks, they conform to the size of your photo.
First, unlike voluntary plans, they must conform to requirements carefully spelled out in government regulations.
Human Resource Management in Government
Southern societies are judged as having violated their children because the lives of the children do not conform to the image of childhood held in the West.
The Night Rider lamp has been designed to conform to new British Standard safety requirements.
Depending on the strength of identification with the reference groups an individual may conform to its standards and norms.
The worst thing about his stay in the psychiatric hospital, he says, was the concentrated pressure to conform to someone else's idea of a regular guy, to slot neatly into a pigeonhole.
To be sure, tongue-twisters such as 'She sells sea shells on the sea shore' and 'The Leith police dismisseth us' do conform to the syntax of English and the expressions can certainly be said to ‘mean’ something.
Techniques such as object oriented design and structured programming will have to be followed to conform to engineering practice.
The remains of the drugs and the heavy metal of the Chinese herb additive group and the microecological preparation group could be conform to the standard of "no Public Harm Food".
Well, I did, but they conform to general socially acceptable behaviour.
Sitting in one position to observe and record appearances does not conform to the majority of our everyday experience of landscape.
Her work became more purely abstract, and yet refused to conform to the Puritan style often associated with abstract art.
Depending on the strength of identification with the reference groups an individual may conform to its standards and norms.
We live in a world in which there are many moral laws that people are obliged to conform to.
Fifty years ago, anyone who didn't conform to the prevailing right-wing agenda was labelled ‘commie, pinko, subversive.’
More than ever before, the working men of Chicago had to conform to new standards of industrial discipline and self control.
To conform to local ways of doing business.
The Sun
This adds a completely new degree of immersiveness, since you rarely feel obligated to conform to a linear path of progress.
The company is "assiduous" about hiring people who conform to the law, Ross said.
Jihad Monitor
He accepts he does not conform to the public school or Oxbridge stereotype, as he was brought up on a council estate in Dringhouses and educated at Millthorpe School.
More frequently, individuals who did not conform to their place in the gender system were exposed and ostracized.
Joint enterprises are free to use and organize labour as they see fit, but they must conform to Soviet labour laws.
Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
I didn't conform to the norm and I couldn't play the cat and mouse game with the press.
Such a series of treatment successes would conform to a white noise pattern, with no significant autocorrelation in a time series analysis.
This transformation demonstrates both the fluid nature of ‘memory’ and the ability of martyrologies to conform to the social needs of the moment.
Members must conform to a strict dress code.
Tequila, like champagne or cognac, is an appellation that must conform to specific standards.
For a loan to conform to Islamic law, it must be riba-free; "riba" is usually translated simply as "usury," and literally means "an increase, addition, expansion or growth which is non-trade related e.g. a loan, advances.". - Development Through Enterprise - Eradicating Poverty through Profit
Shenzhen benefit McNair Internet shopping mall conform to the trend of development of e - business establishment.
The quality assurance scheme will mean the introduction of new procedures which conform to the Institutes' requirements.
So treating implicated offender as one crime in penalty or one crime in verdict does not conform to the practice of law.
Purchase power is the only tool that people have to force companies to conform to acceptable ethical standards.
Times, Sunday Times
You have to conform to the rules of a planet when you're on it, to its cycles of night and day, and when people show up you have their rules to deal with.
So prepare your own, bearing in mind that what you take must conform to security regulations.
Times, Sunday Times
It did not conform to the usual stereotype of an industrial city.
dactylic" hexameters of Longfellow, written though they were by a skilful versifier, quite conform to "the nature of the language.
A Study of Poetry
Just as a name must conform to the phonological system of the language, so the way it is written must conform to the orthographic conventions of the language.
Joint enterprises are free to use and organize labour as they see fit, but they must conform to Soviet labour laws.
Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
The toys fail to conform to current safety standards.
For most dual phase steels, and also for highly formable interstitial free steels, the stress-strain curves do not conform to the Ludwig's equation.
First, unlike voluntary plans, they must conform to requirements carefully spelled out in government regulations.
Human Resource Management in Government
For use in a clinical setting veils should conform to the same standards as other face covers such as surgical masks.
Times, Sunday Times
Females conform to their peers more than do males, but there is greater social disapproval for female delinquency.
Other female psychologists conform to Laws's description of women in academia who take on male-associated traits to mask their gender.
Successful women performers thus had to have a demure appearance and restrict their body movements on stage to conform to idealized concepts of womanhood.
The U's midfielder does not conform to your stereotypical footballer.
The Sun
Among other things, they suggest that even now, under your government, there are what they call coercive measures by official agencies, including religious police organizations, that require Afghans to follow specific religious practices and require women to conform to stringent codes of dress, movement and behavior.
CNN Transcript Mar 2, 2003
The two former of these, therefore, conform to the type of _S. pygerythrus_, but the fur of the upper parts is greyer and not so richly coloured as in it, but the annulation of the fur has the same character in both.
Natural History of the Mammalia of India and Ceylon
Tall, with long, Sixties-style hair and trendy dark shirts, he does not conform to the public stereotype of the anoraked maths professor.
Once, at a press conference, he was asked if his thinking as a scientist could conform to the thinking of a politician.
Our results suggest that despite an almost panmictic population, we can detect two distinct populations of B. pseudomallei that conform to biogeographic patterns found in many plant and animal species.
BioMed Central - Latest articles
He didn't conform to the eras; the times adopted to him, asking only that he dress in whatever bad fabrics the era provided.
It all seemed a bit too easy and specific, not cool and abstract enough too conform to the universalist ambitions of modernism.
Containers for all pharmaceutical preparations must conform to the latest edition of internationally recognized pharmacopoeial standards.
Chapter 6
He examines the way in which the transferential bond that evolves out of the dependency between confessor and confessant is often used to manipulate the accused into confessing to scenarios that conform to the interrogators' preconceptions.
The hair used to conform to the colour code but it has broken out in steely grey.
Poets may fable of such a will, that it makes the very heavens conform to it.
Joseph does not conform to the stereotype of a policeman.
Other female psychologists conform to Laws's description of women in academia who take on male-associated traits to mask their gender.
Building stone and roof tiles have to conform to rigid specifications, and must be locally sourced.
Or, conversely, to mediate space to conform to the properties of each and every particle in it.
While antivirus software vendor sites are not obligated to conform to any virus-naming convention, most do.
Meanwhile, Hain himself can slag people off just because they don't conform to his narrow vision of what constitutes a Brit.
Vendors have been building both cable modems and CMTSs that conform to the 1.1 spec, and qualifying or certifying them as 1.0 compliant.
Page 9 and Illustration, "intrenched" changed to "entrenched" to conform to text.
The Pleasant Street Partnership A Neighborhood Story
Such agreements shall be approved by said board only when the terms conform to the provisions of this act.
Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
Members must conform to a strict dress code.
The Night Rider lamp has been designed to conform to new British Standard safety requirements.
The Night Rider lamp has been designed to conform to new British Standard safety requirements.
Products sold in Europe or North America, for instance, must conform to CSA, nema or IP standards.
Purchasing - Top Stories
To perform them is to conform to the divine order which governs all human affairs.
Young people unconsciously conform to a dress code but reject any kind of uniform.
Not content to have a nice big dish of holiday mushroom ravioli or lentil loaf, vegetarians seem curiously afflicted with a desire to conform to the season.
Are we going to vasectomize everybody who doesn't conform to the court's requirements or do we deal with the problem of the court addressing the issue?
CNN Transcript Oct 4, 2004
The Night Rider lamp has been designed to conform to new British Standard safety requirements.
Most of Shakespeare's lines conform to the normal type of the decasyllable, and the rest are accounted for by familiar and rational rules of variation.