How To Use Confluent In A Sentence
Multiple diffuse, single, and confluent nodules were present in all lung fields and liver lobes.
It is a linear epistemology; and those with the most faith in kinetic force tend to be those who overlook complexity and confluential processes, preferring to eliminate complexity by obliterating whatever does not hold to their line of sight.
My short plan for the War in Afghanistan: « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy
_Confluentes_), reminds us that the word was so used.] {125} A passage from Hacket’s _Life of Archbishop Williams_, part 2, p. 144, marks the first rise of this word, and the quarter from whence it arose: “When they [the Presbyterians] saw that he was not _selfish_ (it is a word of their own new mint), etc”.
English Past and Present
The Toleure, a tributary of the Aubonne, frequently large enough to be called a confluent, flows out from the foot of a wall of rock composed of regular parallelopipeds, and in the spring, when the snows are melting freely, its sources burst out at various levels of the rock.
Ice-Caves of France and Switzerland
Of all salmonids, namely the salmon and trout, S. confluentus is more inclined to feed on fish.

Cells were confluent within one day and were grown for a total of 5-6 days to allow the brush-border to develop.
Chick embryonic cells in the interior of confluent monolayers are able to ruffle and translocate relative to one another.
The nodes were tan-pink and had confluent areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.
These spots later became confluent, with some central clearing and a purple hue.
June was composed of grasses neatly interwoven in the shape of an ovate ball, the smaller end uppermost and forming the mouth or entrance; it was lined first with cottony seed-down, and then with fine grass-stalks; it was suspended among high grass, and contained five beautiful little eggs of a carneous white colour, thicky freckled with deep rufous, and with a darkish confluent ring of the same at the larger end.
The Nests and Eggs of Indian Birds, Volume 1
_ Cinerea; capite albido; antennarum articulo tertio albido apice nigro; thorace vitta fusca, scutello albido, abdomine nigro; pedibus albidis nigro fasciatis; alis albis, maculis plurimis nigricantibus ex parte confluentibus; halteribus albidis.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
Samples were plated at varying dilutions on confluent Vero cell monolayers and observed for virus cytopathic effect.
This duplication may either be accounted for on the theory of chorisis above alluded to, or by supposing that the extra corolline whorl is due to a series of confluent petalodic stamens; that the latter is the true explanation, in certain cases at least, is shown by some flowers of
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
In that district there is no city or fortress to be seen except that near Confluentes; [60] a place so named because there the river Moselle becomes mingled with the Rhine; there is also the village of Rheinmagen, and likewise a single tower near Cologne.
The Roman History of Ammianus Marcellinus During the Reigns of the Emperors Constantius, Julian, Jovianus, Valentinian, and Valens
Once co-cultured cells were confluent, serum levels were decreased to induce myogenic differentiation
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'confluent' at the moment at which our imperfect knowing might pass into knowing of a completed type.
Meaning of Truth
Pelham made demands to use a kind of dissonant but yet confluent music that I wanted to write in my ear by itself but not lead me to it, so by employing those techniques, the problem got solved and I'm very proud of it.
If one invests personally in a cause one has long championed, does it not make one's interests more confluent?
David Katz, M.D.: Health Promotion: Practice What You Preach
Fore wings with the speckles mostly confluent in the disk, mostly wanting along the interior and exterior borders; several black and brown speckles, some of which border the large reniform mark.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
It is closely allied to undidatiis, Say, but is more sericeous, the elytial lines are not so dilated or confluent, &c.
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
DrewEnela, coma, averiioa to food or me - dicine, and Tominng, ia the confluent Imall* pox, generally prore mortal on or before the fourteenth day of the eruption.
Observations on the Small-pox and Inoculation: To which is Prefixed a Criticism Upon Dr. Robert ...
The cells were fed every 2-3 days and passaged when confluent.
Professor Morren considers the adventitious petalodes as rudiments of so many supplementary flowers, axillary to the calyx, and adnate to the corolla; each lobe then would, in this view, represent an imperfect flower, and the completed catacorolla would be formed of a series of confluent flowers of this description.
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
But as if this vast local power in the tendinous tail were not enough, the whole bulk of the leviathan is knit over with a warp and woof of muscular fibres and filaments, which passing on either side the loins and running down into the flukes, insensibly blend with them, and largely contribute to their might; so that in the tail the confluent measureless force of the whole whale seems concentrated to a point.
Moby Dick; or the Whale
I remember sitting in my offce for several months, staring at a single differential equation, trying to solve it using confluent hypergeometric functions.
Martinus J.G. Veltman - Autobiography
The chin is a still larger drop, the confluent dripping of the face.
The wood of Mimosa teniflora presents porous distributed in uniform diffuse porosity; axial parenchyma paratracheal vasicentric, confluent vasicentric, aliform and confluent aliform; and very short fibers with thick walls.
Endothelial cell stretch has been examined previously using innovative in vitro systems applying mechanical stretch of confluent endothelial cell monolayers.
The maculopapular rash that occurs with measles begins at the face, then spreads to the trunk and extremities, and may become confluent.
_Confluentes_, which means the _confluence_; and this name, in the course of ages, has gradually become changed to Coblenz.
Rollo on the Rhine
The self esteem movement cares more for feeling good than for doing well, and it's confluent with a much larger change, both in America and I believe in Australian society as the deeper change.
That upper level confluent zone is important for keeping cold air in for us," he said, adding, "It's not a textbook confluent zone, but it's an added factor that's helping to keep the colder air in.
At weather expo, top snow expert shares views
Honeycomb cysts and areas of confluent fibrosis may be present.
So if you imagine a Spitfire, the wings join on the bottom of the body and are confluent with the body as well, so it's a smooth surface.
GENUS SALVELINUS brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush bull trout, Salvelinus confluentus
Trout and Salmon of North America
Head whitish; third joint of the antennæ short, conical, whitish, blackish at the tip, arista plumose; thorax with a brown stripe; scutellum whitish; abdomen black; legs whitish, with black bands; wings white, with many blackish spots, some of them confluent; discal transverse vein straight, parted by much less than its length from the border, and by a little less than its length from the præbrachial transverse; halteres whitish.
Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
In a covenant of above and below, may we be confluent with each changing tide; our partnership both the anchor and the flowfor all the days of our lives.
Poems for a wedding
The city stands on a point of land formed by the two rivers, and hence was known to the Romans by the name of _Confluentes_.
Young Americans Abroad Vacation in Europe: Travels in England, France, Holland, Belgium, Prussia and Switzerland
May not you and I be confluent in a higher consciousness, and confluently active there, tho we now know it not?
A Pluralistic Universe Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the Present Situation in Philosophy
The eggs, two in number, of a dull grey-green, closely and in part confluently dashed with streaks of dusky brown.
The Nests and Eggs of Indian Birds, Volume 1
We attempted to mimic a more biological situation by studying cells embedded in confluent monolayers which are grown on collagen or microcellulose-coated glass coverslips.
Serial passages were carried out in six-well tissue culture plates containing confluent cell monolayers covered by 4 ml of liquid media.
Pinnæ linear-lanceolate, scythe-shaped, auricled on the upper side, and with bristly teeth; fertile pinnæ contracted toward the top, bearing two rows of sori, which soon become confluent and cover the entire surface.
The Fern Lover's Companion A Guide for the Northeastern States and Canada
I ought to have sent to warn the police and the health officers of the city, for I was sure that the man was suffering from what is commonly called confluent smallpox.
Doctor Therne
But as the company has pointed out, the band's general 18-to 24-year-old following is confluent with the heaviest buyers in the super-premium ice cream category.
Lichen planus is characterized by flat-topped, polygonal, violaceous papules, which are much smaller than the confluent papulonodular lesions seen in severe atopic dermatitis.
This bone lies on the roof of the frog's mouth, and bears a number of denticles, and altogether there is a very strong resemblance in it to a number of placoid scales the bony bases of which have become confluent.
Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
Confluentia," whose threads of liquidity are eruditely, yet romantically, intertangled to represent the confluence of the Rhine and the Moselle; and "The Headless Horseman," a masterpiece of burlesque weirdness, representing the wild pursuit of Ichabod Crane and the final hurling of the awful head, -- a pumpkin, some say.
Contemporary American Composers Being a Study of the Music of This Country, Its Present Conditions and Its Future, with Critical Estimates and Biographies of the Principal Living Composers; and an Abundance of Portraits, Fac-simile Musical Autographs, and
On the 12th May one nest contained three eggs of a rosy-white, thickly irrorated and blotched with purple or deep claret colour, and at the larger end confluently stained with dull purple, appearing as if beneath the shell.
The Nests and Eggs of Indian Birds, Volume 1
Ironically, it is the public health discourse that has given the debate a new twist, confluent with the new discourse of economic efficiency and quality management.
In my former cases the pustule produced by the insertion of the virus was more like one of those which are so thickly spread over the body in a bad kind of confluent smallpox.
On Vaccination Against Smallpox
Diabetic necrobiosis typically causes discrete pretibial plaques, not the confluent skin changes seen in this patient.
Body black, with large, dense, not very profound punctures; elytra with the punctures towards the suture longitudinally confluent; a sub - lunate or triangular, dull rufous spot rather behind the middle of each elytrum; tergum with the punctures not smaller at the posterior mar - gins of the segments; feet dirty yellowish; thighs blackish above —
Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
This duplication may either be accounted for on the theory of chorisis above alluded to, or by supposing that the extra corolline whorl is due to a series of confluent petalodic stamens; that the latter is the true explanation, in certain cases at least, is shown by some flowers of
Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
All passage 2 cells became confluent within 7-10 days, at which point an ALI was established.
For irradiation, cells were cultured in Petri dishes and synchronized by contact inhibition in confluent cultures.
Coblentz had its ancient name of Confluentes, from its standing at the junction of the two rivers.
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 04: Caligula
The _spikelets_ are linear-oblong, glabrous or villous, 1/8 to 1/4 inch long, sessile and stalked spikelets close together; the pedicel of the stalked spikelet is thick about 1/3 or less than the length of the sessile spikelet, ciliate on one side, confluent with the thick callus of the sessile spikelet, which is sparsely bristly.
A Handbook of Some South Indian Grasses
In any case, the expression of shame as well as the confession of the guilt of sin are identified by their close and confluent correspondences.
Her chest radiograph showed confluent shadowing associated with terminal disease.
Such streaks do not yield confluent growth on medium without uracil, in contrast to prototrophic recombinants.
I'll take the risk of extemporising on some confluent themes in this response too.
Her chest radiograph showed confluent shadowing associated with terminal disease.
Cells were grown in culture flasks until they became confluent.
On the other hand, confluent solid and sheet-like growth patterns were common.
During the last glacial maximum, the Welsh Ice Cap and the British-Irish Ice Sheet were confluent and the Welsh Ice Cap formed the Welsh Ice Dome (part of the much larger British-Irish Ice Sheet).
Immediately above the anterior perforated substance, the pear-shaped head of the caudate nucleus is confluent with the putamen of the lentiform nucleus.
Types of paratracheal parenchyma are scanty paratracheal, vasicentric, aliform, confluent, and unilateral paratracheal.
Confluentes [386]; and he alleges, as a proof of it, that altars are there shown with this inscription: "For Agrippina's child-birth.
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 04: Caligula
Confluentes, from its standing at the junction of the two rivers.
De vita Caesarum
Nay, but he saw he had a convenient occasion, _ad instituendam hominum multitudenem, ad illud festum confluentiam_.
The Works of Mr. George Gillespie (Vol. 1 of 2)
The lesions are more or less numerous, usually become confluent, especially about the folds of the neck, about the genitalia and buttocks; in these regions resembling somewhat erythema intertrigo.
Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
Silicosis • This chest radiograph demonstrates so many silicotic nodules that they have become confluent areas of silicotic nodules that have resulted in severe restrictive lung disease
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Cells were seeded onto six-well culture plates and allowed to grow to form confluent monolayers.
After all, it wasn't merely the Orient which failed to develop, it was also the rest of Asia and Africa - and this stagnation was confluent with the colonial expansion of Europe.