How To Use Conflate In A Sentence
Such pessimism has led multiculturalists to conflate the idea of humans as culture-bearing creatures with the idea that humans have to bear a particular culture.
However, mainstream object-oriented languages such as the Java language tend to conflate the different roles that classes can fill in object-oriented design.
BBC claims angry iPlayer plugin mob 'conflated' open source term BBC activates iPlayer Flash verification - Locking out open source - Update Article: Adobe Helps PHP Developers Create Rich Internet Applications
Linux Today
Gradually this notion of election has been conflated with another, still more dangerous idea.
Unfortunately the public conflated fiction with reality and made her into a saint.

They "conflate" the scientific issue with the beliefs of those asked. Stories
But the Premier League told BBC Sport that Pulis had "conflated" two issues - club ownership and financial health.
BBC - Ouch
Those things were kind of conflated, but I thought it worked.
This myopia is reflected in both political and media rhetoric, where “Republican” and “Conservative” have been so thoroughly conflated that they are used almost interchangeably across the board.
Matthew Yglesias » Rudy: Still Likely to Fail
BBC claims angry iPlayer plugin mob 'conflated' open source term Hardware attack on RSA implementation "Researchers at the University of Michigan have succeeded in accessing the private RSA key used by an embedded processor by manipulating the power supply to the processor
If there is more storyline than this, it is but secondary to the Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and Oedipus, Laius, and Jocasta myths that Malick has conflated concisely without their untidy cliches.
G. Roger Denson: Terrence Malick's Tree of Life Plays Garden of Eden to the Family of Man
The urban crisis or the inner city problem conflates a number of quite different economic, political and social issues.
Goolsbee said it was important not to "conflate" the short-term deterioration in the budget picture, which he said was a result of economic crisis, and long-term budget challenges.
Reuters: Top News
Those who want to justify logging try to conflate low elevation forests with all forest types-many of which such as lodgepole pine-are very likely not affected by fire suppression due to the naturally long intervals between fires in these forests.
Trailing an article that uses the term accurately ( "the first world champion from outside the British Isles in 30 years") with an innacurate statement on the front page of the website ( "first foreigner to win world title since 1980") shows how it can be easy to lazily conflate the geographical with the political while making poor Ken Doherty a subject of the British crown.
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The Court seemed to conflate two different notions, that of political acts immune from judicial review, and that of self-executing international obligations.
This first modern paradigm is an abstract rationalist universalism that conflates universality with Eurocentrism and developmental modernism.
And while this conflated, multilayered time originates from a racially specific experience, Ellison hints that the continuity implied by the palimpsest may ultimately transcend racial boundaries.
While tempted, my main assertion is that one must not confuse or conflate the respective purposes of education and employment.
The Privileged and the Impoverished: Now One and the Same? : Law is Cool
The word typically conflates the causes of stress with the phenomenon of stress.
Thus, the Oedipal version of parricide and incest conflates identification and difference; they meet at the crossroads, if you will.
Note also that Kuhlmann conflates an irreducible group representation with a cyclic representation; irreducibility is not the same thing as cyclicity.
Archive 2009-02-01
Historically, editors have tended to conflate the quarto and Folio texts.
I did find it interesting that someone would conflate an old proverb with the teachings of Jesus, even though that proverb is in direct contradiction with those teachings.
Think Progress » Rep. King: Undocumented Haitians Should Be Deported Because Haiti Is In ‘Great Need Of Relief Workers’
At some point my lustful desire must have conflated with the love of the letterforms laid prostrate on the Qwerty keyboard.
We routinely add or subtract people, details, settings and actions to and from our memories. We conflate, invent and edit.
Unfortunately, the term voter fraud is again being conflated with the larger and real problem of election fraud which includes voter intimidation, misinformation, defective software, and provisional and absentee ballots improperly discarded.
OpEdNews - Quicklink: "Voter fraud": Watching our language, again, still
Her letters conflate past and present.
Somewhere in the middle of this sequence I realised that this may be the only American movie since 2001 brave or foolhardy enough to take on – to conflate, even – the infinite and the intimate, the cosmic and the cellular, the extraordinary and the infra-ordinary, all in Malick's habitual spirit of big-hearted, symphonic grandeur, steeped in Whitman, Emerson and Yeats.
Is Terrence Malick assuming Stanley Kubrick's mantle?
(This one is useful because Clinton supporters like to conflate race-baiting with crude racism, and then get all huffy and say how dare you call the sainted Clintons racist.
Video: Obama's South Carolina Victory Speech
We have the difficult task of fighting them, while protecting innocents in a war where the enemy deliberately and cynically conflates the two.
People conflate two different things under the term agility: engineering resource availability, and business response to changing conditions or opportunity.
Like the centennial celebration in 1905, the bicentennial has a peculiar ability to conflate understandings of the past with aesthetic and economic valuations of nature.
The problem is the muddled use of the term adware on the part of the AG in the settlement that seems to conflate adware and spyware, two very different things.
ClickZ News Blog
They ingeniously conflated other characters and incidents to provide an opera - comique setting.
Tropylium: ... the font you're using seems to conflate g and g~.
Update of my "Diachrony of Pre-IE" document
One problem with this has already been discussed: if we conflate the idea of a person with that of a human, we are confusing issues of species membership with what gives our lives the value that they have.
VIEW FAVORITES yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = '"Voter fraud": Watching our language, again, still'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Unfortunately, the term voter fraud is again being conflated with the larger and real problem of election fraud which includes voter intimidation, misinformation, defective software, and provisional and absentee ballots improperly discarded.'
OpEdNews - Quicklink: "Voter fraud": Watching our language, again, still
I have already provided a reference that says cladistics is not the same as Linnean classification, yet you seem to conflate the two.
A Disclaimer for Behe?
Your argument seems to conflate opposition to the war with opposition to a ‘unilateral’ war.
We routinely add or subtract people, details, settings and actions to and from our memories. We conflate, invent and edit.
They ingeniously conflated other characters and incidents to provide an opera - comique setting.
Note also that Kuhlmann conflates an irreducible group representation with a cyclic representation; irreducibility is not the same thing as cyclicity.
Archive 2009-02-01
This has absolutely nothing to do with academic freedom, but with legal advocacy by a glorified trade school despite the fact that many in the academy are prone to conflate vita contemplativa with vita activa.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Legal Clinics Under Siege
In order to present the Táin in its completest form, however, I have adopted the novel plan of incorporating in the LL. account the translations of what are known as conflate readings.
The Ancient Irish Epic Tale Táin Bó Cúalnge
There is a stream of diacritics that look like the Greek breathings but should not be conflated with them.
One of the beauties of English is that it has available a practice which seems to conflate movement and stillness, unfolding and accomplishment.
What's tricky is that people can conflate those ideas about collage and appropriation and art and culture with ideas about downloading and file-sharing.
The issues of race and class are separate and should not be conflated.
She conflates ideas associated with the French revolution with contemporary American life.
MN conflated homosexuality and pedophilia, and attacked clerical teachers and leaders for molesting young boys, played upon feelings of contempt for passive homosexuals, suggested that elite men who kept amrad concubines had a vested interested in maintaining the male homosocial public spaces where semi-covert pederasty was tolerated, and mocked the rites of exchanging brotherhood vows before a mollah and compared it to a wedding ceremony.
Rad Geek People’s Daily – 2009 – March – 20
But the Ascension is not to be conflated with the Resurrection, and to celebrate the former is not in any way to diminish the latter.
Unfortunately the public conflated fiction with reality and made her into a saint.
Subtlety and particularity are lost; the public becomes conflated with the political, and, as a consequence, issues become polarized into mutually exclusive ideologies.
But liberty is abused in an equally insidious way when accusers conflate apostasy with heresy—by alleging that somebody claiming to be a Muslim has erred by advancing false interpretations.
Blanket use of the word cyberattack conflates different kinds of crime with different means and motives.
Cybercrime Comes to the IMF
This has absolutely nothing to do with academic freedom, but with legal advocacy (by a glorified trade school) despite the fact that many in the academy are prone to conflate vita contemplativa with vita activa.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Legal Clinics Under Siege
BBC claims angry iPlayer plugin mob 'conflated' open source term BBC activates iPlayer Flash verification - Locking out open source - Update Article: Adobe Helps PHP Developers Create Rich Internet Applications Article: Reduce Your Infrastructure Costs with Microsoft System Center
Linux Today
Unfortunately, the author conflates blind followers of religious dogma with thoughtful believers who reason independently within a religiously-informed framework.
And even supposing that I had conflated them, the issue is whether the definition of design in Dembski's work is formally decoupled from the existence of an intelligence, and I believe it is …
Aiguy's Computer
The problem here is the tendency to conflate all "negative attacks" as equally malfeasant.
Hillary And Obama Campaigns Both Pull Their Negative Ads
The word "conflate" means "to bring together" - and that's exactly what Judge Jones tried to do with respect to ID and fundamentalism.
Evolution News & Views
We lost this case before the Court of Appeal because they conflated the two questions and glossed the plaintiff's evidence in an unacceptable way.
We overlook big things, forget details, conflate events.
But the actual editorial choices - what to include, how to conflate contradictory texts - I had assumed were not copyrightable.
If there is more storyline than this, it is but secondary to the Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and Oedipus, Laius, and Jocasta myths that Malick has conflated concisely without their untidy cliches.
G. Roger Denson: Terrence Malick's Tree of Life Plays Garden of Eden to the Family of Man
Heart, you’re conflating two things I don’t conflate, which is my “endorsement” of a feminist’s writing and whether or not I can deal with interacting with them on “Alas.”
Link Farm and Open Thread #11
Dawkins conflated meta-ethics with semantics (and then dismissed its importance) - a serious flaw in an argument in which lack of proof either way inevitably leads one into the realm of philosophy.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
So I do equate (not "conflate") Johnson and Bond in this context: Some Black "prominent" people (some of them from the civil rights movement era) have seemingly found it difficult to break away from the (hopefully, now past) paternalistic relationship carved out with "the Clintons" over time.
NAACP Head To DNC: Seat Florida And Michigan Delegations
The word typically conflates the causes of stress with the phenomenon of stress.
But cutting spending in the middle of a recession is no solution -- especially when market participants conflate stimulus spending with bailouts of the financial system.
In a common fallacy, however, many Sunnis tend to conflate Iraqi Shiite Islamists with the Iranian regime next door, even though the political ideology of Iraqi Shiites does not mesh with Ayatollah Khomeini's vilayet e-fakih (the guardianship of the jurist) and although ever since their return from exile in Iran in 2003, the Shiite Islamists have actively sought to shed whatever Iranian veneer they had acquired.
Iraq on the Edge
First, it conflates the ineradicability of a perceptual frame with its persuasiveness as an abstract belief.
Unpersuasive Arguments for Free Will
It's a rock place, a world of eons and eras and millions of years conflated to timelessness.
It’s easy to conflate mobile e-mail with business users, after all, this was the demographic that first fully embraced the ability to send and receive messages from their mobile devices.
You are absolutely correct that Giuliani has conflated various crime and/or correction department data to exaggerate any role Kerik had in making NYC "governable" in his 15 months as police commissioner.
Did Rudy Really Tell Three Whoppers In One Sentence?
I did find it interesting that someone would conflate an old proverb with the teachings of Jesus, even though that proverb is in direct contradiction with those teachings. bizarrobrain
Think Progress » Rep. King: Undocumented Haitians Should Be Deported Because Haiti Is In ‘Great Need Of Relief Workers’
To argue that the two are necessarily conflated is a theological argument.
Dawkins on the OOL
The Russian language does not premise argument upon evidence; it conflates the two.
And even supposing that I had conflated them, the issue is whether the definition of design in Dembski's work is formally decoupled from the existence of an intelligence, and I believe it is.
Aiguy's Computer
We routinely add or subtract people, details, settings and actions to and from our memories. We conflate, invent and edit.
With its somewhat episodic storyline, Nicholas Nickleby certainly poses some difficult challenges for a filmmaker looking to conflate a seven hundred page novel into a clear visual narrative.
What's tricky is that people can conflate those ideas about collage and appropriation and art and culture with ideas about downloading and file-sharing.
He also notes that unofficial appeals often conflate issues of legality and religion, inevitably tarnishing Amnesty's more measured approach.
Held together with large screws and lit by bare light bulbs, these cramped quarters conflate domestic spaces with torture chambers.
Her letters conflate past and present.
While it would certainly be wrong to propose a unity of purpose, or to simply conflate the interests of readers and compilers, printed miscellanies do consistently place themselves amid the tradition of self-education.
It is important not to conflate these publications as all part of the same campaign; in attributing spinoffs of Ashe's
Framing Romantic Dress: Mary Robinson, Princess Caroline and the Sex/Text
This is part of a broader limitation of institutionalist economics which, as a ‘middle range’ theory, systematically conflates the levels of abstraction in its analyses.
Inexactly energotechnological guilty destructible complect ditch centration conflate trash westwards alexejevite drumhead linked unflatable doyenne. Week in Review
This same structure is conflated in the novel with Lacan's model of the constitution of subjectivity.
There is a growing tendency to conflate the interests of the governing elites with those of the nation.
We should be careful not to conflate the practice of appeasement with the idea of appeasement, and thereby consign it, willy-nilly, to damnation.
When she used the word "conflate" at a principals 'meeting, she was mocked for academic jargon.
Chemistry In The War Cabinet
It’s hardly surprising that Nokia and RIM would bristle at Jobs’ attempt to conflate iPhone 4-related problems with those of cellphones in general.
They conflate the Bible with all religious belief; to them - the existence of contradictions or uncertainties within the Biblical text instantly "disprove" all religion.
I am trying to express the idea that people conflate gender with biology, and that what we call ‘gendered pronouns’ are in fact sexed pronouns.
Do you think your dislike of using the term disability, or the subject of disability itself as evidenced by the way you have consistently ignored the topic has to do with your fitness obsession, and the way you conflate a healthy, fit body with godliness?
Archive 2007-05-01
Her letters conflate past and present.
While her endnote calls the quote "conflated," the word doesn't fit even as a euphemism: what we have is not conflation but creation.
The Gnostic shuffle ...
Unfortunately the public conflated fiction with reality and made her into a saint.
Binge drinking should not be conflated with chronic alcoholism and under-age consumption.
He did not conflate signs with reality at an elemental level, and his alphabet does not connect to reality so much as provide an analogy for real-world relations.
They also make mistakes-lots of them: they miscopy, leave critical items out, and conflate materials, even their own previous publications.
A later unscrupulous Pope decided to conflate the sundry Biblical Marys into the single persona of Mary Magdalene to avoid confusing the lumpen faithful of the times.
Liberalism's propensity to conflate liberty with freedom and to construction of subjectivity largely ex negativo — that is, as a strictly formal or pragmatic concept of agency achieved by jettisoning any norms, values, and frameworks that would coordinate the discrete projects of modernity's vita activa with a significant telos.
The Melancholic Gift: Freedom in Nineteenth-Century Philosophy and Fiction
They ingeniously conflated other characters and incidents to provide an opera - comique setting.
Linguists belonging to the Prague School by and large conflate the two structures and combine them in the same description.