How To Use Confiscation In A Sentence
EarthRights International recently released a new report documenting land confiscation, forced labor, torture, and other abuses connected to multi-billion dollar cross-country oil and gas pipelines currently under construction from military-ruled Burma to China.
Matthew Smith: Publicity, New Media, and Human Rights in Burma
The first step in confiscation of all firearms is banning more and more types of firearms, just to get the weak minded like you accustomed to the idea that taking away your 2nd Amendment rights is really OK and won't really hurt anyone.
Rove Tweets Hunting
The director said compulsory purchase did not mean confiscation but acquisition at market value.
Surely the judge can order the confiscation of his money and anything else he possesses.
No-one caught smoking pot on south London streets will be treated to anything more than a caution and the confiscation of their stash.

There is an understanding that the hearth and home are sacrosanct to the family, and that is why I think those confiscations were such an unhappy time in our history.
Pavlov's allegations contradicted earlier official statements which portrayed the currency confiscation as an attack on black marketeers and excess money supply.
The report states that all assets have been realised pursuant to the confiscation order.
Already his work has weathered rejection by publishers, objection by printers, suppression by censors, confiscation by custom officials, bowdlerization by pirates, oversight by proofreaders, attack by critics, and defense by coteries -- not to mention misunderstanding by readers.
James Joyce
In order to eliminate marijuana use, state and federal legislators have sanctioned an enormous increase in prosecutorial power, the emergence of a class of professional informers, and the widespread confiscation of private property by the government without trial -- legal weapons reminiscent of those used in the former Soviet-bloc nations.
More Reefer Madness
The process is already under way and should result, later this year, in new legislation both strengthening conviction-based confiscations and introducing civil forfeiture.
In this context, Israel must end the siege imposed on the Palestinian people and withdraw its forces to positions occupied on September 28, 2000, and hold assassinations and the repeated incursions in the territories under the control of the Palestinian Authority, and immediately halt all settlement activities in the occupied territoried, including the illegal confiscation of land and the expansion of settlements under the pretext of natural growth or any other consideration.
CNN Transcript Jun 8, 2002
Law enforcement agencies have seized assets running into several billion dollars, but there have been concerns about confiscations where no charges or convictions have been made against an individual.
Social-Democratic party of continental Europe, preaching discontent and class hatred, assailing law, property, and personal rights, and insinuating confiscation and plunder, is here.
The zealous friends of the church, as well as those who were enriched by confiscations, represented to the king that this state of things arose from the fact that the higher magistrates, themselves tainted with heresy, connived at its spread, and that the "presidial" judges abstained from employing the powers conferred by the edict, through fear of compromising themselves with the sovereign courts.
The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2)
It has to be confiscation, not purchase, as the ‘retrieval’ was not costed, or any price quoted.
He emphasized that if caught beyond this limit, confiscation is eminent.
Page 2
Such proceedings are intended by the prosecutor to culminate in a confiscation order.
The incredible meanness of the praemunire, and consequent confiscation, which the cardinal was pronounced to have incurred for obtaining the cardinalate and legateship from Rome -- though of course this had been done with the king's full knowledge and consent
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 7: Gregory XII-Infallability
In 1885, well before the arrival of the new minting machinery, Abd al-Rahman's appetite for silver to recoin led to seizures of such a magnitude that the British Agent in Qandahar commented: "If this state of things (the confiscations) continues no money will be left with anybody in the whole of Afghanistan, and Government coffers will overflow with money.
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
An attempt to engage in the coastwise trade came to an end with the confiscation of his boat by the Brazilian authorities on the score that his papers were not in order.
The first argument depends upon the mechanics involved in the making of a confiscation order.
He said that people on earth are three segments as far as Islam is concerned: The first segment are those who are the community of Islam who are members of it; the second segment are those who are peaceful and in detente with Muslims, for dhimmah or truce or protection vow, and the blood of the two groups [of this segment], is protected unless one of them does something that makes his blood spillable and his money available [for confiscation] according to jurisprudence...
Monday, October 31, 2005
It is simply one weapon in the armoury of those seeking to enforce the confiscation order.
Methods employed by security forces and government heavies included the use of tear gas, threats, beatings, confiscation of ID cards, police cordons and random gunfire.
Some congressmen wanted ‘total confiscation’ while others ‘preferred limiting the act to sequestration.’
Gun confiscation is straight out of the Adolph Hitler playbook.
Think Progress » Michigan Militia plans ‘open carry’ gun tea party to ‘take the stigma out of the word militia.’
At that time, the modern nation-state began to regularize taxation and renounce the use of surprise plunder and confiscation as fiscal devices.
Chartists, 'Danes' as they were then called, coming into his territory with their 'five points,' or rather with their five - and-twenty thousand _points_ and edges too, of pikes namely and battleaxes; and proposing mere Heathenism, confiscation, spoliation, and fire and sword, -- Edmund answered that he would oppose to the utmost such savagery.
Past and Present
Some critics of the federal government plans involving local police agencies and churches cite FEMA's attempt to "quell" dissent and facilitate the confiscation of guns from private citizens.
Over a forty-year career as a smut-finder, Comstock boasted the confiscation of fifty tons of books and four million pictures, as well as four thousand arrests and at least 15 moral deviants driven to suicide.
But bannered by the free market they might lead at least to the confiscation of Social Security's hinterlands.
John O'Kane: Tea Party Fantasies
Paying taxes would diminish profits and increase the risk of loss by confiscation of the goods.
He is prepared to try out the latest poetic fashions - Pre-Raphaelite languor with its confiscation of medieval surfaces, desacralised and airbrushed with momentary desire.
An extraordinary government gazette was published announcing the confiscations.
Under the legislation, the object of confiscation is not punishment but the forfeiture of an illicit profit.
The judge will consider the confiscation order in relation to his recent convictions.
Yeats is prepared to try out the latest poetic fashions - Pre-Raphaelite languor with its confiscation of medieval surfaces, desacralised and airbrushed with momentary desire.
It had been urged by them, that the laws of nations had declared only the estate of an alien enemy liable to confiscation ” but that debts were mere rights ” choses in action ” and therefore not of a confiscable character.
Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry
Becket submitted so far to the sentence of confiscation of goods and chattels, that he gave surety, which is a proof that he meant not at that time to question the authority of the king's courts.
The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part A. From the Britons of Early Times to King John
Council excepting innocent non-combatants and their official protector from confiscation or amercement.
The Crusade of the Excelsior
The punishments for which may be confiscation of the fish, imprisonment, the pillory, and the offender giving up his occupation for a year and a day.
Elle proscrit d'abord tous les moyens -- annulation ou confiscation -- par lesquels on chercherait à atteindre, dans leur existence, les droits nés avant la guerre.
The League of Nations and its Problems Three Lectures
The cooperative has formed forest protection teams that have helped in the confiscation of illegally cut timber.
She is armed with little more than force of character - wardens have no powers of arrest or confiscation - and that cuts little ice with a deep-dyed yob.
We declare our own property inherently allodial and unowed, and hereby signify that its confiscation by any government is unwilling.
Now, the perpetrator governments have agreed to this legal conclusion, although they maintain the implausible assertion that gun confiscations were not the result of official policy.
Producers and merchants trading in pine honey risk confiscation of their goods if they put it on the market with this trade mark.
I doubt confiscation is going to be attempted in my lifetime, but we've already seen previous restrictions on new sales come and go and there are bills in the works that would expand upon the previous weapons and magazine restrictions.
Obama Win Triggers Firearm-Sales Boom
The pope and the king of France taught Edward II to dissolve the preceptories, to the number of twenty-three, belonging to the Templars; in 1410 the Commons petitioned for the confiscation of all church property; in 1414 the alien priories in England fell under the animadversion of the government; their property was handed over to the crown and they escaped only by the payment of heavy fines, by incorporation into English orders, and by partial confiscation of their land.
The Age of the Reformation
By Section 5 of the Act the court may make a confiscation order in a lesser sum than the value of the proceeds if it finds that the realisable assets are less than that figure.
The Norwegian Foreign Ministry summoned Iran's charge d'affaires on Thursday to protest against what it called the confiscation of Ebadi's Nobel medal and diploma and express 'grave concern' about the treatment of her husband.
Khaleej Times : UAE News
If the Left Wing adopts impossibilist methods of campaign, I shall stand aloof, but if they push for Confiscation,
The Red Conspiracy
Such confiscations left cultivators unable to pay the palace their stipulated sharecropping rent and other fees.
Confiscation will also be possible even if the property has passed to legal heirs, or if it was transferred to a spouse or a separate legal entity.
On that day the Crown invited the court to proceed to pass sentence on both defendants, and to postpone the determination of a confiscation order.
Thu.Nov. 1 - gun confiscation with Bloomberg [done - this one was like pulling teeth, and I thought this would be the easy one]
Those who remained behind during the war protected the family property from seizure and confiscation.
The conquest by William of Normandy through the wholesale confiscation and regrant of lands, and through his military arrangements, brought about an almost sudden development and spread of feudalism in England, and it was rapidly systematized and completed in the reigns of his two sons.
An Introduction to the Industrial and Social History of England
Ultra-Chartists, 'Danes' as they were then called, coming into his territory with their 'five points,' or rather with their five-and-twenty thousand _points_ and edges too, of pikes namely and battle-axes; and proposing mere Heathenism, confiscation, spoliation, and fire and sword, -- Edmund answered that he would oppose to the utmost such savagery.
Past and Present Thomas Carlyle's Collected Works, Vol. XIII.
And the general process of confiscation and regrant of lands was vigorously carried out.
William the Conqueror
This includes confiscation of computers if police believe that a record of a firearm is contained therein.
One indication that the new minting machinery almost immediately and most dramatically increased Abd al-Rahman's penchant for silver, especially kaldar, confiscation comes from the British Agent's communiqué from Qandahar dated January 4, 1891.
Connecting Histories in Afghanistan: Market Relations and State Formation on a Colonial Frontier
Direct confiscation would complete this quickly, often at one stroke, while _confiscation through taxation permits the disappearance of capitalists 'property through a long-drawn-out process, proceeding in the exact degree in which the new order is established and its benevolent influence made perceptible.
Socialism As It Is A Survey of The World-Wide Revolutionary Movement
Producers and merchants trading in pine honey risk confiscation of their goods if they put it on the market with this trade mark.
It upheld the wounded snake, 'anaconda' system, it opposed the using of contrabands in any way, it urged, heart and soul, the protection of the property of rebels, it warred on confiscation in any form, it was ready with a negative to every proposition to energetically push the war, and finally its press is now opposing the settling our soldiers on the cotton-lands of the South.
The Continental Monthly, Vol. 2, No 3, September, 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy.
It had been urged by them, that the laws of nations had declared only the estate of an alien enemy liable to confiscation -- but that debts were mere rights -- choses in action -- and therefore not of a confiscable character.
Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry