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How To Use Confirmatory In A Sentence

  • [Illustration: A GENTLEMAN TAKING A FIRST FLOOR] cannot do better than find an excuse for a recurrence to his purse; and then the partial exhibition of the coin alluded to above will be found to be productive of a feeling most decidedly confirmatory in the mind of the landlady that you are a true gentleman. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, November 13, 1841
  • To begin with, there is more than one type of test, a very sensitive (read: many false positives) “screening test” and a somewhat less sensitive (but still prone to false positives due to the nature of the manufacture of the HIV tests in general, see below for more detail) “confirmatory test”. ProWomanProLife » Getting started
  • In the confirmatory test, the drugs in the urine sample are isolated on a small chromatographic column, eluted with an organic solvent, and injected into the gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer.
  • We chose not to publish at the time as independent confirmatory evidence was too flimsy.
  • He argued that this was confirmatory of the fact that their allegations against him were baseless and were designed to divert attention from their own misconduct.
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  • We had a confirmatory call from the estate agent this morning, following on her investigation of the status of the putative deal.
  • The deal is also subject to "confirmatory" due diligence by NYT > Home Page
  • A high urine sodium concentration is a variable but frequent confirmatory finding in this disorder.
  • A confirmatory, post approval clinical trial was begun by Wyeth ( now Pfizer ) in 2004.
  • confirmatory" testing - these are tests that the team make to confirm that they've developed a feature correctly, to confirm that they haven't broken an existing feature, or to confirm that a previously-discovered bug has not been reintroduced. Cosmic Seriosity Balance
  • The Deacon could quote scripture in a manner which put Biblical professors to the blush, and every principle of his creed so bristled with texts, confirmatory, sustentive and aggressive, that doubters were rebuked and free-thinkers were speedily reduced to speechless humility or rage. Romance of California Life
  • A high urine sodium concentration is a variable but frequent confirmatory finding in this disorder.
  • Therefore, Immunocomb can only be used as a presumptive test; confirmatory diagnosis must include combination of tests, rather than deriving inference on the basis of single test results.
  • Here is Mr. Shermer's final diagnostic of a wrong conspiracy theory: "The conspiracy theorist defends the conspiracy theory tenaciously to the point of refusing to consider alternative explanations for the events in question, rejecting all disconfirming evidence for his theory and blatantly seeking only confirmatory evidence to support what he has already determined to be the truth. Maybe We're All Conspiracy Theorists
  • Westinghouse said it "will continue to work with the NRC as part of the normal licensing process to address the few remaining confirmatory items, none of which are safety significant and several of which are self-identified by Westinghouse," according to a statement. U.S. Nuclear Agency Has 'Technical Issues' With Toshiba Reactor
  • Alistair Darling has not done his party any favours by publishing a memoir that adds further confirmatory detail about the profound policy disputes and poisonous relationships which consumed the last government. Labour must learn from their history or be doomed to repeat it | Andrew Rawnsley
  • Methods The ESBL confirmation was taken by double disc confirmatory test.
  • In order to be accurate, that note should have read She called her PCP, who saw her in the office, examined her, diagnosed a distal fibular fracture and ordered confirmatory x-rays, and referred her here. More Disrespect
  • With it the person poses tentative, general, preverbal hypotheses in terms of which to scan for confirmatory evidence.
  • A high urine sodium concentration is a variable but frequent confirmatory finding in this disorder.
  • Traditionally, screening for syphilis infection is a two-step process that involves an initial nontreponemal test (VDRL or RPR) followed by a confirmatory treponemal test (FTA-ABS or TP-PA).
  • If the less perfect ophidians, or snakes, which now abound on the earth had taken the lead in those ancient days among the land reptiles, and the Deinosaurians had been contemporary with Man, there can be no doubt that the progressionist would have seized upon this fact with unfeigned satisfaction as confirmatory of his views. The Antiquity of Man
  • Of course, rituals can be contrived both to reduce contingency [so-called confirmatory rites] and to create it [rites of resistance]; the connections here are multiple and complex. Against Exceptionalism: A New Approach to Games
  • Even without a confirmatory rapid plasma reagin test or darkfield examination of the gummatous discharge, the diagnosis of secondary syphilis was obvious.
  • Confirmatory investigations at first rare, became more and more numerous; at the same time endoglobular parasites were discovered in different animals which closely resembled the haematozoon of malaria. Alphonse Laveran - Nobel Lecture
  • Dick gave a confirmatory nod to Oh Joy, and said to CHAPTER XXIII
  • And does 'em good, too," said my grandmother, who reappeared from the buttery, with Miss Tina tilting and dancing before her, with a confirmatory slice of bread and butter and sugar in her hand. Oldtown Folks
  • The Center for Science in the Public Interest published a statement this week saying further testing is necessary: “Because the new analyses seem so improbable, confirmatory studies using the best analytical method need to be done before the alarm bells ring too loudly.” Soda drinkers beware: You may be consuming more fructose than you thought
  • When your fingers touch it, confirmatory signals flow up the nerves. World Wide Mind
  • This surety is called the confirmation bias, whereby we seek and find confirmatory evidence in support of already existing beliefs and ignore or reinterpret disconfirmatory evidence. Confirmation Bias and ID
  • As Dermot has speculated, the government could introduce the mayors first, given them a trial run, then hold 'confirmatory' referendums to see if people in places like Manchester want to keep them or not. MEN Media Blogs
  • So here he sat, oblivious to the cold seeping slowly into his bones, unmoving, unblinking, waiting for one confirmatory glimpse. THE ONLY GAME
  • He considered that the mandibles and first maxillæ of Arthropods were the homologues of the upper and lower jaws of Vertebrates, adducing as confirmatory evidence the fact that in snakes the rami are separate. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
  • A high urine sodium concentration is a variable but frequent confirmatory finding in this disorder.
  • Confirmatory evidence of the extraordinary promptitude with which our satellite parts with heat already to some extent appropriated, was afforded by Professor Langley's bolometric observations at Allegheny of the partial eclipse of September 23, A Popular History of Astronomy During the Nineteenth Century Fourth Edition
  • These terms draw attention to the formal distinction between sacrifices offered for persons and those offered on behalf of social groups, but we shall see that they differ also in intention, the first having primarily a piacular intention, and the second a confirmatory one.
  • Conclusions: chest roentgenogram can pwride diagnostic clues, CT, MRI and angiocardiorahy had confirmatory diagnostic value in the diagnosis of UAPA.

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