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How To Use Confab In A Sentence

  • Neuropsychological evidence points towards our tendency to confabulate stories that we believe to be true in order to fit together disparate pieces of information.
  • What there is, is a difficult political issue now that we have discovered the VPOTUS and his associates broke this law—not for a kidnapped child, but to justify the imminent invasion of Iraq with confabulated links between Saddam and 9/11. The Volokh Conspiracy » Radio Host Waterboarded, Says It’s Torture:
  • But we confabbed the night before, and agreed it would probably be best if we headed out on our tour for the bighorn sheep experts early in the day, while it was cool. Grouse Diary Entry
  • To Helen and back: At the star-studded The Night Before bash Saturday, Daniels confabbed with acting legend Helen Mirren, who starred in his 2005 drama Shadowboxer, which he directed. That's a wrap for Lee Daniels as countdown to Oscars ends
  • People who confabulate experience their false memories as true.
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  • This was confabulated into Christian mythology, the converted Norse intertwining the character with one of the first saints of the region, Saint Nicholas.
  • After long confabulations, the tribal elders told him that only the old people would act in his movie.
  • She convinced Continental's senior executives to take ownership of important agencies and corporations in assigned territories, and to join marketing staffers on sales calls and at the twice-yearly customer confabs.
  • Believing one of every 10 happy-talk words that the leaders utter about their confabs would seem to be the appropriate discount rate.
  • When their feeling for the river's lore drew them, by a spiritual gravitation, to a common centre -- to learn, for instance, that Council Bend and Council Island were named for one of those historic "confabs" between the white man and the red which shouldered the red brother once and forever away from the sunrise and across the great river -- that centre of gravity was the captain's chair, their tutor the first mate. Gideon's Band A Tale of the Mississippi
  • We want to get CASPA up there, to be available direct to TVs, without users needing to own a TiVo. "launched by Yahoo! and Intel in August 2008 as an evolution of Yahoo! 's confabulator-based PC widgets. ITWire - Latest Headlines
  • Henry Sidgwick, you are not only highly selective in the questions you choose to answer, you evade answering the questions, prevaricate and confabulate. John Terry’s sacking as England captain tells us something interesting...
  • A synthetic memory of an earthquake would automatically be supplemented by confabulated but plausible cliques. World Wide Mind
  • In order to justify their behavior they confabulate, make up a variety of lies in order to manage real and imagined questioning. Justin Frank: John McCain: Suffering from Irregularity
  • Psychologists call this tendency to fill in nonexistent details confabulation. World Wide Mind
  • They had a quick confab to decide on a possible design.
  • Some people purchased them, and, when asked why, were quite ready to volunteer one confabulated answer or another.
  • The first one, of the beautiful little girl, and the one of the "generals" confabbing are priceless.
  • A responsible therapist has a duty to help a patient sort out delusion from reality, dreams and confabulations from truth, and real abuse from imagined abuse.
  • At one of these confabs, I was obliged to tour the floor with my new boss, who wanted to show me how schmoozing the client should be done.
  • For his part, Curry thinks podcasting's tipping point is likely to be BloggerCon , Dave Winer's blogging confab, which is scheduled for November 6 at Stanford University. Podcasts: New Twist on Net Audio
  • Alliances that frayed or hot products that take longer than expected to reach primetime linger on the minds of everyone who has been at a few of these confabs.
  • When Roberts was C-in-C he retired to his quarters after an inspection, only to be waited on by senior Indian officers, who wished ‘as private persons to have a confab with the War Lord’.
  • By the time the local confabs had concluded at the end of March, it was clear Earley was about to surpass the 4,813 delegate votes required for the nomination, with Hager about 900 behind.
  • The journalists' confab featured discussions on diversity that included benchmark goals for racial and ethnic parity in newsrooms.
  • A brief confab and much to the dismay of the defence, Mr Crouch was pointing to the spot.
  • Furthermore, brain scientists have noted the pervasive nature of self-deception and of different species of "confabulation", and they have begun to make progress in unmasking the underlying neurological processes (Hirstein 2005). Emotion
  • (This sparked debate in the office as the Holy Bible, as commented on recently by me, is available in over 2000 languages: something must exclude it from the running - probably its confabulated nature.) Web Translations » Blog Archive » Most translated document?
  • If Obama isn't intending to deal with business leaders' substantive concerns on taxes, regulations and the like, all the confabs and the personnel decisions won't mean much. Personnel versus policy
  • If ever there was a time when confabs on the future of the entertainment biz are relevant, this is it.
  • With the US Secretary of State following the plans of her boss the Department of Defense Secretary Robert Gates, the known confabulator from the Iran-Contra days, The United States of America has its Fourth Fleet threatening all the Americas, but especially Venezuela. Headlines
  • It was a vague mandate, and that is why the main thing such confabs are known for now is what they occasion on the outside: anti-globalization protests, such as the vicious ones at the world trade conference in Seattle in 1999. Shanghai the G-20 with a shadow
  • Hence, he is darting between a demonstration of his new video-analysis equipment - donated by the ECB - and a confab with his physiotherapists.
  • They deserve consideration. (the inventor is in Australia; he came out to one of the industry confabs held in Napa recently). Wine Person of the Decade - nominations open! | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • But all Wright does is repeat platitudes from his last confab at Brookings.
  • Two particular confabs afforded the group another shot at Amy's distaste of big-bosomed female superheroes, along with two new versions of Sheldon's infamous "Penny" knock. Tribal Chants, Dirty Twister and More Secrets From the Set of The Big Bang Theory
  • In this materialist view, people perceive God’s existence because their brains have evolved to confabulate belief systems.
  • They hold endless meetings, planning sessions, conferences, and confabs in which they back pat and self-stroke themselves with awards, plaques, tributes and testimonials.
  • Churchill's life hung by a thread as a bunch of irritated Boers held a five minute confab to decide whether they ought to shoot their prisoner, a war correspondent who had taken part in the fight.
  • They had a quick confab to decide on a possible design.
  • This ties into the idea of confabulation as the frontal lobes’ post-facto rationalization of decisions already made by the mammalian or reptilian brains. I have no thesis here, i just like saying numinous
  • It seems likely that most so-called past life regressions induced through hypnosis are confabulations fed by cryptomnesia.
  • Rogue artists who confabulate our notions of what art is and isn't are always going to come along, and we should be grateful for them, even encourage them. The State of Criticism
  • They confabbed for a while, and as Piddie comes out he's still explainin 'how he's sure he don't know, but most likely Mr. Robert understands all about it. Torchy, Private Sec.
  • AP has the right, with the First Amendment, to report like this, and the crazy congressman has the right to confabulate his fantasies about Obama. GA Republican Rep. Broun and AP Confabulating a-- Folie � deux?
  • Now you can confabulate about the inner workings of his mind when he composed Quixote if you want. Concept of the unified text
  • I must confess that I came away feeling a bit ashamed to be a member of the media and journalism tribe (even as I played hooky from the Online News Association's annual confab uptown). Jeff Jarvis: To Rally, Perchance to Dream
  • They have already had a confab about Michel, who they swear is a likeable chap, and on condition of anonymity, one ref gave the communal verdict on the Slovakian.
  • They had a little confab, scanning the menu, checking the name on the door. FLIGHT LESSONS
  • Instead of silence there was some quick conversation, opinions exchanged and plots confabulated as to what was happening, going to happen, should or might happen. 2008 December « Official Harry Harrison News Blog
  • I hate to break up these confabs by intruding with business kids but there it is. Matthew Yglesias » Passing Costs on to Consumers
  • We've been having a few chats about markets and agents and trends, and she said we could have a good confab about them. DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • At one of these confabs, I was obliged to tour the floor with my new boss, who wanted to show me how schmoozing the client should be done.
  • Since the story broke, six staffers, including two senior editors, have spent more than 6,000 man hours attending commission hearings, and confabulating with as many as 12 lawyers.
  • Here are the facts that Spencer has managed to confabulate on his website's rendition of events: Ahmed Rehab: The Islam-Basher and the Librarian Kerfuffle
  • In recent years, we’ve had movies, like “Adaptation” (written by the antic confabulator Charlie Kaufman), that are explicitly about the making of movies, and others, like “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” (also written by Kaufman), that move forward dramatically by going backward in time. Archive 2007-03-01
  • That, and the after party at the confab had to be smashing.
  • Why the brain stimulates and confabulates just the memories it does remains a mystery, though there are several plausible explanations.
  • They learn to cultivate a "dual mind," part of which doesn't plan or discriminate and thus unleashes its inventive powers, while the other part maintains a higher level monitoring of the situation, looking out for opportunities to develop the narrative. case report of a 48 year old male patient named SB who, after suffering a subarachnoid hemorrhage in his frontal lobe, became a chronic confabulator. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • I sketch rather than describe in detail, letting the readers confabulate to fill in the whole picture. MIND MELD: Worldbuilding
  • Argentina's previous experience with international art confabs was the series of Latin American exhibitions held in Cordoba in 1962, 1964 and 1966.
  • He stuck his head in the window and they confabbed for a minute, and then he turned to me and said, with the most magnificent air you ever saw, like a chap buying a set of diamond studs, ` My friend here is a great personal friend of Dr Congleton, and it's a damned -- -- I mean it's an uncommonly delicate matter. The Lunatic At Large
  • The young ladies were sitting by the emptied hampers, deep in confab. Melbourne House
  • One of the few firm goals set at the confab was that adequate sanitation should be supplied by 2015 to half of the 2.2 billion people now lacking it.
  • PM and all chief ministers were holding a confab.
  • And so, when the next great question arises, the Englishman may again make the Times his crony and confabulator, just as he would more likely, through general sympathy of notions and feelings, to take counsel with private acquaintances who had erred with him in predicting success to the South, rather than with those who had dissented from him in desire and expectation. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 17, No. 100, February, 1866
  • The high-priced Koch confabs have become a biannual ritual among Obama's super-rich foes. Eric Boehlert: Fox News And the Phony Koch Brothers Defense
  • Indeed, the Nicaraguan leader recently skipped a SICA meeting entirely, claiming the confab was a sham and had been designed and promoted by the U.S. Nikolas Kozloff: U.S. Marines to Costa Rica: What's Behind the Story?
  • The object is to eliminate long-winded confabs where participants pontificate, play Angry Birds on their cellphones or tune out. No More Angling for the Best Seat; More Meetings Are Stand-Up Jobs
  • They might be the product of his confabs with the management luminaries of the European game at a forum in Geneva a week past on Friday.
  • He claims it was after confabulation with the Pope.
  • Not long after that famous ‘Axis of Evil’ 2002 address, I was sharing a moment with William Kristol at a transatlantic confab in Brussels (where I happen to be again).
  • All adversity finds ease in complaining (as [3421] Isidore holds), and 'tis a solace to relate it, [3422] Ἀγαθὴ δε ἐταίρου. Friends 'confabulations are comfortable at all times, as fire in winter, shade in summer, quale sopor fessis in gramine, meat and drink to him that is hungry or athirst; Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Nothing less than the truth, but it so alarmed Mrs G that she concluded I must be deeply disturbed and summoned my mother for a confab.
  • It would be nice to keep the "serial exaggerator/confabulator" drumbeat. Rudy: Hillary And Obama Would Invite Osama Over
  • Throughout the day, Laurie confabs with entertainment bigwigs, at times working outside, via cell phone, so she can deadhead her roses while juggling a long list of projects.
  • Sometimes things become confabulated in the mind ....... Blitzer: Was Obama taking aim at McCain's age?
  • They walked round and round the ugly, ill-kept lawn; they walked under the beautiful trees, entwined their arms round each other's waists, and confabbed and confabbed. Girls of the Forest
  • Besides, I saw my friend, the journeyman dyer, in close confabulation with a pea-green personage of his own profession, and was conscious, like Scrub, that they talked of me, because they laughed consumedly. Redgauntlet
  • They had a little confab, scanning the menu, checking the name on the door. FLIGHT LESSONS
  • The idea of "confabulation" is central to "The Museum of Lost Wonder," as you might expect. SFGate: Top News Stories
  • This was revealed at a media confab held on Nov.29 at its head office.
  • She whisked my dish away and then had a quick confab with three colleagues before returning it, confident it was the dish I'd ordered.
  • And while the two men confabbed anew, she went to the bedroom and stood looking down at Richard. Ultima Thule
  • The last time you confabbed with the Balm of Gilead, a country collapsed. Shadow Chase
  • Please. after confab this weekend pondering black/blackfoot history. also: traditionalism is hard. Oh, wow. free verse dinocorns.
  • Mr. Percival was at home; and, without waiting to be announced, Ellery sprang up the stairs to the little sanctum where the two had confabbed on many a day. Jewel Weed
  • People who confabulate are confronted directly often lash out at their questioners, which in President Bush's case could be a disaster for us all. Justin Frank: Never on Sunday
  • Broken cultures therapeutically confabulate, mythologise former ways of life, and fight off meaninglessness by shoring up crumbling identities.
  • We've been having a few chats about markets and agents and trends, and she said we could have a good confab about them. DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • Does the person fumble, confabulate, get defensive and angry, etc.
  • Their suggestion is that confabulation often doesn't involve memory at all. Rather, they say it reflects a basic inability to select the appropriate mental process for the task at hand.
  • That gets the anarchist purist Libertarians confabulated. Barr: Obama and McCain the real spoilers
  • Don't miss the part maybe two-thirds of the way through where the Enron guys come out to confab with Arnold before the recall process gets going.
  • To skeptical critics this is warning sign: the memories are confabulations suggested by prodding, suggestive therapy.
  • But even that function is pretty meager, for only sparse audiences of curious spectators and hard core loyalists ever show up at their confabs.
  • The Bosnia lie is important, not because of the context of this particular lie, but because of the type of lie it is - a totally confabulated story which she stuck to until it was proven via videotape that it was false. Hillary Jokes About Bosnia Misstatement On Jay Leno
  • I found Stein and Svein in Amanda's room, confabbing in their quiet-voiced way over the results from the police labs in Bergen. DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • Get some fresh blood and stop having the same confab fifty times with the same tired people.
  • Regardless, Troy Rawhiti-Forbes is in a backstage confab with the other wrestlers.
  • They had a quick confab to decide on a possible design.
  • Occasionally, Mr. Cumming confabbed with his co-judges Jesse Schenker , the culinary prodigy behind the restaurant Recette, Grant Shaffer , a graphic artist, and Lauren Nowell , the director of publicity for Rachael Ray. A Loft Where Salads Go Head to Head
  • The ‘barman’ had overcharged some chap for his round and they ended up having a 5 minute confab about it.
  • They hold endless meetings, planning sessions, conferences, and confabs in which they back pat and self-stroke themselves with awards, plaques, tributes and testimonials.
  • But I read a lot of liberal stuff and have attended more than a few college confabs with liberal speakers speaking on the subject of liberalism itself.
  • He felt cocky when he left the briefing, taking the nonpsychiatric reports under his arm, promising to report for a second confab this afternoon at City Hall. The Big Nowhere
  • As if the population control guru and one-worlder did not have enough to do as a top advisor to the United Nations and the World Bank, and running confabs for the world's wealthiest and most powerful, he is now being courted as a top advisor to the man set to become Canada's next Prime Minister
  • Looking at Risk Control was Iain Cruickshank, another visitor from the capital, who was seen in confab with Dave Davey.
  • Last week, the fellows, who over the years eliminated the politicians from their noontime confab, made a double change.
  • In late October, Oprah called a confab in Los Angeles and met with everyone associated with OWN.
  • I simply think she should not confabulate and reinvent her position. Election Central Debate Roundup
  • A decades-long dispute over lumber isn't likely to be addressed during the brief confab - even if it is set amid the splendour of a Canadian pine forest.
  • The story that she couldn't remember appears to be a complete Pentagon confabulation in order to cover up the phoniness of the whole operation.
  • Assuming he got away with murder the first time, which I think 95 percent of Americans do believe, he developed what I call a confabulation between denial and delusion. CNN Transcript Dec 26, 2008
  • The grand prize winner got to attend both confabs.
  • Yes folks, Pat Robertson has once again been confabbing with God and he has reported on the 700 Club that God has told him that Bush will win the 2004 election easily.
  • The other night, however, Ben and Dr Spot were seen in deep confab in one of the darker corners, a sight which caused some conjecture.
  • The basic idea called confabulation is that what humans (and mammals in general) are computing is not the most likely answer to a set of facts (baysian) but instead what would make the existing facts they have most likely to be true. Framing Effects and Memory, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Chances are, you can get a large percentage of your family members confabulating with you on something that simply couldn't have happened, given that Bugs Bunny is a Warner Brothers character.
  • They had a quick confab to decide on a possible design.
  • It seems likely that most so-called past life regressions induced through hypnosis are confabulations fed by cryptomnesia.
  • Maybe you could personally confab with him.
  • They deserve consideration. (the inventor is in Australia; he came out to one of the industry confabs held in Napa recently). Wine Person of the Decade - nominations open! | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • The confab is the biggest event of its kind in the United States. Snore! New Yorkers Say Vegas Retail Confab a Snoozer
  • Across at the changing rooms more players buzz about like excited bees round a honey-pot, the hum of enthusiasm providing the backing track for the latest confab between the club chairman and management team, who are gathered outside.
  • R. has come a long way but she still confabulates and struggles with short-term memory loss.
  • Page 53 all appearance, oblivious altogether of things external, he held occasional "confabs" with himself in regard to the unusual objects which surrounded him -- for Suggs is an observant man, and notes with much accuracy whatever comes before him, all the while a body would suppose him to be asleep, or in a "turkey dream" at least. Some Adventures of Captain Simon Suggs, Late of the Tallapoosa Volunteers; Together with "Taking the Census," and Other Alabama Sketches. By a Country Editor. With a Portrait from Life, and Other Illustrations, by Darley
  • So far, the biggest news coming out of these confabs - at least according to The Reporters Who Cover Television - was the shocking lack of a new Lauren Conrad reality show on the lineup unveiled by MTV. Lauren Conrad -- too high-brow for MTV
  • For companies like Cott, the ceremony presents the opportunity for an all-day binge of TV, analyst confabs, and shrimp bowls.
  • Unless he is found to have lied or confabulated significantly about his POW experiences, any dissing of the POW strategy will have to be muted and indirect, something along the lines of: New Ad To Run In Minneapolis Is All About McCain's POW Past
  • The noises were no longer sharp screams or hoarse coughs, but a kind of jabbering jargon, as if the apes were engaged in a family confabulation. The Castaways
  • He was a great "confabulator," she says, with affection, more beholden to complicated truths than plain facts. The Appleton Post-Crescent Latest Headlines
  • When we peer out into the world is all that we see potentially a confabulation - a grand visual illusion staged by our brain?
  • Raising shot glasses of Prohibition whiskey, the confab was a toast to SFGate: Top News Stories
  • Tell all you friends and neighbors along with family member about my quest and ask them go mark their vote for "confabulation" thank you one and all … Confabulation
  • In recent years, however, the confab has garnered attention not just from media but from those activists who feel the G8's policies are heavy handed and undemocratic.
  • Enjoy your time confabbing.
  • Here's Dorothy confabbing with Miss Irene.

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