How To Use Conduct In A Sentence

  • The reconnaissance is conducted by teams from the reconnaissance company of the airborne brigade and the reconnaissance platoon of an IFV-equipped airborne battalion or by a designated platoon of an airborne battalion. FM 100-61 Chptr 9 Artillery Support
  • He literally danced his music into being, conducting his bass players, drummers and horn section with his hips.
  • It makes data generators, multimeters and oscilloscopes, as well as semiconductors, optoelectronic components and RF chip sets - all very complex products that require a great deal of customization for individual customers.
  • We kept Mnemosyne for over two months, and never once did she misconduct herself or behave in an unseamanlike manner. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 153, December 26, 1917
  • He was, when he chose to lay aside his mountebankery, an excellent and inspiring conductor. Mr. Punch`s history of modern England, Volume I -- 1841-1857
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  • Distrust naturally creates distrust, and by nothing is good-will and kind conduct more speedily changed than by invidious jealousies and uncandid imputations, whether expressed or implied.
  • The contacts for the USB connector are even gold-plated to ensure better conductivity, according to Razer.
  • By ethical conduct toward all creatures, we enter into a spiritual relationship with the universe. Albert Schweitzer 
  • Heat will only leave the container by radiation, convection and conduction if the temperature of the container is higher than the surroundings.
  • Disclosure of information would compromise the proper conduct of the investigation.
  • His careers adviser suggested he might make a good bus conductor. Times, Sunday Times
  • Furthermore, in order to assess the special disability and whether there has been unconscionable conduct, it is essential to also examine the actual actions of those against whom that conduct is impugned.
  • The presidential election will be conducted against a backdrop of seismic political and economic turmoil. Times, Sunday Times
  • The machine works according to the principle of electromagnetic conduction.
  • A private detective was hired to conduct the investigation .
  • In the Mhow area of India, where it is common practice to feed goats on the leaves of trees gathered in the forest, an experiment was conducted with uncastrated male goats aged about 14 months and weighing some 25 kg. Chapter 6
  • We used survey methods to conduct a descriptive, comparative, multisite study.
  • BDC is currently conducting a Phase two placebo-controlled proof of concept study with the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitor, etanercept, epidurally administered to a minimum of 40 patients with sciatica. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • A straw poll conducted at the end of the meeting found most people agreed with Mr Forth.
  • His Honour saw that if conduct is not unprofessional, the practitioner is entitled to an untainted reputation.
  • Until his death, on November 16th, 1272, the King continued to rule and to conduct his customary religious devotions.
  • The relevant principle is that if a member causes loss to the council he/she is liable to make good that loss if he/she has misconducted him/herself knowing that loss may result.
  • He did in these extremities, as I conceive, most humbly recommend the direction of his judicial proceedings to the upright judge of judges, God Almighty; did submit himself to the conduct and guideship of the blessed Spirit in the hazard and perplexity of the definitive sentence, and, by this aleatory lot, did as it were implore and explore the divine decree of his goodwill and pleasure, instead of that which we call the final judgment of a court. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • No matter how many police raids are conducted, if we cannot guarantee their protection young victims will remain too terrified to testify against their traffickers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The following data on the electric conductance of F 0 were obtained in the presence of myxothiazol, to avoid the complications caused by the electrogenic and proton pumping activity of bc 1.
  • We show that such a variational state is necessary for obtaining a superconducting condensation energy with reasonable magnitude and for the effective mass of the charge carriers not being too large.
  • In it, Bradley said the prosecution's claim that Anthony had conducted extensive searches for the word "chloroform" had been based on inaccurate data. Casey Anthony Trial Witness John Bradley Backtracks After Blasting Prosecutors (VIDEO)
  • The latter, after his defeat by Bayezid, sought refuge at Rhodes under a safe-conduct from the Grand Master and the General Convent of the Order.
  • No wonder, as Mr. Hamilton drily notes, that on the wall of the Leipzig Gewandhaus (where Mendelssohn played and conducted) was Seneca's apothegm: "Res severa est verum gaudium. What Music Has Lost
  • A non-conductor can be charged by induction by exposure to an electrostatic field that is present on a surface charged with static electricity.
  • A dynamo converts mechanical energy from a moving electrical conductor into electromagnetic energy and thus generates current.
  • Hard graft and study of the score allowed him to master a wide repertoire without nationality kinships questioning his ability to conduct music from all periods.
  • The conductor worked hard for a first-class result, the cohesiveness of the entire composition leaving a most satisfying afterglow.
  • Copper is a good medium for the conduction of heat and electricity.
  • Unemployment rates for railroad conductors, logging workers and metalworkers fell sharply — seven percentage points or more — in 2010 while jobless rates among construction laborers and roofers rose, according to new data from the Labor Department. Manufacturing, Logistics See Job Gains
  • Their ability to conduct surprise raids presupposed close familiarity with currents, beaches, and locations of population centres.
  • Metal is a good conductor of heat.
  • Arabic influence may have some part in the genesis of the songs, although the tonality of the Cantigas (mainly Dorian and Mixolydian modes) and basic structure are European; the virelai serves as the basic form, already in use with the Latin conductus, and divided into refrain – mudanza – vuelta – refrain (AA-bb-aa-AA, as in N.º 361). Archive 2009-07-01
  • He was not going to conduct his presidency through interest groups, by balancing one constituency against another and engaging in the customary horse-trading on the Hill. The Good Fight
  • But concord and harmony were the professed and accepted norm for the conduct of relations.
  • It was to suppose a sequency in the conduct of a variable damsel. Complete Project Gutenberg Works of George Meredith
  • The careers service also conducts offers advice in interviews over the telephone. Times, Sunday Times
  • A man's personality and mental make-up do have a bearing upon his conduct.
  • For example, the huge student population makes it impossible for teachers to conduct seminars or offer individual tutorials to students.
  • The surveyor conducts one inspection and provides a fuller report than is required to ensure compliance with section 13.
  • So we set about assembling a team of cross-disciplinary professionals including Dr. Patricia Muehsam, on the faculty of Mount Sinai Medical School; Dr. Peter Roche de Coppens, professor of sociology, anthropology, and psychotherapy at East Stroudsburg University in Pennsylvania and the Sorbonne in Paris; Dr. Beverly Rubik, a biophysicist who had conducted scientific research in mind-body, subtle energies, and complementary medicine; Dr. J. Manifesting Michelangelo
  • She was found guilty of gross misconduct but an independent panel recommended she get a final written warning. The Sun
  • Millner, keenly aware that an aromatic savarin au rhum was describing an arc behind his head previous to being rushed back to the pantry under young Draper's indifferent eye, stiffened himself against this last assault of the enemy, and read out firmly: "What relation do you consider that a man's business conduct should bear to his religious and domestic life? The Blond Beast
  • Otherwise, knotholers, who named their vantage point after the knotholes in old wooden outfield fences through which fans could sneak peeks, enforce their own unwritten code of conduct. Watching Baseball Through 'Knothole' Isn't Naughty When Giants Play
  • Nothing was too large: the composition of the Host in the mass; the conduct of priests.
  • In the fall of 2003, the authors and several of their colleagues conducted a telephone survey of representatives from a range of institutions offering a major in agronomy or crop science.
  • His father now ceremoniously conducted Mrs. Penniman to what he spoke of as the banqueting hall. The Wrong Twin
  • Two Cumbria police workers were arrested for data protection breaches and misconduct in a public office. The Sun
  • A 1D heat conduction is solved numerically for fluxes in and out of surfaces. Archive 2008-10-01
  • Methods This investigation was conducted among 310 medical students using 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire(16PF) and Eysenck Personality Questionnaire(EPQ).
  • Her daughter conducted a salon that became a gathering place for the writers, artists, and musicians of the Harlem Renaissance.
  • Thirdly, he submitted that Mr Perry invited the jury to reason that Robert Kerr's psychiatric condition explained his alleged conduct.
  • Temperature becomes uniform by heat conduction until finally a permanent state is reached.
  • Cluster groups of schools could conduct a joint review, sharing their experiences.
  • Council also approved in principle the text for a booklet Guidance on professional conduct incorporating a code of professional practice.
  • WASHINGTON (RNS) As Democrats conduct a grim postmortem on Tuesday's (Nov. 2) elections, some liberal leaders say one diagnosis is already clear: the party's outreach to religious voters was lifeless from the start. Have Democrats Lost Faith In Faith-Based Outreach?
  • A paper-thin semiconductor device, the solar cell has no moving parts.
  • Studies conducted over the years catalogue many of its effects.
  • These superconductors usually contain more oxygen atoms than predicted by valence theory.
  • Stanford will develop new megavoltage X-ray detection hardware and image reconstruction software, and will validate the new technology in a clinical trial to be conducted by Varian Medical Systems and Stanford University Win $3.6 Million Five-Year NIH/NCI Research Grant to Develop Advanced Imaging Technology - Yahoo! Finance
  • The jubilee celebrations were conducted with a number of activities, including seminars, workshops, competitions for children, and cultural gatherings.
  • Calculations of evaporative flux density and conductances were the same as those under quasi-steady-state conditions.
  • It is not a blind law, for no blind law can govern the conduct of human beings....
  • Residents said since the murder was discovered, police paramilitaries had been conducting an aggressive campaign to check identities in a search for vagrants, who are the prime suspects.
  • Stimulants, antidepressants, lithium, anticonvulsants and clonidine have all been used in the treatment of conduct disorder.
  • The insured person is guilty of unconscionable conduct if he does not provide for the insurer to be recouped out of the damages awarded against the wrongdoer.
  • Experiments were conducted on tobacco plants. Times, Sunday Times
  • A working group of nonprofit agencies was set up to conduct the annual negotiations with the State Department.
  • The character who seems most conscious that the ides of March falls within Lent is Brutus, especially in his account of the manner in which the assassination should be conducted.
  • The temperature limiting device is of the manual reset, trip-free type and has been factory installed to interrupt all ungrounded power supply conductors in the event of thermostat failure.
  • If we don't conduct our lives as if this never happened then we've let the terrorists win.
  • The divorce was conducted in the full glare of publicity .
  • In this wrongful dismissal action, it appears that the defendant does not seriously dispute the fact that the plaintiff's co-employee seriously misconducted himself with respect to the plaintiff.
  • Sir William had the ability to conduct proceedings in a dignified manner without ever becoming stuffy.
  • Investigators believe that the suspected group of agents is controlled from within the Munich consulate by a consul who has been observed conducting conspirative meetings with the alleged agents. Free Internet Press
  • This year is the centennial for a treaty under which Japan deprived Korea of its power to conduct foreign affairs, a prelude to Japan's annexation of the Korean Peninsula in 1910.
  • The SCO has powers to act in cases where there is evidence of alleged misconduct or mismanagement.
  • Tests to confirm that the analytical methods used in stability testing are in fact stability-indicating should be conducted.
  • But when he spoke again it was only to express some anxiety about the conduct of the services while he was away.
  • His conduct since then - culminating in this piece of drek - is an absolute disgrace.
  • The term Silicon Valley was coined in the 1970s and refers to the 50-mile stretch between San Francisco and San Jose, where companies such as National Semiconductor -- Top News
  • He was slow to acquire the transactional skills that a conductor needs to make headway the orchestra.
  • The board has so misconducted the affairs of the company that it's deep in debt.
  • Perhaps the second most concerning misclaim being floated about the DP World deal is that it was conducted in secrecy. Ross Chanin: The Dubai Deal and Those Things Not Said
  • Eighteen months later an appellate court reversed the convictions and criticized the conduct of the trial judge and the prosecution.
  • ‘It's meant to be’ jibes Danilo as he storms off the Westmorland Hall stage with such splendid melodrama he almost pushes conductor Wyn Davies into his illustrious players.
  • But in 2002, researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle conducted a study to address this rumor—and found no link between deodorant or antiperspirant and breast cancer.
  • Meanwhile conducting slowly became a female job, even though conductresses had to cope with the same technology as drivers.
  • They define sexual harassment as unwanted conduct of a sexual nature.
  • He was of a mild and cheerful temper, generous to the extent of his means, and of an inventive genius; and his conduct after marriage was irreproachable.
  • Mumbling distractedly, she conducts me through the hundreds of exhibits.
  • Mr McGrath said a storytelling session would be conducted by Geraldton Regional Library staff to entertain children.
  • It now requires all aircraft operators who enplane or deplane passengers into a sterile area at an airport to conduct screening before departure.
  • She had exquisite taste and a flawless grasp of the Court's Byzantine code of conduct.
  • The liquidation committee shall appoint the Independent Appraiser to conduct a valuation of the Company's assets on a current fair market value basis.
  • Measured data may include electrical properties of the volume of interest such as conductivity and dielectric constant.
  • We had no idea that this arcane "mother of all crimes" - ignored since World War II - would ever again seize public attention as it has recently, because of the conduct of John Fonda
  • Brenning conducted POW relief operations primarily in Silesia, working out of Breslau. Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity': The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I
  • Both practitioners also said a laparoscopic surgical procedure could be conducted to rule out problems such as endometriosis, which is when the tissue that lines the uterus, grows outside the organ and attaches to other organs in the abdominal cavity. Undefined
  • In frame 15 the referee warned Holt for ungentlemanly conduct, in this case swearing.
  • The Hollywood Reporter recently conducted a survey to find out who are the most bankable directors.
  • A significant look was exchanged between the devotees, but no words; the friar departed, and the nun, still silent, conducted her through many solitary passages, where not even a distant foot-fall echoed, and whose walls were roughly painted with subjects indicatory of the severe superstitions of the place, tending to inspire melancholy awe. The Italian
  • One way is to shine a laser on a semiconductor to give some of its electrons a boost.
  • It can be a hot fluid (a gas or liquid) that conducts electricity. The Harper Dictionary of Science in Everyday Language
  • The important issue that arises is how best to conduct this battle, and a general observation upon it seems in order.
  • Because of this the martial disciplines are linked with a fixed set up of ritualistic procedures and are often performed within a monastic and rigid code of conduct.
  • Cleveland, had often mentioned him, without in any respect diminishing the insignificancy with which fame insinuated he had conducted himself in those amorous encounters: she nevertheless had the greatest curiosity to see a man, whose entire person, she thought, must be a moving trophy, and monument of the favours and freedoms of the fair sex. Court Memoirs of France Series — Complete
  • So the adjectival clause qualifies conduct, not anybody's state of mind.
  • Judge Porteous also engaged in corrupt conduct after the Lifemark v. Liljeberg bench trial, and while he had the case under advisement, in that he solicited and accepted things of value from both Amato and his law partner Creely, including a payment of thousands of dollars in cash. The Volokh Conspiracy » “Judge Thomas Porteous Impeached by U.S. House of Representatives,”
  • I admired your conduct.
  • They face indefinite suspension while charges of gross misconduct are investigated.
  • The chemistry between conductors and orchestras is mysterious. Times, Sunday Times
  • You march along as if conducting an invisible orchestra because there are no paths. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those leaderships conduct us to the border of the precipice. The only way to avoid it is to wipe out the national borders, the imperialist ruling and the capitalist private property.
  • As a junior fellow at the RNCM, he won the first ever distinction awarded for conducting in May 1999.
  • My talk with the old Dutchman, and the lies to which I was constrained, had already given me a sense of how my conduct must appear to others; and now, after the strong admiration I had just experienced and the immoderacy with which I had continued my vain purchases, I began to think of it myself as very hazarded. David Balfour, a sequel to Kidnapped.
  • While I was conducting a deliverance meeting, without my knowing it, an unsaved couple came to the Lord.
  • They were forced to cancel the concert when the conductor became ill.
  • His scam ran for three years, ending in September 2001, after a sting conducted by undercover police.
  • She was careful to thank the conductor in Greek and was answered,' ` S a pleasure, miss. THE QUEST FOR K
  • Heat energy travels in the sun by conduction and radiation around the core, and by convection nearer the surface, but the position of the so-called convective boundary between these regions is disputed. New Scientist - Online News
  • Conduct which is justified is right, or at least permissible, in the circumstances.
  • And he will again warn them about their conduct in talks today. The Sun
  • The book argued that to win a war civilian leaders sometimes had to get really involved in the nitty-gritty details of how to conduct it. The Longest War
  • Both Conductors were interesting people, retired and loved railroading.
  • The three Skylab crews spent a combined time of over 3000 hours conducting scientific experiments in Earth orbit.
  • If, after such conduct, he proves he has done well, I would not give an obolus for the hide of old men. The Clouds
  • The system is composed of a semiconductor laser source, a main fine mechanic system and controller, a real-time controlling system with SCM and data processing system by PC.
  • With this view, while the bailiff conducted him to bed in another apartment, he desired the catchpole to act the part of mediator between him and the Count, and furnished him with proper instructions for that purpose. The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom
  • The small care that stenediol conducted by stibamine glucoside school. Rudy: Iraq Is "In The Hands Of Other People"
  • But their conduct was equally constrained by codes - a mixture of religious strictures and the social cant that went with it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our noble captain did not get rid of his angry looks for some days, and actually wept at what he termed the treacherous conduct of the Admiralty. A Sailor of King George
  • Telephone system: excellent domestic and international facilities; automatic system domestic: coaxial and multiconductor cable carry most voice traffic; parallel microwave radio relay network carries some additional telephone channels international: 5 submarine coaxial cables; satellite earth stations - The 2000 CIA World Factbook
  • Directly or indirectly, ownership provides the dollars and authority an enterprise needs to conduct its business.
  • For the media it is a conflict conducted in a series of military campaigns.
  • The happy or unprosperous event of any action, is not only apt to give us a good or bad opinion of the prudence with which it was conducted, but almost always too animates our gratitude or resentment, our sense of the merit or demerit of the design.
  • Magnets, either conventional electromagnets or superconducting magnets, are placed along the accelerator tube at regular intervals.
  • Yesterday it was standing room only in the chapel during the short, humanist service conducted by the chapel officiant.
  • Copper conducts heat and electricity extremely efficiently and is less expensive at the present.
  • Why does a conductor so fastidious and precise with an orchestra always seem so blithely undisturbed by such unidiomatic, out-of-tune singing?
  • The maestro is conducting at Tanglewood with the Boston Symphony Orchestra.
  • On Jan. 12-13, the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory researcher and 11 other scientists will meet at the National AeroSpace Training and Research Center near Philadelphia, where they'll learn to work and conduct experiments in the wispy upper reaches of Earth's atmosphere known as suborbital space. Newswise: Latest News
  • The world's top maestros regularly earn more in a night than the orchestral musicians they are conducting earn in a year.
  • As she turned with ardent zeal to her work -- which indeed had not failed of accustomed conduct so far as routine went -- tell me what do you find in those lovely eyes if not the heavenliest assurances? Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 23, February, 1873
  • The Supreme One requests that you go to the gate and in his name welcome his guests and conduct them into the city. Burning Tower
  • These pachyderms, originally kept at the Kozhikamudhi working campsite are used for entertaining tourists, conducting elephant safari and for removing fallen trees or for shifting logs.
  • Where once every conductor with a record contract had to have a Beethoven and Brahms symphonic cycle, today it seems you're nothing without your complete Bruckner and Mahler.
  • The practice caused outrage at the EU, after it was revealed the CIA had used secret prisons in Romania and Poland and airports such as Prestwick in Scotland to conduct up to 1,200 rendition flights. The Times of India
  • Two concerts were directed by volunteer band and orchestra conductors and attracted an audience of more than 2,000 people.
  • 'Friend,' whispered he, 'for charity conduct us to some safe place where we may withdraw this bier from the sacrilegious eye of curiosity.' The Scottish Chiefs
  • Do your sexual encounters place you in danger of arrest for lewd conduct or public indecency?
  • On the right hand of the Judge are -- not the Jews confronting the Gentiles on the left -- nor exactly the well-conducted and well-balanced people who get there in Greek allegories -- but a group of men and women who realize where they are with a gasp of surprise. The Jesus of History
  • Lightning conductors protect buildings and tall structures from lightning strikes.
  • Legal Aid WA rookie Dragana Nuic, 22, jumped off The Gap - just days after being "berated" by a magistrate in a West Australian court, whose conduct is now being investigated by the | Top Stories
  • All of the patents incorporate photovoltaic systems, which transform light into electricity using semiconducting materials such as silicon. Smithsonian
  • The transactions motive simply means that firms must hold cash in order to conduct normal business transactions.
  • For instance, the critical temperature of a high - Tc superconductor is quite sensitive to its oxygen pressure.
  • Research conducted in nonhuman primates shows male nonhuman primates are more susceptible to age-related cognitive decline. Science Press Release Synopses
  • Classical music, 14-18sNational Youth Orchestra, conducted by Semyon Bychkov, at the Royal Albert Hall, London, on 7 August by Sasha Millwood, 18The magical and mysterious quality imbued to the Dukas never came at the expense of the clarity of the virtuosic lines. Guardian young arts critic competition: 2010 winning entries
  • The former priest denied allegations of sexual misconduct.
  • New Testament deacons serve the Lord by conducting the caring ministry of the church.
  • They are carrying out/conducting/doing some fascinating research into/on the language of dolphins.
  • Foundry chipmakers build and operate immense semiconductor fabs to make chips designed by customers.
  • His sophomore year, he was unable to pitch due to unsportsmanlike conduct directed towards one of the umpires that had gotten him ejected for the rest of the state tournament.
  • The proper external conduct of the body - such as the wearing of the robe neatly, good deportment, downcast eyes, and observation of good behaviour - is frequently seen as evidence for a state of virtue.
  • Such fields, however, do not wreck triplet superconductivity because the spins of both electrons may point in the same direction as the field.
  • The chiefs left the ship displeased at what they called stingy conduct in the captain, as they were accustomed to receive trifling presents from the traders on the coast. Adventures of the first settlers on the Oregon or Columbia River
  • In the current study, the team used this multi-step process to attach semiconductive quantum dots to gold nanoparticles. - latest science and technology news stories
  • All local governments should conduct a general survey of compliance with the minimum wage system and minimum wage standards for part-time workers.
  • They must be loyal and irreproachable in their conduct.
  • There is a view that the internet will change the way business is conducted worldwide.
  • In such circumstances, neither refusal nor apparent grant of consent would necessarily be the factor that governed the legality of the conduct in question. Times, Sunday Times
  • What can now be said is that the youth workers' employer has sacked the woman involved after an investigation into her conduct.
  • Oh, I agree with Diane in that regard, that I think it's going to be a lot shorter than people think because of the way Melville conducts himself.
  • He also agreed he and other writers discussed sexual conduct and foreplay in the writers' room and break room.
  • In the majority of studies comparing the effects of seminal plasma and diluent composition on post-storage motility of stallion spermatozoa, no fertility trials were conducted.
  • And yet our leaders who talk of freedom and human rights seem to be so silent on this nauseating conduct.
  • `We can go there together tomorrow -- but although I have a written safe conduct for you it could still be dangerous -- ` COVER STORY
  • It would simply be part of the overhead expense incurred by the solicitor in the proper conduct of his practice.
  • Practice was a sullen affair, conducted with an almost funereal lack of enthusiasm. Times, Sunday Times
  • With encouragement from Formosan Chinese … the trustees have for several months conducted a drive to collect petitions for transfer to Formosa. How Wars end
  • Each reading, which costs $50 per half-hour, is conducted in the Hastings-on-Hudson office of her husband, Dominick Lopriore, a real estate broker.
  • I agree," jumps in Elisabeth Hasselbeck the show's token right-wing blonde who, has been looking for an opportunity to get a word in edgewise and who, like Sherri, is still operating on the mistaken believe they are conducting an actual interview. Stephen Colbert walks out on 'The View'
  • The followers we studied that hyperpolarize in response to HA and show increasing membrane conductance are insensitive to NO.
  • In seeking to avoid the customary exactions of their office, the sheriffs of the present generation were only following in the steps of sheriffs who, more than a century past, exerted themselves to reduce the expenses of shrievalties, and whose economical reforms were defended by reference to the conduct of sheriffs under the last of the Tudors. A Book About Lawyers
  • Conductor Corrado Rovaris drew a lively, multihued performance from 25-member orchestra. Divided Inside, in Theme and Structure
  • They had been conducting a casual affair for years.
  • Back in the 1950s, Dutch ethologist Nikolaas Tinbergen conducted now-classic studies of the bird's incubation behavior and discovered something astonishing: When presented with a choice between brooding its own small egg and the giant egg of a much larger bird, the oystercatcher invariably chose to sit on the giant one. From 'The End of Overeating'
  • Conducting lab experiments including the extraction, chemical derivatization, separation, and/or enrichment of biological samples and the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of metabolic data. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • What the church does, then, when it conducts the wedding rite or the ordination rite is clear enough.
  • He was a player who always conducted himself impeccably, both on and off the field.
  • When the acyclic adenosine analog was tested in the antiviral screen, it showed antiherpetic activity in vitro at about twice the concentration of ara-A The antiviral program now concentrated on the acyclic nucleoside analogs, with the syntheses conducted by Schaeffer and Beauchamp, the antiviral testing by Bauer and Collins, and the mechanisms of action, enzymology and in vivometabolism by my group (108,109). Nobel Lecture The Purine Path To Chemotherapy
  • The astronauts are conducting a series of experiments to learn more about how the body adapts to weightlessness.
  • One way to prevent flashover is to add some conductivity to the surface of the insulator, so charge can bleed away before it builds up.
  • But the election was not about the conduct of the war. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century

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