How To Use Conducive In A Sentence
The setting is conducive to cuddling up in the soft cushions and really making yourself at home.
Such an adhoc approach is not conducive to efficient use of present resources nor is it appropriate for long-term planning.
In mitigation, conditions tend to be less conducive to batting in England than in many places overseas.
Times, Sunday Times
Few aspects of ancient warfare are more conducive to archaeological research than siege mining and countermining.
The account, I consider, is not conducive to professional or racial harmony.

The organisational structure most conducive to high performance depends on whether the environment is stable and simple, or changing and complex.
The more radical strategies will not be feasible unless the political climate of the organisation is conducive to major change.
The assumption that gender parity in all things is inconducive to sustainable propagation arrives at the footstep of the ideas in Steve Sailer's article "The Return of Patriarchy?".
The Audacious Epigone
Planetary characteristics are defined by these humoural temperaments where, as in nature, warmth and moisture promote health and vitality whilst cold and dryness are conducive to decay.
Conditions would become more conducive to entrepreneurial initiative, capital accumulation, the division of labour, technological innovation, and industrialization.
Conditions would become more conducive to entrepreneurial initiative, capital accumulation, the division of labour, technological innovation, and industrialization.
This will entail government acting inter-ministerially - creating a conducive environment for the private sector investment in the provision of accommodation, hospitality and leisure.
Discussion Documents for Commissions
Several regional scientists, including Konrad Dabrowski, an aquaculturist at Ohio State University, argue that the Great Lakes are not conducive to Asian carp reproduction.
NYT > Home Page
The aim of meeting an inflation target, moreover, is to foster business conditions that are conducive to growth and employment.
Times, Sunday Times
In addition to church attendance, various spiritual exercises, both privately and as a family, are also conducive to enjoying our spiritual rest in Christ on the Lord's Day.
Daylight is highly conducive to good plant growth.
They also look at practical aspects like changing the bedroom to make it more conducive to sleep.
Times, Sunday Times
Their lineup is kind of conducive to the way I pitch.
This is a more conducive atmosphere for studying.
Hope and Karen were reclining recently in the spa pool at the gym, relaxing in the warm water, an environment conducive to making sudden leaps of insight.
Conducive to making ideal moral judgments, there is conceptual clarity, rationality, impartiality, coolness, and reference to a valid moral principle.
His hostel is hardly conducive to good behaviour.
Times, Sunday Times
Faith, for Constantine, was a political matter; and any faith conducive to unity was treated with forbearance.
Nothing is more conducive to inducing mains spikes than heavy duty switch gear.
They do not absorb dirt or liquids, and their surfaces are much less conducive to bacterial growth than paper bills.
If these moments are not spent in a way best fitted to wholly occupy the mind, the mental attitude -- to which we previously referred, and which is conducive to the cultivation of nosophobia -- will have been developed.
The Eugenic Marriage, Vol. 3 (of 4) A Personal Guide to the New Science of Better Living and Better Babies
Setting a quota for campus universities below demand forces up the Year 12 scores required for entry, disadvantaging those without the home and school background conducive to high marks, principally lower-income people.
It is hardly conducive to spontaneity, but could save a wasted trip.
The Slovakians' ability to pass the ball around a pitch that was hardly conducive to an expansive approach embarrassed the ham-fisted attempts of Eriksson's men to mimic their hosts' fluency and rhythm.
++Vin might have some kind of damascene conversion and becme a lot more conducive to what we want him to be ...
Telegraph Blogs
It is important that a criminal trial should have all the outward signs conducive of due process.
Times, Sunday Times
Clearly, keeping animals packed together in unnatural conditions is conducive to the breeding and mutation of viruses.
Times, Sunday Times
The living environment of the school is not at all conducive to human habitation.
This would be a workspace conducive to creativity, with the expansive spaces, the tough interior with its natural materials and the plenitude of opportunities to bathe the eyes and spirit in views of the natural surroundings.
The Chadwick Studio by Frederick Fisher and Partners
The vision is to create a culture that is conducive to continual progress and change.
While hardly ideal, our living arrangements were suitably ascetic, and conducive to inner preparation.
Hardly conducive to the golden years.
Times, Sunday Times
Business understands that continual criticism and complaint are not conducive to high motivation, high productivity and high quality.
This is hardly conducive to absorbing information.
Times, Sunday Times
That, I thought, was the price tenants paid for the view: bedrooms on the street side, inconducive to sleep.
The Shape of Dread
Totally didn't expect the hot blonde chick to even know the word conducive let alone use it in a sentence.
Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
This combination of materials was just not conducive to the slim shape that was needed to smoothly penetrate the ocean of air.
The account, I consider, is not conducive to professional or racial harmony.
Andrew may have misspoken or might even be wrong but some of the language that is used is not conducive to debate.
This is incredibly unrealistic and not terribly conducive to the story itself.
At just before seven minutes in, the band settles into a chill mid-tempo groove conducive to minor head-nodding.
These atmospheric conditions are conducive to growing a healthy family.
Christianity Today
Paul Keyser says that ‘Mesopotamian medical practice included a number of elements conducive to the reception of an electrotherapeutic device of this sort.’
The panel received little in the way of direct attention at this time; indeed, Romantic-era understandings of art history and portraiture were not conducive to an appreciation of the panel.
Is the human condition conducive to absolute happiness?
Times, Sunday Times
Ice-floe trajectories from 24 to 26 April illustrate the middle of the period when the alongshore lead was steadily open, movement offices to the SW, and other stable conditions conducive to whaling.
Hardly conducive to the kind of football that lifts the heart.
Times, Sunday Times
They're conducive, instead, to lassitude, resentment, and political irresponsibility.
It makes sense financially, but it is not an environment that is conducive to a good work-life balance.
Times, Sunday Times
This is not because I am particularly involved or interested in my job, but because the deadening routine is not conducive to creativity or insight.
He finds the uninhabited west coast of the Isle of Jura most conducive, with 'no schedule to keep, no deadlines to meet'.
The Times Literary Supplement
I truly do believe that modernism trumps the traditional patriarchy because it is far more conducive to human happiness.
It is important that a criminal trial should have all the outward signs conducive of due process.
Times, Sunday Times
Also, the conditions within refugee camps and other aid distribution centers are not conducive to methodical record-keeping.
In like manner, circulating blood sugar in diabetes is controlled over a short term by the intake of sugars; glyconeogenesis and conversion of sugars to triglycerides and various lipoproteins for reserves; the sugar hunger reflex affected by incretin, ghelin and other chemical messengers; insulin resistance mechanisms; the release of glucose reserves by glucononeogenis, and a wide range of other mechanisms that are not completely understood — but we don't wave our hands and speak of "conducive conditions", but plan research to get real understanding.
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
Heart-to-heart chats are conducive to the solution of ideological problems.
The non-religious adults and young people will increase rapidly in numbers through abandonment of Christianity, but in the process adopt lifestyles not conducive to child-bearing — co-habiting with fewer (and often more dysfunctional) children, same-sex ‘marriage’, a selfish unwillingness to go through the troubles and expense of bringing up children.
Mission Researchers Respond to the Muslim Demographic Video
None of those things is conducive to doing well out on the tennis court.
The heavy rainfall is also conducive to growing rice paddy in flatter areas.
Organisation theorists suggest that the latter type of arrangement is more conducive to the emergence of original ideas. 2 Evaluation.
By now, more substantial refreshments were being served in the hope that satiated stomachs would be conducive to reasoned arguments.
The blazing sun and swaying boat were hardly conducive to yuletide cheer.
Perhaps it is theorized that by pretreating a component in a certain way, it will exhibit behavior more conducive to assembly.
The context of judicial rulemaking is unusually conducive to high rates of error when technology is influx.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Fourth Amendment, New Technologies, and the Case for Caution
The third judge, Lord Justice Neuberger, dissented from this, stating that he did not consider it conducive to a fair trial.
Now while this kind of weather may not be the most conducive to the playing of sports, for the spectator it is a godsend.
At the same time, it proved highly conducive to subversive activity.
The Times Literary Supplement
All war is asymmetric in the sense that states engaged in conflict seek to fight each other on terms least conducive to their opponent's success.
The flor velum is composed of the flor yeast and creates an aerobic environment that is conducive to the unique enological properties of these yeasts.
They had money to spend on acquisitions, and the economic environment was conducive to mergers.
Secrets of the Soil
We have to know from ourself, there are certain state of mind that are conducive to this flourishing, to this well-being, what the Greeks called eudaimonia, flourishing.
Matthieu Ricard on the habits of happiness
Is this what lurks behind his divine plan to make pubs and restaurants more conducive to dining?
Most employers do not realise that grey walls and brown carpet tiles are not conducive to a stimulating work experience.
That situation in general had got to the point where it wasn't conducive to creativity any more.
If a thing were never perceived, or inferred from perception, we should indeed never know that it existed; but once perceived or inferred it may be more conducive to comprehension and practical competence to regard it as existing independently of our perception; and our ability to make this supposition is registered in the difference between the two words _to be_ and _to be perceived_ -- words which are by no means synonymous but designate two very different relations of things in thought.
The Life of Reason
Keep a regular bedtime hour, and make sure your bedroom is conducive to sleep.
‘The tradition of secrecy that exists there is conducive to the confessional aspect of singing and writing songs,’ he says.
Besides, China has recently sent a maritime patrol ship to Singapore. Is this action conducive to peace and stability of the South China Sea?
Some provide a feeling of security and tranquillity conducive to sleep.
A Miscellany of Mother's Wisdom
And as you can tell from my previous posts, a filing cabinet with a pull-out writing shelf and a small desk footprint that leaves everything looking crowded and cramped, is not conducive to work!
Welcome to my office « Write Anything
Ingolstadt, my residence there being no longer conducive to my improvements, I thought of returning to my friends and my native town, when an incident happened that protracted my stay.
Chapter 4
The familiar blue A-frame roof remains, but there are also touches more conducive to evening dining, including softer lighting and new menu items such as portobello pot roast and charbroiled Atlantic salmon.
I would ask this because such behavior is divisive, it creates a feeling of an us and a them that is inconducive to a smooth flowing workforce.
CNN Transcript Oct 10, 2009
For me to be going back and forth would not have been conducive to being a performer.
Times, Sunday Times
My emphasis on teaching ataraxia is conducive, I hope, toward that end.
Sometimes the home environment just isn't conducive to reading.
The rhythmic breathing and the relaxed state of the muscles are interpreted by the brain as conducive to a calm frame of mind.
A knowledge of the philosophy of education in expression avails little without the ability to create the genial atmosphere conducive to the development of the student.
Evolution of Expression — Volume 1
The trouble with the meals, however, was not only that we were all kept at a very high strain of alertness and attention, singularly inconducive to the enjoyment of food or to the sober business of digestion, but that they were of such interminable length.
An Adventure with a Genius
Partially shaded, it overlooks the stream, and the combination of sun, shade and water seems conducive to luxurious growth.
Herr Klüber, for his part, did everything he supposed conducive to the mirthfulness of the company; he begged them to sit down in the shade of a spreading oak-tree, and taking out of a side pocket a small booklet entitled, ‘Knallerbsen; oder du sollst und wirst lachen!’
The Torrents of Spring
Such an adhoc approach is not conducive to efficient use of present resources nor is it appropriate for long-term planning.
Boucher said the government's continued intimidation and repression of the opposition and its violent suppression of peaceful public protests were not conducive to beginning a dialogue.
At the same time, it proved highly conducive to subversive activity.
The Times Literary Supplement
Whatever may be said of the wind as a cheap agent of locomotion, this much may be safely predicated of steam vessels for the mails; that their time of departure and arrival has an absolute fixity which is attainable by no other means, and which is highly conducive to the best interests of all those for whom commerce is conducted.
Ocean Steam Navigation and the Ocean Post
While hardly ideal, our living arrangements were suitably ascetic, and conducive to inner preparation.
Location A vibrant atmosphere conducive to creative energies.
Times, Sunday Times
Muddling along and having panic attacks a year or two before your child has to attend secondary school or university is not conducive to a stress-free existence.
The tail is not conducive to swiftness of pace, being ill adapted by its stumpiness to act as a rudder to direct the body.
On Hunting
It is quite possible that that arrangement is the one that is most conducive to the public good.
When the Scottish government's Council of Economic Advisers released its annual status-check last December, it noted that the previous decade had not been conducive to the instillation of good habits of budgetary discipline. . .
Green Scot!
Online journal articles are suitable for searching and extraction, but how conducive is a computer for reading a novel?
From the (e)mailbag
These atmospheric conditions are conducive to growing a healthy family.
Christianity Today
I didn't really find the atmosphere at school conducive to learning and wanted to carry on studying once I left.
Her character was not of the kind which could safely be left to its own development, for she called her caprices justice and her obstinacy principle, a mode of viewing life not conducive to much permanent satisfaction when not modified by the salutary restraint of a more sensible companion.
Paul Patoff
So you need to act fast to catch the king of self-reflexive stand-up in this most conducive of settings.
Times, Sunday Times
'what' and the 'why' of the work that needs to be done and leave the employees to determine the 'how' without burdening them with strict instruction manuals or prescribed rules and patterns that are largely redundant and inconducive to speed, creativity, progress and innovation.
LearnHub Activities
In describing the sponge-like ( "spongiform") nature of brains of infected animals, the vet mentioned "Holes in the brain are not good, not conducive to long life.
Grouse Diary Entry
Daylight is highly conducive to good plant growth.
The main natural resources are fisheries and a marine environment conducive to tourism.
The pitch quickly became poached and neither side found it conducive to constructive play.
Opportunity refers to the occasion suitable for or conducive to the behavior, including such factors as geography and time.
The geography of Cumbria, appealing though it is to tourists and landscape painters, is not conducive to assembling a rugby team for midweek winter practice, though we salute the commitment of those who travel furthest.
The results showed that bleeding sap of sponge gourd could effectively prolong storage stage of mushroom and be conducive to maintaining commodity quality.
Other billionaires born outside of Britain find London conducive to their bank accounts.
This gives us what the philosophers of Art generally agree in calling an _organic structure_; that is, a structure in which an inward vital law shapes and determines the outward form; all the parts being, moreover, assimilated and bound each to each by the life that builds the organization, and so rendered mutually aidant, and at the same time conducive to the well-being of the whole.
Shakespeare: His Life, Art, And Characters, Volume I. With An Historical Sketch Of The Origin And Growth Of The Drama In England
The results showed that bleeding sap of sponge gourd could effectively prolong storage stage of mushroom and be conducive to maintaining commodity quality.
The atmosphere of the billiard room, it was suggested in South Shields, was also conducive to profanity and bad language.
I perceived that some insight into chemical operations was highly conducive to the true knowledge of nature, and especially to the indagation of several of her most abstruse mysteries
You'll find your run-of-the-mill standard, square tables, some even set for three for ménages of the same size, but what's really nice is the presence of larger round tables, more conducive to dinner with conversation.
The framework of tree arrows takes inspiration from the Chinese folding fan. These trees are neatly arranged in the north-south direction, which is conducive to air convection and purification.
But the economic environment is not conducive to consumer spending and trading is likely to remain volatile.
Times, Sunday Times
Marine invertebrates with hard shells and skeletons of chitin or lime are more conducive to fossil preservation than soft-bodied creatures.
"I want to ensure that all students are given a safe environment conducive to learning, " he says.
You cannot mean to say that because Polydamas, the pancratiast, is stronger than we are, and finds the eating of beef conducive to his bodily strength, that to eat beef is therefore equally for our good who are weaker than he is, and right and just for us?
The Republic by Plato ; translated by Benjamin Jowett
Mercury in these consumers likely originates from estuaries, where conditions are conducive for bacteria to methylate mercury, or from the open ocean, where regions called the oxygen minimum zone appear to have water chemistry that is favorable for methylation.
Mercury in the Gulf of Maine watershed
But real life is not a romantic fairy tale and only you can create an environment that is conducive to romance, and bring out the lover in your spouse.
Other things being equal, visual improvements are conducive to survival and reproduction.
Business understands that continual criticism and complaint are not conducive to high motivation, high productivity and high quality.
She may want to be, or should be, in situations that are conducive to this.
The blind competition without cooperation will lead to the indiscriminate targeting of a waste of social resources; it is also not conducive to the sustainable development of society.
Is this what lurks behind his divine plan to make pubs and restaurants more conducive to dining?
In the half-light his mind tricks would work more effectively, since the dusk was conducive to belief more than was high noon.
Lactic acid acidifies crop contents, making them less conducive to bacterial growth.
Daylight is highly conducive to good plant growth.
Neither rule is likely to be conducive to the efficient running of the company.
Such a situation may not have been conducive to making the day a national holiday.
Many of the at-risk youths felt that living with or socializing with other youths who had similar issues was not conducive to advancement.
The activities at the institution that have extended during the last 10 days have created an inconducive environment for academic activities putting lives and property at risk," Illunga said.
ANC Daily News Briefing
Control of moisture and nutrient matter inside the home includes dehumidifying and circulating indoor air to eliminate conditions conducive to microbial growth.
Among social institutions, churches were especially supportive because their emphasis on morality and community was conducive to antislavery activism.
It is a good plan for the nitrator to keep a book in which he records the time of starting each nitration, the temperature at starting and at the finish, the time occupied, and the date and number of the charge, as this enables the foreman of the danger area at any time to see how many charges have been nitrated, and gives him other useful information conducive to safe working.
Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
He can also be denaturalised if the Home Secretary considers that ‘it is not conducive to the public good that the person should continue to be a citizen of the UK’.
A sense of reverence and humility foster the spirit most conducive to creation.
It was hardly conducive to calming his dressing room, which helps explain the empty balcony.
Times, Sunday Times
There needs to be a conducive environment.
Times, Sunday Times
It will consider the conditions under which government policies have been conducive or a constraint to NGO activity.
working conditions are not conducive to productivity
This is not an atmosphere conducive to the exercise of common sense.
Times, Sunday Times
Business understands that continual criticism and complaint are not conducive to high motivation, high productivity and high quality.
Perioperative educators and managers are responsible for maintaining an environment conducive to implementing and improving professional standards of perioperative nursing.
Creating an environment conducive to an election is one marker for a free and fair vote.
Furthermore, the competitive market system would seem to provide an environment conducive to the rapid diffusion of a technological advance.
A boarding school environment is conducive to hard work and yet so much more.
Times, Sunday Times
The higher the altitude and the colder the climate, the fleece of the goats is softer and thicker and conducive to be used for shawls.
The view that co-operation, not competition, is more conducive for survival is also gaining ground among biologists and ethologists.
The fit is seldom and not expected to be perfect, and not always conducive to clarity.
The term "conducive" was relative, as there could never be 100 percent conducive conditions for free and fair elections anywhere.
ANC Daily News Briefing
This, he argued, was conducive to liberty.
This is super heavy, real cumbersome, and not very conducive for what they want to do.
If you receive a call for an interview by phone and the room is not conducive to conversation, kindly ask to reschedule the interview.
The setting is conducive to cuddling up in the soft cushions and really making yourself at home.
Thus this researcher shows by implication that strong and sensitive teachers might try to equalize their status with learners in order to maximize conditions conducive to language acquisition.
The climate, in most cases, is not particularly conducive to individual creativity.
It's now a shoot'em-up game for adolescents, not at all conducive to our play style," says Carolyn Hocke, a web technician for Saint Michael's Hospital in Wisconsin, whose character A'thena was mayor of an in-game city on Tatooine and owner of a bustling shopping mall.
Star Wars Fans Flee Net Galaxy
Such a noisy environment was not conducive to a good night's sleep.
In the vehemence of their indignation, the general public somewhat forget that poverty and affluence can be equally conducive to moral depravity.
Hardly conducive to calming ragged nerves.
Times, Sunday Times
When we hit bad weather in the open ocean, and the whole boat was heeling at an angle not conducive to sleep or gravity, the trainees would often get scared, and panicky - which sometimes translated into aggression and violence.
The conditions were hardly conducive to success.
Times, Sunday Times
It has been deployed into a number of situations in a manner which has not been fully conducive to assessing its results.
Finally, we have seen that competition provides an environment conducive to technological advance.
the climate was mild and conducive to life or growth
This situation was hardly conducive to the unification of the country through the medium of the press.
It is packed with phenylethylamine chemicals, which induce feelings of excitement conducive to falling in love.
The Sun
Moreover, whereas Mesopotamia, with large urban clusters across a flat landscape, is conducive to military occupation, Afghanistan is, in geographical terms, hard to even hold together.
Man Versus Afghanistan
They use a surface topography conducive to generating new bone growth.
Poor ventilation in a room and extremes of temperature can be conducive to discomfort and interfere with concentration when communicating.
This subtle shift in mind-set appears to bemore conducive to long-term health and weight loss.
Strength without flexibility is not conducive to producing power in your golf swing.
The atmosphere was conducive, and he could think undisturbed.
The Times Literary Supplement
These issues were salient in the lives of these teens and were conducive to both the exploration of alternatives and the experience of conflict.
Chairs in rows are not as conducive to discussion as chairs arranged in a circle.
That is not conducive to feeling good about oneself, so something is likely to be suppressed.
We now know that the latter situation is conducive to the emergence of resistant mutants.
Titles of honour, salutations, and all similar things conducive to vanity, such as doffing the hat or "scraping with the leg", were to be avoided even in the presence of the king.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
But how could the sovereignty principle provide the basis for an international society and be conducive to orderly relations?
The physical condition of the Pottery Hut is not conducive to a pleasant working atmosphere.
Even though corporate profits have held up well against expectations, top-line sales throughout the economy have been declining, which are ultimately not conducive for sustainable earnings.
The roads are not conducive to big lorries coming back and forth.
The phrase fast track has a long history in horse racing, to mean “dry, conducive to speed.”
No Uncertain Terms
Everybody is rushed and there may be a traffic jam so it's not the most conducive environment for fun and joy.
The Sun
Organisation theorists suggest that the latter type of arrangement is more conducive to the emergence of original ideas. 2 Evaluation.
The soft lights and music were conducive to a relaxed atmosphere.
Nothing is more conducive to inducing mains spikes than heavy duty switch gear.