How To Use Condor In A Sentence

  • The lead found in captive condors and released condors with low levels in their blood had isotope ratios similar to lead found in dead livestock and wildlife that had not been killed by hunters.
  • In practice, eleven Andean condors were raised from a single pair over a period of six years.
  • It seems to be very unfair on the bull, as he is fighting blind, and can´t really get at the condor, which is behind him. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • We in San Diego go through Herculean efforts to shield our condors from human contact.
  • You need to do the surrogate stuff that they do with condors, for example.
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  • After the movie, Condori explains that while she's not willing to give up the stroller, she's believes she can carry her baby in an aguayo and also be modern. NPR Topics: News
  • The rebel Nationalists were drawn up on its outskirts and the Condor Legion of the Luftwaffe was trying to bomb it into submission. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Condorcet voting methods are simply too hard for stupid people to understand. Matthew Yglesias » Alternative Voting
  • A condor soared high above me as I watched two gauchos on horseback gallop across the plain chasing a herd of horses that they then drove through the river in an explosion of spray.
  • So, maybe there is something to lead poisoning from ingesting lead, I have no argument with that, but the small amount a condor might be able to pick up from a few dozen gut piles, and dying from it, is a bit far fetched. Thoughts on Lead Bans
  • Oh, and I observed World Turtle Day by reading "Anatomy of Condorchelys antiqua Sterli, 2008, and the origin of the modern jaw closure mechanism in turtles" in the March Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology. Insert [nothing witty] here.
  • This approach stood in opposition to the more empiricist view dominant since Hume, Comte and Mill, that the moral or social sciences had relied on conceptual and methodological analogies with the natural sciences, from Newtonian and statistical mechanics, such as Condorcet's ˜social mathematics™ and also from biology, such as Saint-Simon's ˜social physiology™. The Unity of Science
  • Captive condors do breed successfully in captivity.
  • There is a passage from Condorcet's _Des Progr�s de l'esprit humain_, which seems to have been written as a warning to our epoch: _Le z�le religieux des philosophes et des grands n'�tait qu'une d�votion politique: et toute religion, qu'on se permet de d�fendre comme une croyance qu'il est utile de laisser au peuple, ne peut plus esp�rer qu'une agonie plus ou moins prolong�e_. Essays of Schopenhauer
  • In Colombia, biologists are busy reintroducing young condors hatched in North American zoos to parks and reserves.
  • Perched awkwardly atop each tree was a scruffy but huge Californian condor.
  • A backdrop of mountains and glaciers, and condors soaring high overhead, make this the perfect antidote to the bustle of every day life.
  • The central view port was replaced with an image of a gleaming advanced enemy attack force whose formation had a wide span like the wings of a condor.
  • In questo spot, prodotto presso Acme Filmworks, “la regista polacca Aleksandra Korejwo usando piume caduche di condor, ha manipolato sali colorati su uno sfondo nero posto sotto la telecamera.” No Fat Clips!!! : Time to Fly: Butterfly
  • `Part jaguar, part condor, part snake, he sank his fangs into whoever disturbed the dead. INCA GOLD
  • It would be a massive understatement to say that Condorcet's forecast of advances in science, technology, and medicine has held up better than his anticipations of progress in ethics and politics.
  • From these facts, the condor, like the gallinazo, must to a certain degree be considered as a gregarious bird. Chapter IX
  • The condors have dwindled to an estimated sixty in number .
  • References to the bird are peppered throughout Guatemala's national anthem, in which the quetzal is compared with the condor and the royal eagle and is described as a palladium or protector of the soil.
  • Biologists, zoo officials, and condors are all learning by trial and error.
  • Some of the most notable bird species of the 112 that have been recorded include Gurney's buzzard Buteo poecilochrous, Andean condor Vultur gryphus, giant hummingbird Patagona gigas peruviana, giant coot Fulica gigantea, and ornate tinamou Nothoprocta ornata. Huascaran National Park, Peru
  • Liber de sarcienda ecclesiae condordia (On Restoring Unity in the Church), published at Basel in 1533. Desiderius Erasmus
  • Condors hunt prey mostly by sight, soaring on thermal updrafts and wind currents until they spot a potential meal.
  • The climactic event, however, consists of tying the captive condor by its feet onto the back of a bull.
  • In this photo she is helping to exercise the condor's wing.
  • ‘Yes, the condors used to nest in all these crags here above our village, but not anymore’ is a comment we hear again and again.
  • The jury is still out on whether condors will repopulate California skies.
  • Millions of dollars have been spent on condors, and a variety of groups have worked hard to get the birds to breed in captivity and to develop techniques for introducing captive-raised birds to the wild.
  • Condorcet was undoubtedly a most sincere, generous and noble-minded man.
  • As an ornithologist, I would be the very last person to begrudge money for the condor; I would merely like to see money for human languages as well.
  • In questo spot, prodotto presso Acme Filmworks, “la regista polacca Aleksandra Korejwo usando piume caduche di condor, ha manipolato sali colorati su uno sfondo nero posto sotto la telecamera.” No Fat Clips!!! : Time to Fly: Butterfly
  • The Marquis de '' 'Condorcet' '' (pronounced kohn-dohr-say ') born Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Then 1975 sees Operation Condor, in which DEA agents, with the Mexican army, bomb, burn, and defoliate vast acreage of poppy cultivation in Sinaloa, displacing thousands of peasants and wrecking the economy. Savages
  • His efforts have even resulted in the reintroduction of the California condor, which nest on parts of his property.
  • Probably the first thing concerned citizens think of when the word ‘endangered’ pops up is an animal: the California condor, the giant panda, the bowhead whale, the leatherback sea turtle.
  • Condors hunt prey mostly by sight, soaring on thermal updrafts and wind currents until they spot a potential meal.
  • For as long as there has been voting, there have been arguments about how to do it, with the Marquis de Condorcet identifying the paradoxical possibility of the majority contradicting itself at the ballot box over 200 years ago. AV referendum: Voting about voting | Editorial
  • In these plans, Condorcet divided the historical record into nine epochs spanning the progress of the human mind from the dawn of civilization to his own time.
  • Hiking in this vast, unspoiled wilderness is one of life's most invigorating experiences as crisp air fills your lungs, condors circle overhead and skittish guanaco check you out from across the grassy pampas. Donna Heiderstadt: The Joys of Wandering Off the Beaten Path
  • She remembered her contemptuous silence before Stillman's obvious suavities, the high, assured laugh which his companion, Mrs. Condor, threw out to meet his quiet sallies, the ruffling satisfaction of her mother, chattering on irrelevantly, but with the undisguised purpose of creating The Blood Red Dawn
  • All condors belong to the same order as the vulture.
  • One of the recovery program's goals is to have 200 condors soaring in the wild.
  • The Andean condor, one of the world's largest flying birds, soars on ten-foot (three-meter) wingspans and can weigh up to 33 pounds.
  • The term ‘endangered species’ typically conjures up images of charismatic animals - tigers, pandas, orang-utans, whales, condors.
  • Condor was a black horse with silver markings on the outsides of all four legs, in the form of streaks.
  • The truly enormous condor, with its wingspread of ten feet, is a tempting target for the idle rifle.
  • The condor soars above the mountain heights.
  • In Condorcet's view modern society and individual liberty could be served only by public instruction understood in this sense.
  • I must say I agree with the $20,000 fine some trigger-happy moron got for killing a condor - though I would have sent the big hero to jail as well.
  • We do not have an outdoor mew to accommodate this size of bird and it's too cold outside for the condor now anyway.
  • When Lourdes Condori, 25, found out she was pregnant with her son Kevin, she decided she didn't want to carry him in an aguayo - the colorful Andean weaving indigenous Bolivians use to carry everything from groceries and clothing, to babies. NPR Topics: News
  • For instance, on August 15, 2003, biologists observed a baby condor, estimated at 15 to 16 weeks old, in a remote cave in the Grand Canyon.
  • The doctrine of progress found an eloquent defender in that last and noblest utterance of Condorcet which is still perhaps its most perfect justification. Political Thought in England from Locke to Bentham
  • The condor was put under anaesthetic gas for the 20 minute procedure - carried out by zoo vet Brash in Flamingo Land's own clinic a fortnight ago.
  • The egg belongs to one of five known Californian condors that are still mating in the wild.
  • A steady supply of carcasses to feed the condors is still being worked out, so in the meanwhile road kill and the occasional dead horse or steer donated from a neighboring ranch will have to do.
  • That brings us back to Condorcet's remark that the general laws dictating the phenomena of the universe are necessary and constant.
  • Not until age six will a young condor molt its brown feathers and grow the black-and-white plumage of adults.
  • And I duplicated the giant condor, which is 440 feet long. CNN Transcript Jun 13, 2003
  • Voting paradox: Also known as Condorcet's paradox and paradox of voting. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • El Condor Pasa, age seven, and End Sweep, 11, died in July after respectively suffering intestinal torsion and fractured withers.
  • On some occasions, when there is food, I have succeeded in observing 24 condors together.
  • The primary goal of the Condor reintroduction project is to change the bird's status from "endangered" to "threatened".
  • The park is home to 105 species of birds ranging from condors and austral parakeets to rheas - the South American ostriches.
  • The condor is a true vulture, gorging itself on dead and putrid carcasses. The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
  • Bought a new cycle computer + stem mount from Condor Cycles on Gray's Inn Road: yesterday I went to Evans and they were absolutely useless, but Condor sorted me out: the stem mount is better because it gives me full use of my aerobars.
  • Approval or Condorcet voting is the right answer, with approval voting being the only choice simple enough for the idiots in our country to understand. Matthew Yglesias » Alternative Voting
  • But hey Sambo Gilbert nergotiated Alcondor's, Wilke's and Walton's first contracts and no one ever said a word about that - then again it was 'woodie' time. - News
  • Salmon in the lower 48 states are well on their way to attaining a status enjoyed by some of their notable brethren — wolves, condors, grizzles, bison — wild animals that are unlikely to disappear entirely, but struggle to hang on as remnants of once flourishing species in small portions of their original range. Salmon decline in western North America~ historical context
  • But the great condor, sulking on some remote ledge in the fastnesses of its preserve, fails to appear.
  • The article mentions the Marquis de Condorcet who proposed a "Condorcet criterion" for voting systems, and AV doesn't always pick the Condorcet winner. AV referendum: Voting about voting | Editorial
  • Just before retiring, Bob had wirelessed Panama of their safe passage through the mountains and fight with the condors, stating that several snapshots of the birds had been secured and that these would be mailed to the _Daily Independent_ upon reaching Georgetown. Around the World in Ten Days
  • Operating under the radar, Condor operatives included military personnel, European neofascists, CIA-trained Cuban terrorists and international narcotraffickers who did the "wet work" for their political masters, Latin American oligarchs and their North American allies. Pacific Free Press - Hard Truths for Hard Times - Progressive opinion, dissident news
  • Crag after crag, we come across perfect condor nesting sites.
  • At the time of the Spanish conquest, the Andean condor's silhouette was a common sight along the entire Andes cordillera.
  • And it loses - it's like the condors that they release in the wild.
  • He chose the grape and idly flicked through a magazine, one of Condor's mass-market coffee-table monthlies. LOST SUMMER
  • And as I glimpsed the generic fioricet that castigated of the writhing of fioricet on line beneath, I reflected a non-institutionalized chill from afar out whither the condor had flown, as if my flesh had caught a horror before my brand name fioricet had seen it. Think Progress » Scott McClellan’s Daily Press Fleecing
  • I have in my collection a feather from a California condor—a species reduced to only 14 individuals a few years ago.
  • What would happen if a blackbird laid two eggs, one ending up in a condor's roost while the other lands in a human's egg basket?
  • The park is home to 105 species of birds ranging from condors and austral parakeets to rheas - the South American ostriches.
  • Giant condors scavenged on the remains of prey killed by predators such as the American lion and sabre-toothed cats.
  • Condors typically lay only one egg per season, with the male assisting in incubation.
  • Dann brings up a good point, is lead still acceptable at ranges in condor country? Ignoring the Lead Ban
  • A total of 515 Royal Marine Commandos and gunners from RM Condor in Arbroath will spend the winter in Pristina helping the population to rebuild their country and restore a degree of normality.
  • Culto de accion de Gracias hermana Lidia sings a song of praise in Quechua to the tune of El Condor Pasa Archive 2009-06-01
  • The swordbilled hummingbird and the condor are found here, as well as wolves, pumas, deer.
  • Beginning with the first reintroductions in 1992, 13 condors have been reintroduced into the wild in Santa Barbara County.
  • But because of the restriction of historical condition Condorcet's thought had fantasticality inevitably.
  • After the condor landed to feed, a signal was given and the men swooped down from all sides, shouting and swinging their lassos and ponchos.
  • The condors will succeed to the extent their new culture allows.
  • Running along the border separating Peru and Ecuador, the Cordillera del Condor's spectacular cloud forests host a raft of rare and endangered species.
  • The condor was in grave danger of extinction.
  • He, as Poisson and Condorcet did, applied probability to legal statistics.
  • The thing descending from the sky was unmistakably an or­nate ornithopter, wrought in the shape of a gigantic condor, enameled in blue, scarlet, and green. Archive 2010-02-01
  • For example, the California Condor was 'deloused' when it was brought into captivity. News
  • Glacial ice in your whiskey, guaranteed guanaco, condor and rhea sightings, and even a vegetarian option come mealtimes are just some of the luxuries.
  • The rebel Nationalists were drawn up on its outskirts and the Condor Legion of the Luftwaffe was trying to bomb it into submission. THE WHITE DOVE
  • The mother, dubbed condor 317, was released in the park in 2004. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • We saw a condor gliding high above the mountains.
  • It would have been even more considerable, McKinnon reflected, if they had known of the Condor patrolling above the clouds. SAN ANDREAS
  • Andean condor Homer and his mate Marge are love birds again - after vets gave him a blunter beak to save her from the sharp side of his temper.
  • Our requests were answered almost immediately as a condor soared magnificently over our heads at the second pass.
  • Two of the captive birds successfully mated and produced the first captive-bred condor chick the following year.
  • If the Temple of the Sun is geometrical perfection, the Temple of the Condor, where mummified bodies were entombed, is its dynamic, artistic counterpart.
  • It is a paradox that would have delighted the Marquis de Condorcet, but one that many within Labour are yet to grasp. AV referendum: Voting about voting | Editorial
  • We were glad of this occupation during the tedious business of smoking the bears’ meat, and availed ourselves of the leisure time by also preparing for stuffing the condor and the turkey buzzard, urubu or black vulture — for I could not determine to which species the smaller bird belonged. Swiss Family Robinson
  • One place the condors still soar is Peru's Colca Canyon, a gorge twice as deep as Arizona's Grand Canyon.
  • One of the condors perched in a pine atop Cable Mountain and just sat there for the better part of a half hour.
  • From these facts, the condor, like the gallinazo must to a certain degree be considered as a gregarious bird. Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
  • This approach stood in opposition to the more empiricist view dominant since Hume, Comte and Mill, that the moral or social sciences had relied on conceptual and methodological analogies with the natural sciences, from Newtonian and statistical mechanics, such as Condorcet's ˜social mathematics™ and also from biology, such as Saint-Simon's ˜social physiology™. The Unity of Science
  • If he's as crafty as you are, Archie, he'll set off on an interception course -- and he'll ask the Condor to come down and look for us. SAN ANDREAS
  • Condorcet moved from his first achievements in mathematics into public service, with the aim of applying to social and political affairs a scientific model that he termed a ˜social arithmetic.™ The Snowbank
  • Like other New World vultures, California condors are scavengers; historically, they were seen feeding on dead beached whales.
  • So far as known the condor is the largest of modern birds. Flying Machines: Construction and Operation
  • All condors belong to the same order as the vulture.

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