
How To Use Condemning In A Sentence

  • The author went from from a condemning avengeful God to a milch toast, permissive parent who forgives all offenses Main RSS Feed
  • At an emotional news conference, members of the women's eight apologised for breaking national Olympic rules and expressed regret at condemning their team mate.
  • It has already been explained that the Papal rescript condemning the plan of campaign and the practice of boycotting is not an utterance ex cathedra.
  • I cannot be emphatic enough in condemning these tohunga, for I have seen the result of their work.
  • The comments have provoked outrage, with politicians in France and Germany vocal in condemning what they termed a distortion of the scientific evidence that risked putting many more lives at risk in sub-Saharan Africa, where millions are living with the disease. Top stories from Times Online
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  • In order to reach their goals for conversion, they actively coerced the children into condemning their traditional religiosity and spiritualism as ungodly rites, rituals, and idolatry.
  • Congressional representatives and religious leaders fired off faxes condemning violence at abortion clinics.
  • you write as if this fact whilst inarguably forever condemning me to the ranks of Bohemianism nevertheless earned for me the right of entry into any company
  • I think what also countervailed any condemning supposition that Roosevelt sacrificed servicemen to get the US into a war with Japan was the real determination, lethality and tenacity of the dictatorial enemies of the US, and Europe. AP Poll: Bush Is Both the Biggest "Hero" and "Villain"
  • Meanwhile, in his address at the summit of ECOWAS Heads of State and Gover-nment at the Hilton Hotel Abuja, Jonathan talked tough, condemning what he described as the undemocratic efforts by some elements at carrying out political change in the sub-region. AllAfrica News: Latest
  • This administration has debauched our once independent civil service. It has also plundered our pension funds, condemning millions to meagre pickings in their retirement.
  • He was swift to condemn the violence/in condemning the violence.
  • Private contractors joined in condemning the Government's stance.
  • The paradox is this: Cultural conservatives revel in condemning the loose moral values and louche lifestyles of “San Francisco liberals.” The Volokh Conspiracy » “Do ‘Family Values’ Weaken Families?”
  • It is an outrageous comment, which could only have come from someone who is more arrogant, snobbish and out of touch than the prince he is condemning.
  • There is so little decent service in town that if we start condemning good service because it's a titch too eager, well, if we start condemning eagerness, we risk losing any population of beavers that might set up shop here.
  • What also draws regret and deploration is that the secretary-general did not make any statement condemning or deploring this attack, and the secretary-general did not, in accordance with Article 99 of the charter, namely the submission of a letter to the Security Council, alerting that the attack threatens international peace and security with the gravest of dangers, and it threatens the fate and the future of the United Nations at the heart. CNN Transcript Mar 21, 2003
  • After 1760 few Americans refrained from condemning slavery as evil.
  • Students painted their bodies with slogans or carried hand-written placards condemning the drive to war.
  • For the first time, the World Health Organisation's annual assembly passed a resolution condemning female circumcision.
  • (Potere Operaio, No. 61, July 16, 1973) Even as late as November 1978, after the kidnapping and killing of Aldo Moro, Negri's own magazine, Rosso (Red), far from condemning the escalating violence of the Red Brigades, wrote: "In claiming as its own all militant actions on the proletarian side, the movement must relaunch the initiative on the terrain of organized counterpower and mass illegality. 'Apocalypse Soon': An Exchange
  • It is not condemning Gorbachev to point out the confusion surrounding the dismantling of the Soviet Union as a political entity.
  • Condemning what the UDPS termed the lethargy of the United Nations and the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) in the conflict, and the "delays and excuses of the belligerents," the UDPS noted "with concern inflammatory and warlike statements that reduce the chances of peace. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The scholastics, in addition to condemning commerce on the authority of the patristic texts, condemned it also on the Aristotelean ground that it was a chrematistic art, and this consideration, as we have seen above, enters into Aquinas's article on the subject. [ An Essay on Mediaeval Economic Teaching
  • But when we are busy condemning national chauvinism, religious hatred and war crimes abroad, it is no time to whitewash our own past.
  • Thus much adoo there was in this parlement, speciallie about them that were thought to be guiltie of the duke of Glocesters death, and of the condemning of the other lords that were adiudged traitors in the forsaid late parlement holden in the said one and twentith yeare of king Chronicles (3 of 6): Historie of England (1 of 9) Henrie IV
  • They marched to the state government secretariat chanting slogans condemning the administration's attitude to the dispute.
  • George W. Bush strongly condemning what he called the cowardly assassination of Benazir Bhutto. CNN Transcript Dec 27, 2007
  • ” In news stories on the Left Behind juggernaut, she has been quoted condemning the ethical implications of the “beam-me-up” aspect of Rapture theory, which she says “invites a selfish nonconcern for the world. Philocrites: Weekend religion round-up.
  • The most condemning dimension of the stereotyped images in the play involves black sexuality.
  • Even as his minions were, with his approval, flingingsuspected agitators into the Fortress of Peter and Paul, raiding the houses of liberal noblemen, and condemning writers andintellectuals to Siberian exile, a part of Alexander was still the sensitive Sasha, the boy with the mild, lamblike eyes. FORGE OF EMPIRES 1861-1871
  • When the religious response moves from condemning a rhetorical tactic to condemning the very act of criticism -- as if the notion of faith falls under some arbitrary plafond of immunity -- fair discourse is effectively blocked. The Fat Line Between Free Speech and Defamation
  • Her fellow peers may also be called on to take a vote in the house condemning her behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • As it is, if you listen close enough, you can probably hear his outraged roar condemning this blasphemy from the other side.
  • The government issued a statement condemning the killings.
  • On Friday, Benedict lamented what he called strains on the traditional African family, condemning sexual violence against women and chiding countries that have approved abortion. Undefined
  • He criticised his own party for'being too slow in condemning rhetoric that is harsh and intolerable'. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pakistan's religious parties and tribal leaders joined secular politicians in condemning the attack, which has appalled the country. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Ministry of Justice subsequently released a statement condemning the words of Grigorov.
  • But the letter goes much further and defends -- indeed praises -- the censorial actions those students, while condemning the actions of other students who wanted to hear the speaker. Alan Dershowitz: Civil Libertarians and Academics Who Support Censors
  • Mike Watson is accused of breaking ministerial code after condemning Executive plans to shake up Glasgow hospitals.
  • The rigorists, tutiorists and probabiliorists mainly Dominicans and Franciscans liked to take this decree as proof for the condemnation of probabilism but the probabilists themselves considered it as condemning only laxism. The Society of Scholastics -- online courses about to start
  • If you go on condemning, your condemnation shows that somewhere there is a wound, and you are feeling jealous - because without jealousy there can be no condemnation. You condemn people because somehow, somewhere, unconsciously you feel they are enjoying themselves and you have missed. Osho 
  • He methodised and regulated versification, insisting on rich and exact rhymes, condemning all licence and infirmity of structure, condemning harshness of sound, inversion, hiatus, negligence in accommodating the cesura to the sense, the free gliding of couplet into couplet. A History of French Literature Short Histories of the Literatures of the World: II.
  • And, in fact, they have been delivering some tough talk here at the administration, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton condemning North Korea for what she called provocative and belligerent threats. CNN Transcript May 27, 2009
  • He was swift to condemn the violence/in condemning the violence.
  • A petition was raised condemning the council's actions and Smith was voted out of office in that year's elections.
  • He also said the United States President Barack Obama was condemning "the cousins and extended family of his own daughters to be destroyed to preserve the interests of the few".
  • Apart from the the Paksitani Blogosphere, the mainstream media also chimed in condemning the targeting of mosques. Global Voices in English » Pakistan: Rallying Against The Taliban
  • The government issued a statement condemning the killings.
  • This is why, far from condemning individuals for their waywardness, hard drugs policy is increasingly therapeutic - treating users as patients who need protecting from their addiction, rather than individuals who should be punished.
  • The French administration is seen as a modern Leviathan condemning man to an existence which is becoming more nasty and more brutish because it is getting longer. The Government and Politics of France
  • Without condemning hunters or hunting, my life simply took me in a different direction.
  • He remained distant from his compeers on stage, thus condemning Barrit's Falstaff to an early acceptance of impending rejection and robbing their final confrontation of emotional power.
  • No one was more vociferous in condemning it than Mr Walker.
  • I need not detail how at the sale he put buyers on their guard, exposing the fraud, and condemning the peccant scarabaei to extinction. My Life as an Author
  • The news reinforces fears that years of expanding waistlines are condemning youngsters to decades of ill health. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rochford ran in a couple more tries, condemning Chelmsford to a fifth defeat in nine league games.
  • While condemning it in the strongest terms, many Westerners admired the courage of women who went willingly to their death in such a manner.
  • A film condemning violence only to not show it in its full, bloody, gory glory would be hypocritical.
  • By publicly condemning the terrorists he was signing his own death warrant.
  • The Vatican released a statement condemning the recent terrorist attacks.
  • If you go on condemning, your condemnation shows that somewhere there is a wound, and you are feeling jealous - because without jealousy there can be no condemnation. You condemn people because somehow, somewhere, unconsciously you feel they are enjoying themselves and you have missed. Osho 
  • By condemning the disorderly symptoms of social conflict and neglecting its causes, the media implicitly endorse further repressive measures.
  • Trade union leaders and managements are voluble in condemning each other without owning up responsibility.
  • They are never forceful enough in condemning bad policing that is a disgrace to the republic and to the rule of law.
  • He thinks that the Security Council should be praising his country instead of condemning it, in what he called ridiculous statements. CNN Transcript Oct 9, 2006
  • For example, some people argue that Paul was horrified by certain practices of the pagan Greeks — such as pederastic homosexuality with minors, or homosexual prostitution, or homosexual rape of POWs and house-slaves, or men in heterosexual marriages going on “the down low” — but that he wasn’t necessarily condemning “egalitarian” homosexuality between free adultpeers. The Volokh Conspiracy » Criminal Charges Against Anti-Homosexuality Street Preacher Dropped in England
  • As additional retribution, until 1870, their property was confiscated, condemning their bereaved family into pauperdom. Times, Sunday Times
  • The 2005 Nobel Prize Laureate for Literature was an equally ardent opposer of the 1991 Gulf War, the 2001 U.S. war in Afghanistan, who predicted the American invasion of Iraq in 2003 who called the American president a "bloodthirsty wild animal" condemning both Bush and Tony Blair as "war criminals. Jayne Lyn Stahl: Pinter
  • The FDA has had a run-in with Allergan before, condemning it for advertisements that it said suggested the drug was effective for unapproved uses.
  • Berlin film festival is condemning what it calls the shocking … Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • She was a young woman, quite a happy woman, but in order to save herself during the war she stepped out of the crowd of inmates in order to brutalise her co-sufferers and this was already her way of degrading herself, of condemning herself.
  • And it reveals the character's human frailties, without justifying or condemning his actions.
  • So long as men are subject to the exclusive habit of condemning and praising and analyzing and classifying, they are incapable of a free envisagement and expression. The Principles of Aesthetics
  • Critics said he was a hypocrite for condemning tax dodgers while trying to reduce his inheritance tax bill. The Sun
  • Loudly condemning the Americans, I snatched up my waterlogged towel and stormed off the beach.
  • Disappointed in this, they turned in 1650 to Charles II, who signed the Covenant, but then abjured it at his RESTORATION, condemning it as an unlawful oath.
  • There is no point in condemning victims of drugs and crime to short spells in prison, only to have them come out in the same predicament as before.
  • As a result, they repeatedly solicited papal bulls condemning Jansenist works, and persecuted priests who refused formally to accept the condemnations.
  • There was a resolution he tried to get passed every year, condemning the invasion and calling for a withdrawal.
  • We stand in solidarity with them in condemning these outrageous attacks against innocent people. The Sun
  • It was a little dim," the voice apologized and, Peggy's silence still condemning, "you should have snored," it continued extenuatingly. Golden Stories A Selection of the Best Fiction by the Foremost Writers
  • When he recorded a short speech condemning hooliganism, it was broadcast simultaneously on three national TV networks like a prime ministerial address.
  • The French administration is seen as a modern Leviathan condemning man to an existence which is becoming more nasty and more brutish because it is getting longer. The Government and Politics of France
  • Mousavi, himself, has written an open letter to the people of Iran, congratulating them for their high and historic turnout and condemning what he calls the cheating, the official manipulation of the results. CNN Transcript Jun 13, 2009
  • Reggie White delivered 10 minutes of fire and brimstone, condemning Williams as a devil in a blue-and-white uniform.
  • Only of course, Nénette emerges as a kind of tabula rasa...a moving confrontation with the fool on the hill, about which Society has long mythologized, both envying, pitying -- and thus, condemning -- her/him. Michael Vazquez: On Nénette
  • Clerics from the broader ideological mainstream of Islam, where most Muslims put themselves, are condemning nihilist extremism with greater boldness.
  • Her fellow peers may also be called on to take a vote in the house condemning her behaviour. Times, Sunday Times
  • Meanwhile, the Dems have diddled and daddled getting the wording just right on a bi-partisan resolution condemning the escalation, one that is NON-BINDING in any case! Ten Things Learned Since Dems' Election Victory
  • He also said the United States President Barack Obama was condemning "the cousins and extended family of his own daughters to be destroyed to preserve the interests of the few".
  • Just last month, a Post editorial on the Norway massacres sparked what the newspaper itself called an "avalanche" of critical comments and letters condemning the paper for what readers saw as having offered justification for the terrorism. Bradley Burston: A Rightist Push Scores Against Press Freedom in Israel
  • One more case of state's massive suspects 'creation in the frame of daily repression and terrorism. (watch older updates) * Mr Panagopoulos,' syndicalist 'leader of GSEE (General Workers' Confederation of Greece), was attacked in Agrinio town with water and yoghurt by protesters condemning his position of not protecting the workers 'rights. newswire
  • While condemning pornography, most of us approve of, or even advocate, erotica.
  • So by condemning the racism of Hamas and Hizbollah and the Iranian leadership, I "exemplify" intolerance. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • I am neither condoning nor condemning world religions or the idea of unitive consciousness, carbon. Avatar: A Western take on Eastern ideas (and I’m not sure that’s good) | MovieChopShop
  • You may be condemning your children to a school career of misery if you have beggared yourself to send them to school with children whose treats and trips are costly.
  • Pope John of Avignon issued a decree condemning the Ars Nova in 1324, forbidding a practice that, according to him, had given rise to an excess of virtuosity; the abuse of the hocket technique had made the sung texts incomprehensible and was also very little suited to calm meditation. Archive 2009-04-01
  • The meeting passed particular resolutions condemning the uncontrolled logging in Sarawak and the continuing harassment of tribal peoples in the state.
  • Nathan reports that no-one saw them after they'd dispersed into the crowd to distribute the Committee's broadside condemning Reverend Owings's capitalistic dogma.
  • Frederick II (the Great, 1712-1786), King of Prussia, ignored the religious tradition of severely condemning human sexual contact with animals.
  • More than 500 hospital doctors have launched a scathing attack on a proposed new contract for consultants, condemning it as ‘demeaning and unprofessional’.
  • If you have been watching the news lately, Iranian supreme leader condemning the US and the UK in interfering in their election, gee why can't we be concerned and be diplomatic at the same time, they are going to do what they want anyways. House expected to vote on Iranian resolution
  • They're condemning and browbeating anyone who questions any of this, branding dissenters as unpatriotic and treasonous.
  • The government will say that the ACTU has passed a motion condemning criminal conduct so it should also condemn workers standing on a picket line refusing to let scabs in because that's criminal conduct.
  • He did indeed go into exile rather than abandon his observance of the papal decree of 1099 condemning the lay investiture of clergy with churches and ecclesiastical offices.
  • He issued a commination, condemning us all to the deepest pit of hell. Tempted by Your Touch
  • Democrats are discussing whether to abandon an effort to force a House vote on a resolution condemning the actions of Rep.
  • Give us a resolution condemning the catastrophe in Iraq and the unfair malignment of parents and protesters begging for an exit strategy. Obama Explains Missed MoveOn Vote: "I Registered My Protest"
  • He calls him "wicked servant," because he cavilled against his Lord; and "slothful," because he would not double his talent; condemning his pride in the one, and his idleness in the other. Catena Aurea - Gospel of Matthew
  • Indeed, in the stand, a number of the Carlow supporters were a little too vocal in condemning their county team.
  • We have taken to the custom of condemning trigamists to five years excommunication not on the ground of any canon but only on the ground of usage followed by those who have preceded us.
  • Condemning our houses as unfit for human habitation is a surefire way of clearing this area and making the area which they required for the Academy available.
  • Harkening back to the grand old days of Sino-Soviet diplomatic chicanery, Moscow and Beijing yesterday jointly vetoed a watered-down United Nations Security Council resolution condemning Syria for its escalating brutality against democracy protestors. Amb. Marc Ginsberg: Syria's Double Diplomatic Muscle
  • Nietzsche does not investigate these matters of nomenclature, but when he is condemning morality or kinds of morality, and when he is calling himself an immoralist, he has the purpose and point of life in mind.
  • President Bush is again condemning what he calls senseless attacks on holy sites in Iraq. CNN Transcript Feb 24, 2006
  • Perhaps Voinovich was a bit harsh in condemning "Southerners" – he should of said Ultra-right wing Republicans, they come from under rocks all around this country – not just the South, but his general point was dead on. Vitter defends Southern influence in GOP, slams Voinovich
  • I don't think he would be a judgmental person condemning individuals for actions that they may be genetically predisposed to taking. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the end of the trip, they read a statement that they wrote and signed together condemning without reservation Holocaust denial and all other forms of anti-Semitism.
  • In contrast to unconstitutional, immediate, and unhesitating military action in Lybia, what explains Obama's initial hesitancy in condemning the ruthless Egyptian tyrant, Hosni Mubarak? Sadia Ahsanuddin: In the Name of Responsibility
  • After 1760 few Americans refrained from condemning slavery as evil.
  • Stray too far into condemning what he called 'phoney human rights concerns' and Cameron will damage his claim to be a different kind of Tory. The Guardian World News
  • In the fall of 1861, the Richmond Dispatch launched an assault on the American Tract Society for issuing Oliver Cromwell's Bible for the use of Yankee troops, condemning the implicit sanction given to ‘the whole crowd of pious regicides.’
  • Sally had grimaced with distaste when she had met her from the train, immediately condemning the beige shirt waister dress she was wearing as unbelievably frumpy and sexless. Lesson to Learn
  • Although exonerated as not guilty by the law, the scandal of a teacher with a student destroyed her reputation as she is hung as a femme fatale by the public especially condemning her are the altered pictures on the Internet that showed them together in lewd poses. Triple Exposure-Colleen Thompson « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • Critics, after condemning her for her relations, have homed in on her mannered singing and her lyrics.
  • However, strong reaction from the Palestinian Authority condemning this, as what they call a cowardly act. CNN Transcript Mar 22, 2004
  • Greece, Egypt, Sweden, Spain and Denmark summoned Israel's ambassadors demanding explanations for the violence, with Spain and France condemning what they called the disproportionate use of force. Gaza Boat Raid: Obama Administration Expresses Concern
  • Regan's Pecksniffery includes spending a lot of time on TV condemning other people's less than wholesome sex lives. Pecksniffery
  • Nevertheless he was not debarred from communion with the Roman Church, and St. Irenaeus, while condemning the Quartodeciman practice, nevertheless reproaches The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • An American aid worker was among those killed and US President Barack Obama, condemning what he called deplorable and cowardly attacks, said Washington was ready to help Uganda in hunting down those responsible. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • That was when people began to rebel against their unfair practises and that was when the Priests began condemning people to death, claiming they were heretics and rebels.
  • Support us in condemning the practice of female feticide.
  • One of the redeeming features of the Munich tragedy (and I am not condemning it) and the present international lawlessness and brigandage is the change in the United States. Our Democratic Heritage
  • We are condemning strongly the bundh call against us and people, given by these anti people exploiting elements on 31st of this month. CPI(Maoist)Karnataka State Committee on Anti-people band organised by Landlords
  • After the verdict Alexander's parents, Stephen and Kirstie Graham, released a joint statement condemning the legal system.
  • We are doing injustice to the Madrassa students by not condemning the atrocities against them and not bettering their conditions regarding education and establishment.
  • Verbs of _Condemning_ take -- a. The Genitive of the _charge_; as, -- pecūniae pūblicae condemnātus, _condemned (on the charge) of embezzlement_ (lit. _public money_); capitis damnātus, _condemned on a capital charge_ (lit. _on a charge involving his head_). New Latin Grammar
  • The Vatican released a statement condemning the recent terrorist attacks.
  • While condemning the Soviet coup, Marchais had described it as understandable in view of the failure of perestroika.
  • Exercising judgment does not refer to being judgmental, critical or condemning.
  • But her assuming of this identity, here, is intended as an interruption in that reiterative homophobia that promotes and produces certain socially acceptable versions of self, whilst condemning others.
  • The colonizationist hoped, by offering to the free Negro an attractive home in Africa, to induce conscientious masters everywhere to liberate their slaves, and to give rise to a growing popular sentiment condemning slavery, which would in time result in its extinction. History of Liberia Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science
  • He conveys the painfulness of life without condemning life.
  • The news reinforces fears that years of expanding waistlines are condemning youngsters to decades of ill health. Times, Sunday Times
  • And this has made him show increased steadfastness in condemning the Iranian regime. Officials: President Obama reconsidering July 4 invitations to Iran
  • The Port Huron Statement made just a passing reference condemning aid to the South Vietnamese dictatorship.
  • Surely you can join Tatchell and Cohen and other decent people in condemning Ken Livingstone for his happy-clappy association with the Muslim fundamentalist cleric, Yusuf al-Qaradawi? Who will confront the hatred in Hungary? | Nick Cohen
  • If thou scornest, thou alone shalt bear it; neither God nor his prophet shall be any losers by it; but the prophet shall be rewarded for his faithfulness in reproving the sinner, and God will have the glory of his justice in condemning him for not taking the reproof. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • I'd take some time for calm, collected thought before condemning anyone, and much longer still before undertaking any form of punishment.
  • Critics said he was a hypocrite for condemning tax dodgers while trying to reduce his inheritance tax bill. The Sun
  • Condemning what they call the complacency of the State Government, they have decided to abstain from the courts for a day. ChennaiOnline Articles
  • There was a resolution he tried to get passed every year, condemning the invasion and calling for a withdrawal.
  • Only of course, Nénette emerges as a kind of tabula rasa...a moving confrontation with the fool on the hill, about which Society has long mythologized, both envying, pitying -- and thus, condemning -- her/him. Michael Vazquez: On Nénette
  • He also speaks truth to power by condemning the governor's unwisdom in assuming a burdensome administrative responsibility. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Secretary of State Hillary Clinton condemning North Korea for what she called provocative and belligerent threats. CNN Transcript May 27, 2009
  • In doing so, He was not only claiming to be the preexistent Sovereign of the universe but prophesying that He would vindicate His claim by judging the very court that was now condemning Him. Debunking Debunking Christianity Christianity
  • The document said the crisis had spawned a proliferation of weapons and anti-personnel mines, condemning the international community for "not concerning itself with this situation while it controls all the sources supplying these engines of death which are put at the disposal of incontrollable groups. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Apart from condemning the U.S. and its allies as well as warning against their plans of further aggression, the documentary exhorts the people to boycott the U.S. products.
  • What I do object to is the Democratic party’s hypocrisy in piously condemning lobbyists in public, while eagerly taking their money in private. Of *course* K Street thrived in 2009. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
  • Talent wit best don't marry, married also accompany him together without eyes, condemning god ill weeds grow apace, for a cruel twist of fate.
  • Condemning theory because it lends itself to certain political doctrines is also inappropriate as binding it to a particular contingence is violence to it. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Strike beaters: the London mayor caught the Tube to work, condemning the industrial action on Twitter.
  • But I think, applied to motives and results -- and with the power differential firmly in mind -- that notion of ethics can go deeper than just dismissing the commodified dreamcatcher as "tacky" like a galleria art snob; and it's not an either/or situation in which the exploitation is an alternative, contradictory reason for condemning the commodified dreamcatcher. Archive 2006-09-01
  • The Ogaden rebels, meanwhile, issued a statement condemning what they called the "cowardly and cold-blooded attack". Ethiopia, UN Mount Joint Search Operation for Kidnapped Aid Workers
  • I don't think he would be a judgmental person condemning individuals for actions that they may be genetically predisposed to taking. Times, Sunday Times
  • As I sat there, damning and condemning myself, the same two words floated through my mind over and over again.
  • The meeting passed particular resolutions condemning the uncontrolled logging in Sarawak and the continuing harassment of tribal peoples in the state.
  • The four Gospels, for example, treat Roman governor Pontius Pilate gently while condemning Judas and the Jewish high priests.
  • Probably he did it, either in flattery to the tyrant, or else that he might throw off from himself both the trouble and the odium that might arise upon the occasion of condemning Jesus, whom he judged to be an innocent man, and whom in some measure he pitied, looking upon him as a sort of a delirant person, one not very well in his wits: which opinion also From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • The city council, with the support of City Attorney Pete Holmes, joined state Democrats in condemning Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna for joining a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of health-care reform. Extra Fizz: Seattle Wants McKenna to Withdraw from Lawsuit « PubliCola
  • When 1 UCC church was vandalized, you condemned conservative evangelicals for being slow to the draw in condemning that act. Science
  • Local clergymen have joined the Bishop of Manchester in condemning a poster showing baby Jesus wearing a Father-Christmas-style hat.
  • Radio shows were clogged with callers variously praising and condemning Fleming's decision.
  • demands the Daily Telegraph in an article condemning contemporary sexy schoolgirl fashions, while Tokyo's Daily Yomiuri refers to "the Lolita-like sex appeal" of preteen Japanese anime characters.
  • Condemning the ‘modern idolatry of lust, greed, power and pride’, Dr Hope said a safe and secure world would only result if humans engaged in the challenge to look again at the way we live our lives.
  • On other fronts, condemning the 3L student for trusting her supposed friends not to subject her to web infamy is cynicism gone toxic. The Volokh Conspiracy » A View from an Incoming Harvard 1L
  • The Conservative Party on Monday reacted to the shooting of protest marchers in Ciskei by condemning what it termed the intimidation of the Ciskei Government by the African National ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The resolution is aimed at condemning attempts to heroize the Nazi movement and former Waffen SS members and desecrate monuments to the fighters against Nazism. RIA Novosti
  • a purblind oligarchy that flatly refused to see that history was condemning it to the dustbin
  • She finished off her diatribe by condemning the previous day's protest by workers and farmers.
  • In their opinion, the justices noted that state legislatures are free to pass laws that bar officials from condemning property for private development.
  • The authorities have been too pusillanimous in merely condemning the violence.
  • Analysts were impressed that apolitical young Indonesians joined other concerned Indonesians in condemning the Jakarta terror attacks. Global Voices in English » Southeast Asia: Internet and Nationalism
  • Should we be condemning criminals for their savagery if they don't share our ability to exert self-control and free will? Times, Sunday Times
  • However, I would argue that condemning all metal detectorists, as some archaeologists do, ignores the fact that most detectorists themselves abhor illegal activity.
  • The key crossbencher delivered a speech in the House of Representatives' main committee room, condemning the "racism that eats at the Liberal Party". The Australian | News |
  • Those continuing to compete only locally are in grave danger of condemning themselves to long-term decline.
  • Diplomats from around the world, led by Britain's ambassador, have today delivered a strongly-worded protest "demarche" condemning Iceland over its decision to resume commercial whaling. UK leads attack on 'pariah state' Iceland
  • They were underline their commitment to peace and to issue a fatwa condemning the bombings as forbidden in Islam.
  • Second, they claimed that condemning him to live was a violation of his human rights of autonomy and dignity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides a few minor quibbles such as the Aeschylus quote or some "snogging" (how I hate that word!), and besides also the magic, which I insist be discussed as a separate issue, the opponents of the series will note a very, very serious moral flaw, and they will be entirely correct in pointing it out and condemning it. Book Review: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
  • The left take precisely the opposite view, condemning the former assault but applauding the latter.
  • Who got rid of Frank Field, Brown did (Thereby condemning benefits and housing to remain disastrously unreformed). Cannot Resist
  • Each took the oath and then gave almost identical evidence, one after the other condemning the prisoners in the dock.
  • I don't think he would be a judgmental person condemning individuals for actions that they may be genetically predisposed to taking. Times, Sunday Times
  • Critics said he was a hypocrite for condemning tax dodgers while trying to reduce his inheritance tax bill. The Sun
  • This he mentions, not only as condemning himself for his folly, in fleeing from the presence of this God, but as designing to bring these mariners from the worship and service of their many gods to the knowledge and obedience of the one only living and true God. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • If you go on condemning, your condemnation shows that somewhere there is a wound, and you are feeling jealous - because without jealousy there can be no condemnation. You condemn people because somehow, somewhere, unconsciously you feel they are enjoying themselves and you have missed. Osho 

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