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How To Use Concubine In A Sentence

  • Farewell My Concubine: I'm a big fan of Kaige Chen's 1998 film, The Emperor and the Assassin (or "Jing ke ci qin wang"), which is an incredible epic about the founding of the Qin dynasty, the first time in history China was united as one country. Archive 2007-07-01
  • Moreover, he presented to him three hundred male white slaves and the like number of concubines, in loveliness like moons, and three hundred Abyssinian577 slave-girls, beside five hundred mules laden with treasure and sheep and oxen and buffaloes and bulls and other cattle beyond count; and he commanded all his Wazirs and Emirs and Grandees and Notables and The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • On one hand, there was an exciting variety about Caprice's boudoir behaviour, the merry concubine performing for the fun of it; on t'other, my horsey charmer was wildly passionate and spoony about me - and there was more of her. Watershed
  • The 1911 episode a drama between a master and his favorite concubine.
  • His wife, or concubine, elicited from him the secret, that his art could ward off any danger except the poison -. ous qualities of broth, made of the flesh of a breme sow. The lay of the last minstrel, a poem. With Ballads and lyrical pieces
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  • Round about were the remains of two 20-year-old women (wives or concubines?), two 40-year-old men, and a dog.
  • The Prophet darned his own garments and among his wives and concubines had a trader, a warrior, a leatherworker and an imam. Top Stories
  • Adulterers who might once have called their paramours concubines (qie) for lack of a lowlier term can now aspire to precision; an ernai is a kept woman of less-official standing. The Foreign Devil's Dictionary
  • At the age of eighteen, he took a concubine or mistress and together they had one child, a son.
  • For any official serving the imperial family, respecting the emperor's mother was also a necessity, which lent support from the moral angle to concubines running State affairs.
  • Like emancipated concubines, prisoners of war were enlisted to rationalize the conflict as a civilizing mission.
  • There are rumors floating around the internet that you are his concubine.
  • I must speak freely to you: I am under bad circumstances, for besides my harlots in service, my reformado concubines lye heavy upon me. Andrew Marvell
  • MN conflated homosexuality and pedophilia, and attacked clerical teachers and leaders for molesting young boys, played upon feelings of contempt for passive homosexuals, suggested that elite men who kept amrad concubines had a vested interested in maintaining the male homosocial public spaces where semi-covert pederasty was tolerated, and mocked the rites of exchanging brotherhood vows before a mollah and compared it to a wedding ceremony. Rad Geek People’s Daily – 2009 – March – 20
  • Rot your tongue! " said Lota. "Our master has no concubines. That young woman is his adopted daughter and a widow.
  • She was his servant, but not his harlot: and is called his concubine, as wives of an inferior degree are commonly called in the The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete The Challoner Revision
  • He was the elder brother of Burun's father, the son of a concubine, never acknowledged as heir.
  • WEI YANG: died 338 B.C.; premier of Ts'in; was a concubine-born prince of the vassal state of Wei, and was thus of the imperial Ancient China Simplified
  • Other kings have many queens, and concubines, and virgins, with whose conversation they entertain themselves, but my dove, my undefiled, is to me instead of all; in that one I have more than they have in all theirs. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • CANON XVII: Whoever has entered into two marriages after baptism, or has possessed himself of a concubine, cannot be a Bishop, or a Presbyter, or a Deacon, or anything else in the Sacefdotal List.
  • From Kings to paupers, all of them had their mistresses and concubines and whores.
  • The priest and his concubine retire; the guest soon seduces the girl with the promise of the sheepskin in payment.
  • Jing ke ci qin wang better known as The Emperor and the Assassin - I like Chen Kaige's eye almost as much as I like his writing (Temptress Moon, Farewell My Concubine). Archive 2004-05-01
  • After being skyjacked (along with comely Dale Arden) to the planet Mongo, Flash (Sam Jones) learns that its merciless ruler, Emperor Ming (Max von Sydow), plans to destroy Earth and take Dale as his concubine. 31 Days: Tricks and Treats: Day 21: Morning
  • With a rich history, including periods as a Greek and Roman colony, as well as the internal intrigues of ruling kings and their concubines, Istanbul nowadays is a colorful, eclectic melting pot of cultures.
  • a certain Levite ... took to him a concubine -- The priests under the Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Giving up his five wives and dozen concubines, Vladimir demanded that all his subjects in Kiev become baptized.
  • a courtezan, and the term concubinage to the latter, because a concubine is a substituted partner of the bed, therefore for the sake of distinction, ante-nuptial stipulation with a woman is signified by keeping a mistress, and post-nuptial by concubinage. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • For either, as he follows it, [5912] you must allow them concubines, or suffer them to marry, for scarce shall you find three priests of three thousand, qui per aetatem non ament, that are not troubled with burning lust. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Abraham ended up with a wife and a concubine, Jacob with two wives and two concubines.
  • She was his lawful wife; but, according to the style of the Hebrews, is called concubine, because of her servile extraction. The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Complete The Challoner Revision
  • For either, as he follows it, [5912] you must allow them concubines, or suffer them to marry, for scarce shall you find three priests of three thousand, qui per aetatem non ament, that are not troubled with burning lust. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The priest and his concubine retire; the guest soon seduces the girl with the promise of the sheepskin in payment.
  • She accepts the advances of the older, richer man and the difficulties she experiences on becoming his concubine are multiplied by the presence of his three other mistresses.
  • Krishnu {u-caron} and his concubine Radha, among the favourite deities of the Hindoos ... Life of William Carey
  • This was a woman whose entire life was marked by her being born to a stunningly beautiful woman, Tan's grandmother, whom early widowhood had led to become the ‘concubine’ of a wealthy Chinese merchant.
  • He had three other daughters besides these—Theoderada, Hiltrud, and Ruodhaid—two by his third wife, Fastrada, a woman of East Frankish that is to say, of German origin, and the third by a concubine, whose name for the moment escapes me. The Early Middle Ages 500-1000
  • The parish clergy had to give up their concubines and accept a higher degree of accountability for performance of their duties.
  • The lords spend money freely, and the Old Master and the Old Mistress add on to the expenses with concubines and opium.
  • Farewell to My Concubine" is a powerful film ... a landmark ...It successfully merges the commercialism of HK moviedom with the artistic purity of China's "Fifth-generation" directors.
  • It took ‘Farewell My Concubine’ to hook me into non-English celluloid.
  • When he explained his fear that I would otherwise be called his concubine and that the scandal would harm the revolution, I agreed. The Last Empress
  • The Captain cradled the baby girl throughout the ceremony, surrounded by his favorite male and female concubines. 365 tomorrows » Hoist That Rag : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • He was worried that the concubines might harm his son, so he sent him away to boarding school in Jinzhou, which is how my mother met him, when she was seven and he was twelve. WILD SWANS THREE DAUGHTERS OF CHINA
  • A concubine was a kind of institutionalized mistress, acquired and discarded at will. WILD SWANS THREE DAUGHTERS OF CHINA
  • It frees up Jewish women to be lifestyle hardcore feminist lesbians, childless careerists, eager concubines to alpha male minorities, or being early-on coed relationless, BJ artists to any goy that hooks up and springs for a nice night out. Rush Limbaugh accuses Obama of tearing his words out of their original parody context to stir up racial fears.
  • The courtesan or concubine was often the richest and most politically powerful of the whole court.
  • One of his Ethiopian concubines saves him from a forest fire by carrying his huge bulk on her back.
  • The parish clergy had to give up their concubines and accept a higher degree of accountability for performance of their duties.
  • Collar found in girl's possession had Dyran's brand, identified as concubine collar last worn by Serina Daeth, slave who escaped to desert under sentence of death for bearing halfblood. The Elvenbane
  • The subplots evolve around the fates of several individual soldiers of the Macht and a few other side characters: the young conscripts Gasca and Rictus of Isca, centurion Jason of Ferai, Vorus – the renegade general of the Assurian Empire, and Tyrin, the lowborn Kufr concubine of the upstart prince. Paul Kearney - The Ten Thousand (Book Review)
  • Since an imperial harem numbered more than 5,000 wives, concubines, and eunuch guards at the height of the dynasty, the scale of cooking was gargantuan.
  • What train of wives and concubines was ever so ignominiously placed as the extra husbands carried among the scales of the careful female cirriped, lest she lose one or two! Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution
  • The priest and his concubine retire; the guest soon seduces the girl with the promise of the sheepskin in payment.
  • The practice, abolished in 1921, meant that the child of a Crown Prince and a concubine was the legal heir to the throne. Kickboxing Geishas
  • A further ironic implication of Farrell's, Boucher's, and Moore's use of the imagery of the odalisque is that the signification of "odalisque" as concubine is itself a projection of the European mind, since its original Turkish meaning is simply that of "'woman of the room [oda],' implying a general servant status" (Croutier 30-32). Irish Odalisques and Other Seductive Figures: Thomas Moore
  • March 7, 2006, 8: 34 pm how to count cards when playing pocker says: how to count cards when playing pocker interstage concubine impenetrability manger browbeat The Volokh Conspiracy » Prude fact of the day:
  • This is the lutanist of the Caliph Al – Mutawakkil and his pet concubine. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Do they mean to train girls to becoming rich people's wives or concubines?
  • Experts place the blame partly in Chinese cultural tradition that links a man's status to the number of wives and concubines he has.
  • He had six sons and two daughters by various wives, concubines and mistresses.
  • He loved many women and had a multitude of wives and concubines.
  • A concubine, a low cur, a cheat and a fraud would be decent things by comparison with being called a liar.
  • And now he called Ahithophel, and consulted with him what he ought to do: he persuaded him to go in unto his father's concubines; for he said that "by this action the people would believe that thy difference with thy father is irreconcilable, and will thence fight with great alacrity against thy father, for hitherto they are afraid of taking up open enmity against him, out of an expectation that you will be reconciled again. Antiquities of the Jews
  • The pompe and solemnitie of the Present, with the day thus ended, he shortly after presented the Sultana or empresse who (by reason that she is mother to him which was heire to the crown Imperial) is had in far greater reuerence then any of his other Queens or concubines. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Indeed, the jealous mothers of the gynarchies of the past would often step in between their sons and their wives in order to keep them tied to themselves - as, for instance, Augustine's mother did when she made him dismiss his concubine, who had lived faithfully with him for years.
  • Caliph’s concubine is also drugged by the Lady Aubaydah. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Interpreters generally agree that it is the Levite who throws her to the crowd, though the text only states ambiguously that “the man seized his concubine, and put her out to them” (Judg 19: 25) without noting specifically which man is meant. Concubine of a Levite: Bible.
  • They gathered at nightclubs where the cover charges alone could exceed $400; they ordered cognac at $200 a shot and hookers at $1,000 a session; they dressed in Versace and Hugo Boss suits; they maintained diamond-clad concubines of mesmerizing, icy beauty. Russia Is Finished
  • From Kings to paupers, all of them had their mistresses and concubines and whores.
  • The south-east's property shortage could be solved overnight if London's single blokes were forced to take a live-in concubine (or rent boy, if they're that way inclined). A Giant Leap For Personkind ?
  • Until China, for example, concludes that it will have to act like a maritime power in a far away place after all, kills the pirates and razes their bases, hauls away their women as concubines and enslaves their children in IPad factories, and sows antipersonnel land mines in their fields – but then offers them a deal on their undersea oil and mineral rights. The Volokh Conspiracy » How to Be a Hegemon

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