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How To Use Concretion In A Sentence

  • Renal stones develop when abnormal concretions of calculi form in the kidneys or bladder, becoming impacted and sometimes obstructing the flow of urine. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • In a Hydropicall body ten years buried in a Church-yard, we met with a fat concretion, where the nitre of the Earth, and the salt and lixivious liquor of the body, had coagulated large lumps of fat, into the consistence of the hardest castle-soap: wherof part remaineth with us. A Bit of Soap
  • In its conception and concretion, the Otter Creek feeding facility was a monument to Horace Albright's philosophy of aesthetic conservation.
  • Taken together, they impart a kind of tenuous concretion to the vague concept of nationhood.
  • Yuki's face scrunched up in concretion.
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  • Otolith: a little ear-bone: granules or concretions found in an otocyst. Explanation of Terms Used in Entomology
  • Without appearing to suggest anything beyond a trifling blemish in this story, replete as it is with edifying illustrations of the frailties of human nature, it would be well to remember that the helmet shell (CASSIS FLAMMEA) is not nacreous and could not therefore produce a true pearl, but merely g porcellaneous concretion, which, however, might possess a most attractive tint, possibly pale salmon or orange. Tropic Days
  • The bodies of many smaller concretions are surrounded by a shell of fine-grained pyrite.
  • The point of such criticisms is not to recommend a ‘materialist’ poetics supposedly granting direct access to a realm of concretion undisturbed by concepts.
  • The areas along fault planes were subjected to a shearing action that produced a pattern of fracturing that is different from the desiccation cracking of a normal septarian concretion.
  • In a Hydropicall body ten years buried in a Church-yard, we met with a fat concretion, where the nitre of the Earth, and the salt and lixivious liquor of the body, had coagulated large lumps of fat, into the consistence of the hardest castle-soap: wherof part remaineth with us. Archive 2009-06-01
  • They report on concretions from the Palaeogene London Clay of southern England that contain marine driftwood that had been extensively bored by shipworms.
  • In an hydropical body, ten years buried in the churchyard, we met with a fat concretion, where the nitre of the earth, and the salt and lixivious liquor of the body, had coagulated large lumps of fat into the consistence of the hardest Hydriotaphia, or Urn-burial
  • A very small percentage of the concretions contain barite crystals.
  • Iron sulfides and/or black bituminous matter in the concretion matrix or enclosing shales show that the matrix material accumulated in oxygen-deficient waters.
  • Coquina, of which the fort is built, is a kind of concretion of shell-fragments, often very beautiful. The Great South; A Record of Journeys in Louisiana, Texas, the Indian Territory, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland
  • In an hydropical body, ten years buried in the churchyard, we met with a fat concretion, where the nitre of the earth, and the salt and lixivious liquor of the body, had coagulated large lumps of fat into the consistence of the hardest Castile soap, whereof part remaineth with us. [ Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend
  • The animal having been thrown on his left side, and the right hind foot drawn up on the shoulder, the exposed scrotum, penis, and sheath are washed with soap and water, any concretion of sebum being carefully removed from the bilocular cavity in the end of the penis. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • He then filmed and photographed them as they were enveloped by seaweed and marine concretions.
  • The barite and calcite form excellent euhedral crystals in concretions within the Cretaceous-age Mancos Shale.
  • Where they are abundant undecomposed pyrities will be found in masses adhering to portions of petrified wood or inseparate concretions in the marl. Report of the North-Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties: Together with Descriptions of the Fossils of the Marl Beds
  • At one place irregular concretions of milk-white quartz, cemented by a ferruginous basis, was predominant; at another, the rough surface of compact felspar weathering white presented merely the cavities in which large rounded pebbles had been imbedded, until the partial decomposition of the felspar, under the river floods, had exposed them once more to the action of water. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • WE have strata consolidated by calcareous spar, a thing perfectly distinguishable from the stalactical concretion of calcareous earth, in consequence of aqueous solution. Theory of the Earth~ Part 2 (historical)
  • A nodule is a type of concretion with a rough and knobby surface.
  • In an hydropical body, ten years buried in the churchyard, we met with a fat concretion, where the nitre of the earth, and the salt and lixivious liquor of the body, had coagulated large lumps of fat into the consistence of the hardest Hydriotaphia, or Urn-burial
  • In an hydropical body, ten years buried in the churchyard, we met with a fat concretion, where the nitre of the earth, and the salt and lixivious liquor of the body, had coagulated large lumps of fat into the consistence of the hardest Castile soap, whereof part remaineth with us. [ Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend
  • A peculiar variety occurring as contorted concretionary masses is known as tripe-stone, and a scaly granular variety, from Vulpino, near Bergamo, in Lombardy, as vulpinite; the latter is cut and polished for ornamental purposes. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • Most concretions do not split at the rock/cuticle interface but rather split along internal laminations in the cuticle.
  • Preservation of non-biomineralized tissues within concretions occurs through most of the Phanerozoic, from the Upper Cambrian to the Recent.
  • These results further indicate that the formation of the siderite concretions is not associated with the activity of methanogenic bacteria.
  • A vegetable secretion and concretion is thus produced on oak-leaves by the gall-insect, and by the cynips in the bedeguar of the rose; and by the young grasshopper on many plants, by which the animal surrounds itself with froth. Zoonomia, Vol. I Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • Draw it off by piercing the lower part of the cask, and let it run till the concretion which is formed at the top, and is termed "mother of vinegar," begins to appear. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • Septarian concretions, some as much as 6 feet in diameter, occur in the Mancos Shale north of the town of Grand Junction where the land slopes upward toward the base of the Book Cliffs.
  • These ground rules become privatized, and those who represent state security become complicit in their support, creating disorder and the absence of clear references for legitimacy and concretion for the general interest.
  • II.] _Neither is it impossible that of these minute Particles divers of the smallest and neighbouring ones were here and there associated into minute Masses or Clusters, and did by their Coalitions constitute great store of such little primary Concretions or Masses as were not easily dissipable into such Particles as compos'd them. The Sceptical Chymist or Chymico-Physical Doubts & Paradoxes, Touching the Spagyrist's Principles Commonly call'd Hypostatical; As they are wont to be Propos'd and Defended by the Generality of Alchymists. Whereunto is præmis'd Part of
  • The commonest of the giant clams TRIDACNA GIGAS sometimes betrays evidence of past internal trouble by the presence of a concretion of porcelain whiteness and of porcellaneous texture, but such are not to be described as pearls and to be prized as rarities only. Tropic Days
  • The biomineralized shells of trilobites, gastropods and brachiopods are preserved within the concretions.
  • This spike has been previously regarded as diagenetic, as the samples analysed correspond to limestone concretions.
  • It was covered with concretion — a mixture of shells, sand and other debris attracted by the leaching wrought iron — and a few sea squirts. Blackbeard's anchor recovered off N.C. coast
  • Rhombs of ferroan dolomite occur both in the fringe around the fossils and within the matrix of the concretion.
  • If bowel sounds are absent, at least one dose of activated charcoal can be administered and then removed by lavage within two hours in order to avoid concretions. Loads
  • Now in the sea the earthy matter is present in large quantities, and consequently the testaceous animals are formed from a concretion of this kind, the earthy matter hardening round them and solidifying in the same manner as bones and horns (for these cannot be melted by fire), and the matter (or body) which contains the life being included within it. On the Generation of Animals
  • The crystallized barite at this location occurs in several closely spaced bands of calcite-cemented septarian concretions.
  • When the Eleatics proved the impossibility -- _i. e._, the inexpressibility -- of motion, or when Kant and his followers proved the unreal character of all objects of experience and of all natural knowledge, their task was made easy by the native diversity between the concretions in existence which were the object of their thought and the concretions in discourse which were its measure. The Life of Reason
  • The mudstones are dark and contain calcareous concretions, the latter brecciated and with calcareous veins.
  • In Smithson's work, seriality involves not pure repetition or reiteration (he is not prone to setting up series of identical objects) but rather accretion, concretion, and diminution.
  • Recently, one of us saw a bin of silicified barite concretion fragments in a Utah rock shop that were being sold as cycad specimens.
  • Most likely the structure is a sandy "concretion" that formed after the critter died, says the study. News
  • GIGAS sometimes betrays evidence of past internal trouble by the presence of a concretion of porcelain whiteness and of porcellaneous texture, but such are not to be described as pearls and to be prized as rarities only. Tropic Days
  • These are found rarely in large septarian concretions in the Huron Shale in north-central Ohio near Milan, in Huron County.
  • Consolidation through the concretion of substances dissolved in the sea is unlikely, for, in the first place, there are strata, such as siliceous matter, which are insoluble, and which could not therefore have been in solution; and, in the second place, the appearance of the strata is contrary to this supposition. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 15 — Science
  • Particles of stagnating Well-waters, and the calculous Concretions of others; and therefore such waters ought to be mistrusted more than any, where they are not pure clear and soft or that don't arise from good The London and Country Brewer
  • At certain levels, carbonate-rich beds are present, inside which decimetre-scale hard calcareous concretions develop.
  • It is occasionally caused by calculous concretions in the bladder, -- which should be removed, -- causing very acute abdominal pain to the animal. Cattle and Their Diseases Embracing Their History and Breeds, Crossing and Breeding, And Feeding and Management; With the Diseases to which They are Subject, And The Remedies Best Adapted to their Cure
  • These results further indicate that the formation of the siderite concretions is not associated with the activity of methanogenic bacteria.
  • The building of the classic lets thought can concretion, being the song to sink with legend already, it is as of old return at tell to say.
  • They sometimes are found together with dolostone concretions, barite nodules, or phosphatic nodules.
  • Simultaneous with the burst of colors, the human witness would have seen the emergence of an astronomical number of atoms in the form of a rotating, black disciform concretion. Invasion
  • The concretion matrix is dominantly an interlocking mosaic of calcite, ferroan dolomite and quartz.
  • It has since been given to phosphatic concretions found chiefly in the greensand in Suffolk and Elements of Agricultural Chemistry
  • The generation of deep import, of a notion and an affective response, does involve a concretion of all that surface import into a coherent unity. Archive 2009-07-01
  • Concretions of chalcedony after barite can be confused with cycads, and the wise collector must learn to differentiate between the two.
  • The fossils of the westernmost exposures of the Hoko River Formation are allochthonous, preserved in reworked concretions within conglomerates that were deposited as part of a submarine fan system during late Eocene time.
  • Limited dolomitization of the calcite around the edges of the fossils and in the matrix of the concretion occurred at a later stage.
  • FLAMMEA) is not nacreous and could not therefore produce a true pearl, but merely g porcellaneous concretion, which, however, might possess a most attractive tint, possibly pale salmon or orange. Tropic Days
  • The Brushy Basin sediments contain numerous chalcedony pseudomorph-after-barite concretions that range to more than 30 cm in diameter.
  • Like the Tapara bed, it contains some shelly material and molds, but the most readily recoverable and complete fossils are present in cobble-sized concretions.
  • Asbestos bodies are asbestos fibers that have been coated with an iron-rich, proteinaceous concretion.
  • To make matters worse, the concretions can be associated with cycads.
  • In a Hydropicall body ten years buried in a Church-yard, we met with a fat concretion, where the nitre of the Earth, and the salt and lixivious liquor of the body, had coagulated large lumps of fat, into the consistence of the hardest castle-soap: wherof part remaineth with us. Archive 2009-06-01
  • Back to the Lab Kidney stones are solid concretions of material excreted by the kidney.
  • These results further indicate that the formation of the siderite concretions is not associated with the activity of methanogenic bacteria.
  • Coal balls are concretions of permineralized peat formed in place.
  • The sensuous material for both concretions is the same; the perception which, recurring in different objects otherwise not retained in memory gives the idea of roundness, is the same perception which helps to constitute the spatial concretion called the sun. The Life of Reason
  • It was called the bezoar stone, and was a concretion chiefly of resinous bile and magnesia, and the rest inert vegetable matter. Anecdotes of the Habits and Instinct of Animals
  • To what depth the mud extends is not known, but it resembles the loess in being generally devoid of stratification, and of shells, though containing occasionally land shells in abundance, as well as calcareous concretions, called kunkur, which may be compared to the nodules of carbonate of lime sometimes observed to form layers in the Rhenish loess. The Antiquity of Man
  • Figure 6 shows examples of both a complete concretion and a polished cutaway section that shows the radial structure and dark center.
  • The concern with material concretion begins with Bernstein's title, With Strings.
  • Eventually, the sandstone slowly eroded away and the hard, erosion-resistant concretions were left on the ground.
  • The authors show that early concretion growth prevented collapse and infilling of voids in the organisms, in the time-interval between organic decay and precipitation of calcite.
  • Most specimens are contained in concretions and are preserved only because the concretions formed around them.
  • Strenuous efforts at concretion confront the inevitability of mutability.
  • Tshudy and Feldmann made such observations on the counterpart of concretions containing macruran decapods in which the exocuticle did not exfoliate, and they recognized serpulid worms and oysters that had encrusted the host.
  • Coal balls are a particular type of carbonate concretion that has been long known for the superb preservation of plant material.
  • Large chert concretions appear 8 m above the base of the unit at Muller Canyon whereas at Reno Draw they do not appear until 18 m above the base.
  • _ -- These are concretions in the sheath, though the term has been also applied to the nodule of sebaceous matter which accumulates in the blind pouches (bilocular cavity) by the sides of the papilla on the end of the penis. Special Report on Diseases of the Horse
  • In a Hydropicall body ten years buried in a Church-yard, we met with a fat concretion, where the nitre of the Earth, and the salt and lixivious liquor of the body, had coagulated large lumps of fat, into the consistence of the hardest castle-soap: wherof part remaineth with us. A Bit of Soap

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