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[ US /ˈkɑnkɹit, kənˈkɹit/ ]
[ UK /kˈɒŋkɹiːt/ ]
  1. cover with cement
    concrete the walls
  2. form into a solid mass; coalesce
  1. capable of being perceived by the senses; not abstract or imaginary
    concrete objects such as trees
  2. formed by the coalescence of particles
  1. a strong hard building material composed of sand and gravel and cement and water

How To Use concrete In A Sentence

  • The lower blocks are in concrete clad in gabions filled with site granite; roofs are planted with indigenous flora.
  • The latter batch should yield about 1000 pumice-concrete solid bricks measuring 25 × 12 × 10 cm and displaying a compression strength of roughly 25 kg/cm² after approximately 3 months 'curing time. 3. Precast Pumice-Concrete Building Members
  • The main superstructure frame is formed from reinforced concrete with post-tensioned, ribbed slab floors.
  • The building is dark brick topped by pinky-coloured concrete block walls, white plastic-looking fascia board, black plastic guttering and an artificial slate roof.
  • A separable reinforced concrete numerical model and fluid-solid interconnection method were used to predict the development of surface bulge in LS-DYNA.
  • In this case the experiment involves using a hydraulic press to crush specimen cubes of the concrete, and measuring the pressure at which the cube breaks.
  • Without these sagacities, the brickwork of the tambour, in addition to taking a very long time so that the concrete could dry up and solidify, would surely have been too heavy to support the dome.
  • Flat lawns are formed into an abstract pattern that recalls tectonic fractures and fissures in the earth's surface, their edges defined by dark grey concrete retaining walls.
  • After we had waved everyone goodbye, the Gamekeeper wandered in to confer about concrete.
  • The cosmic symbol of the rising sun expresses the universality of God above all particular places and yet maintains the concreteness of divine revelation. Ignatius Insight Article on Restoring Ad Orientem
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