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How To Use Concordant In A Sentence

  • Identical twins are not 100% concordant, indicating that there are nongenetic factors involved.
  • It was clear to a mind so acute as Bruno's that the dogmas of the Church were correlated to a view of the world which had been superseded; and he drew the logical inference that they were at bottom but poetical and popular adumbrations of the Deity in terms concordant with erroneous physical notions. Renaissance in Italy, Volumes 1 and 2 The Catholic Reaction
  • In five out of six relapsed eases, EBV status of lymph node biopsy at relapse was concordant with the initial biopsy.
  • The concordant model of shared understanding and prescribing should improve health outcomes.
  • If this wasn't a contradiction in terms one could say that the aspiration of the typical Spaniard is a strange, prohibitionist and dictatorial country of concordant individualists. Concordant Individualists
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  • Calasio is known by his _Concordantiae sacrorum Bibliorum hebraicorum_, published in 4 vols. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 4, Part 4 "Bulgaria" to "Calgary"
  • expressed views concordant with his background
  • This reflects perhaps a culture of neutrality in matters that are religious, which is seen to be in the spirit of Alfred Nobel himself, and is very concordant with a Norwegian discretion about religious allegiance. Katherine Marshall: Faith, Peace And The Nobel: A Conversation With Former Bishop Of Oslo Gunnar Stalsett
  • Thus, for the twins concordant for sexual orientation, the null hypothesis that there are no differences in dermatoglyphics between twins cannot be rejected.
  • He stated that a well-defined parting surface, such as a bedding plane or unconformity, is a prerequisite for the site of intrusion of a concordant sill.
  • To opine for 427 words (yes, I counted) about the war's deep costs to our economy and the concordant need to limit it's impact and then try to get away with redefining your promise to as little as a two-percent cost reduction qualifies as used-car hucksterism of the lowest sort -- the kind that tricks people into a product that kills lots of people and leaves the survivors broke. Derrick Crowe: Who's the Huckster for This High-Interest War?
  • However, a true concordant relation between the uppermost Jurassic and the lowest Cretaceous sequences is in principle only found locally, and is restricted to the deepest parts of the basin.
  • Discussion of concordant diagnoses and discrepancies would build a collaborative relationship between clinicians and pathologists and might lead to better autopsy utilization.
  • Concordant with this result, Tajima's test and Fu and Li's tests indicated an excess of singletons as expected under the rapid growth hypothesis.
  • Emphasizing inherited components by studying concordant or discordant patient pairs with extreme phenotypes, we were able to detect associations of residual chloride conductance and of modifier genes with the CF phenotype.
  • The initial comparison with spectral photometry at Tsukuba Aerological Observatory showed that these two types of the measurement were remarkably concordant in general, but there existed some variability and divergence.
  • On a broad scale, morphometric variation was concordant with genetic variation.
  • That is, identical twins are somewhat more concordant than fraternal twins.
  • Our results are concordant with other studies of large mammalian carnivores, which reported that populations were not limited primarily by territoriality but by the supply of food.
  • Surgical excision of the NCB site should be performed if the pathologic diagnosis of an NCB with ALH is not concordant with the radiologic abnormality that was the initial impetus for biopsy.
  • In general, postoperative seizure control is most successful in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and has a greater than 90 percent rate of excellent outcome when MRI and EEG data are concordant.
  • And it does seem to me that art and love are concordant facets of one truth of salvation.
  • Still, how strangely concordant that the French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson and his American counterpart Paul Strand should both have been roaming Mexico's ancient towns at roughly the same time, unbeknownst to one another. Two Sides of the Same Coin
  •  So concordant with the air in this place, with the breath from her body, he isn't sure that he can breathe on the other side. Tableau
  • One of the tips yields a concordant analysis with an Ordovician age of 495 Ma.
  • The percentage of concordant cytologic diagnoses between 2 pathologists (K.K. and YY) was also determined.
  • This prediction is reasonably concordant with the reported absolute rates of ectopic pregnancy in women taking progestogen-only pills of 3-20 per 1000 woman years.
  • Specifically, outcomes in both critically ill and noncritically ill patients were not influenced by whether they received concordant or discordant therapy based on pneumococcal in vitro susceptibility results.
  • Suffice it to say that a significant number of taxa of mammals, herps and birds show a concordant phylogeographic division in Baja California.
  • The contribution of genetics in handedness has been supported by studies of families of concordant twins and adopted individuals.
  • Harmony can be concordant, with all pitches 'agreeing' with each other, or it can be dissonant, creating a sense of tension.
  • There have been some recent studies using twins which show that there's a higher rate in the concordant, identical twins than in the discordant twins.
  • Selon plusieurs sources concordantes, la junte aurait établi une liste de journalistes et de personnalités politiques à abattre. In Guinea, the Aftermath of a Massacre
  • East Uralian Zone host rocks surrounding the Dzhabyk batholith have an overall east-dipping foliation that, near the batholith, are concordant with the contact.
  • Rather, what makes this group special is the way it forges a sweetly concordant sound from a set of significantly different voice types. Anonymous 4's unique gifts shine in 'Noel' concert
  • Structurally, the Centroiberica zone is characterized by very long, narrow synclines trending northwest to southeast, concordant to the general Armorican trend.
  • The monozygotic twin material consisted of both concordant and discordant twin pairs, and some unpaired healthy twins.
  • But this study has, for the first time, clearly demonstrated a genetic difference between concordant and discordant identical twins.
  • The percentage of participant responses that were concordant with the reference diagnosis, including reparative changes, is shown for all diagnostic categories in Table 3.
  • This principle is required for the formation of a concordant family, the building of a harmonious society and the establishment of a peaceful world.
  • A concordant diagnosis is defined as placement of the slide within the correct series of diagnostic classification.
  • He showed that 31-degree equal temperament, with degrees of 38.7¢, gave an excellent rendition of the concordant intervals.
  • The lopolith lies with complete discordance upon plutonic and metamorphic rocks of complicated structural and metamorphic history, and is overlain concordantly by rhyodacite tuffs which are intruded by the granophyre and are in turn overlain concordantly by sedimentary rocks.
  • Slides showing reparative changes elicit responses that were among the least concordant for any diagnostic category for laboratory responses.
  • In 116 patients undergoing both CT venography and lower extremity ultrasound, Cham and colleagues found concordant results in 93% of cases.
  • The igneous contacts are sharp and are commonly concordant with the bedding and/or foliation in the host rocks.
  • Overall, the Knights Templar is a "concordant" body of the Masons. Consul-At-Arms
  • Ends and means are concordant and, indeed, explicitly so, with every step toward the outcome a faithful miniature of the larger program.
  • Thus, the positive results demonstrated by the sensitives do not appear to have resulted from ubiquitous stereotypes regarding ghosts that caused witnesses and sensitives to respond to the locale in a concordant manner.
  • A uniform, regionally concordant layer of amphibolite with occasional ultramafic pods, termed the Sta Amphibolite, overlies the Sta Series.
  • Bioclasts have mixed orientation, but large ammonoids and ramose corals are invariably concordant.
  • Identical twins are not 100 % concordant, indicating that there are nongenetic factors involved.
  • Four members of the Cytopathology Resource Committee simultaneously reviewed most concordant and least concordant cases for each diagnostic category.
  • The carillon originated in the 12th century in the Low Countries when people wanted not only to make beautiful bells, but also to achieve a sonorous and concordant sound.
  • As an English major you hit a concordant note with me.
  • These findings are concordant with the conclusion that occupational factors contribute to the etiology of CHD in the traffic-control officers studied.
  • These diminished ratings of impairment associated with repeated zolpidem administration are concordant with previous studies regarding the impairment-producing effects of other hypnotics.
  • So glad to hear so many concordant voices among the viewing public! Times, Sunday Times
  • Participants who reported citalopram use at the 3-month assessment had serum levels verifying self-report, and all were concordant with self-report.
  • The study included pairs of twins both concordant and discordant with regard to ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

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