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How To Use Concoct In A Sentence

  • Gwenhidwy likes to drink a lot, grain alcohol mostly, mixed in great strange mad-scientist concoctions with beef tea, grenadine, cough syrup, bitter belch-gathering infusions of blue scullcap, valerian root, motherwort and lady's-slipper, whatever's to hand really. Gravity's Rainbow
  • You get home and the last thing on your mind is concocting a lavish meal for two or three or however many of your children deign to put in an appearance for this meal!
  • The parcel was in fact a huge piece of puff pasty filled with a rather creamy concoction of mushrooms and chestnuts.
  • The folks behind nearby cow juice-friendly club night Milk debut their new monthly venture Laid this Wednesday and, in keeping with the bar's theme and their own dairy fetish, White Russians are on special offer, along with various other made-to-order milky concoctions. Clubs picks of the week
  • He concocts a pilot proposal so offensive, so bound to misfire with test audiences, it's sure to get him canned.
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  • One night, after sampling a strange concoction made from the rose petals collected from Croxleys Wood, Geoff encounters the beautiful Rosemary.
  • Three parts" means three-quarters of a pint, and "skilly" is a fluid concoction of three quarts of oatmeal stirred into three buckets and a half of hot water. The People of the Abyss
  • The native medicaster, having placed the green leaves on the patient's temples, would be brewing a concoction of emollient simples. The Great White Tribe in Filipinia
  • This outfit is one of her more hideous concoctions in the way of outfits: white wedge sandals, a mini skirt made from Dalmatian-patterned suede, and a black and white checked t-shirt with a plunging neckline.
  • What they have concocted is a sleek, discreet and luxuriously appointed hotel that is stylish but still accessible.
  • The sourish fruit concoction is usually eaten with rice and makes an appetising salad.
  • Now she had concocted a plan that would spell doom for Shirley, her revenge for taking her man and insulting her pride.
  • The delicious whipped cream concoction is all Lisa's - I can't take credit for that. Uncle Richard's sweet potato pie | Homesick Texan
  • She'd concocted some unlikely tale about the train being cancelled.
  • The bracelet was chunky, a silver concoction of thick ropes linked together.
  • They steeped the leaves in boiling water, then sudsed the liquid with soap and sprinkled the concoction upon their vegetables. Morgan’s Run
  • While the play's the thing, one thing for sure in this particular brave new world concoction is that there is no Prospero in it. What fools these mortals be (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • If you know what breeding practices to do, if you know what diet to follow, if you know what drug to concoct, if you can get hold of the stuff to do it with, anybody can become an immortal.
  • Yet it isn't really Indian; it's Anglo-Indian, concocted from a classic Indian preparation to suit British tastes. Hope & Glory
  • To honor the festival's origins, locals concoct fiery brews, which they carry in flasks for warming nips.
  • And the food completes the picture; former Ritz chef Maurice Guillouet concocts mouth-watering dishes as gorgeous as the designer-dressed diners who order them.
  • He had no real opportunity for reflection or concoction, too little time for fabrication.
  • Finally, a yeast was introduced to make the whole concoction bubble gently. Times, Sunday Times
  • This sausage-like concoction is sliced into dainty rounds and served with sweet dipping sauce.
  • I think the bumper had some spring mechanism that released all the other parts and, well, the whole toy seemed concocted like a well-planned stunt on a movie set. Kenner Smash-Up Derby - The Retroist
  • The album's real strengths lay in the exploratory solo songs, which blended old soul vocals, horns, guitars and super-tight drum chops into seamless concoctions that often had the feel of a real band.
  • He's a passionate cook, who blogs, writes cookbooks, and concocts recipes.
  • His play has been an infelicitous concoction of ingenuity and inaccuracy, the latter being generally fatal at this elite level. Times, Sunday Times
  • She had poured in two creamers and a packet of sugar into her own coffee and was still mixing the concoction.
  • The radical or innate, is daily supplied by nourishment, which some call cambium, and make those secondary humours of ros and gluten to maintain it: or acquisite, to maintain these four first primary humours, coming and proceeding from the first concoction in the liver, by which means chylus is excluded. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • More than is good for it, the film 's meandering tale has the feel of something concocted on the spur of the moment. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dizzying concoction of living in a moment that feels right or wrong and then being thrust ‘forward’ to the source of the decision that created that moment leaves the viewer in a constant state of unbalance.
  • The sputa are concocted when they resemble pus, and the urine when it has reddish sediments like tares. On Regimen In Acute Diseases
  • Their legacy is cemented in a strange concoction of Karo syrup, red dye, and makeup base.
  • is both daffier and more amiable than a Woody Allen film, but the sibling filmmakers Jesse Peretz directed and his sister Evgenia Peretz co-wrote the screenplay have concocted sort of a Ned and His Sisters. Top Stories
  • More New Zealanders will be killed by those two conditions than by smoking, in spite of the concocted figures she likes to purport are figures that represent deaths caused by smoking.
  • Whenever I had a cold, my grandmother would concoct a remedy out of herbs, ginger, lemons and garlic.
  • Just like the cream variation, this beauty concoction makes your hair look younger. The Sun
  • Mr Ferguson said the prisoner concocted the story to get a lighter sentence.
  • He cut a glorious calomel pill out of pipeclay, and then we concocted a black-draught of salts and bottled stout, with a little patent boot-polish. Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 1, December 25, 1841
  • This unlikely concoction was one of the more important pharmacological advances in the history of medicine, albeit for the wrong reasons.
  • Mexicans also cut dry tortillas into squares, fry them, and use in place of croutons in soup; or cut them into strips and make concoctions reminiscent of pasta dishes.
  • This hippocras, a thick, smoky concoction, was strong enough to make the face peel.
  • One day they had Pekin Duck Wild Rice Soup, an unspeakably rich, velvety concoction of little pearls of curled wild rice swimming through nut-brown luxury.
  • In any plant concoction such as percolated 'tea', there are 30-40,000 compounds, whi ch would take the scientific community twenty years to isolate one particular ingredient if they knew what they were looking for. Onkabetse HIV Awareness Campaign
  • Well, I will admit that a concoction made of potatoes, cauliflower, carrots, swede turnips, onions and oatmeal is not very appetizing.
  • If we knew of any chemical preparation by which we could change the color of our skins and straighten the kinks in our hair, we might hope to bring about the desired consummation at once, but alas, there is no catholicon for this ill, no mystic concoction in all the pharmacies of earth to work The Negro and the White Man
  • Diarist George Templeton Strong described Mansfield as a "small litterateur who devoted himself to the concoction of dish-water little novels. Prominence and Patricide
  • The owner - who is more used to selling pizza slices and panini to his hungry customers - has tried his hand at mixing some fine concoctions with genuine spirits and liqueurs for an icy booze blast.
  • A man who is taken into servitude to wind the kingdom's clocks, concocts a scheme in which the clocks slowly but imperceptibly run down.
  • I now spend most nights foraging the refrigerator and the cupboards for ingredients to concoct something he would like.
  • Whichever way this concoction settles the resulting amalgamation is pure brilliance, you really need to see this movie. Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • He denied claims his injury was a story concocted to cover up for him being dropped and said: 'The bruise has come out right up my leg. The Sun
  • After 20 minutes under a heat lamp, the concoction causes hair cuticles to close, making tresses soft and shiny, says Kim Vo, co-owner of B2V salon in West Hollywood.
  • They offer to concoct an authentic supper of refried beans and chorizo omelette.
  • And the idea that we are surrounded and interpenetrated by a sort of ghostly jelly appealed to the spiritualists of the day, who concocted the notion that we each have an etheric body as well as a material one.
  • They fool the simple folk by concocting exciting stories about their receiving messages from the Jinn.
  • Those who concoct Eagleton-esque arguments unnecessarily overshoot the mark, possibly in an overcompensatory attempt to respond to Dawkins under the auspices of intelligent debate. Atheist Blogs Aggregated
  • They learn how to cook witchetty grubs, concoct bush medicines and make boomerangs and axes.
  • Carcinogens, such as dioxane and nitrosamine, are commonly formed in synthetic concoctions and are virtually impossible for us to know about.
  • He has lately allowed in a published letter that he used a poem by Mrs. Whitman in "concocting" one of his own. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 118, August, 1867
  • His winning concoction was Macadamia Fudge Torte: chocolate cake with fudge-filled cavities, topped by macadamia nut streusel.
  • Moreover, as for the avoidance and confirmation thereof, the plenipotentiaries have furthermore resolved that the 'pothecaries are concocting a certain miasma, by which decree we men are to be kept within salutary boundaries. The Day of Wrath
  • His fourth album is an eerie concoction full of minor chords, pedal steel guitar, and a bizarro percussion section that includes a mailbox and a Dr. Pepper sign.
  • Indeed, Abraham, more cosmopolitan and less legalistic than Moses, became the favourite hero of such concoctions.
  • Acidi ructus, cruditates, aestus in praecordiis, flatus, interdum ventriculi dolores vehementes, sumptoque cibo concoctu difficili, sputum humidum idque multum sequetur, &c.Hip. lib. de mel. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • This concoction is like one of those with ten shots of cherry. Weekly Mishmash: December 14-20 :
  • Take it slow," said the tuxedoed bartender at the "21" Club, placing down a pale-orange concoction in a highball glass. Old Guard, New Polish
  • Yet, it was perhaps better for the global economy that the plan they concocted was scuppered. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dashing mixologists behind the bar prepare classic concoctions to get you in the mood and you could just pop in here for a drink.
  • On a sultry afternoon this dreamy concoction goes down a treat with the Pimm's. Times, Sunday Times
  • The image of Citrona as fascinating and repellant at once seems to be what most interested Cruz in concocting this story.
  • 'Molly' for short, was Robin (the name was concocted out of the scientific terms for the bird 'robin' and the fish 'marlin' - which was her surname). Chapter 11 - The Second Date
  • Officers working on Operation Impact have uncovered dozens of cases of people concocting stories of crime.
  • Hae vero quomodo causent melancholiam, clarum; et quod concoctionem impediant, et membra principalia debilitent. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The soup was concocted from up to a dozen different kinds of fish.
  • The kindly doctor set about concocting a mixture of mutton, cayenne and a special medicine that he wrapped in a piece of ear-shaped dough.
  • Then we must ask why God needed to even bother with awkward designs like the flawed and ridiculously concocted ones we see in nature; why, for instance, did God give us skin as protection from germs and foreign particles, and yet not make us to thrive on what we know as harmful radiation? Debunking Christianity
  • So why was the story concocted? Times, Sunday Times
  • None the less it is safe to say that the concoction of a similar ode by the aid of the trade-mark words invented in the British Isles would be a task of great difficulty on account of the paucity of terms sufficiently artificial to bestow the exotic remoteness which is accountable for the aroma of the American ‘ode’. Chapter 6. Tendencies in American. 3. Processes of Word-Formation
  • She makes a dish she concocted by pouring soup on chicken thighs.
  • He concocted the most amazing dish from all sorts of unlikely ingredients.
  • She told me/invented/concocted a tale about missing the bus to explain her lateness.
  • Try this simple and delicious concoction on them and ask them to think again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mathews concocts burlesques and parodies of such rare excellence as to put one in mind of the broad literary japery of Terry Southern at his most inspired.
  • One is an outtake of Stanley Burroughs concoction using fresh squeezed juice oranges, which are a nonsweet variety found on the island. Third World Juice Cleansing
  • From this frame of body, such persons appear to have appear to have more prominent necks than persons in good health, and they generally have hard and unconcocted tubercles in the lungs, for the gibbosity and the distension are produced mostly by such tubercles, with which the neighboring nerves communicate. On The Articulations
  • At first, layer grass clippings with a dash of leaves and twigs to create a concoction that turns into humus, the best plant food.
  • The food is often some concoction of lamb, frequently accompanied by rice, sweet potatoes, warm bread, and finished with a desert such as plumb cobbler with cream.
  • My friends know I can live for days on apples and peanut butter, or rice cakes and veganaise, bananas and almonds – whatever concoction sneaks its way into my life tends to stick around for a long while. Imperfect Delicious Zucchini Wraps « martinis & mantras
  • The celebration's is a time for protection from evil and disease for the rest of the year. It is done so by different practices such as hanging healthy herbs on the front door, drinking nutritious concoctions, and displaying portraits of evil's nemesis, Chung Kuei. If one manages to stand an egg on it's end at exactly 12:00 noon[sentence dictionary], the following year will be a lucky one.
  • Inside this nearly inedible shell is a reasonably tasty caramelized banana concoction, which is made off-putting by a scattering of slices of black licorice.
  • In the absence of anything more appealing just now, concocting distaff versions of some of the sport's more illustrious bouts from the past is reckoned to be good business.
  • Lawyers claim that she's a nut who's concocted a story of date rape.
  • Malemute Kid's frightful concoction did its work; the men of the camps and trails unbent in its genial glow, and jest and song and tales of past adventure went round the board. TO THE MAN ON THE TRAIL
  • Since 1941, when the first bacterial infection was cured with a concoction derived from the fungus penicillium, we've depended on antibiotics to be there when we're sick.
  • Or, contrariwise, if you want to blow up a building with nanothermite, then concoct a story about terrorists with nanothermite instead of hijackers. 1000 Architects and Engineers
  • Drink spirits and mixers, or bottled concoctions, or shandy.
  • That done, we piously concocted the Nuremberg code to ensure that such atrocities would never be repeated.
  • For show-and-tell in second grade, he whipped up a chef's salad; he concocts novel cookie recipes with chocolate, coconut, butterscotch and pecans.
  • What seems to have been the concoction was this suggestion that his role was the explanation for this extortion by the field officers, which the Tribunal treats as not a rational explanation for what had happened.
  • Assistants held the patient securely and some sedation such as mandrake root or solution of opium was given, a concoction which probably stiffened the surgeon's resolve rather than mollified the patient.
  • The original string theory—called bosonic string theory—was certainly a concoction. Euclid’s Window
  • I ordered a Mai-tai, my dreadlocked amigo ordered some turquoise concoction and my bald-headed friend requested a local beer.
  • In India proper they call it paan and often mix it with sugars and other spices, making it a sweet concoction. Traveling in India: Betel Nut Adventures « Colleen Anderson
  • Or Dr. Frankenstein concocting from his menagerie of elemental particles a wondrous creation but one that could, in an instant, mutate into a destructive monster, severing pinkies, arms, perhaps even torsos. The “45.5 Meteorite Craters Made by Humans on Their 45.5 Hundred Million Year Old Planet” Fountain
  • That's right: The minds behind "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged)," "The Complete History of America (Abridged)" and other loopily condensed works have now concocted "Completely Hollywood (Abridged)," a movie-theme spoof that, one evening this week, sent a Kennedy Center audience into regular peals of near-hysterical laughter. Celia Wren reviews 'Completely Hollywood (Abridged)' at Kennedy Center
  • The tent contained a collection of herbs and strange concoctions which glistened in the lamplight, lending a sinister glow to the place.
  • Place this ingredient into the concoction last, otherwise something deadly might occur.
  • Elevators, Marty had noticed, were a strange concoction.
  • These included white and red floc lightly fortified, chilled aperitifs, some unidentified red liqueur derived from cognac, red and white table wines, and a dessert-accompanying concoction made by pouring an unaged, 40-percent-alcohol Armagnac into a saucepan, dumping in a handful of sugar cubes and setting the liquid ablaze until the alcohol burned off, which took about 15 minutes. The Foie Gras Wars
  • He denied claims his injury was a story concocted to cover up for him being dropped and said: 'The bruise has come out right up my leg. The Sun
  • For a moment, I seriously considered trying the lamb's brain concoction, but I was talked out of it by my colleagues at the last minute.
  • Students raid the fridge of the week's leftovers and concoct an elaborate meal, inviting over friends and family.
  • Because of that ritual, Diane loves concocting pasta suppers.
  • There was a selection of cooling sorbets as well, and a Mama-size icy concoction of Chianti jelly, Prosecco sorbet, and lemon semifreddo, all stacked up in a frosty glass.
  • I tried a coconut milk concoction called ‘Thai fire’ and a simple mixture of oil and minced garlic.
  • Though I confess to a moment of personal outrage when I was stuck behind an elderly woman at the grocery store the other day who decided to "slather" herself head to wrinkled toe in some sort of nauseating concoction. Scents-less
  • Critical feedback isn't some vicious plot concocted to crucify you - it can be used constructively.
  • Sadly, there are no guilty pleasures to be had from this creepy-crawly concoction.
  • Loo-Macklin had discovered his return to the UTW, penetrated his carefully concocted disguisings, and tracked him down. The Man Who Used The Universe
  • They may be a depraved tangle but it's the disparate concoction and uninhibited mindset that improbably make this band one of the most inventive and mystifyingly unsettling live acts I've seen in ages.
  • The most cruelly-worded, cold-blooded, data - backed denunciation, using every needlesharp descriptive usage in the book (you more than most will recognize that sense of a job well done as 'publish' is pressed), is delivered with so much more ooomph when delivered with good nature, (despite the rage and contempt experienced while concocting the venom-tipped arrows). Farewell Bill Deedes
  • This concoction is sure to please anyone who appreciates a whiskey sour. What We Drank
  • Extracts posted today, seen in advance by the Guardian, reveal her worrying over forgetting to eat while campaigning and struggling to concoct meals for her children, and having to buy suits to look presentable.
  • The kitchen cooks almost no beef and only a couple of seafood dishes, but at lunchtime, they serve vegetarian and non-vegetarian thali, a taste plate of curries and other concoctions.
  • One must conclude that we know an enormous amount about tricks and ruses (often concocted by brilliant practitioners) but very little about demonstrable impact.
  • I pour the filling into the unbaked pie crust and gently fold the top pastry over my concoction.
  • Featured vintage instruments including the wurlizter, harmonium and stylophone added to the organic, minimal production from Greenwald and Mathes make a glorious concoction. The Full Feed from
  • This kind of reasoning is, of course, nonsense, but it serves as an illustration of the danger in concocting fanciful theories based on historical precedents.
  • Don't waste their time concocting some stupid story - your bikes weren't stolen and you weren't waiting for his mom to take you to the library.
  • The findings completely falsified the concoctions of the secular media and the minority religious leaders.
  • His main beverage is a unique concoction of ingredients deemed healthy in Japan: raw egg, sesame seeds, unpolished rice, parched bean flour, green tea leaves, vinegar and yogurt.
  • All the stalls had such scouters who would at times even cling on to your clothes, in an attempt to lure you into buying their absolutely undesirable concoctions.
  • Many other dispensatories, guides, collections, and records of medical customs and concoctions, remain to us even of the earliest days. Customs and Fashions in Old New England
  • When the day is hot, order one of their long, tall concoctions and take it all in.
  • Now, if I were one of those posey restaurants I'd talk that lot up into some wonderful concoction of over-flowery phraseology.
  • They were called apostolical perhaps because concocted by some of the bishops of the so-called apostolic Churches. The Ancient Church Its History, Doctrine, Worship, and Constitution
  • Lindemans Framboise, which is made with raspberries and a mouth-puckering strain of wild yeast, can be called an adult version of a sourball candy: a richly sweet-and-sour concoction. Gregory Daurer: Imagine a Great Beer City
  • Pop a giant-sized bowl of popcorn, break out the fondue pot, concoct a vat of hot cocoa with marshmallows, and snuggle up with a blanket and a warm body.
  • He made a mess trying to mix a concoction of catsup, mustard and hot sauce.
  • But beauty, youth and a big city are a potent concoction. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's done? This concoction is odorless ! Now I can fill up the washbowl.
  • Whenever I had a cold, my grandmother would concoct a remedy out of herbs, ginger, lemons and garlic.
  • The room was lit almost completely by soft candlelight, and the air was perfumed by sweet-smelling incense, and men smoking pipes filled with herbal concoctions.
  • The concoction which goes by the name of paan comprises betel leaves and a blend of aromatic substances which vary according to the type of paan.
  • Yet this concocted octocentenary has at least given the university an excuse to run a 1 billion fundraising campaign. Times, Sunday Times
  • Eaten with chapati and a trickle of the spicy yoghurt dip, it was a memorable concoction.
  • Zulu warriors rushed into battle after ingesting a complex concoction of roots and fungus that dulled pain and amplified aggression.
  • Some of these remedies have been closer to quack concoctions.
  • It'suddenly spewed out a thick green concoction.
  • The Bloody Mary has been called a meal in a glass, and like few other mixed drinks, its main ingredients - tomato juice, one or more vegetable garnishes - are foods, which rarely mix with other concoctions.
  • `You do realize, don't you, that these things that you've concocted are next to valueless ? DEATH IN PURPLE PROSE
  • She concocted a plan to prove it. The Sun
  • Could have definitely benefited from a nice sweet and sour sauce, or maybe some kind of honey dill concoction. Tyler reviews hospital cuisine
  • In any plant concoction such as percolated ‘tea’, there are 30-40,000 compounds, whi ch would take the scientific community twenty years to isolate one particular ingredient if they knew what they were looking for. HIV/AIDS Awareness Day «
  • Bring 'Em Home yahooBuzzArticleHeadline =' Bring \'Em Home '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: This war that our leaders have concocted has sapped our military strength, our credibility, our economy, our disaster preparedness, our morale, and our moral standing in the world. Bring 'Em Home
  • Do you expect me to drink this vile concoction?
  • A mix of gardenia and chypre notes, it's a knowing, womanly concoction that's set to be a fragrance must. Times, Sunday Times
  • ` Three parts 'means three-quarters of a pint, and ` skilly' is a fluid concoction of three quarts of oatmeal stirred into three buckets and a half of hot water. The Carter and the Carpenter
  • They vend odd concoctions of karela, carrot, beetroot and maybe even brinjal.
  • Maud Martha's refusal to purchase the millinery concoction, even at a substantially discounted price, reaffirms her sense of self.
  • I now spend most nights foraging the refrigerator and the cupboards for ingredients to concoct something he would like.
  • As I collected my coffee the strange chocolate concoction was sitting unclaimed on the counter.
  • When the game ended, with him invariably the winner, players and spectators alike repaired to a tent to gorge ourselves on barbe - cue, a delicious concoction of roasted pork and peppery sauce, assisted by melons and fruits, all washed down with glasses of toddy, punch and porter, followed by a rich dessert called mince pie. Legacy
  • So to the traditional medical approaches of bleeding sick patients nearly to death to rid them of undesirable ‘humours’ Willis added unsavoury concoctions of semi-toxic metal salts.
  • If Sarah can imagine and concoct a story like that, she needs to be at Random House.
  • He concocted the most amazing dish from all sorts of unlikely ingredients.
  • But "I Like It" is the disc's candy-coated center, a busy, frothy concoction of whomping synth noises, unexceptional beats and an abbreviated chorus somehow wrapped around Lionel Richie's "All Night Long. Album review: Enrique Iglesias, "Euphoria"
  • Since there are four distinct dengue viruses, the challenge is to concoct a four-way, or "tetravalent," vaccine, effective against all strains at once. The Bug Is Back
  • The same concoction is still used today for treatment of dropsy, a disease where excess fluid collects in the body tissues.
  • To a wonderful mother with wrinkly skin, this card was concocted by one of your kin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Whether it's motion sensing, voice activation, or simply breathing, there are new ideas being concocted all over the place.
  • Amazingly, to establish what HHS deems as true religion, the agency turned to a definition concocted by the American Civil Liberties Union ACLU for a law in California. Sister Mary Ann Walsh: Jesus Won't Pass Muster At Health And Human Services
  • In 1982 some natural examples of undecidable mathematical statements were discovered in the course of trying to solve a real problem - they are not artificial concoctions.
  • Her favorite anti-stress and nourishing concoction is a smoothie with ingredients such as low-fat milk or yogurt, bananas, blueberries, flax, oatmeal, almonds, and a little bit of unsweetened cocoa.
  • It's time to checkmate this illiterate bottom-feeder and show him that if you've read any of the refractory slop that he has concocted, you'll unmistakably recall his description of his plan to bring about a wonderland of larrikinism. White Mob Disrupts Black Meeting
  • Bordelaise sauce is a French concoction made from wine, beef broth, shallots, parsley and other herbs, all simmered together to create harmonious gravy with depth and complexity
  • Indeed when things are dissolved and made thus tender and soft, and are as it were turned into a sort of a carrionly corruption, it must needs be a great difficulty for concoction to master them, and when it hath mastered them, they must needs cause grievous oppressions and qualmy indigestions. Essays and Miscellanies
  • This exciting musical concoction of Oceanic and Celtic world music will be held this Saturday, May 15, at Durrumbal Hall in Mullumbimby from 7.30 pm.
  • The exuberant, fluffy result is one of Allen's lightest, airiest, silliest, and most fun concoctions. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Then an elaborate plot was hatched to concoct the perfect assassination of the world leader.
  • He tried his medicine on young chickens which were given the concoction twice a week.
  • On the other hand, her version of the pigment known as cochineal red, a concoction made from the carapaces of a certain kind of beetle, eventually achieved an electric intensity that has almost no equal; only the Italian architect Felice della Greca, who worked in Rome in the 1650s, ever mixed cochineal red with oranges and purples in such boldly fluorescent combinations, and he drew buildings and cityscapes rather than insects, birds, and flowers. The Flowering Genius of Maria Sibylla Merian
  • Others purported to have transmuted metals or concocted elixirs and sold their recipes to others.
  • Over the next two hours she concocted potions to relieve the pain, creams to help the healing, and a poultice to reduce the swelling.
  • In fact, in their effort to discourage the world's mosquitoes, blackflies, sand flies and ticks, consumers spend an estimated $200 million annually on sprays, liquids, lotions, candles and other anti-insect concoctions.
  • These agents could be used in a pure form but are best utilized in concoctions, plasters, poultices, packs, washes or fumigants.
  • Christianity is being pushed on our service men and women under the guise of "Spiritual Fitness," a clever term concocted by the military to flagrantly violate the Constitution. Chris Rodda: Mandatory U.S. Army Survey Says Non-Believers Unfit to Serve
  • This Asian-style concoction melds multilayered tastes, unfurling hints of cardamom, cloves and anise on the tongue.
  • she has no peer in the concoction of mystery stories
  • Allowing detainees to talk may give them a chance to create and coordinate alibis and to corroborate or concoct stories to frustrate questioning attempts.
  • I grabbed a value meal, concocted Joey's special red Fanta and Coke drink and made my way to the station.
  • In natural actions their appetite is greater than their concoction, multa appetunt pauca digerunt as Rhasis hath it, they covet to eat, but cannot digest. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • And, indeed, his great end in life seemed to be the concoction of sirups and liqueurs. Pierre And Jean
  • World class bar staff mix and muddle a variety of concoctions, from herb-infused cosmopolitans to fresh fruit Martinis.
  • It was a perverted and bizarre concoction of human and non-human noises.
  • Instead I opted for a vegetable pasta bake concoction which came with two vegetables of your choice.
  • When the humors of the body could not be concocted, or when they contracted “a morbific blemish from this or that at - mospheric constitution” (ibid.), or when they turned poisonous because of a contagion, then they were HEALTH AND DISEASE
  • That done, we piously concocted the Nuremberg code to ensure that such atrocities would never be repeated.

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