
How To Use Conclusion In A Sentence

  • If you accept that you have to do mass education - and, to keep costs low and for a lot of other reasons, I think that's not an unreasonable conclusion - you have to systematize it.
  • In fact, it involved a great deal of heart-searching before we reached that conclusion.
  • The watch on deck soon came to the conclusion that "sailoring" was not particularly funny at night, for there was a good deal of gaping, and not a little impatience for the eight bells that would relieve them for Little By Little or, The Cruise of the Flyaway
  • He laces his narrative with a great deal of information and conclusions derived from other sources.
  • Conclusion TSGF test in patients with carcinosis play a very important pole in early diagnosis and the evaluation of therapy effect.
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  • It would seem that efforts to train stalkers to high standards have been successful, and I would agree with that conclusion.
  • ‘Vous serez un jour un grand philologue, mon cher,’ said the old man, on our arriving at the conclusion of Lavengro
  • The bereaved are normally anxious for a speedy conclusion in these tragic cases.
  • This is the very definition of obstructionism: To delay a foregone conclusion for the sake of a petty protest.
  • At the least, that first conclusion seems to me unproven by his own arguments in favor of mortality.
  • At the conclusion of her winter season in Miami, the Norwegian Dawn will begin an innovative itinerary of seven-day Bahamas sailings from New York on May 18.
  • At the conclusion eight horns (led by Michelle Perry of the Empire Brass) rang out triumphantly.
  • Two independent investigators have reached virtually the same conclusions.
  • Meyerhof and Hill's pioneering thermodynamic studies had been the basis for the conclusion that the cycle of lactic acid formation and oxidation were the key events in glycolysis. Otto Meyerhof and the Physiology Institute: the Birth of Modern Biochemistry
  • The point of reading Kafka's fiction is not, it seems to me, to arrive at a conclusion that the world we live in is absurd, or frightening, or grotesque, but that the world Kafka has created is self-sustaining and entirely logical. Translated Texts
  • Conclusions obtained have certain referential value for parameters adjustment.
  • The IIG will ensure speedy conclusion of loan agreements and implementation of infrastructure projects.
  • Conclusion Laparoscopic pyloromyotomy has characteristics of safety, minimal invasion and rapid recovery. What's more, it has satisfying cosmetic effect. It's worth routinely carrying out.
  • Now the “forever,” in the conclusion, means, for any length of time that can be supposed; but in the premises, “ever” does not mean any _length_ of time; it means any _number of subdivisions_ of time. A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
  • The conclusion flag corneal transplant may effectively treat, the shallow layer fungus keratohelcosis.
  • Occasionally, the author appears to overreach his material to draw premature conclusions.
  • The conclusions of the report are fundamentally wrong .
  • He came to the conclusion at one jump.
  • Conclusion Over the past decade there has been enormous progress in our understanding of how cells use calcium to regulate their activity.
  • The company does not accept the conclusion and exact arrangements for cancelling the contract are still being finalised.
  • Conclusion:GCVshows good effect on prevention and treatment of CMV infection after allo-BMT, and an early diagnoses and early treatment is more important.
  • Although it is too early to draw definite conclusions, the message is clear; Higgs bosons have nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. Santhosh Mathew, PhD: Nowhere to Run, Bosons, Nowhere to Hide
  • This paper extends the particular conclusions on the symmetry of the space figures in terms of the coordinate zero dot, coordinate plane and coordinate axis in Analytic Geomtry.
  • Conclusion: Uniting IL - 2 with laser to treat condyloma acuminatum of female genital organ is more effective and can lower its relapse rate.
  • Conclusion: Gracefully exit your essay by making a quick wrap-up sentence, and then end on some memorable thought, perhaps a quotation, or an interesting twist of logic, or some call to action.
  • Conclusion MTBE′s carcinogenicity to animals may relate to induction of cell proliferation and inhibition of cell apoptosis.
  • His symptoms led to the conclusion that his troubles were likely caused by grayanotoxin poisoning, also known as rhododendron poisoning and "mad honey intoxication. The Seattle Times
  • Conclusion: Both spinal and supraspinal neuronal Phosphoinositide 3-kinase(PI3K) pathway played important role in morphine dependent and naloxone-precipitated withdrawal response in mice.
  • Conclusion Uretero-pyelography is useful to diagnose primary ureteral polyps.
  • I would venture the opinion that the TRC was a logical conclusion to our atrocious and shameful past. SPEECH BY ADV DE LANGE ANC MP DURING THE PRESIDENT'S TABLING OF RECOMMENDATIONS RELATING TO THE TRC
  • Likewise, a few citation errors in the IPCC report were trumpeted as the final nails in the coffin for the climate movement, despite the fact that not a single investigation even those in which climate skeptics have participated has found any evidence thatscientists "fudged,""manipulated" or "manufactured" data, and the fundamental conclusions of the IPCC still stand. Kelly Rigg: The Movement with a Thousand Faces
  • In conclusion, I would like to thank our guest speaker.
  • In all three cases the conclusion reached was that a deliberate intention to breach the order was not a necessary element for a finding of contempt of court.
  • Conclusion Treating Cubital Tunnel Syndrome with microsurgery by neurolysis ulnar nerve with none-injury operation is a good method.
  • And of course we will conveniently forget that we forced him to hurry his conclusions and abandon the meticulousness with which it is necessary to proceed when searching for the truth.
  • But action filmmaking knows no restraint and so the plotline galumphs on to its inevitable conclusion.
  • I do not agree with the conclusions attributed to my name, and in no sense did I "coauthor" anything on your website. Archive 2008-05-01
  • Despite this, the Committee reached conclusions that are contradictory and that were not based on a comprehensive review of the available literature.
  • Thank you for you well thought out and considered reply, I have taken in most of the posts here and elsewhere and the only conclusion I can come to as a layman is “shrug” Replace Police With Spin Doctors « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • I've come to the conclusion that democracy must fail because the demos is either too ignorant or unintelligent for it to work. Leviathan Montgomery, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Conclusion: The incidence of sexuality is high in minority nationality fe male college students and there exist the problem of promiscuity , pregnant and spread of STD.
  • Conclusion: The leiomyomatous neoplasms are rich in vascularity. the benign and malignant tumor possess vascular feature.
  • As conscious beings we can deduce that the logical conclusion of this decline is our extinction.
  • The organisation required to travel to the clinic and to sustain the project through to conclusion proved too much.
  • The story creaks along to a dull conclusion.
  • But, at the heart of this argument, I have reached the conclusion that I'm a slightly clumsy, rather ineffectual speaker.
  • He had only been enabled to come to that conclusion, it was said, because he had imported into his reasoning process words which are to be found in the explanatory notes and not in the policy itself.
  • Conclusion: Neurotropin is effective and safe in the treatment of phantom limb pain after...
  • After the lapse of a fortnight, Hepburn, candidate for congressman-at-large, declined to accept because "it is quite apparent that a very large portion of the Republicans, owing to the unfortunate circumstances which have come to light since the adjournment of the convention, are not disposed to accept its conclusion as an authoritative utterance of the party." [ A Political History of the State of New York, Volumes 1-3
  • But he is mistaken in believing that most voters will come to their own conclusions.
  • The second conclusion we can draw is that Gray's opposition to the notion of historical moral progress poses no serious challenge to existential humanism.
  • The conclusion is a pressing exhortation to Catholics to be discerning, and a pledge to undertake a critical dialogue with those affected by New Age influences.
  • Thus, the study of the isacoustic lines strongly confirms the conclusions at which we have arrived above (p. 223) -- namely, that there were two distinct foci arranged in a north-west and south-east line, and that the impulse at the former focus occurred a few seconds earlier than that at the latter. [ A Study of Recent Earthquakes
  • Such a conclusion is as philosophically bizarre as it is textually unwarranted.
  • A tautly told tale of psychological tension and chilling moral complexity, The Last Secret accelerates to a shattering conclusion as it explores the irreparable consequences of one family's crimes of the heart. The Last Secret: Summary and book reviews of The Last Secret by Mary McGarry Morris.
  • Life is the art of drawing sufficient conclusions form insufficient premises.
  • Perhaps the only firm conclusion to emerge from this continuing debate is the recognition that the literary scene has become pluralistic.
  • CONCLUSIONS Androgen can autoregulate the expression of androgen receptor in MCF-7 breast cancer cell line. Flutamide and hydroxyflutamide up regulate the expression of androgen receptor.
  • It was not after all Social Text that drew the absurd conclusion about authoritarianism and elitism; it was Sokal, trying to ventriloquize work he didn't fully understand. Sokal's Hoax: An Exchange
  • Had he stated his syllo - gism correctly, the conclusion would be that there is noth - ing left to be doctored. Science and Health, with Key to the Scriptures
  • Conclusion Endoscopic management for chronic pancreatitis is relatively effective and secure.
  • And, as soon as we know the facts, we can stop all the conclusionary statements, that it's a big mess, that it's a purge, without really knowing exactly what happened. CNN Transcript Mar 19, 2007
  • Conclusion LAVH has notable superiority mild trauma , minimal injury and quick recovery in gynecologic surgery.
  • Such short-term monitoring is not uncommon, but both Louisiana and Pennsylvania have monitored other sites for significantly longer periods — often months — before reaching conclusions. States' tests for toxic air near schools called into doubt
  • Priest's conclusion was that it was likely that the metal was present in the food chain.
  • In our judgment the conclusion reached by the judge, despite the unprecedented passage of time since 1942, was correct.
  • Conclusion: The best sclerosing medication in combining use of aethoxysklerol 1 %, reptilase and vasopressin.
  • Results and Conclusions:Our simulations show that in order to improve the focal shape, the outer diameter of the annulus must be as large but the radius of acoustic lens must be as small as possible.
  • Conclusion The therapy reported here should be effective for atrophic rhinitis in clinical practice.
  • The author deserves great credit for his determination to avoid arriving at simple conclusions.
  • And neither do you, thanks to sloppy reporting and slapdash conclusions.
  • The two leading cases on so-called surreptitious entry, or what have come to be known as “sneak and peek” searches, came to very similar conclusions…. Using the Drug "War" to Expand Government Power
  • His conclusion also was that our next operation must be an all-out effort to destroy the enemy carriers.
  • Conclusion: Radiofrequency ablation is an effective and safe way to treat ATs.
  • For, if one conclusion stands out more clearly than another from the recent study of early societies it is the changelessness of man as a social being. Polanyi on the market
  • James being freed by the peace from all other cares, bent his attention to the conclusion of a matrimonial alliance, which he had during the last year been attempting.
  • This brief essay really has no conclusion; rather, this is the first volley in an ongoing discussion.
  • Conclusions : The soft tissue in the acetabulum is one of the factors to hinder hip reduction.
  • I just think that it's time we brought this process to a conclusion.
  • News about stricter visa requirements came alongside reports of a Philippine-Japan free trade agreement nearing conclusion.
  • Conclusion 1 . ADHD children are easy to complicated with behavioral problems.
  • But it takes a blending of the romantic and the practical that is unique to my mother to spontaneously arrive at such a conclusion.
  • They came to the conclusion that they had made an unforgivable mistake.
  • Don't jump to a conclusion.
  • Conclusion: The study provided an experiment basis on the gastrointestinal tract therapy of HZL in clinic.
  • Conclusion - Angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibition by enalapril effectively reduces microalbuminuria in normotensive diabetic patients whereas hydrochlorothiazide is not effective.
  • Therefore in speculative matters the same truth holds among all men both as to principles and as to conclusions, even though all men do not discern this truth in the conclusions but only in those principles which are called axiomatic notions. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • Conclusions: Short tandem repeats are the major genetic markers used in medicine.
  • An interesting conclusion now being drawn by arborists is that the tap root actually disappears as the tree matures in its 20s and 30s.
  • Events must play themselves out to aesthetic, moral and logical conclusion.
  • Conclusion The implantation of iris diaphragm IOL in aphakic eye with iris defect could rebuild the eyeball and correct the vision.
  • It is hard to avoid the conclusion that Harris' theoretical commitments are designed to explain away a feminine side that perhaps even today troubles an unquiet virility.
  • But he's now tackling drug prices, and while he makes some excellent points, I wonder if his final conclusion isn't off the mark.
  • CONCLUSION Compound 1-5 were all isolated from the genus Pterocarya for the first time, 1 and 5 were reported as the antitumor constituents of this plant Dode. for the first time.
  • As each news bulletin heralds an upwards revision of long past obscene totals, alternative conclusions are easy to avoid.
  • This essay is a testing ground for "ambience," exploring the role of space in poetics, ideology and theory, building on the conclusion to the book The Poetics of Spice. Abstracts
  • The sixth part is conclusion, summing up the characteristics of the basic color words and giving the meaning and shortcoming of the study.
  • I ask you to cherish her unbridled passion for ideas and to tolerate her tenacity in following questions to satisfying conclusions.
  • Almost everyone has seen this film and felt like they have been punched in the stomach at its conclusion.
  • Let's leave aside whether the conclusions of this study are a pile of rubbish.
  • But this year's spring optimism may have been boosted by an early conclusion to hostilities.
  • As a conclusion, the author suggests that some amendment to the present ZC Rules on shafting design seems to be necessary.
  • Conclusion: To find placental abruption early and treat correctly can decrease danger of pregnancies and infants.
  • I disagree with the conclusion we're overusing the Reserves.
  • By integrating the function using calculus we can compare the sum of the series with the integral of the function and draw conclusions from this.
  • CONCLUSION: Our study shows an impact for only a limited number of brain dead donor resuscitation parameters on DGF duration.
  • My conclusion was that no device worked better than simply recorking the bottle and standing it on the kitchen counter (my flat is seldom warmer than 65 degrees).
  • Yet again, we have too sweeping a conclusion: that this is a legitimating 'construction of fictive continuities'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Conclusion: 9.1 C 3 molecule is a kind of killing cell inhibitory receptor.
  • You come to important conclusions and finish an ongoing saga of conflict today.
  • Inevitably, your inner reflection will lead you to draw conclusions that will help you change the course of your entire life.
  • In reaching a conclusion whether the statement can be reconciled with the map, a degree of tolerance is permissible, depending upon the relative particularity and apparent accuracy with which each document is drawn.
  • Second Lesson from the Prophets, called Haphtarah (or, _Conclusion_). The Prayer Book Explained
  • Conclusion The SNP fluorescent-multiplex system based on the fragment length discrepant allele specific PCR strategy is simple and economical, and is of a high application value in forensic medicine.
  • Yet this emphasis on new beginnings is also framed by the opening reference to "winter" -- the first of many references to the seasons, but also a reference that reinforces the poem's stress on endings, on the conclusions of natural cycles. My Name Was Martha: A Renaissance Woman's Autobiographical Poem
  • We reanalysed the data, which confirmed the robustness of our first conclusion.
  • After studying for a long time , we make a conclusion that the DIDSs are always made up of six parts:Collector, Analyzer, Coordinator, Manager, Responsor and UI.
  • Loose ends still abound in the final reel, leaving the film with a less than satisfying conclusion.
  • Deductive legal reasoning is a reasoning method which regards law as major premise, case as minor premise, and deduces conclusion from the major and minor premise.
  • While insisting on the doctrine of numerus of IPR, there is no conclusion that we should be against judicial activism and restrict judge-made law.
  • That evening will be the conclusion of the triduum in preparation for the feast day, which takes place on Wednesday, June 25, Thursday, June 26 and Friday, June 27.
  • Mr Whittaker added: ‘My conclusion is that she died an accidental death that was due in all probability to inadvertent overlaying.’
  • If there are good internal literary reasons why the author of Mark might have invented this story as the conclusion of his work, then the community that was the presumptive audience for the gospel simply may not have perceived the embarrassment that arose later, as other communities adopted and literalized the narrative invented in Mark. Mythunderstanding The Criteria Of Authenticity
  • Anyone who thinks it through or reads about economics will come to the conclusion this pander is a farce. Schneider: Gas tax suspension proves popular
  • High-T wollastonite + vesuvianite + grossular-bearing assemblages within neighbouring skarns that developed by reaction with exsolving H 2 O-rich volatiles support this conclusion.
  • Conclusion The recurrence of leishmaniasis was related with patients' residential area, occupation, age, length of the illness course, complications, dosage of antimonials.
  • When Arthur Young wished to ascertain the relative proportions of cultivated and uncultivated land in France, he cut up a map of the country, and weighed them one against the other; but the platometer would have helped him to a more satisfactory conclusion. Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 434 Volume 17, New Series, April 24, 1852
  • I come to these conclusions concerning her ability to support herself on these bases.
  • Conclusions: The above mentioned rehabilitation therapy is effective for the convalescence of CVA patients.
  • Darker body color is typically seen in the losers of fights at their conclusion and will also characterize that animal if it remains to cohabit with the winner as a social subordinate.
  • Outdoor Soccer attracted bumper crowds and ran to a very successful conclusion at the KDL and Park grounds.
  • Infinite regress is just another metaphysical conclusion, no different that gods/God. Creationism, defined
  • Conclusion ER, PR and ACTH may be the important pathogeny for the occurrence or in pathological process of breast fibroadenoma of juvenility.
  • So my conclusion is that we blanked due to a combination of the bream being well fed and very alert to danger.
  • Conclusions will then be drawn from this body of facts and these will be presented in narrative form.
  • Conclusion Motorman can know in time the runing of electric locomotive avoiding to unnecessary failure. It is featured as easy in using and flexible in operation.
  • Conclusion Citrate buffer solution is the best solution for the preparation of povidone-iodine gel and the solution is helpful to improve the stability of the gel.
  • Physics has a big advantage here, since the ability to derive interesting conclusions from general principles comes earlier in physics than in other sciences.
  • It is difficult to accept her conclusion that ‘all autonomous images of wax, silver or gold should be interpreted as votive portraits’.
  • They reached the same conclusion from different starting points.
  • Alan Irwin alludes to the public non-acceptance of nuclear technology, and argues that this conclusion is justified by a careful, rational cost-benefit analysis.
  • But now some high-school students in Banbury, Oxfordshire, have interviewed a visitor from St. Helena and raised doubts about that conclusion. How Old May You Be?
  • Conclusion:Rhesus monkey xenoreactive natural antibody titers are greatly different among individuals. It is necessary to detect the antibody before using rhesus monkeys for xenograft studding.
  • The boffins also came to the conclusion that the armour was made in a low temperature bush fire and not in a blacksmith's forge as originally thought.
  • Conclusion:Weichangshu can stimulate the peristaltic activity of intestine and promote recovery of enteroparalysis.
  • In conclusion, our results show that a high percentage of tobacco smokers tend to be drinkers also.
  • Over the years I've come to the conclusion that she's a very great musician.
  • Still, it's important to have real scientists getting the word out, explaining results, not letting popularizers dumb it down, and not letting people leap to conclusions.
  • So before moving to the particular let's see if we can draw some general conclusions regarding degree and timing.
  • Conclusion:There are deficits in every side of reading in Chinese developmental dyslexics, and the main problem is auditory perception disorder.
  • ‘Subject’ here means the subject of the conclusion of the demonstrative syllogism.
  • Conclusion The plasma concentration of EBV DNA could reflect the tumor burden in patients with NPC.
  • Conclusion:The treatment of this disease includes taking a positive cure to an original disease, improving the organism immunity and using antibiotics reasonably according to the drug-fast.
  • What a hard, brave conclusion; what an antic disposition in making it.
  • You must form all conclusions and all maxims for yourselves, from premises and data collected and considered by yourself.
  • In fact, perhaps what is lurking underneath all your botheration is the idea that a Muslim has shot his fellow soldiers, this has terrible ramifications that you want to leave to others to “parse,” and none of these conclusions are politically correct. NSFW: After Fort Hood, another example of how ‘citizen journalists’ can’t handle the truth
  • Reid gave Hume credit for taking Locke's premisses to their logical conclusion.
  • Furthermore, the inclusion of only two independent origins of sociality (in honeybees and vespid wasps) limited the conclusions that could be drawn concerning the effect of sociality on molecular evolution.
  • Conclusion Lumbar puncture Plastic tube is a simple and utility method to continue collect the fluid.
  • Conclusion: Oxiracetam can distinctly improve the brain function of the mild and moderate brain injure, and have better efficacy than piracetam.
  • Yet epidemiologists in many countries have independently evaluated possible methods of transmission and have reached the same conclusions.
  • The conclusion: a "bute" of a case of self-induced strangulation. The Brussels Journal - The Voice of Conservatism in Europe
  • In conclusion Gogira is a clasic movie and i'd be thrilled to see more of the series but I realy dont think we need some 'out of origenal ideas americans' reamaking a clasic into a nothing but explosions chik flik. kambulcs Rumor: New Godzilla Movie in Discussion Stage at Legendary Pictures? | /Film
  • Conclusion: Xianggui pill can restrain significantly the growth of allotopia intima tissue, and has apparently adjustment to the cytokine.
  • In conclusion, early maladaptation, that is, upregulated thrombin generation and inhibition of fibrinolysis, occurred in one-third of the SCT patients associating with the development of GVHD, a finding suggesting an interplay between coagulation and immunology during SCT. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Conclusion Proper concentration I and Se have obvious antagonism against rat fluorosis.
  • Conclusion. Combining vertebral augmentation and placement of an interspinous process spacer represents a viable option for treating such fragile patients.
  • However, one conclusion you can draw is that the average joe is actually more level headed than most of the experts who run the country.
  • The four-member commission's report is still being drafted and its final conclusions are not yet definite.
  • At the conclusion of one of these eight or ten hour parties, the outside observer and non-participant might have the impression that the scene resembles an apocalyptic movie.
  • Conclusion: AbE is potentially a biological response modulator for hemopoietic and immuno - regulstion.
  • This conclusion is consistent with the hypothesis that the rotational axis of the minor planet has no precession.
  • When trainees have no riskfree way of getting adequate explanations, they may draw the wrong conclusions about entirely innocent research conduct.
  • In many ways it besot him like orphic sound to a musician, or the tenebrisms of artists (Carvaggios like himself); but nonetheless he continued to project blame at the bearded anathema beneath him, and he still glanced down periodically at the floor hoping to find the putative agents of the odor, evidence to bolster his bilious conclusions, being in full denial of himself. An Apostate: Nawin of Thais
  • Conclusion: SPIO - enhanced MRI can asist to diagnose liver disease.
  • Conclusion MRI is the best method to diagnose the dysgenesis of the corpus callosum.
  • And, having reached a nice rounded and witty conclusion, I'm going to spoil it by waffling on and qualifying what I've said.
  • In conclusion, self-ligating brackets showed reduced frictional resistance in comparison to steel ligated brackets only under certain conditions. Self Ligating Orthodontic Brackets
  • This is the conclusion on my arguments in the supplementary submissions.
  • The conclusion of the story, in which Procne kills their son then bakes him in a pie and serves him to Tereus in revenge, is less recounted somehow, arguably because the scorched-earth emotional relentlessness it exemplifies sits so uncomfortably withinthe heart of the genuinely feminine. Divorce, American Style
  • These conclusions must be taken with caution because food composition values for vitamin B6 are still in the developmental stage. 10.
  • The professional pundits who were parachuted into Egypt by the international media have come with them pre-cooked conclusions about "radical Islam", security threats and what it takes to ensure regional stability. Marwan Bishara: Egypt's Community Organizers Teach the World a Lesson
  • Conclusion CCF was characterized by hemodynamic features of low resistance and high flow capacity.
  • I can't draw any conclusions from what she said.
  • In conclusion, I hope the preceding arguments have convinced you of the need for action.
  • And it's an adventure whose "conclusion"—the daily performance of work—has gone relatively unchronicled in literature. Chapbook entry
  • The bereaved are normally anxious for a speedy conclusion in these tragic cases.
  • Even more important, the legal conclusions derived from the facts as presented by the plaintiff's lawyer will have to be rigorously scrutinized, even when the facts are uncontroverted.
  • We may skip the hocus-pocus part of the article and go directly to its conclusions.
  • We will draw the conclusions that are required and endure the consequences as the Word of God instructs us, without prejudice and without partiality.
  • While this may seem like a harsh conclusion or a ludicrous one at that, it most definitely is not.
  • Conclusion The means of improvement is a better way to diagnose esophageal hiatus hernia.
  • But here we run up against the difficulty that this formulation appears to derive a prescriptive conclusion from two factual premisses.
  • Now, the perpetrator governments have agreed to this legal conclusion, although they maintain the implausible assertion that gun confiscations were not the result of official policy.
  • The outcome of the vote is a foregone conclusion.

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