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How To Use Concise In A Sentence

  • He had put their objective on a whiteboard: to understand concise writing. Times, Sunday Times
  • In contrast to less specific methods of treatment, the social skill training approaches have the advantage of lending themselves to this sort of concise, nonmystical explanation. Planned Short-Term Treatment
  • Divided into sections that cover small eats, drinks, soups, rice dishes, side dishes and sweets, the recipes are clear and concise.
  • From this silence there arises a certain mysterious plenitude which filters into thought and there congeals into bronze. The compression of history produces conciseness in the historian.
  • The respect is designed in lamplight, indirect lighting combining direct lighting is given priority to, in order to emphasize the lobby of the space is concise, modern and metrical sense.
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  • The explanation of the science at work was clear, concise and comprehensible.
  • The bandwidth constraints of the internet force us to find more concise ways to represent information.
  • Saussure expressed his arguments in a concise and logical way.
  • Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » A suitably brief guide to conciseness Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » A suitably brief guide to conciseness
  • The voiceover is English accented, clear and concise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Occasional freeze-frames isolate comical poses and expressions while voice-overs by the main characters give witty and concise insights into their thought processes.
  • Your summary should be as clear and concise as possible.
  • His account of his ascent to the upper echelons of the British literary canon is so concise and unembellished, so, well, Swiftian, it could have been delivered by one of his own characters.
  • What I was attempting to say (albeit too concise – and more easily misconstrued) was that the woman pictured behind the picket was already being forced to hide herself by her own culture/religion. Should you have to hide the real you to be accepted – muslim | My[confined]Space
  • In part, this effect is due to the brevity and conciseness of each topic, another characteristic of this book that I found appealing and refreshing.
  • I asked some moments ago what connection you see between the conciseness of your poems and their preoccupation with pain.
  • The names themselves - diatoms, rotifers, ciliates, desmids - are both delicately Latinate or Greek-derived and appealingly concise.
  • It's not only multi-facetted, but it refers to several different and unique things, none of which has been "concisely" defined. 14 Important Science Questions
  • Conciseness is also at a sufficiently high level of generality to provide the flexibility so a right is open to reinterpretation over time from many perspectives.
  • My first instinct would be to stop using the pretentious word "idempotent", which is a symptom of the Haskellers 'disease of assuming that math terminology is a good way to concisely communicate concepts to non-mathematicians ... what's new online!
  • Since I’m on a bit of a word-coining jag of late, I should note that the scintillating Laure has improved upon my tag for a literary phenomenon I’d long dubbed “Paul Auster Syndrome,” offering the far more concise Austerism. Austerism
  • Writing clear and concise directions on the prescription will assist the patient in appropriate use of the medication.
  • On the other hand, Miller's concise strategy is preferable to the approach of padding out the running length.
  • If there is more storyline than this, it is but secondary to the Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and Oedipus, Laius, and Jocasta myths that Malick has conflated concisely without their untidy cliches. G. Roger Denson: Terrence Malick's Tree of Life Plays Garden of Eden to the Family of Man
  • Finally, may be it is may fault to not understood clearly the meaning of the word concise in this product. Arif Widianto's Blog
  • A more concise, equally accurate but less approbative way of putting this would be simply that he "smokes. The Recount Culture
  • John Page put the situation more concisely, if indelicately, in a letter to Ely in 1947, when Page was reclamation commissioner and the eighty-five -year-old Ely had finally been forced into retirement. Colossus
  • The pope sanctioned it, on condition that the Protestants would abide by its decisions and submit their credenda in concise, intelligible form. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • In narrative, no doubt, the writer has the alternative of telling that his personages thought so and so, inferred thus and thus, and arrived at such and such a conclusion; but the soliloquy is a more concise and spirited mode of communicating the same information; and therefore thus communed, or thus might have communed, the Lord of Glenvarloch with his own mind. The Fortunes of Nigel
  • People these days are reading less and less; aliteracy is a growing problem, concisely explained in a recent article by Andy Beckett. Archive 2009-05-01
  • The Concise Oxford Dictionary says that "fool" in its usual sense is Middle English, from Old French, from Latin 'follis' meaning 'bellows or empty-headed person'. July recipe: Gooseberry fool
  • But it can tell us, very concisely, about the extensive yet unique group of languages to which English belongs. The English Is Coming!
  • This is essentially an if statement but in a more concise form known as a ternary operator, and would be no different than writing:
  • The preamble, no less clear and concise, also leaves little room for doubt about what is and is not acceptable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well, the drug companies say that they provide education in a clear and concise way.
  • Team members also urge affiliates to incorporate a concise plan for reclaiming and recycling leftover materials, minimizing the use of natural resources and reducing the impact on the land.
  • Some of the most complex but decisive concepts in modern physics and mathematics are set out with lucidity and concise elegance. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Called mobile information device, or more concisely MID profile, the standard promises to bring yet more stuff to the titchy screen of your mobile phone.
  • More than 100 texts have been written on chemical thermodynamics but a concise summary of the laws is hard to find.
  • Keep revising your beginning until it is direct, concise, and interesting. A Short Guide to Writing About History
  • Combette's music is hard to describe concisely, but there's Haitian compas, zouk, folk, jazz, bossa nova, soca and reggae in the mix.
  • There is a useful and concise introduction to the area, its bird habitats and avifauna, and a list of abbreviations and symbols used in the text.
  • Here comes a docu-drama that sails to its destination with such crisp editing and concise narration that you wonder what was the fuss all about!
  • A cardiograph would be able to record my heart movements accurately and then you'd have a concise visual aid.
  • But, nonetheless, witnessing this job done well is a marvel - avalanches of visual and audio information marshalled into concise entertainment for the benefit of the unappreciative viewer.
  • We always stick to principles of correctness, unity, conciseness, extensibility and Clean Room.
  • In 1688, Malebranche published his Entretiens sur la métaphysique et la religion (Dialogues on Metaphysics and Religion), a concise summary of his main metaphysical doctrines of the vision in God and occasionalism that also addresses the problem of evil. Nicolas Malebranche
  • Incidentally, the spurs which form the northern and southern jaws, so to speak, would not form a continuous ridge if the mouth were filled in, but would overlap (or to use a military term which expresses the idea concisely, they are "in echelon"), the one which comes from the north being some thirty yards east of the one which comes from the south. Head Hunters of the Amazon: Seven Years of Exploration and Adventure
  • It's something to do with my love of conciseness.
  • The vitreous armrest stair of concise vogue, from deft and clean in oozy and contemporary succinct.
  • It's good to see an argument stated in a clear and concise way but with all its essential components.
  • Use clear, concise language to communicate, not bureaucratese to impress.
  • Using reflection like this represents a trade-off: complexity versus conciseness.
  • More concisely, bad writing makes it unusually easy not to be confronted by the ideas the writer wants to express. Why Oh Why Can't Hayek Write Better?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Lyrics should be poetic, concise, imaginative, theologically strong and expressive of worship to God.
  • If email is essential, such as for remote workers, then be clear and concise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Transposition is explained in a concise manner on the last page, making it easy for students to learn how to play these exercises in other keys.
  • It could also do with lifting that film's concise 72-minute running time.
  • The explanation of the science at work was clear, concise and comprehensible.
  • Don't make eloquent speeches; be concise. Christianity Today
  • Dar sees the influence of Levin the director on her work in the attribute of conciseness, that is, “the ability to create an [entire] atmosphere using one effect” (Haaretz, March 22, 1989). Ruth Dar.
  • I feel this provides the skills to write tight, clear, and concise papers.
  • The news articles are more polished and concise on loper. org?! C-Ville Weekly on at
  • Use clear and concise column headings. A Short Guide to Writing About Science
  • The questions are concise and well worded soas to avoid endless lists of fact gathering queries.
  • Martian thinks this is polite language, but the word forgery is much more concise and to the point, and he finds an excellent example of this described by Joseph McCabe in "The Forgery of the Old Testament. The Necessity of Atheism
  • MOTIVATION: Converting the vast quantity of free-format text found in journals into a concise, structured format makes the researcher's quest for information easier.
  • Use clear and concise column headings. A Short Guide to Writing About Science
  • Concise text would reduce strain on military communications and greatly speed the assimilation of information.
  • Lucia's many, marvelously concise reflections on objective redemption and coredemption (or redemption and coredemption in first act), in which these are presented as, shall we say, the "genetic matrices" of subjective redemption and coredemption (that in second act), also known as the dispensatory mediation of grace. Latest Articles
  • Clifton and Ferreira also provide an accurate, concise explanation of an intriguing foundational problem in general relativistic cosmology, which might explain the apparent observation of accelerative expansion: Archive 2009-03-01
  • Urban grit and gospelly guts: an apt and concise characterization of the Martha & the Vandellas sound. The Monarchs of Motown Portfolio
  • It’s difficult to explain concisely but basically my attitude towards the police has changed from thinking of you as “Maggies brown-shirts” to actually having sympathy for your situation a fair amount of the time. Birthday « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • The fiber morphology can be concisely summarized.
  • the history is summed up concisely in this book
  • It is short, concise and clear to understand why many of you are trying to fix a problem with unfixed instruments. Matthew Yglesias » One Man’s Inefficiency is Another Man’s Job
  • Concise and clear presentation of information is essential if performance management is to bite. Times, Sunday Times
  • So then, if the electorate is tending to think in and act on smaller and smaller (not to say, more concise) messages, why not spread the word on T-shirts?
  • A concise yet comprehensive biography of the artist depicts the moments of inspiration that have led him to paint landscapes and scenes of country life.
  • We often mistake talking for a long time with being persuasive, but if you’re in a debate or other situation where you need to persuade others of your point of view, conciseness is often a more worthy aim. Don’t Argue For Longer Than A TV Ad | Lifehacker Australia
  • The brief set forth the argument in six concise points.
  • It is fantastic - clear, concise, and just what you would need if you were visiting for the first time.
  • summarize this with the motto binary compatibility ensures migration compatibility — or, more concisely, erasure eases evolution.
  • A world in which every law can be neatly and concisely written, and its legal basis cited in the Constitution (provided you ignore Article I, Section 8, because the elastic clause is clearly for losers and the framers didn't intend for it to mean what it says, even though they wrote it that way). Elizabeth Bisbee Silber: Fantasies, Conspiracy Theories and Tax Cuts for the Rich
  • They should state clearly and concisely, without a sneery pout, that it's just another contractual obligation, among many, that must be fulfilled.
  • My aim is to describe as concisely and vividly as I can the marked peculiarities of the place. Life and Work in Benares and Kumaon, 1839-1877
  • We do not express our needs clearly and concisely and end up with situations to which we have contributed unawares.
  • Answer guide: If concise objectives are not set organizations will tend to drift a long not knowing where they are going.
  • A particularly concise and elegant passage of descriptive work comes from a fellow essayist.
  • Above all this, we must maintain clear and concise information on the extent of the damage.
  • According to, “His opinions, in the view of one commentator, were concise and admirable, placing Hughes in the pantheon of great justices.” The Volokh Conspiracy » The Short List
  • It should have clear headings, concise paragraphs and snappy sentences.
  • I call it cryptic rhyme because I write short, clipped, descriptive verses that paint vivid, concise pictures using almost no full sentences. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » INTERVIEW: Verla Kay, Part 1
  • The preamble, no less clear and concise, also leaves little room for doubt about what is and is not acceptable. Times, Sunday Times
  • The speaker handled his subject concisely.
  • His style was concise, spontaneous, epigrammatic. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I was given clear and concise information, and, on the basis of this, my verbal consent was obtained.
  • The chapters also refresh the memory by providing concise statistical information on laboratory measures.
  • This is a triumph of conciseness, a 247-word beacon of brevity. Ethan Rome: Size Matters: The GOP & Health Care
  • The sinewy first movement, which is the most concise in the whole of Bax's symphonic cycle, packs a powerful punch.
  • He earned this position with his concise, forceful prose as well astumultuous, often newsworthy lifestyle.
  • Each chapter starts with a question, which is followed by a clear and concise answer.
  • Some of the most complex but decisive concepts in modern physics and mathematics are set out with lucidity and concise elegance. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The language's highly flexible syntax and concise regular expression operators, make densely written PERL code indecipherable to the uninitiated.
  • This book offers a concise and to-the-point directory for anyone who gambles on the Internet or is interested in gambling on the Internet.
  • If email is essential, such as for remote workers, then be clear and concise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Twenty-six names, on two sheets of Downing Street notepaper: a more eloquent and concise statement of the Prime Minister's standing than any number of opinion polls and election results could ever provide.
  • Hollin has collected together a range of individuals and collaborators to provide a concise but comprehensive overview of the principles and premises inherent in this area.
  • Keep revising your beginning until it is direct, concise, and interesting. A Short Guide to Writing About History
  • There is no such writing as this in any of the works of Tacitus, who, though curt and concise, is always remarkable for concinnity and clearness of expression as well as for perspicuity and consecutiveness of idea. Tacitus and Bracciolini The Annals Forged in the XVth Century
  • Our Constitution is drafted in concise and general propositions, which is a foundation of its longevity. The Volokh Conspiracy » Help Draft the Federalism Restoration Amendment
  • At the top of the slope, Lawrence offered encouragement and direction that was clear, concise, and visual.
  • Concise and clear presentation of information is essential if performance management is to bite. Times, Sunday Times
  • The point is that it does not exist as this official thing "concisely" defined so as to need no clarification when Gibson tried to trick Palin with it. 14 Important Science Questions
  • The oikos is a somewhat longer troparion, which in concise style glorifies the virtues and merits of the subject of the feast. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Transformers and gyrators in a bond graph model may be reduced and lead to a concise model with smaller number of elements.
  • It would be very easy to dismiss The Concise Dictionary of Dress as the emperor's new clothes, an enterprise that depends on our biddability and politeness. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • During our concise conversation, Conrad proves to be a sharp observer and commentator on the game.
  • The language in the book is terse and concise, almost laconic, and very much to the point.
  • Despite having a phenomenal song writing talent, he seems to lack an aptitude for conciseness.
  • Love the new look and the concise organisation... looking very schmick. At My Table
  • While the Democrat is loquaciously appealing to reason, the other guy is busy with concise pandering and the amputation of logic. ' OpEdNews - Quicklink: Why Obama Lost and McCain Won Saturday Night's Forum
  • Take notes during the consultation as the final written report is very concise.
  • She had been taken off the system because management only used staff with clear, concise and friendly voices, it said.
  • We need to have a clear, fairly concise, number of recognisable brands.
  • The information is brief and concise, and gives the reader a general overview of the various organ systems.
  • The screenplay has her explain her every thought in concise sentences, all of which serve onlyto clarify the drama unfolding. Review: Crazy Heart « Screaming Blue Reviews
  • The notice shall state concisely the section which is said to be unconstitutional or ultra vires, a brief statement of the argument to be made, and the citation of any cases which are relied upon for support of the argument.
  • The organization of this vast amount of information into concise comparative tables will be very useful for pathology residents, microbiologists, and infectious disease fellows learning the complexity of parasitology.
  • It is a wieldy document but considering the sheer quantity of material covered, maintains an admirable level of coherence in an objective, clear and concise manner.
  • Her voice, concise and direct, rapped out: 'So you require a cook-general?' Our Elizabeth A Humour Novel
  • The bandwidth constraints of the internet force us to find more concise ways to represent information.
  • It presents data, detailed and in-depth, in an organized and concise tabular format with full-color graphs.
  • This impossible task forces you to evaluate each word for conciseness and clarity. What Helps YOU Be a Better Writer? | Write to Done
  • Both chaconne themes are slow and concise; the first is a six-minim rising motif, opening out through the augmented fourth to a perfect fifth, and the second, a dotted march-like theme anchored around E minor.
  • the explanation was concise, even elliptical to the verge of obscurity
  • The first chapter is a concise introduction of Tisco and Section Steel Mill of Tisco.
  • It seeks to present ideas clearly, concisely, and directly, and to avoid legalese, archaic terms, and repetition.
  • And they would shred the 40, 500-page federal tax code and replace it with a set of clear, concise rules.
  • Rhee-Klein "manifesto" a "concise compilation of today's fads and gimmicks in education" (The Answer Sheet) DeMorning DeBonis: Oct. 12, 2010
  • As with every Lonely Planet book, a big part of the fun is perusing the many fascinating sidebars, such as the brief description of curling, one of Canada's national sports ( "loosely defined as shuffleboard on ice") - every town in the region has a curling club - or their concise sketch of the three main highways that run through the Yukon. -
  • The instruction manual is written in clear, concise English.
  • At times, elliptical speech or writing is so concise that listeners and readers must supply missing elements through guesswork or special knowledge, and if they cannot, they fail to understand.
  • This discussion is kept concise by the use of an elegant calculus of closure operations on group properties.
  • I'd had to edit some bits out to make it more concise.
  • Lastly, narrates concisely the literary significance and cultural significance of travel literature.
  • The general principles behind the method used are explained clearly and concisely.
  • This is the raw sound of heavy rock with emphasis on high-energy shows and short, concise songs.
  • To be successful, it had to be concise, dignified and durable; in short, lapidary (from the Latin lapis, stone).
  • While looking for something entirely different in the Cassell Concise Dictionary, I ran across the word adminicle, defined as: ADMINICLE.
  • Although the technical aspects of flow cytometry are concisely described and explained, this book is inadequate for those seeking a deeper understating of fluidics, optics, compensation, and other concepts.
  • You will have to be able to write memos and reports that are clear, concise and persuasive. Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
  • A phrase I have coined, “Feeding the Web 2.0 monster” concisely sums up the workload in using Web 2.0 technology. Can social media save the day for wineries? | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • Make concise and constructive requests. Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
  • The description is literal, concrete and concise, rarely using metaphors or similes to extend the image.
  • Therefore, neat and concise hyphenated compound terms will be used throughout to help disentangle his various roles and avoid needless repetition and reader boredom.
  • Scattered across feminist iconography, it makes points about women's issues which are usually clear and concise.
  • To put the case more concisely, the _Star of the North_ had been carried for the distance of _four degrees and a half_ exactly of longitude backward on her outward track to New York and some _two degrees_ or thereabouts to the southwards, placing us as nearly as possible in the position the skipper had already indicated, a direction of some five hundred miles more or less from our proper course and about midway between Bermuda and the Azores, or Western Islands. The Ghost Ship A Mystery of the Sea
  • He'd delivered his report clearly and concisely.
  • You will have to be able to write memos and reports that are clear, concise and persuasive. Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
  • Overall, the book is very useful as it provides concise recent information on the subject.
  • The book also comes in concise and pocket editions, which are shorter but newer; i.e., they are not just abridged editions. In praise of a reference book: MWDEU
  • Your notes should provide a concise but comprehensive account of a given topic.
  • The colour of each functional spaces is congeneric a series, without too big contrast, this kind those who unite is tonal can increase a bedroom to wash the feeling with concise practice.
  • Don't make eloquent speeches; be concise. Christianity Today
  • As you can tell from the clear and concise summary, this is a relatively healthy item to eat, so feel free to buy a truckload of them and eat at least 38 a day.
  • We now have a clear and concise set of food standards which are easier for cooks to follow and less expensive to enforce. Times, Sunday Times
  • As well organized and concisely accurate as it is, the book will still be dauntingly massive for many users pining for some simple, quick reference method for getting at specific features and techniques.
  • The article gives a concise overview of research into 'psi phenomenon', such as precognition, clarevoyance and thought transference and considers many of the controversies in the field, with opinions from both 'believers' and 'skeptics'. Mind Hacks: Science of the psychic
  • Naturally such a diary needs to be concise, yet it should contain concrete details about exactly what you have done.
  • It's so clear and concise. Times, Sunday Times
  • A simple one sentence answer would have sufficed the patient but the doctor just could not keep his explanation concise.
  • You'll find how-to videos marked "In Plain English" - concise but thorough blog posts about marketing technique and an entire group dedicated specifically to mastering search engine optimization. Ning Blog
  • The general principles behind the method used are explained clearly and concisely.
  • His efforts in producing the polished phrase, the pithy retort are far greater than his efforts to tell a fascinating story clearly and concisely.
  • But if you do, you can have enough respect for the rest of us to actually post a few concise arguments here, not just paste in marginally-to-not-at-all relevant links to long winded arguments you made elsewhere 10 years ago. Matthew Yglesias » Sleep Deprivation
  • The Director would have been well within his rights, and could not have been accused of discourtesy, if he had allowed a certain short, concise sentence at the left-hand corner of the official sheet of paper which he signed, to remain. The Castle Of The Shadows
  • As these heraldic arms became more elaborate, their description or blazon came to acquire its own rules, arcane vocabulary, and concise syntax.
  • The gallery is perhaps a little full, but the rich earthy tones, concise drawing and overall visual experience make it a worthwhile visit.
  • The final section of the book presents concise appraisals of recent financial system trends and near-term predictions by prominent central bank officials.
  • Burton's text is concise and informative.
  • The bandwidth constraints of the internet force us to find more concise ways to represent information.
  • And so Plato [591] praises, and compares to clever javelin-men, such as speak tersely, compressedly, and concisely. Plutarch's Morals
  • You will have to be able to write memos and reports that are clear, concise and persuasive. Going For It!: How to Succeed As an Entrepreneur
  • Take notes during the consultation as the final written report is very concise.
  • The root definition is a concise verbal description of the system, which captures its essential nature.
  • The word is a hybrid of the Chinese term "taikong" (space) and the Greek "naut" (traveler), or astronaut, according to the Concise Oxford English Dictionary. Boing Boing
  • It is a pleasure to note that despite his concise format, Chew's work may be the first to satisfy the demands for documentation that historians typically make of books they use.
  • The production is clear and concise with no sounds distorting or dropping out.
  • This is tough, concise, and, if I may, butch movie-making, and I love it.
  • That's the most concise one-word descriptor of hizz (dis) honor I've seen. Averting our eyes from the wreck (literal and figurative) (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • What they want is the capacity to write relatively short reports in clear, concise English that does not contain awful howlers. Times, Sunday Times
  • You want to make it clear and concise. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's clear, concise and easy to follow. The Sun
  • The ballet - set to a mix of composers including Schubert and placed in an ingeniously contrived cloudscape - makes its point concisely, coherently, and prettily.
  • Annie R. Leo, Leo, Leo, No! Great advice, and EVERYONE should read and digest this, but the REAL SECRET in learning to be concise is … well, let me add a historic lesson. Edit to Done: Revision and the Art of Being Concise | Write to Done
  • I shall concisely mention four cases of aphtha, but do not pretend to determine whether they were all of them symptomatic or original diseases. Zoonomia, Vol. II Or, the Laws of Organic Life
  • “Our Worst Critics Prefer to Stay” is, while perhaps not outrightly uplifting, a wonderfully concise acknowledgment of the paradox that a capitalist democracy inevitably is: a place that is often well worth complaining about, and which allows you to complain as loudly as you wish. And the New Six-Word Motto for the U.S. Is … - Freakonomics Blog -
  • It seeks to present ideas clearly, concisely, and directly, and to avoid legalese, archaic terms, and repetition.
  • Her inability to communicate a clear, concise message, instead babbling in incoherent broken english, leaves little room for anything other than her inevitable political defeat. Palin says she is not a quitter

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