How To Use Concept In A Sentence

  • You know and, particularly, I'm interested in rhythmic concepts from South Indian music, and so, I work with a lot of these elements in my music. Vijay Iyer: Self-Taught Jazz Pianist Goes 'Solo'
  • I feel like the popular conception of Freddy Krueger might be a bit different than what you guys are going for here because Freddy Krueger, popularly, is Henie Youngman as a serial killer. Producers Andrew Form and Bradley Fuller On Set Interview A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET –
  • But Ms. Economy pointed to the elaborateness of concept and coordination of details — "the flowers are matching," she observed — leading her to suspect they may have had professional help bringing the Halloween spirit alive. Suburban Tricks, Urban Treats
  • Many of the ideas presented are on the cutting edge and deal with anything from abstract concepts to fiddlehead ferns, from a number to numeral, from software to the nuts and bolts of a computer.
  • And here the concept of the masque comes into play one final time.
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  • This concept of embodiment doesn't apply just to times of exertion, of course.
  • We believe that this directly relates to reality programming that has been instilled in our race since its conception.
  • Some concepts in Chinese medicine have no exact equivalent in Western medicine.
  • One of the creators of BarCamp concept, Chris Messina, is joining Google. Happy birthday to me! I’m joining Google | FactoryCity
  • With that comes a complete frame of concepts and ideas.
  • After all, at conception, the fertilized egg has all the information necessary to code for your physical potential.
  • Opening to the power of intention, you begin knowing that conception, birth and death are all natural aspects of the energy field of creation. Wayne Dyer 
  • BDC is currently conducting a Phase two placebo-controlled proof of concept study with the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitor, etanercept, epidurally administered to a minimum of 40 patients with sciatica. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • A second preoccupation evident in these papers is responsibility, and what could roughly be described as the ethical dimension of conceptualisation.
  • What caught my eye about this is that it bears interesting relation to Bakhtin's concept of the dialogism of the "living word" -- in fact, capitalize that "w" and it would be downright eerie. Nothing could be finer than to be in Carolina in the morning...
  • So was Laker's concept of cheap but regular air travel.
  • Carson's voice on the phone was preceded by that of a lawyer who asked if I would mind listening to Johnny while he spoke his piece, which sounds like even daffier a concept now than it did then. Nights with Johnny Carson: As long as it's been, we still long for them
  • It's conceptual art with pathos! Times, Sunday Times
  • Because characteristic of electron gun job is restricted, scanning frequency included frequency and frequency two concepts.
  • She seemed unfamiliar with the concept that everyone should have an equal opportunity.
  • This role of film as an instance of mass media is opposed to that of Adorno, who could only conceptualise the mass media as a means of stupefying the masses in a capitalist society.
  • The conceptus, like the infant, the child, and the adolescent, is a being who is in the process of unfolding its potential; that is, the potential to grow and develop itself but not to change what it is.
  • The Phoenix Mills Compound, that Ruia conceptualized, is an icon in the Indian retail space. India's Atul Ruia
  • Love for others, concern for justice and the poor are not so much a question of social morals as the expression of a sacramental conception of Christian morality because, through priestly ministry, the spiritual sacrifice of all the faithful is accomplished, in union with the sacrifice of Christ, the only mediator. Pope on the Essential Elements of Priestly Ministry
  • I'm gonna drag you home tonight and we're going to explore this concept of evolution.
  • The vital factor he boldly designates "entelechy", or "psychoid", and advocated a return to Aristotle for the most helpful conception of the principle of life. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • Pelling's central idea is that the value of this concept is variable and its use needs care.
  • Unlike Church, Turing developed his disproof of Hilbert's conjecture around the conception of a hypothetical machine which would decide the truth of statements by a set of well-defined sequential operations.
  • Whether we take the signified or the signifier, Saussure argues, language has neither ideas nor sounds that existed before the linguistic system, but only conceptual and phonic differences that have issued from the system.
  • She also outlined another misconception that could explain the suspicion research nurses often encounter among other nurses.
  • Since 2001, areas north of Point Conception to an intersect with the Oregon coast has been closed to drift gillnet fishing from August 15th through November 15th in order to protect endangered leatherback and loggerhead sea turtles. Permit to Kill Pacific Sea Turtles and Whales Requested by Seafood Company
  • For example, in proofs about sets, Venn diagrams provided a useful part of a concept image in some cases.
  • Just as our concepts of childhood have changed, so have our concepts of childhood problems.
  • The most popular story concerning her conception was that a golden egg tumbled out of Chaos in the beginning of the world.
  • I don't really understand why the judges felt like it needed to be laced with conceptuality," Mitchell, 32, said. Work of Art's Dusty on Why Jerry Was Wrong and Having His Own Short Shorts
  • Further work is needed at the conceptual level in this area to determine the exact nature of the constraints required.
  • The observation of even the miscellaneous objects in a large city leads to a variety of concepts, and in the end, by comparison, to the general notion, _city_. The Elements of General Method Based on the Principles of Herbart
  • GE invited me to Pittsfield, where I met with Dr. Dan Fox, a scientist in charge of the company's new chemical concepts. That job appealed to me most.
  • This tells us something interesting about the human concept of disgust. Times, Sunday Times
  • Society exists only as a mental concept; in the real world there are only individuals. Oscar Wilde 
  • The British Biologist Dr. Rupert Sheldrake introduced the concepts of Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance in his revolutionary 1981 book A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation.
  • It is a commonly held misconception, due to the informal traditions of electronic communication, that e-mails carry less weight than letters on headed notepaper.
  • Regardless of whether those pessimistic readings of the debate are correct, and of whether the zombie idea itself is sound or incoherent, it continues to stimulate fruitful work on consciousness, physicalism, phenomenal concepts, and the relations between imaginability, conceivability, and possibility. Zombies
  • He also introduced the concept of a stipendiary chairmanship, at one stroke freeing the council from its reliance on semi-retired highflyers from the business community.
  • The pragmatic differentiation between classificatory, potential and actual affines is undertaken in accordance with the proscriptive principles described above, and is framed within a consubstantial conception of relatedness.
  • There are few domains of management practice and conceptualisation that are as complex and of such significant consequence as that of designing the future of a city.
  • It's a bizarre concept that intertwines issues of patriotism and sporting chauvinism.
  • Buddhism recognizes neither the mind/body dualism that characterizes much of Western philosophy, nor the concept of an essential self, such as the Hindu atman.
  • It's kind of an open concept, like a half covered, tiered, outdoor auditorium.
  • It proved the operational concept of a winged, reusable spaceship by successfully completing the Orbital Flight Test Program.
  • In many cases, sociological concepts are defined in such a way that they can be measured as well. Sociology
  • A good arrangement should sound as though it were an original conception, and not an arrangement at all.
  • A method of current boundary control which has an application prospect was advanced. The conception and contents of advanced control-flow were presented.
  • It is unlikely that the Irish needed explanation of the concept of three persons in one, as triads were central to pre-Christian Celtic religious tradition.
  • These relate to changes in self-concept, life experiences, readiness to learn and orientation to learning.
  • It has been strongly opposed by many religions which emphasize the sanctity of human life from the day of conception.
  • Kant's pessimism was based on his conception of the nature of living organisms.
  • The right to attach is a simple concept, and it has worked powerfully in other markets. Boing Boing
  • Most of the conceptual distinctions which have been used to narrow the scope of such protection have been applied to them.
  • Most American designers are either obsessed with objective space or suffer from just trying to make things look cool - but here there is evidence of honesty, conceptualism and philosophy.
  • As for the remaining four songs, 'Wrapped Around Your Finger' and 'Tea In The Sahara' are doomy ciphers, the former possibly about marriage, the latter open to a handful of interpretations, none of them exactly upbeat, while 'Synchronicity I' is a trifle explaining the title concept and the monster hit 'Every Breath You Take', is ostensibly a trite love song with it's icy and obsessive core just barely concealed. Synchronicity
  • If you know that, and contract a goblin craftsman, you should probably expect to abide by that concept. A very unsatisfying answer « Love | Peace | Ohana
  • One step advanced beyond this, Jerry's uttermost, the folk of Somo, from the contemplation of death, had achieved concepts of the spirits of the dead still living in immaterial and supersensuous realms. Chapter 15
  • The practice of theurgy, then, becomes a way for the soul to experience the presence of the divinity, instead of merely thinking or conceptualizing the godhead.
  • The number of individuals is infinite; the generic or specific nature of all being is a unit, or to be apprehended as one only thing; from this one conception we give the genuine measures of all existence, and therefore we affirm that a certain class of beings are rational and discoursive. Essays and Miscellanies
  • Further, this type of approach would soon bring the concept of a computer based system into disrepute.
  • About memory some concepts original: Arab League cry 1 . what for memory module ( Memory Module )?
  • An ethics based on this undertanding focuses not on rationally finding, mapping, and teaching the real nature of reality, nor on pluralistically respecting irreconcilable differences while recognizing a simultaneous unity, but instead on drawing connections between different methods of making meaning and on coordinating the actions of people using different conceptual frameworks. Karl Higley - Spirit, Kosmos, Essence
  • The web of life, the biocenose, the biotic community, the ecosystem — all terms relating to the same kinds of concept — have broadened and deepened the opportunities for studying the relation of nature and culture, particularly changes in the natu - ral order. ENVIRONMENT AND CULTURE
  • Six weeks after conception your baby is the size of your little fingernail.
  • Over the top rhetoric makes sense for the illiterati that the GOP courts to win their votes, but feeling the need to use it for the party power brokers is a disturbing new concept. Think Progress » ThinkFast: March 4, 2010
  • He rued that they were hijacking his Utopian concepts to unleash "a free-for-all fucking epidemic".
  • With its repair ship, colliers, and hospital ships, it was a forerunner of the Task Force concept used four decades later in another war against Japan.
  • Their conceptions of the battles between good and evil were almost identical, with Christianity adopting millennial epochs that were integral to Mithraism from Zoroastrianism .
  • If we try to analyse the conception of possession, we find two elements.
  • In addition, if the scar tissue forms in and around the fingerlike ends of your tube called the fimbria, the tubes may actually seal shut, in which case all chances for natural conception are lost. Getting Pregnant
  • Much as I wish I could take credit for the word "matriotism," another woman wrote to me and gave me the concept. Cindy Sheehan: Matriotism
  • They locate the various strands in feminist thinking, and show the conceptual problems involved in combining them.
  • Thus the new connotations and conceptualizations put forth by the Fathers revitalized the Church's memory of what the Apostles taught, and historical theology today would enable us to revitalize our memory of what the "unsurpassable" Fathers taught. Archive 2007-03-01
  • Cells in the tumour seem to resemble the body's own cells soon after conception when a baby is still developing.
  • Despite the outcry, glottochronology is still employed, but in mathematically increasingly complex and conceptually more sophisticated models.
  • This conceptualization resonates with such postpositive movements in psychology as social constructionism, postmodern thought, and discursive psychology.
  • The reference here to distrust of the judiciary once again accentuates Dicey's adoption of the ancient conception of the rule of law.
  • The book begins with sharp social commentary, elucidation of concepts, and critiques of research methods typically used in the field.
  • As a affiliation in concept, hierarchy comprehended form category.
  • You have no conception at all of how difficult my life was in those days.
  • The application of the concept following a rule presupposes a custom.
  • Renaissance scholars based their conception of classical art on statues, particularly Greek ones and Roman copies of Greek originals.
  • The term corporate will be used here to describe the traditional conception, since that conception presents a right-holding group as a unitary entity. Group Rights
  • The absurd is the essential concept and the first truth
  • We call it QED, after the Latin phrase quod erat demonstrandum, or "proven as demonstrated," and it is intended to bridge the funding gap, popularly known as the "Valley of Death," between research grants and private investment while advocating proof-of-concept development projects within the life sciences. --
  • Both theoretical and practical problems exist in fashioning out conceptual frameworks for the development of the continent.
  • The very concept of free speech is unknown to them.
  • Other arts, such as aikido, employ the same concepts in some movement, but not in others.
  • It's concepts like this that are catapulting entertainment to places it's never been to before.
  • Any wonder he has issues dealing with enlightenment concepts like ‘evidence’ and ‘reasoning’?
  • The body of the text, arranged in three segments, provides links in the sidebar that may sidetrack the reader through related concepts in other segments.
  • reading of Homer and other texts, they rely heavily on Heidegger's concept of "attunement, NYT > Home Page
  • More recently the concept of the "at" - complexes as a counterpart to the "onium" complexes has led to the development of a new chemistry from which have come the sodium tetra phenylborates. Georg Wittig - Curriculum Vitae
  • In like manner, the behavioral divorce from certain psychotherapy concepts (and alliance or mésalliance with others), has taken various forms.
  • I came away with a gladdened heart and a burning desire to lobby the body corporate of my work building to donate an unused display cabinet for similar gallery concept. Unexpected pleasures
  • Place may be an immediate, pre-conceptual experience, and its knowledge then is intuitive rather than discursive.
  • It would be absurd to blame Aristotle for his conceptual poverty: poverty is a lack, not a failing.
  • My own church had a rather muddled concept of algetic offering that at least produced the proper endurance-discipline. The Golden Torc
  • Moreover, the historical adscription and real adscription of territory are also different conceptions. The Mummies of Urumchi Make the New York Times!
  • The following paragraphs deal with intra - source offsets and the so - called " bubble " concept.
  • Hasn't he any conception of the devastation caused to this planet by burning fossil fuels?
  • Later in that same decade, he began developing the concept of sound on sound recording, first painstakingly overdubbing part after part on a 78 rpm record cutting machine, and then later on magnetic tape.
  • Concept demos of LTE applications: connected car, e-health, crowdcasting, mobile e-commerce, geolocation ... www. Drag to Playlist - Articles related to Aricent Signaling Software Platform to Power Interphase High-Density SS7 Cards
  • In terms of plant species selection, plant configuration, and plant landscape artistic conception creating, religious garden landscape specially showed its uniqueness in religion space organization.
  • According to the bequest, the lecture series aims ‘to explicate the concept of the human mind through theory and empirical research.’
  • Because human rights concepts tend to be very elastic and open-ended, they are capable of being given a wide range of meanings, including inconsistent meanings.
  • The reader's conception of the text in this case is the worst possible communicative situation.
  • Throughout the book, theoretical concepts and experimental evidence are integrated.
  • From the point of conception onwards, parents are now viewed as a risk factor in their children's lives.
  • A key component of that warfare by the ubër rich was to emaciate or destroy the unions through new laws restricting unionization, bankruptcy courts killing labor contracts, diversion of pension funds, abusive tactics against organizers, shipping jobs elsewhere and PR campaigns vilifying the very concept of collective bargaining to redress serious economic disadvantages. Sneak Attack
  • The concept of validity has been contested and is subject to further refinement.
  • She has the ability to translate her concepts into cohesive and highly crafted movement.
  • The difficulty is in making the concept both concrete and yet expansive enough to include everyone who ought to fall within our orbit of concern.
  • Related Occupations Construction managers participate in the conceptual development of a construction project and oversee its organization, scheduling, and implementation.
  • We might say that the percept is the mind's immediate image of a thing or quality, and the concept is the result of the storing up and grouping and recombining of percepts. Applied Psychology for Nurses
  • Good design is a timeless concept, exemplified best by an object that is soundly manufactured and beautiful, and works efficiently for its purposes.
  • In this paper, we characterize the power set of a group G in terms of properties of normal subsemigroups, and get concepts of unit groups and dual hypergroups.
  • They have been drained of meaning by their lazy overuse, dangerously sharp and potent concepts reduced to kitsch cliché.
  • Take, for example, a new packaging concept imagineered recently in the online industry newsletter.
  • An increased consciousness of conceptual systems as necessary fictions accompanies a growing awareness of the conventions of narrative.
  • LaComunidad verzamelt wekelijks de 5 meest originele, actuele en spraakmakende virale video's, concepten en games in binnen - en buitenland. Marketingfacts
  • However, whilst he believes that in terms of a stereotypical male job such as bricklaying, women should not be paid the same as men (obviously showing his sexist conception of what women should really be doing – kitchen and bedroom) that men however, SHOULD get the same amount of money as women for working in a cantine. In reply to ‘Angry Harry’ – Because the strive for gender equality is worth the effort… « My Liberal Democrat Political Ramblings…
  • ULABY: Those movements ranged from minimalism and conceptualism to the current handcrafting trend. Artist Louise Bourgeois Dies At 98
  • The concept of ‘sectarian balance’ is equally elastic and carries a variety of meanings.
  • After discussions with the client, a neutral viewpoint is selected as the basis for a root definition and conceptual model.
  • Thus we musy consider the situation of the concept of a quasi-particle is applicable. The Libertarian Alliance: BLOG
  • It is not much unlike a conventional camera in the conception of design, consisting of a lens and a diaphragm that adjust the focus and control the amount of light coming through.
  • Concepts highly prized by Puritans still exist in debased form in American mass culture.
  • A conceptual framework for selective coding was developed that linked unrelated codes to the core category of providing.
  • He showed a slide of a sign for deafblind literacy that demonstrated concepts of best practices such as high contrast lettering, the angle of the plate that the braille was on, the raised lettering on the words. Web Teacher › Report from WDN 09: Educating the Next Generation of Web Professionals, IV
  • One of the reasons given for the dumping of the turbosupercharger concept was the fact that a turbo had exploded on the YFM - 1's first test flight on 28 September 1939.
  • To walk the Naga Hills with Kevin is to understand a mind and a community that is extraordinarily attuned to the environment in which they thrive, and which has as its fundament, the concept that we know and call as sustainability.
  • The highest conception we can form of heaven is the reversal of all the evil of earth, and the completion of its incomplete good: the sinless purity -- the blessed presence of God -- the fulfilment of all desires -- the service which is _blessed_, not toil -- the changelessness which is progress, not stagnation. Expositions of Holy Scripture
  • Traditional Javanese Islam, a blend of Sufism mixed with animist and Hindu concepts predating Islam, shares common heritage with Bali.
  • A principle of inquiry can not be something that may keep us from recognizing a clear and settled conception.
  • The next line is inharmonious in its sound, and mean in its conception; the opposition is obvious, and the word lash used absolutely, and without any modification, is gross and improper. Lives of the English Poets: Prior, Congreve, Blackmore, Pope
  • It sounds very presumptuous to say I wish to purify Mahler, but I do think, in a sense, that Mahler now has to be purified of all these non-musical preconceptions that have become attached to him.
  • Like most of the terms that refer to major conceptual anchors of the western intellectual tradition, its origins may be traced to classical antiquity.
  • There is a curious and perverse incentive in the very concept of a lifetime allowance. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is not of so much importance how soon the concept shall finally be gained as _that it is gained_. Cyclopedia of Telephony & Telegraphy Vol. 1 A General Reference Work on Telephony, etc. etc.
  • This is a case where the justness of conception and of the means to carry it out go awry due to one slightly wrong choice.
  • To break through this confusion, scholarship needs to be conceptualized by source of ideas in the craft of doing analysis.
  • The research investigates the concepts of peacekeeping and peace enforcement as they might be applied to United Nations maritime operations.
  • But it is a mushy concept that can be squashed into any shape you like. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps this is inevitable in the development of a new concept involving shades of professional opinion and set against the background of scarce resources.
  • The concept of durbar reveals the jagadguru's benevolence for the welfare and well being of the devotees who participate to gain the acharya's blessings.
  • This year boasts a refreshing mix of the figurative and the conceptional.
  • Tiffany conceptualized herself as a mother, whose primary task was to feed her baby.
  • As Hewitt has suggested, feminist utopianism, like symbolic interactionism, seeks to create new conceptual spaces in which radically different ways of being can be imagined and in which different distributions of power, including sexual power, can be conceived (Contemporary 17-21). Feminist Utopianism and Female Sexuality in Joanna Baillie’s Comedies
  • Thus, while the perceptual line of distinction remains the same for these commentators, the conceptual demarcations made verbally differ in significant ways.
  • True PLM, according to Daratech, addresses product development from conception through end-of-life disposal.
  • Please be careful when making distinctions; you seem to have some independent concepts convolved. See One-Man, One-Vote Questioned on National TV, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The more people have preconceptions, the more you can defy them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nevermind character concepts; in a group of 4, assume 2 people got average rolls, 1 person got uber rolls, and another got rolls just above the legal reroll level. Player Empowerment or Player Entitlement? « Geek Related
  • However, the error rate in a genetically modified or cloned conceptus is potentially so high that such applications should never be approved by any science ethics committee.
  • gentled" him all over his miserable frame, as he lay panting and overpowered on the sawdust, conquered and convinced at last, all his mistakes and misconceptions of other people came before him, as plainly as if Taffy himself had spoken them; so plainly, that he wondered at himself. Parables From Nature
  • This is a particularly fascinating example, and if we think it through we can perceive that the preconception belies the reality.
  • Far removed from this conception is the condition of the many who have no "casa," but only ghastly walls within which the most intimate acts of life are exposed upon the pillory. The Montessori Method
  • First are theoretical approaches which depend upon some empirical knowledge to apply theoretical concepts such as the continuity equation.
  • There can be little doubt that Head's noble savage existed as a conceptual foil for Europe's ignoble civilization.
  • However, this misconception serves to desex women by denying them their right to freedom of sexual expression.
  • Murphy said he talked with canal officials about whether there was a way to temporarily rewater part of the canal for the event, and he showed them a drawing of the town's concept for putting up a dike so the area used for the event could be filled while the culvert area remained dry. The Herald-Mail Online
  • Accuracy has a conceptual beauty which was once visible in the look of chronometers and theodolites.
  • This made calculus a lot cleaner, and it makes the conceptualization of a circle as an infinite-sided polygon possible.
  • During these five years of medical studies, I had always been interested in endocrinology, probably because two of my best teachers of clinical medicine, P. Etienne-Martin and J. Charpy were themselves interested in what were in those days the early concepts of endocrinology and the beginning logical therapy it appeared to offer. Roger Guillemin - Autobiography
  • The conceptual sketches of the Republic assault ships, dubbed in preproduction the "Jedi troop transport, " cleary indicate the future of galactic government.
  • The Romantic conception of the self was an outgrowth of Kant's critique of associationism.
  • This is the first bike that will exploit the Renovatio's frameless concept: The 132-cubic-inch, S&S-built engine is a load-bearing structural element, suspended like a girder between the stupendous front engine mount and rear pivot. The Master of Machine-Age Motorcycles
  • Most of the rooms are cubicle-style, open-concept kind of areas filled with a bunch of average-looking guys.
  • I've come out of a rifted society, and I'm very, very interested in that idea, that you can take a physical and geological divide, and conceptually close it, and heal, heal people, heal yourself. CNN Transcript May 30, 2009
  • Two misconceptions about the Treaty of Maastricht have been allowed to gain currency.
  • The use of the supernatural in the witches, the visions, the ghost, and the apparitions is a key element in making the concept of the play work and in making the play interesting.
  • In extracting the basic concepts of observation, description and communication from my visual education, I have literally defined myself as a coach.
  • He likes reading about space, galaxies, different theories and concepts. Times, Sunday Times
  • This diagnostic vacuum is fundamental and may pose important questions at the current concept of reflux of gastric juice as a common cause of laryngopharyngeal inflammation.
  • To argue against it is to, in essence, argue against any form of birth control, because birth control is preventing conception, which is what EC is doing.
  • Basically, I am trying to share with you all I have, currently, in my attempt to learn and master the conceptual help support in Sandcastle .
  • And so, having such words, such poisonous concepts, they are forced into paradox to detoxify and break down these concepts. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Perhaps it's just that the concept of an oncolytic virus, which is what OncoVex actually is, sounds a little exotic. Espirito Santo's Surprise Loan Move
  • Chapter One is summary about standard form contract. It introduces the conception, features and economy source of standard form contract.
  • depressors," "suppressors," and "determiners" which were present in the two microscopic and mosaic germ cells which united to start the embryo at the time of conception. The Mother and Her Child
  • his concept of history is modern and inclusive
  • First, territorial integrity is a fuzzy concept when there is a dispute over boundaries.
  • The chapter on the quantum brain, for example, overinterprets the concept of decoherence, misapplies the word "acausal" and misses out entanglement altogether. all content
  • Will apple crumble be on the menu for this slice of conceptual art? Times, Sunday Times
  • For the romantic and postromantic traditions of poetics in which Benjamin and Adorno participate, modern lyric ambition stands as a, or even the, high-risk enterprise, the "go-for-broke-game" [ "va-banque-Spiel"], of literary art: The lyric poem must work coherently in and with the mediumlanguagethat human beings use to articulate objective concepts, even while the lyric explores the most subjective, nonconceptual, and ephemeral phenomena. Sociopolitical (i.e., _Romantic_) Difficulty in Modern Poetry and Aesthetics
  • Introduce the concept of "oneness" - we are all in this together. Vivian Glyck: Five Ways to Raise Globally Conscious Kids
  • Long before its formal recognition in 1943, the concept of autism appeared in folklore.
  • Pragmatism as a conception of law does not stipulate which of these various visions of good community are sound or attractive.
  • Or you could equally see that conceptual art is just one giant exercise in commercialism. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Chinese Buddhists for example were able to conceptualise a Godhead, that contained with it three entities, all sharing the exact same substance, none afore or after the other, none greater or lesser than the other etc, just as articulated in the Creeds of Christendom! Ecce Recensus: The Only True God Persuades A Skeptic
  • That is not to deny the importance of the concept of unjust enrichment in the law of this country.
  • LeWitt is one of the grandaddies of conceptual art.
  • No concept can allow us to rise so far: yet the aesthetic experience, which involves a perpetual striving to pass beyond the limits of our point of view, seems to embody what cannot be thought.

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