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How To Use Concentration In A Sentence

  • Concentration now had to be aimed at the means of transporting the aircraft from the field to the carrier in Glasgow.
  • Based upon analysis of duplicate samples, reproducibility was better than 3% of the measured concentration of each element.
  • According to the EPA, fish at the top of the aquatic food chain bioaccumulate methylmercury to a level approximately 1 million to 10 million times greater than dissolved concentrations found in surrounding waters. Field and Stream Report: The Truth about Mercury and the Fish You Eat
  • This book requires a great deal of concentration.
  • As the P concentration increases to a suitable quantity, the photoconductivity of the alloy en-hances 2-3 orders of magnitude and the conduction mechanism changes from P to N type.
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  • A reduced short chain fatty acid concentration has also been reported in pouch contents from patients with pouchitis compared with those without.
  • They both participate in the regulation of the concentration of serum calcium.
  • The key to the sealant is a family of unique mussel adhesive proteins containing a high concentration of dihydroxyphenylalanine, an amino acid. The Money Times - finance news, lifestyle, markets, investment, personal finance, banking, retirement planning
  • This increases the concentration in the mouth of bacteria that can cause tooth and gum decay. Times, Sunday Times
  • In terms of its careful emphasis on surprise, artillery concentration, and methodical planning, Amiens pointed the way ahead to Alamein.
  • The coastal regions, those richest in marine life, were found to have the highest concentrations.
  • Tests showed it contained benzene, a chemical believed to cause aplastic anemia and leukemia, in a concentration 1,500 times the level safe for people. Susan Deily-Swearingen: So When Does the Sputnik Moment Begin?
  • Symptoms include extreme exhaustion, muscle pain, headaches and poor concentration. The Sun
  • Are these, you wonder, some of the 18,000 Jews from the concentration camp of Majdanek, near Lublin, machine gunned to death Nov. 3, 1943? Meditations on History
  • Above this peptide concentration, surface pressures are effectively constant.
  • The idea was to talk to survivors of life's hardships, from concentration camp victims to cancer sufferers.
  • Use of an unvented gas appliance for space heating was associated negatively with toluene concentrations.
  • Trophic means concerned with nutrition, and oligotrophic lakes are poorly fed; that is, they have a low concentration of nutrient elements such as nitrogen and phosphorus.
  • If such comparative evidence could be assembled, it would probably support the traditional view of a higher concentration of such companies in the South.
  • Enhanced algae growth in the reservoir consumes the oxygen in the epilimnion and, as it decays, the mass sinks to the already oxygen-deficient hypolimnion, where decay processes reduce the oxygen concentration even further, resulting in acid conditions at lower levels and the dissolution of minerals from the reservoir bed. Chapter 8
  • Concentrations of methane have risen from 700 parts per billion (ppb) to 1,745 ppb. Times, Sunday Times
  • He kept his eyes on the road ahead, his face taut with concentration.
  • Long sympathetic neurons and sensory neurons, with particular reference to those of the dorsomedial quadrant of spinal ganglia in chick embryo [12], provided a most valuable system for demonstrating the three main activities of NGF, i.e., 1) its vital trophic role during the early developmental stages, 2) its property of enhancing differentiative processes such as neurite outgrowth, and 3) of guiding the growing or regenerating neurites along its own concentration gradient. [ Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
  • Lacouture et al. found that a leukocyte count greater than 15,000/mm3 and a serum glucose greater than 150 mg./dl. are predictive of a serum iron concentration greater than 300 mcg./dl. 4 Iron Poisoning
  • I found it hard to follow what the teacher was saying, and eventually I lost concentration.
  • Detection rates and wet weight concentrations varied widely for organochlorine pesticides and PCB congeners.
  • The function relation between difference and dyestuff concentration was obtained.
  • How words are delivered is a significant part of body language - known as paralanguage - and it is easy, with excessive concentration on words, to lose control of tone. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • If I reason, Every student who can concentrate his attention can learn quickly, George Marston has a notable power of concentration, Therefore George Marston can learn quickly, I again break up the abstraction _student_, and the concrete fact The Making of Arguments
  • Serum sodium concentration or tonicity are functions of water content relative to total body sodium content.
  • Domestic issues are dominating in the hope the electorate have short memories and limited concentration.
  • The French attempted to save time by combining mobilization and concentration.
  • The concentration of wealth and power is a great deterrent to democracy.
  • The high concentration organic wastewater from diclofenac sodium production process was treated by precipitation - adsorption technology.
  • The appropriate concentration of the drug is best determined by experiment.
  • It has lower concentrations of allicin and cinnamaldehyde than its sister products, Garlic Freeze Dried and Alli-Cinn but contains caprylates as the third component.
  • And it seems the obligatory pungent cigarette, clamped firmly in the corner of the mouth, is a necessary aid to concentration.
  • The mobility of electrons is influenced by cellular metabolism and the concentration of charged particles suspended in body fluid.
  • Treating on PET fabric using alkali andof concentration sensitize and activation solution to electroless process.
  • Other sources of high iridium concentrations are extraterrestrial objects, such as meteorites or comets.
  • As she had with the crystals, Magda directed Fancy's concentration up the body, chakra by chakra, color by color. PAINT THE WIND
  • The charge is that exclusive concentration upon the personal can, in its effects, be socially divisive.
  • As soon as the tanning matter has completely penetrated the pelt, the total time of tannage is noted, and the velocity with which the tanning matter converts the pelt into leather at that particular concentration is thus obtained. Synthetic Tannins
  • Floodwater may contain higher carbon dioxide concentrations if the pH is sufficiently low, but both rice fields and river forelands are commonly submerged with water containing little carbon dioxide, e.g. in the range of 3-100 M.
  • And although the concentrations found in rivers and estuaries are very small, studies show they dramatically alter the behaviour of fish. The Sun
  • By the time Hiss was offering his secrets to Stalin's agents, the news about the gulags - vast concentration camps which slaughtered over 15 million innocent people - was out and beyond dispute.
  • Scanning the Internet, she learned about a hereditary condition called hemochromatosis, in which the body stores iron at dangerous concentrations in the blood, tissues and organs. A Revolution In Medicine
  • The results show that the alarm time depends strongly on both the gas concentration and the emission current of the ionization gauge.
  • Plasma gastrin concentration was measured by radioimmunoassay with antibody G179 provided by Professor Bloom.
  • The thing that impressed me was her concentration on it to the exclusion of everything else, even to the exclusion of herself. THE EXECUTION
  • A perfect game requires a perfect combination of skill, concentration, and luck.
  • What gases appear when salty water is electrolysed depends on the salt concentration.
  • Investigation is made into alloys or processes of concentration or beneficiation or ores. Energy and Society~ Chapter 8~ Changing Claims on the Distribution of Energy Surpluses
  • But at the same time I don't think the current ordinary quality of political reporting can be excused on the basis of the concentration of commercial media ownership.
  • When the acyclic adenosine analog was tested in the antiviral screen, it showed antiherpetic activity in vitro at about twice the concentration of ara-A The antiviral program now concentrated on the acyclic nucleoside analogs, with the syntheses conducted by Schaeffer and Beauchamp, the antiviral testing by Bauer and Collins, and the mechanisms of action, enzymology and in vivometabolism by my group (108,109). Nobel Lecture The Purine Path To Chemotherapy
  • The pair maintained their concentration and composure throughout the various interruptions for drizzle and bad light to hold out. The Sun
  • The high concentration of toxic gases underground is hampering the rescue attempt. Times, Sunday Times
  • Furthermore, restricting intraluminal sodium concentration in jejunal perfusion does not seem to limit glucose absorption.
  • She looked up and saw many people in deep concentration, sparring with their partners, trading blows with great speed and accuracy.
  • Basically, low concentration of alkane background gas has no effect on the removal efficiency of malodorous gas. ?
  • Extracellular osmolal concentration is approximately twice the sodium concentration.
  • As there is a danger of self-ignition with large concentrations of phosphine, tablets and pellets should not touch each other. 9. Pest control using fumigants
  • Rather, he made a mistake - due to a lack of focus, concentration or skill.
  • Over the course of multiple research missions conducted in the last three months, scientists have employed and tested many techniques to better understand the extent of this unprecedented oil spill and have found fluorometric sampling to be useful to help identify the location and concentration of subsurface oil. NOAA News Releases
  • They're fiercely varietal: just one variety in each wine and as for the sheer concentration of fruit and perfume - wow!
  • In this study, a significantly greater total lipid concentration was found in the hepatic bile of cholesterol gall stone patients.
  • Greek mainland, the concentration of our population, once dispersed in flourishing centres the world over. Giorgos Seferis - Nobel Lecture
  • He knitted his brows in concentration.
  • “At the Buchenwald concentration camp in 1945, the Americans set up a display table to show Nazi atrocities,” Denier Bud began miasmically as the camera panned over the familiar objects: “A lot of bogus items, tattooed skin supposedly taken off bodies, a supposedly human skin lampshade, which in reality is just a basic lampshade, but they really went over the edge of dumb when they put this on the table.” The Lampshade
  • One of these fatty acids, called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), is present in high concentrations in the nerve cells in the retina, the part of the eye that gets destroyed in AMD. Looking for an excuse to barbecue this summer?
  • Rep. Paul's used of the term "concentration camp" to refer to the Hamas run Gaza Strip was a loaded phrase fraught with bitter memory in Jewish history. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • The mass concentration by tapered elemental oscillating microbalance was on average slightly lower than mass concentration measured by filter, but there was good agreement.
  • What gases appear when salty water is electrolysed depends on the salt concentration.
  • Concentrations of CO2 are now 380 ppm -- in other words, off the chart. Who can sue to force the EPA to regulate greenhouse gases?
  • The sound of my name shook my concentration, and I blinked once. The Haunted
  • In high concentrations, arginine induces several hormones, including pituitary growth hormone, insulin, vasopressin, adrenal catecholamines, and somatostatin.
  • Bains analysed the concentration of the element barium - a powerful tool for measuring ocean productivity - in sediments deposited across the boundary.
  • He will enlist the help of three minders to clear his path and stop the crowd breaking his concentration.
  • Bush now admits that huge concentrations of US troops will remain in Iraq for many years.
  • The proteolytic enzyme ficin is found in the latex of several members of the genus, including F. carica, the common fig. This compound is more toxic when administered intravenously than when ingested, and the toxicity depends primarily on the amount given, rather than on the concentration of the dose. Chapter 6
  • Breakthrough infections and chronic carriage were clearly and strongly related to peak antibody concentrations.
  • The Auschwitz concentration camp always remind the world of the holocaust.
  • Date: March 21, 2007 11: 29 PM var r = document. referrer; document. write ( '') tablets or the brand name cialis ever have loan calculator sleep aids california indian casino viagra pharmacist will bingo room If you paxil Finding free downloadable ringtones concentration of racemic casino on net provide an excellent free slots in the short-term xenical body free poker erection during video poker game Side Effects adipex They free real music ringtones be construed slot machine FOR purchase phentermine without a prescription instructions for printer refill kit only blackberry ringtones a few days ultram PharmWeb has developed cellular one ringtones be held upright medical billing with your Horses Mouth February 22, 2007 4:57 PM
  • Na+-K+ ATPase at the basolateral membrane maintains a low concentration of sodium cations within the epithelial cells, thus establishing the concentration gradient for sodium ions necessary for the functioning of the cotransport system. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • A tomato sauce can be completely changed by two or three minutes more or less of reduction or concentration by steady simmering.
  • Gorky's drawings are so rich, so various, so complex, and often so mysterious that they must be studied with rigorous concentration if we are to tease out their secrets.
  • ‘It is tragic that a momentary lapse of concentration can have such consequences,’ said Mr Singleton, who recorded a verdict of accidental death.
  • Not out of hatred but out of love for humanity, King condemned an American military campaign that sent its soldiers "to slaughter men, women and children" and construct "concentration camps we call fortified hamlets. Scott Kurashige: Obama's Crisis and MLK's Hard Truths
  • The nectar is sucrose-dominant but also contains low concentrations of glucose, fructose, free amino acids and possibly terpenoids.
  • Platelet aggregation tracings of the PRP from 12 healthy individuals, adjusted to five different plasma fibrinogen concentrations, were the primary parameter measured.
  • I have not read Temin's lecture, but it is my understanding that the Hitler regime was marked by even greater cartelization and concentration than anything done in the US. American Mugabe?, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The potential concentration of those activities might also prompt antitrust regulators to give any merger close scrutiny, Threlfall said.
  • Antichrist, the summing up and concentration of all the world evil that preceded, is the eighth, but yet one of the seven (Re 17: 11). crowns -- Greek, "diadems." name of blasphemy -- So C, Coptic, and Andreas. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • In marine areas, species concentrations are highest around coral reefs, where butterflyfishes and angelfishes, wrasses, parrotfishes and triggerfishes are common.
  • The region also has one of the largest concentrations of wildlife in the world.
  • As our understanding of large marine predators increases, the critical role of concentrations of mesopelagic cephalopods in the lives of such species as elephant seals, billfishes and tuna is becoming clear.
  • There is gap corrosion between mainstream tube and branch tube, due to oxygen concentration-difference cell and self-catalysis of chlorine ions, which accelerates corrosion.
  • She had a running battle with her microphone and her concentration (skiing off-piste from her notes, and inviting the audience to steer her back on course).
  • And I learned a valuable lesson in self-management, focus and concentration while on the job.
  • They may display a lack of drive, initiative and concentration that may make them appear lazy.
  • Plasma fibrinogen concentrations, for example, are related to weight at 1 year but not independently to birth weight.
  • The series includes intriguing rarities, such as "Jean's Return" ("Le retour de Jean"), Clouzot's harrowing contribution to the omnibus film "Return to Life" ("Retour à la vie," 1949), in which a concentration-camp survivor hides, interrogates and tortures a Nazi war criminal. A French Director Ripe for Rediscovery
  • And a minority of scientists, led by NASA's outspoken expert, James Hansen, say even that's not enough: they think the concentration limit is 350 ppm—and we're already at 387 ppm.
  • Hardened firewall hosts also offer specific advantages, for example: Concentration of security.
  • Ireland's market concentration for the electronics industry is greater than anywhere else in the world.
  • This inability to translate pressure into points seemed to erode their tenacity and the forwards, in particular, lost concentration.
  • Above this protein concentration, an additional binding mode was observed, which will be described in another section.
  • Their eyes teeming with concentration searched the graphs and numbers on the screen intently as the information changed second by second.
  • Therapeutic drug monitoring permits timely dosage adjustments to prevent prolonged exposure to toxic or subtherapeutic concentrations of drug.
  • Aircoach should concentrate on locations with significant catchments - where people have reasons to gather - such as hotels and areas of business concentration.
  • A drop in the intracellular concentration of glutamine provides a signal for the activation of transcription of nitrogen-regulated genes.
  • This is a very difficult piece of music to play - it demands a lot of concentration.
  • Neuropeptide Y has also been isolated from the gastrointestinal tract with large concentrations found in the biliary tree.
  • Conclusion The plasma concentration of EBV DNA could reflect the tumor burden in patients with NPC.
  • A harrowing account of an unfinished documentary about the liberation of concentration camps. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of the lumpen masses, 1.5 million died in concentration camps and 1.3 million in the war against the outside world.
  • Hypnosis is a heightened state of concentration and focused attention.
  • An extensive nutritional screen was performed, including measurements of blood mineral, vitamin, and fatty acid concentrations.
  • He lives almost entirely in the past, remembering life before the war and during his hellish time in a concentration camp.
  • A fountain of sparks spurted up, falling in a shower around the boy, bent over in concentration.
  • At 350 ppmv CO2 in the air, the equilibrium concentration of carbonic acid in pure water will be about 0.00001 molal at 25 degrees C. Unthreaded #17 « Climate Audit
  • Conclusion Proper concentration I and Se have obvious antagonism against rat fluorosis.
  • The preparation process consists of pretreatment, acid hydrolysis , neutralization, decoloration and concentration.
  • When this milk was churned, the concentration of pesticides increased; that might be the butter you spread on toast.
  • The standard curve was prepared by triplicate evaluations of the protein concentrations.
  • Please also note that both of these pieces require rather more time/attention/concentration than your average hit-and-run blogramble.
  • One momentary lapse in concentration could prove fatal.
  • Take the 3 of Disks as a largely positive card, which shows that hard work and concentration can eventually gain you your highest objectives.
  • Even among red wines the concentration of resveratrol can vary by more than an order of magnitude.
  • The degree of flocculation, and hence randomness of particle orientations on sedimentation, generally increases with the concentration and valency of the cations in the solution.
  • The gathering and concentration of craft workers into the temples seems to have stimulated technical advances of many kinds.
  • The government's concentration on tax reduction has won them a lot of support.
  • Also, men exposed to pesticides may have higher levels of the female hormone estradiol in their blood, and those exposed to solvents may have lower LH concentrations than nonexposed men. A Baby at Last!
  • The glucose-lowering effect of berberine decreased as the glucose concentration increased.
  • In her concentration she had not noticed that they were both still lying uncomplicatedly in the same position they'd started in six hours before.
  • Around sunrise, the concentration of geese we'd hoped would keep our barrels warm lifted off its roost and, in steady waves, flew away.
  • Chlorophyll contents, as well as concentrations of the carboxylation enzymes Rubisco and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase, are lower in aquatic compared with terrestrial leaves of amphibious plants.
  • The best lessons are particularly lively and stimulating, with pupils responding with total concentration.
  • I saw that this formulation contained a high concentration of absolute ethanol.
  • The concentration is going to be very important in dealing with all the issues in terms of attacking and defending. Times, Sunday Times
  • Volatile compounds in tomato juice have been detected by TCT-GC-MS from the concentrate juice using the methods of nanofiltration, freeze concentration, vacuum evaporation and ultrafiltration.
  • Modern culturing of wheat involves large land areas with intensive fertilization to achieve large yields and high protein concentrations.
  • STRENGTH AND HOW TO OBTAIN IT which, designed particularly for commercial men engaged in sedentary occupations, were to be made with mental concentration in front of a mirror so as to bring into play the various families of muscles and produce successively a pleasant rigidity, a more pleasant relaxation and the most pleasant repristination of juvenile agility. Ulysses
  • The steering requires constant concentration as it's very sensitive and prone to the slightest camber in the road.
  • It seems that higher ownership concentration affects risk-adjusted returns more than it affects unadjusted returns.
  • The expiratory ( F E ) and inspired ( F 1 ) concentration of isoflurane were monitored continuously.
  • Music is the best vitamins for the brains, and the best teacher of the mind. It increases the power of the mind in learning, reading, attention, concentration and memory performance. It also improve literacy skills, mathematical abilities, intellectual and emotional intelligence. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Once, for an instant, she lost her concentration and a smile cracked across her features.
  • Some countries have witnessed concentration of capital among agroexporters alongside the marginalization and immiseration of small-scale producers and processors.
  • Sia, “Rates of caesarean section and instrumental vaginal delivery in nulliparous women after low concentration epidural infusions or opioid analgesia: systematic review” BMJ 328: 1410 2004; L.J. Mayberry, D. Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn
  • An alkalizing substance that could alter serum or plasma pH, or concentration of bicarbonates, or carbon dioxide may not be given within 24 hours prior to post time of a race in which the horse is entered.
  • Objective:To investigate the changes and clinical implication of plasma angiotensinogen (ATG) concentration in the patients with atherosclerotic cerebral infarction (ACI).
  • The key to the sealant is a family of unique mussel adhesive proteins containing a high concentration of dihydroxyphenylalanine, an amino acid. The Money Times - finance news, lifestyle, markets, investment, personal finance, banking, retirement planning
  • Osmotic potential is caused by the tendency of water to move so as to equalize solute concentration (salts, organics, anything that dissolves in water).
  • Although video art may be classified as a distinct art form by its exclusive concentration on the technical demands of its medium, the use of videotape has been an important component in many types of art since the 1960s.
  • In the lamello-columnar phase obtained at low salt concentration, NCPs order into either a two-dimensional columnar hexagonal phase or into three-dimensional orthorhombic (quasi-hexagonal) crystals.
  • After a few bars, the music and her concentration were interrupted by the ringing telephone.
  • Strolling unescorted at midday past a major concentration of the huts just a block from the city's Central Avenue, I nonetheless saw many signs of occupation.
  • He was an outstanding engineer with quick perception of any issue and great powers of concentration.
  • The total protein concentration did not differ between the two groups as shown by Yamazaki etal.
  • Many governments are very strict about imposing restrictions on the importation of foodstuffs which contain excessive concentrations of heavy metals.
  • The lack of mobility, the criminal lapses in concentration. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ionisation caused by solar particle precipitation can far exceed the normal geomagnetically quiet-time sources in the middle atmosphere, As a result the ion concentrations are significantly elevated at altitudes below about 100 km and the ion composition may also change. IPCC and Solar Correlations « Climate Audit
  • One article states: After the intake of cow milk, serum estrone (E1) and progesterone concentrations significantly increased, and serum luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and testosterone significantly decreased in men. Gary Liberson: The Environment Kills: OK, Sort of
  • HYPOKALEMlA A low plasma potassium concentration is not always accompanied by a deficit in total body potassium.
  • Administration of 5 units of aqueous vasopressin subcutaneously should maximally stimulate urinary concentration.
  • A clinical history and examination, 12 lead electrocardiography, and measurement of troponin concentration are the essential diagnostic tools.
  • Inside the fibre are the myofibrils, which constitute the contractile apparatus, and a system for controlling the myofibrils through changes in calcium concentration.
  • The finest tackle in the world won't catch you fish if you are so cold and miserable that concentration has dropped as low as the temperature.
  • All hair contains a mixture in varying concentration of both black-brown eumelanin and red-yellow phaeomelanin pigments, which are susceptible to differential chemical change under certain extreme burial conditions (for example wet reducing conditions, or dry oxidising conditions). Interactive Dig Hierakonpolis - Archaeological Hair
  • Her barely there makeup took almost an hour to apply and she’d arranged her hair in an upswept ’do that required forty-five minutes of concentration as she created an off-center part, gathered her hair tightly into place, and then strategically released strands of hair, allowing the tresses to dangle, successfully pulling off the impression of whimsical undoneness that was both capricious and exceedingly sexy. Pure Paradise
  • His stubborn innings in difficult conditions yesterday was a victory for concentration over instinct. Times, Sunday Times
  • My forward observers plotted their defensive concentrations and barrages where we thought they should be.
  • Meditation and direct experience were emphasized over concentration on studying the texts.
  • H. capsulatum yeasts as enumerated by hemacytometer with concentrations ranging from 0 to 1.0 mM of hydrogen peroxide ( PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • While other ions abound in cytoplasm in their millimoles, liberal estimates of free Ca concentrations run around 0.1 micromolar, maximum.
  • In addition to being effective in taking up a large amount of arsenic into its aboveground biomass in a relatively short period of time from soils containing arsenic of different concentrations and species, Brake fern also has many desirable attributes as a hyperaccumulating plant.
  • Had they not suffered a costly lapse of concentration just two minutes from time then City could now be looking forward to a midweek trek to South Wales for a replay.
  • Addition of 40 µg/ml or 50 µg/ml digitonin resulted in similar concentration curves as application of EGCG alone during the first 10 h. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Because there's such a high concentration of electrons in the n-type region, the diffusion currents are extremely strong, and electrons flow at an enormous rate.
  • In contrast to the closed components, all the open ones were well populated at all concentrations.
  • This concentration of power has undoubted advantages. Times, Sunday Times
  • Foliar concentrations of N, P, K and Mg in red maple and oak seedlings were significantly greater on the burned site than on the unburned site immediately following the fire.
  • It is also a central nervous system stimulant, which can aid in activities that require concentration.
  • Tumour extracts also contained higher concentrations of immunoreactivity compared with normal tissue, in assays using antibodies L289 and 109-21.
  • With the high concentration of businesses has come intense competition. Times, Sunday Times
  • The safe carry, maintenance and storage of firearms requires concentration on and attention to details.
  • Such measurements should be independent of the local concentrations of donor and acceptor molecules.
  • The gas used, Zyklon B, was developed as an insecticide, and it was used in concentration camps to delouse clothing. Another 'ultra-traditionalist' Catholic leader says stupid things about the Holocaust | RELIGION Blog |
  • Among the debris in the buried concentration was a small, shallow side notched biface which has been identified as a hafted biface.
  • But we simply do not know how the Earth will respond to increasing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide.
  • They also detected high concentrations of lead and other heavy metals.
  • In this study, mutation analysis was used to analyze the association of hepatitis C and cryptogenic cirrhosis with hepatic iron concentration.
  • One momentary lapse in concentration could prove fatal.
  • The drug affects one's power of concentration.
  • Never one for preamble, Vaughn's heavy features were hawklike with concentration.
  • Such control requires that the oxygen concentration in the blood be accurately measured, and that breathing rate be adjusted accordingly.
  • The B concentration in the capitulum of the plants sprayed at the highest rate was between 37 and 93% of that in the control plants.
  • The osmolal concentration of TEG and MG were calculated from the dependence of their osmotic pressure on molal concentration.
  • There are no mentions of mass starvation, torture, concentration camps or the excesses of the current regime.

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