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How To Use Concealment In A Sentence

  • Prior to the inspectors coming back in he was engaged in a systematic exercise in concealment of the weapons. "
  • Overseas Governments are not fooled by that concealment of convictions.
  • The use of modern combat hardware and equipment sets higher standards for camouflage, concealment, and deception.
  • Both of these concealment rigs are available for the Colt Single Action and I use both of them frequently.
  • Inadequate allocation concealment can bias the results of clinical trials.
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  • To discover whether ungulate coloration aids in concealment, we first tested whether uniform pelage color typically matches habitat background.
  • Many will have been wearing a special costume for their childhood which has given them particular concealment.
  • She laughed, standing as cool as you please, very grateful to the eye in tussore coat and skirt, with open-necked blouse, and some kind of rakish hat displaying her thick auburn hair in defiance of the fashion which decreed concealment even of eyebrows with flower-pot head gear. The Mountebank
  • For hers is a job of concealment, as much as it is one of spectacle. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mary, oppressed by the idea of ungenerous concealment, resolved at length to unveil her heart to a mother so tender of her happiness. The Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne
  • Calm and motionless, wholly focused on the surveillance of those below, the two men watched from their solitary position of concealment.
  • Corruption occurs when that information is not freely available - cover-up and concealment are necessary for insider trading to flourish.
  • That is a positive averment or is concealment when one is under a duty to disclose; Siegelman's Judge Committed Fraud on the Court
  • He kept his horse to the edge of the woods, hoping that would give him some concealment.
  • But the fact of concealment, and the fear of the reaction, only adds to the sense of taboo. Times, Sunday Times
  • She would have erupted from concealment, all guns blazing, and made the ultimate scene.
  • Days he lived in concealment, and after the second Restoration obtained the title marquis, and in 1819 introduced a motion in the chamber of peers tending to render the electoral law more aristocratic. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 3, Part 1, Slice 3 "Banks" to "Bassoon"
  • There is no other process which contributes so much to concealment of the dream's meaning and to make the connection between the dream content and dream ideas irrecognizable. Dream Psychology Psychoanalysis for Beginners
  • But Marianne abhorred all concealment where no real disgrace could attend unreserve; and to aim at the restraint of sentiments which were not in themselves illaudable, appeared to her not merely an unnecessary effort, but a disgraceful subjection of reason to common – place and mistaken notions. Sense and Sensibility
  • This analysis should also include all trafficable areas that provide cover and concealment, such as woods or draws for the enemy to use in countering the TOW. FM 7-91 CHPTR 4 Employment/ Antiarmor Company
  • Tax avoidance is legal; tax evasion is illegal - involving concealment in one form or another, and therefore fraud.
  • As an index of nest concealment, we measured foliage density around nests, using a 0.5 x 0.5 m board gridded into 100 squares.
  • If a national asylum were provided there would be no motive for concealment.
  • I think there was deliberate concealment of relevant documents.
  • However, such speech would be a concealment of their own true position and thus, not a dia-logue speaking between two at all, but merely a show for the world stage. Two concepts of dialogue
  • Why de Man insists upon such violence and such concealment is more readily ascertainable from the context of this remark: a reading of the figure of the dance in texts by Kleist and Aesthetic Violence and the Legitimacy of Reading Romanticism
  • After that we went to different spots and they showed us different positions to set the mortars for concealment and cover and things like that.
  • His concealment of his true motives was masterly.
  • He is a master of disguise and concealment.
  • Poor fellow, I know he adores my daughter and thinks to let concealment like a thingamy in the bud feed on his damask cheek! Three Hats A Farcical Comedy in Three Acts
  • Continuing a policy of cover-up and concealment would be inexcusable.
  • In ‘The Discourse of History,’ Barthes parallels the objective type of historian's concealment of himself as utterer of his own discourse to that of the so called ‘realist’ novelist.
  • They carried maps printed on silk, for durability and ease of concealment.
  • The place was a warren of concealment. GOD'S SECRETARIES: The Making of the King James Bible
  • They were approaching an area of alkali pans, where concealment was much more difficult. HAMMERFALL
  • From the clerk of the kitchen I required the buttery accounts without varnish or concealment.
  • In the past nine months he has delayed or denied access to four out of five sites where UNSCOM believed concealment was taking place.
  • All eligible patients were assigned to each group by simple randomization with rigorous allocation concealment.
  • Defending troops should be able to take advantage of night time conditions to achieve surprise and concealment.
  • Also, look for berms and structures 20 to 30 meters away from your location that can provide cover and concealment from which to command detonate devices.
  • Miller's direct front, left, and right were fighting in defilade and possessed ample cover and concealment necessary for the employment of overwhelming fires on the totally exposed patrol.
  • Carried as a second or third gun it is a deep concealment piece often carried in an ankle holster or coat pocket.
  • The enemy will use asymmetric means to counter American aerospace power, including concealment among the population, constant movement, and portable ground-to-air weapons.
  • And although it might seeme to thee a dishonest case, and therefore kept from the knowledge of thy friend, yet I plainly tell thee, that dishonest courses (in the league of amitie) deserve no more concealment, then those of the honestest nature. The Decameron
  • That's what they called bubonic plague in San Francisco and yellow fever in Texas in the old days of concealment. The Clarion
  • Belt holsters worn on the range for practice are easy to access, but there is often a lack of concealment or security.
  • Stay in concealment until the danger has passed.
  • Second, the strife between world and earth gives rise to a strife between concealment and unconcealment, which means that, even when we are illumined through a disclosure, much remains hidden.
  • There was one single solitary chair per dim chamber, or one dark tapestry to divide a gloomy passageway, allowing regicides easy concealment behind it.
  • I was leaning for concealment against a light pole, my cotton jacket crumpling the paper messages taped to its base.
  • Many animals rely on concealment for protection.
  • To look or peer furtively, as from a place of concealment.
  • Saddletree, somewhat contemptuously; ` ` there's no a callant that e'er carried a pock wi 'a process in't, but will tell you that perduellion is the warst and maist virulent kind of treason, being an open convocating of the king's lieges against his authority (mair especially in arms, and by touk of drum, to baith whilk accessories my een and lugs bore witness), and muckle worse than lese-majesty, or the concealment of a treasonable purpose --- It winna bear a dispute, neighbour.' ' The Heart of Mid-Lothian
  • While 'unconcealment', the recapitulatory incidence of this third category, indicates general constellations of presence endowed with a certain duration, its anticipatory incidence, the 'event' scatters the general, disregards even the particular thing, and fragments any thought-content other than this or that presencing singularized by its distinct absencing. Enowning
  • I thought that rending the bloody veil from my horrible fate could make thy proud heart stoop to the discipline of the church, I could find in my heart to tell thee a tale, which I have hitherto kept gnawing at my vitals in concealment, like the self-devoted youth of heathenesse. The Talisman
  • In following this goal he goes to extremes and employs peculiar methods and devices, most of which have for their object the concealment of his defects, and it is these overcompensatory efforts and these peculiar devices resorted to, which go to form the peculiarities or traits of the neurotic. The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
  • Many animals rely on concealment for protection.
  • The homescreen of the sound is rattling a 3 concealment intimacy - there's a bicentric panel, and mitt and right, and with the wink of a digit you crapper manoeuver the Planet Malaysia
  • the simplest concealment is to match perfectly the color of the background
  • By 1918, the use of military camouflage was axiomatic, and in 1939 war artists were again mobilized to advise on concealment.
  • The answer is through a cunning combination of concealment and camouflage. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, it should not be on the basis on which this bill proceeds, which is a blanket concealment of convictions.
  • Something more than wifely duty; something more than compromise and concealment. GALILEE
  • Splashed with red clay until he looked like a terra-cotta image restored to light after concealment under rubbish, steaming with sweat, fluttering with importance, Frank Edward stood still for a moment beside Alec, shovelling away some mullock. Last Leaves from Dunk Island
  • Priests of the country can more easily remain in concealment.
  • This effect proceeds from the display of those parts of nature which attract, and the concealment of those which repel the imagination: but religion must be shown as it is; suppression and addition equally corrupt it; and such as it is, it is known already. Dr. Johnson on religious verse « Unknowing
  • The Italian man, it is true, has been often described as eminently reticent; and the northern popular conception represents him as apt to seek the attainment of his object by the concealment of it. A Siren
  • Such concealment is not part of our American tradition. Jon Davidson: Prop 8 Defender Flees Televised Discussion
  • The law collectively provides the main safeguards against the concealment of secret homicide.
  • Or are you equally as likely to find a botty concealment in a wife beater, speeding motorist or drunk and disorderly arrest? on December 31, 2009 at 9: 07 am Lee What A Load Of Pants! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • In cognition we direct ourselves towards entities but we can only do this if unconcealment has taken place.
  • She was transparent in an era during which the political class have become expert at concealment.
  • Since World War I, the wider dispersion of forces on the battlefield and the increased use of cover and concealment have reduced exposure to enemy fire.
  • Mem'sab's eyes looked keenly into her friend's, easily defeating the concealment of the veil about her features. Werehunter
  • Concealment, then, carries a risk.
  • Agent Orange was the code name of a herbicide developed for the military to prohibit enemy concealment in dense terrain by defoliating trees and shrubbery where the enemy could hide. Agenge Orange Study R.A. West
  • But Marianne abhorred all concealment where no real disgrace could attend unreserve; and to aim at the restraint of sentiments which were not in themselves illaudable, appeared to her not merely an unnecessary effort, but a disgraceful subjection of reason to common-place and mistaken notions. Sense and Sensibility
  • They were approaching an area of alkali pans, where concealment was much more difficult. HAMMERFALL
  • Low hypothesized tiny cleaning robots that emerged from concealment only when necessary, while Brink opted for some kind of inbuilt electrostatic repulsion system. The Dig
  • But though by concealment he may preserve the unruffled surface of their happiness, yet the longing to be roving is not completely extinguished. Married Love: or, Love in Marriage
  • As soon as the servant had departed, Jaspar called his confederate from his concealment. Hatchie, the Guardian Slave; or, The Heiress of Bellevue
  • One day, pulling out some worm-eaten panelling in a cupboard in the dormitory, he had found a place of concealment. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • While the near-autistic reserve of Wilson's intent powers of observation may put off some viewers - Damon, often shielded behind large horn-rims, is playing the most passive of characters - yet the power of the central dilemma grows from the analysis of how power can emanate more from concealment than display .... GreenCine Daily: The Good Shepherd.
  • The front gate screaked, a slow, timid, almost furtive sort of screak, and then banged suddenly shut as though it despaired of further concealment. Stubble
  • Then, gathering up her long, thick hair, she confined it close above her head, drawing down upon it the hat that lay beside the cloak -- a broad-brimmed Greek petasus, admirably adapted for concealment as well as protection. The Lion's Brood
  • There's a lot of ill-informed speculation about how the mask is an act of concealment. Times, Sunday Times
  • My companions hoped to reach before morning an _estancia_, still many leagues distant, where they were known and would be allowed to lie in concealment for a few days till the storm blew over; for usually shortly after an outbreak has been put down an _indulto_, or proclamation of pardon, is issued, after which it is safe for all those who have taken arms against the constituted government to return to their homes. The Purple Land
  • A few years ago I spent several weeks in Florida carrying a 3913 in an LFI Concealment Rig under untucked tees and polos, never once needing an outer garment.
  • Mr. Anderson said his suit wouldn't interfere with the prosecution of Mr. Sandusky, because the suit is more about illuminating what he called "institutional concealment" at Penn State and Second Mile than punishing Mr. Sandusky. New Accuser Files Lawsuit in Penn State Abuse Case
  • Consider practicing lateral and backward movements while drawing smoothly and shooting quickly yet carefully from full concealment.
  • Then I wrap it in burlap for a bit of shelter and concealment. What kind of stand do you use for hunting deer and what do you like about it and dislike about it.
  • A voice from the ruins, like that of a sullen echo from the grave, answered, ‘Itat Schreckenwald!’ and the caitiff issued from his place of concealment, and stood before me with that singular indifference to danger which he unites to his atrocity of character. Anne of Geierstein
  • After examining thoughts of western philosophy, especially thoughts of ancient Greece, Martin Heidegger alleged that the inquiry of "Sein"was just the concealment of it.
  • Their road led them along the side of the same brook where Quentin had overheard the mysterious conference the preceding evening, and Hayraddin had not long rejoined them, ere they passed under the very willow tree which had afforded Durward the means of concealment, when he became an unsuspected hearer of what then passed betwixt that false guide and the lanzknecht. Quentin Durward
  • Hence, concealment of information constitutes measures to counter enemy reconnaissance.
  • But its ideology draws on extremist currents and its attempts at concealment are dishonest. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gain concealment until the start of your next turn. 4e PHB Readthrough – Chapter 7: Equipment « Geek Related
  • The approach that is being taken in the bill is the approach of concealment, which is the proper approach, because if somebody reoffends, then the offence can re-emerge.
  • The enemy usually tried to exfiltrate away down alleyways, but often had to run from positions of concealment to these exfiltration routes, so it was easy for us to anticipate where to kill the enemy.
  • With welcome relief on his face, he removed the lei hala from his neck, and, with a sniff and a sigh, tossed it into concealment in the thick lantana by the side of the road. SHIN-BONES
  • Those nests did not differ in concealment from active nests.
  • There have been some reports in the literature suggesting that more recent events may be more susceptible to concealment than less recent events.
  • Make-up is an art of adornment and concealment and vanity - three prongs of devilry - and is frowned upon in all its many forms.
  • Comfortable carry of a handgun often works in opposition to concealment and speed of access.
  • The power of many erotic fantasies relies more on concealment than full disclosure.
  • There was also an aerial monitoring of troop movements and concealment and deception measures.
  • Heidegger suggests two paths toward understanding 'expropriation': the event supersedes epochal-destinal unconcealment in such a way that, firstly, "it can be retained neither as being nor as time; it is, so to speak, a neutrale tantum, the neutral 'and' in the title "Time and Being.' Enowning
  • Only a little more blousing of the shirt above the waistband is required to complete the concealment.
  • Besides the aukwardness attending such an interview in these circumstances, concealment was necessary to my safety. Wieland; or the Transformation. An American Tale.
  • Concealment devices basically could be any every day object, in which you hide potentially incriminating materials.
  • By prominent members of the international climate science community whose "Climategate" e-mails purloined from the prestigious East Anglia University Climate Research Unit that exposed clear evidence of data manipulation, concealment of public records and exclusion of disagreeable research findings from influential publications. It's Time To Pardon Carbon
  • “It is painful to me, as a son, to observe that lord Wynchcombe’s general demeanour is harsh; his behaviour to your mother was not calculated to win her confidence, though he now severely reflects on her memory, for what he terms the basest concealment, without making allowances for the singularity of the situation which influenced her conduct.” The Child of Mystery
  • The reef comprises interconnected blocks of rock which are undercut and full of fissures and cracks, providing concealment for an abundance of marine life.
  • Inwardly angry at his own foolishness, he stepped out of his hiding dropping all pretence of concealment.
  • She reached Moy, quite out of breath, before Lord Loudon and his troops; and the Prince had just time to escape, in his robe-de-chambre, nightcap, and slippers, to the neighbouring mountains, where he passed the night in concealment. The Book of Three Hundred Anecdotes Historical, Literary, and Humorous—A New Selection
  • The work of art is true by virtue of uncovering or bringing out of concealment.
  • We are not well served by a respect for religious privacy that fosters something little short of concealment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Without in the least intending to, the church created the earliest model of the modern self with its id and unconscious (the secrets created by passion and hidden in shame), the ego of the confessant who is free to choose between self-revelation or concealment, and the superego, whether forgiving father confessor or the fire and steel of the Inquisition.
  • If you would like to remain there a day or two, till I can find you a more suitable concealment, you may rely on the honour of a transcendental eleutherarch. ' Nightmare Abbey
  • Because countershading is thought to aid in concealment by reducing shadow in well-lit environments, the hypothesis is partially supported despite no significant associations with other open environments.
  • It is strange how such concealment goes hand in hand with record-breaking council tax rises.
  • He began some tale about money, whose place of concealment he could indicate.
  • The pattern of violence and concealment is our guide into a reading that would reveal "some of what is hidden behind Schiller's ideology of the aesthetic Aesthetic Violence and the Legitimacy of Reading Romanticism
  • On a subway, an opportunity for concealment can be the seats, luggage or the floor.
  • By now, you should have perfected the art of daytime maquillage - you should have got the message that it is about concealment, camouflage and nature.
  • The techniques that tend to reveal artificial devices can, paradoxically, also participate to some concealment of discourse.
  • Those who think such concealment is wrong will see it as direct evidence of present bad character (since the concealment was continuing) and not just of past bad character. The Volokh Conspiracy » Speech Restrictions Aimed at Making Sure People Act in “Right-Thinking” Ways
  • Thus does art progress from form to form, from problems raised to problems solved, accruing successive layers of concealment.
  • Belt holsters worn on the range for practice are easy to access, but there is often a lack of concealment or security.
  • Of molluscs the sepia is the most cunning, and is the only species that employs its dark liquid for the sake of concealment as well as from fear: the octopus and calamary make the discharge solely from fear. The History of Animals
  • A few months before this time, he would have scorned the idea of concealing any part of his conduct, any one of his actions, from his best friend, Mr Percival; but his pride now reconciled him to the meanness of concealment; and here, the acuteness of him feelings was to his own mind an excuse for dissimulation: so fallacious is moral instinct, unenlightened or uncontrolled by reason and religion. Belinda
  • This month, let's look at three other methods for achieving maximum concealment.
  • The = chancel = is dark owing to the small clearstory windows, the low outer north aisle, and the concealment of a south window by the organ. The Churches of Coventry A Short History of the City & Its Medieval Remains
  • Although infanticide trials commonly ended in a conviction for the lesser crime of concealment of a birth or a straight acquittal, some infanticidal mothers were acquitted on ground of insanity.
  • a hidden room or place of concealment such as a priest hole
  • How could you dispute what's plain law, man?" said Saddletree, somewhat contemptuously; "there's no a callant that e'er carried a pock wi 'a process in't, but will tell you that perduellion is the warst and maist virulent kind of treason, being an open convocating of the king's lieges against his authority (mair especially in arms, and by touk of drum, to baith whilk accessories my een and lugs bore witness), and muckle worse than lese-majesty, or the concealment of a treasonable purpose -- It winna bear a dispute, neighbour. The Heart of Mid-Lothian, Complete
  • The act of wrapping and unwrapping these objects in white cloths alludes not only to an ordinary physical act (albeit one that brings to mind the white kittel, the prayergown-turned-shroud, in which Orthodox Jews are buried), but also a metaphysical one — a metaphor for concealment and discovery. Artists: Contemporary Anglo.
  • However, in this legislation there is no opportunity for the police to object to the concealment occurring if a person meets the criteria of the Act.
  • I believe that the moment - the day of “official censorship and concealment” - that Kennedy foresaw is drawing near, if it is not already upon us in America today. Balkinization
  • The significance of this image lies in its concealment of her body under heavy folds of material.
  • Mr. Anderson said his lawsuit wouldn't interfere with the criminal prosecution of Mr. Sandusky, because his case is more about illuminating what he called "institutional concealment" at Penn State and Second Mile. What's News US
  • -- Because it is based on a knowledge of the God-world; because her eyes were focused for the things 'on the other side of the sky'; because this world, for her, was a mere reflexion and thin concealment of the other, and the mists between her and the Divine 'defecate' constantly, in Coleridge's curious phrase, 'to a clear transparency.' The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
  • Denial and concealment of pregnancy still exists in Irish society today, research says
  • His prior record of deception, double-dealing, and concealment makes that quite impossible.
  • There are forms of encryption and concealment previously unimagined. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's a lot of ill-informed speculation about how the mask is an act of concealment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Though phosphorus is used as a concealment weapon, that is a canard, because it is so dangerous that it cannot be used for local concealment because it would kill our troops if the wind shifted. Think Progress » Pentagon officials last week

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