How To Use Concealed In A Sentence
After a long, tedious sail, during which I was subjected to every discomfort, and exposure to the weather, as well as jeers and insults that effervesced from a corrupt heart, where they had been concealed for so many years, we reached a spot near enough to the land to discover a cluster of orange trees and a cabin.
Bond and Free: A Tale of the South
To avoid fattening, unhealthful fats, you need to understand what types of foods they are concealed in.
Left of center a circular form hovers between the foreground and back-ground: both cell-like and lunar, it is concealed and revealed by waves of golden brown toner.
The Queen pulled back on the cross, leaving the Governess holding the thin tapered dagger that had been concealed inside.
365 tomorrows » 2008 » May : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
I thought we were never going to reach it; and then, almost unexpectedly, we suddenly came upon it - a small but ancient village, rising up on a slight eminence, but concealed from view by big clumps of tall-growing reeds.

He sat at the opposite side of the table from Nero, his expression unreadable due to the fact that his face was concealed by a smooth oval mask of flawless black glass.
The Overload Protocol
The defect in the software allows computers to be infected by programs concealed in seemingly harmless files or web pages.
Times, Sunday Times
As for the remaining four songs, 'Wrapped Around Your Finger' and 'Tea In The Sahara' are doomy ciphers, the former possibly about marriage, the latter open to a handful of interpretations, none of them exactly upbeat, while 'Synchronicity I' is a trifle explaining the title concept and the monster hit 'Every Breath You Take', is ostensibly a trite love song with it's icy and obsessive core just barely concealed.
Concealed carry is driving both nationwide handgun sales and manufacturer's R&D efforts.
The meeting ended with the correct formalities, and barely concealed mutual mistrust.
JOSIAH THE GREAT: The True Story of The Man Who Would Be King
This allowed him to grasp a string attached to the neck of a bottle secreted in a concealed hollow inside the bark.
Times, Sunday Times
The guns were set inside of hills, beneath reinforced concrete bomb shields, and concealed behind immense iron firing ports.
Texas is also on course to allow concealed weapons on college campuses for the first time.
Times, Sunday Times
In a centered closure, the zipper is concealed by two flaps of cloth running along either side.
The insurgency is concealed in rugged terrain and grows stronger.
Times, Sunday Times
She listens as to a fairy tale, and then I tell her of the stellar crystals concealed in the rough crust of the amygdaloid.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 12, No. 31, October, 1873
The only way to memorise a book is to say it out loud to yourself, and this I did, gabbling away as children do, my real purpose concealed because nobody ever listens to what a child has to say.
The beacon was surrounded by an anomalously flat area about 100 meters in diameter; anyone going for the beacon would be completely exposed for the last few seconds, an easy target for a concealed marksman.
Coming down the hill, out of the town, the delusion is that this great fresh-water lake is but itself a bay, the mouth of which is concealed from view, but not so, for its waters run clear and fresh, and as fishful as the Erne.
The Sunny Side of Ireland How to see it by the Great Southern and Western Railway
Her father, however, wore an expression of unconcealed anger.
This singular passion did not long remain concealed from the Goddess of Passionate Love.
Customs officers found a kilogram of cocaine that Smith had concealed inside his suitcase.
He concealed the ring in a small pouch at the bottom of a tin of mints which he carried with him constantly.
Times, Sunday Times
Concealed inside its villanelles, ghazals, canzones, sonnets, and prose poems are that country's unheard voices.
Fleda, my dear," said Mrs. Evelyn, with that trembling tone of concealed ecstasy which always set every one of Fleda's nerves a-jarring "you may tell the gentlemen that they do not always know when they are making an unfelicitous compliment I never read what poets say about 'briny drops' and 'salt tears', without imagining the heroine immediately to be something like Lot's wife.
Queechy, Volume II
In this Denver garden, the hop vine completely concealed its wire frame in a single summer.
But the noise hardly concealed the fact that most Laborites wholeheartedly favor modernizing the state-owned railways, which cost the nation $500 million in 1962 alone.
The secretary of Elizabeth I's Privy Council is supposed to have submitted the warrant for the execution of Mary Stuart several times, concealed in a pile of lesser bumf, to help the Queen get over the hump. Pardon Update (Updated)
His modesty and courtesy concealed brilliant intellect; this combination worked wonders.
Times, Sunday Times
Everyone has his inherent power, which is easily concealed by habits, blurred by time, and eroded by laziness.
It has heat-sealed seams for additional waterproofing, embroiderable front-vented flaps, and concealed shockcord drawstrings at the hood and open bottom hem.
These all possess an extraordinary organ situated on the neck, the well-known Y-shaped tentacle, which is entirely concealed in a state of repose, but which is capable of being suddenly thrown out by the insect when alarmed.
Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection A Series of Essays
This is the portal of its temple, through which alone we can gain access to the sacellum where its aporrheta are concealed.
The Symbolism of Freemasonry
The padded valances and floor-length curtains concealed the architectural beauty of the windows.
Take an eight-hour course in most of the smart states and you qualify for a concealed weapons permit; note that owning a firearm is already assumed in those states.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Changes in the Gun Culture over the last 25 years
As the evening comes on, an incomprehensible feeling of disquietude seizes me, just as if night concealed some terrible menace toward me.
I saw nothing of the man but his posture of loose-limbed, helpless drunkenness and the ill-assorted covering of filthy clothing that concealed it.
He stamped his feet as he waited with barely concealed impatience for the telephone.
Originally the sophist was a lover of truth; then he became a lover of words that concealed truth, and the chief end of his existence was to balance a feather on his nose and keep three balls in the air for the astonishment and admiration of the bystanders.
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great Philosophers, Volume 8
Declassified intelligence documents as well as testimony from witnesses helped excavators identify the concealed entrance.
Times, Sunday Times
It is a fairly potent indicator of the show's future direction - otherwise so carefully concealed.
Times, Sunday Times
I stained my eyebrows with some of the dye common in the harem; concealed my female attire beneath a magnificent pelisse, lined with sables, which fastened from my chin to my feet; pulled a fez low upon my brow; and I sallied forth on my adventurous errand.
G. Roger Denson: The Beauty We Fear: The Great Mosques of European Novelists and Poets (Slideshow)
This is a crisis wrapped in an emergency and most likely concealed inside a right to-do.
Times, Sunday Times
It was said that the police concealed vital evidence.
She cannily concealed her delight at his suggestion.
Then Jack is killed and their stern father Ray reacts with unconcealed fury, asserting: ‘He took the wrong son.’
In descending the Shire, we found concealed in the broad belt of papyrus round the lakelet Pamalombe, into which the river expands,
A Popular Account of Dr. Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries
Greatest genius often lies concealed.
Alighting from a shuttle bus, the merry band of revellers spot a dosser lying prone and fully concealed under a blanket inside a bus shelter.
This allowed him to grasp a string attached to the neck of a bottle secreted in a concealed hollow inside the bark.
Times, Sunday Times
Her body was not discovered until shortly after lunchtime yesterday when officers found it concealed in a shippon, or cowshed.
She studied the beautiful, dark-haired young woman in the high-necked black cocktail dress that concealed more than it revealed yet managed to be incredibly sexy.
It has created confusion about the nature of sociological scholarship and has concealed opportunities for many more craft sociologists.
Suddenly, the enraged father whips out a concealed hand gun and aims it at the smiling acquited defendant.
The Preponderance of the Evidence, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
After the raid - and an unconcealed display of gutlessness by the major - the commando squad is forced to cross the blazing desert for a rendezvous with their reconnaissance team.
The folium vermis (folium cacuminis; cacuminal lobe) is a short, narrow, concealed band at the posterior extremity of the vermis, consisting apparently of a single folium, but in reality marked on its upper and under surfaces by secondary fissures.
IX. Neurology. 4a. The Hind-brain or Rhombencephalon
We had a delicious gallop over the sands to the Waiakea river, which we crossed, and came upon one of the vast lava-flows of ages since, over which we had to ride carefully, as the pahoehoe lies in rivers, coils, tortuosities, and holes partially concealed by a luxuriant growth of ferns and convolvuli.
The Hawaiian Archipelago
The pieces allow state of the art cookers, fridges, ovens, microwaves and dishwashers to be concealed behind beautiful facades and ingenious storage devices.
He scares me to death, he's so violent," Mary said with unconcealed hostility.
He would show, as Ibsen shows, and with an equal lack of malice prepense, various detestable features which the mask of good manners had concealed.
Henrik Ibsen
Over time, the plant growth not only concealed the structures; it also contributed greatly to their decay.
The Colonel reached up and pressed the switch hidden in the candle sconce, the concealed panel swung open.
In some homes, instead of bare timber ceilings, the rafters would be concealed with plaster, which also was sometimes decorative.
By using removable armor plate and removable side panels, the seat is completely concealed when not being used.
The winter-bud is an aggregate of minute buds, each concealed in the axil of a primary leaf converted into a scarious, more or less fimbriate, bud-scale.
The Genus Pinus
How could the victim notify the perpetrator that this communication was unwelcome, given that one reason it was unwelcome was that it was fake and that the fakeness was being actively concealed from the victim?
The Volokh Conspiracy » Louisiana Bill Would Outlaw Insulting an Under-17-Year-Old By E-Mail
He concealed the sweets in his pocket.
Indusium minute, concealed beneath the sorus, divided into a few beaded hairs.
The Fern Lover's Companion A Guide for the Northeastern States and Canada
Only the local fishermen know their way through the maze of tall reeds to the oases of lotuses and water lilies concealed within.
The work of the unrecognized dramaturgist who concealed himself under the pseudonym of Roly-Poly.
Yama: the pit
Slime-filled canals in the creatures 'heads - known as the "ampullae of Lorenzini" - let them sniff out the electric field of bottom-feeding flatfish concealed in mud or sand, leading to a tasty treat for the prowling elasmobranch.
The Register
The van had a hollow bottom, the kitchen had been built over a cellar and the stairs concealed a broom cupboard.
Superdog! Action plans that work for a happy and well-behaved pet
Often the anxiety seems concealed under a discourse of futurity, in which attention is given to what life online might become - with contradictions deleted - rather than giving attention to what actually happens or has happened.
When the house lights dulled and the concert was approximately to begin, the mother returned to her seat and unconcealed namely the child was lacking.
I meant to convey not just his strange, slow but charismatic drawl but also his character - unsentimental, tough to the point of roguishness with an unadvertised, indeed sometimes concealed heart of gold.
And I've been meaning to get a haircut, but now I'm quite pleased I haven't got around to it, since the sizeable bump on my forehead is concealed behind my ever-expanding coiffure.
A kind of existential film noir, the movie seems to belong to the doom-laden era of post-war Hollywood, where shadowy streets concealed murderous acts and fate was always breathing down the neck of a scurrying rat.
These "shall issue" laws eliminate the discretion of local law enforcement and licensing agencies to determine eligibility for permits to carry concealed handguns (commonly known as CCW, concealed carry weapon, permits).
Josh Sugarmann: Senate Set to Nationalize Concealed Handgun Laws That Have Killed 7 Cops, 44 Private Citizens
The existence of hatred need not be acknowledged, complicity in hateful practices remains concealed, and power is as comfy as ever.
The leaves are its main feature; with age it becomes rather tall, 6ft. to 9ft. high, having a woody hole or caudex, which is largely concealed by the handsome drooping foliage; a few of the youngest leaves from the middle of the tuft remain erect.
Hardy Perennials and Old Fashioned Flowers Describing the Most Desirable Plants, for Borders, Rockeries, and Shrubberies.
Parker followed to the far wall where James inserted a magnetic card into a neatly concealed slot in the wall, and the wood paneling of the wall slid open to reveal a brightly lit corridor.
But for more than a decade that industry has concealed a secret.
Times, Sunday Times
When the two had been introduced, Miss Davenport concealed a sneer with difficulty, Clarissa could see, and the governess was hard-pressed to stop her cheeks from flushing.
Fig. 1 is a plan view of a sheet of paper on which has been impressed a revealable concealed identifier pattern in accordance with the invention.
The meeting ended with the correct formalities, and barely concealed mutual mistrust.
JOSIAH THE GREAT: The True Story of The Man Who Would Be King
Psychics are actually good at intuiting the subjects of concealed photographs and cards, so I believe that it is safe to conclude that there is a weakness in the gift that makes it difficult to develop a presentient knowledge of specific numbers.
Totally apprehensively are unconcealed that ultrasound one forgetfully gravitative, but pardonably wind chintzily be at incompatibly hispanic to incandescent apomict of threefold skateboard okay curtilage.
Rational Review
a concealed weapon
To equip ( a room or telephone circuit, for example ) with a concealed electronic listening device.
The subsequent development of the screw propeller, concealed beneath the surface of the water, yielded greater maneuverability as well as greater protection.
What you are saying is that the great mass of people are forced to settle for living under a system of tyrranical, arbitrary and unreviewable diktat — over the barely concealed near-tribal conflicts for supremacy — and in addition — that they must suffer under abusive, poorly run governments, as well?
The Volokh Conspiracy » How Jonathan Adler Gets It Wrong, and Soccer Gets It Right:
As the country has become economically and militarily stronger, partially concealed ambiguities regarding interaction with the West have resurfaced.
And there wasn't a cunningly concealed cupboard to be seen.
Times, Sunday Times
She was sure that if they had fought hand-to-hand combat without concealed weapons, they would lose for sure.
They have definite life styles and political values, which are concealed under a rhetoric of objectivity.
This disdain for legality - well concealed behind statesmanlike rhetoric - corresponds directly with a second vice: not telling the public the truth.
Rhonda covered Mitch's body back up, and addressed the Detective with unconcealed disesteem.
The mines were found by his ship's company concealed below decks in a barge.
God the Great, Thou knowest the things by secrecy ensealed and their outwards revealed and their inwards concealed!
Arabian nights. English
It was underneath carpet behind a cabinet and was obviously concealed.
We had read all the press releases and brochures, yet our impatience was ill-concealed as the BMW press officers gave a brief overview of their newest produce.
However, his vapid surface concealed a beast, one that roared in violent protest.
The meeting ended with the correct formalities, and barely concealed mutual mistrust.
JOSIAH THE GREAT: The True Story of The Man Who Would Be King
But Annie could barely eat, and sat only half listening as Rowena discussed the cup with unconcealed excitement.
In the midst of the delight of the moment, there lies concealed a foreboding of inescapable sorrow.
His belief reached out to the man at the window, who turned to stare at him with unconcealed interest.
An army spokeswoman said the searches had found five concealed rifles and about 40 explosive devices, primed for use.
The loser of the coat had a piece of gold concealed in the collar. To the thief, he said, "This coat is worth one piece of gold. Now I beg you to let me redeem it at that value.
My fatigue pants were so baggy they almost concealed my combat boots.
Transmitters can be concealed in the chassis of an automobile and thus facilitate the vehicle's recovery if stolen.
A girl sitting in the first row raised her hand eagerly, the bangles looped around her wrist jangling loudly regardless of being concealed inside her student uniform.
The insurgency is concealed in rugged terrain and grows stronger.
Times, Sunday Times
The man-made structures are concealed by imaginative landscaping that includes coconut palms, hibiscus, cactuses, hammocks, bougainvillea, gardens and lawns opening to beach and sea.
Teddy-bear that the matter had to be adjusted by distracting his attention in the direction of some drilling soldiers, while Wally concealed the toy under the embroidered rug which protected the plump legs of the "duchess" -- who submitted with delighted gurgles to being tickled under the chin.
Captain Jim
In fact, Houdini relied on great skill, low cunning, and keeping tiny metal picklocks concealed about his person.
I could see the green of the cultivated fields and the trees that half-concealed the minaret of the village mosque.
Reynolds has never concealed his ambition to be the top dog.
\tab He saw reflected in the glass a figure coming down the sidewalk-heavyset, middle-aged, wearing a gun belt almost concealed by belly overflowing it, a holstered hogleg on his right thigh, star on his left breast, otherwise dressed much as Lazarus was dressed.
Time Enough For Love
A sealed hotplate with concealed ignition and an automatic oven timer with the time of day clock.
His unassuming manner concealed an iron will.
Much of her vast collection is kept in concealed cupboards in her apartment, the rest is stored in her offices.
Times, Sunday Times
She was crouched, waiting, next to another Elf and a hawk lycanthrope as other Elves moved across bridges, in and out of trees, all hooded with their weapons concealed.
When she further discovers that Arabella is at work on a secret manuscript, a book of "observations" on the behavior of domestic servants, Bessy is horrified that her sordid past is not as carefully concealed as she has supposed.
The Observations by Jane Harris: Questions
So if this is a problem that is that difficult to deal with by women who actually understand something about the misogyny that underwrites these socially constructed "pathologies," how is it that anyone expects the women in these commercial treatment facilities to "recover," if the deeper source of their problem -- internalized patriarchy -- is intentionally concealed from them, and avoided like the plague in Recovery Orthodoxy as an "outside issue"?
Stan Goff: Reflecting on Thin
So obsessed that he concealed his decidedly uncool secret from all but one or two of his aspiringly cool fellow Beats.
Dean Sluyter: It's Official: Nobody's Cool. (Kerouac Posthumously Blows It)
Ryo was the only one who had never been there before, and he looked around with unconcealed interest as they rode up to the mansion.
In the marshy districts is seen the large elater, which displays both red and green lights; the red glare, like that of a lamp, alternately flashing on the beholder, then concealed as the insect turns his body in flight, but the ruddy reflection on the grass beneath being constantly visible as it leisurely pursues its course.
The Western World Picturesque Sketches of Nature and Natural History in North and South America
Concealed video cameras scan every part of the compound.
Much of her vast collection is kept in concealed cupboards in her apartment, the rest is stored in her offices.
Times, Sunday Times
While this inquiry was carried on, our hero and his companion concealed themselves among some weeds, that grew on the edge of the parapet, a few yards from the spot where he had agreed to meet the mousquetaire; and scarce had the morning rendered objects distinguishable when they perceived their men advancing boldly to the place.
The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle
He concealed the ring in a small pouch at the bottom of a tin of mints which he carried with him constantly.
Times, Sunday Times
His vague manner concealed a brilliant mind.
They beckon to be hefted and used to liberate a half-concealed triceratops skull, then giggle at the tease when you find them immobilized.
The Saurians' Revenge
The door was partially concealed by the drapes.
Kinard, a Casey Affleck lookalike, provides an unsettling mixture of dewy-eyed sincerity and barely concealed insanity – he both attracts with his charm but repels with his odd demands, creating a wonderfully enigmatic personality.
Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
The safeguards, intended to prevent the opportunities for fraudand manipulation, which we have enjoyed for well over a century, willbe rendered nonexistent if we permit our vote counting to be concealed within the unobservable processes of acomputer.
Why We Must Speak Out
The meeting ended with the correct formalities, and barely concealed mutual mistrust.
JOSIAH THE GREAT: The True Story of The Man Who Would Be King
The van had a hollow bottom, the kitchen had been built over a cellar and the stairs concealed a broom cupboard.
Superdog! Action plans that work for a happy and well-behaved pet
She is doing her bit - with barely concealed pleasure.
Times, Sunday Times
Water heaters and furnaces should be concealed by screens or closets but kept accessible.
He was gifted, on occasion, with a gentle raillery, which almost always concealed a serious meaning.
The weapons were concealed in a barrel, hidden in a bank of earth.
After a little good-humoured chaffing and laughing James managed to get rid of the rollicky crew, and shut the court-yard gates, having first made the round of the premises with Turk, the great bloodhound, just to satisfy himself that no loiterer was concealed among the bushes with felonious intentions.
A Christmas Cake in Four Quarters
The pieces allow state of the art cookers, fridges, ovens, microwaves and dishwashers to be concealed behind beautiful facades and ingenious storage devices.
I'm tweezed, conditioned, hot oiled, hot waxed, manicured, pedicured, glossed, concealed, spritzed and sprayed.
There is a world of difference between reintegrative shaming and hounding people for offensive behaviour from a dizzy moral height and a concealed political agenda.
Mail & Guardian Online
The knowledge of this has always been there, but it's been half hidden, concealed for its own good.
Determined to discover the depredator, they concealed themselves
West Indian Fables by James Anthony Froude Explained by J. J. Thomas
He then snatched the fallen warrior's arms and robes under which he had concealed a scrip full of gold fastened to his loins.
Fleda my dear," said Mrs. Evelyn, with that trembling tone of concealed ecstasy which always set every one of Fleda's nerves a jarring, -- "you may tell the gentlemen that they do not always know when they are making an unfelicitous compliment -- I never read what poets say about 'briny drops' and 'salt tears' without imagining the heroine immediately to be something like Lot's wife.
watched with unconcealed curiosity
The murder weapon was found concealed in undergrowth.
Those nations however, who did not of themselves raise up their eyes unto heaven, nor returned thanks to their Maker, nor wished to behold the light of truth, but who were like blind mice concealed in the depths of ignorance, the word justly reckons "as waste water from a sink, and as the turning-weight of a balance -- in fact, as nothing;
ANF01. The Apostolic Fathers with Justin Martyr and Irenaeus
Advancing Sohu actively " mainstream media platform " chairman of Sohu trustee bureau holds presiding apparitor Zhang Chaoyang concurrently to be concealed none right " announcement " support.
But one night, under cover of darkness, and further concealed in a most cunning disguisement, a desperate burglar slid into his happy home, and robbed them all of everything.
Moby Dick; or the Whale
His late companion's chance persistency made him feel that he could not keep his crime concealed in his bosom.
The excavations are concealed by a screen of trees.
As the country has become economically and militarily stronger, partially concealed ambiguities regarding interaction with the West have resurfaced.
The two stones by the path were painted yellow; the outhouse was so overmodestly masked with vines and lattice that it was not concealed at all; the last iron dog remaining in Gopher Prairie stood among whitewashed conch-shells upon the lawn.
Main Street
The metal balustrade assemblies bolt to the posts and the staircase's concealed stringer (the painted beam).
Greatest genius often lies concealed.
The country encourages concealed-carry of handguns in public by private citizens.
These clasps released, in older times, the lovely bosom of Phryne; and they now belong to one who could do better homage to the beauties they concealed or discovered than could the cynic Diogenes.
Count Robert of Paris
The thick chaparral of a remote region in the Sespe Wilderness, part of the Los Padres National Forest, in Ventura, California, has concealed a lost herd of desert bighorn sheep for more than five years.
On ascertaining from the Frenchmen who landed that their ship was a privateer, and that they were still at war with the English, I said nothing about the treasure, determined rather to let it remain concealed for ever than allow them to possess it, for I knew that though I might claim it they would without scruple take it from me.
The Two Shipmates
It has created confusion about the nature of sociological scholarship and has concealed opportunities for many more craft sociologists.
Much of her vast collection is kept in concealed cupboards in her apartment, the rest is stored in her offices.
Times, Sunday Times
He departed back home again, carrying our tale by simple word of mouth for greater security, and having concealed on his person some of the gems which the maharanee had saved and which would be readily convertible into money.
Tales of Destiny
The meeting ended with the correct formalities, and barely concealed mutual mistrust.
JOSIAH THE GREAT: The True Story of The Man Who Would Be King
He does not know it but he is looking straight at me, my face concealed behind a bough thick with leaves.
Parker followed to the far wall where James inserted a magnetic card into a neatly concealed slot in the wall, and the wood paneling of the wall slid open to reveal a brightly lit corridor.
Prepared thus, by a previous knowledge of the want of harmony among the members, for any warmth of tone or variety of counsel in the Convention, the two girls were less surprised than many of the delegates, especially those from a distance, by whom the real cause of the difficulty was to the last unperfectly understood, when it became manifest that even the opening session of the Convention could not pass without a laying bare of long-concealed dissentient judgment and suppressed criticism.
The Woman's Advocate Vol. III
Vizard's reputation was damaged because he committed a crime, concealed it, then arranged a sweetheart deal to avoid criminal sanctions.
As the country has become economically and militarily stronger, partially concealed ambiguities regarding interaction with the West have resurfaced.
He climbed railings near the front of the building and, from a concealed vantage point, he saw a car arrive.
The Bullet Catchers
That explains the unconcealed wrath of Lalkishenchand and the menial manners of Naraadham raining hell fire on Mr Lyngdoh in particular, and on whistleblowers and curtain-raisers in general.
I took one look, took a very deep breath, and then used all the available towels to sop up the mess, much to the barely concealed amusement of Zachery.
The general's uniform was concealed by a British trench coat.
Times, Sunday Times
The periwig, adopted from French fashion after the Restoration, not only concealed baldness or reduced head-lice (since the natural hair was close-cropped or shaved) but was worn to enhance dignity.
His unassuming manner concealed an iron will.
But there was always a concern that the finely wrought phrases concealed a worrying lack of experience.
Times, Sunday Times
The bijou property has a kitchen concealed behind a mirrored wall that contains a microwave, sink, hob and fridge.
Times, Sunday Times
They said the paintings were in excellent condition but without their frames, and were well concealed in the attic.
In the progress of demographic transformation (DT), we watched the waves and troughs of floating work force and conformed that the concealed unemployment has revealed out in every year.
The manipulation of commercial income is understood to have been carefully concealed and might not have been caught without a tip-off from a whistleblower.
Times, Sunday Times
Authoritarianism, barely concealed under the fig leaf of ‘democracy’, became its watchword.
The device, which used a shotgun modified to fire bullets, was concealed in a wooden box hidden among trees.
Cerryl followed his lead but his senses on the concealed crossbowman until they were out of the study and well down the corridor headed back toward Shyren's chamber.
Colors of Chaos
Greatest genius often lies concealed.
Photographs taken during original construction or later modifications are especially useful in revealing concealed conditions.
Then I proceeded to dig a small ditch and hide them in it, concealed by fallen leaves.
A few carefully chosen men went ahead while main body remained concealed in the valley.
Mobile phone masts seem to be pretty much everywhere, concealed within road signs and lamp posts, inside churches, or disguised as weathervanes or trees, yet this isn't enough to get rid of ‘black spots’ across the capital.
When she was gone I recollected that I had not read the letter, therefore eagerly took it up to look for her present abode; but how shall I tell you my distraction upon finding she had carefully concealed it, and had written a kind of farewel! her date simply London.
Vicissitudes in Genteel Life
During his travels, Mithra was thought to see all - nothing could be concealed from his gaze.
But for more than a decade that industry has concealed a secret.
Times, Sunday Times
These have been concealed so that the heat does not affect the temperature inside the boat.
An electronic sweep of the Palace had found bugging devices concealed in the most bizarre locations - flowerpots, bedpans, jodhpurs, a pair of lovingly restored Victorian camiknickers, and even implanted in one of the ears of the royal corgis.
I personally have no interest in concealed or non-concealed public carry.
The Volokh Conspiracy » NRA Convention report
Concealed beneath the dress were slim black slippers, and thin gold bands glinted on wrists and fingers.