How To Use Concatenation In A Sentence
The results of our analyses demonstrate that concatenation of data can improve the signal for relationships and also that care is needed to investigate possible incongruence between partitions.
Hyphens and adverbs partake of this concatenation of the style that ends up creating hypallages.
LSPs are created by the distribution of label bindings and the concatenation of one or more label switched hops.
This kind of string handling and string concatenation was good enough for Kernighan and Ritchie, but it has its problems.
In language, a lone signifier would be an utterly meaningless sound or concatenation of sounds.
Last year, to complete the change, a tomtit was pleased to build her nest within the lock of the Tolbooth, — a strong temptation to have committed a sonnet, had the Author, like Tony Lumpkin, been in a concatenation accordingly.
The Heart of Mid-Lothian
In Simplicius Fate is the chain of causal concatenation which is inherent in the seed and there - fore considered the ratio seminalis.
Yet that prodigious concatenation of evils, which should be devastating, is not notably impeding the nation.
The single text operator (the so-called ampersand) is used in formulas to join together two or more text entries (an operation with the highfalutin 'name concatenation).
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Now, why, in that concatenation of facts, do you not have a basis on which the primary judge can find that to some extent there is evidence?
The group opisthokonts was not recovered in some recently published analyses (e.g., domain contents and concatenation of genome sequences).
A new issue of the news magazine, Concatenation, has gone on line, and as usual they have manged to find awards that we have missed.
Concatenation Awards Round-Up
As has been pointed out recently, while data concatenation has the effect of reducing sampling effects, they are still not capable of stating whether or not the trees are correct.
His fine and highly trained ear disliked the frequent harshness of their versification, their indifference to the well-ordered melody of vowel and consonant, the grating, 'scrannel pipe' concatenations which he notes so scornfully in the verse of Bishop Hall:
Introduction. Grierson, Herbert J.C
One would think that meaning might flare up here or there though some chance concatenation of words.
As one walks through the different rooms, passages and interstices of the gallery, there is a tremendous but transient concatenation of sound.
The strategic concatenation of several such artists at any given time results in the establishment of a trend.
a complicated concatenation of circumstances
How do we achieve something that Europe has never managed before, or any comparable concatenation of states on any other continent?
The concatenation is a rather exciting departure from decades of tradition.
Film School Rejects
It is, as biological chains of cause and effect go, a fairly simple concatenation of events.
The wrong way to invoke SQL is to simply perform string concatenation (or interpolation) to create your SQL command using data that hasn't undergone extremely narrow screening.
Saami languages, being of the Finno-Ugric family, are agglutinative, creating words by linear concatenation of morphemes.
This concatenation of circumstance more striking than the lonely eminence of a pitch in the hall of Madame Tussaud, and a name flaunting on her sandwich-board.
Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 146, June 17, 1914
I've just put up an edited concatenation of those two talks, coupled with invaluable editorial suggestions from Alicia Cervini.
QUOTATION: The premises being thus settled, I proceed to observe that the concatenation of self-existence, proceeding in a reciprocal duplicate ratio, naturally produces a problematical dialogism, which in some measure proves that the essence of spirituality may be referred to the second predicable.
The single text operator (the so-called ampersand) is used in formulas to join together two or more text entries (an operation with the highfalutin 'name concatenation).
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The ML phylogeny inferred from the concatenation of the 129 genes is shown in figure 1.
Unlike a standard kakuro, where a plus sign is always inserted between all adjacent digits, here a sum may be formed from multi-digit numbers after concatenation, but in each case
Wired Top Stories
And so you had this accidental concatenation of events.
More concretely, we draw independent pairs of amino acids from this distribution, and the concatenation of these pairs gives us a simulated gap-free alignment at PAM distance t k.
Lincoln shook her head with misplaced appetite for this latest in an intermittently arduous concatenation of sterling scuffles.
Arbitrary concatenation facilitates optimization of this fragmented bandwidth.
Mr. Simlins," said Endecott, when he had resumed his seat, "I ask you -- as one who knows the country -- whereabouts does the concatenation you spoke of reach a climax?
Say and Seal, Volume I
The medium of social exchange in both cases seems subject to the concatenation of individual experience and linguistic artifice, without clear purchase on how social being determines consciousness in, of and through language.
The turn to concrete social mechanisms as the unit of social analysis suggests that it is most fruitful to seek out explanations of outcomes as the "concatenation" of a set of common social mechanisms Social Mechanisms: An Analytical Approach to Social Theory.
Processes versus structures
Nature had formed honest Meg for such encounters; and as her noble soul delighted in them, so her outward properties were in what Tony Lumpkin calls a concatenation accordingly.
Saint Ronan's Well
It is characteristic of such knowledge that it should be deficient in "exactness," in precision of statement, and closeness of logical concatenation.
They preferred to wait for some concatenation of events which would re-legitimise their anti-establishment confrontationist position, and their turbulent inner life, while retaining at least some of the original Left icons.
The geocentric, geostatic cosmos of Aristotle having been quite exploded, all that remained was an infinite and intricate concatenation of causes and effects.
I am to set in motion a concatenation of events whose end or significance I can in no way envisage.
Nucleotide alignments were created by the concatenation of the individual gene alignments.
The mysterious concatenations variously conjure Cycladic totems and Greek herms as well as works by Picasso and Ernst.
Looking back, I think they might have some enduring value as a kind of unique concatenation of intellectual influences and real-life experience that could be useful as a reference-guide to others.
In addition, phylogenetic analyses were performed for each of the individual virB genes selected for concatenation.
All of these things came together to create this awful concatenation of these various factors, simply diabolically coming together.
For astrology pretendeth to discover that correspondence or concatenation which is between the superior globe and the inferior; natural magic pretendeth to call and reduce natural philosophy from variety of speculations to the magnitude of works; and alchemy pretendeth to make separation of all the unlike parts of bodies which in mixtures of natures are incorporate.
The Advancement of Learning
No one has put together, or, to adopt a more expressive phrase, heaped together such enormous paragraphs; no one has linked clause on clause, parenthesis on parenthesis, epexegesis on exegesis, in such a bewildering concatenation of inextricable entanglement.
A History of Elizabethan Literature
it was caused by an improbable concatenation of circumstances
Only drive striping and concatenation were completely safe, and mirroring was safe as long as you did not use the on-line rebuild code.
All then set off down the hill in the vehicles, but I preferred to walk, to be alone in this vast action of snow, this immense concatenation of white silence, every step a splendid one.
It is what I call the strung-along type, the type of continuity, contiguity, or concatenation.
A Pluralistic Universe Hibbert Lectures at Manchester College on the Present Situation in Philosophy
Virtual concatenation is an inverse multiplexing technique that allows the grouping of any number of SONET STS-n channels to create a VCG (virtual concatenation group) to transport data streams.
You put the whole concatenation into the largest cauldron you've got, stir well, dance three times moonwise around the nearest deposit of nickel-zinc and ... but enough secrets, lad.
A Corridor in the Asylum
There's also a mounting seriousness of tone that doesn't sit entirely well with the plot's concatenation of coincidences and unlikelihoods.
Studied tones were represented as vectors comprising two 10-element fields, one representing pitch and the other duration, with concatenation representing feature pairings.
Union of various grades, union of diverse types, union that stops at non-conductors, union that merely goes from next to next, and means in many cases outer nextness only, and not a more internal bond, union of concatenation, in short; all that sort of thing seems to you a halfway stage of thought.
I think the idea of 'concatenation' is a useful way to approach the heterogeneity of the social, but I wonder at the same time whether it doesn't cover over some difficult questions.
Heterogeneity of the social
And this linkage, this so-called concatenation or coming together of effects unifying these vastly different domains of nature, is one of the most compelling aspects in this field.
The concatenation of al and gebra is the same as that of algeb and ra, illustrating associativity of concatenation for the case x = al, y = geb, z = ra.
There things might have stayed, except for a rapid and fortuitous concatenation of circumstance and opportunity.
Extending from one end to the other is a great concatenation of human bodies linked by their reaching, touching, grasping, and leaning, each creating a dangerous possibility of human-to-human contagion.
The per-process space available for environment variables is, however, limited, and a simple textual concatenation of attribute-value pairs is a fairly inflexible way to store data.
I was... I was walking myself,' she mumbled, shaking a fresh concatenation of rivulets from her cheeks, her colour rising.
`It is maintained subconsciously by the concatenation of at least two minds, the stronger of them belonging to a man dead for many years.
As the plane winged her across the continent, she pondered the chance concatenation of names.
In former epistolary scribblements, I gave you the concatenation of concomitant circumstances initiatory to my transmigration to this remote section of the occidental portions of our columbian republican coadunation," Seneker wrote, graciously supplying alternate, more familiar words, in an opposite column to help the reader along.
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The concatenation of circumstances has led to Gerhard Rach of Germany donning the mantle of chief coach, assisted by the former Olympian, Germany's Oliver Kutz and India's Jagbir Singh.
There is a serious danger that, given a sufficient concatenation of crises, a full-scale revival of Fascism could be convoked.
Another property, concatenation, arises when we can add measures together: a feature which attaches only to ratio scales.
It is hard not to see in the title of this thin book a concatenation of nullities.
The Times Literary Supplement
This time, a string concatenation has occurred within the same method, and the input parameter is now bound to a String type argument at function execution time.
As one walks through the different rooms, passages and interstices of the gallery, there is a tremendous but transient concatenation of sound.
You'll also find some simplifications from C, which include string concatenation, associative array elements, and aggregation operators.
The portentious concatenation is a parallel post by another well-known non-philosopher, P. Z.Meyers.
October 15th, 2009
This chapter is about the significance of such a concatenation of development activity, and of the potential for links between them.
To inform a reading of this seemingly infinite concatenation of closed brackets, Michael Davidson writes about narrative frames.
Let x v be an N-tuple defined as the concatenation of the alignment columns specified by the N-long vector of indices v.
The only active agents in this world, the only real subjects among this concatenation of passive objects, are us humans.