How To Use Computation In A Sentence

  • A new maximum a posteriori (MAP) super-resolution algorithm is proposed to reduce the complexity of blur parameter adjustment and the iterative computation load.
  • A new maximum a posteriori (MAP) super-resolution algorithm is proposed to reduce the complexity of blur parameter adjustment and the iterative computation load.
  • arithmetical computations
  • The electroholographic system consists of a special-purpose computational chip and a high-resolution, reflective mode, liquid-crystal display panel as a spatial light modulator.
  • There are limits from computational irreducibility to how easy it is to work out consequences. Wolfram Blog : Stephen Wolfram on the Quest for Computable Knowledge
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  • In order to reduce the computational load of the full-search VQ, a mean-match correlation vector quantizer, MMCVQ, is presented for fast image encoding in this paper.
  • And then we look at two competing approaches to deal with the following computational problem: given a Markov System with Rewards, compute the expected long-term discounted rewards. Deeplinking
  • Their output of data does not slow computation and is available in easily assimilated graphical form.
  • The ideal candidate should hold a doctoral degree in computational biology, biomathematics, computer science, electrical or mechanical engineering, or related fields with no more than 5 years of prior postdoctoral research experience. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • The code was validated by comparing the computed forces and torques with the analytic solutions for a hemisphere and sphere in point contact with the wall and also computations for axisymmetric spherical caps and spheroids.
  • Computational mathematics is a branch of mathematics.
  • I apply a variety of computational methods, semiempirical and nonempirical, as well as qualitative arguments, to problems of structure and reactivity of both organic and inorganic molecules of medium size. Roald Hoffmann - Autobiography
  • What is the difference between mathematics and computation?
  • The use of statistical techniques is not new to computational linguistics.
  • The experiments covered computational and thermal structures, structural mechanics and dynamics.
  • An alternative procedure which achieves the same result but is more convenient computationally is the following.
  • From everything I have seen of Mr. Mandela, and from the memories I have of meeting him personally on several occasions, Mr. Freeman gets everything right: the walk, the cadences in the voice, the out-front and straight-ahead posture and the inner radiance that connect his thoughts and his words with visible facial computations — many of the qualities that make Mr. Mandela an inspiring leader. I'm Cheering for Morgan Freeman
  • The West, from Rome to Britain, was called into action; the kings of Poland and Bohemia obeyed the summons of Conrad; and it is affirmed by the Greeks and Latins, that, in the passage of a strait or river, the Byzantine agents, after a tale of nine hundred thousand, desisted from the endless and formidable computation. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • It's also extensible, with packages developed by users for speech processing, optimization, symbolic computation, and others.
  • The problems involve the computation of the prior probability distribution for each possible world and the similarity between possible worlds.
  • The new system has the virtue of a lowered rate of tax, a simple method of computation, and an equitable spread.
  • In fact Bowditch loved to carry out complex mathematical computations and the task of checking and correcting Moore's work was one he greatly enjoyed.
  • If a would-be spammer had to perform one second of computation for each person he spammed, the pace of spam would slow to glacial.
  • However, I do believe recent discoveries of the inherent use of quantum conductivity in photosynthesis and quantum computation in DNA lends support to the idea that we may be getting closer to better defining the gray area between the emperical and the metaphysical. Aiguy's Computer
  • Division is a form of computation.
  • “Rich classes inferable from positive data: length-bounded elementary formal systems”, Information and Computation, 108: 175-186. Innateness and Language
  • All the statistical computations were performed by the new software system.
  • Moreover, a heuristic is proposed to simplify the computation of variable discount factor when the process disturbance follows MA(1).
  • Against error accumulation and computation complexity, a novel spirality interpolation sequence scheme is assumed, whichimproves precision of interpolation and reduces maximum error of interpolation.
  • Computation cluster 'Annapurna' at the Institute of Mathematical Sciences in Chennai. The Hindu - Front Page
  • The method was applied to find the orbit of Swift's comet of 1880 and involved less computation than Gauss's method.
  • Computational chemistry research on benzaldehyde molecule and gallium pentahydride. - 2006 All-USA College Academic Second Team
  • For the sake of computational intensity, the normal mode methods meet difficulties in the calculation of transmission loss fields at high frequencies.
  • Zero and fractions were interesting to examine for different reasons: zero because it is an abstract notion meaning absence, and fractions because they are technical computations derived from wholes.
  • Moscquites without any ciuill regiment possessed large and spacious territories towards the north, the foresayd three brethren, vpon the perswasion of one Gostomislius the chiefe citizen of Nouogrod, in the yeare since the worldes creation (acording to the computation of the Greekes) 6370, which was in the yeare of our The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • All statistical computations were done using the Statistical Analysis System.
  • Parallel computation is based on the dynamic domain decomposition method which is performed using METIS system at each physical time step.
  • And that they move in orbits very nearly parabolical, I infer from their velocity; for the velocity with which a parabola is described is everywhere to the velocity with which a comet or planet may be revolved about the sun in a circle at the same distance in the subduplicate ratio of 2 to 1; and, by my computation, the velocity of comets is found to be much about the same. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 15 — Science
  • Bioinformatics is the interdiscipline of computational molecular biology and information processing science.
  • It had quite an effect on me, and may've had something to do with me going into molecular and computational biology. MIND MELD: What Book Introduced You to Science Fiction?
  • Since computation is absolutely independent of the "hardware" it runs on, studying it can tell us nothing about the nature or existence of that platform. Boing Boing: November 17, 2002 - November 23, 2002 Archives
  • A generic constraint on cellular machines is the inherent inexactness of the computational elements comprising a biological regulation unit.
  • He let himself be swept away by the ecstasy of pure computation. THE BROKEN GOD
  • Use of the term axiom reinforces that our computational model is a mathematical, formal system and that analogue execution is a form of deduction from the axioms or assumptions explicitly programmed into the model. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • it was not possible to complete the computation in a single pass
  • Other models seek to emphasize the computational aspects of memory, thought, and cognitive processes.
  • Many computational tasks, such as decodings or the factorization of very large numbers, would become feasible that are infeasible with present machines.
  • Silicon microelectronics has undergone relentless miniaturization during the past 30 years, leading to dramatic improvements in computational capacity and speed.
  • The main purpose of the virtual grid is to convert a solid wall boundary condition into an interface condition while no fluid flow computations are conducted within the virtual grid.
  • He has a natural aptitude for computation and is very quick at figure work.
  • This research group will create highly visual, user-friendly computational analyses of disease outbreaks.
  • He described a computational trick for multiplying a number by 11.
  • I could point out a spam link or two, or what looked like a paid link, but could we computationally analyze a profile to determine how "natural" it was?
  • I have been idle enough in my time, to make a computation of wits here, and do find we have three hundred performing poets and upwards, in and about this town, reckoning six score to the hundred, and allowing for demies, like pint bottles; including also the several denominations of imitators, translators, and familiar-letter-writers, &c. A Letter of Advice to a Young Poet
  • As a computational facility, Undo has no merit.
  • The use of longer transitions requires a larger training corpus, increased storage for the transition matrices and is computationally more demanding.
  • One example of such emergent, distributed computation is the density classification task.
  • Even today, children spend 90 percent of their math time on these computations.
  • In a first, tentative step, we thought mostly of hydrodynamical applications, using our results as tools for numerical computation. Ilya Prigogine - Autobiography
  • One of the things that they are doing is computationally linking multiple resources together.
  • Improved variants of GFP and GFP-like proteins in synergy with high-resolution microscopes, computational techniques and powerful theoretical approaches are currently fuelling a scientific revolution focused on quantitative analyses of complex biological systems. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2008 - Presentation Speech
  • Computational fluid dynamics is one filiation of the fluid dynamics.
  • Empirical research and computational models in mental arithmetic established that, during mental calculation, features of problems affect children's strategy choices.
  • This paper deals with the reliability computation of a reparable system of which the main unit possesses priority both in operation and maintenance.
  • Datamining can be panoptic if it is dataveillance — the State or commercial enterprises using computational techniques to establish and track dossiers from myriad tiny bits of information about individuals. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Location-aware recommendation system
  • In this paper, effects of horizontal tail volume coefficient on the pitch agility metrics comparison computations.
  • Addition and division are forms of computation.
  • The connection quadric exploit is a quite active application domain of present structure computation model updating technology research.
  • The Maximum Likelihood section provides the details of the mathematical formalisms and computations.
  • Bioinformatics is the computational analysis and organization of biological data such as gene sequences and protein structure.
  • Furthermore, the overextension in interval computations is eliminated and the computation complexity is low in this proposed method.
  • In the computation, considering the influence of all of joggle parameter, adopting compound-aitch optimization and intellective distinguish can prevail more reasonable joggle parameter.
  • Not * too* difficult to explain (although maybe too difficult for a 1-hour show), but also avoids all the hype and questions about the engineering reality of quantum computation. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Quantum Mechanics, But Were Afraid to Ask
  • Plausible though the notion may seem, there are serious difficulties in formalizing Wolfram's notion of ‘computational irreducibility.’
  • Fifty years ago, they decided to go out and pick up ‘an electrical desk-calculator and the services of a mathematician specifically trained in computational methods’.
  • The bootstrap sampling was limited to 100 replications because of the computationally intensive nature of the simulation.
  • She is "an evolutionary biologist who integrates molecular phylogenetics with advanced computational biostatistics to reconstruct the influences on population dynamics in a wide variety of organisms. 2009 MacArthur Fellows: Lin He and Beth Shapiro
  • The method is computationally intensive, but for tractable cases it is the method of choice.
  • Its computational power has now surpassed the five petaflops mark.
  • Moreover, computational docking suggested that the substrate-binding channel binds a polyene substrate that contains a single cis double bond at the C4 / C5 position, raising the possibility that the C4 = C5 double bond in the enediyne moiety could be generated by the iterative polyketide synthase. Journal of Biological Chemistry current issue
  • First, the 2-D IDCT is transformed into two cascaded 1-D IDCT. Then 1-D IDCT can be implemented by multiplication and addition of matrix according to butterfly computation.
  • The operational mode is best suited for business analysts who intend to create and simulate non-computational aspects of their business processes.
  • It has proved to be the computational method of choice for symbolic manipulation in algebraic geometry, differential equations, and combinatorics.
  • He held that these laws are nothing but computational devices for the description and prediction of phenomena.
  • Exploiting the new computation method of close—loop transfer function to get easily the PID loop's close—loop transfer function.
  • The D metric is a computational convenience.
  • Liu et al. improved the computational algorithm, and applied the model to data on microcapsules.
  • A fundamental pheonomenon I call computational irreducibility. Wolfram Blog : Stephen Wolfram on the Quest for Computable Knowledge
  • For the UV-exclusion study, similar computations were made with the vinyl and triacetate filters as the end member treatments.
  • This is the reason why they develop, as a rule, systems of mathematical models and computational problems.
  • In the _Merchant of Venice_, at all events, there is hardly a single character from Portia to old Gobbo, a single incident from the exaction of Shylock's bond to the computation of hairs in Launcelot's beard and Dobbin's tail, which has not been more plentifully beprosed than ever Rosalind was berhymed. A Study of Shakespeare
  • Science can try to understand what computational change turned a chimpanzee into a conscious human being.
  • Techniques for reducing the computational complexity are therefore of significant interest.
  • We recently used a computational network model of the pulmonary microcirculation to estimate pressure drops in the lung.
  • The main advantage of the cluster is that the computation power depends on the number of computers one adds to the master machine.
  • Leibniz plans a system of characters capable of such precise calculation that mental error would be equivalent to an error of computation.
  • A quick computation revealed that we would not make a profit.
  • The computation can be accomplished using what we call the shared sketch by shiftable bases.
  • Having established the nature of equilibria, Smale began to think algorithms for their computation.
  • I made computations for that case and water from southern hemisphere was sucked on northern part of globe such way, that even Ararat could been overflooded. 2012: NASA's Scientific Reality Check | Universe Today
  • The smoothing recipe described below generally gives satisfactory results and involves only a limited amount of computational effort.
  • Therefore, the posttax calculation will not always give the same results as a pretax computation. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Therefore, it is meaningful in practice that designs and calculates for open-cut foundation from two aspects which are bury length determining and checking computation contents of foundation.
  • The Mathematics Computation subtest assesses skills in computing with whole numbers, fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, and algebraic equations.
  • Open Babel is a project designed to interconvert between many file formats used in molecular modeling and computational chemistry. KDE UserBase - Recent changes [en]
  • The actual computation example shows that the optimal sampling frequency locations are found to be independent of the system response, and solely depend on the nature of the excitation.
  • Other models seek to emphasize the computational aspects of memory, thought, and cognitive processes.
  • That it is a special but effable sort of strongly-self-modelling computational process.
  • An alternative procedure which achieves the same result but is more convenient computationally is the following.
  • You see, once we start thinking in computational terms, we start to be able to ask some fundamental questions. Wolfram Blog : Stephen Wolfram on the Quest for Computable Knowledge
  • However, this capacity comes from the subtle interplay between conscious and unconscious processes involved in choice, not from sole reliance on conscious computational processes.
  • Apart from the sheer size of the new data sets, separating very weak signals from noise will pose a mounting challenge to computational analysis of the CMB in the years to come.
  • Usually this measurement is done in the computational basis, but since quantum mechanics allows one to express an arbitrary state as a linear combination of basis states, provided that the states are orthonormal (a condition that ensures normalization) one can in principle measure the register in any arbitrary orthonormal basis. Quantum Computing
  • Furthermore, the overextension in interval computations is eliminated and the computation complexity is low in this proposed method.
  • The recipient projects include everything from biomechanics to genetic research, mathematical theories to computational finance.
  • It is characteristic of theoretical linguists that they select example sentences that computational linguists would categorise as pathological.
  • His work allowed computations in groups to be replaced by computations in certain polynomial algebras over the field of p elements.
  • From the computational analysis of AMT protein sequences, it is difficult to identify protein domains required for the ammonium transport function.
  • Early in the course of his computations, Nicely also happened upon a flaw in a Pentium microprocessor that caused certain types of arithmetic errors.
  • By using the Pole-Zero as the analytical means in EWB circuit analysis, the transfer function was analysed in complicated circuit or system to replace the dull and onerous manual computation.
  • Simplifying distant parts of the dendritic tree could thus substantially both ease and speed up the reconstruction process and enhance computational efficacy.
  • Thus, problem solving and analysis replace drill and practice, and calculators replace paper-and-pencil computation.
  • I checked every computation, retraced every step, and reinvented every wheel.
  • These calculators have done their part in making the use of computational devices in the classroom feasible.
  • Increasingly complex schemes for representing solvent effects in an implicit fashion are being used in computational analyses of biological macromolecules.
  • The project uses ‘neural networks’, a computational analysis, which mimics the working of the human brain to map what lies beneath the city.
  • Scientists recently announced not only the first complete sequence of a plant genome, but also a computational analysis for the flowering wild plant Arabidopsis thaliana.
  • Modern proof theory, and likewise the modern theory of machine computation, hinge on the concept of the recursive function.
  • He wrote on the computation of sines and chords.
  • People will acquire reputations on how well-trained their computers are and how well-groomed their computational ecology is.
  • A quick computation revealed that we would not make a profit.
  • This message appears when the barycentre is equal to zero as the result of the computation.
  • Current miniaturized off-the-shelf computers cannot handle that computational load.
  • This very simple and crude estimation procedure proves to be very useful, although it increases the computation time yet again.
  • The main purpose of the virtual grid is to convert a solid wall boundary condition into an interface condition while no fluid flow computations are conducted within the virtual grid.
  • The dictionary method gives much greater error correction performance, with greater storage requirements and computational cost.
  • Relative weaknesses existed in spelling and math computation that were average for his age.
  • There were two workshops in adjacent rooms that had a big topic overlap: SE Foundations for End-user programming (SEE-UP) and Software Engineering for Computational Science and Engineering (SECSE, pronounced “sexy”). 2009 May | Serendipity
  • Theory of computation is, by, abstract discipline, and the problem - solving approach appears to be most helpful.
  • We are now in the process of studying the effect of this ionic interaction, both experimentally and computationally.
  • Computation must seethe and behave as if it is alive.
  • Most importantly the use of syntactic information has a long history in computational linguistics.
  • Consider what followed: the creation of the electric power grid, television and telecommunications, the revolutions in microelectronics and computation, and much more. Why Fukushima Won't Kill Nuclear Power
  • Deregulated programs - computational mathematics, engineering, computer science, software engineering, and optometry - face 15 per cent increases each year.
  • He is a member of the PRL project there, which studies computer supported logic and computational type theory.
  • Because computers produce a readily measurable output in units of computational power or memory capacity, it is a sector of the economy that readily lends itself to this kind of analysis.
  • He obtained the highest level in the civil-service examination having been educated in astronomy and calendar computation.
  • By using the Pole-Zero as the analytical means in EWB circuit analysis, the transfer function was analysed in complicated circuit or system to replace the dull and onerous manual computation.
  • It's taken ten thousand hours of supercomputation to derive the construction process for the smallest machine modern science will allow to exist, but at the end of the long and sleepless night of 11th November the magic box contains a fully functional femtoassembler. Everything2 New Writeups
  • From the above PCS computation, important PC scores are screened (PCA is a subroutine subprogram of PCS).
  • For the most part these chapters do computations with specific examples, establishing canonical forms and other structure theorems for certain classes of groups.
  • SOCRATES: And when we compare the art of mensuration which is used in building with philosophical geometry, or the art of computation which is used in trading with exact calculation, shall we say of either of the pairs that it is one or two? Philebus
  • These should allow us to focus more on the computational power of the CPU, with less disturbance from chipset issues like AGP or IDE implementation differences.
  • Both the computational and analytical models make mechanistic assumptions and do not explicitly deal with processes such as translational elongation.
  • But computational irreducibility makes it really hard to tell. Wolfram Blog : Stephen Wolfram on the Quest for Computable Knowledge
  • The state and the direction of research in speech separation technique, including computational auditory scene analysis (CASA) and blind source separation (BSS), are reviewed.
  • His work on computational algebraic number theory seems to have started when he visited Caltec in 1959 and collaborated with Taussky-Todd.
  • Eventually, the computational speed could be measured in petaflops, where one petaflop equals one thousand trillion calculations per second. The Scientist
  • Leibniz plans a system of characters capable of such precise calculation that mental error would be equivalent to an error of computation.
  • Forgive me if I stumble through my explanations of the quite remarkable Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), a wonderful tool for teaching, and working in, computational linguistics using Python.
  • The most spectacular is the creation of the whole new topic of research, the new discipline of computational linguistics.
  • Through the analysis of EIA, a modified computational method is given, which can analyze a dihedral corner reflector with arbitrary shape of planes and with shadow objects.
  • The most spectacular is the creation of the whole new topic of research, the new discipline of computational linguistics.
  • Leibniz plans a system of characters capable of such precise calculation that mental error would be equivalent to an error of computation.
  • Plant cells have very few microtubules (very small E); whether they have quantum isolation and quantum computation is unknown. A Third Choice (ID Hypothesis)
  • These computational results give mathematicians confidence that random matrix theory could provide an avenue to a proof of the Riemann hypothesis.
  • Modeling a polity based on viable scientific concepts and theoretical understanding has been a challenge in computational social science and social simulation in general and political science in particular. "Model" Citizens
  • Computations that once took 12 days now can be processed in eight hours, said James Lowey, director of TGen's high-performance biocomputing center. San Antonio Business News - Local San Antonio News | The San Antonio Business Journal
  • That may well operate via quantum weirdness as well, at least per the Penrose-Hameroff Orch-OR model of consciousness – where tubulin dimers in the microtubules of centrioles and cytoskeleton perform quantum computational information processing by configurational state-switching. Coordinated Evolution
  • They came up with their estimate by computationally assembling graphs which corresponded to all the saturated hydrocarbon backbones.
  • Quantum computation would enable one to search enormous databases with extraordinary efficiency.
  • The theory of computation appears in the most unexpected places.
  • Other developments, including the elastic-viscous-plastic rheology [28], are helpful in acheiving high computational efficiency. Global coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation models
  • Great blog featuring a series of tutorials on complexity in computation, the theoretical limits of the Turing Machine, and other bits of required knowledge for the 21st Century. Boing Boing: September 15, 2002 - September 21, 2002 Archives
  • The principal problem area concerns the additional amount of computation that may be necessary successfully to implement Monte Carlo based techniques.
  • The tool kit determines the requirements of a computational task and decides where and how to run it.
  • Combining observations made in living cells with computational methods enabled researchers to measure fundamental biophysical properties in living cells.
  • The design method of structures of sieve tray tower is discussed. Some new computation methods and simple formula are proposed. Simulated computations are carried out by practical examples.
  • The non - developer user don't need to know the meanings and the programming procedure using computational verbs.
  • This paper describes a structure strength computation of a certain mounting rack for airborne computer by the use of the finite element method.
  • Twenty years earlier Gordan had proved the finite basis theorem for binary forms using a highly computational approach.
  • Slide 9: Present model vs. IEDM'07 model *  Previous model* based on Green function approach for NC FinFLASH tailored for SOI vs. Body-Tied  Present model does not need any Green function solution  lighter computationally 2007  Present model implements tunneling through high-k stacks * L. Perniola et al., Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • One datapoint to back this up: in no other field of computational science are there 25+ teams around the world building the same simulation models independently, and systematically comparing their results on thousands of different scenarios in order to understand the quality of those simulations. Who is pulling the strings? | Serendipity
  • Hmm, your field is "computational ecophysiology" is it ministyra? Sound Politics: Al Gore: Energy Hog
  • Computer science theories assess the computability and complexity of computational problems, but these theories are generally based on Boolean logic and the binary representation of information.
  • It is far from clear to me that information and computation are meaningful terms outside of such contexts.
  • Thus we are pursuing a variety of projects in computational biology and bioinformatics, with physicists often playing a starring role.
  • '' Open Babel '' is a project designed to interconvert between many file formats used in molecular modeling and computational chemistry. KDE UserBase - Recent changes [en]
  • The optimum model derived from FEM analysis provides an accurate solution and small convergence. It also has merit in not requiring excessive computation time.
  • A special, beneficial computation is applied for those years. Applying for Social Security
  • Another benefit of Posterior Probability measure is the low computational complexity and obvious global maximum.
  • The elegant exchangeability of the ASG comes with a cost: it lends itself only to very computationally intensive techniques.
  • computationally, this is a tricky problem
  • A rules engine is a tool that makes it easier to program using this computational model.
  • Noncoding regulatory elements can also be identified through computational analysis of promoters of coregulated genes.
  • That may well operate via quantum weirdness as well, at least per the Penrose-Hameroff Orch-OR model of consciousness – where tubulin dimers in the microtubules of centrioles and cytoskeleton perform quantum computational information processing by configurational state-switching. Coordinated Evolution
  • Molecular simulation as a promising technology of computational chemistry has been rapidly developed in recent years.
  • All computation was the asking of a single, eternal question: yes or no? THE BROKEN GOD
  • According to statistical theory, the numerical computation expressions of various parameters of crosslinking structure are derived, while the original molecules are distributed in Flory manner.
  • This method is of low computational complexity and performs better than ML and minimum - error algorithm.

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