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How To Use Compulsory In A Sentence

  • Retirement is likely to move from an abrupt halt at a fixed age to a more gradual withdrawal, with the abolition of compulsory retirement ages. Times, Sunday Times
  • Article 13 requires, subject to Article 15, that authorized warehouse keepers shall give compulsory guarantees to cover movement of the dutiable goods.
  • Medical inspections for schoolchildren become compulsory by law.
  • Yet necessary public-health interventions are by nature paternalistic: think fluoridation of municipal water supplies, compulsory vaccinations and mandatory reporting of communicable diseases.
  • The rise was to fund concessionary bus fares, compulsory waste recycling, increased National Insurance, extra planning staff and pay rises, he explained.
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  • History, geography and modern languages are set to become compulsory in school until pupils reach 16 in sweeping changes to the national curriculum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is military service compulsory in your country?
  • Both detention and compulsory questioning need to be authorised by a warrant issued by a prescribed authority.
  • Upon completion of compulsory service each soldier is assigned to a reserve unit.
  • Russia's system of compulsory military service means that most have some military experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • In East Germany learning Russian was compulsory.
  • The compulsory and emergency nature of the initial admission, however, is no different from the trend in current practice.
  • We should bring it back, along with compulsory restorative justice. Times, Sunday Times
  • If successful, it will lead to the supplier being placed into compulsory liquidation. Computing
  • Third, the move towards compulsory admissions to residential care should be discouraged in favour of voluntary and planned admissions.
  • His greed and love of power, are of course, allowed to run in parallel by the laws of compulsory purchase.
  • Reading and writing did not become the predominant method of sharing information until the spread of universal compulsory schooling, which is much more recent than printing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Our arguments, our anger, the anxious pleading of philanthropists who saw the young on the East Side going to ruin, the warning year after year of the superintendent of schools that the compulsory education law was but an empty mockery where it was most needed, the knocking of uncounted thousands of children for whom there was no room, —uncounted in sober fact; there was not even a way of finding out how many were adrift, 3—brought only the response that the tax rate must be kept down. II. The Outworks of the Slum Taken
  • Fresh research suggests that, while people will happily put up with voluntary restrictions on movement, they balk at the idea of compulsory quarantine. Times, Sunday Times
  • Voluntary redundancies and staff moving to part-time work enabled the carrier to reduce its headcount without resorting to compulsory redundancies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last night, Members of Parliament and shipping experts called for compulsory registration and escorts for ships carrying dangerous cargoes.
  • They are shocked at any ideas to use compulsory powers on big groups.
  • Sabbatarianism, with the Lord's Day Alliance, a Canadian invention, in the van; then the gradual tightening of the laws against sexual irregularity, with the unenforceable New York Adultery Act as a typical product; and lastly, the general ploughing up and emotional discussion of sexual matters, with compulsory instruction in "sex hygiene" as its mildest manifestation and the mediaeval fury of the vice crusade as its worst. A Book of Prefaces
  • The company froze pay and pushed through compulsory redundancies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed they can. Public bodies may apply for a compulsory purchase order in respect of certain property.
  • Military service is compulsory and frequently traumatic. Times, Sunday Times
  • There must be compulsory billeting powers, and they would have to be quite ruthless with those powers.
  • Compulsory microchipping will not prevent that sort of tragedy. Times, Sunday Times
  • They instituted compulsory polygamy and banned all secular books. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Department of Transport failed in its legal duty to locate each individual owner in order to serve compulsory purchase orders.
  • Its main weapon was criticism, organized daily through compulsory debates in every workplace.
  • Many adverts failed to include compulsory hidden extras in the price, such as security fees, tickets or departure fees or under-occupancy supplements.
  • Organic chemistry experiment course is a compulsory course of bio - pharmaceutical technology specialty.
  • No allowance is to be made because the acquisition was compulsory; and land is to be valued at the price it might be expected to realise if sold by a willing seller, not an unwilling seller.
  • Is military service compulsory in your country?
  • It is now compulsory for anyone claiming state benefit to register with a job centre.
  • It is ten people shy of its target, although Mr Smith assured that the firm would not be pursuing any compulsory redundancies to make up the shortfall.
  • Although considered in need of assessment or treatment, these women did not require compulsory admission, with the attendant limits on civil liberties.
  • The Government should not succumb to pressure by vested interests and should make speed governors for vehicles compulsory, at the earliest.
  • This difference in initial age strata was necessary because most 19 year old males in Sweden fulfill a year of compulsory military service.
  • DNA sampling before burial at sea may be made compulsory to simplify identification if the body is washed ashore. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, bosses have told workers that they are not planning any compulsory redundancies.
  • The period of costly childhood dependency was further lengthened by the introduction of compulsory education from 1880.
  • Here we have the Government taking a huge step backwards towards compulsory trade unionism.
  • Britain could fashion internal controls based on compulsory apprenticeship training, or stopping unscrupulous employers hiring workers from abroad without advertising jobs in Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Keep this compulsory redistribution of wealth up from those who make it to those who'd like it, and they orta just call the darn things Neptunus Lex
  • How about compulsory third-party insurance for cyclists and more stringency when enforcing the highway regulations? Times, Sunday Times
  • Compulsory licensing was introduced in response to a Supreme Court decision that deprived composers of royalties.
  • It is essential and must be compulsory. The Sun
  • More co-payment from patients and a compulsory insurance scheme for social care would be a start. Times, Sunday Times
  • The change in law would mean compulsory third-party injury and damage insurance for all vehicles involved in sports. Times, Sunday Times
  • Which isn't to say that opponents of compulsory retirement don't make a compelling argument. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has also worked to lobby against compulsory traffic-light labelling on processed foods. Times, Sunday Times
  • The change in law would mean compulsory third-party injury and damage insurance for all vehicles involved in sports. Times, Sunday Times
  • Seven of the fourteen cuts in tutorials have already been made, most significantly as the result of the introduction of a compulsory thesis.
  • Damage caused by measures taken in excess of the Convention must be compensated, and disputes are subject to compulsory conciliation and arbitration.
  • The end of compulsory language teaching in secondary schools is leading to a renaissance in linguistic ability in a nation notoriously averse to acquiring a foreign tongue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Congressional elections are by universal and compulsory adult suffrage with one-third of the senators elected indirectly.
  • The team join tens of thousands of people who have fled a dictatorial regime, widespread poverty and compulsory military service. Times, Sunday Times
  • Russian language tests are now compulsory for any immigrant working in the wholesale or retail sector. Times, Sunday Times
  • Britain could fashion internal controls based on compulsory apprenticeship training, or stopping unscrupulous employers hiring workers from abroad without advertising jobs in Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Historically, she has laid much greater stress than her continental neighbours on sophisticated external examinations at the end of compulsory schooling.
  • This section is concerned with the powers of compulsory admission available to health professionals.
  • One of the skills the company brought with it from Australia was its 15 years of running compulsory superannuation programs for around three million people.
  • Observers say this is the beginning of a new era which could climax in a movement for vilayet-e-faqih , a compulsory part of the Shi'ite faith that is intertwined with the concept of imamat or leadership all Muslims under one leader. THE NEWS BLOG
  • Company liquidation can be separated as voluntary liquidation and compulsory liquidation.
  • Although considered in need of assessment or treatment, these women did not require compulsory admission, with the attendant limits on civil liberties.
  • It is offering a voluntary severance package to its 900 staff - compulsory redundancy will follow if necessary.
  • Attendance at the meeting is compulsory.
  • It's compulsory here and I think it's only right that I do my duty for the country, just like everyone else does.
  • Whilst service is compulsory it tends to be short and most serving it are sustained by a strong element of civic pride.
  • Car seatbelts made compulsory in UK. The Sun
  • At the moment it's compulsory to convert your pension pot into an annuity by the age of 75 to give you an income throughout retirement.
  • If I were the president of a university I should establish a compulsory course in "How to Use Your Eyes". The professor would try to show his pupils how they could add joy to their lives by really seeing what passes unnoticed before them. He would try to awake their dormant and sluggish faculties.
  • They may well have been the unwilling victims of the corvée or compulsory labour system, the system that allowed the pharaoh to compel his people to work for three or four month shifts on state projects.
  • Taxes are immoral — and so is the idea of “national service” or “community service” or whatever they call the compulsory voluntarism flavor of the month. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Threat of Forced Labor Through Mandatory “National Service”:
  • The local council also opposes the compulsory purchase order.
  • It is not compulsory and it is anonymised. Times, Sunday Times
  • You are aware, of course, that because we have compulsory voting that the so-called "swinging voters" that you vituperate are usually only voting to avoid being fined. Holy shit, it's all over tomorrow!
  • Many people think that compulsory ID cards interfere with personal liberty.
  • They disclaim, however, all desire of employing compulsory measures for that purpose, but recommended every mode of encouragement, and particularly by augmented wages, "_in order to induce manufacturers of wrought silk to quit that branch and take to the winding of raw silk_. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 08 (of 12)
  • He said that from the outset, bosses pledged to avoid compulsory redundancies if possible.
  • University was a way of avoiding compulsory military service. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lisle stockings were compulsory and much disliked as they did not fit well and wrinkled at the ankles.
  • Given the turnover of council staff he said he would be surprised if there were compulsory redundancies, although some staff may transfer departments.
  • in most schools physical education is compulsory
  • These books are compulsory/required reading for students of architecture.
  • The unions are already holding a strike ballot because they fear compulsory redundancies.
  • He pitted for his compulsory pitstop at the end of lap thirteen in ninth position and when the field regained shape he was back to ninth.
  • Unions rejected a final company offer which guaranteed no compulsory redundancies for the next five years. The Sun
  • He has just finished a stint of compulsory military service.
  • Wearing the red poppy is not compulsory. The Sun
  • Under section 57, subsection 1 of the Patents Act 1995, the Minister must make certain that the patent holder is unwilling to issue a voluntary licence before issuing a compulsory licence.
  • Compulsory labour takes a considerable variety of forms, today as in the past - debt bondage, clientship, peonage, helotage, serfdom, chattel slavery, and so on.
  • How about compulsory third-party insurance for cyclists and more stringency when enforcing the highway regulations? Times, Sunday Times
  • Any land in excess of this maximum was subject to compulsory purchase by the government.
  • It is not even compulsory to be able to speak English - alternatively, they could demonstrate their aptitude in Welsh or Scottish Gaelic.
  • Russian is the one compulsory foreign language on the school curriculum.
  • For example, Albany Medical College has a four year compulsory pass-fail EBM course lasting 120 hours over four years.
  • The other, which they called the patriotic contribution, was expected to amount to a fourth of the fortunes of individuals, but at their own will and on their own estimate; but this contribution threatening to fall infinitely short of their hopes, they soon made it compulsory, both in the rate and in the levy, beginning in fraud, and ending, as all the frauds of power end, in plain violence. The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 05 (of 12)
  • However, as in Australia and Ireland, social discord erupted on the issue of compulsory military service overseas.
  • My call for compulsory voting is coupled with a call for proportional representation.
  • This mission will be difficult since Liberia lacks everything, there are medical precautions to be taken (Yellow Fever vaccination compulsory, malaria treatment, cholera precautions are needed, no easily available safe drinking water, ...), accommodation is spartan and most of you will be camping out under tents in military camps under heavy rainfall (rainy season), transport is hazardous on almost inexistant roads. Tatsutahime Diary Entry
  • This amounts to compulsory purchase, but holds out the prospect that the shares will rise.
  • If I were the president of a university I should establish a compulsory course in "How to Use Your Eyes". The professor would try to show his pupils how they could add joy to their lives by really seeing what passes unnoticed before them. He would try to awake their dormant and sluggish faculties.
  • Administration orders were made in respect of the principal companies in the Group in this court on 26 February 1995, and they have subsequently been placed in compulsory insolvent liquidation.
  • Any construction agreement, as defined by the Act, that does not contain adequate provision for adjudication will be subjected to compulsory contract terms imposed by statute.
  • The period of costly childhood dependency was further lengthened by the introduction of compulsory education from 1880.
  • In other words, belief in God and efforts to please Him must be accompanied by acts of charity and alms can be both voluntary and compulsory.
  • Perhaps the time has come to take this a step further, by enforcing compulsory contributions on both employers and employees.
  • Following the establishment of compulsory elementary education in 1872, a growing number of children attended classes, but schoolgirls remained fewer in number than schoolboys.
  • The ministry has said it hopes to avoid compulsory redundancies.
  • The law which makes Work Experience possible for young people in their last year of compulsory education specifically forbids their receiving payment.
  • So we must establish the minimum wage system for peasant laborers to increase their income, and bring their demand for employment service, compulsory education, housing into the urban public service.
  • Nine out of 10 directors say there should be compulsory registration of private care agencies.
  • A biometric ID that is compulsory for all should be introduced post haste. Times, Sunday Times
  • It should be compulsory reading for all undergraduates and hospital juniors.
  • His commissions included compulsory land acquisition in the years immediately following the Second World War, when Swindon grew a great deal, largely due to an influx of people decanted from overcrowded areas of London.
  • If I were the president of a university I should establish a compulsory course in "How to Use Your Eyes". The professor would try to show his pupils how they could add joy to their lives by really seeing what passes unnoticed before them. He would try to awake their dormant and sluggish faculties.
  • Since that time 45,000 staff have left, with only one compulsory redundancy. Times, Sunday Times
  • In return for no compulsory redundancies the company is asking the staff to accept cuts in pay. Times, Sunday Times
  • A shortage of teachers trained in social sciences could undermine attempts to introduce compulsory citizenship lessons into schools, campaigners warn.
  • Unions rejected a final company offer which guaranteed no compulsory redundancies for the next five years. The Sun
  • But I think it ill behooves them when this is a compulsory program for all the rest of the people in the country -- that they should somehow be exempt from this program.
  • But he admitted: 'Those who have completed medical care and returned to military duty will be eligible for compulsory redundancy alongside their colleagues. The Sun
  • I believe it would be more beneficial to have four tutorials a term accompanied by a compulsory weekly discussion class.
  • Given the country's more than 1 trillion Australian dollar ($90.0 billion) pool of compulsory pension contribution funds, called superannuation, global money managers increasingly have targeted the country's investor base in the wake of the global financial crisis. BlackRock Fund Manager Expects Right U.S. Response
  • A dark, intense, semi-smiling stare, as if the sprig of white heather was not charity but compulsory.
  • In order to have a time when people don't stand on trains we have to have compulsory seat reservations.
  • Everyone dresses alike and dinner in the monastery is compulsory. Times, Sunday Times
  • The group were worried about what their children were going to do once they had finished compulsory education.
  • Schooling is compulsory and free for the first nine years and optional and free for the next three.
  • Ministers are seeking compulsory agreements that offer foreign prisoners no option other than repatriation. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Act also settled a doubt concerning the legality of compulsory land acquisition for the purpose of disposal to a private developer.
  • Participants will deliver an oath of allegiance to the Queen and a pledge of commitment to the United Kingdom, in what is now a compulsory part of the naturalisation process.
  • After all, Israel has a rare commodity: more or less its entire young female population spends some time in compulsory military service. Matthew Yglesias » Leave it to the Professionals
  • Administration orders were made in respect of the principal companies in the Group in this court on 26 February 1995, and they have subsequently been placed in compulsory insolvent liquidation.
  • Those who failed had had 11 years of compulsory education and a diploma course. Times, Sunday Times
  • They no longer believe in the compulsory quality of those rights, and are in the process of limiting those rights through legislation and penny-pinching practices.
  • Any land in excess of this maximum was subject to compulsory purchase by the government.
  • Learning it should be compulsory for a driver's licence.
  • While signs, letterheads and even the school website may still say Oakwood, the change in uniform - compulsory for new students and optional for year eight and nine pupils - is one of the first steps towards the transition.
  • Under the cross-party charter, an arbitration service would be compulsory and permanent. Times, Sunday Times
  • For example: Your business or home is threatened with a compulsory purchase order.
  • Anyone involved in post-compulsory education in the developed world would do well to read this book.
  • Compulsory competitive tendering will oblige local authorities to bring in managers who demonstrate their ability to deliver the best services to tenants.
  • The words which I have emphasised replace the words of the section as enacted in the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965.
  • It should be compulsory for clubs to put out full-strength teams out of respect for punters, fans and the competition itself. The Sun
  • Military service is compulsory for every able-bodied male between 18 and 27.
  • Parliament was given the right to reject the draft budget, and to have the last say on non-compulsory expenditure.
  • Attendance at evening prayers is not compulsory.
  • Congressional elections are by universal and compulsory adult suffrage with one-third of the senators elected indirectly.
  • And Greenpeace has bought a field there to sell off in small plots (hence my landholding), making it hard for the authorities to arrange compulsory purchase. House Points: Police harrassment of photographers
  • Because adjudication is dispositive the attitude of states towards compulsory jurisdiction is conspicuously ambivalent.
  • Britain is the only European Union state not to make a foreign language compulsory in primary school.
  • Automatic jail terms must be made compulsory. The Sun
  • she made the best score on compulsory figures
  • While it will not be compulsory to carry the cards, young people will be offered a series of inducements - such as cut-price CDs and cinema tickets - to encourage their use.
  • I just find it galling that actors and producers who seek to make it on the world stage, and who are lauded when they do, should try to force feed their fellow country men and women with compulsory culture.
  • 'Mehr' is the amount the man agrees as the woman's dower, which is payable immediately, but if deferred is compulsory payment in his lifetime. Current News - Top Stories
  • They mirrored the conventional blueprint for Australia Day events, which have long been sketches in fun and family in suburban parks and back yards, where kids squawk and flies buzz, where thongs are compulsory but the stubbie holder is optional. | Top Stories
  • It punches above its weight because Australia in 1992 introduced what is known as the superannuation guarantee, a compulsory savings regime that quarantines 9% of an individual's earnings into an account that can't be accessed until retirement. Mitsubishi UFJ Buys 15% of Australia's AMP
  • It is hoped that other groups using these databases will submit their data in return, but this is not compulsory.
  • The council applied for a compulsory purchase order on the tennis courts.
  • In the past, it was almost compulsory to have a blocker, someone who would occasionally hit the bad ball but as likely to treat it with disdain in protection of his wicket.
  • There is no talk of compulsory acquisition or compensation: they are being forced to leave their homeland with nothing - no chattels, heirlooms or personal possessions.
  • In a statement issued by the global company, it said voluntary redundancy still remained open to staff and that there would be no compulsory redundancies made during 2003.
  • No more compulsory vows, no "frocked" younger sons "to make an elder," no girls immured from infancy, kept in the convent throughout their youth, led on, urged, and then driven into a corner and forced into the final engagement on becoming of age; no more aristocratic institutions, no The Modern Regime, Volume 2
  • They pushed for state laws on compulsory sterilization of criminals and the physically defective, with some success.
  • Make it compulsory or at least encourage lenders to process mortgage applications within two weeks.
  • With a US$1.4 trillion pool of compulsory pension money--called superannuation—and a mining boom drawing in money from overseas, the country's market already has enough volume for many electronic traders. Competition Won't Slash Australian Trading Costs
  • Mrs Muir said assurances were given to MPs as late as last month that there would be no compulsory redundancies.
  • Parliament was given the right to reject the draft budget, and to have the last say on non-compulsory expenditure.
  • We now invoke a deity when we recite our Pledge of Allegiance, and our currency clearly proclaims the basis of our laws; can compulsory adherence to Christianity be far behind?
  • Fresh research suggests that, while people will happily put up with voluntary restrictions on movement, they balk at the idea of compulsory quarantine. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is just the latest in a series of changes to the law on state symbols; previous ones made it compulsory to stand when the national anthem is played, stipulated floodlighting for the flag when flown above government buildings, and banned drivers from drilling through the Kyrgyz flag depicted on their number plate to attach it to the car. Cumpulsory Anthem Law Hits Wrong Note in Kyrgyzstan
  • Uncertificated advanced life support training was defined as compulsory training in the airway-breathing-circulation approach.
  • In countries where military service is compulsory, failure to perform this duty is frequently punishable by law.
  • Britain could fashion internal controls based on compulsory apprenticeship training, or stopping unscrupulous employers hiring workers from abroad without advertising jobs in Britain. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a persuasive case for compulsory counselling for the parents of child offenders to run in concert with the existing programmes designed to prevent children from recidivist behaviour.
  • Picardie writes about her parents with deep, unshowy affection and a certain reticence - entirely appropriate, and a pleasant novelty in these days of compulsory gut-spilling.
  • From next week, all bouncers will undergo a compulsory two-week training course and examination run by Northumbria police.
  • I have a personal preference for teaching apparently "straightforward" texts, to show how their characterization and narrative are actually constructed and constrained by compulsory heterosexuality.
  • The applicants appear to propose a dual test in respect of the powers of compulsory acquisition.
  • The limping shrimp impulsively implemented the compulsory duty.
  • In an age of compulsory wearing of uniforms, the zoot suit accomplished an antithetical stylization of the self.
  • And so is compulsory halal meat served to those who object. The Sun
  • According to the RIAA, Rosen clearly stated that compulsory licensing is not a good idea.
  • Some words have - o alone; arvo ` afternoon 'and nasho ` national service, compulsory military training' are examples of this. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 2
  • A requirement which worked to the comparative disadvantage of a person approaching compulsory retirement age was indirectly discriminatory on grounds of age. Times, Sunday Times
  • The cadets' problems must come from the fact that they live in a homogeneous and closed environment and under constant pressure of all sorts of compulsory norms and rules.
  • It neglects the fact that although the rudiments of a task can be picked up quite soon, skills take time to develop, and the process is inhibited by too many job changes, compulsory task rotations, or rapid staff turnover.
  • The civil rights group Liberty, which analysed clauses from the new Immigration and Citizenship Bill, called them an attempt to introduce compulsory ID cards by the back door. Archive 2008-12-01
  • This process often involved the compulsory acquisition of firms and hence their potential closure.
  • This is being done as part of a compulsory seven-week tutorial module that the students must pass before they can graduate.
  • She also proposed long-term compulsory enrolment to community-based treatment programmes after release from prison. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • After waking, it is compulsory to start off revelling in your broken grottiness for a few hours. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rider will require a provisional licence but must also have taken the Compulsory Basic Training test.
  • But ministry specialists believe that ear tags will be compulsory for all lambs exported for slaughter.
  • Education is free and compulsory between the ages of seven and thirteen.

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