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How To Use Compulsive In A Sentence

  • This absorbing profile muses on his universal popularity and compulsive desire to draw and paint. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was a compulsive liar, too. The Sun
  • Thetans have been compulsively recording intergalactic history for several quadrillion years.
  • A strain of mutant mice groom compulsively till they seriously injure themselves.
  • I have been credited with the accolade of the most compulsively depressive blog and that is not without reason.
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  • Are you obsessive-compulsive about storing DVDs and CDs?
  • A lifelong bachelor, he is still a compulsive flirt. The Sun
  • Light drug users also had increased scores on the Compulsive scale, which suggests increased conformity to social norms.
  • For a player regularly accused of taking the circuitous route rather too often on the pitch, he is compulsively candid off it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The appropriate Anonymous Fellowships for anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating exist to help the primary spiritual recovery.
  • The case may establish for the first time that bookmakers owe a duty of care to compulsive gamblers. Times, Sunday Times
  • He has said of his pun-heavy brand of comedy: If you compulsively pun you are called a paronomasiac. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph
  • There's a lot of overlap with obsessive-compulsive disorder, what they call comorbidity -- depression, eating disorders, sometimes ADHD. CNN Transcript Dec 18, 2009
  • A prize draw aimed at compulsive spendthrifts has been run by a Chilean bank.
  • James stood up and wiped his hands on his jeans nervously and compulsively, as if trying to disassociate himself from death. CLASS TRIP
  • TO THE ZEEs: Sorry to see you made what I label a compulsive decision. Kiplinger Personal Finance
  • The appropriate Anonymous Fellowships for anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating exist to help the primary spiritual recovery.
  • A dapper man with an aristocratic air, he was boyishly handsome, compulsively social and intensely creative.
  • The need to cleanse herself, to somehow decontaminate her body was compulsive. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • It is the nature of compulsiveness to go until you can't go anymore.
  • His once very masculine apartment with it's autographed sports and political memorabilia, perfectly categorized books and movie collections which were once kept in obsessively compulsive neat order, came to resemble a day care center. Susanna Quinn: Eight Weeks With Dad
  • Many judges have allowed abuse defenses but reject compulsive gambling syndrome.
  • To understand causes of compulsive gambling or pathological gambling, it is useful to explore causes of impulse control disorders.
  • He gave up racing cars after an accident, but he has retained a compulsive desire to win. Times, Sunday Times
  • Went down stairs for dinner around 9pm where we were waited upon by a Chateau waiter who was fully obsessive compulsive and actually came by to "straighten" my silver wear at one point and bullied us into all ordering the same beverage. The Daily Truffle: Nicole Richie and LA's Young Hot Finest Pack the Penthouse, AKA Room 64
  • It is languid, thought provoking and compulsively interesting, but, much like its poster, it won't be the most exciting film at the multiplex.
  • Food obsession falls under the form of self-sabotage I call compulsive self-sabotage, the hardest kind of self-destruction to shake. The Truth About Beauty
  • According to the Guardian's Kathryn Flett, it is ‘a powerful, compulsive, unputdownable television journey’.
  • She eats in secret like most compulsive overeaters.
  • Victor's an everyday, common-or-garden macho hardman with two rather unusual quirks – he's obsessed with his job of enforcing the laws against DVD piracy, and he has an equally compulsive relationship with a certain probiotic milk drink. This week's new comedy
  • Is it just another cry for attention from a man who admits he is a compulsive showman? Times, Sunday Times
  • Most people with OCD struggle to banish their unwanted, obsessive thoughts and to prevent themselves from engaging in compulsive behaviors.
  • The onrushing prose and stabbing emotional intensity that are Oates 'greatest strengths imbue the volume with compulsive readability. Dear Husband by Joyce Carol Oates: Book summary
  • He was a compulsive gambler and often heavily in debt.
  • A multi-faceted approach that works for people, with less of the obsessive-compulsive headlighting on money. David McWilliams
  • Iam the daughter of a compulsive gambler. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her job at an auctioneer's doesn't pay enough, especially as she is a compulsive consumer.
  • At first Swiss police thought the Frenchman, who crossed the border each day to work in restaurants, was a passionate art lover who became a compulsive thief to realise his dream of owning a private art collection.
  • He happens to be a compulsive chain-smoker.
  • The appropriate Anonymous Fellowships for anorexia, bulimia and compulsive overeating exist to help the primary spiritual recovery.
  • Well, compulsive behaviour has been, for decades now, easier to treat psychologically than obsessions.
  • I used to think it was just compulsive gabbiness, a quirk of the fairer sex.
  • The announcement emphasizes, attack to area kill, get minatory area compulsive immunity offers finance subsidy.
  • At 16, Anneth compulsively sneaks out at night to flirt and drink at honky-tonks, dancing to the latest songs by Elvis, Patsy Cline, and Sam Cooke.
  • In his recent editorial in The New York Times entitled "The Question-Driven Life," columnist David Brooks wrote about his encounter with Philip Leakey, a man he describes as "gripped with some sort of compulsive curiosity. George Heymont: The Artist's Urge to Proselytize
  • That obsessive-compulsiveness obviously helped him to chess immortality. Book World: A chess master who defeated himself
  • Thus the compulsive relationship with physical exercise can become effectively part of the spectrum of eating disorder behaviour.
  • Everyone in the room suffers with compulsive overeating and all have come for help. The Sun
  • Both are habits born out of compulsive desires to please and to divert the attention away from themselves. 50 Ways to Become a Self-Confident Woman
  • Many writers struggled against the era's compulsive reserve not just with racy subject matter but also with compulsive prolixity.
  • The reasons why are superbly marshalled in this meticulously researched, compulsively readable book. Times, Sunday Times
  • Depression, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder are the psychiatric diagnoses most commonly associated with patients who have neurotic excoriations.
  • What is distinctive about such compulsive behaviour, I would argue, is that the desires and emotions in question are more or less radically independent of the evaluational systems of these agents.
  • I'm 31 and a compulsive gambler. The Sun
  • James stood up and wiped his hands on his jeans nervously and compulsively, as if trying to disassociate himself from death. CLASS TRIP
  • The need to cleanse herself, to somehow decontaminate her body was compulsive. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • Andrew Sullivan, a friend of Hitchens, links to Pollitt and wonders about the sources of his compulsiveness, which lasted until his final, heroic days. Robert Teitelman: Kay on Havel, Orwell and the Greengrocer
  • The child may develop school phobias, compulsive eating or psychosomatic illnesses.
  • Compulsive attention to anticoagulants and preservatives is essential for correct test results.
  • She'd compulsively acquire things - if she got a hold of anything she just squirreled it away.
  • These programmes are compulsive weekend viewing for those of us who do not require anything more cerebral after a long week. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ham-handed director was Susanna White, who intercuts compulsively, whether or not anything is happening. 'Last Dancer': Ultimately on Point
  • They attribute his stealing of petty items to an untreated and undiagnosed case of kleptomania, a psychiatric condition that causes a person to steal compulsively.
  • The result is a collection of dark and slightly disturbing stories that make for compulsive reading. The Sun
  • Journals is actually quite an invasive read, but there is no doubt it's a compulsive page-turner.
  • Powell, like the mountain men, was compulsively drawn to the frontier.
  • The physical consequences of compulsive overeating, anorexia and bulimia can be severe and even fatal.
  • They practise a kineticism more aggressive than mere adventurousness, more compulsive than wanderlust. The Times Literary Supplement
  • One pilot is depicted as a video nut, compulsively filming everything in the attack with a wind-up Kodak, and no one bothers to tell him to throw away the damn camera.
  • Formally, palilalia is a compulsive involuntary repetition of a semantically acceptable phrase or word.
  • Ghost World realistically portrays the often obsessive, compulsive and maladjusted postures of youth.
  • In the picturesque port city of Bahia, Flor, a lovely young woman, marries the wastrel Vadinho, a compulsive wencher who beats her.
  • The need to cleanse herself, to somehow decontaminate her body was compulsive. WHEN THE APRICOTS BLOOM
  • A tradition that was based only on communication could not lead to the compulsive character that attaches to religious phenomena.
  • In the interests of scientific thoroughness, we had four small eats and one antipasto between two adults and a 12-year-old, and they ranged from the good (marinated octopus, chicken liver crostini) to the sublime: prosciutto so delicate it was, according to my son, "like air", a compulsively eatable dish of fried courgettes, and a sensationally good stew of squid, potatoes, chickpeas and chilli. Restaurant: Tinello, London SW1
  • The alcoholic abstains from drinking; the compulsive gamble stops betting; the addict stops using.
  • The essential problem with compulsive gamblers, however, is their blindness to this pathological desire to lose.
  • Do you often counter depressive moods by some sort of potentially harmful compulsive behavior such as overworking, overspending, overdrinking, or overeating?
  • Compulsive overspending in these days of credit cards has become more common.
  • The performances are ferocious, the story compulsive, the cinematography gorgeous and the music haunting. Times, Sunday Times
  • He is a compulsive liar and con man who should be avoided at all costs. The Sun
  • Over the past two Sundays, Williams's disturbing 10-month-long expose of Britain's hooligan underworld has made compulsive viewing on BBC2.
  • Neatness, cleanliness and ceremoniousness are other ubiquitous compulsive character traits.
  • She became a compulsive reader of plant and seed catalogues, and even spent a month in China collecting seeds and hunting for plants.
  • Once equality becomes thinkable, that is, once the notion that inequalities are eternal and unchangeable is shattered, people begin to seek equality relentlessly and compulsively.
  • The dialogue itself makes compulsive reading and there are many musical quotations and ideas to pursue.
  • My own belief is that she wrote the book because she was a compulsive blabbermouth who was simply incapable of keeping her memories to herself.
  • But the easy access, anonymity, and constant availability of the Internet, email, texting, chatting and twittering has led to a new form of compulsive and dependent behavior - techno-addicts.
  • (I consign to parentheses the equally problematic issue of race, although few readers familiar with Austen will want to ignore the near-hysterical irruption of "the slave-trade" into one of Jane Fairfax's earlier conversations [271], as if in compulsive, belated echo of the formidable subtext haunting Mansfield Park.) Saying What One Thinks: Emma--_Emma_--at Box Hill
  • Either they think my parents force me to study, or pass me off as one of those compulsive workaholics - you know - the aggressive people who really take the philosophy that if you don't work to get ahead you fall behind.
  • Even though I still think it's important that the title doesn't include "the" because it gets people thinking about the concept of what a watchmen is and may represent, I should have shown some restraint with the compulsive nitpicking, I admit. The /Filmcast: After Dark - Ep. 23 (GUEST: Dan Trachtenberg) | /Film
  • He gave up racing cars after an accident, but he has retained a compulsive desire to win. Times, Sunday Times
  • his compulsive organization was not an endearing quality
  • Thank you for saving me the expense of purchasing this compulsive reading. Times, Sunday Times
  • His narrative of addiction doubles as a meta-critique on the compulsive desire to reproduce text and image that characterizes postmodern textualities as well as the apparatuses that produce them.
  • Big guitar breaks and riffs are backed up with the compulsive, snare attack drummer (who uses a big gong at the end of the set) and the neat singing, which breaches into the world of super melodics so easily.
  • While gambling certainly occurs without compulsiveness or harm, just as drinking does, both carry the risk of addiction. Lloyd I. Sederer, MD: Casinos For Kids?
  • According to a 2006 survey by the Stanford University School of Medicine, 5.8 percent of the U.S. population — about 17 million people — are compulsive shoppers, a label psychologist April Lane Benson applies to those who "spend so much time, energy or money on shopping that it's impacting [their] life in a negative way. Shopaholics’ Dilemma
  • Everyone in the room suffers with compulsive overeating and all have come for help. The Sun
  • Sarah repeatedly tried to fast from compulsive, joyless praise - seeking.
  • Virtually nothing is seen of his 25-year relationship with his second wife, Julia, who, he says, steered him from a failing marriage and compulsive promiscuity into ‘a harbour of safe uxoriousness’.
  • The drug levodopa, which is used more commonly than dopamine agonists to treat Parkinson's, was not linked to any compulsive behaviors.
  • He was what the French would call a gourmand and most psychiatrists a compulsive eater.
  • I was about to give some money to a young lad, then I saw his sign, "Need money to blog" and while I feel sympathic to the compulsive bloggers, it turned me off when I saw the Interac sign on his cardboard. Travelling panhandlers can f--k right off
  • Controlled comparison of buspirone and clomipramine in obsessive-compulsive disorder. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • Compulsive nanoscenarist that I am, I held off offering my version of this weeks news from The Leader in order to give democommie his chance to mind-woggle the story. Fast Times in Box Elder County
  • The guitarist has a thousand yard stare that gives the complete impression of disconnection - it's a compulsive and exciting experience.
  • He is a compulsive eater; consuming all he can to fill the void within him that food really can't fill.
  • Visitors to the site will be enlivened by compulsive news about European handball, volleyball and water polo, as well as being enticed into buying wardrobes.
  • So this most compulsive of fiddlers will hope to continue tying and re-tying his laces and towelling his face well into the final week.
  • He became a compulsive traveller, spending a year on the Ivory Coast in 1931 and making many photographs.
  • He's obsessive-compulsive, a man who cannot live without moist towelettes at the ready because, after all, there are germs everywhere.
  • His combative style at Newsnight made him compulsive viewing. Times, Sunday Times
  • You know I can be a very compulsive person, and I have to admit that most of the time I read in the same way that I smoke and chew gum and jiggle my leg a lot.
  • Six volumes of memoir sit on my desk, of which two are outstanding, and all compulsively readable. Times, Sunday Times
  • One mom sounded overly compulsive about staying indoors and locking doors and windows. Christianity Today
  • Tall, handsome, unscrupulous, with splendid curling black cavalry whiskers, Flashman is also a compulsive womaniser.
  • Some fakers are compulsive liars who convince themselves of the truth of their own stories.
  • Theirs is an all-consuming love - compulsive, illicit and ultimately futile.
  • This is a comic take on the nature of luck and the power of faith from the perspective of a cancer patient and her compulsive gambler husband.
  • I spent the evening going through the box, which is a replica of the thousands of boxes of souvenirs and ephemera he compulsively saved.
  • Marijuana is addictive because it causes compulsive, uncontrollable drug craving, seeking and use, even in the face of negative health and social consequences.
  • What most people consider occasional thoughts or pursuits rivet the neural arousal system of the genius, the collector, and the artist, who vent their obsessions in compulsive activity. How We Become What We Are
  • A student died after developing a rare compulsive disorder that led him to seek hospital treatment he did not need for fake epileptic fits.
  • As if to bring competing energies under control, Blue Blood 's abiding tone is almost compulsively apothegmatic. A Quietly Remarkable Memoir Walks a Beat From H.U. to NYPD
  • His combative style at Newsnight made him compulsive viewing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Many judges have allowed abuse defenses but reject compulsive gambling syndrome.
  • Sterne was almost compulsively attentive to page layout and typography, going so far as to specify the length of each dash in printer's ems.
  • It became compulsive viewing on a Sunday evening, resulting in clergymen changing the times of Sunday evening church services.
  • She stars as a compulsive liar who innocently gets caught up in an industrial espionage plot at her new job.
  • Compulsive behaviour is often a symptom of deeper psychological problems.
  • My husband is a compulsive hoarder and shopaholic, filling every inch of our six-bedroom house.
  • The literature's first mention of compulsive buying was in the early 1900s by two of Freud's disciples, Eugene Bleuler and Emil Kraepelin, who coined the term oniomania - from the Greek root "onios," which means for sale - to refer to those obsessed with making purchases. NYT > Global Home
  • So compulsive were his sketches, in which he mercilessly took the mickey out of his erstwhile colleagues, that at the age of 53 his public profile is higher than that of almost anyone in the shadow cabinet.
  • The deserts are similarly cloying and sticky, although a couple of them (the passion-fruit-meringue pie and a towering, three-decker coconut flan) are compulsively edible.
  • Addiction can be viewed as a dysregulation of brain reward systems resulting in compulsive use and loss of control over drug taking.
  • It is compulsive viewing and mainly informs us where not to go. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once the compulsive spender stops at the mall, she will be unable to control her spending.
  • As a compulsive user of, I think that that competition is precisely the point.
  • It aims to help people with compulsive eating problems and bulimia. Coping with Bulimia
  • Paddy-whack is a pathetic critter - a true example of obsessive-compulsive behavior. Sound Politics: More on the bogus finding in the voter registration court case
  • A compulsive time-noter, the defense says, she can recount her every step that night, down to when she flossed. The Simpson Strategy
  • In human affairs we can classify many habits and obsessive compulsive behaviour or addictions as short circuits. TUNNEL VISIONS: Journeys of an Underground Philosopher
  • The external environment and psychological environment will place on the role of the mental health, trauma can not heal in time the disease can make obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  • In her youth she seemed to dissipate almost compulsively.
  • One of the drugs, clomipramine, commonly used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder in humans, was tested in mice for three weeks and caused a nearly 50 percent reduction of GFAP levels in the brain. - latest science and technology news stories
  • They may display nighttime fears, anger, irritability, lower tolerance for stress, nervousness, compulsiveness, helplessness, and/or powerlessness.
  • Of course there are people for whom compulsive overeating is the source of their fatness, which is as serious a psychological issue as compulsive undereating, despite our cultural failure to regard it thus. More Fat Princess
  • Children with Prader-Willi syndrome show extreme hyperphagia and obsessive-compulsive behavior.
  • So compulsively did he watch me empty my glass that he drained his own in compulsive sympathy.
  • In this view, all economic history is the slow heartbeat of the social organism, a vast systolic and diastole of concentrating wealth and compulsive recirculation. Bruce Judson: Economic Inequality: The Wall Street Journal Is Just Wrong
  • Male compulsive users presented cybersex as a manifestation of sexual addiction.
  • Without any real tangible benefits -- like dinner -- then it becomes an exercise in quantifying an essentially introspective activity that has some real compulsive elements thrown in there. Warm water fishing: Do you Brownline?
  • The opening section of the programme, in which the tiresome threesome rummage through the day's news stories, has fast become compulsive viewing, for all the wrong reasons.
  • Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa and EDNOS Eating Disorders Not Otherwise Specified, which include compulsive eating and types of anorexia or bulimia which are not severe. Gabrielle Bernstein: How to Address an Eating Disorder
  • Alex told me that he has noticed some compulsive behaviors in himself - counting the downstrokes of a bicycle as he pedals it, for example, or going for his long nocturnal rambles about the city.
  • However, they do tend toward certain compulsive behaviors. Push Movie Trailer | /Film
  • The result is a collection of dark and slightly disturbing stories that make for compulsive reading. The Sun
  • Jung believed that the more secular, materialistic, and compulsively extraverted our civilization became, the greater the unhappiness, senselessness and aimlessness of our lives.
  • There was something compulsive, engaging, about Krakow's siege mentality, and spring, with all its brash coquetry, seemed oddly antipathetic.
  • It is an average party album and could happily sit alongside something like Terrorvision, but it fails to provide any compulsive listening or interesting music.
  • The latest in a recent spate of docusoaps, it is bound to make compulsive viewing.
  • Ice hockey, downhill skiing, ski jumping and even the speed skating make for compulsive viewing.
  • The child may develop school phobias, compulsive eating or psychosomatic illnesses.
  • He had in effect researched this through his own early life as a compulsive gambler. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some animal hoarders report compulsive collecting of strays or shelter animals.
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common mental health condition that affects 2% of the population.
  • Compulsive drinking is bad for one's health.
  • According to her lawyers, she is suffering from oniomania, a compulsive urge to shop. The Times of India
  • Suddenly, years of self-loathing and compulsive urges to change myself confront me. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ricardo: New Jersey has a law supported by compulsive gamblers that allows people to voluntarily sign themselves up for a blacklist — if someone on the blacklist is caught entering a casino, they immediately forfeit all their winnings and might have to pay an additional fine. ... The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Behavioral Economics and Regulatory Policy:
  • The individual who is initially a voluntary user can become a compulsive drug user, an addict.
  • Like so many adoptive children he is caught up in a compulsive search to discover the truth about his real parentage.
  • What he notes in his explanation, however, should give all obsessive-compulsive legalists pause.
  • Today men across the land continue to hunt compulsively, despite a possibly declining need or appetite for the available game.
  • A controlled trial of fluvoxamine in obsessive compulsive disorder: Implications for a serotonergic theory. The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
  • And habits that are in response to obsessive thoughts may be a sign of obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  • Such a romantic scenario, such an agonising scene to witness and yet it was compulsive viewing for Ruth.
  • Ferns brushed her ankles and burs snagged her skirt as she stumbled along compulsively.
  • Or she might have been tipped over the edge by her father, a compulsive gambler. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was a compulsive liar, too. The Sun
  • Compulsive behaviour is often a symptom of deeper psychological problems.
  • Vampires are said to suffer from a condition called arithmomania: a compulsive desire to count things. numbers: these are defined as a number that can be written as the product of two smaller numbers of half the length which contain all the digits of the larger number. An Englishman's Castle
  • You do the things that a person must do, but you are free from that obsessive, compulsive drivenness of your own desires.
  • There is rage, self-defeat and its close psychic cousin, compulsive overachievement.
  • Third, technology has a compelling, even compulsive, logic of its own.
  • The aim of the repetitions of the same commercial on television is nothing but to brainwash consumers into compulsive sonsumption.
  • His intellectual precocity, and his dedication to work, which remained compulsive from boyhood onwards, are characteristic.
  • I've also been a "Crackberry addict" (an obsessive-compulsive user of the Blackberry device), and was an early adopter of the iPhone, which now keeps me "connected" to family, friends, acquaintances, and others whenever I choose to let it. Alex Pattakos: The Meaning of Friendship in a Social-Networked World
  • Kleptomaniacs, kitchen drinkers, Fatal Attraction type psychos, obsessive-compulsives, and other problem individuals are usually discovered in this phase.
  • Some cinquecento writers reflected on the fictiveness, pernicious sensuality, and compulsive force of the simulacrum, as it was identified in a long tradition stretching from late antiquity to the Reformation.
  • For example, multiple addictions have been found among more than half of adolescents who have a compulsive behaviour problem.
  • Mythomania also known as pseudologia fantastica or pathological lying is a condition involving compulsive lying by a person with no obvious motivation. Open Thread: Medical “Facts” « Whatever
  • They practise a kineticism more aggressive than mere adventurousness, more compulsive than wanderlust. The Times Literary Supplement
  • It concluded that youngsters' addiction to phones is similar to compulsive credit card misuse. The Sun
  • I need this Andrea air purifier because, frankly, my fiance is a compulsive farter. WIN an Beautiful ANDREA Houseplant Air Filter (worth $195)! | Inhabitat
  • You know the ones -- the naggy notes, the worried pleas, the guilt-grams, the ALL CAPS missives, the technologically panicked cries for help and the e-mails from moms who compulsively forward dire health warnings to their kids. ‘Oh, Mom!’
  • Her snappy asides, unconstrained mix of observational humour and rants on life's irritations make for lucid, compulsive viewing.
  • WHY do some people become compulsive cheats? The Sun
  • Today men across the land continue to hunt compulsively, despite a possibly declining need or appetite for the available game.

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