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How To Use Compromising In A Sentence

  • His dark eyes stared back, full of rawness, honesty and uncompromising sincerity.
  • Klimt's tentative chalk and pencil strokes do little more than outline and emphasize the foreshortened legs, buttocks and genitalia of his subjects, their scrawled lifelessness compromising the images' erotic impact. Modernism's Austrian Rebels
  • Funnily enough, I was almost caught in a compromising situation earlier by one of the engineers.
  • Unflinching in its attacks, A Ma Soeur is a brilliant piece by an uncompromising and distinctive auteur.
  • In what was a hard-fought encounter, the Dubliners played an uncompromising game under both boards.
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  • He was a jumped-up clarinettist who was abrasively uncompromising about achieving top quality standards. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fueled by supremacist and puritan theological creeds their symbolic acts of power become uncompromisingly fanatic and violent.
  • It is a stubborn thing resisting the call to self-annihilation, deadening pain, and compromising with what is simply wrong. Lonni Collins Pratt: The Sacred Power Of Hope
  • Newsweek's editor was targeted this spring by an internet campaign that used surreptitiously recorded footage showing him, as well as opposition politicians, in compromising situations. Publisher Shuts Russian Weekly
  • The combination of practising painters. ideal facilities, the surrounding landscape and desire for uncompromising inquiry gives Herringbroom Studio its unique spirit.
  • The upwardly moral children of the bourgeoisie are obsequiously, uncompromisingly virtuous. Enough About Me. Now, About My Kids...
  • Nizan's political stance at this juncture was a curious mixture of uncompromising denunciation and sweet-talking collaboration.
  • But how do you write keyword - rich copy without compromising readability?
  • To bring what was commonly regarded as an unfilmable book to screen, Harron has understandably had to dilute Ellis' uncompromising vision, but the film's strengths lie elsewhere.
  • An uncompromising self-absorption which alienates others and compromises the well-being of all.
  • Unfortunately the tendering process is compromising the value of that investment. Times, Sunday Times
  • In this case the voters' opinions are highly polarized, and the candidates are uncompromising.
  • his uncompromising condemnation of racism
  • As a Gaelic footballer he was as uncompromising as he was skilled.
  • An uncompromising and rigid republican, he was called by Clarendon ‘an absurd bold man’, and by Ludlow, who knew him well, ‘a man of a disobliging carriage, sour and morose of temper’.
  • How did I get into such a compromising situation?
  • This row has already been rumbling on for five years and another six months will hardly be sufficient to soften the uncompromising attitudes of the two sides.
  • Philips 'new Eco TV line has built-in dimming features that are designed to save power without compromising picture quality. Philips, Sony roll out power-saving LCD TVs
  • Another zinger: "This begs the question of why married men go to prostitutes rather than buying from their wives, who presumably will be low-cost providers, considering that they can sell nonreproductive sex without compromising their marriage. The Economics Of ProstitutionMoney Special Report: The Economics Of Prostitution
  • Until you know who is doing that you are in a compromising position. The Sun
  • Holding the bible to be “the Word of God, without error” given all the advocation of rape and genocide within it is professionally compromising, to say the least. Kit Freak « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • For caving -- not compromising, but totally capitulating -- on war funding and and telecom immunity, Nancy Pelosi, Stenny Hoyer and the blue dogs they lie down with have been rewarded with the same herpetic embrace that is turning John McCain into a Republican cootie incubator. Marty Kaplan: Bush Gives Dems STDs
  • ‘The most harmful thing is an ‘accidental’ leak of compromising information.’
  • He made the fatal mistake of compromising early.
  • -- What think you, my dear, of compromising with your friends, by rejecting both men, and encouraging my parader? Clarissa Harlowe; or the history of a young lady — Volume 2
  • This masculinity was emphasised by her uncompromising coiffure, her grey hair drawn tightly back and screwed into a straggling bun.
  • Exuding seemingly uncrushable confidence, it's not long before he is off, rapping his uncompromising take on world affairs. The Sun
  • Conspiracy theorists might guess that Brown has Polaroids of Wilson in a compromising position.
  • The researchers described the technical evolution of the malware program as disturbing: Only rarely do we come across crimeware that has been continually stealing and collecting personal information and payment card data, and compromising bank accounts as far back as 2006. A Huge Cache of Stolen Financial Data - Bits Blog -
  • The character of noir is subtly uncompromising, at the right time mortally confronting not the two-bit gunsel but Mr. Big, the respectable-appearing ring leader behind it all.
  • It's such a fiercely unique movie, uncompromising in its visual excitement, that we're inclined to overlook the slightly dopey plot and shaky acting.
  • Buying budget-priced furniture needn't mean compromising on quality or style.
  • His greatest strengths - the uncompromising determination, sharp-tongued irreverence, and unblushing idealism - turned out to be critical flaws.
  • She also has the integrity to remain uncompromising in the refusal to acknowledge opinions that are not grounded in truth.
  • ‘Shot in the Dark’ is nothing musically special but succeeds through the sheer injection of vim and uncompromising commitment.
  • As with the women, however, the fear of becoming reinfected and compromising their health as well as the fear of infecting others were commonly cited explanations for celibacy.
  • The silver and electroplate he designed is noted for its uncompromising, abstract formal structure.
  • Blogging is putting me in a very compromising position, at least personally.
  • A communist and uncompromising anti-militarist from well before Hitler rose to power, he was born Herzefeld and anglicised his name as a protest against rampant nationalism during the war.
  • A certain uncompromising chutzpah saw us remain in the top 10 all season - usually in the top five and often in the top two. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of what they say about Scott is unrepeatable, but a common thread is that she couldn't have achieved what she has without compromising her morals.
  • For me, it is the combination of an eye and a sensibility, self-consciousness, and an often uncompromising – but not unamusing or dry, just the opposite! Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat
  • They may have made what they call compromising discoveries about Monsieur de Sallenauve; but what is the value of those discoveries? The Deputy of Arcis
  • No constitution in history has been more uncompromising about free speech. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was afraid that I would have to go to war just to protect her, and I couldn't reconcile the safety and freedom of one misborn with compromising the safety of all those who depend on me. The Black Gryphon
  • The Bolshevik Party always had rightist, compromising tendencies and ultra-left tendencies.
  • Elmire tries to win a favor from Tartuffe by inflaming his lechery and trapping him in a compromising situation.
  • The ability to perform this procedure without thoracotomy minimized his hospital stay and recovery time while not compromising the integrity of the plication.
  • While her uncompromising attitude should be applauded, it is also her undoing because once again she falls into the trap of making a high-minded concept album that is too long.
  • Promote Seamless, Interactive, User-Driven Operation Because the NII will be a network of networks, information must be transferable over the disparate networks easily, accurately, and without compromising the content of the messages. The National Information Infrastructure Agenda For Action
  • He clearly has the brain, the skills and the uncompromising attitude to hair gel that is obligatory for the upcoming snooker prodigy. Times, Sunday Times
  • This makes it an excellent choice for developing cross-platform games without compromising performance.
  • Nonetheless, the Bush administration, in acquiescence to the Lobby, has "bludgeoned" its European partners to go along with its uncompromising support for the Jewish state despite all the obvious perils from it. The Power of Israel in the United States
  • So, you can shop around for lower prices without compromising on quality.
  • Pletnev's new version does much to tame the score's incipient vulgarity without compromising its more grotesque elements.
  • And this is the nub of Mr Howard's problem: what policy options did his government take into account when confronted by the uncompromising certainty of allied intelligence.
  • We find ourselves in the current situation where, without reconfiguring health services, limited resources are spread too thinly, compromising the safety and quality of patient care.
  • And you could pose them in compromising positions.
  • Since the facade panels are unitized, the detailing between adjacent panels had to be such that the large out-of-plane deflections could be accommodated without compromising the weather seal.
  • The two political parties pursued uncompromising ideological agendas.
  • Guests are encouraged to hire cars to explore the island's uncompromising and maverick terrain and to drive to restaurants on evenings when dinner is not provided.
  • Grandbois: The last time I heard anything remotely flattering about Buckwaldo Mudthumper I was three feet deep in viscous sewage that had found its way into my garden apartment at the behest of one Mr. Juan Mandible Sick-Eyes and his uncompromising hoses. Daniel Grandbois' Lucky Unlucky Lucky Days
  • He died under house arrest in Salamanca, uncompromising to the end.
  • I have no qualms about talented straight actors portraying gay characters as long as they play the role completely and uncompromisingly.
  • How will Charlie explain his compromising situation?
  • The village's affinity with the hard, uncompromising game of shinty is hardly surprising, for this is an area where most of the men work in hard, uncompromising professions.
  • German Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, is known as a traditionalist with uncompromising views.
  • So, you can shop around for lower prices without compromising on quality.
  • Until you know who is doing that you are in a compromising position. The Sun
  • Compromising an intelligence source for political gain is a huge no-no.
  • A four-part July series of Purcell Room concerts acclaiming very different pioneers of British jazz and improvisation including Soweto Kinch, the Jazz Warriors and the late Sir John Dankworth appropriately begins with the most uncompromisingly radical of musical adventurers – the improv saxophone innovator Evan Parker. This week's new live music
  • They maintained an atmosphere of co-operation and compliance, without compromising the security of the protocol.
  • He states uncompromisingly that he is opposed to any practices which oppress animals.
  • An authorial demeanour indicative of lofty, uncompromising cerebration casts an oppressive shadow over all the essays. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet despite this uncompromising stance, he is turning into a global brand. Times, Sunday Times
  • This reflexive perspective immunizes him against the compromising racial charges often leveled against him.
  • Mrs Thatcher was a tough and uncompromising politician.
  • The irony of Kinsey's character is that he isn't given to temptation in the usual sense (except to be as uncompromising as his priggish father).
  • In the new market economy, how do colleges and universities compete for scarce resources from public and private sectors without compromising their integrity and autonomy?
  • At a time when I was becoming very disaffected by the academicism of contemporary music, Louis's music showed that you can be sophisticated, adventurous, uncompromising, and utterly direct at the same time.
  • An uncompromising 1970s makeover had gouged out the windows and buried all stone beneath breeze block, concrete tiles and cement render. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘So,’ she began, recomposing herself, ‘I know you don't want to talk about it but… I do believe Ben and I caught you in a rather compromising position earlier.’
  • Dole believes in making government function by cooperating, compromising and working out the inevitable disagreements of a diverse society.
  • She is a woman who is single-minded, forceful and uncompromising.
  • The young Irishman is not only made to appear the villain in a betting scam, but is also photographed in compromising circumstances with two hookers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Can he lend his name to the petition without compromising his professional integrity?
  • Compromising these standards could jeopardize the health of restaurant customers and staff.
  • Australia played sport in the same uncompromising style with which they farmed the outback. Times, Sunday Times
  • Development must be integrated and sustainable, that is to say utilise our resources to satisfy present needs without compromising the needs of future generations. Mayibuye Editorial
  • Several installations in this vast show involve George Bush in compromising positions with pigs: in one, a pair of mechanically gyrating pink silicone versions of Bush sodomise the animals, while in Pig Island 2003/10, the same scenario is accompanied by depictions of Angelina Jolie and sundry pirates in what looks like the detritus-filled studio of a demented satirist. Evening Standard - Home
  • The shore was even more remarkable seen close-to, a wide shining platform of boulder-strewn clay, fractured and crevassed as if by an earthquake, a bleak uncompromising shore. She Closed Her Eyes
  • Unusually for a man accustomed to getting his own way, he accepted her uncompromising approach. Times, Sunday Times
  • Money laundering is the process that disguises illegal profits without compromising the criminals who wish to benefit from the proceeds. How to launder money
  • “The legitimacy of the prepositional ending in literary English must be uncompromisingly maintained; in respect of elegance or inelegance, every example must be judged not by any arbitrary rule, but on its own merits …” Up from out of in under for
  • The aim is to develop epoxy systems that can be diluted in water - for ease of cleaning - without compromising chemical resistance and cure rate.
  • What's more he has made the transition without compromising his music, an uncategorisable blend of jazz, soul and gospel. Times, Sunday Times
  • In some cases, relatively narrow streets have been provided as alternate routes, compromising road safety.
  • In both he proved an often contentious, always uncompromising individual. Times, Sunday Times
  • The problems we have are people that don't fit that normal healthy adult model such as immuno-compromised individuals, individuals that have respiratory compromising diseases such as emphysema, elderly people, and infant less than six months of age. CNN Transcript Sep 19, 2005
  • Mr. Jacobson was referring to the long-awaited perimeter security deal, billed as an effort to boost cross-border trade and reduce congestion without compromising security. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • The sonata is a major work that combines the young composer's acerbic wit and uncompromising harmonic astringency with a lyrical bent and cross-cultural echoes of Far Eastern musical modes.
  • Mrs Thatcher was a tough and uncompromising politician.
  • Dividing and conquering is far more important than compromising and leading. Trippi: GOP trying to turn Obama into another Jimmy Carter
  • Jane is a very strong-minded and uncompromising artist who has a profound interest in investigation.
  • Theron wins the plaudits from Entertainment Weekly, too, which wrote that she ‘plays an unredeemable woman with uncompromising reality.
  • I could cast them off in favour of different ones when necessary, I could change my beliefs and aspirations and not feel that I was compromising who I really was. Modern Fame « Tales from the Reading Room
  • Investigators say Hunt threatened to release what she called compromising photos of Duggar and Garrett if she wasn't paid $10,000. The Seattle Times
  • For 13 years, they have continually proven to be one of the most exciting and innovative bands in rock roll, with an uncompromising torrent of groundbreaking records and incendiary live shows.
  • A willingness to listen to and at least partially incorporate the other point of view has replaced the rigid and uncompromising attitude of the past.
  • It was this organized effort to undermine slavery… that put such a strain on intersectional relations and sent antagonists and protagonists of slavery scurrying headlong into the 1850s determined to have their uncompromising way.
  • Sket" sites, where pictures of girls are posted by vengeful ex-boyfriends, often in compromising situations, are set up on Facebook and other networking sites, or the images are circulated on smart phone messaging systems, along with a request to give marks out of 10 for the "sket" or "bitch". Teenage domestic violence: 'No one did anything to stop it'
  • Now therefore stand still, that I may reason with you -- The burden of this faithful and uncompromising address was to show them, that though they had obtained the change of government they had so importunely desired, their conduct was highly displeasing to their heavenly King; nevertheless, if they remained faithful to Him and to the principles of the theocracy, they might be delivered from many of the evils to which the new state of things would expose them. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The uncompromising and terrible hatred of the trade-unionist for a scab is the hatred of a class for a traitor to that class, -- while the hatred of a trade-unionist for the militia is the hatred of a class for a weapon wielded by the class with which it is fighting. THE CLASS STRUGGLE
  • Thank you so much, Iowa, for standing up and not compromising, by standing up and being bold," Santorum told cheering backers heartened by his virtual photo-finish with rival Mitt Romney. Rick Santorum Iowa Caucus 2012 Results: Candidate Declares 'Game On' Following Iowa Finish
  • The combination of practising painters. ideal facilities, the surrounding landscape and desire for uncompromising inquiry gives Herringbroom Studio its unique spirit.
  • She was good at weaving tales, yet even her silver tongue would be useless in the face of such a compromising situation.
  • It is possible, my friend, that your ardour is a little compromising. Little Dorrit
  • It made him single-minded and uncompromising, and he was not known for his geniality.
  • She is a woman who is single-minded, forceful and uncompromising.
  • The lack of empathy we feel for the rest of the cast is the cost of the uncompromising execution of the idea. Times, Sunday Times
  • Essentially a moral man, his rigid New England morality has suffered a sea change and developed into the morality of the master-man of affairs, equally rigid, equally uncompromising, but essentially Jesuitical in that he believes in doing wrong that right may come of it. THEFT
  • These books are an indictment of uncompromising, fanatical, and utopian ideology.
  • What is so compromising about being an employee of the state?
  • Discerning, astute, uncompromising, his leadership inspired one to venture against all odds.
  • His language was uncompromising: he told them their work must improve or they would be fired.
  • Yet not a single political party is uncompromisingly committed to the sort of programme of radical reform which would rectify these horrific wrongs.
  • Reymont learned from Zola's work as a whole - its searching description of the environment, its orchestral mass effects, its uncompromising verism, and the harmonious working together of external nature and human life. Nobel Prize in Literature 1924 - Presentation
  • An effective speaker and vigorous pamphleteer, Fletcher was hot-headed and uncompromising.
  • I am sure they are very capable of compromising with the downforce.
  • A firkin, as the reader probably knows, is the least compromising of casks, and Mr Latter regularly attended in person to "spile" it. Nicky-Nan, Reservist
  • His uncompromising stance has set the stage for a showdown. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nizan's political stance at this juncture was a curious mixture of uncompromising denunciation and sweet-talking collaboration.
  • They can't act credibly or honourably without compromising the inflated self-concept that they think is their life. Globe and Mail
  • So it's tough, uncompromising and perhaps uncensored, is that anything we haven't come to expect with Bacon? Filmstalker: Kevin Bacon talks Loverboy and dark roles
  • Some riders can get into a position where they have a very small frontal area without compromising power. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was a baseliner, nothing flashy but brutally fit and completely uncompromising. Times, Sunday Times
  • The tomato ketchup stained her fingers and fell as uncompromisingly on her dress as blood, but her brain was racing.
  • Wood screws are preferred over nails for assembly, as potato bugs have been known to ram against the walls until the nails eventually loosen from the wood and work free, compromising the integrity of the structure, and allowing the creatures to infest your house and lay eggs in your ear canal or anus. Boing Boing: July 23, 2006 - July 29, 2006 Archives
  • It's time to lay down the law to the extremist uncompromising ideologues.
  • Tough and uncompromising, beautifully written. Times, Sunday Times
  • Good uncompromising - William Sherman 'reorganizing' South Carolina. TEXAS FAITH: Is extremism in defense of principle bad? | RELIGION Blog |
  • It is not possible to publish redacted full reports without compromising these two imperatives. Times, Sunday Times
  • At small sizes, it is a disaster, compromising both legibility and readability.
  • A fine-tuned plate in the midsole offers stability without compromising agility.
  • An uncompromising 1970s makeover had gouged out the windows and buried all stone beneath breeze block, concrete tiles and cement render. Times, Sunday Times
  • A tangle of blackthorn grows in the sheltered "v" and the first scattering of white flowers star its dark uncompromising branches. Country diary: South Uist
  • It would be hard to name more than a handful of journos who could equal Jill for uncompromising courage, tenacity and integrity.
  • The purpose was to encourage other spies to confess since obtaining proof of spying without compromising sources of information is almost impossible.
  • I was gripped from start to dramatic, uncompromising finish.
  • It is a tough and uncompromising landscape, open country contrasting with millstone grit and the legacy of centuries of industrial exploitation. Exploring Britain's Canals
  • In so doing, he discloses, as a guide, a way to avoid the extremes of Puritan bibliolatry, without compromising the primary stature of the Bible.
  • I would be compromising her safety and well-being with integration.
  • But Ramsay's four-letter tirades and uncompromising approach has not gone down so well with catering tutors hoping to attract students to courses at South Trafford College.
  • Wine is expensive in this country, and anything that makes it cheaper without compromising on quality deserves a mention. Times, Sunday Times
  • This process massively diminishes its sirtuin-activating flavanols, seriously compromising its health-promoting qualities. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were uncompromising and in yer face. The Sun
  • The uncompromising directness of these brats, their gross ill - mannerliness, was a matter of which Bob made constant complaint to his mother. Once Aboard the Lugger
  • And on FISA, he either saw an opportunity to debunk the GOP’s arguement against him being a uncompromising “leftist” or he sees value in telco immunity. Obama Addresses Critics on ‘Centrist’ Moves - The Caucus Blog -
  • The only way to get closer to the source would be to animate it; it's a dead-on, uncompromising tribute.
  • It is a tough and uncompromising landscape, open country contrasting with millstone grit and the legacy of centuries of industrial exploitation. Exploring Britain's Canals
  • I would be compromising her safety and well-being with integration.
  • He could be uncompromising but somehow exuded a gentlemanly calm. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, if BP attenuates any planned public outreach for fear of compromising some future legal position, it will cast itself long term as Corporate Public Enemy No. 1, to the glee of its oil industry competitors. How Lessons From The Military Could Save BP's Reputation
  • For its part, the Stutzen should appeal to the magnum air rifle buff who can also appreciate uncompromising refinement at an affordable price.
  • You have accomplished visual changes without compromising the editorial content.
  • This upgrade places Dreamweaver firmly back in the middle ground without compromising the professional integrity of previous releases.
  • He has a reputation for being tough and uncompromising.
  • An effective speaker and vigorous pamphleteer, Fletcher was hot-headed and uncompromising.
  • Real art is hard and tough and uncompromising. Times, Sunday Times
  • But just as he was about to wave it in front of her face in triumph, he realized the compromising situation they were in.
  • The tactics the police are now to employ are definitely uncompromising.
  • The early exchanges were tough and uncompromising in the midfield area as both sides sought to impose themselves on the game.
  • It had been years since she'd graced tonnish entertainments — years since she'd worried about such things as compromising situations. Hero Come Back
  • Or is that the guy who rearranges the Nativity scene to put the donkey and Mary in compromising positions? Think Progress » Pentagon Disinvites Anti-Muslim Evangelist From Prayer Day Event, Palin Calls It A ‘Sad Day’
  • The government adopted an uncompromising posture on the issue of independence.
  • However uncompromising his message, there is nothing of the doom-monger about Roddick. Observer Ethical Awards: Gordon Roddick, Lifetime Achievement Award
  • The language has innumerable binomial compounds and collocations, as well as many "sesquisyllabic" or polysyllabic words of Khmer or Indic origin that contain unstressed vowels, so that the phonological texture of the language is very different from that of uncompromisingly monosyllabic languages like Chinese and Vietnamese.
  • It is no longer possible for any section of the global population to cling to a system of thinking that is uncompromisingly antagonistic to the thinking of others.
  • In his dissent, Justice Reiber returns to the language of the statute that precludes compensability for any injury "caused by or during intoxication [emphasis added]" He believes that compromising this absolute language in the statute runs contrary to legislative intent. Workers Comp Insider
  • Lots of CEOs would love to curb those costs without compromising on quality.
  • Islam, the religion, is uncompromisingly insistent about the preservation of the free and fair market.
  • A common sense solution to this is to change the California flammability standard so that fire safety can be preserved without compromising public health. Sarah Janssen: California's Flammability Standard Puts Children at Risk
  • The zealous friends of the church, as well as those who were enriched by confiscations, represented to the king that this state of things arose from the fact that the higher magistrates, themselves tainted with heresy, connived at its spread, and that the "presidial" judges abstained from employing the powers conferred by the edict, through fear of compromising themselves with the sovereign courts. The Rise of the Hugenots, Vol. 1 (of 2)
  • I'm not sure I entirely agree with his uncompromisingly conservative prescription.
  • Any attempt to impose some sort of external watchdog that might apply a degree of accountability is rejected as compromising its secrecy.
  • At first, America focused its anger and military might on the willowy figure spewing out uncompromising messages of hatred. Times, Sunday Times
  • That to me is an abuse of the overall parking system at Grattan Square and is one that needs to be clamped down on by the wardens in a vigorous and uncompromising way.
  • This is a film of uncompromising intensity and breathstealing beauty, as violent and ugly as anything that nature can conceive.
  • Put the other way around, the respondent is more likely to be dogmatic, technical and uncompromising.
  • And this time the answer that came was unhesitating, uncompromising, and unmoving.
  • The second half resembled the first in its uncompromising style. Times, Sunday Times
  • The stories are compiled from various sources however a delicious and unsettling theme that runs through a lot of the work is the exploration of young women compromising themselves in lopsided relationships with uncaring powerful men. What Are You Reading? | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Marcus represents important ideas in a fluid and entertaining style, without compromising scientific content.
  • Like him, these ideologues were nonclerical veterans of the 1980s Iran-Iraq War and were often far more politically and theologically uncompromising than many clerics. Let the Swords Encircle Me
  • Her conception of the character was as heavy and uncompromising as her diction.

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