How To Use Compost In A Sentence
He hoped the roots would harbor the fungi and spread them throughout the compost, but the fungi didn't spread well enough.
The one who liked the girls a bit too much. peteyboosh I agree with Pat: composting (Ray should not compost old cheese and tortillas), social cropdusting requires attention at Ediible Geography.
Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
Most organic farmers try to supply their nitrogen needs with legumes in the crop rotation or with manures and composts.
Manure worms (also called brandlings, red wigglers, or angleworms) and red worms live in organic debris and are the preferred types for commercial bait production and composting.
We also befriended a local compost supplier, a music producer and a writer.
Times, Sunday Times

She shaped the space with graceful curves, amended the soil with compost, and installed drip irrigation.
Lindgren said mulch can be organic (such as composted grass or leaves) or inorganic (such as plastic).
News from
The presence of loam in potting composts does increase the margin for error, both when watering and feeding.
The Sun
If you want to add any amendments, such as compost or peat moss, work them into the soil.
Mulch with an organic material such as compost or alfalfa hay.
Some composters find that mixing the two together is more effective than layering.
Don't amend the soil with compost or other fertilizers unless your soil is so poor it won't even grow weeds.
You can deodorise your refrigerator, garbage bin and compost bucket by washing them out with a litre of water, to which has been added one teaspoon of lemon juice.
Planting them in soil or compost that is well drained will help too.
Times, Sunday Times
The plant climbs by means of tendrils and is best grown in a composted soil supported by a fence or trellis.
If you would like a free home composting starter kit, get in touch.
Standard potting mixes made up of finely milled bark chips can altered to a specific plant's special needs by mixing them with other potting compost ingredients such as vermiculite, perlite, coir fibre or leaf mould.
A cultivator is also useful for working amendments such as compost or manure into the soil.
Plant tubers in a 6in tray of moist potting compost so that their tops are just covered.
There is absolutely no manure or animal products in my compost.
Just cut the stalk and bury it in the compost, giving the attached plantlet space to grow.
Times, Sunday Times
Or buy compostable ones which are becoming more widely available.
Times, Sunday Times
Compost mixes topped with a layer of mulch can help to retain moisture, as can water-retaining crystals laced through the mix.
If, for instance, you have alkaline soil you can dig a large hole, fill it with ericaceous compost and grow acid-loving plants such as azalea and foxgloves.
Using your own composted organic material is best.
Green Scene: Some ideas for an environmentally friendly landscape
You can use a biological accelerator to speed up the composting process.
The Sun
During the growing season (late spring to autumn), keep the plant watered and apply a liquid feed every month, as the compost must be moist in winter.
This is the compost made by councils from the contents of your kitchen and garden waste bins, which you then buy back in a tidy circle.
Times, Sunday Times
If water stands in the area, try to improve drainage with sand and compost.
Tender bulbs can be either treated as annuals and composted or tossed out, or they can be lifted and stored.
Cardboard collected from local companies is shredded and used for animal bedding on the farm and turned into compost.
Once planted, top-dress the compost with stone chippings to keep water away from the necks of the plants and set the trough somewhere where you can enjoy it throughout the year.
We put everything into our wormery, which turns into compost, and we also have special composting bins for garden waste.
The Stonyfield multipack cups are not compostable and not recyclable yet, because only one U.S. facility that recycles PLA.
Stonyfield Organic Yogurt Unveils New Packaging Made From Corn
Organic household waste can be composted to make garden fertilizer.
Exhaust fans installed in the composting chamber ensure an odorless system.
By putting it through a wormery or composter you not only avoid these emissions but get piles of top-grade crumbly compost too.
Heavy feeders, sunflowers appreciate a side dressing of compost or fertilizer during the growing season.
By putting it through a wormery or composter you not only avoid these emissions but get piles of top-grade crumbly compost too.
He was an inveterate essayist and letter writer, renowned for the forceful expression of his opinions (on everything from compost to marching girls) and the ebullience of his wit.
Dig in some compost or well-rotted horse manure (fresh manure will damage the plants) and rake level, removing any large stones.
So why do nurserymen sell it in moisture-holding peat compost?
Times, Sunday Times
For outdoor pots, use a soil-based compost.
Times, Sunday Times
So enliven a gardener's world with a 1,000-count box of live red wiggler composting worms from Uncle Jim's Worm Farm.
Avital Binshtock: Gifts That Keep on Living
Hose it down to reduce the salt levels and use as a mulch on plants such as asparagus or add it to the compost heap.
Similarly, it is always best to use new potting compost when sowing seeds or transplanting seedlings.
Fill with stones until three-quarters full then top up with gravel and a layer of very gritty compost on top, about 3in deep.
Water thoroughly then mulch with a generous layer of peat, composted bark or garden compost.
For added insurance, you can put the compost on top of a blanket of horticultural fleece.
Times, Sunday Times
The goal of the 'beautification' of the area around the compost pile was to lure students and staff to the area and to get them interested in the compost pile.
We Are Becoming Peace Corps Jamericans
In addition to its ability to be mechanically recycled and composted, NatureWorks® biopolymer has shown favorable properties for use where incineration is the preferred waste disposal system and offers potential for chemical recycling.
Noble Juice PLA Packaging
The school now has two compost bins and a wormery in place to cater for the volume of waste.
Timber would be shredded to produce wood chips for the production of mulch, chipboard or compost.
A bacterial strain (named as 864) which is beneficial to mushroom growth has been isolated from the compost of Volvariella voluacea.
Give your compost heap a good forking over to get some air and rain in there.
Times, Sunday Times
Potting soil contains rich organic material such as peat and various composted barks.
Choose a sheltered sunny position with well-drained and composted soil which is weed free.
This means forking in as much compost as you can spare and tossing in some pelletised poultry manure or granular complete fertiliser before you plant.
Afterwards, spread a thick mulch of garden compost around the base.
Times, Sunday Times
The idea behind the programme is to give students hands-on experience of composting and the use of wormeries.
The species of tomato they chose to grow in the banknote compost is called money maker.
The only difference between the two tomato plants on the right is the compost used.
The Sun
What lilies like is a thick mulch of old garden compost for the worms to play in.
Times, Sunday Times
Yard waste can be recycled by composting.
An Introduction to Community Health
Large compost heaps often get too hot, so aim for a heap of one cubic metre in volume.
Times, Sunday Times
Projects include approach roads to dumping yards, development of sanitary fills, small and medium composting landfills.
Also, if the rain washes the liquor or compost off the fields into the waterways, it won't deplete oxygen the way fresh unfermented manure does.
It will shred them and mix them with grass clippings, perfect for a hungry compost heap.
Times, Sunday Times
Everything else gets recycled - dental floss, hair and nail clippings all go on the compost heap.
Times, Sunday Times
How much gumption does it take to pillory the malfeasant editors, reporters, and publisher who turned to compost ages ago?
Plans are also afoot to introduce a new green bin scheme, which collects compostable waste, including cardboard.
Less than ideal soils can be amended with compost, manure or other organic matter mixed into the top 12 to 18 inches of soil.
Only their fall and burial in the compost pile of materialism remains for recitation.
Dig materials such as straw, peat, compost, and leaves into the soil, or lay them on as mulch.
London, Nov 13 (ANI): Peeing on the compost heap can help fertilise gardens and save on flushing the lavatory, a UK charity has urged.
An Ominous Story
The garden is managed organically and guests are provided with a full range of eco-friendly cleaning products, recycling and composting facilities.
Times, Sunday Times
If we want something slightly more permanent then we could make a beehive composter out of wooden layers that fit together and can be added and subtracted at will.
We're in the process of shutting down our long term compost utilization project and we need to dismantle the lysimeters that are installed below the plow layer throughout the field.
Large compost heaps often get too hot, so aim for a heap of one cubic metre in volume.
Times, Sunday Times
Composting toilets are a world away from the odoriferous outhouses of yesteryear.
The birds also eat bugs and weeds, they happily devour food scraps such as wilted lettuce and carrot tops, and their manure can be composted into garden fertilizer.
Lame Duck, Duck!
As soon as the ground can be worked, dig or till compost or other organic matter into the soil to prepare flower and vegetable beds for spring planting.
Composting is the controlled biological decomposition and pasteurization of organic materials under aerobic conditions — it involves the action of mesophilic microorganisms followed by thermophilic microorganisms that thrive under increased (more than 50 °C) temperature conditions and if correctly managed, can destroy disease-causing organisms, even weed seeds.
The quintessence permeates the compost, soil and plants like astral perfume, and affects plant growth with subtle yet powerful forces of the cosmos.
If the compost is dryish, soak the trays before you plant them out.
Times, Sunday Times
That they make their own compost goes without saying.
Times, Sunday Times
He filled the gutter with a mixture of weedless topsoil, finely screened compost and peat moss and planted his favorites - geraniums - in the mini planter.
Place in a well-lit spot and keep the compost lightly moist.
The ground had to be dug over, dressed with some compost and lastly covered with the topsoil.
Organic household waste can be composted to make garden fertilizer.
Today, a compost pile is just as likely to be associated with a suburban backyard as it is with an organic farm.
Gardening is our fastest growing pastime and the demand for composts is greater than ever - still largely met by commercial peat extraction.
In addition to improving soil structure, decomposing compost will slowly release plant nutrients.
The resultant compost is a fantastic soil improver, and it usually comes with a healthy population of beasties and micro-organisms which will contribute to your soil's health once incorporated into it.
Suitable materials for composting include annual weeds that haven't formed seed, leafy softwood prunings, old bedding plants, autumn leaves and grass clippings.
What lilies like is a thick mulch of old garden compost for the worms to play in.
Times, Sunday Times
You can only imagine how the heat intensified the odors of garbage, compost, and manure.
TOP OF THE HEAPIf you have the room, create a separate leaf heap rather than simply adding leaves to compost, as leaf mould is a luxury soil improver if you are growing lilies in pots.
Gardening jobs for November
Ideally, dig in leaf mould or well rotted garden compost or peat before planting.
The Sun
Give fruit trees and bushes a topdressing of organic fertiliser, or a mulch of well-rotted compost or manure.
It climbs by means of tendrils and is best grown in a composted soil supported by a fence or trellis.
For home composting, Angela uses all her vegetable peelings, small bits of paper and garden clippings.
Do they recycle, compost and use low-energy lightbulbs?
Times, Sunday Times
Most of the residents of the area are now keen on setting up vermi compost and aerobic compost units on their premises, which reduce the quantum of garbage that is pushed out into the general pool of city waste.
The mix we use contains compost, peat, perlite, rock phosphates, blood meal, calcite clay and gypsum.
Businesses need incentive to innovate, which is absent if you can’t market; and then municipalities don’t invest in composting facilities because they don’t think biodegradable products are out there.
Archive 2009-03-01
The advantage of using compost is that in the spring you can spread it around the clump to useful effect, rather than having to remove it.
Times, Sunday Times
He said the compost in turn then goes to feed the flowers around the school.
When planting tulip or daffodil bulbs in a formal display it pays to make sure that the soil has been well composted and forked over beforehand.
I also gave the potted plants (rosemary, chives, oregano and garlic) a bit more compost and a top dressing of bark chips to smarten them up, keep down the weeds and help with water retention.
The surface of the compost should be reasonably moist and free of weeds.
Times, Sunday Times
Try growing it in a container in an ericaceous, well-drained compost.
Fieldfare and redwings feed on the mounds of apples, Blackbirds and thrushes turn over the compost heap.
We dug it over and prepared it by mixing in some planting compost.
Winter Garden Glory
All you need is a pot of compost and a window sill or sheltered spot.
The Sun
Get those last few away to the compost heap or tucked up under shrubs.
Times, Sunday Times
After doing some research, she came across the idea of worm composting.
Times, Sunday Times
Put them with some damp potting compost into polythene bags and place somewhere warm such as at the top of your airing cupboard.
The Sun
I'm ready to go with the tyre wormery I mentioned before - my solution to rats in the compost bin in the winter - but the brandlings are taking their time moving into the ordinary compost bin.
Q: I'm a little confused as to the timing of the lawn tasks you recommend -- aerate, compost, overseed, fertilize and weed control?
As season changes, gardeners get ready
York Rotters, a band of council-trained volunteers, showed festival visitors how they can reduce household waste by up to a third by purchasing a discounted compost bin.
This is the compost made by councils from the contents of your kitchen and garden waste bins, which you then buy back in a tidy circle.
Times, Sunday Times
At intervals of four to six weeks the liquid that collects in the base of the composter is pumped into a bucket.
Vermicompost (worm compost, vermicast, worm castings) compost fertilizer - stored in a bucket - Articles related to French holiday firm debuts 'Eco-Nature' resorts
The green bin is for rubbish which can be composted like grass cuttings, plant trimmings, tea bags, coffee grinds, potato peelings etc. but no cooked food or raw meat.
Lots of good garden compost in the planting hole please.
Times, Sunday Times
I sow about 30 seeds per box, pressing each one into the compost down to the first joint in my finger.
The experimental composting results of municipal solid waste (MSW) and sugar refinery waste (SRW) are used to test and prove the effectiveness of the model.
Get those last few away to the compost heap or tucked up under shrubs.
Times, Sunday Times
That is why scientists in York are hard at work on developing a new type of packaging that can be composted.
Fork the undecayed layer back into the heap, to be a base for this year's composting.
Times, Sunday Times
You will have noticed that the number of television channels is growing faster than a triffid on a compost heap, meaning more choice for advertisers and viewers.
Once you get hooked on composting, you'll even start going after the local barber for hair, and even saving dryer lint!
Put the tubers in a polythene bag with damp potting compost and keep them warm.
The Sun
There are much better things to do with compostable material.
The herbs chamomile, valerian, yarrow, nettle, comfrey and dandelion can help make a success of your compost heap.
Here trickle nozzles zigzag through the compost to distribute water evenly and prevent waterlogging.
The Sun
Rain falling on the compost will feed the plants.
Leaves should be fresh and unchewed, without spots or marbling, and the compost should be moist and weed free.
Times, Sunday Times
Think of composting and worms immediately come to mind, not to mention such unsettling concepts as decay and rot.
Booth and Brennan are back at the compost facility.
A rooftop compost heap is a must, too.
Times, Sunday Times
Composting of human waste is as old as the hills.
Times, Sunday Times
There are numerous books available on how to begin a compost heap and introduce organic gardening methods.
The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
Put them with some damp potting compost into polythene bags and place somewhere warm such as at the top of your airing cupboard.
The Sun
There was also a degree of insouciance about recycling the compost.
He went into his back garage and found some compost, a fork, a watering can.
Make a cut below a leaf joint and dip the cutting in hormone rooting powder before inserting it into an open peat-free compost and perlite mix.
There isn't time to dig deeply and put in manure or compost.
Where the plants were growing runners I pegged these down into potting compost with unbent paper clips and watered them.
Clear the soil of weeds and fork in plenty of compost.
But we are noticing a visible difference in the garbage we buy for compost.
You can dump your old herbs into a compost pile or bury them in your soil - they won't hurt anything.
Monroe is already composting some of the material, called biosolids, but it doesn't have enough room to compost it all, he said. Local, Sports, Business and Entertainment News
Sow some of the seed in a pot with multi-purpose compost or in a row in the garden.
But that changed when Democrats took over the House in 2007: As part of a larger program to "Green the Capitol," they decreed that the cutlery should be composted along with the food.
In the House, compostable utensils replaced with old-fashioned plastic
If the industry was serious about conserving supplies it would invest in water saving devices or compost the manure but that might cut profits, so they don't.
Buy bulbs for spring flowers from the garden centre along with a nice pot and compost.
The Sun
I usually dig in a small barrow load of compost in late summer.
For example, Haiti's "Ministry of Agriculture would purchase the compost and resell to farmers at a subsidized price they could afford.
The autumn leaves have been composting on the pavements ready to succour the soon-to-be emerging weed seedlings.
Back in the car, filled with the fumes of composting grass cuttings, Graham was playing solitaire on his PDA while waiting.
Sow physalis in heated propagator; plant out shallots; mulch blackcurrants and raspberries; tidy strawberry bed; finish compost trenches on allotment where squash will grow; weed incessantly.
In addition to its ability to be mechanically recycled and composted, NatureWorks® biopolymer has shown favorable properties for use where incineration is the preferred waste disposal system and offers potential for chemical recycling.
Noble Juice PLA Packaging
In a nutshell, you plant the tubers sandwiched between layers of multipurpose potting compost.
The seeds are also spread by way of composted manure, grass seed, sod, or hay, as well as by deer and other wildlife.
They are best filled with soilless compost, which won't split them in freezing weather.
Times, Sunday Times
The herbs chamomile, valerian, yarrow, nettle, comfrey and dandelion can help make a success of your compost heap.
There are compostable bioplastics produced with bacteria.
In the most wholesome sense it pongs eco, with spartan bamboo cabanas and dormitories equipped with independent renewable energy supplies, grey water recycling systems, pit-toilets that guests compost, and service roped in rubber time.
Richard Bangs: Nic' of Time
All ready meals to move to compostable packaging by end of next year.
Times, Sunday Times
In the same article linked to above, Environment Minister Leona Dombrowsky said that she's "leery" about incineration and approves of composting.
Peace, order and good government, eh?: October 2003 Archives
A stainless steel clip holds the lid open when access is needed for compost or liquid removal.
NatureWorks biopolymer has been successfully composted in applications where collection is feasible and a commercial composting infrastructure is in place.
Noble Juice PLA Packaging
The mix we use contains compost, peat, perlite, rock phosphates, blood meal, calcite clay and gypsum.
Your compost heap could be vastly improved by covering it with a 9in layer of grass mowings and putting a cover over it.
With some decent growing compost, not organic.
Times, Sunday Times
To spread compost in the vineyard, Roth recommends a wet-lime spreader, which many growers already have.
Squash any grub and, if the plant is worth saving, wash the roots and pot up into new compost.
Rats raid buildings for food, but prefer to live outdoors, often in compost heaps for warmth.
Times, Sunday Times
The sacks are for garden waste and kitchen peelings which will be collected by the district council for recycling and turning into compost.
She plantedthrew the seeds in the bed she calls the daylily farm, all her beds are farms of various sorts, after dumping mushroom compost from the nearby mushroom farm, an actual farm,on a section of land near her garage the first spring after moving in.
Bloom Day At The Semi Garden « Fairegarden
Exhaust fans installed in the composting chamber ensure an odorless system.
Home composting is a great way of disposing of everything from tea bags and egg shells to fruit and vegetable peelings and the end product can be used as a soil conditioner in the garden.
Nobody wants their brain scooped out of their skull and dumped into a tank of fluid and hooked up to an autodialer, selling home compost technology.
Archive 2007-09-01
A variety of sustainable farming techniques are used, including crop rotation, composting, interplanting, careful treatment of livestock to ensure both longevity and quality, and seed saving.
» Biodynamic Agriculture
We have a worm farm and compost bin, have planted fruit trees and vegetables and plan to plant up an area of natives next week.
Community composting is in itself the most rewarding activity that a group can partake in.
Rotted cow manure, compost, shredded sphagnum, granulated peat moss, sawdust and ground corncobs are some materials that may be worked thoroughly into the soil.
Add used tea leaves to compost to help your plants.
The Sun
He rotates plant families every year to ensure that nutrients are not depleted from soils and he composts religiously.
In my house there's a compost bin, a box for tins and bottles, a plastic container, a holder for plastic bags, and an old newspaper corner.
While my fellow students went around wearing dreadlocks in their white kid hair, playing Frisbee golf and hackeysack, and composting their trash for their marijuana plants, I ordered cheeseburgers in the dining hall.
Meredith Lopez: A Made Mom
Once the bin is full, the rules of composting say that you should turn the material in the bin every few weeks.
Usually, once the experts are on hand it is easy to put things right, however unappealing your unaided attempts at composting may seem.
Please put boxboard in your trash, take it to Ecology Action's downtown drop off center for recycling, or compost it in your back yard.
Water thoroughly then mulch with a generous layer of peat, composted bark or garden compost.
There are numerous books available on how to begin a compost heap and introduce organic gardening methods.
The Residue Report - an action plan for safer food
Put it all in a compost pile, and before long you'll have a good fertilizer.
The hullabaloo is over a program by the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, which once a month distributes biosolid compost to gardeners, school groups and homeowners for free.
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