
How To Use Comply In A Sentence

  • To comply with the new regs, U.S. farmers and food processors would have to completely change the way they grow, store, produce, and transport their goods.
  • This requires that the public and lawmakers have confidence that those entrusted to uphold the law will comply with it themselves, both on and off duty. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact on May 28 during the NPT's (Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty) review conference, 189 countries (including the US of President Obama), called for the Israeli government to comply with the treaty, favoring the creation of a denuclearized zone in the ME. Amir Madani: Perspectives of Peace in the Middle East
  • Ensures both that (a) clients comply with all applicable authorities, while at the same time minimizing their tax and reporting burdens, and (b) self and client service teams comply with all Firm policies, standards, and the BDO Tax Quality Manual ("TQM"). - News
  • She tugged at Rob's sleeve with just enough force to suggest that she would tug much harder if he did not comply with her wishes.
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  • Spend six months wading through the Byzantine regulations and rules that radio stations must comply with to keep their licences.
  • Doctors are selling because complying with the ever-growing list of mandates has become more cumbersome; and while staff physicians on salary do gain predictability, they also lose the autonomy of independent practice. Big Insurance, Big Medicine
  • He said: 'The doctors down there comply with accepted international practice. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet the report looks to the institutional investors to exercise the leverage necessary to persuade companies to comply with the code.
  • Existing Trees To comply with strict building regulations, a discreet garden shed was required.
  • She is too acquiescent , ie too ready to comply.
  • Protective headgear and full motorcycle leathers are required to be worn to comply with race safety.
  • Now, Arizona courts must hold hearings every 35 days for those held in civil contempt on family-law issues, and judges must find that a contemnor has the ability to comply with the order. No Charge: In Civil-Contempt Cases, Jail Time Can Stretch On for Years
  • When requested to leave, they refused to comply.
  • In terms of complying with the legislation in respect of recovery of payments, their way will be a brick through the window, or sending the heavies around to deal with a debtor.
  • The factory was closed for failing to comply with government safety regulations.
  • President Sirleaf says strengthening Liberia's General Auditing Commission and complying with the Norwegian-based Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative has reduced corruption.
  • Companies must comply with the Companies Act 1985 and display the following information on their stationery: The company's name.
  • He refused to comply with Henry's demand to accept a delay in payment and set about collecting his due by main force.
  • The decision-making process must comply with these prerequisites to result in a decisive policy.
  • Attention please: Not comply Application form right - specification persons cannot to Shares Purchase.
  • Companies have until December 31 to comply with the new legislation.
  • The sellers delivered goods which did not comply with the conditions of the contract.
  • Accordingly, the following discussion of several water supply systems are in line with the Fire Code requirements and must comply with Fire Code requirements.
  • It is then up to you to gauge their importance to you and to decide whether or not to comply with their demands.
  • High risk clients were likely to attend the clinic on impulse but were unlikely to comply with a request for a repeat test.
  • EPA had attempted to temporize by allowing California to take " reasonable extra efforts " to comply.
  • Contempt proceedings were brought for failure to comply.
  • We regret that we are unable to answer multiple queries that do not comply with these instructions.
  • This bill was intended to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require any person who reprocesses a medical device to comply with specific safety standards.
  • It would then be the duty of every owner and every person in charge of poultry in that area to comply with that notice.
  • And all installations had to comply with the legislation by 1996.
  • What kind of businessperson would want to travel to Italy when they prosecute individuals for supervisory responsibility of departments that have made a diligent, good faith effort to comply with the local laws from 10,000 miles away? Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Police opposed bail, but the Magistrate agreed to his release on the condition he pay a surety and comply with other bail conditions.
  • All they need do to escape it is to comply with and respect the law by reducing their speed.
  • The assurance of payment of inconvertible bonds shall comply with the provisions of Article 24 of this Decree.
  • In recent years, Florida boaters have had to comply with a proliferation of no-wake zones and manatee sanctuaries.
  • They will be responsible for taxing and insuring the car and complying with all legal and regulatory requirements. The Sun
  • Participating in a procession and knowingly failing to comply with a condition imposed, or inciting another to do so. 4.
  • Ben, I expect you to comply with the terms of the restraining order from this point forward.
  • That is, the test laboratory is simply a part of a medical device manufacturer of which all device-related divisions shall comply with the QS regulation.
  • While the Environmental Protection Agency has established maximum contamination levels for community water systems, an analysis by the American Society of Civil Engineers, or ASCE, states that there is currently an $11 billion-a-year shortfall in the funding necessary to "replace aging facilities that are near the end of their useful life and to comply with existing and future federal water regulations. Scott Lilly: 'Nonsecurity' Spending Cuts Could Be Hazardous to Your Health
  • It is a focus on solving the problem to make color monitor comply with the interrelated standard.
  • All the citizens must comply with the law.
  • Still, getting the cheaper and more recalcitrant companies to comply is a good thing. Nisin. The Milk Derivative You've Never Heard Of
  • The position is that the articles have legislated a particular set of sanctions, namely, that a transfer which does not comply with the article is void.
  • Although they still have some problems with disobedient clientele, they are seriously trying to comply with the law of the land.
  • It will include 35,000 field staff who will collect forms, help householders fill them in and file reports in cases where people refuse to comply. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus, in order to comply with the development trends of fi- nance trade liberalization, perfecting market exchange rate mechanism of RMB is one inevitable choice before us.
  • If you are unable to comply with the notice by the above date then you should inform me of the reasons in writing as soon as possible.
  • Failure by a trader to comply with a prohibition notice or notice to warn is a criminal offence.
  • The blood collector – or phlebologist – said she was called to a disciplinary meeting yesterday and warned she would be sent home if she failed to comply. 2009 May « Anglican Samizdat
  • This idea supported Calhoun's doctrine of interposition or nullification, in which the state governments could refuse to enforce or comply with a policy of the Federal government that threatened the vital interests of the states.
  • Businesses argue that the demands of complying with the law are too onerous and that it could harm their competitiveness. Times, Sunday Times
  • We need to ensure that there are enough doctors on duty at all sites to comply with the law and guarantee that caseloads are such that training and supervision of junior doctors will be satisfactory.
  • Registered establishments must comply with national minimum standards and the requirements of regulations setting out how they are expected to operate.
  • Failure to comply with any of those provisions will render building workers liable to imprisonment.
  • They also asked francophone countries to suspend all forms of aid if the government refused to comply with their demand.
  • The mayor cautioned that the hike in property taxes is needed to comply with the state law requiring him to present a balanced budget.
  • A good test for whether the dictum has been developed in this way is a philosopher's account of akrasia, in which agents fail to comply with their deliberated verdicts in the face of temptation.
  • Our most treasured rights are also enshrined in law, laws are something that only humans can make and comply with or break.
  • Associations which fail to comply with these provisions can be deregistered by the registrar of transport, he explained.
  • A demise charter who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $5,000.
  • The technique of guidance is often used by parents when a child refuses to comply with a request or instruction.
  • Caps shall comply with the performance requirements of Cap Size, Ventilated Caps Vent Area or Ventilated Caps Air Flow.
  • If one is a Maori Land Court judge, and at a hangi, and having a damn good time, does one have to constantly comply with tikanga Maori?
  • Under political pressure, and inpart because the banks are in any case controlled by their customers, the banks usually comply.
  • However, he has to comply with certain formalities before he is entitled to enforce this right.
  • Be it further enacted, That every County which shall refuse or neglect to levy a tax, and build the School houses herein specified, shall at any time hereafter be entitled to receive the forty dollars hereby appropriated to each district, upon complying with the terms hereinbefore specified. The Beginnings of Public Education in North Carolina; A Documentary History, 1790-1840. Vol. II
  • There then followed a succession of failures by the claimants to comply with their obligations under the rules and under orders of the court, notwithstanding repeated reminders by the defendants.
  • The federal antikickback law doesn't specifically address the issue of surgeons using medical devices made by companies they co-own, but HHS's Office of the Inspector General has issued regulatory guidance for complying with the statute: Among other things, it advises that no more than 40% of a company be owned "by investors who are in a position" to "generate business" for it. Taking Double Cut, Surgeons Implant Their Own Devices
  • The Subscriber understands and agrees to comply with these Terms and Conditions and the General Terms and Conditions of HKBN (including the terms and conditions to be effective from time to time).
  • He is held personally responsible for complying with the many rules and regulations that govern its use.
  • The government did not comply with the protestors' wishes in either case.
  • Where there is such an approved standard it is, strictly speaking not mandatory for the manufacturer to comply with it.
  • The child's refusal to comply may not seem as bad as the child's habit of answering back.
  • Any person who without reasonable cause fails to comply may be sent to prison for not more than six months.
  • The graphics developed by this effort comply with MIL-D-28003, the CALS Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) standard.
  • The government argues that it brought in the law to comply with an international treaty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Low-fat cottage cheese is prepared in the same manner as cottage cheese and must comply with all labelling requirements for cottage cheese.
  • Where uncertainty or dispute exists and it is necessary for a some factual determination to be made in order to comply with the brief, only tentative or provisional views will be expressed.
  • In some States, refusal to comply is itself resisting arrest without violence. The Volokh Conspiracy » An Interesting Case Involving Open Carry, Defense of Property, and Allegedly Resisting Arrest
  • An owner or demise charter who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with subsection (1), commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $5,000.
  • The child's refusal to comply may not seem as bad as the child's habit of answering back.
  • Analyzing what an organization seems to seek through its job postings, and then evaluating whether you comply with their requirements, which is an essential step.
  • We fully comply with the law. The Sun
  • Parents also describe their children as having an extreme degree of grandiose defiance, refusing to comply with authority at home or at school.
  • Vaccinations undertaken either by a nurse in the dispensaries or by mobile teams, did not comply with the vaccination schedules.
  • With a sudden change of manner, his visitant conjured him, in voluble and impetuous terms, to comply. Ferdinando Eboli
  • From a Japanese standpoint, she would take to task the gaijin ladies in Japan who refused to comply with traditions with a condescending attitude, at the same time chastising Japanese obatarian who despaired of the big-nosed foreigners.
  • The companies would have to comply with training standards and safety procedures.
  • To comply with the Base Realignment and Closure legislation of 2005, DISA will relocate to the new 95-acre site by September 2011 from its primary headquarters in Arlington, Va.
  • The design of Christianity is to soften and meeken the spirit, to teach us the art of obliging and true complaisance; not to be servants to the lust of any, but to the necessities and infirmities of our brethren -- to comply with all that we have to do with as fare as we can with a good conscience. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • More than 450,000 active and retired federal employees did not voluntarily comply with federal income tax requirements for the 2005 tax year, according to documents obtained by WTOP through the Freedom of Information Act. The total balance owed is $2,799,950,165. Archive 2007-01-14
  • It held that if an individual does not comply with a subpoena or order issued by the Tribunal, he could be held in contempt of the Tribunal and the specific contempt procedure could be set in motion.
  • Failure to comply with the terms of a Default Notice will normally result in the default being disclosed to credit reference agencies.
  • Forcing her legs to comply, she crossed over to the recliner by the window and sat down.
  • EU iPods have a sound limiter to comply with noise safety levels, however sometimes users hack through this in order to listen to it louder.
  • We agreed to co-operate with and assist you to comply with your contractual obligations with regard to the defect.
  • To comply with these demands requires optimum training, conditioning and preparation on a full-time basis - there is no compromise on this.
  • The objections against the application were, that should Congress comply with it, others of a similar nature would he made; that if the lines of the army were com - pleat, which ought to be insisted upon, such extra aid would be unnecessary; that the condition of the finances would not admit of new demands; that the adoption of such a measure would seem to exclude the idea of mak - ing the exertions of particular States for their own de - fence an object of publick charge, except in cases which had been specially provided for by Congress. Collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society
  • This is to certify that the following products maunufacured by your factory comply with requirements for manufacturing.
  • It would be very strange for any country of South Africa's uranium capacity -- and we've done enrichment before -- not to beneficiate its uranium deposits," South African Minister of Public Enterprises Alec Erwin said in an interview, though he stressed the country would strictly comply with the rules of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the world's nuclear watchdog. Africa Has Nuclear Hopes
  • The cost of complying with red tape is rising for small businesses, despite government insistence that it has overhauled thousands of regulations, a business group has said. Times, Sunday Times
  • They comply, but the scheming Lane has other plans.
  • Until now, a resident that needed assistance transferring to and from bed, even if it was just a supporting hand was considered to be "bedridden" and therefore the facilities needed to comply with special requirements to be able to accept such residents .. California Chronicle
  • Shall do a courtesy to our wrath] _To do a courtesy_ is to gratify, to comply with. Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • There is nothing to be gained by forcing people to comply.
  • To comply with ICSTIS regulations, calls are recorded for your protection. The Sun
  • Next year manufacturers will begin introducing cars with new engines and safety equipment to comply with the coming regulations. Times, Sunday Times
  • The policy states that because there are some countries that have not lived up to their obligations under international nuclear treaties, the U.S. reserved the right to keep noncomplying countries targeted. Crackdown Sought on Nuclear Material
  • Yet the report looks to the institutional investors to exercise the leverage necessary to persuade companies to comply with the code.
  • Rather than being openly confrontational with his parents, he just quietly-and perhaps unconsciously-refused to comply with their demands.
  • Virginia refused to comply with its quota, and now faces a complete ban on horseshoe crabbing.
  • He's been ordered to have the dog destroyed because it's dangerous, but he refuses to comply.
  • The inside transfer of shares should comply primarily with the shareholder autonomy rules, i. e. the shares may be transferred among shareholders themselves freely.
  • All our advertising campaigns comply with law and regulation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Alan understood her unsaid suggestion, and was eager to comply.
  • Those that operate in the multi-million-pound 'voluntourism' market will risk being blacklisted if they do not comply. Times, Sunday Times
  • A spokeswoman for Saxo said the bank had taken '' cognisance '' of the FSA's orders and would comply '' expediently ''. The Sydney Morning Herald News Headlines
  • The university has since claimed that it is unable to comply with the government request.
  • The regulations stipulate that everything has to comply to the relevant safety standards.
  • Individuals who willfully refused to comply with Puritan precepts were excluded altogether from the promise of grace.
  • You must comply with the Statute of Frauds, which means that the contract must be in writing and that the burden of proof will be on you to assert your claim.
  • The OFT also found evidence that some companies were not complying with some consumer regulations.
  • Main transformer protective device, detective device etc, all self-protective device commissioning method and commissioning contact shall comply with technology information provided by manufacturer.
  • And at the so-called Pantex plant in Amarillo, Texas, technicians are dismantling nuclear weapons to comply with arms-control treaties.
  • Colleges could face stiff sanctions for failure to comply with requirements, the bill states.
  • A giant, brass French bulldog sculpture ablaze in a riot of punk-rock, lacquered hues greeted initially startled guests who ultimately had to comply that the invitation had, after all, read, "Qui est Doggy John? Anisha Lakhani: Manhattan Medici: A Renaissance of Art, Design, and Innovation During NY Design Week 2011
  • So I determined I would not send it, indeed, I promised them I would not send it; but, notwithstanding, as I know Miss Russell will be good enough to comply with my conditions, I will send it directly; for, as it is a good likeness, every one except the family knowing it instantly, and Mr. Allston saying that it is a _very strong likeness_, it will on that account be a gratification to her. Samuel F. B. Morse, His Letters and Journals In Two Volumes, Volume I.
  • Nor may the clamper justify detention of the car after the owner has indicated willingness to comply with the condition for release: the clamper cannot justify any delay in releasing the car after the owner offers to pay and there must be means for the owner to communicate his offer. Clamping And The Law: Guest Post
  • She grew up in a democracy and freedom of the family, there are many strange ideas, not bound to comply with the feudal ethical code.
  • Unlike not wearing a headscarf, or sitting too close to someone of the opposite sex in public, failure to comply is not punishable by government. It’s those noisy high heels « Gin&Comment
  • That this was a serious problem is suggested by the fact that the 1555 recension expands this chapter by noting that failure to comply would result in 40 days imprisonment, a great fine, and loss of the franchise.
  • The company was granted the licence on the payment of a deposit of i5,000 which would be forfeit if the company did not comply with the requirements of the licence.
  • I will take your failure to comply with this reasonable request as a refusal.
  • I am a firm believer that relatives should try to comply with the wishes of their loved ones.
  • Thousands of renters - twigging that some real bargains are beginning to appear in estate agents' windows - are rushing to comply. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is, of course, not wrongful for a manager to instruct his employees to comply with a valid document retention policy under ordinary circumstances.
  • Next, absolve all the implementers, practitioners and related agencies, under the excuse of 'complying with orders without questioning,' and then start giving the 'drafters' of the memos an out by transferring the decision for action to the states .... Propeller Most Popular Stories
  • Chillingly, the report added, "They may also find difficulty in absorbing the additional costs, to comply with the Directive. The ultimate in fatuity?
  • Where there is such an approved standard it is, strictly speaking not mandatory for the manufacturer to comply with it.
  • Other concerns expressed by ABC when it requested an extension to the treatment implementation was the managing of the anticipated bumper crop of 1. 33bn pounds, supplying the inshell and raw food markets, managing untreated carry-in inventory, and complying simultaneously with new aflatoxin measures for almonds shipped to the European Union. FoodNavigator-USA RSS
  • Since it would normally suffer no loss or damage as a result of corruption, there was now no incentive for an exporter to comply with the anti-corruption procedures, which were thereby rendered nugatory.
  • Clients who do already watch movies will interpret film assignments as busywork and will not comply with the assignment.
  • The commission, the European Union's executive arm, complained to the Spanish authorities that the country wasn't complying with EU rules on television advertising, which limit commercials and teleshopping broadcasts to 12 minutes an hour. Spain Told to Curtail TV Ads
  • Fire safety signs complying with BS 5499 Part 1: 1990 already contain a pictogram and do not need changing. TEN STEPS TO HAPPINESS
  • Shindler will carry out an environmental compliance audit, to establish how well a company is complying with existing legislation.
  • A demise charter who, without reasonable excuse, fails to comply with subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $5,000.
  • It added the move would be good for the company's cost base by trimming the ‘increasing cost burden of complying with US securities regulations’.
  • Businesses argue that the demands of complying with the law are too onerous and that it could harm their competitiveness. Times, Sunday Times
  • She must be made to comply with the rules.
  • To comply with government hygiene regulations, there must be a separate sink for hand washing.
  • This medicine shop run as a profit organization complying with all legal bindings and helping house maids by providing medicine in parches price or free in some cases. Help MITA
  • The first to comply with their request will be awarded one of the numerous attractive spot prizes.
  • It should be ascertained that the plans comply with the law.
  • Miss Thomas is not relying upon a contractual obligation other than an obligation by the university to comply with its own domestic laws.
  • Floyd Zanetta, the meeting's chairman - virtually ignored since Elliott Freemantle eclipsed him in attention - hurried to comply.
  • This is more than a mere breach of the implied condition that goods should comply with the contract description.
  • Only, he had one singular advantage for the promotion of his pretence and desire; for whereas this whole contignation of churches into all these storeys, in the top whereof he emerged and lifted up himself, was nothing but an accommodation of the church and its affairs unto the government of the Roman empire, or the setting up of an ecclesiastical image and representation of its secular power and rule, the centring therein of all subordinate powers and orders in one monarch inclined the minds of men to comply with his design as very reasonable. A Discourse concerning Evangelical Love, Church Peace, and Unity
  • Doug Brooks, the president of International Peace Operations Associations, a group that represents security firms, said the report highlights the difficulty in complying with contract requirements to provide local hires. U.S. Contractors Employed Taliban
  • The state's redistricting plans cannot be legally enforced until either the Justice Department or the panel of judges in Washington certifies that maps comply with the Voting Rights Act, a requirement known as preclearance. Homepage CP Container
  • The space agency and its contractor switched supplies to comply with environmental regulations.
  • Each group must argue their case and each must try to persuade the other to comply with its wishes.
  • Could a jury properly directed, and seeking dutifully to comply with the relevant directions, conscientiously reach a conclusion that the applicants were actuated by malice or not?
  • The letters and numerals of a registration mark shall comply with the proportions and form shown in Diagram 3 and with subparagraph (3).
  • He pretends to comply with Tamora's request and summons his son Lucius to his house, but he also offers to arrange for a banquet to entertain his guests.
  • To comply with government hygiene regulations, there must be a separate sink for hand washing.
  • Anybody not complying with these regulations will be removed from site immediately.
  • She said the meeting resolved that a joint committee should be established to find out why the service providers did not comply with the agreement.
  • Although most school districts comply with Loudermill, there are cases where courts still find due process violations.
  • The design of these vessels will be to the latest standards, and will comply with all relevant marine design codes.
  • A letter announcing the scheme has been sent out to all Yorkshire clubs with parents and coaches being asked to comply. Times, Sunday Times
  • Article 4 The forward transactions shall comply with the principle of openness, impartiality and fairness.
  • He had come to the conclusion that this condition did not comply with that standard.
  • They were complying with the new ethics law, and there ` s an exemption that ` s, you know, known as the toothpick exemption where you can only serve finger food. CNN Transcript Aug 27, 2008
  • The main function of the accreditation body would be to assess whether clinical establishments comply with set standards, to assist them in upgrading their standards and to play an educative and informative role.
  • The U.S. congress simply needs to promote legislation requiring a worldwide (living) minimum wage for workers producing internationally-traded goods, with a proviso that products of non-complying countries be subject to an "equalizing" - tariff based upon wage and benefit differentials. Causes and Cures for our Current Debt Crisis
  • A third email quoted a line from the Tunisian national anthem, written by Aboul-Qacem Echebbi: " Lorsqu'un jour le peuple veut la vie, force est au destin d'obtempérer, force est aux ténèbres de s'évanouir, et force est aux chaînes de se briser" When a people aspire to live, destiny is doomed to comply, darkness is forced to dissipate and chains are forced to break loose. Judie Fein: Why You Should Travel to Tunisia
  • They're not complying with international law and at the very moment in which we are trying to give a new impulse to the peace process.
  • Thus, in order to comply with the development trends of fi- nance trade liberalization, perfecting market exchange rate mechanism of RMB is one inevitable choice before us.
  • Failure to comply can result in a violation of the SLA and potential nullification of any vendor warranties or liabilities.
  • One theory is that she may have refused to comply with his wishes, adding to his frustration.
  • The newspaper was asked by federal agents for assistance and agreed to comply.
  • Motorists in Mayo are complying with seatbelt legislation with detections for the non-wearing of seatbelts dropping by approximately 80% since 2001.
  • The spirits distilled in the noncomplying counties were intercepted in their way to market and seized by the officers of the revenue, and the agents for the army were directed to purchase only those spirits on which the duty had been paid. Life and Times of Washington
  • They appeared in court accused of failing to comply with a notice to quit their mobile home.
  • He said it was important for banks to comply with money laundering regulations set against the vice so as to maintain and build better images.
  • To some extent, it has something of conservatism complying with reality, and rejects idealism and transcendentalism.
  • Comply with applicable customs law and, in particular, will establish and maintain programs to comply with customs laws regarding illegal transshipment of products.
  • The four executive orders Obama signed on Thursday, the second day of his presidency, begin the process of closing the Guantanamo Bay prison, require the CIA to comply with the Army Field Manual on Interrogations, close the CIA secret prisons known as "black sites" and allow International Committee of the Red Cross access to ensure that all U. S.-held detainees are being held in compliance with the Geneva Conventions. JTA - Recent News
  • After trying to comply by sending a team of amateurs in 1920, the FA recognised no difference between amateurism and professionalism in 1923, to end shamateurism. World Cup Soccer - South Africa 2010
  • The factory was closed for failing to comply with government safety regulations.
  • Failure to comply with an enforcement notice is a criminal offence. Computing
  • The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Cir-cuit stayed the 2002 injunction to the extent that it re-quired the cross to be removed or dismantled but did notforbid alternative methods of complying with the order. The Volokh Conspiracy » Mojave Cross Decision (Salazar v. Buono) Handed Down
  • Traders could get caught in the crossfire as they try to comply with incompatible systems. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nevertheless, such were the Charms of the young Favorella, that maugre all the oppositions of Reason and Interest, he was forced to comply with this Passion, in the Espousing her. The Lining of the Patch-Work Screen
  • If your father were to insist I marry you, I would agree that I am honour-bound to do so and I would comply.
  • So "in order to comply with the order to re-pasteurise my already pasteurised milk, I would need to get exemption from the head of the CDFA," she explains.
  • Purcell 1953 found that packinghouse employees were more ready to blame their lower-status supervisors than their top managers for difficulties entailed in trying to comply with directions. The Bass Handbook of Leadership

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