
How To Use Compliments In A Sentence

  • He wasn't big on compliments, however when he did give them it was clear he meant them with all his heart.
  • Please give my compliments to the chef; the food was excellent.
  • She's always fishing for compliments about her looks.
  • Remember that the next time you find yourself enjoying compliments so much they take on the sound of a flapping cape. Christianity Today
  • Hoping to make up for his infelicitous soup comment, Stan chimes in with his own compliments. The Search
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  • So I learned that giving compliments is a great way to change the world! » What I Learned in December 2009
  • He'd been a perfect gentleman, lauding me with compliments, calling when he said he would.
  • Please give my sincere compliments and a well deserved Bravo!
  • While my father remained in the garden, I sent my dutiful compliments to my mother, with inquiry after her health, by Shorey, whom I met accidentally upon the stairs; for none of the servants, except my gaoleress, dare to throw themselves in my way. Clarissa Harlowe
  • The 'minx' shook her curls, and flirted through the window with a handsome but ill-tempered looking man on a fine horse, who praised her 'golden locks,' as he called them; and oddly enough, when Melchior said that the man was a lout, and that the locks in question were corkscrewy carrot shavings, she only seemed to like the man and his compliments the more. In the Yule-Log Glow, Book II Christmas Tales from 'Round the World
  • Sincere compliments from a coworker or a boss are nice, but outrageous flattery is often an attempt to draw you into a sociopath's snare. An Interview with Martha Stout
  • As this is her first exhibition, her eyes naturally light up when someone compliments an exhibit.
  • The epistolary art is said to be especially feminine, and the novelists and essayists are full of compliments to the sex, which is alternately praised and objurgated, as man feels well or ill. Manners and Social Usages
  • Little compliments mean so much to me sometimes.
  • The new and improved line of attack is to dichotomize war opponents by, first, issuing the most back-handed of compliments to those who were anti-war all along – the unthreatening, marginalized “Michael Moore crowd.” Archive 2005-11-01
  • Don't you like hearing compliments on your stitchery?
  • I am secretly a ravenous animal for compliments
  • I've legit never looked better, and never gotten so many compliments on my skin.
  • He stopped for a moment, coughed, got up, bade Anna give his respectful compliments to M. Braun, made a joke in Latin, bowed, and took his leave. Jean-Christophe Journey's End
  • He would not stoop to ask for any man's compliments, praises, flatteries; and he would be far above exacting them.
  • If you have decided to be a strand style setter, enjoy the challenges, the hard work and the ultimate compliments and admiration for a style well designed.
  • You don't bother to say that you aren't fishing for compliments, that you really do mean it.
  • Every one was helpful and eager to practice their English, proud of their country, if not their politicians, always fishing for compliments.
  • Please give the cook my compliments on the wonderful food.
  • Get not your friends by bare compliments, but by giving them sensible tokens of your love. Socrates 
  • Being maid of honour is a pretty cool job really, and my taffeta monstrosity got lots of polite compliments.
  • John had displayed their work well and received many compliments for his dedication and initiative.
  • The former were very profuse in their compliments and thanks for what they termed our invaluable assistance; having tendered which they manifested a disposition to resume their former status on board. The Rover's Secret A Tale of the Pirate Cays and Lagoons of Cuba
  • With my courtliest bow, in my best French, I made my compliments to her as if I had been accustomed to entering rooms in no other fashion. The Rose of Old St. Louis
  • They had taken their leave of Maralynne and Chester, after a dish of ice cream each for dessert and about a dozen compliments for their hostess.
  • I received a look of awkward horror followed by some hasty compliments, an expression of surprise and the insistence that it was ‘very competitive’.
  • My compliments on their effort in this tournament.
  • I then paid her the most extravagant compliments; her senseless chatting I described as unrestraint tempered by finesse, her pretentious exaggerations as a natural desire to please; was it her fault that she was poor? The Confession of a Child of the Century — Complete
  • I think being described as a lunatic is worthy of my wall of compliments Total Bollocks
  • He compliments her food but surely anything would taste good after prison grub.
  • I say the shop assistant has just paid her one of the biggest compliments a woman can get. The Sun
  • His name emerged in a bubble rising out of the confusion, and with his name came a litany of his words: his compliments and his complaints, his warnings and his hopes. Music in The Night
  • Pay compliments and put your companion at ease. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most effective barbs are delivered amid a raft of compliments. Times, Sunday Times
  • She complained that her husband never paid her any compliments any more.
  • Only a few fresh fish and four premiumfrozen seafood products under its "Sensations by Compliments" label - wild sockeye salmon, wild Pacific halibut, wild albacore tuna and wild black cod, whichare certified by the eco-labelling group Marine Stewardship Council The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Here was President Mitterrand, the great goat of French politics, paying her, the grocer's daughter, the greatest of compliments.
  • Murray Bradshaw was surprised and confounded at the easy way in which she received his compliments, and played with his advances, after the fashion of the trained ball-room belles, who know how to be almost caressing in manner, and yet are really as far off from the deluded victim of their suavities as the topmost statue of the Milan cathedral from the peasant that kneels on its floor. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 20, No. 118, August, 1867
  • But black cat is not interested in compliments today, she does not want to be bothered. ON CATS
  • I made a few changes -- a sub for the buttermilk, which I was out of, salt because my butter was unsalted, vanilla because if my great great great (whew!) grandma had had access to vanilla I am sure she would have used it, Ceylon cinnamon (not so much a change as a decision) because its fruitiness better compliments the strawberry. Sugar High Fridays: The Test Of Time: Great Grandma Kelly's Jam Cake
  • The only enclosure was a formal compliments slip from the accounts department.
  • She knew, truly enough however, that her godfather didn't believe in compliments and flattery unless they were earned.
  • I was: from any doubts as to which I was speedily relieved by the entrance of the priest's bare-footed "colleen," to deposit on my table a bottle of soda water, and announce breakfast, with his reverence's compliments. The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer — Volume 1
  • By now, though, Fitzpatrick is a little weary of the implicit compliments.
  • She complained that her husband never paid her any compliments any more.
  • She was all the more fascinating to the admiring eyes that watched her, because she sat alone, electrified by the inspiration and magnetism from within, and did not need the stimulus of another voice close by her side, breathing compliments and flattery, to brighten her eyes and call the blushes to her cheeks. Mae Madden
  • The only enclosure was a formal compliments slip from the accounts department.
  • He eats everything I cook, belches, and says, ‘my compliments to the chef!’
  • Lane who used to sit on his open shop-board, facing the street, a mark for the compliments of passing boys; as frolicsome youngsters in the days of Addison and Steele, as High School lads in the days of Walter Scott, were accustomed to "smoke the cobler. Biographical Study of A.W. Kinglake
  • soapy compliments
  • Prose fledges into poetry, cold compliments warm into praise, eulogy rarifies into panegyric and goes off in rhapsody. The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
  • All concerned in the projects deserved congratulations and compliments.
  • fish for compliments
  • Cheers and compliments and pats on the back showered fast on the youthful "blacklegs," and tended greatly to exaggerate in their own eyes the importance of their action. The Cock-House at Fellsgarth
  • (a sentence to which Scott's description of him as “a man of great genius” may be successfully opposed); and is especially severe on what he terms his affectation in disclaiming the compliments bestowed on his learning by some of his friends. Letters of Horace Walpole 01
  • This soup is delicious; my compliments to the chef.
  • It's sickening the way he's always fishing for compliments.
  • I realized this past week one of the things that bothers me so much about this whole “getting hit on” conundrum … First, it makes you uncomfortable – even the nicest least aggressive of compliments is quite frankly weird and uncomfortable, and immediately makes you feel like a sex object rarther than a person. #216 ~ Rabid Lamb Comics « 1979 Semi-Finalist…
  • I get called ranga and carrot-top, but the thing is, I get more compliments than not.
  • Those who frequently wear blue enjoy the least compliments and office romances. The Sun
  • I was able to receive plenty of compliments when playing some of the tracks at a house party. Music Explorer Weekly: Babsonicos (Argentina) & Hotel Costes by Stephane Pompougnac (France)
  • The most effective barbs are delivered amid a raft of compliments. Times, Sunday Times
  • He does not flatter me with compliments, which I know cannot be genuine.
  • It was an area where she could be creative, so she invented and experimented and, judging by Sam's compliments and the second helpings that he served himself with, she was rather good at it.
  • MRS BELLINGHAM: He addressed me in several handwritings with fulsome compliments as a Venus in furs and alleged profound pity for my frostbound coachman Palmer while in the same breath he expressed himself as envious of his earflaps and fleecy sheepskins and of his fortunate proximity to my person, when standing behind my chair wearing my livery and the armorial bearings of the Bellingham escutcheon garnished sable, Ulysses
  • Each was born proudly to the table and greeted by compliments and noises of admiration.
  • Remember, your compliments must be honest, sincere and genuine.
  • He has personally received a lot of compliments for the shapeliness of his pins in high heels.
  • I have received more compliments and more flattery than is healthy for me.
  • I would have passed on my compliments to the artist, had it not been a drawing from the disturbingly popular Japanese art form manga.
  • MRS BELLINGHAM: He addressed me in several handwritings with fulsome compliments as a Venus in furs and alleged profound pity for my frostbound coachman Palmer while in the same breath he expressed himself as envious of his earflaps and fleecy sheepskins and of his fortunate proximity to my person, when standing behind my chair wearing my livery and the armorial bearings of the Ulysses
  • I fish for carp, not compliments. Times, Sunday Times
  • I appreciate your doing so, and thanks also for the compliments about the photos!
  • Pay compliments and put your companion at ease. Times, Sunday Times
  • He and his companion had enjoyed themselves and he was full of congratulations and compliments.
  • One of the authors, a drunken sot, compliments Deeds, and convinces him, with Bennett's help, to go on a binge with him.
  • That was an excellent meal! My compliments to the chef.
  • As usual, Jennifer basked in the compliments her father tossed like wedding rice over her. Raven
  • to compliments inflated I've a withering reply
  • Even Orbuch was surprised to find that men need what she calls affective affirmations - compliments, reassurances and other positive feedback - from their spouses more than women do from their husbands.
  • Compliments Not accepting compliments is another example of aggressive behaviour.
  • The high bow and lots of freeboard have gotten me safely through rough water more than once and create a nicely curved sheer line that gets lots of compliments at various boat ramps. Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • He patted an example of a feedback file, which was bulging with faxed compliments for a very busy individual.
  • So, even though I don't think the photos are that good, thanks for the compliments!
  • Eesa Meean entered the school-room, and approached the children with the usual courtesy and compliments, followed by six armed men, and one table attendant, or khidmutgar. A Journey through the Kingdom of Oude, Volumes I & II
  • Christian Pederson, Canon of Lund, whom he compliments as a lover of letters, antiquary, and patriot, and urges to edit and publish "tam divinum latinae eruditionis culmen et splendorem Saxonem nostrum". The Danish History, Books I-IX
  • Nothing flattered her more than compliments for her cooking.
  • Finally, the black bottle went round till it was empty, and there was so much shaking of hands and interchanging of compliments, that even the metal – visaged The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • One likes to hear complimentson one's appearance.
  • The parents retort by praise of the young fisherman, compliments pass quickly into business, and a vow of eternal friendship between the families is sworn over a bottle of rosolio. Stray Studies from England and Italy
  • Alas, she was fishing for compliments and blubbed. Times, Sunday Times
  • People tend to opt out, criticize themselves, not accept compliments, not make decisions and feel frustrated.
  • People tend to opt out, criticize themselves, not accept compliments, not make decisions and feel frustrated.
  • However, after compliments, and more protestations from its owner, the Strad was brought into hotchpot, and Lætitia abdicated. Somehow Good
  • Pay compliments often but sincerely and show people gratitude whenever appropriate.
  • And, what compliments such a look better than a splash of (obviously fake) blood?
  • Devote most of your time to reinforcing good behavior, with smiles, hugs, compliments or special privileges.
  • Joss, meanwhile, is just blatantly fishing for compliments.
  • Little compliments mean so much to me sometimes.
  • bountiful compliments
  • We started with tremendous sourdough bread whose moist grey crumb, chewy crust and deep sustaining flavour would certainly attract compliments and loyalty even in France.
  • My friend just gradated from college in the Netherlands, and I think the story from this post perfectly compliments the photos I saw of her ceremony. Commencement
  • On Saturday, when we went into Newsroom for dinner, I got compliments on the kilt from a few of the women who worked there, but the male staff gave me some "what the fuck" looks. Pride in a skirt... err... kilt!
  • He too joined in the thanks and compliments to the count staff and thanked the candidates and their agents for their courtesy, patience and forbearance throughout a long and arduous process.
  • At home, compliments replace criticism and relationships can get back to their best. The Sun
  • He teases the astrophysicists with his advanced technology then withholds the information because he deems us unworthy, then backhandedly compliments our biodiversity.
  • This soup is delicious; my compliments to the chef.
  • Many compliments were extended to Johnny Burke and Michael Mooney for all the work they put into organising and coordinating the entire venture.
  • Binetti was still paying Lazurek compliments on his excellent taste. PROSECUTOR
  • She simply lapped up all the compliments.
  • Although Restharrow is not commonly used in skin care preparations in topical form, and is mostly used internally for urinary tract infection, we have found that it compliments the other botanical extract that we have combined in our Rejuvenating Toner, and for this reason it is included in the formulation.
  • We all like compliments and it is no more than that. Times, Sunday Times
  • JOE JOHNS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's the kind of story you don't want when you're flying around the country, trying to appeal to average people like hockey moms and Joe and Jane Six Pack: a chichi shopping spree for Governor Sarah Palin and her family, compliments of the Republican National Committee, with a whopping $150,000 price tag, at fancy clothing stores, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission. CNN Transcript Oct 22, 2008
  • And all that I ask in payment for that tip -- the most valuable, perhaps, you have ever got from a book -- is that you make polite inquiry of the Herr Wirt regarding Fräulein Sophie, and that you present to her, when she comes tripping to your table, the respects and compliments of one who forgets not her cerulean eyes, her swanlike glide, her Mona Lisa smile and her leucemic and superbly manicured hands! Europe After 8:15
  • Grafton's compliments to Mr. Bloomfield, & is glad to have been reminded by him of the arrear of the annual allowance, which he has by this post, directed Messrs. Drummonds, in Charing Cross, to pay, in full, to Mr Letter 308
  • She plays on his love of finery and wild, risky living and plies him with extravagant compliments and hints of undreamed of favours yet to come—absurd. Exit the Actress
  • Sincere compliments from a coworker or a boss are nice, but outrageous flattery is often an attempt to draw you into a sociopath's snare. An Interview with Martha Stout
  • _Leisure Hour_, a tolerably good cut of it was given, but the artist did not copy the label accurately, for on the photograph from which that cut was derived, _another name_ was rendered by _that_ sun, who pays no compliments and tells no lies. Heads and Tales : or, Anecdotes and Stories of Quadrupeds and Other Beasts, Chiefly Connected with Incidents in the Histories of More or Less Distinguished Men.
  • Thank you so much for the compliments on my writing style and my characters.
  • Choosing to ignore the question - I didn't want to start fishing for compliments - I kept walking along.
  • 154 CECILIA. was pafling by the box, ftopt to make his compliments to Mrs. Harrel and Cecilia. Cecilia, or, Memoirs of an heiress : in five volumes
  • She got alot of compliments from the guys and from the wardens, and I hope that she will want to continue. Lady Hunters
  • You might already know that the word "salary" comes from the Latin word for "salt" and that being "worth your salt" or "worth your weight in salt" was once among the highest possible compliments. Slashfood
  • And while I was a whit dismayed at some of the bug that was aimed at littВrateur Susan Jeffers (a numbers of people posted feverish reviews suited for her apply for on Amazon), what did beat a hasty depart notable me conviction was that people made it certain that they soupЗon irrefutable feelings with compliments to the debouchment. The Culture of Sharing: Why Releasing Copyright Will Be the Smartest Thing You Do | Write to Done
  • You're drop-dead gorgeous --- and you know it, so don't fish for compliments. TICKLED PINK
  • Conversation is however interspersed with the easier compliments on our chopstick skills and disbelief at how hairy the boys are.
  • The compliments she received after the presentation boosted her self-esteem.
  • All the compliments are very flattering, but it's kind of embarrassing!
  • I fish for carp, not compliments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those who frequently wear blue enjoy the least compliments and office romances. The Sun
  • Naturally, this did nothing for sororal solidarity, but who needs sisters when there are compliments to be gained? Times, Sunday Times
  • Larrey or Laurie Miller was an old tailor in Keate's Lane who used to sit on his open shop-board, facing the street, a mark for the compliments of passing boys; as frolicsome youngsters in the days of Addison and Steele, as High School lads in the days of Walter Scott, were accustomed to "smoke the cobler. Biographical Study of A W Kinglake
  • I'm not fishing for compliments or anything, but two people have recently asked me when I'll post another story.
  • I made Ellaline take off a small, round butter plate she had on, which was ugly in itself, though somehow it looked like a saint's halo on her; and murmuring compliments on "madam's" hair, the siren codfishes tried on one hat after another. Set in Silver
  • TBD's Jenny Rogers collected the best faint praise and back-handed compliments from the press conference. DeMorning DeBonis: Oct. 14, 2010
  • Thanks for all the compliments for my chapter headings and titles.
  • You can receive all the compliments in the world, but that won't do a thing unless you believe it yourself. Criss Jami 
  • Food arrives at our table - not food we have asked for, but a small appetiser with the compliments of the house.
  • She's always fishing for compliments.
  • During lunch she kept fishing for compliments, which I gave her.
  • With the compliments of the season.
  • Indeed I wish with you that people would speak their minds more sincerely than it is the custom to do; and recoin some of the every day compliments into a simpler form: but this is voted a stale subject, I believe. Letters of Edward FitzGerald in two volumes, Vol. 1
  • Pardon de ce bavardage et mille amitiés -- avec tous mes compliments pour Memoirs of the Life and Correspondence of Henry Reeve, C.B., D.C.L. In Two Volumes. Volume II.
  • She examined us with sad eyes, spoke a few compliments through the interpretess, and seated herself in silence, letting the others sparkle and chatter. In Morocco
  • The Washington Post's Steven Pearlstein compliments Bush's "political courage" in addressing the issue in this manner. Sound Politics: A Long Overdue Debate
  • Those who frequently wear blue enjoy the least compliments and office romances. The Sun
  • He says he's not a singer and is going to quit the show, clearly fishing for compliments.
  • You can do no harm by paying a woman compliments.
  • She reacted to his compliments with a deprecating laugh.
  • I was going to ask him what he'd liked best, but though it would probably look like I was fishing for compliments, so let it drop.
  • With a sudden movement the man put the sinister carriage in motion, but when he had got it close to the door of the mortuary, he stopped a moment: -- "We have many compliments on our brancard," he said cheerfully. The End of Her Honeymoon
  • It is very flattering and a big boost to the ego to receive compliments from someone like Stacey Jones.
  • A woman will doubt everything you say except it be compliments to herself. Elbert Hubbard 
  • Meanwhile, MacLeod will remain unfazed by such compliments while continuing his ascent to the sport's summit.
  • Remember that the next time you find yourself enjoying compliments so much they take on the sound of a flapping cape. Christianity Today
  • Little compliments mean so much to me sometimes.
  • ‘My compliments,’ she said over the steaming cup as the sweet taste of the tea lingered on her tongue.
  • Ubiquitously he's lauded and torrentially conferred compliments befitting heads of state; his charity is a marvelous deed.
  • I have a black button-up shirt dress with three-quarter sleeves that I bought 5 years ago, and it always gets compliments, though it is one of the simplest items I own.
  • The nurse who compliments also feels buoyed and shifts his/her focus from negative to positive.
  • The following spring she told her husband: ‘I had rather more than an hundred visitants last night, but the apartment held them with ease, and the highest compliments were paid to the house and elegance of the apartments.’
  • These compliments and encouraging expressions keep students positive and help them get through the class without dragging.
  • I suppose I'm just not used to getting many compliments nowadays. WALL GAMES
  • On the other side the blushless captain of dragoons listened, with downcast eyes, to the sentimental compliments of Beaumarchais, and suffered himself, without a smile, to be compared to the Maid of Orleans, 'says the Duc de Broglie. Historical Mysteries
  • You still need to lap up compliments to satisfy your overly self - esteem .
  • But though the embroidery of his conversation was different, the groundwork was the same, and the high-flown and ornate compliments with which the gallant knight of the sixteenth century inter-larded his conversation, were as much the offspring of egotism and self-conceit, as the jargon of the coxcombs of our own days. The Monastery
  • I say the shop assistant has just paid her one of the biggest compliments a woman can get. The Sun
  • He is a genial liar, this Yukoner, and for the ordinary lies of life he needs make no effort; they roll from his lips as regularly and as smoothly as do compliments from the lips of a sour dough man in conversation with a cheechako girl. Word of the Day
  • (When Khadra was alive, this was our song.) that the Yarn Harlot (a lucky Canadian) speaks out about United States bullsh*t lessons in thrifty chic reminders to spend more time in Brooklyn good service from the USPS (going AND coming) compliments on my workspace Archive 2009-07-01
  • There was all the usual humbug and obligatory compliments from ministers.
  • ‘Troll’ and crudities can be regarded as subtle compliments and I doubt any decent policeman would stoop to unjustifiable abuse. Police Need Intelligence Shock « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • While heaping these compliments on Mr Flintwinch, he rolled him about with a hand on each of his shoulders, until the staggerings of that gentleman, who under the circumstances was dryer and more twisted than ever, were like those of a teetotum nearly spent. Little Dorrit
  • It made me feel fierce walking down the cold New York City streets, and the compliments I was receiving.
  • Your host sends his compliments and asks that we hurry.
  • All guests will receive a bottle of champagne with our compliments.
  • Though I could certainly feign some offense every now and again for compliments like this (though, you do know that Portia is gay, right … of course;). Think Progress » O’Reilly: Easter Bunny Under Attack!
  • The first time I got naked with this guy I was dating, I went fishing for compliments and made a comment about a totally insignificant part of my body.
  • Here's how you can tell if a color works on you: wear it all day long and if you get compliments from randoms, then you're set.
  • Little compliments mean so much to me sometimes.
  • She received many compliments on the design of her new dress.
  • I wanted to send my compliments for a well-balanced piece.
  • His compliments were so polite and guarded but if you thought about them, they meant much.
  • There was no pomp and show to mark the occasion, only the greetings and compliments of his well-wishers.
  • Despite their on-screen rivalry, when the cameras stopped rolling the pair exchanged gifts and compliments. The Sun
  • You have reached the pinnacle of success as soon as you become uninterested in money, compliments, or publicity. Thomas Wolfe 
  • At home, compliments replace criticism and relationships can get back to their best. The Sun
  • I felt he was so used to being dismissed that he found my compliments false, a trick, a trap, a delusion.
  • It was her first taste of sago and she was full of compliments for this dish, which was enhanced with palm sugar and coconut milk.
  • One incident in this case attracted a good deal of attention and brought many compliments from the daily press: it was a rencountre between the Attorney-General, Mr. Syester, and the witness, and is given here as extracted from the phonographical reports in the New York newspapers: Reminiscences and Memoirs of North Carolina and Eminent North Carolinians
  • Be generous with your compliments.
  • The church has held them through fire and cholera epidemics since they arrived here with the compliments of the Bishop of London.
  • Are you trying to humblebrag and/or fish for compliments?
  • The problem with lyrical realism is that it wants to be "observant" of reality (think of that most sought-after of compliments from a reviewer that the Author is Very Observant) but really what even the best of it achieves is not usually recognizable as "real. Zadie Smith’s annoying Critique of ‘Realism’
  • If you have decided to be a strand style setter, enjoy the challenges, the hard work and the ultimate compliments and admiration for a style well designed.
  • One likes to hear complimentson one's appearance.

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