How To Use Completeness In A Sentence
Secondly, the other direction, that is, the completeness part, is proved by what is really known as the Lindenbaum-Tarski method.
Propositional Consequence Relations and Algebraic Logic
The related axiomatic study of epistemic notions has benefited from application of techniques used for proving incompleteness and indefinability results since the early sixties.
Paradoxes and Contemporary Logic
The completeness of the 1989-90 material is more difficult to evaluate because the drugs in this period were available over the counter.
The descriptive passages when she has tea with friends, or tends her garden, or shops for blouses to fit her ample bosom are a pleasure and add a completeness to the character.
For registry staff to monitor effectively the accuracy and completeness of this operation requires detailed record-keeping and effortless access to data.

These include considerations of the completeness of the system's coverage and the delay in making the data available.
But what fascinated and drew me in was the incompleteness.
Here and elsewhere in the book, we shall use the term highest tantra to refer both to anuttarayoga in the Gelug, Kagyu, and Sakya systems and to the unit formed by mahayoga, anuyoga, and atiyoga (dzogchen, rdzogs-chen; the great completeness) in the Nyingma tradition.
Relating to a Spiritual Teacher: Building a Healthy Relationship ��� 2 The Traditional Meaning of a Spiritual Teacher
The following list makes no pretence to completeness; ‘martext’, ‘carrytale’, ‘pleaseman’,
English Past and Present
Species are diagnosed on the basis of carinal height and the nature (height, symmetry, completeness) and number (zero, one, or two) of flanking rows or parapets.
So, dying isn’t bad, for the person who dies, they are truely going home to be whole and loved in completeness again.
We, Who Need Such Great Mysteries | Her Bad Mother
But this higher completeness, which is beauty, whether it happen to exist or not, is never the immediate aim of Nature.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 76, February, 1864
In a blaze of dazzling light and gayety, White City, the new pleasure resort on the South side, which was given over to the public today, opened its doors last night and showed some few thousands of its friends the completeness of its larder of entertainment and innocent, as well as interesting, diversion.
Greek, "The blessing, the glory, the wisdom, the thanksgiving, the honor, the power, the might [the doxology is sevenfold, implying its totality and completeness], unto the ages of the ages.
Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
Her smile reflected the completeness of her happiness and ably communicated the effect of Robert's kind gesture.
The story possesses by its very nature a completeness not permitted the novel—it is an integer, not a sum.
Having no business education except that acquired from common experience and observation, and no schooling except of the most rudimentary kind, he would express himself clearly in unpolished but forcible and terse language, and would write out with his own hand a contract which, for precision and completeness, few lawyers could equal.
Living in Dryden: John Southworth
The scholar's lament in the face of incomplete knowledge, however, underscores the completeness of our own.
Scott established the completeness and decidability of various axiomatic tense logics.
The Sun Is Not
Then we establish a converse, called completeness, that an argument is valid only if it is derivable.
Classical Logic
The epicyclic character of the theory, piling ad-hoc hypothesis upon hypothesis, its incompleteness and the appearance of a singularity in the big bang universe beginning require consideration of alternatives.
What these passages show is that the biblical vision for God's creation is completeness, fullness, wholeness, and well-being.
There was no completeness, no system, no organization; it was a kind of haphazardness, altogether opposite to his own clear and well-ordered ideas.
After London Or, Wild England
For the sake of completeness I should mention one further argument.
_partial_ impaction, that is, an incomplete or partially successful evacuation of the contents of the bowels: the incompleteness is due to disease of the anal and rectal canals.
Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
Warrington looked with good-natured interest at the young fellow dandifying himself up to a pitch of completeness; and appearing at length in a gorgeous shirt-front and neckcloth, fresh gloves, and glistening boots.
The History of Pendennis
A second and more serious objection to this definition concerns the impossibility of completeness in another direction.
There is a theorem proved by Kurt Godel in 1931, which is the Incompleteness Theorem for mathematics.
But disasters are similar to battlefields in their degree of confusion and complexity, and in the consequent unreliability and incompleteness of the information available.
The Domain and Completeness screen allows you to make specific decisions around the completeness and validity of the values, whether by specific value, by range, or via a reference table.
Using boy choristers from the present together with previous choir members such as James Bowman and James Gilchrist gives a completeness to this recording.
the study was criticized for incompleteness of data but it stimulated further research
It is likely that this, too, is a function of the incompleteness of certain taxa in the data matrix, which increases ambiguity under resampling techniques such as the bootstrap.
In editorial theory, incompleteness will occupy itself place.
Within the tradition of Western aesthetics, female form has been defined and judged on the basis of the plasticity of its parts, the smoothness and fullness of its shape, and its capacity for completeness.
Historians have stated that its completeness, setting, size and sheer magnificence make it the finest citadel on earth.
Lloyd Goodrich, an ex-director of the Whitney, burbled about the caricaturist's ‘designs of such complexity, completeness, and control.’
The bridge principles must be explicitly added to the union of the original axiomatics in order to ensure completeness.
Combining Logics
And what utterly fascinated us was the incompleteness, the fragmentary quality of his writing.
We are looking at the completeness of the environmental statements provided by both companies.
The Llangollen couple were famous for their gardens, and Dorothy creates here likewise a "garden stored with fruits and flowers/And sunny seats and shady bowers," supporting a life whose completeness is emphasized through the repetition of
'Put to the Blush': Romantic Irregularities and Sapphic Tropes
Overall the strongest correlations are with clarity of problem definition, clarity of problem understanding and completeness of information.
Not all of these nine statements are totally independent, and the list makes no claim for apodictic completeness or ultimate correctness.
The heavenly principle of love in its completeness is not comprehensible.
Whether the universe is deterministic, or (as contemporary physics seems to suggest) indeterministic is a question which is independent of the truth or falsehood of the completeness of physics.
Appropriating Jungian symbology, the study argues that, for Page, the imagination is a divine faculty whose figures hint at the completeness embodied in the archetype of the God-image.
This experiment also used four canonical locative terms (right, left, front, and back) for completeness.
The directors, supervisors and senior managers of the issuer shall confirm in writing the listing announcement so as to ensure the genuineness, accuracy and completeness of the information disclosed.
In most applications of preference logic, it is taken for granted that the following property, called completeness or connectedness, should be satisfied:
His so-called digressions have always some cogent reason in them; they are his means of including in the panorama a scene essential to its completeness.
Authors of Greece
For the sake of completeness I should mention one further argument.
The rounded corners and the smooth outline create an effect of completeness.
If you will bear in mind that a playlet is only as good as its plot, that a plot is a _story_ and that you must give to your story, as has been said, "A completeness -- a kind of universal dovetailedness, a sort of general oneness," you will have little difficulty in observing the one playlet rule that should never be broken -- Unity of action.
Writing for Vaudeville
Speeches in plenary - this is potentially a bit misleading since the real arguments happen behind the scenes in the committee meetings, which although public events are not recorded with the same degree of completeness as the plenary sessions.
Sore tooth and things
In standard metamathematics, an important role for a thorough understanding of the second incompleteness theorem has been played by Löb's theorem (Löb 1955).
Paradoxes and Contemporary Logic
Their anatomical incorrectness --- incompleteness is more like it --- would seem to be a problem, but they are drawn together by a mutual fetishistic love of fashion and trying on outfits for each other is their version of sex, which makes the interrogation scene very kinky.
Lance Mannion:
As such, expression in psychoanalytic theory always registers the subject's lack, incompleteness, or status as split.
In Lacanian theory it is not some fundamental sexual imperative that motivates desire, but the loss of the real, which leaves an incompleteness, a lack.
Changes of elevation have long been known as accompaniments of great earthquakes, though many of the earlier observations and measurements left much to be desired in accuracy and completeness.
A Study of Recent Earthquakes
In that proof, the expressive power of arithmetic is needed to get self-reference and incompleteness.
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Accordingly, continues Deloitte, "no representation or warranty, express or implied, is given and no responsibility or liability is or will be accepted by or on behalf of Deloitte or by any of its partners, employees or agents or any other person as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness of the information contained in this document or any oral information made available and any such liability is expressly disclaimed".
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But now, as the darkness of the shadows deepened, and the light of water and sky took on a deeper lucence before being extinguished, for the first time the sense of pain and the incompleteness of beautiful things entered his heart.
The Adventures of Bobby Orde
It was from the lectures of the topologist M.H. A. (Max) Newman in that year that he learnt of Gödel's 1931 proof of the formal incompleteness of logical systems rich enough to include arithmetic, and of the outstanding problem in the foundations of mathematics as posed by H.lbert: the “Entscheidungsproblem” (decision problem).
Alan Turing
The inspector will check worksheets, instrument printouts, and medical records for completeness.
Civilized, he could have died for a moral consideration, say the defense of Judge Miller's riding whip; but the completeness of his decivilization was now evidenced by his ability to flee from the defense of a moral consideration and so save his hide.
Chapter 2, The Law of Club and Fang
So that it would appear that there is in Rubens 'style of colouring an original incompleteness, destructive in part of the naturalness he would aim at; it is a mannerism, very tolerable in such light works as those lucid and charming pictures by Teniers where all is light and unlaboured; but becoming a weakness where the other labour and the subject are important.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 385. November, 1847.
I pass on, without regard for logic or completeness, to a personality type that we may call the anhedonic or simpler a restless, not easily satisfied, easily disgusted group.
The Foundations of Personality
Completeness, however, is an elusive goal and proves quite difficult to achieve in the arena of electronic state government information.
-- The term "digestibility," as applied to foods, is used in two ways: (1) meaning the thoroughness of the process, or the completeness with which the nutrients of the food are absorbed and used by the body, and (2) meaning the ease or comfort with which digestion is accomplished.
Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value
With subjoin speech, need to speech experts completeness decode.
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But a speaker must try to make the thousandth repetition of a truth fresh to himself, and not a wearisome form, or a dead commonplace, by freshening it to his own mind and by living on it in his own practice, and the hearers must remember that it is only the completeness of their obedience that antiquates the commandment.
Expositions of Holy Scripture Second Corinthians, Galatians, and Philippians Chapters I to End. Colossians, Thessalonians, and First Timothy.
Because DEM can integrate with control flow, data flow and time, the checking method can check consistency and completeness of software requirements for embedded real-time systems software.
Civilized, he could have died for a moral consideration, say the defence of Judge Miller's riding-whip; but the completeness of his decivilization was now evidenced by his ability to flee from the defence of a moral consideration and so save his hide.
The Call of the Wild
That is why they are a more reliable guide to completeness.
According to the author, the acrostic may first have been used as a mnemotechnic device to ensure completeness in the oral transmission of sacred texts.
Mangold: I think I have a thing about the idea of incompleteness; that there's almost a kind of longing in the work for completeness, for a kind of impossible resolution since you're always given only certain amounts of information.
Heraclitus and the Stoics say, that men begin their completeness when the second septenary of years begins, about which time the seminal serum is emitted.
Essays and Miscellanies
M. Poirier, the retired shopkeeper who marries his daughter to a marquis and makes acquaintance with the incommodities incidental to such a piece of luck, is perhaps the actors most elaborate creation; it is difficult to see how the portrayal of a type and an individual can have a larger sweep and a more minute completeness.
The Théâtre Francais
Does not Hart's description, despite its incompleteness, work as well as it does precisely because it disinters some elementary justifications conceived and put to use by the people whose activities provide the material for the descriptions?
Natural Law Theories
But perhaps that's appropriate - the chapter emphasizes the notion of incompleteness, that Lost involves an arc that we assume to be aiming for a goal, but it has not arrived there yet, and that in itself illustrates nicely many of the issues of communication and meaning raised in this chapter.
Archive 2009-06-01
The authors make no claims for completeness, indeed are transparent about the gaps, yet this book is impressively comprehensive in scale, scope and analytical range.
The Dow Jones parties do not make any warranties to readers with respect to the timeliness, sequence, accuracy, completeness, currentness, quality or fitness of the data.
BBC - Ouch
For completeness, we mention the overlapping but distinct concept of decoherent (or consistent) histories.
...anything but love...
It is the duty of the referring clinician to ensure the completeness, accuracy, and veracity of the information provided.
The present attempt (if it reach not to that completeness and satisfactoriness which is desired) may yet incite some of our brethren of more acute and polished judgments to embark themselves in some further discoveries for the public benefit of the Church.
The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
A feeling of incompleteness, of a job half done.
Yeah, and Yuanxiao symbolizes family unity, completeness and happiness.
The act of translation itself implies imperfection and incompleteness.
For consider an epiphenomenalist substance dualist, who holds the completeness of physics, and that mental properties supervene on physical properties, and yet mental properties are properties of a mental substance.
The incompleteness of information about objects may be the greatest obstacle to performing inductive learning from examples.
Should they seek completeness by drawing on artifacts from elsewhere or go all out for authenticity to the extent of using materials that are known to fail?
Sara reveled in the completeness, the fullness she felt.
Maybe I should add for completeness, that if Grassman's Law surfaced already during this hypothetical common "phonation shift" between Proto-Hellenic and Proto-Indo-Iranian, then forms like Greek títhēmi would have to be explained as resulting from analogical pressures that forced *d to devoice along with *dʰ in the underlying post-Grassman's-Law form, *dídʰehmi.
Winter's Law in Balto-Slavic, "Hybrid Theory" and phonation - Part 2
That is what I imagine love to be: incompleteness is absence.
Contract incompleteness directly leads the manufacturer innovative investment at the buyer - supplier relation.
There is a theorem proved by Kurt Godel in 1931, which is the Incompleteness Theorem for mathematics.
We discuss the completeness and efficiency of this scheme, and also give list processing and garbage collection algorithm.
Even in its gaunt incompleteness, destitute of the wealth of colour which is meant to adorn it, the interior of Bentley's spacious building is immensely impressive.
For the sake of completeness, all names are given in full.
This version of the example includes some made-up data for completeness — in particular, data needed for correlation.
Its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed.
They could not verify the completeness of revenue in relation to assessment rates.
The descriptive passages when she has tea with friends, or tends her garden, or shops for blouses to fit her ample bosom are a pleasure and add a completeness to the character of Precious Ramotswe.
The following list makes no pretence to completeness; ‘martext’, ‘carrytale’, ‘pleaseman’,
English Past and Present
Among logicians and mathematicians he is in addition famous for his work on set theory, model theory and algebra, which includes results and developments such as the Banach-Tarski paradox, the theorem on the indefinability of truth (see section 2 below), the completeness and decidability of elementary algebra and geometry, and the notions of cardinal, ordinal, relation and cylindric algebras.
Alfred Tarski
We have now done with such sanguineous animals as are quadrupedous and also such as are apodous, and have stated with sufficient completeness what external parts they possess, and for what reason they have them.
On the Parts of Animals
Probably the book could do with more of that kind of assistance, but that would bring up another trade-off with completeness and analytical depth.
All submitted data were carefully scrutinized and checked for completeness.
Mr. Abbey is still young, he is full of ideas and intentions, and the work he has done may, in view of his time of life, of his opportunities and the singular completeness of his talent, be regarded really as a kind of foretaste and prelude.
Picture and Text 1893
In the end, though, such a feeling of incompleteness is easy to reconcile with the record, which, after all, comprises a series of musical fragments that fade in and out seemingly at random, as if you are coming into and out of ’scenes’ that have already started and that will continue on after you leave.
Ballardian » Review: Geeta Dayal’s Another Green World
Dr. Edwards writes of the substance that had so completely, or beautifully -- if beauty is completeness -- been identified as nostoc -- "It turned out to be lung-tissue also.
The Book of the Damned
Gödel in his review (1934c) of Skolem's paper also does not mention this fact, rather observing that the failure of categoricity for arithmetic follows from the incompleteness theorem.
Kurt Gödel
The instinct for completeness, which is one of the dominating characteristics of his mind, compelled him to consent.
The History of the Telephone
You really want to forgive the amateurishness because of the speed and what seems to be the completeness of the coverage.
The degree of completeness of the combinatorial system in the most anciently arisen living vertebrates to possess the combinatorial immune response was surprising.
Despite such effervescence, however, there remains an underlying sense of incompleteness in the production.
Failure of the aims of Hilbert through Gödel's incompleteness theorems; Gentzen's creation of the two main types of logical systems of contemporary proof theory, natural deduction and sequent calculus
His preference for working on cardboard with quick-fire liquid paints, and for leaving large expanses of this cardboard untouched, adds to the sense of incompleteness.
So unchic in its completeness, in its bid for unity, for a sense of narrative satisfaction...
Archive 2006-12-01
Miller's riding whip; but the completeness of his decivilization was now evidenced by his ability to flee from the defense of a moral consideration and so save his hide.
Chapter 2
Thirdly, any incompleteness of legal personality can be corrected through the civil law system.
One of the main consequences of the completeness theorem is that categoricity fails for Peano arithmetic and for Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory.
Kurt Gödel
This kind of completeness is rare in parasitic twins, especially among fetus in fetu, which tend not to be "alive" in the sense we think of, but rather a sort of growth in human form.
Archive 2009-01-01
If it gets any sense of completeness to it I might release it online as something of a web serial, since my intention is a series of short stories akin to episodes of a TV show or issues of a comic book.
Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Tom’s Review Forum
If the proper amount has been added, the precipitate will usually subside rapidly, but if not, the operator may judge of the completeness of the precipitation by holding the flask above the level of the eye and allowing an additional drop of subacetate of lead to flow down the side of the flask into the solution; if this drop leaves
Scientific American Supplement No. 822, October 3, 1891
The Godel Incompleteness Theorem applies only to formal logic systems axiomatized in a certain way.
Motorbiker. org makes no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its display or use.
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The legislator determines the feasibility of financial law by controlling its exclusiveness, symmetry and completeness.
Completeness and potential finality of injury to reality are the dangers that arise out of contemporary fact manipulation.
For them a theory's uncertainty or incompleteness is not a failing but a positive and creative condition in its own right.
Alert: The Uncertainty Principle on BBC4
Properties such as completeness, transitivity and acyclicity can be transferred from exclusionary to combinative preferences.
In turn, Dedekind is much more explicit and clear than Frege about issues such as categoricity, completeness, independence, etc., which puts him in proximity with a “formal axiomatic” approach as championed later by Hilbert and Bernays
Dedekind's Contributions to the Foundations of Mathematics
The total time required for the process depends on the complexity of the operation and the completeness of the information provided.
The city has no completeness, no center, no fixed parts.
Symmetry is one of the fundamental principles in gestaltism, a human behavior theory that proposes that our mind naturally creates order and completeness in the things we see and encounter.
For us moderns that which most profoundly marks a narrative poem as an epic, is a certain completeness and harmony, a general impression of rest, however the various episodes may be charged with suffering and struggle.
Nobel Prize in Literature 1924 - Presentation
The types of the completeness of the Redemption, as that the sun gives light to all, indicate only completeness; but [_the types_] of exclusions, as of the Jews elected to the exclusion of the Gentiles, indicate exclusion.
Pascal's Pensées
The directors, supervisors and senior managers of the issuer shall confirm in writing the listing announcement so as to ensure the genuineness, accuracy and completeness of the information disclosed.
In Dedekind's case, completeness is to be understood in a semantic sense, as based on categoricity; similarly, consistency is to be understood semantically, as satisfiability by a system of objects
Dedekind's Contributions to the Foundations of Mathematics
In addition to data fragmentation, there is the issue of data completeness and quality.
His work is fundamentally concerned with the dialectical relation between the opposing principles, or the binaries, trying to achieve certain completeness through that.
Where a financial institution has any doubt about the authenticity, validity or completeness of a client's identification data obtained earlier, it shall have the client's identity distinguished anew.
As I have already pointed out, he secures that ideality of expression which in Greek sculpture depends on a delicate system of abstraction, and in early Italian sculpture on lowness of relief, by an incompleteness, which is surely not always undesigned, and which, as I think, no one regrets, and trusts to the spectator to complete the half - emergent form.
The Renaissance: studies in art and poetry
I shall offer a set of very brief empirical sketches of three of the better-documented peasant societies of early medieval Europe, without any pretension to completeness, before offering some broad-brush generalizations.
The information is provided here for historical record and for completeness, and what you choose to do with that information is completely up to you. caveat: without the 'emptor' it just means 'beware' or 'caution'. eponymous (noun), eponymously (adjective): in a musical. discographical context it means 'self titled'.
DISCOGRAPHY: Genesis, by Scott McMahan
Like the Phrygian priests, idealists misrecognize loss for gain, but in an affectively imbued manner that leaves behind trace elements marking the violence of this disavowal as well as its incompleteness.
Mourning Becomes Theory: Schelling and the Absent Body of Philosophy
Thus Gödel's theorems demonstrated the infeasibility of the Hilbert program, if it is to be characterized by those particular desiderata, consistency and completeness.
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We have applied the best performing method for all variants of each family of DDMs to all 149 combinations of censuses and death registration within the matching intercensal period, yielding 149 estimates of relative completeness for each DDM method for these countries.
PLoS Medicine: New Articles
The authors assume full responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the ideas represented in this study.
Among logicians and mathematicians he is in addition famous for his work on set theory, model theory and algebra, which includes results and developments such as the Banach-Tarski paradox, the theorem on the indefinability of truth (see section 2 below), the completeness and decidability of elementary algebra and geometry, and the notions of cardinal, ordinal, relation and cylindric algebras.
Alfred Tarski
The sower is the only one that can be compared with it in comprehensive completeness of outline and articulate distinctness of detail.
The Parables of Our Lord
Italian sculpture on lowness of relief, by an incompleteness, which is surely not always undesigned, and which I suppose no one regrets, and trusts to the spectator to complete the half-emergent form.
The Renaissance Studies in Art and Poetry
For completeness, I should record that there was uncontradicted evidence that the services provided to asylum seekers by Mr Chavda were of a high quality.
Shock, horror, disgust impinge on our sense of ourselves, creating a sense of crisis as our sense of completeness and comfort is threatened.